Build an Online Store with WooCommerce , SiteGround and the Blocksy Theme!

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hey what's up everybody i hope you're having a great day so in this tutorial video i'm going to show you how to create an ecommerce website using the bloxy theme woocommerce and a siteground the bloxy theme is a completely free theme that's really feature-rich responsive and it looks great on mobile devices honestly it's one of the best free themes i've come across for both blogging and e-commerce then i'm going to show you how to get a domain name at a domain name or register my domain name register of choice is namecheap because they provide low prices low renewal rates and you get whois protection for free then we're going to be getting a shared hosting account with siteground which is one of only three recommended web hosts by wordpress honestly for an e-commerce style website you are going to need a little bit more power and oomph in your web hosting so i definitely recommend siteground because they provide that right mix of speed power and reliability i'm going to cover all the little details that you need to know for creating an ecommerce website like how to create your product pages automate your taxes calculate your shipping create coupon codes create upsells and cross sales and more so if you've been looking to get started with wordpress and woocommerce this video is for you like always make sure to check the links in the description for timestamps and resources mentioned in this video so let's begin welcome to so this is my preferred domain name register of choice in the website where i get all of my domain names from so you're going to need a domain name for your website and to get started with namecheap it's very simple just click here and put in the domain name that you want to register and then click on the search button okay so once you click that search button namecheap is going to come back and tell you whether or not the domain name is available or not now i definitely suggest getting a com for your first website if it's not available you're gonna have to click up here and try different combinations of letters maybe numbers i definitely don't suggest numbers though so just try a different combination until you find something that's available once it is go ahead and click on add to cart and then click on view item and then click on checkout okay so this is the checkout page it's pretty self-explanatory but i just want to cover a few things so with domain name registration you can register a domain name for one year up to 10 years in advance i definitely would suggest at least two or three years then come back into namecheap and register for a longer period of time auto renew that's totally up to you whether or not you want to leave it on or off auto renew means that your credit card will be automatically charged or your paypal account will be automatically charged when the domain name registration comes up again and then one big thing that you get with namecheap is free whois protection so when you register a domain name part of icann regulations is to provide accurate contact information like your address uh your email etc and so what domain name privacy does it just keeps all that information private and you get it free with namecheap so anyways when you're done go ahead and click on confirm order and you are good to go now it's time to get a shared hosting account for our ecommerce website and for that i recommend now siteground is actually one of only three recommended web hosts by wordpress and they are really ideal for e-commerce because they provide the right performance and technology to really optimize your e-commerce website and on top of that they have a dedicated woocommerce high performance plan over here to be honest it's pretty similar to the web hosting plan uh the only real difference is that like woocommerce comes like pre-installed anyways we're going to be using this one woocommerce but again you can use any type of uh software tools with this account you're not just limited to only woocommerce so don't worry about that anyways let's click on it get started and then over here we have their startup grow big and go geek so i just to actually open up this just to show you the web hosting accounts there we go so it's just the same see startup grow big go geek same exact thing it's just woocommerce comes pre-installed but cyclone is actually optimized to uh really help help woocommerce run really fast and efficiently on your ecommerce website so anyways to get started we have startup grow big go geek honestly the grow big is the best seller for a reason startup is a little bit too limiting with this one website over there and 10 000 monthly visitors grow big is ideal because you can get started grow your site and then if you want to upgrade your account you can upgrade to the go geek plan no problem so let's go ahead and click on a get plan and there we go so now please enter your domain name register a new domain name now with a hosting account you need a domain name to be the primary domain name on the account and so you have to put in a domain name here but we registered our domain name at namecheap and so we're just going to do this i already have this domain name so let me put my domain name okay so put in the domain name that you registered at namecheap and then click on proceed all right and then this is just the account information page so i'm not going to insult your intelligence and walk you through how to pay for something online just fill out your account information your client information and then your payment information down there and then the hosting services what's great about uh siteground is that you can set the data center from asia to asia singapore australia united kingdom germany depends on where your audience is primarily located so if you're an american audience you're probably going to want usa iowa then the period is the 12 month and so you do get a discount if you select 24 months it's only 14.99 so it's totally up to you in general i would go with 12 or 24 months and then that's it and so just click these little boxes right down there and then click pay now and you are good to go welcome to so once you submit payment you should be looking at a page that looks similar to this now what we want to do is add a website install wordpress and add an ssl certificate to our website now to get started is very simple either click on this setup website button or click on the tab that says websites both take you to the same page so i'm going to go ahead and click on create a website over here okay so now a few different options new domain name that'll register a domain name through siteground which we don't want to do we want to use an existing domain name because we're going to be using namecheap so let me go ahead and click on select and then put in your domain name down here that you're going to be using okay so once you put your domain name in there click on the orange continue button and then you're going to be getting a little warning message down here that just says hey this domain name is not registered through siteground that just means that you have to point the domain name at your domain name register to siteground it's just a little warning message it's not a big deal you can go ahead and ignore it because we're using namecheap obviously it's not going to be registered in your siteground account so go ahead and click on continue all right so now we can start a new website or migrate a website so migrating website means you're going to move a website from another web host to siteground we're not doing that and we're going to be starting a new website so click on select next we have wordpress woocommerce and webley site builder so we're going to be using woocommerce in this tutorial so go ahead and select wordpress in woocommerce okay now it's time to set up your login information this information is what you're going to use to log into your website so put an email address and a password that you're going to remember okay and once you're all set go ahead and click on continue next you're going to have an upsell for siteground scanner we can just go ahead and ignore this and click on the finish button and now wordpress is being installed for our website now once wordpress is finished installing it's going to say you're all set well not quite there's still a few things that we need to do so first we need to point our domain name to siteground so when people try to visit it's going to be getting the information that's found at siteground that makes any sense sounds a little bit more complicated but honestly all you have to do is take ns1 take this copy it then navigate back into namecheap okay log into your account find the domain name that you want to use for siteground and then navigate to where it says name servers right down here then click this drop down we want custom dns not name cheap dns name server one click here paste then do the same thing again so take this ns2 take that and put it as name server 2 and then click on this little check mark right there and it should say dns server update may take 48 hours to take effect now it may take 48 hours for full propagation but from my experience it's usually half an hour okay so you're gonna have to kind of sit back wait half an hour for everything to propagate as appropriate now once we're done with that the next thing i want you to do is go here to site tools and click on manage sites okay so once you're here what we need to do is we need to click on security then we want to go to ssl manager and then right over here is where we want to add in a new ssl certificate so you want to make sure that your domain name is selected right here go to ssl and then select let's encrypt let's encrypt is completely for free and so just go ahead and click on get that should take a minute or two to finish and it should say let's encrypt is installed for your domain name and you're good to go so now you've just successfully installed an ssl certificate for your website let's go ahead and log into our website so there's one little thing that we still need to do for the ssl certificate as well anyways click on the websites tab and then over here it's going to list out all the domain names that you have for your websites so we only have one website installed with the woocommerce logo so anyways to log into our website click on wordpress kit then go to wordpress admin now it's going to take you to wp dash admin and that's how you get to this page so you should just type in wp admin that's how you get here so anyways to log in just use the email that you set up as well as the password so once you log into your website you're going to be looking at a page that looks like this this is powered by a wordpress plugin from siteground we obviously don't need this because you have this tutorial to follow so we're just going to go ahead and click on exit now it takes you to the wordpress dashboard so welcome to wordpress you've successfully installed wordpress on your website you've successfully logged into your website okay so now welcome to wordpress and so the first thing that i want you to do is navigate to where it says plugins and let's go ahead and delete this wordpress starter plugin there we go and go ahead and click on delete all right next we want to navigate to where it says siteground optimizer all right so now we want to navigate to where it says environment optimization and then we want to force https by using this so if we visit our website what you're going to notice is that it's not secure but if we come over here we type in https okay we type in the secure version we actually have a secure version so now we have two versions of our website so how do you make it so the unsecured version redirects to the secure version automatically simple click of a button right over here so click on this button then click on confirm all right and that's it so it should say https enabled okay now granted some of you may have an error where it says like please install an ssl certificate you may be going a little bit too fast so just give the name again like that's why i said take a little bit of break once you set everything up with namecheap and you point everything just take a get a grab grab a cup of coffee wait 10 minutes it'll work but anyways that's all you need to do and so now we have a secure wordpress website with a nice little lock there and we're good to go so now we're ready to design our website professional back-end settings for our website so we're almost ready to kind of start designing our website but let's just take care of a few little details so first things first let's navigate over to where it says users now users is where you kind of control access to your website so you should have one user account and it's the administrator now if you click on this administrator account this is where you can kind of change your password way down here where is it there we go okay so set a new password so if you ever want to update the password for your account that's how you do it over here you can change a picture with your gravatar account so if you what's like gravitar well if we click on gravitar over here you can log in and then you can have a picture be related to a specific email so that's kind of how you do that biographical information that will appear on your website if you enable it so for example let's just navigate to website let's come down here let's go ahead and open up this blog post so for example if i come way down here this little section this picture all this stuff is being powered by this section of the account within wordpress now let's back out of this okay so to add a new account you can go here to add new and what's really helpful about wordpress say you want to add an editor account whatever maybe you want to hire a writer for your website and engage in content marketing or blogging right down here you can click on roll then each of these roles has different access to your website so you have a shop manager because you have the woocommerce plugin administrator that's you the editor author etc and so that's how you create these new helpful accounts when you want to bring team members onto your website over time now once you get that squared away the next thing i want you to do is navigate to where it says plugins now with plugins we do need to install a few additional plugins so let's go ahead and click on add new so the first one i want you to install is called yoast seo so just type in yoast and what yoast does it just gives you a little bit more control over the on-page seo of your website so go ahead and click on install and then click on activate okay and so now that's installed so let's go ahead and click on add new and let's install one more plug-in that i like it's called smush there we go so smush lazy load images click on install and then click on activate okay so what smush does it just simply optimizes images that you upload to your website to make them a smaller file size so your website loads more quickly but it maintains the image quality okay so that's all you need to do so we did the users we did plugins now let's go to settings now right here settings we have general reading writing so let's go to reading now over here you have different aspects of your website so you can have your latest blog post or a static home page this is where you can create a home page for your website which we're going to do later in the tutorial when we want to create like a visual menu for a website now what i want you to do is click on permalinks down here now permalinks literally means permanent link for your website and so for example right up top there website blog post title that's my preferred uh structure of choice totally up to you so you can either select on post name or you can come down here select custom structure and then slash blog slash post and so that organizes the blog post under the blog if that makes any sense and so i've i would recommend custom structure or post name definitely not plain p123 and definitely not anything with dates because we're not creating time sensitive content okay so if you're going to blog on your ecommerce website i generally would suggest going with this structure right there with the domain name slash blog oops slash blog slash post name when you're all set come down here and click on save changes fantastic now it's time to install the bloxy theme so i want you to navigate to where it says appearance then come over here to themes now you should have a few themes installed by default so we're going to add a new theme so just click on this big button right here that says add new theme next come up here and search for themes and type in block c and here we go this is the bloxy theme click on install and then click on active awesome so now you've successfully installed the bloxy theme now what i recommend doing is deleting all these themes from your accounts so go ahead and click them and then right down here you have the red button it says deletes so just go ahead and delete and then just go ahead and do that for each one of these themes individually just for security reasons you want one theme installed at a time on your website and that's it so now we're ready to begin designing and customizing our ecommerce website with the bloxy theme alright so now our website is set up and we are good to go we got the bloxy theme installed we have woocommerce installed and i'm going to show you how to design your website how to layout the home page effectively for an ecommerce website i'm also going to cover different types of product pages that you can create for physical products physical products that maybe have a little bit more customization like shoes for example digital downloads amazon associates