The Complete Halo Saga In 22 Minutes

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halo has a rich and expansive storyline that's only getting longer and we've arbitrarily decided to cram it all into five minutes so we'd better get started five minutes oh god all right here we go a hundred thousand years ago humanity spanned the milky way galaxy but there was a problem an insidious parasitic life form known as the flood spread to so many species so rapidly it was looking like they'd soon be the only players on the board while retreating from the flood humanity encountered a planet occupied by forerunners a species led by a dude called the died act and his wife the librarian the didact knows humanity and he's not a fan in fact he finds him unworthy to receive the mantle of responsibility which is a traditional role in the galaxy where advanced species look out for lesser ones the dyed act and forerunners stole the mantle from an even older alien race called the precursors by wiping them out hypocrites much anyway there's a big war between the forerunners and humans who are both also being assaulted by the flood and the humans lose the forerunners d evolve them and revert them back to caveman times as punishment seeding an obscure planet called earth with the human survivors of the war but they still have the flood to deal with the didact's plan are these fake planets called shield worlds and an army of warriors called prometheans made of the consciousnesses of forerunner warriors implanted into synthetic bodies by a device called a composer he gets outvoted though and the forerunners instead build an array of super weapons floating in space designed to wipe out all life in the galaxy at any time if need be in order to stem the tide of the flood these weapons are giant terraformed rings in space called halos collectively known as the halo array the didact goes rogue when he's ordered to dismantle the shield world steals the composer and heads to earth intending to compose all the remaining humans to swell the ranks of his robot army incidentally being a robot makes you immune to the flood's parasitism so he kind of has a point on that front the forerunners foil the plan with the help of the librarian who sells out her husband believing archival of every species in the galaxy is the way to go instead read the flood the died act is imprisoned on one of his own shield worlds called requiem along with his loyal prometheans not sure why you'd bury hitler with an army of loyal nazi soldiers right next to him should he ever awaken but okay meanwhile the flood continues to evolve and grow more intelligent and the forerunners build an ai named mendican bias to help strategize against them mb immediately decides to test the halo array by wiping out all life on one random planet alderaan style which doesn't bode well indeed a flood gravemind which are the things that represent the combined consciousnesses of millions of flood reaches out telepathically or technopathically to mendicant and convinces it to turn evil that means the forerunners are up against the flood and their own ai war machine which renders the war essentially hopeless as a last-ditch effort the forerunners build installation 0-0 aka the lesser arc which both stores the dna of a bunch of species and pumps out new halos it sits just outside the galaxy so that even if the halo array is fired and the flood finally ended the life stored there will survive you know like noah's ark although how forerunners named their thing after something from our bible long before the bible was ever written i don't know but okay the art constructs seven halos dubbed the final array the four runners trigger it etc sketching the galaxy clean of life then teleport clones of each species back to suitable planets to begin again humanities portal opens on africa and halo's history finally starts to match up with the actual history of humans on earth this is us this is the line of humans we come from okay so 2500 years later humanity has once again become a space-faring species not knowing that this is like the second or third time they've done that well the forerunner civilization lies forgotten and in almost complete ruin humanity thinking itself alone in the galaxy has its own problems colonies on the outer edges of human space feel oppressed by the older core worlds and a civil war is well underway dr catherine halsey of the unsc forms the spartan 2 project a military operation that kidnapped a bunch of kids replaced them with clones irl so their parents wouldn't miss them then subjected them to brutal experiments to turn them into hulking super soldiers originally intended to crush the rebels slash fight terrorism depending on how you view things the spartans later became much more important once we made first contact and this time first contact would be with a race comprised of many races all bundled together into a galactic army with nefarious goals and plenty of weaponry this union of evil aliens calls itself the covenant and it's the covenant invasion of a world called harvest that sets all the events of the halo series in motion that's right we just got to the content of one of the halo games specifically halo wars 1. this was all prologue and i said it as fast as i could and we're four minutes in this is so [ __ ] okay pushing forward halo wars so covenant ships come and use plasma cannons to kill everything on harvest and melt the soil into glass it sucks it turns out they targeted that particular planet because they lust for powerful forerunner technology and artifacts and a particularly juicy one lies buried on harvest it's a map leading to the locations of dozens of other also powerful forerunner artifacts the covenant starts sweeping through the galaxy seeking these wiping out any humans who happen to be on planets