A Shot to Another World

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I was peacefully dozing off on a plane to China when suddenly someone yanked my hair and chomped on my ear like it was a snack I whipped around to find a naughty looking boy ow seriously keep your teeth to yourself kid he then burst into tears and his mom turned to me I wish I understood Chinese but her dramatic glare made it clear I was the villain here I tried to dive back into Dreamland but the woman next to me had other plans she woke up and started chewing her gum like a goat who hadn't eaten for 300 years it was so loud that people from 30,000 ft below could hear it uh excuse me could you tone that down please tone down the what oh great her voice was even more annoying I Shrugged it off and reached for my trusty earphones instead but before I could enjoy some music the guy on my right suddenly smacked my shoulder what is wrong with this flight everyone was driving nuts left right front and back the culprit was so engrossed in some stupid Adventure game on his phone hey quick question do I look like a punching bag to you a little bit you can't play your stupid game without attacking a real person you know chill girl it's called reflexes maybe if you had better ones you wouldn't get hit the audacity of this guy I couldn't help but think why do these online Gamers waste their time in a virt ual world when there's a beautiful one right outside the window real life is a thousand times better or so I thought hi my name is Ay and I'm an aspiring photographer who loves traveling around the globe and capturing the most beautiful scenes and moments I had always enjoyed doing it alone but things took a wild turn when a weird and mysterious guy started tagging along and changed my life forever before I continue please like And subscribe after dealing with all those annoying passengers I eventually fell asleep after listening to music while letting my imagination run wild soon enough the plane finally landed and I headed straight to my beautiful hotel I took a short beauty sleep while waiting for night time to roll around and when it finally came I excitedly jumped out of my bed took my camera and immediately rushed outside stunning views Beautiful People inviting lights glowing lanterns and the sweet traditional Vibes of China ah this is the dream walking along the streets I stumbled upon a guy sleeping on a bench judging from all the stuff around him he must be homeless poor thing I found myself clicking pictures of him my camera perfectly capturing his struggles and hardship from every detail of his form just then a Green Owl suddenly appeared from behind the bench perched on the sleeping guy as if he owned him and scowled at me relax little buddy he's all yours to my surprise the guy woke up and scowled at me too to H who are you and what are you doing here his eyes then lowered to my camera were you taking pictures of me while I was sleeping duh I was taking pictures of the street but you were blocking my view it's not my fault you were sleeping there that's a terrible excuse for disrespecting my private space the private space that's rich coming from you who is sleeping on public property delete my pictures or I'm going to delete it myself don't you dare touch my camera do you have any idea what it takes to capture a Beau F moment or view the countless hours the right timing the Quest for the perfect angle I pour my heart and soul into every shot those aren't just pictures it's a piece of me a piece of my struggle my passion my life so please don't take that away from me I need I trailed off when I realized that he was now holding my camera and swiping through the shots but but how so you're not only homeless you're also a snap give it back you jerk I lunged at him to retrieve my camera but he suddenly vanished I spun around and he was still swiping this guy I swear to God in all fairness you have quite a remarkable talent for capturing beautiful images what do you think of me now just some lousy tryhard photographer I snatched the camera back and this time he didn't resist he practically handed it over I immediately checked my gallery and realized he hadn't deleted anything relax I usually don't medle with other other people's business unlike you I tried glaring at him I felt like I ended up pouting which made him smirk oh well at least I finally bumped into someone who speaks English I'm so tired of racking my brains and using weird hand gestures to understand what the locals are saying he ignored me and started picking up his things as if preparing to leave so where are you from not from around here I see where are you going I don't know maybe under the bridge at the back of the junkyard just anywhere with a roof where I can recharge my energy so I can continue my pursuit of answers to my questions just then a sudden Rumble of Thunder echoed through the streets I think you should speed your Pursuit up because the rain is about to pour buddy I don't mind the rain it helps me think better but your owl doesn't he stopped in his tracks when he realized that I was right you know what why don't you just come with me to my hotel I'll get you a room it's just nearby I appreciate your hospitality but I don't need your pity oh oh look Mr Grumpy bench guy is being such a drama queen fine but the moment the rain stops we're out another Thunder rumbled as we started walking away when we reached my hotel the receptionist immediately greeted me with a question as I scrambled from my translation book ham suddenly swed in sha Ching did you just speak Chinese I speak multiple languages I have a constant hunger for Endless knowledge so you're a polyglot so cool that's literally my dream but learning another language is so difficult for me what's your secret oh I use this Splendid application on my phone du lingo oh I have heard about it but I never tried it it has a fun and engaging approach to learning a language it's like casually playing a game which is a pretty good motivation for the learning process okay that sold me I immediately downloaded the app and was graded by a cute Green Owl named Duo who looked very familiar turned to his pet who was sitting on his shoulder wo Duo looks exactly like your owl they have the same name too just a little warning Duo's nice and helpful but he can be a little persistent sometimes but it's also for your own good well he seems to be a cute little guide I went straight to my first lesson and I was already liking it sh