products etc as well as how to accept payment via credit card paypal and more anyways let's continue so once you've activated the block c theme you're gonna see this little called action up top there for thank you for installing bloxy install the bloxy companion yeah we definitely want to go ahead and do this so go ahead and click on install a bloxy companion now this is again just an additional plugin on top of your website and there we go so now we have a little bloxy tab in our sidebar and we can go ahead and click on skip all right so now this is the bloxy companion so let's go ahead and click on first extensions so with extensions we can set cookie consent and that's important for e-commerce especially if you're in the european union with gdpr so let's go ahead and click on activate then product reviews a custom post type specific time for creating product reviews yep we want that display a trending list of posts right here yep we want that and then the last one is over here widgets popular recent posts advertisements blah blah blah yeah we want to go ahead and install that so just click on activate and there we go so now we can click on other useful plugins then this again just gives you recommendations for other things that you can go ahead and install for your website if you like and now let's navigate to starter sites now with starter sites for this tutorial we're going to be using a theme okay so i really or a template more like where you have a theme this is a template templates are great for ecommerce websites just because it comes with everything that you need to get going like your account your carts uh all the just the forms everything's just kind of set up and you can just jump in and edit a little bit more quickly so with bloxy the theme or the template that i really like is this one called homie so let's go ahead and click on import install child theme yep click on next now you can have your option between gutenberg and brizzy now gutenberg is just the default wordpress block editor brizzy is a dedicated page builder and so again you can kind of sort through this on your own so like this one's gutenberg and brizzy this one's elementor gutenberg brizzy elementor totally up to you again i personally like using the default block editor gutenberg so we're going to be using homie anyways click on import click on next click on next for gutenberg and then we have woocommerce already installed now we want wp forms we want stackable which is one of my favorite plugins go ahead and click on next and that's it now import content and then click on install okay so that should take a few minutes so once it's ready it should say the starter site has been successfully imported now we can go ahead and click on view sites and let me click off of this and so yeah here we go this looks awesome this looks great so now we can adjust this call to action we have the uh cookie uh declaration over here that people can accept for gdpr purposes let's scroll down we have this nice little welcome section we can break up into a visual menu with categories right there it displays the latest products right there we have uh you know a call to action for a specific product right here then we have a blog post and an email opt-in form and then we have this trending now so maybe i would remove this but honestly right out of the box this template is really nice it has all the elements that you'd really want now if we go to the back end of our website what was specifically installed so let's go over to our pages and this is why i like templates at least for e-commerce purposes so we have a blog page we have a cart page we have a checkout page we have a home page we have my account page privacy policy page and we have a dedicated shop page all ready for us to customize now if we click on the post we have a few different blog posts installed already so again we can kind of just jump in here and delete uh when we're ready when we're going to begin blogging but it's just nice because it gives a nice layout for the site so you kind of see how everything looks visually and that's it okay so now we are really ready to begin adding specific items to woocommerce woocommerce overview so now we have woocommerce installed we have our theme we have our template we're good to go so let me give you a high level overview about all the little options that we have going on with our website so it doesn't get too overwhelming and confusing because i know it can be when it's your first time you're like oh my goodness what is all this stuff where do i begin so let me break it down for you first thing product reviews so product reviews is not other people leaving a review on your specific product pages what product reviews are is a dedicated section designed for something more like affiliate marketing so it's pretty helpful so let me open up my little demo blog post or product review blog post i created and so if we open this up let me open up the permalink right there and let me jump over here so your url structure is blog product review and then the name of the product and so you can engage in affiliate marketing and with this regard and the sample looks really nice because you have the option to click on read more it takes people to the content then you have this buy now button which you can update and change on the back end of the blog post to be an affiliate link for the specific product okay so in order to do that we have to navigate back here you want to come down to the very bottom then right here where it says bloxy settings so we have general we have rating so you can add a specific score you can add in pros and cons you can really build it out and then right here the affiliate label button by now then change the affiliate link to your dedicated affiliate link now personally that's not how i engage in affiliate marketing like what i personally do is just use blog posts so for example like this one name sheep's website builder versus wordpress obviously i'm promoting namecheap as an affiliate so that's my that's my personal strategy to provide helpful content and that kind of laid out that way totally up to you but if you want to have like a dedicated like review section layout of your website you're good to go and it looks great so anyways let's continue on let me back out of this okay so there you go so this is a little bit of a different section from the blog post that's why i personally don't like using it though because it kind of makes you stuck using woocommerce all the time if that makes any sense totally up to you but i prefer just to keep everything under the blog post now we have woocommerce let's take a quick look at this now woocommerce is quite overwhelming so when you click on it for the first time because it came pre-installed with our installation it's now going to prompt you to just set everything up as appropriate for your store so you have to click your store details your inventory product types business details and your theme now you can come down here and you can click on skip setup store details totally up to you if you want to do this you don't have to do this now okay so i'm going to go ahead and skip but it's pretty self-explanatory okay so just fill out your store details industry product types business theme anyways let's i'm going to go ahead and click on skip store setup details we'll click on new things all right so welcome to your woocommerce store hq online hq okay we'll click on next first size inbox okay okay there we go okay so when you're on the home tab right up top here it tells you what you need to go about completing okay so you have to finish your store details we'll set up payments later tax shipping we'll do all of this later on in the tutorial video okay so over here let's go ahead and click on orders so orders is pretty self-explanatory you're going to have a population of all your orders of people who either bought a physical product or had a digital download of your product uh whether or not it's free or paid it'll pop up in here now if you're like well if i'm selling physical products how do i how do i like ship the product david like what do i do well with woocommerce you can also integrate inventory fulfillment options okay so again it just depends on how you're filling the orders like if you if you're just sending stuff out of your house then you're gonna have to track this yourself or you can use some type of inventory fulfillment so you have like woocommerce shipping over here you have shippo we have uh ship station we have inventory management we have all of these different uh inventory management tools plugins that we can add for inventory fulfillment extensions that we can add to our website so totally up to you customer tab this is just going to list out all of your customers their email address their name specific things they bought where they live just all the little details that you need to know okay so now we have coupons now coupons just means like coupons that were actually used to make purchases on your website so now it's coupons has moved over to the marketing so it's now i'm under the marking tab let's go back to woocommerce there we go okay now we have reports over there so reports are just you know orders customers stock you know it just gives you a high level overview about what's going on uh per day per month per year you know sales by product sales by category coupons by date customer downloads a really nice high level overview about the transactions that are going on with your store now i'm going to skip over settings because that's the bread and butter of woocommerce funny enough it's like just a random little link but you're gonna be spending a lot of times in settings let's go to status okay so the status section is just a place where you can get a system report for the backend of your website your website url site address woocommerce version best api package blocks package just a lot of technical information on the back end that you maybe would need to know about i think for most your average user you're not going to be spending much time here now over here we have a woocommerce extensions now the extensions are good and they are from automatic which is the company that actually bought out woocommerce uh but honestly they are a little bit expensive i mean 200 for subscriptions 250 for bookings 199 for memberships it's not bad i mean if you're going to use it and you're going to get your money back from using it that's fine but there are various alternatives in terms of like third-party plug-ins but these are actually made by the team behind woocommerce and they integrate perfectly with woocommerce so that's kind of the selling point of like why you'd want to use these uh over here these extensions but again you could just take a look over here scroll through this and any type of add-on that you want you can kind of find over here just to enhance your website you know if you have some type of specific e-commerce need all right so let's navigate to status or sorry let's navigate to settings there we go sounds the same settings status all right here we go settings okay so right here we have general products shipping payments accounts emails integration advanced okay so general so this is where your business is located tax and shipping rates will use this address so this is where you can update your address so remember how i just clicked on woocommerce before and i had that whole menu pop up and you know put all my information in that's it's kind of like an onboarding process to help you fill each of these tabs so you can go through that onboarding process yourself or you can just click on settings and just manually do it when you're ready to update everything but again you have your store address about where you're going to be shipping from you have your what's really important right here selling locations so what countries do you want to sell to you have the option to sell to every country in the world so to all countries except for specific countries or only sell to specific countries so maybe you're based in the united states and you only want to sell to the united states and canada and maybe the uk you can set it up like that so if anyone's in a different country like mongolia and they try and buy your products they can't buy totally up to you shipping locations shipped to all countries you sell to then shop customer location shop base address right down there enable taxes so enable tax rate calculations so you probably want to turn this one on because it does you know it helps you enable taxes to keep track of everything but we'll get to taxes later in the tutorial enable coupons so people who visit your store obviously can pay for stuff with a coupon then the currency options are right down here so uh it should be set to united states dollar but if it's not if it's sent to something else then you want to change it to something else like a euro whatever you can do that right here and then go ahead and make sure to click on save changes so if we navigate over here to products there we go okay so products so we have the shop page and we already have a dedicated shop page so we're good to go we'll leave it like that then add enable ajax add to cart button on archives yep placeholder images this is just stuff we can just adjust so placeholder images for four you can adjust the measurements for weight dimensions of the unit enable product reviews show verified by owner enable star rating if you want to turn all that stuff on or off you can do that right here next we have the shipping tab so again the shipping tab is very important because it's where you can set up shipping costs and shipping zones so again a shipping zone is a geographic region where a certain set of shipping methods are offered woocommerce will match a customer to a single zone using their shipping address and present shipping methods within the zone to them and so then right here we can just go ahead and add a shipping zone and so we can set it up like a flat rate for example like if we're in california you could have a flat rate shipping for the united states flat rate shipping if you're in the european union whatever you can kind of adjust and play around with everything right here we'll get to this later though but i just want to introduce you all this section again payments so when you're ready to accept like credit card payments paypal or like to check out maybe if you're outside the united states this is where you're going to want to head off to then we have accounts and privacies emails let's jump over this okay so the emails this is what people get when they do a specific thing on your website so for example like you know when you buy something from an e-commerce store you want to get a email that's a receipt and that's what this is right here so for example order and hold processing completing order new order you know this is what i get what the customer gets customer invoice order details you know you can just edit and adjust everything over here i'll show you how to edit and adjust this a bit again a bit later in the tutorial then right over here we have integration so integration boom weekend integration mad mind license key database file path so integration for using mad max mind to do geolocation lookups right here so again you can integrate these two items into your website and then advanced okay so advanced right here this page needs to be set up once woocommerce knows where to send users to the checkout so again we can set it up for the cart page where they go checkout page where they go my account page where they go that's why i like using a template because this is just done this is all done we don't need to fiddle around and micro manage every little detail we already have a functionally set up store that the only thing really need to do is again just begin adding our own specific products which leads me to the next section products so over here products this is where you can kind of create your products okay so let me go here there we go sorry about that all right let's click on products again okay there we go okay so now we have our products over here we can add new types of products so woocommerce is again feature rich it's not just for uh physical products you can have digital downloads you can sell ebooks you can you know you can sell any type of thing that you want with woocommerce it's really nice so again this is a high level overview of all the products on your sites you can sort by the sku seo scores you can set things to different categories which i definitely recommend doing because by being able to set things to categories that makes it easier to display things on the homepage that you want to display as well as just makes the shop page more functional and useful for the end user because they can i just want to look at all only tables or chairs or whatever it is you're selling tags personally i'm not a big user of tags i i personally don't use tags for blog posts i don't use tags for products again it's up to you tags works the same way as tags for blog posts where maybe if this has some type of specific super specific feature and that people would actually want to search for and navigate your website via tags you can go ahead and do that again it depends on how many products you're selling if you're selling like 50 products and everything kind of fits into categories if you're selling like a thousand products then yeah you're probably going to you tag a few things something specific so people can like find uh you know a great have that granular control when they're searching for a product on your website okay then we have attributes over here all right and so attributes let you define extra product details stitches like size color etc etc so you kind of should kind of already know what that's like if you're buying shoes you can change