that they want to dig up one human ship the spirit of fire under the command of captain james cutter follows the covenant fleet to a world called acadia while investigating forerunner architecture there professor ellen anders is kidnapped by the covenant and forced to activate a forerunner dreadnought that's because forerunner tech which they swipe from the precursors is designed so the humans can activate it but covenant can't since humans were the ones the precursors had intended to take over the mantle of responsibility that's why you'll often hear humans referred to as reclaimers in the series they're the ones who are supposed to reclaim the mantle the spirit of fire shows up anders escapes and there's a showdown on a shield world the humans discover flood infesting the world so they detonate their own slip space drive to destroy the planet this decimates the covenant and prevents them from activating the shield world which would have wiped out humanity but without their hyperdrive the sof will take thousands of years to get back to friendly space so the crew all frees themselves and are considered lost in action most of humanity remains unaware of the flood until a little later during the events of halo reach in that one the galactic civil war has advanced to pace and now there's a spartan 3 program threes are smaller knockoffs of spartan 2s and aren't created by kidnapping kids noice a squad comprised of some threes and a two called noble team are sent to the planet reach in 2552 to stop what they think is an insurrectionist plot but which turns out to be yet another covenant invasion of human worlds noble team rescues dr halsey mother of the spartan program and fight to defend the planet but soon realize the cause is lost halsey sends them to the ship pillar of autumn along with a fragment of an advanced ai named cortana one of the spartan threes june escorts cortana and the doctor safely off planet while the rest of noble team dies in action sad halo combat evolved was the first halo game ever released and its story falls neatly into this spot right fleeing the covenant on reach the pillar of autumn makes a blind slip space jump and winds up near one of the halo rings known as installation 0-4 captain key decides to activate a legendary spartan ii by the name of john117 or master chief master chief is ordered to protect the cortana ai and flees from the covenant as the pillar of autumn crash lands ending up on the terraformed surface of the halo ring world cortana leads john to the halo's control room where he uses the consoles there to try and locate captain key instead he runs into the flood who have taken over most of the poa's crew the flood were held in captivity aboard the halo but the covenant unleashed them by poking around see a bunch of the covenant think that the halos are religious artifacts and that they can transcend to paradise by activating them cortana and master chief then run into 343 guilty spark a little sentient floating robot thingy that monitors the halo installation 343 tells them that the only way to wipe out the flood on the halo is to activate it and helps them recover the activation index they need to do so right before pulling the rip cord on the halo cortana discovers its true power however specifically that it'll wipe out all life in a 25 000 light year radius that's a big radius cortana sends chief to detonate the pillar of adam's fusion reactor instead much to guilty sparks chagrin the chief finds captain key who's been absorbed by the flood and his midway through being turned into a grave mine rips out his neural implant and uses it to blow up the drive as the halo disintegrates like some donut death star master chief and cortana fly into the sunset or space set whatever in halo 2 master chief's well-deserved medal ceremony aboard a nearest space station is interrupted by covenant forces who appear out of slip space and seem to be surprised to find humans occupying earth john 117 helps lead a counter-assault ultimately forcing the covenant flagship led by the prophet of regret a covenant hierarch to flee by going into slip space right on top of the city of new mombasa leveling it aboard a ship called the in amber clad and under the command of captain key's daughter miranda keys master chief and crew chase after finding themselves popping out right next to another halo it turns out the prophet of regret intends to activate the ring to wipe humans off of earth so master chief fights his way onto the halo to the prophet and punches him to death that he's got one more regret now just then a flying covenant capital city called high charity appears and starts to blast the halo with plasma cannons on board the city ship a whole other storyline is playing out see when a member of the covenant is disgraced they are sometimes given the title of arbiter and sent on important suicide missions to redeem themselves think of them as the covenant spartans the arbiter we care about called the arbiter accepts his new title and is sent to wipe out the heretics a covenant splinter group that broke off when they discovered the truth about the halo rings namely that they aren't portals to heaven but rather death loops of destruction the arbiter who does believe in the religious nature of the halos at least for now runs into guilty spark while defeating the heretics 343gs to the arbiter is a great oracle and seer of religious truths just as 343 is about to disabuse the arbiter of this notion a covenant brute commander appears and captures the little bot that wraps up that mission so the arbiter returns to high charity only to find that the political climate has changed dramatically since the prophet of regret got punched to death the sangheli the covenant race of which the arbiter has won have been dethroned as the official guards of the