means water sh gosh I am so thirsty I need some sh way okay got it okay so this is my room and yours will be that one I was talking to him but he seemed preoccupied with something over my shoulder I turned around and realized that he was looking at my collection of postcards on the wall to my surprise he suddenly barged inside where did you get these photographs those are the places that I captured with my precious camera and these right here are my gold destinations they're beautiful aren't they he looked so ecstatic as he gaed at one of the pictures like it was the most most delicious meal he had ever seen where is this place that's my next destination the tianzi mountain it's one of the reasons why I visited this country take me with you consider yourself lucky my friend because I'm going there tomorrow I always prefer to traveling alone but maybe it was time for me to try it with a trouble buddy this time at least for a day and just for fun the next day we traveled to the mountains and when we got there haan's calm demeanor instantly changed to ecstatic this don't Forest an image of a familiar Place seemed to have flashed right before his eyes the stone what now he ignored me and started navigating the place running arounds like he owned it dude wait up we rode a cable car crossed a river and jumped from one stone to another and after an hour I felt like collapsing slow down Spider-Man I'm not a marathon runner with endless stamina you know jeez when I finally caught up I found him standing in front of a mysterious ancient looking monument he fiddled with a rock against it but nothing happened and he looked super frustrated um hello I would really appreciate it if you would tell me what's going on what is that thing and what are you trying to do with it this is a totem and I need an electro element to activate it what do you mean Electro element Electro element something anything that produces lightning Oh you mean electricity uhhuh lucky for you I've got something here what is that you don't know what a taser is it's my go-to for self-defense zaps people with Electro electricity or whatever you call it interesting he immediately took it from me and tried it on the totem after a few Sparks it suddenly got triggered and a glowing symbol appeared on top of it holy cheeky bananas is that a hologram or something he found two more totems and after doing the same thing to each of them a strong streak of Light Came From Above forming a pillar What in in the world is happening is this some kind of secret experiment from the government and What's your deal with all of this I've been traveling from place to place looking for these runes since I'm not from around here I don't know where to go I need to activate these beacons in six places scattered around the world with your knowledge and resources things are going to get easier for me now but for what why are you doing all of this out of this world stuff we need to go dude you didn't answer my question sometimes the journey to find answers is more important than the answers themselves whatever you say PL after activating the first beacon we embarked on a thrilling and action-packed adventure of a lifetime after chany Mountain we rushed straight to hang long river which haam kept calling luua P Liu there we had to light up some fire totems there were five of them but according to him only three needed to be activated of course those three we needed were surrounded by water great right haam was all business using his fancy tricks to get those waterlog totems blazing well I just snapped pictures of these outrageous moments our next stop was the breathtaking matter horn in Switzerland AKA Dragon spine according to my travel buddy where we faced a puzzle with circular platforms and wall signs the place was so cold that I had to huddle by fire torches just to keep myself from turning into a popsicle I let Mr mysterious smarty pant solve the puzzle by himself while I continued my du lingo sessions you know I can't miss those streaks with each Beacon we activated I felt a mixture of excitement and curiosity what was this leading to and why did it feel like the world had turned into one big adventurous playground during our flight to our next destination I found myself fully immersed in my new favorite app zow tent TOA elira you could take a break sometimes you know I need to learn the basics at least for now and I like how Duo keeps reminding me with his cute little Expressions when we finally reached Vietnam I decided to try out what I learned by asking the locals about the directions the woman stared at me as if she was solving the most difficult math [Music] puzzle for the CH okay I guess it was too early for me to attempt a conversation after learning the direction hayam continued walking towards the bay H why is this guy so good at everything you still have a long way to go Al I literally just started just wait and see I'll be leading the leaderboard with an unbeatable streak in no time I commend your determination keep it up soon enough we were greeted by the beautiful emerald Waters and towering Limestone islands of Long Bay or as haam called it the golden apple archipelago while I was snapping pictures left and right hayam got to work immediately he solved a music rock puzzle thing and after activating the place we toured around the city and enjoyed their local food I even tried conversing with the locals with the help of my brilliant travel buddy it got me even more determined to learn more so during our flight to Scotland I got really busy with leveling up and earning rewards I never knew that learning could be this fun ah learning could also be done in silence sorry and soon we finally reached our next destination the Isle of sky in Scotland or as haam called it the star snatch Cliff monat after walking around we came across a green fanlike object I watched an amazement as he applied some wind pressure to activate it unleashing a powerful upward current wo That's So Dope so what's next time to fly after taking a large cloth from his bag and holding on to it he wrapped his armor around me and we gracefully floated in the magical Breeze I never thought I would experience flying like this not even in my wildest dreams if this is a dream I hope I can keep enjoying it and not wake up too soon our imaginations know no bounds ala they possess the extraordinary ability to muck infinite possibilities we then found two more fans along the way before we finally activated the totem at