the color change the size change some specific aspect of the style that's what attributes are all right and let's go to analytics so analytics again is just a high level overview of the performance of your store so over here you can just see total sales net sales orders items sold net sales over here and then again navigate with products revenue orders just gives you analytics with each of these specific categories then over here with marketing they've finally moved the coupons to the marketing tab and coupons again are really helpful because you can create coupon codes for your visitors which is great because you could do something like email marketing and say hey sign up to my email list and get a 10 coupon code and then be that inclined to people that sign up then they can use a coupon code and they get a deal you get their email and that's it so anyways guys that's it for a high level overview about what you can expect and what you can use with woocommerce adding in a simple product for our website so a simple product is not my terminology this is actually comes from woocommerce and so what they mean by simple is literally just a simple product so it covers the vast majority of any products you sell simple products are shipped and have no options so what do you mean has no options like you can't customize it like shoes for example small large blue green you know that type of product you wouldn't want like radial buttons to help the end user adjust and customize the product on there when they're making a purchase decision simple products are just straightforward this is the product this is the price and then like example a book and you get what you buy and so that's it okay a product that you buy and sell and doesn't have any type of customization options okay so to add something to our website we go here to the products tab then you go here to add new now right down here is where you can change the product data okay so it says simple product and so that's where you kind of adjust everything and as you change this drop down this information over here uh changes so it's very simple product name what's the name of your product just give it a straight forward name no cute clever anything okay so let me go here to the sony we'll say sony x3000 vlogging camera or you can say action camera and then description goes here there we go okay so now our ura structure is right there and that looks good so just in case you're wondering like how do i update the url structure again go to settings and go to permalinks open this up now in the beginning of this tutorial i had to set the custom structure blog post name for the blog but as you scroll down right here you have permalinks for the product pages by default i really like the way it's laid out where it's like slash product i think that looks great personally we have the slash product slash coffee table and so i really like that but again if you want to change it you can just jump over here and change it so if you want to change it to say like shop for example you can just do that so if you want instead the base to be shop and so it's going to be like you know the shop slash the actual name of the product you can go ahead and do that right there okay so here's the simple product and now over here the product categories so we have uncategorized we need to get rid of that but you definitely want to use categories to help the end user navigate your website with categories you can also add that into your shop page so to add in a what filter you know you've been on an ecommerce website right you can filter products well that's where you can do with right here with the categories so let me go ahead and click on add new cameras there we go so let's go ahead and add a new category in boom there we go okay so now we have the description name of the product right down here product tags again i don't use product tags product image let's go ahead and set a product image and i'll drag and drop this into place and there we go all right so make sure the title is something that makes sense so sony x3000 something that describes what the product is then go ahead and set product image there we go okay so looking good so now let's come down here to the product data so general what's the price so the price of this camera is usually 400 and we'll say it's on sale for i don't know 380. now right here now is this a virtual product or a downloadable product well this is a shippable product so we won't select either one of these buttons over there okay so now we go to inventory so here if we have an sku we can put it in there to help us with our stock management so you get an sku typically when you're using some type of like fulfillment service that's kind of like what you're gonna where you're gonna get that managed stock absolutely want to manage stock so stock quantity about back orders wow low stock threshold really helpful stuff right here because back orders allows us like when our inventory runs out people can still place an order that we can fulfill up to you whether or not you want to allow that uh because like if you're using a fulfillment service and you're you know getting your product from another country like china or something it could take like weeks so you just got to be careful it depends on what you're selling all right stock quantity obviously that's the stock quantity this is the variable product this value will be used to control stock for variations etc etc and that's it okay so low stock threshold you can say you can adjust things right here as you need to uh like what is low stock what does that mean and so if you want to have like okay when we get to maybe uh 20 items like notify me that this is going to be uh the stock is uh low and i need to be notified to increase the stock anyways let's go to shipping okay shipping so here you can set the weight you can set the dimensions and you can set the shipping class like shipping class what are we talking about again we have these handy dandy little question marks so shipping classes are used for certain shipping methods to group similar products so if they're grouping a product that's what this is for if you're selling one off product don't worry about it now we have a link to products so here we can have upsells and cross sells so for example when someone's making a purchase decision for this camera we can have the upsell right there we can add in like uh we can say type in a product that you know that's on your website so if i type in chair we have elegant chair modern chairs sweet chair sweet chair okay we're getting a little creative with this one anyways you can have these upsells right there and then cross those over here all right so attributes so here custom product attributes so again like uh we can go here add okay so we have different types of variables we can set up over here if we want then we have the advanced tab purchase notes so again was this enter optional note to send the customer after purchase so for example you just say hey thanks for your order so they'll receive an email with this purchase note you can set it up have a little bit of more customization right there we have the menu order then get more options right there then we have various recommended extensions and that's it really that simple to set up a product as a simple product now here's the product short description that you can also fill out as well so let's come back up top there let's back out of this okay so here's kind of a completed product let's just take a quick look at everything so make sure you take care of the on-page seo so again it should be the product title first then the name of the website if it fits and that's it okay emitted description then again product data product description at the bottom right there then we have reviews at the bottom there now one last thing so we have a product image right here if we want to have more than one product image we can add additional product images so let me go ahead and click on this just to see what it looks like here's the main product image so we want to add in more images for this specific product you can do it no problem so let me back out of that okay so let's come down here let's add product gallery images so i'm going to go ahead and add in website creative or creative chair pro there we go all right we'll back out of this oak chair pro add it to gallery there we go let's go ahead and update this page and let's just let's take a quick look okay and there we go okay so now we have a nice little product gallery at the bottom so for product pages i definitely would recommend like get like three images four images max you don't need to overdo it but a few images always helps and it really helps to just build up the site okay and so there we go so we have two sections okay so let me back out of this let me go back to this and we open up this in a new tab all right open in a new tab there we go all right so this paragraph right here is this paragraph right there okay then we have the add to cart button then we have the product description which is down here and then this is being populated by this section right there then we have related products already set up that's why we use templates because just makes our life way easier for creating ecommerce store and that's it that's all you have to do to set up a simple product it's really that simple so we open up this this is what our product is going to look like okay so let's come down here ah would help if i publish and there we go so now we have our product we have breadcrumbs at the top we have a description right there we have the product and that's it so now it says out of stock now why is it say out of stock because we come down here with the inventory we don't have any sku we have stock quantity is zero so it's just going to come up with this automatically out of stock uh so it depends on the theme and it depends on the template you're using what kind of ribbons you get over here there are various plugins for woocommerce that you can use to add in the ability to add in ribbons but again this is depends on the theme and the template they're using but anyways if this is set to zero this is just gonna say out of stock out of stock right there but really it's that simple to create a simple product with woocommerce adding products as an affiliate marketer so with woocommerce you can totally build a complete ecommerce website where all the products are just affiliate products where you get a commission when people buy so it looks like a store but it's not like a real store where you have inventory or digital downloads it's just like you're doing affiliate marketing so one of the most popular examples of that is this is why i'm broke so this website's great so they find ridiculous products then everything's uh leveraged through in some type of affiliate program so for example we come down here to amish county popcorn so the image is linking to amazon right down there this button is linking to amazon if you click this and then you buy anything within 24 hours the people own this website make money if you click over here we open up the actual product page just the image right there quick little description check it out there you go so you got to be careful with this so first off definitely do not list the price unless you're using the api and the price is going to be continually updated and also don't download images from amazon upload it to your store you're technically not allowed to do that if your site gets audited you can get kicked out of the program so i'm not sure how they're doing it but it's this image itself is linking to amazon directly so that may be okay if they're just embedding the image now with woocommerce it is a little clunky to do that like you can't like upload uh amazon associate images directly uh so you know that's one little setback but there are some different plugins that you can leverage another great example is farmhouse goals over here so it's just a massive affiliate ecommerce style store so if we come down here we see this new room contessa ombre blah blah blah whatever this is so let's open up the product and then we come down here then we have the learn more option and there you go guess where that's linking to we're linking to amazon associates so this is again this whole entire website leverages the affiliate program and it's really clever and creative and again the only issue you're going to run into is you got to be careful with images so this is upload directly you see wp content that's uploaded directly to their sites and so if we take a look over here you know it's like well they're not using any of the images on this page so it may be okay and then i definitely be careful with listing out prices you don't want to list out prices because as things change like it's not accurate like you just you want to stay away from anything that has the potential to get you kicked out of the program so but otherwise it looks good so if you can cut if you can get over those two hurdles for amazon associates about where you're gonna get the image from this is a great idea so we have a little description right there of the product we have one more button right there this is amazon ads so for example in our product dashboard so let's go to products let's go to add new and okay so we will just say uh teachable affiliate or whatever we'll just use this as an example so let's say test right there okay so we'll just come down there and say i'll create a new category affiliate we'll add a new category okay so we'll change this simple product external affiliate product there you go so with the product url this is where you get the url from amazon from so for example this is my associates account we have to click on text only get the short link take this short link take this copy put it in right there and then say something like uh like check it out okay and that's it and so where are you gonna find the images definitely find another spot so for example like if i was going to be promoting like a camera or teachable or whatever then i would go and find a free image that i can use so i don't have to worry about any type of issue with the associates program okay if that makes any sense so that's how it kind of works now if we take a look at like the way that this is laid out so this is linked to amazon associates this right here is an ad and so within your amazon associates account you can get specific ads for your website and so all they've done is come right over here and just embedded the ads they copy and pasted the ad code in directly here and then they continue on adding in a further description and then they added in shop related products added in uh another ad unit right there and that's kind of like how they're laying out the website so it's very creative now for a more traditional program if you're not using like the amazon associates program so like this is the teachable affiliate program so you know i would just find like an image like let's go over here so teachable let's see what comes up for unsplash nothing okay we'll say teach okay so then i can find my own specific image over here i can go ahead and like download this image all right and then we'll drag and drop that there open this up let's resize the image because these images are always just massive and so i'm going to reduce this like way down let's make it like 1000 pixels or so we really don't need to be that much bigger okay there we go okay so let's save that okay there we go all right so let me rename this i'll just rename this teachable now if you want you can use a service like say canva okay and so over with canva this is an image editor that i really like you can go ahead and like brand the image as you want so for example here all my thumbnails that i use to make my thumbnails and so you can go ahead and create something like uh for like website great pro right here we have this like the image with the logo et cetera so we can go ahead and do that if you want but anyways i'm just gonna leave this as is and so let me go ahead and add in the product image and i'll drag and drop this into place okay so now just type in teachable because you're going to want some type of product to go along with or some type of image to go along with the product as an affiliate now the only other thing here is that if we're not using like amazon associates we're going to want to have in our own affiliate link so for that we're going to need a different plugin so let me go ahead and save this as a draft now what the next thing that you need to do is we need to go back to appearance or sorry we need to go to plugins add new there we go okay so we want to type in something called pretty links there we go search for that and then let's go ahead and install this right now and go ahead and click on activate there we go so now we have pretty links in the sidebar right here go ahead and click on it and go to add new and here we go so for example i can call this teachable and then i would put in my specific uh affiliate link from teachable so we'll just say okay but i can make it you know the affiliate link would be teachable right here so teachable so go ahead and click on update [Music] great okay so now we can navigate back to where we were go to our products all products and let's go and find our draft there we go okay so let's let's go ahead and jump in here and edit this so now that we have our affiliate uh url set up we can come down here let me type this in https equals action slash teachable there we go okay and so that's how you kind of set it up on the back end for your product url for affiliate marketing so again if you're using the amazon associates program you have to use the short link over there do not use the images from amazon literally you can't do this what people sometimes do is they go here to image then they