hierarch class and have been replaced by brutes of the same sort to capture 343. the arbiter stays on his arbiter however and is set on a new mission recovering the activation index for this latest halo ring he heads to the library where the key resides and captures captain keys to boot that's two captured keys for those keeping track at home before the arbiter can take possession he gets ambushed by the same brute from before named tartarus who has in fact been ordered by the hierarchy to take him out and complete the dethronement of the sanghili tartarus tosses the arbiter into a hell pit which in greek mythology is also called a tartarus which is confusing and he's caught by a full-grown flood gravemind at this point the arbiter's story intersects with master chiefs since chief has also been captured by the same gravemind the flood convinces master chief and the arbiter to work together since all three of them want to keep the covenant from activating the halo the grave mind teleports our bad boys right to the halo control room where tartarus is about to use the index and captain key to activate the ring the arbiter kills tartarus and they stop the halo from firing at least this time but what's that unintended consequences 343 guilty spark explains that aborting the firing triggered a system standby mode that allows all the rings in the halo array to be fired remotely should they need to be from installation 0-0 the lesser arc that means even though this halo isn't going to fire right now the cosmic football has been fumbled and is live and if the covenant can leap onto the ark before humanity does they can really burn the galaxy down in a hurry in the midst of all this madness master chief also infiltrates high charity discovers a plot by the prophet of truth to attack earth yet again and makes the tough decision to give chase and save the world even though it means leaving the halo and putting the whole galaxy at risk he leaves cortana behind with explicit orders to detonate the in amber clad since that's the only way we seem to have figured out to blow up a halo he uses a fancy gravity catapult to shoot himself toward the forerunner dreadnought the covenant have been using as their flagship and plans to commandeer it back to earth meanwhile the high charity itself has been evacuated by the covenant and completely taken over by the flood gravemind who keeps cortana captive in the systems of the ship okay halo 3 woof so master chief plummets into earth's atmosphere yeah and he gets found by the arbiter and sergeant johnson has pals from halo 2 right well they find out that the prophet of truth returned to earth in order to find a portal to the lesser ark that the forerunners placed under new mombasa he plans to go through it and activate the entire halo array at once which it turns out is why the covenant came to earth in the first place a battle ensues but the prophet and some of his forces are able to slip through the portal just as a flood-infested ship crashed lands with a message from cortana urging master chief to head to the ark post haste the unsc fleet plus 343 guilty spark who has nothing better to do all head through the slip space portal and arrive at installation 0-0 with the flood hot on their heels and in pursuit of the covenant the flood arriving aboard high charity quickly infests the ark which is good because otherwise you wouldn't have had as much stuff to shoot at during the game the prophet of truth captures johnson and uses him as a human key activating the halo array but before it can fire the chief and arbor strike yet another uneasy truce with the flood fight their way to the prophet of truth and choke him to death mixing it up choking it's the new punching master chief deactivates the array saving the galaxy and the flood immediately turn on him because in case you forgot they're evil 343 master chief and the arbiter all escape and discover the nature of the ark on their way out the door realizing that the ark generates halos and that is currently in the middle of producing a new halo to replace the one destroyed at the end of halo combat evolve they form a new plan to activate the halo while it's still way out here near the ark but away from the rest of the galaxy this would kill all the flood aboard the ark but leave the galaxy unscathed solid plan they saved cortana from high charity blowing it up and killing the grave mind everyone evacuates the ark except master chief johnson the arbiter cortana and 343 guilty spark wants them to wait until the halo is complete before firing it fearing it will shake apart and destroy itself if triggered too early but guilty spartan master chief has different ideas wanting to fire asap since the flood gravemind is already beginning to rebuild itself 343 kills sergeant johnson for trying to activate the halo early chief flips out and blows up 343's current shell and activates the ring as predicted the ring wipes out the flood but also shakes itself apart forcing chief to dramatically flee to the ship forward unto dawn as the fud disappears through a slipstream portal the portal closes cutting the ship in half with the arbiter back in earth space and the chief and cortana adrift in uncharted waters the chief puts himself into cryosleep and awaits rescue two years later halo 4 kicks off with dr halsey being tried for her crimes remember she kidnapped those children and made them super soldiers while cortana finally awakens the chief because their ship has been boarded by covenant john and cortana soon discovered that the forward unto don has drifted into covenant space near the shield world requiem where the died act has been imprisoned this whole time a covenant faction calling themselves the remnants are attempting to awaken him upon scanning chief and realizing he's a human reclaimer and therefore