the top of the cliff and summoned the pillar I stood there for a while and looked ahead at the seemingly endless Horizon thinking about how haam sees this beautiful world in his own Vision finally we were down to the last one desra desert sumaru or as we call it the Great Pyramids of Egypt my favorite Haan looked so nervous and excited while I was taking some pictures of the Legendary structures after hours of touring around I followed him as we headed to the group of old weathered columns so how do we solve this one H we need to hit the larger columns until you match them with a COR bonding symbol on the smaller columns beside them match all three big ones to the smaller ones to summon the last pillar I I captain I grabbed a tree branch lying nearby and used it to help him hit the columns until we finally summoned the last pillar all the pillars scattered across the world that we activated should be glowing out too I dropped my jaw in amazement when their Fusion created a swirling blowing Vortex or something is that a freaking portal yes it's a portal back to my room world to your world so there's indeed another world out there before he could answer me the Earth beneath us mildly Shook and a horrifying creature suddenly appeared right in front of us holy crunchy potatoes is that a Transformer did hate them summon that machine from their world what if he was actually a bad guy who was set to ruin our world oh my gosh what have I done I wasn't ready to say goodbye to our beautiful Earth just yet I have yet to discover the other wonders of my paranoid voice trailed off when I realized that haam was gone just then I felt a strong glowing presence behind me I slowly turned around and saw him and Duo transforming into something with dust particles and glowing green projections dancing around them everything then cleared away revealing a strikingly handsome video game character and his adorable Sidekick haam is that you this is my True Form Aira and my real name is all hao a scholar from suu and our Academia scribe that machine in front of you is a primal construct only found around the desert area of suu this machine enemy is often found guarding the temples and ruins and I need to defeat it so it's like the final boss in the game and you're the brave hero I suddenly felt bad for suspecting him as a bad guy as the Primal construct started charging toward them three ethereal green mirrors popped in and hovered around ha radiating a brilliant Emerald light that almost blinded me he then started fighting the monster moving with Grace and precision consistently blending freestyle moves and rotational attacks with his sword and abilities watching them fight was mesmerizing as if I had been transported into an epic video game he Unleashed a barrage of reflective attacks Boomerang slicing through the air slashes carving through steel each hit dealt a lot of serious physical damage soon enough the terrifying machine was finally defeated dude you were so cool how did you do that I don't need to fight I only need to think everything else is connected all I have to do is find the weakest link deal with the causal factors and everything else tends to resolve itself okay okay enough with your deep philosophical words dude and maybe start explaining everything to me properly you know I've been following you around like a dumb little kitten and catching up with your stamina as a gratitude for helping me you deserve to know the truth my friend cave and I were trying to open a domain but something went wrong it started malfunctioning the rule is to hit these columns using a physical attack and never use any Elemental attack cave didn't know this so he used his Elemental skill because he thought it was more efficient it made a different reaction to the process and instead of opening a domain it opened the portal that connected to the human world and before I knew it it started sucking my friend I tried to save him but I was the one who got pulled inside instead I got teleported here which was a very different place and I have been finding my way back for quite a long time thanks to my friend Duo here who also got accidentally teleported for some reason he's been my companion since the day I got here and he's the one who has been helping me learn the different languages of humans now that makes sense and no sense at the same time I swear I'm stuck in a fantasy Adventure novel anyway I'm glad that you finally made it I appreciate all your help in this journey of mine alira as much as I wanted to discover more about your interesting world I need to return tavat needs me oh well traveling won't be the same anymore without you I'm going to miss you a little bit I guess just play genin impact and I'm sure you will enjoy the magical Beauty of our world tavat we have Seven Nations brimming with natural wonders that you would love to capture you'll meet a diverse set of people with unique personalities and abilities like me and together we will fight exciting enemies we'll share every Adventure in this enchanting realm I felt a lump in my throat as he extended his hand but knowing that I would be seeing him again I shook it with a smile see you around Nira I watched them as they entered the portal returning to their world come here boy Bam Bam eat that monkey butt all right heam time for some snacks ever since I started appreciating video games I became the annoying passenger this time these games opened my eyes to the existence of extraordinary places that remain hidden from our physical world places that only exist in our minds yet they possess the power to transport us on thrilling Adventures they hold captivating magic and Beauty offering a gateway to fictional world now I embrace the opportunity to immerse myself in both realities and because of it I have never felt alone again I was so into the game that I jerked when an incoming announcement sound chimed in ladies and gentlemen this is your captain speaking we will begin our final descent to Paris shortly and now it's time to explore the famous beauty of Paris but bonjour come t wait is it Al Al Vu bonjour come T Vu you're never here when my Tears Dry you're never around to see me Thrive when it's my birthday my day off you got all the plans and can't show
Channel: MSA previously My Story Animated
Views: 1,294,743
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 56sec (1256 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 12 2024
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