right click and save image and then upload to your website like no don't do that because if your site gets audited you'll get kicked out of the affiliate program just don't do it it's not worth it so anyways just set it up like that and that's it so we can come down here and adjust a couple different things if you want to adjust the inventory link to products upsells attributes advanced get more options uh all that little detail stuff so i know i would just leave it like this looks really good so we have the button text right there and that's it so we have regular price and sale price so again if it's an amazon associate program do not like let me put this like do not put a pr price there because again you're not allowed to do that now if it's affiliate program like teachable or web hosting or whatever yeah if you want to put a price in you can go ahead and do that but you don't have to do that and that's it so just leave it like that and i think that looks really good and there we go so go ahead and click on publish okay so let's just go ahead and check out the page there we go so we have teachable affiliate we have check it out right there if we click on this then it auto now automatically automatically navigates to the appropriate website digital downloads so if you want to add some type of digital download to your website you can totally do that with woocommerce so i'm thinking like you know an ebook or a cheat sheet you can either sell some type of like low price product like for 9.99 or you can be like a fake guru and sell some ebook for forty seven dollars or something ninety seven dollars the secrets to youtube ninety seven dollars secrets seek ritz to youtube all right so we could go ahead and do that if you want anyways so how do you set this up on the back end so again categories so make sure to create a category that's appropriate for the product so i'm just going to go ahead and i'll just put this in on categories right there one navigate down there so which product data do we need to select well we want to select simple product okay then you want to select virtual why virtual virtual products are intangible and are not shipped yep we're have we have an ebook so yeah that's us and it's also downloadable so we want to make sure both of these are selected right there and it's pretty self-explanatory from this point on so regular price sale price so regular price i'll say uh 97 sale price seven dollars there we go right here we have download downloadable files there you go so you can just add your file that you want so if i click here add a file and then file name we'll say book okay choose file file url choose file then i can just go ahead and upload a file so this is a pdf that i have that i used to give away for free right there we go ahead and insert file and there you go so now we have a dedicated file so when people make a purchase decision they're going to get this item now if you're selling multiple items like you know if you're selling like uh you're you're a photographer and you're selling like multiple images or multiple luts or just something something like that's gonna have multiple downloads definitely consider creating like a zip folder so we can just take these two images right click and then go to uh right there send to compress zip folder boom then we can rename this so product zip so this makes it easy to upload to your site fast efficient light makes it easy for your end user to download the product as appropriate so we'll just say this zip file then we'll go choose file take this drag and drop it in there you go so super duper simple we'll go ahead and insert file and that's it okay so right down there now we have download limit so leave blank for unlimited re downloads what does that mean well when someone makes a purchase they're going to get a url sent to their email to download what they purchase from you and you don't have to do anything so once you set this up it's good and then download expiry date so enter a number of days before download link expires or be blank totally up to you in general i'd probably set this to something like 30 days or whatever but it's totally up to you if you want you know if you're worried about someone sharing the uh email to their friends and having multiple downloads i guess you could be a little bit paranoid have it like three days or something but in general i wouldn't be that strict just leave it never or 30 days or something like that and again go through the same process make sure to add in a product image product description down there product description up top there and that's really all you need to do to take care of in order to set up a digital download for a simple product selling a service or coaching or consulting via your website with woocommerce so how do you do this with woocommerce because it's not only for you know digital downloads and physical products so for example i have seo audit of your website so right there you'd have the title of the service that you're going to be providing a nice detailed description of what people get and what the value they're going to get from whatever service you're providing then down here appropriate category appropriate image and then you want to navigate right here simple product and then click on virtual you don't need to click on downloadable because there's nothing to download and so just have a virtual product right there let me click on that and then set the price okay so if you want to set up like a tiered structure unfortunately there's no real way to do that from this interface what you're going to have to do is like create multiple seo audit of your website 10 minutes seo out of your website 20 minutes now if you have to do that manually create multiple tiers unfortunately you know hopefully maybe in the future that they can have like multiple price points but as of right now you have to set up as a simple product with virtual and then right down here this is the section where i would use to describe in great detail what people can expect when they make that purchase decision because that's personally why i like fiverr so much uh because with fiverr they take care of all that technical details of the platform the messaging the payments the back and forth how did the deliverable you know with when doing it yourself you have to do you have to have this process set up and so what you need to do to make people feel comfortable is explain everything okay explain exactly like okay you make the purchase decision you'll get an email confirming of your purchase then in the email there'll be a link to this website where you can schedule a time and blah blah blah blah whatever just make sure that you go through great detail and let people know like what they can expect because people won't buy any type of service if they don't know like what happens next because you know if i'm on a website like clarity fm for example like i get it like if i hire someone's time okay i know like i'm on this website i have an account it's going to schedule all that technical stuff is set up so that's why it's really important for the service section right down here the product short description you want to explain in great detail so right up top here i would focus on selling uh selling the service whatever it is you're providing and then come down there click on virtual set the price then come down there and and explain to me the technical aspect of it about how it works once i make a purchase decision anyways it's really that simple in order to have some type of coaching consulting type offer on your website with woocommerce just click on simple product and go to virtual and that is it creating a variable product for your website so a variable product is exactly what it sounds like it's a product that has different characteristics so people can choose between different by color sizes etc so how do you do that with woocommerce again very simple so we have to go here to add a new for products then we get over to this page i'm going to type in variable product okay now again description of the product goes here like i said before so we have description there and then the description down here as well that describes the product now make sure to check in an appropriate category for whatever the variable product is about so we'll just say we'll say chairs okay variable product for chairs there we go okay so now we come down here and we have to go to simple product nope we want to come down here to variable product now here you have your sku manage stock so we can enable stocks.quantity we'll say we have 50 of these okay about back orders threshold again up to you to make that decision all right so we have shipping over here again fill that out as appropriate linked products upsells and cross sales next attributes now attributes are like specific characteristics of the product and this is going to create a drop down on the product page so custom product attribute yeah let's go ahead let's click on add so what do we want i don't know let's do colors okay colors there we go so we'll just say i have a red chair okay and now you're like what do i do comma nope we have to do is page separator okay so it's this symbol right here it's that line thing uh so it's right beneath the backspace of button on your keyboard so again page separator so red we'll say green and then we'll say yellow and there we go and then use for variations yup sure thing let's go ahead and click on save attributes awesome let's go ahead and add in one more so again use for variations right and then we'll say sizes okay we'll say large and we'll say small there we go save attributes not rocket science so there we go so now let's come over here to variations so okay so we have add variation create variations for all from all attributes yep let's go ahead just click ok don't worry about that what all that all this is going to do it's going to add in the variations that we have right here for large small etc so now we need to go through the the tedious process of editing each one individually so we have red large red small and so again we have to come over here and then you have to choose the product image and so for example this is a red chair so i'm going to go ahead and select a red chair image there we go we'll click on this set variation image there we go price required we'll say we'll say 200 right there then we'll come down there same as parent okay then red is small we'll do that so click on this click on the chair boom there you go so now we have red large we have red small all right so also make sure to manage stock so if we click on this you can manage the stock for this individual product so by setting this up top there to be like 50 products for example like when we were in the inventory over here we had said to be 50. when we're in the variations for example if someone selects like the red chair and we want to say like well we don't have 50 of this maybe we only have 20 of this we have 20 of this 20 of the other one and 10 of the other one we have 50 all together that's what this port that's what this part is right here with the stock quality or quantity so there you go so just go through that so we got that red one we got this red one now we gotta do the same thing for green so again go through this whole process right there so it's like select the green chair again set the variation so manage stock we'll just say uh let's say this is 20 there we go and then come down there so small boom let's say green chair or what's like this green chair over here there we go set variation okay so price required we'll say this one is 150 we'll say this one is 200 there we go so we got the green one there and we got the green one there then the last one we have the yellow chair so come down there and again same exact process before i'll select that one and then product variable we'll say manage stock we'll say we have five of this and we'll come down here all right so minimize that there we go and then we'll see this one and receive a different yellow chair and now we'll just use the same image again and we'll say 200 we'll say i have managed stock we'll save five of this there we go so there we go so we got that one price required 200 and that looks good so minimize that there we go okay now go ahead and click on save changes there we go so next what we need to do is default form values so that means like when people initially land on the page what product are they going to be seeing they're going to be seeing this product right here the very very first one so just go ahead and select red go ahead and select large make sure this one matches the very first one if you don't want this one like oh i'd rather have this one well then click this little thing right there and then you can just move it around okay so now we have select product image so again because we have red there i would just go ahead and select this and select the red chair select whatever product is the first one on the list as it makes sense we'll click on this red chair boom click on set product so again categories image looks good so let's go ahead and publish this again you can always edit the url as appropriate let's go ahead and click on publish [Music] all right fantastic let's open up this in a new tab and take a look at the product category and there we go okay so now we have again the price 150 to 200 we can add in a little bit of a description and then we have these drop-downs where users can select the different products now you're noticing like well how come the image doesn't switch that just depends on the theme unfortunately for this template it doesn't have that built in where it automatically adjusts so what i would suggest doing in that situation you gotta come down here you gotta add in add a product gallery images so what are the other gallery products that we're going to be using so for example i have this green chair and i have this yellow chair so let's select both of these okay so add to gallery let me go ahead and add to gallery and let's just take a quick look there we go we'll add to gallery all right so let's go ahead and click on update and let's reload the page and there we go so now we have multiple products that people can kind of jump through so again some themes are really good where it kind of automatically switches to the appropriate uh image but this one doesn't but still it looks good and people kind of figure it out as long as you're descriptive of the image so if i come over here in red well i know what the red chair is if i come down here and i choose like green well obviously it's going to be this one maybe that's a light green common sense just make it easy for people to navigate their site no one's going to be like oh i can't use this website because the image doesn't change when i select the button right here so that's all you need to do so again just fill out the description up top there fill out the additional information down there and that's it and that's how you add a variable product to your website creating a group products for your website it's super clunky with woocommerce i'm not gonna lie it can be done but it's not intuitive so for example i have the sony x3000 right there i have an sd card and a tripod i don't know i'd like to create a product page where people can buy the sony x3000 by itself maybe they could buy the sony x2000 with an sd card or with the tripod and then maybe the whole thing together like an sd card the the camera the tripod all bundled together for different price points you can do that just not as intuitive so you may think like oh i can just uh you know for example let's open up the modern sofa and we're going to go take a look down there so you're like oh i want to add in additional products oh i'll just go here and i'll just go to group products and then i'll just go to linked products and we'll just say uh let's say sofa and then that won't say chair oop chair like that and i'll get share okay then we'll update then let's take a look at the product page itself let's open up the url and there we go so it's like oh that's so easy you know people just add it as they want or they can just buy the product by themselves no click on the add to cart and what you're going to notice that like please choose the quantity you wish to add to your cart it's like come on woocommerce they really need to update this because i should be able to click add to cart and add only this to cart and nothing else if i want to add in this and this and this then this should add three items together i don't know why woocommerce doesn't fix this i hope they do because that's the way it should work super duper simple and easy the way they have it is super duper complicated and not easy so this is the way you actually have to do it with woocommerce so we have to go over to all products again and now we need to create the uh the primary bundle product thingy that we're gonna have so let's go to that and add new click on add new there we go okay so now i'm gonna go ahead and create we'll just say like the we'll just say uh camera let's say camera bundle right there okay so i'll come down there and i'll select simple product and i'll say that this is a group product and this is the primary like product for our website so this bundle is going to be appearing on our shop page okay we want this to appear on our shop page we'll say like camera camera bundle and we'll say like maybe sd card sd card and like uh we'll say sd card slash tripod whatever something like that okay so go over here and then i'll click on uh publish there we go okay there we go so let's go ahead and so now we have this oh so we should add in a product image let me go ahead and do that we'll just take the x3000 set that as a product image there we go click on update okay and so let's go ahead and open up the bundle we'll just we'll reduce this to camera bundle there we go click on update all right so now we have the camera bundle set up we have the primary let's open it up and there's nothing to do it's like now we have to add in the bundles okay so we don't have an add to cart button because we have to actually add in our the specific products we want so we have the camera bundle so now what i want to do is let's go to all products and we'll just take the sd card okay and so we're going to put this with the camera bundle so maybe the camera is 350. we're going to have this be a simple product so the regular price would be like 3 350 plus 10 would be what would be 360. okay so we'll say like this is going to be 360 all together and so there we go so now we have the 360 so we'll say uh we'll say like x3000 x3000 plus sd card there we go now the thing that you need to remember to do is to go here and go to edit now you want to hide this okay why do you want to hide this because this is just the this is just a random little part of a bundle package we don't want this displaying on the website itself so people can individually select this from the shop page because we only want this available on the bundle package you have to go here click on hidden click on update and there we go so let's go to all products again we'll do we'll do one with the let's say one with the uh tripod okay and so x3000 x2000 plus tripod there we go and we'll come down there and we'll say the tripod it's like uh ten dollars to or twenty dollars so that'll be 350 plus 20 so three say 370 for this okay there we go and then make sure we go over here to edit and we want to hide this specific item right there we'll click on update and we are good to go okay so that looks good and so we'll go here to maybe add all products maybe we'll add in one more so we have the we have the x3000 plus tripod x2000 plus sd card and then we have the uh maybe we'll put all together so let's say like x3000 plus tripod plus sd card there we go and then we'll come down there let's say we'll see maybe this is we'll see this is like 380 but it's discounted to maybe 370. we'll say something like that whatever okay we'll go here put in a category you don't really need a product image for this not that important but again you can do whatever you want if you want to select the product image okay so let me come up here and we'll click on publish oops what did i forget i forgot to hide it so let's go do that again click on edit i click on edit stop jumping around click on edits there we go hidden there we go publish there we go awesome okay so now we can go back to all products all right so now you got to kind of remember what these are called and that's why this is also clunky because like when you're going to be over here uh for the camera bundle we'll open up this new tab that's what i recommend because honestly you're probably not going to remember what these are called so we'll come over here this is our bundle the bundle page again remember doesn't have anything to do it's just like okay that's nice what do i do can't navigate anywhere so let's go ahead and down here link to products let's type in the x3000 okay so now we have the x2000 vlogging camera okay i'll type it in x3000 there we go x2000 plus sd card then x3000 that actually dot x2000 plus tripod all right and then finally x3000 and then everything so x3000 plus tripod plus sd card there we go okay and now if you want to reorganize this like you want maybe just have the camera at the top whatever you can just move things around like that not that complicated there you go so let's go ahead and click on update and come over here we'll reload this page and boom there we go okay so again you got to adjust each of these items individually so it says 10 in stock again you gotta adjust the stock as appropriate again i discounted this one people can click on these ones individually so like you know if they want to click on this x3000 plus like the tripod or like like uh ah there we go x2000 plus tripod it's going gonna look like it's gonna be taking them nothing but uh we can click on this one that opens up in a page right there to the camera bundle so you know takes them to this page so again just gotta be careful with everything again but to me that's not that big of a deal and so now what the end user has to do is that they have to select what they want so did they want the x3000 did they want the x2000 and the sd card so again you again now you know how to set it up so you can set up however you want so if you just want to set up with only the sd card right here then that means that like someone could come here boom click plus and then buy like a 10 sd card and that's it and not buy anything else whereas this is a little bit more self-explanatory that it's the camera plus this so it's like nobody would do no most people wouldn't do this like buy buy two x 3000 cameras that makes sense so we're gonna do a bundle that's how it works uh definitely suggest probably stick to like three bundles yeah it just looks a little overwhelming like two like three bundles is appropriate but also again like i said earlier just make sure to jump in and go to the edit section to hide anything as appropriate so you don't want to hide the bundle but what you want to do is you want to hide each of these items right there this one and this one because you don't want that appearing on the product page because you want the camera bundle to appear and that's it not the like the special x2000 with the sd card that makes sense so again it's totally up to you but that makes your that would make your shop page a little bit confusing anyways that's how it works so again i think it's really clunky like i just did the first time with the uh modern sofa i think that's how it should work that's way more like intuitive but whatever if you want to set up set up bundles that's how it's done upsells and cross sells with woocommerce now what upsells are on the product page is this section right down there related products now what's great about this template is that it already comes with this built in so you don't really need to use upsells because it already has an upsell but if you want to add upsells i'll show you how it's done so we come down here you gotta go to under when you're under a simple product for whatever product you're trying to edit come over here linked products upsells right here so then if i type in for example i type in the sony x3000 right there and there we go okay so let's go ahead and update and you'll notice the change that's made to this page so let's go ahead and reload that and there we go so now it says you may also like now obviously this is already built in over here which is populated by the related category that this product is in so that's how this works automatically without you having to do anything so i really like this template for that reason but to be honest yeah this looks bad so we're not going to use that so for this template you're not really going to be using uh upsells because it doesn't work the right way now cross-sell crossovers when people already hit the buy button okay and they're on the checkout page to make a purchase decision so if i come over here and i click on this add to cart button over here now if i go here to view my cart what you're going to notice is that we have a nice looking checkout page now for this we can add in an uh cross sell so we go over here and we come down here to linked products crosso then we type in x 3000 there we go and so this will just add in a cross sell product boom click on update now let's reload it okay fantastic and so right there okay so now we have you may also be interested interested in uh this additional product and that's really it's really that simple with woocommerce and whatever template and theme you're using to add upsells and cross sales editing the home page of your website so the goal of this section is just to show you how everything's kind of working how you can customize it to make this website your own now we're going to begin by editing this home page now within wordpress if we come over here to settings you're going to notice that we have a home page and a page is set as home in the post page we have it set as blog so what you're actually doing is you're just editing an individual page on your website right here it's called home now let's get to it so we have a couple different options up top there so if we come up here you're going to see this gear icon this gear icon shows this tab over here we have this right here this is the stackable settings stackable is a plugin that you installed along with the block c theme if we come over here these are the bloxy child page settings now reason why i wanted to show you this really quick so if we come over here to page title you're going to notice that the page title is disabled that's why you don't see anything that says home on this page which you don't want and that's really all you kind of need to know about this so let's click on this gear icon to navigate back to the page and block so that's how this is working and that's why that is hidden all right so now we have a nice call to action so if you want to change anything for like this you just click on it then you highlight it and then you can change and adjust the color as you like okay so again this is set to a specific block you can change the block type by clicking that then you can change the color by clicking this and changing to any color you want custom color over there or you can just delete this item altogether same with this call to action right over here now this isn't your h1 title tag for the website which you need h1 meaning like the header tag so your website should only have one header and that's it okay so right here we have this section over there and then we have another section over here that's actually a video so you can go ahead and probably most likely in those situations you probably want to just delete that but if you want to keep and have a pop-up video and upload your own video then that's really simple you just click on this block over here and then you can just adjust the video over here where it says pop-up video right there so totally up to you you want to keep that delete that switch it out for something else an email opt-in form whatever now if we come down here we have a quick little more little bit of a copy right there then we have the explore now button so we come over here explore now you'll notice that it's a hashtag like slash if you just have to update this so just click it right there okay now with this right here opens in a new tab click on edit here is where you can put the url url in that you want to link to so explore now what should you probably link to i don't know it's up to you it's your website personally i would link to products or i would like list to link to an email opt-in form or something like that again you should have a call to action up top there the call to action should be describe what the value of the website is what the person's going to get don't be super duper generic you know don't say like corporate accounting for small businesses like okay that's nice but try and think of like a value aspect that people are going to get like we save our clients 67 on their tax liability like try and find the thing that's like a little bit a step deeper and that's your kind of call to action up top there and that's kind of how you edit everything up there okay so let's come back over here now if we click on this right there now we've selected the image and so if we navigate down there so now we're in advanced columns and grids so we click on this come down here okay so now we have the block background it's turned on open up this this is the background okay and so if you want to switch this background image out for something else you can go ahead and do that here is where the tint for the media is if you want to get rid of the image just click the x and then switch it out and select something else you can upload your own image it's all going to maintain this aspect ratio so it's really nice so you don't really have to adjust anything because personally this looks really good and like we go here to inspect it still looks great like everything's in place like i personally kind of just leave it alone and focus more on your marketing don't get too bogged down trying to customize every tiny little thing about your site okay so let's come down here i love this section so this section is broken up into two pieces okay so we click on this broad section right there so we come up top there so now we've selected a container and so this hot pink thing is like again stackable it's one of my favorite plugins for the gutenberg editor so this is uh just a container box so it's a box and then a box that you can put other things in so we click on one of these elements right there you can notice that this is a featured image grid it's set to three so that's why there's one two three things this is an image right up top there so if you want to change that out for something else you're going to have to upload your own image okay so that's how this is working these are these are called vector graphics so you're gonna have to do a google search for something like free vector graphics okay to find your own vector graphics to upload and switch out if you want and then obviously just add your own copy that makes sense or you can just take get rid of the section altogether or you can switch it out and make it like a welcome message i personally really like the way that this is laid out where it's nice a little bit of space it talks about the value that your website your store is going to provide you can switch out instead of being like faster liberty or best warranty come up with your own thing your own copy as appropriate okay so now we have the grid over there so if you're like well how do i move this down like why is it stuck there we have to click on advanced now if we go here to i think it's block spacing yep okay so we go here to block spacing uh we have negative 50. so if you want to like adjust this you know we see it moves up a little bit we can move it down a little bit that's how this aspect is working all right so let's continue downwards so next we have this visual menu section of the website looks awesome so what i would do is i would probably change this to label from categories to something a little bit more interesting and compelling about the website i would also consider adding in some like a little bit of paragraph text underneath so i'd go here plus and then i'd add in a paragraph right there and then just throw in like one sentence that helps like describe the value of the products etc so like just add one sentence here we'll just put that okay so let's go ahead and censor that okay so we have that now the way that this is working it's all linked to as you can see in the corner right down there hashtag so that just means that you can just jump in here click the element that you want to adjust okay and so right over here is where you can switch out the image now don't worry no matter what image you select it's going to maintain the same aspect ratio which is really nice and so if you also want to maybe you want to add in like six items i would keep it at four personally because this looks nice six would be a little bit too much but totally up to you if you want to do that what i would do is select the item in the middle click the white area go over here to the dots then go here to duplicate and then duplicate will create another section and so that just makes it a little bit easier all the settings are saved you're literally duplicating this block then you just switch things out as appropriate so for example like we'll say i want to change this table image to something else so we'll just go ahead and select this item right there this image go ahead and select there you go so as you can see everything's kind of nice and readable looks good and that's it so we come over here to the layout right here so we have overlay color overlay uh hover color title description arrow all the little elements as appropriate that we need for these specific images now if you're wanting to update the links to a specific category how do you do that so what you need to do is take the text right there okay and so we highlight this over here and then we go here to edit then this is where you update the link okay so when the user ends up on the site and mouse is over this everything will link to the appropriate page and so again that's why having categories that are relevant for your website for your ecommerce store are helpful because then you could put in the most popular categories right here honestly if you're just starting out you really should have like four categories you know you should have like 20 30 40 products that should fit into not that many categories you know like whatever whatever your story is about but anyways that's how you kind of update the links over here all right let's continue on so now we have featured products down here this is a great section two now this is using the old school uh woocommerce short code and unfortunately with this template you do want to stick with the short code because while you can click below here and what's called plus sign let's click on browse and then we come down here let's find woocommerce in our wordpress section over here there we go so we have woocommerce now you do have a lot of helpful template boxes right there like featured category hand-picked products so the hand-picked products section allows you to individually pick products product by category it's really nice but unfortunately it doesn't work uh that in my opinion it just doesn't work that well with this template so if i go over here and click on hand picked uh what it ends up doing well just click this actually hand picked okay so now i can hand pick select products i want to add we'll just say i want the coffee table daily chair elegant chair we'll click on done okay then i'll populate the area and so as you can see over here so if i go ahead and click on we'll say we'll click on update and so let me go ahead and reload the sites and let's come down here and so now we have added products and see as you can see right there we can't really read the sale thing the stars are coming up as three stars but they're black they're not yellow like they should be i don't understand what's going on with this doesn't work again doesn't work as intended so personally what i would do is go ahead and remove the block if there's a specific thing if there's a specific like product category you want to add in i would just have to use the short code so right now we have short code where it's set to product limit equals six column three really simple so if we want to add in something else we go here to short code click on short code now short code for your products for this site again very simple so we have products limit six columns three category we'll say chairs okay so again this is how you create a visual menu for your website you can just use these short codes and then boom category chairs whatever your categories are for your website then it's just gonna automatically populate that as appropriate with the right category so we'll reload this and everything will look correct see everything pops up good oh yeah everything looks nice like this is the i'm again that's just the way you have to do it with this template but overall this section automatically updates and populates as you add products in so i personally really like the way it is uh just right out of the box so we'll go ahead and remove this block right there okay so now we have the view all button right there so what should the view all button linked to obviously up to you what i would do is i would click here and then i would go ahead and update this and have it linked to say the shop page so are the products page so go here to shop and then i'll switch this out and just add in the link to the shop page and that's it okay so now let's move on to the next section right there so this is a great little section for any type of like feature product that you want to really push and promote so right here is an image that's that's all this is it's a transparent image so just get a transparent image that's fairly large then you can switch it out if you want to change the color of this item just click on the colored box right there so we'll click on the edge right there there we go so now we're editing the container so i have to select the container section and right underneath container this is where we can swap out the color for something else so if we want to change this to gray or just whatever color we want uh actually the image is not transparent so anyways that's kind of like how this this section just works right down here so it's really simple really easy to adjust as appropriate we click on back to change it switch it back there we go and then again just go in here change the copy as you need to update the button then right down here we have latest from the blog we have short code that's set to automatically populate blog post at the bottom of the website again totally up to you if you want to have blog posts on your home page typically with an e-commerce store i wouldn't really have blog posts on my home page because you know the goal of the blog is to rank well and then drive traffic back to the sites and get people on the product page but totally up to you so that's how this section is working right there so this is the feature image for each of the specific blog posts the category and the page title again rather box just looks fantastic come down here we have a newsletter section which is really nice so again operates the same way click over here to adjust the image and again we go over here to style the container then we come down here to the container option right there then over here we can just ch again change the color so right now we have the selected image right there so if we want to change this again just go ahead and update the image in the back and that's it then we have the content you got a update there then the email opt-in form right there i would go ahead and delete this and then switch it out with your preferred email list provider of choice whether that's mailchimp or convertkit just get the html and then just when you get the html you have to do is click this plus and then html custom html then pop in your own form code right there and it should populate and everything should just look good and work as expected all right and then next we have trending now at the very bottom so we have trending products so again up to you whether or not you want to have this section right there personally i would i'd rather have the email opt-in box right at the bottom there and then the footer and that's it so if you want to get rid of this again you just click it delete trending now delete this and that's it and so then you're like okay so what is this right here this trending now thing so this is totally up to you so let's open up a product page and we'll come down here and we see this trending now again section right there so where this is being populated from we have to go back into our wordpress dashboard click on bloxy and then over here we have the extensions there we go and then right down here trending opposed so if you want to get rid of that just jump in here click on deactivate and that will remove this section from the product pages as well as your website then i think that's a nice overall layout and then you have your footer down here and so the footer is easy to adjust which we'll get to in a bit so one little thing with the homepage we definitely want to jump up here and change the page title so to do that again we just got to jump back into our website we navigate to the bottom right there and then right over here is where we can update everything because of yoast seo so again i would go ahead delete everything okay so i call it like my store and then i would add in a page separator and then keyword description of what your store is about and then right here a meta description for your website and i'll just leave it at that editing the header and the footer of your ecommerce woocommerce website so this is the header section and then all the way at the bottom of your website this is the footer now again right out of the box it looks great but let's customize it a little bit to make it our own so all you have to do is click on this customize tab right here and the wordpress editor is going to open and so the difference between this wordpress editor and editing the page like this is like page specific details and this is like kind of affects the site broadly so for example like i want to change this button color there's no way to do it here what you have to do is jump into the page then click on the button over there and then you can adjust the button color over here underneath the style block so this again this affects the site broadly alright so anyways we have general options so general this affects the broad website so we can change the layout buttons breadcrumbs etc so if we go over here to layout again you can adjust the layout as you want so like maximum site width personally it looks good out of the box so i wouldn't really change anything there breadcrumbs over there so we can change the way the breadcrumbs look on the blog post and on the product pages by default i think it looks really nice so if you want to change something like the homepage text you can change that over there current post page current taxonomy title again i would just leave all these selected they're all again right out of the box looks good and so that's really it underneath the general customization so what we care about is the header and so this is where you can swap out the logo so right here is the logo all i do is click it and then right here you can change the logo design to your own design to your own transparent image it's really that simple over here we have the accounts we have the carts and we have the search function and so again just leave it as is you want to delete something just click the x you want to move around just drag and drop into place and then things switch around it's very nice very easy and so right here we have menu one so if we click on that so right here we can kind of change the top level design of the menu so again how how everything looks so right now we have type two selected so for example like when people mouse over it has like a little bit of a line underneath if you don't like that if you want to be a block or this again you can change that however you want and that's really all you have to kind of worry about at the top there now if you're wondering like hey where is this being populated from the menu so you have to work i would navigate back to your dashboard and then what you want to go go do is go to appearance then we want to go to menus right there and now underneath menus we're going to have main menu and then again we have managed locations so let's just check this so we have main menu as the header menu one so looks good and right here we have home products about blog contact there you go so you can add pages as you want you can go ahead and delete pages as you want so if i wanna if i want to get rid of the home link i can go here and kind of click on remove that i want that products okay there we go so again if you just want to add something specific again just navigate over here to pages it's going to have your most recent so you may have to search for a specific page that you want to add now if you're like well i want to have like a drop down of my products or maybe product categories how do i do that there's multiple ways to do it so what you could do is you can go under category you can like view all for example then add your categories under there but you're going to notice that oh no this is only like the categories for the blog so that's not really what you want now woocommerce endpoints not really that helpful nothing you really you'd have to add for this right here now if you want to add in like products that are specific from uh like woocommerce in your website you're gonna have to navigate up top there to screen options and then you're gonna have to click here to product categories then that enables the product categories to be available right over here then you can have like boom chairs boom tables we'll click on add to menu okay then drag and drop there indent that just a little bit that's like a sub menu there we go and so now you can create a drop down now in general with drop downs people tend to not click the main menu items because the drop down grabs people's attention so you may want to come in here and again edit this link so pro product navigation so you may want to create a new page so not new page but a custom link and then your site so and that means like this will be a menu item but people can't click on it and navigate anywhere so that's all you need to be kind of aware of totally up to you but if you're going to create a drop down typically people kind of ignore the main menu and just focus on the drop down items again totally up to you what you want to do but that's kind of like how you add in a drop down uh for your product categories everything's kind of hidden right here so not a big deal and that's really it okay so that's all you have to do to adjust things up top there okay so let's navigate back to our custom customization all right so we come we're right currently still in headers now if i click on headers we have global header okay this is where we can change the functionality of the header so here you can change the layout of the header just select whatever you like sticky functionality so that means as i'm scrolling down the menu will stick to the top personally sticky headers are great if your users on desktop they're bad if they're on mobile so in general i'm not a big fan of sticky headers so i personally would just turn that off and just have it sit at the top now transparent functionality again that makes the menu transparent so that's helpful if you're going to be using a big image but even without the image still looks nice like a nice white image or white header at the top again you can make your own decision about how you want to design but that's really all you need to know to customize this top section of your website so let's go back back back all right let's go to the footer all right so now let's navigate to the bottom alright so right here is the footer layout so we have a top row middle row then button row so we have different buttons added in so you can just easily adjust things as you want so if we click on this middle row we have two widget areas so you're like what's a widget so okay let's back out of this so if i go here to appearance then we go to widgets let's open up this i'll leave that alone all right so the main cyber will minimize that here we go so we put it footer widget area one two three four that's being populated because the template has these widget areas added in so you can add in more widgets if you want so for example we can have widget area five for example we want to do that i can add that in right there now we have a new widget arrow x out of that and so again just click on either with these i'll click on the top row then you can change the grid layout so see how it's like one two three four how do you do that it's easy let's click on this custom layout boom if i want to change it around i can select this or this i can change the column so maybe i want four columns there you go or maybe i want three columns there you go or one whatever it's literally that simple and so personally this footer looks awesome we have the contact section right there we have like maybe your about your sites uh you know company information whatever then your email newsletter over there personally i kind of get rid of that and but that's not that helpful if you want but again you can again it's your website do whatever you want so we have this widget area four that's being populated by this so again if we open up that we have to email newsletter text open up this then again you can just adjust this text form right here so that's how you kind of adjust everything in your footer over here so we take a look at this useful links literally just bullet points and hyperlinks so if you want to add something new or just a link for example like when we create a privacy policy in terms and condition for example click on that and then we can set this to link to a specific okay so let's navigate back to the footer so we click on again click on footers now we have this footer section right there now we click on footers we have global footer click on that and the footer background right here is where it says the color and so here you can adjust the color of your footer to something else as you want and it's really that simple so let's back out of that okay and so that's really all you have to do to just edit and adjust each of these elements in the footer really simple so just make sure you have your copyright and then that is it editing your shop page so what i need you to do is click on products and open up your product page so now you can edit and adjust this specific page now right out of the box it does look really nice so what we can change a few things around now the first thing i want to do is change this url we have shop dash 2. so wordpress does that if you end up having two pages that are named the same exact thing so let me go here and let's jump into our pages okay so let's find pages and then let's go ahead and find the shop page so it's come down there so we have two pages that say shop so i'm gonna go ahead and delete this page because that one's not being used for anything so now we have the shop page right there alright so let's go ahead and click on this and open it up there we go so now we can come in here and change the url structure and now we just want to be our shop now also let's come down there make sure to add a better page title to to describe your page you don't just like shop my website maybe like whatever type like for example if you have a camera store like uh action like action camera and accessories i can't spell store whatever or shop whatever like that and then page separator then the name of your website something like that would make a lot more sense so just leave this as action camera shop there we go then we'll say action vloggers there we go okay so let's go ahead and click on update and that is it okay so let me back out of this let's go ahead and open up the shop page again and there we go so now the url is clean we update the title looks good all right so now we can go here and click on customize and you get a couple different options so again we'll x out of that okay so let's find the there we go so we have post types let's come down there woocommerce general product archives okay this is our product archive so you have your different options about how many columns you want to have or if you want to have the page title apparent or hidden so personally i would definitely have the page title and so you could just again just jump in the back end shop if you want to change that to something else instead of saying shop if you want to add in a little bit of context for the shop like welcome to the store we sell the best products on this thing and that thing and this thing and that thing totally up to you if you want to add that in okay so the options you have here or you have sort the shop right over there shop result counts sidebar turned off again a sidebar is not that functional anymore like sidebar is really like a dying design aspect because 50 people view all websites on their phone so sidebars aren't that helpful anymore but if you really want to add in a sidebar click on this and then you get a sidebar then obviously this is all crammed together so you're gonna have to like reduce that so we have rows and columns i'll change that to three that looks a little bit better maybe two actually three looks good and so right here you can kind of change how this is laid out so for example if i'm on a phone and then right here i want the sidebar to be off when people are on their mobile device you can do that and so for example if i click on here desktop boom okay see it doesn't work so that's what something that could be a little bit improved about bloxy but be nice to have that little bit of customization but anyways let's turn on the sidebar and i'll show you how to add in different items very simple so this is just a widgetized area just like the footer and so if we come over here and then we navigate back let me leave this okay so let me go ahead and actually let me publish this page with the sidebar there we go okay so now that we're going to add in a sidebar with different types of options to help people sort we don't really need a shop sort right there so we can turn this item off because that's not really that functional anymore so now we know not now we want to navigate i can't talk to widgets there we go all right so now let's minimize that so woocommerce sidebar boom open up we have no widgets there so we want to add in say like a product filter we can go ahead and do that then active filters we'll just leave it there you have a bunch of different items that have been added uh by woocommerce we have filtered products by price filter products by attribute filter products by rating filter products by like product categories so like i can take that and we can drag and drop this up move it uh there we go ah there we go okay all right so show hierarchy all right so are we like like that okay so we'll move this up top there okay so let's take a quick look so i published this we'll x out of this i'll show you how it's been updated okay so now we have the product categories we have a little bit of a sidebar right there so we have active product filters you know everything's kind of set up so that's kind of how you can easily adjust things as you want with the sidebar over here so filter products by prey so we can take this one let me move that up top there leave that there okay let's reload the page and there we go so we have filter by price so if you just want to add in a sidebar to add in different items that's kind of how it works personally like this is helpful if you have a large website with lots of products but i would say like you're under 50 products right out of the box i think i would just leave it alone the sidebar is not that functional anyways um you know it's it's helpful if you have a again like a large website lots of products then you gotta give people a way to navigate to say a little bit more easily but again your shop up to you if you really want to add in a sidebar that's how it works and so that is it for how to customize the shop page editing your cart checkout and my account pages so now with this template we now have two pages of everything so we have two cart pages two checkout pages to my account pages honestly we can go ahead and delete the one that's not in use so let's come up here the cart page go ahead and click on trash there we go same with the checkout page go ahead and click on trash then do the same thing again for my account go ahead and click on trash and there we go okay so let's go ahead and open up the cart page let's open up the checkout page and let's open up the my account page all right so the first thing that you're going to want to do is to make sure to edit the url so it's something that's a little bit better instead of cart dash 2 so again we'll just make this cart click on update and then again do the same thing for the other pages instead of checkout dash 2 just check out and then finally for the my account and so we can change this to my account or accounts whatever i'll just call this accounts there we go click on update now again what's awesome about this template everything's all already set up so we already have the short short code woocommerce cart for this page woocommerce checkout for this page and woocommerce my account for this page and so again if we just take a quick look at the cart let's open up this in a new tab there we go so this the cart page this looks great so we have to proceed to checkout apply coupon code everything's set up as appropriate we have the cross cell right there uh just looks really nice now if you want to adjust things you can just adjust things with the gutenberg block getter so i want to add something underneath this section right there so i can click on this plus sign and go here to browse all then i can just add in anything i want so if they're app for example like if i don't want this cross sell maybe i can remove this maybe i want to have like related products whatever you can come over here and just add in things as you want so for example reviews by category all products filter by products uh you know whatever so you can just come in here and add in additional blocks as you want otherwise for a cart page this looks really nice and again let's just take a quick look at our checkout page and the checkout page works the same way with the gutenberg block editor we can just click the plus sign add blocks as you want and again the checkout page looks good so we have the billing details then we have phil people fill out the billing details and then we have your order now again we're missing a few things which is how to accept payments which we're going to get to next about how you accept uh paypal credit card etc which i'll show you how that's done then the last is the account page so if you're going to have accounts you don't have to have accounts you can make it so people can buy from your uh e-commerce store without creating account but if you want to have people create an account this is what it looks like on the back end so again we have dashboard orders downloads address looks really good again if you want to adjust the colors very simple so you just have to go to customize and then under the customize that's where you can kind of jump in and adjust the colors for everything so let's go ahead and do that so let me click on customize let's have this load up okay so we can come over here for example typography so here's the typography for the website if we want to update that if we want to change the font style we can do that general options so breadcrumbs now let's go ahead and find where we can adjust the link color okay so let's go ahead and click on colors and then right here so we have links then here we can adjust the color to whatever we want so we want this to be blue again that's how it's done very simple so that's all you really need to do and all you really need to edit for each one of these individual pages as required accepting credit card payments with your woocommerce website so credit card payments used to be a really complicated thing in the past you need a merchant account not anymore we can use stripe as our payment processor for credit cards so let's get started so first off let's navigate back to woocommerce and what we want to do is we want to jump over into our settings right here and then we want to navigate under the payment tab now once you navigate here you're going to notice you don't have that many payment options you have direct bank transfer check cash on delivery and paypal so in order to add in stripe we need to add in a plug in so let's go ahead and navigate down here go to plugins go to add new and i want you to type in straight so s-t-r-i-p-e stripe okay so go ahead and click on install now and go ahead and click on activate once you do that we can navigate back to woocommerce navigate back to settings okay so let's go ahead and click on that payment tab again and there we go so now we have a bunch of payment options a bunch of different stripe options the one we care about is right here credit card stripe credit card and so we're going to want to turn this on there we go and then click on setup all right fantastic so now we're in the dedicated section of the site to you know enable stripe but we need to add in a few different things so once you go ahead and create an account you get everything set up you verify your email your bank account all the stuff that you need to do uh then you can continue with this so i'm going to assume you already do that so get to get that taken care of okay so this is stripe this is a test account i have set up so anyway so first thing i want to do is view test data so what this is going to do is just this is test this is a test account to test the data it's not real and this way you can kind of test out to see if your credit card payment is working by using a fake credit card etc etc etc so very simple so now we want to get started so first off we need to fill out this section down here so the thing that we need here we have test mode enable boom we need a publishable key we need a test secret key then we need a web hook all right so where do we get the publishable key from so go to here to api key okay so here's our publishable key we'll click on that copied okay so publishable key paste that in there we go test secret key all right reveal test secret key all right click to copy all right boom then go here paste that in okay and now we need a test web hook secret okay so what do we do we have to go to web hooks now what this does is this allows us to uh test out whether or not the payment is going to work so right now we need to click on this button over here that says add an endpoint okay so we can kind of ignore all this now the endpoint url you did actually do need to fill that out where do you get that information from right over here so boom highlight this make sure to just highlight only this url right click copy navigate over here endpoint url okay paste that in now send events to send what we want to do is we want charge okay click on that one okay all right so let's come down here actually clear that out select event there we go charge okay there we go add event there we go okay now everything's set up we're good to go okay so once we have that set up we have the signing secret so click that to reveal then we want to again highlight this right-click this then copy that navigate back to our woocommerce sites and then test webhook secret boom paste that in and that is it and so right down here you can kind of just leave that's it that's literally all the information you need to add and now you've set up viewing test data you've have you've added test data now you can test this out to see if it works correctly by using like a fake credit card number just to see if everything uh works and again it's all fake money it doesn't actually like work it just allows you to test it out to see if it's hitting your account as appropriate okay so anyways what are some other options right down here okay so we have the inline credit card form can leave that blank capture charge capture charge immediately yes absolutely because if you don't have that selected then you have to log into stripe every time and then authorize the charge it's a little bit annoying now payment requested buttons this is super annoying i personally don't like this because this is like when you're on the checkout page you're gonna have the end user has all these buttons to click on it's like no it's kind of annoying having the checkout button paypal button apple pay google pay just annoying we'll get rid of that okay so now we have that enabled save enable payments via save credit cards okay and that is it okay so let's continue on okay so the next thing i want you to do is right here where it says statement descriptor so what is that we mouse over there statement descriptors are limited to 22 characters this will appear on your customers statement and capital letters so you know what that is when you buy some on your credit card and you're looking at your credit card statement so this is the business name so business name should go here so what whatever your out if you have an llc that's what you want to put in here then that's it okay and so go ahead and click on save changes and you've successfully enabled credit card payments okay and so right now everything's in a test mode so literally to make this active what i would do is just test this out make sure it works once it works then click off enable test mode okay and so come over here then you want to click off this view test data then you want to follow the same exact process that we just did that's all we have to do okay so again you just need to navigate here to your api keys get your real api keys and then put them over here live publishable keys then your live secret key then the secret web hook you got enable all that do literally the same process before but again just test everything out make sure it works once it works okay and go to live and that is it setting up paypal for your woocommerce website so paypal again is just another way to get paid and it's a very popular option with people who work online and so it's a good idea because for example you have someone like me and i get paid via paypal then i have money in my account so i personally would like to use this money to just pay for goods and services via a website so i like i personally like websites that offer paypal as an option for payment now again i think most people are not getting large sums of money sent to paypal they tend to just pay with credit card for everything but it's still a good option to set up and with woocommerce everything's kind of built in already so super duper simple so you have to navigate to payments then paypal standard then enable it right here okay and then we want to navigate over here to where it says manage and then that's it so make sure enable paypal standard paypal boom and then right here is the paypal email so whatever email you use to sign up with paypal that's going to be your payment email and so whatever you email you use to sign up and create an account here that's all that's all you want to put in here for the paypal email and that's it and then you want to navigate down there and then you want to make sure to click on save changes and that is it setting up automated taxes for your website so again taxes are just a part of doing business you know everyone says like when you do what you love you never work a day in your life well as a self-employed person i can tell you you work one day in your life and that's the day you have to file your taxes now once we jump in here to settings we have a bunch of tabs and it's like well i don't see taxes like how come they don't have this integrated well you gotta go underneath the general tab you gotta navigate down here then you have to enable tax rates and calculations then we go here we click on save changes okay fantastic so right here we can just begin setting up our tax with the tax tab right there and there we go so proceed with tax so now we can set the standard rates reduce rates zero rates so again if you want to go this route and not automate it have fun with that because taxes are really confusing and it's based on origin base and destination based so this article is uh tax jar change charging sales tax rates so it gives a bunch of different examples like what if you're in georgia and you're sending to tennessee this is origin based verse destination base you know how does that work what do you have to do so that's why you kind of want to automate this so in order because again you can kind of come in here and and go through all 50 states and manually input the standard rate reduce tax rate if you want or you can set up automation so anyways navigate to your plugins and then we want to go to plugins and you want to go to add new okay so now we want to look for something called woocommerce tax there we go okay woocommerce shipping and attacks so let's go ahead and install that and let's go ahead and activate it all right so connect to activate woocommerce shipping and tax okay so jetpack is another plugin from the team behind wordpress uh adds a bunch of helpful features to your website so you are going to need a free wordpress account so let's go ahead and install that okay so once you go ahead and activate everything and sign in with jetpack everything should connect and you should be looking at a page that looks similar to this and so now you have a jetpack off in the sidebar there so let's navigate back to woocommerce let's go to settings and then we're going to navigate to the tax tab right here all right great and then right here automated taxes and then enable automated taxes and then go down here and click on save changes and that is it setting up shipping for your woocommerce website so let's get started so we're going to be using the setting tab then going to shipping now right here you can set up a geographic zone so let's go ahead and add in a shipping zone there we go so now we can name the zone and then the zone region so obviously you'd want to kind of have the name and the region kind of match the name so maybe like you know for example if i want to have this be like north america and then i want to have canada united states maybe mexico add it in i can do that or maybe i just want this to be the united states so i'll do that united states because i'm american okay so then the zone region so put in united states right here okay and so now i can just create a shipping method so this is zone zone region what's the shipping method for the united states i can add in a shipping method we'll say a flat rate okay and then we'll go here to add shipping and there we go so now we have enabled a flat rate and now we can edit the flat rate okay so the method over here is a flat rate and then the status is taxable or not taxable this depends on where some some states tax some states don't tax so this really depends on what state you're sending to in general most states don't charge for shipping now the cost will just say eight dollars for shipping as a flat rate will save changes and there we go okay so now we can continue on and we can keep adding in different methods so let's go ahead i'll click on the shipping tab again okay so now we have one zone name let's add in a shipping zone so let's say i want to add in we'll say uh let's say we'll say free shipping we'll say free shipping okay then we'll say the zone region is united or we'll see connecticut there we go there we go connecticut united states that's where i'm from everyone so so connecticut united states all right let's go ahead and add in a shipping method let's say they get free shipping because people in connecticut pay tons of taxes all right so let's say free shipping okay now with the free shipping now you can edit this even further over here so we can go here edit then free shipping requires what so we can have a valid coupon code a minimum order amount minimum order amount or coupon minimum order and a coupon code so personally if you're gonna do free shipping i would just keep it simple and just make it so like when someone orders like a minimum amount so let's just say 75 so anyone who has to order 75 from connecticut then they get free shipping okay then you could do that on your website where you can add that to like the very very top of your website you could use a plugin to add in like a little hello bar at the top and say orders over 75 free shipping or whatever like you know borders in the united states over this amount free shipping and that's really it okay and so there we go so now we have free shipping for the for uh the for connecticut and let's go back to the shipping tab and there we go so now we have united states we have free shipping for this and we're good to go next you want to navigate over to shipping options and are this you have specific preferences for calculations shipping destination the debug mode again all this stuff is personal preferences so there's not really much to demonstrate there okay so if we come over here to woocommerce shipping all right so shipping labels so this is where you can get that information for your own store when you're actually printing stuff out so print shipping labels yourself and save a trip to the post office yep we have the activated paper size a letter add a credit card email receipts and then we can edit and adjust your packaging again it depends on what you're shipping so i don't know what you're shipping so again you're gonna have to do this kind of yourself depending on the size and weight of these specific products now let's go over here to shipping classes and then shipping classes let's go ahead and add a shipping class so we'll say uh we'll give this a specific name let's say like uh just say premium okay we'll say save shipping class okay so now we have the shipping class all set all right so let's go here to we'll say shipping zones so what we're basically doing is like setting up some type of like added like say we're sending something that's really valuable that we got to ship in a specific certain way that's kind of like how you'd want to use a shipping class so you want to jump into like woocommerce you want to go to uh your products for example and you want to find like a product that's what needs whatever specific type of let me go here to products any any product that needs like specific type of shipping that's like unique and special maybe it's a little bit more expensive to ship whatever that's what you that's sort of what you want to do so let's come here we'll click on uh we'll click on the coffee table okay so the coffee table is big and it's heavy so let's go set that up all right so we'll come down here shipping there we go click on the tab right there all right shipping class no shipping classes ah look we got premium set up okay so there we go so now we can add one product in to the premium shipping class again you call it whatever you want just it's for your own back-end uh information so now let's navigate to woocommerce let's go to settings all right and then let's go to shipping again and there we go so for example we can add in a shipping zone we'll just say like in the united the zone is united states okay and then the regions is united states there we go okay add a shipping method flat rate and then we go here boom all right so then we navigate over here click on edits okay now we can change this over here for premium right there so now that we have this set up so premium shipping class cost so this is in addition to the flat rates and so put in whatever you want now you do have a couple handy-dandy little options where you have advanced costs that you can play around with this does get a bit confusing but you can put in different cost fields so for example we have the 10 plus 2 times the quantity so woocommerce back in the day was very heavy on short codes so they're kind of moving away from that so i'm sure they'll probably update this over time to something a little bit more intuitive but again like this sample right here if we take this that means there'll be a base shipping cost of ten dollars uh two dollars for each item in the cart for example so you would like take that then premium shipping class you could paste the short code in there and everything will be taken care of on the back end or no shipping costs over here no shipping class costs right there so what that means like uh use quantity for number of items cost for the total items and fee or percent you can set that up right there then calculation type so we can change this per class or per order so i'd leave this as per class i hope this makes sense so again this just allows you to adjust the type of cost depending on the specific item so for example for your whole if you're on your whole ecommerce store you're sending out hats and you're like okay the cost of shipping a hat is this but then like we have this one product that's like big and heavy and it's more complicated to ship that's why you'd want to set up a specific shipping class cost just to help automate everything on the back and for you so you don't drive yourself crazy like maybe you know paying four dollars to ship like a coffee table it's like oh no it costs so much more than that to actually ship so you build the price in as required for shipping products okay and that is it and so one helpful little pro uh plug-in you could also consider getting is the table rate shipping so again this is more of a premium plug-in but it provides that real advanced level back-end shipping options that you're going to need if you have a more complicated store where you're sending a variety of products they're all different weights and sizes and just it's more complicated if you have a complicated store like that then you may want to consider getting this specific plugin over here but otherwise that is it for setting up shipping on your website creating coupon codes so coupon codes are fantastic like you can give a 10 coupon code if someone signs up to your email list you can create coupon codes based on like a specific holiday whatever so coupons are found underneath the marketing tab right there then go ahead and click on coupons now click here to create your first coupon and it's pretty self-explanatory so let's navigate to this specific page over here now up top there the coupon code is whatever you want to put in so if i want to say wcp 10 like so 10 off whatever now we can change the type of coupon code over here so we have fixed cart discount percentage or fixed product discount so for example percentage discount we put there that means people get 10 off whatever they're purchasing if a fixed cart discount means like all right this coupon code gives everyone a you know 10 discount code no matter what they buy or however much they add over here you can set it to allow free shipping if you want to create a coupon code for free shipping so maybe you just want to create like a you know specific coupon code and just for free shipping coupon code you can set up there just leave it at zero click on this then this coupon code that you set up would be for free shipping and then at last you can set an expiry date it's really that simple all right so usage restrictions so here obviously you can just set up restrictions unlike what people have to do how much they have to spend et cetera then usage limits you can limit how many coupons this could be used on your store so maybe you're giving out a specific like 500 coupon codes only whatever you can limit the usage on this page and it's really that simple so once people have the coupon code and on the checkout page then they just pop in the coupon code that you have set up there and then it you know it performs in whatever way you have it set up on the backend anyways that's how you set up coupon codes for your website customizing your emails within woocommerce so like all online stores your customers are going to expect to receive some type of receipt when they make a purchase from your store like hey here's your order number things for your purchase that type of deal so if you navigate over to settings woocommerce has this email tab and they have a bunch of different emails for different things like refunds complete order processing order on hold etc and each one of these you can jump into and manage and edit as you like now what's also helpful to know is to come down here then down here email sender options email template and so you can customize the section with the email template over here to preview what your template will look like and so you can click on this and this is what the email template looks like now i've gone ahead and adjusted and changed things over here and so you know you don't have to send yourself a dummy email you can if you want i'll show you how to do that quickly but you can just click here to preview this is what your email template is going to look like okay and so you just come over here you come to the one that you want to say manage and that is it so let's wait this opens there we go and so now we have customer invoice details subject email heading subject page email heading page etc and you can just edit and adjust each one individually all right so how do you send yourself a dummy email well you got to come over here to woocommerce go to orders once you're in orders you want to navigate to where it says billing okay you just want to create a new order so like you want to literally go to add order and there you go click on billing right there and then come down here fill out the email address you want to send it to then go ahead and click on create and then send in invoice order details to customer just click on create and it'll get sent automatically and so then it'll be sent to your inbox and so i'm using the it says me over here it says our store but again it says me right there because i've sent myself with the same email but if you're using a different email obviously it'll come up whatever you put over here let's navigate ah let's click this there we go okay so again that's why you want to adjust this so make sure it's something like the name of your store so when people open their email it's not going to say like wordpress or something weird like that you want to say your source will people open it and trust er can trust it then this is what the template looks like very basic not too fancy now there's are plenty of plugins you can install for wordpress that enhance the emails that allowed you to have drag and drop ability to customize personally i mean people don't i personally don't think people care that much i mean just edit the email so it looks nice straight into the point but again totally up to you but that's how you edit the emails within woocommerce and finally your privacy policy terms of use shipping policy about page contact page you got to take care of all these random pages that are really essential for an ecommerce website so right down here we have a privacy policy and terms and conditions so there is a generator i like if you want to do this you can generate a privacy policy using this website but over time you definitely are going to want to sit down with a lawyer you know someone to walk you through you need to worry about that when you actually start making money from your ecommerce store because again you're you're going to be collecting personal information like emails you definitely need to disclose how you're specifically handling that uh those emails etc now shipping page two you're going to want to add in a shipping page at the bottom of your website because you just have to have that laid out people need to know what to expect and so actually shopify they have a blog and they have a great way to set up a shipping policy page and they have a bunch of different templates you can find this at shipping policy under shopify so we come down here and they have a bunch of different templates you can kind of just take this and just jump in and copy and paste and edit and adjust as need be now where do those pages go they go right here in the footer okay so right down here there should be a page where it says you know right here we have account word products my account wishlist this is nice but it definitely would get rid of a lot of this stuff maybe i would change this from account i would make this like company or store it should be like privacy policy terms of use shipping about contact like all those essential pages it's like right over here see we got privacy policy terms and conditions so those are really important pages to add now in terms the about page and the contact page just briefly your about page is not about you it's about the website and what you're like tell the unique story about your ecommerce website that's what people want like anyone can start some generic store so like what makes your store unique and different the about page is a great place to kind of tell a story a little bit about why the site was started what makes you unique and different then also make sure on the about page to have some type of call to action so for example like the template this template is great because it does come exactly with this so our story right there we have the link to the contact page you could update this for a specific product in general what i would do is incorporate videos pictures tell a story then have a final call to action on this page on the about page for people to either subscribe to an email list or navigate them to a specific product or just give them something now over here we have the contact page and so right here we have a nice form set up so okay so let's come over here let's go to our appearance and let's go to plugins okay so if we navigate this we have wp forms already installed with this template so we got this as part of installing the plugin so where can we edit this so let's go to wp forms all right so right here we have the simple contact form already installed already set up so let's open this up all right so this form is already active on our website so we just can go over here to the settings and over here is where you can kind of adjust things so we have the notifications so send to email address so that's really important because if you want to send it to a specific email address you can set it up here and if you're okay with it being sent to the admin email that you use to create your website that's fine too but otherwise you don't really need to adjust that much because this form is working as appropriate so everything's good to go over here maybe one thing you'd want to maybe consider doing is adding in some type of like protection for the form so for example if we navigate to the contact page on my website website boom we got the h captcha set up so all you have to do is type in h captcha there we go now you can just sign up to this and then follow the on-screen process in order to set up age captcha basically you just have to connect the form to h-captcha once you do that this little button will appear right here and will print it will prevent spam emails from hitting your inbox via your form on your page and then one tiny little thing let's just update this favicon so if you see it has a little w right there but the shopify logo and you know my own little uh favicon right there how do you adjust that so again make sure to go to customize oh right and then we want to navigate over to where uh come down here for site identity where is that there we go site identity click on that and then right here you can select an icon uh the icon should be like 512 by 512 pixels not that big of a deal it's just going to be this little logo and that's how you change and swap out this uh logo the fab account for the w for something a little bit more unique and custom to your brand anyways that is it for this tutorial alright everyone that's it for this tutorial video on how to create an ecommerce website with wordpress woocommerce the bloxy theme and a siteground if you enjoyed the video consider subscribing hit that like button my name is david from thank you very much for watching and have a great day bye you
Channel: David Utke
Views: 7,151
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: woocommerce tutorial, blocksy theme, online store siteground, wordpress store, ecommerce tutorial
Id: 3hpDPjx9kQw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 143min 31sec (8611 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 20 2021
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.