capable of making the tech work the shield world automatically opens a big hole in its surface and sucks everyone in destroying the forward unto dawn john 117 awakens on the inside surface of the inside out planet it's like a halo but rounder to make matters worse cortana starts acting weird and explains the ais undergo an aging process called rampancy they don't age and die but they eventually become corrupted and essentially go crazy which is begun in her case ouch to save cortana chief is dead set on getting out of the shield world and back to dr halsey who he believes can help chief fights his way through the remnants and the dydax leftover prometheans finally reaching the cartographer a mapping system that reveals there's another unsc ship nearby the infinity it flew through the hole in the shield world and seems like their ticket out of here cortana and chief attempt to warn the infinity of the dangers but can't make contact and instead encounter a strange hovering metal object when they physically track down the signal they thought was the ship turns out it's the didax jail cell which then opens releasing the ancient [ __ ] and giving halo 4 its main antagonist the didact quickly overpowers master chief and declares the return of forerunner primacy in the galaxy we'll see how that works out after some more laser fights chief makes his way through covenant and promethean alike to arrive at the real infinity where he meets a spartan 4 called palmer and the ship's commanding officer captain del rio the new game plan is to destroy the gravity well at the heart of the shield world allowing the infinity to jump away just then jon has a vision of the librarian the didact's wife who betrayed him back in the day when he first went powerman she explains the whole history of the forerunners from the beginning of this video that is chronologically this is when the player learned all the stuff about the forerunners neat the librarian explains that now that he's awake the didact's plan will certainly be to grow the ranks of the prometheans by using a composer to trap the souls of all the humans in the galaxy you know that classic jam she also does some wushy magic that makes master chief immune to being composed double knee captain del rio notices that cortana is showing signs of rampancy and orders are handed over for reformatting or whatever which the chief doesn't cotton to instead he steals cortana and a pelican ship and goes rogue on a quest to slay the died act he follows the dydax ship through a portal to ivanov station where a composer resides the dyed act immediately uses said composer to turn the whole crew of the station into ashes then speeds toward earth planning to burn us or make us into evil robots with master chief hot on his trail the didac composes the entire population of new phoenix which is a city before rapidly going rampant cortana helps master chief fight his way to the didack's inner sanctum where he dispatches the died act with a well-placed forerunner pulse grenade the chief then manually detonates a nuke to destroy the composer and cortana teleports him away from the blast and into near-earth space where he gets picked up by the infinity sadly tinkerbell i mean cortana also bids her old friend goodbye and fades away to parts unknown ultimately the unsc blames the covenant remnant faction for new phoenix rather than the died act who seems to vanish after a long time apart master chief is finally reunited with his original squad blue team and they're sent on a mission to discover the origins of the composer since it's such a threat they ultimately discover the composer's forge an installation that makes composers much like the ark makes halos and guess who's there turning the crank and pumping out composers that's right our old disavowed pal the died act chief kills him again for real this time and blue team destroy all the composers and the forge but forget halo 4 halo 4 is gone now halo 5 guardians starts in the year 2558 and covenant attacks have only gotten worse since the prometheans have rejoined the fight a team of shiny new spartan 4's fire team osiris are sent to kill jewel madame leader of a covenant splinter group that have occupied a planet called kamchatka and host dr halsey who fled to avoid the outcome of her trial from the last game they take back the planet kill jewel and recapture halsey who warns of a much graver threat on the horizon and tries to leverage that intel to make a deal while on the mission osiris also witnessed something disturbing covenants seemingly losing control of their promethean forerunner foot soldiers at the same time blue team and master chief are off fighting covenant in another part of space when john 117 suddenly receives a cryptic mental message from cortana meridian is next so once again against orders and doing what his rampant ai girlfriend tells him to master chief goes rogue this time taking blue team with him and they all head to the planet meridian fire team osiris armed with the mobilization devices are sent after them this leads to a confrontation in which chief fist fights locke the leader of osiris and flips it on him immobilizing him with one of his own immobilizers blue team presses on ultimately they discover the existence of yet another killer 4runner tech guardians giant neon evangelion-looking angel robots designed to fly around policing the galaxy with their super weapons the first guardian emerges on genesis a planet with a connection to the domain which is the mysterious plane from which cortana is operating she claims that the forerunners have cured her rampancy but that's arguable because the new plan is to take control of the guardians herself see she thinks she'll do a better job of guarding humanity than well humanity classic i cortana move fire team osiris traveled to sang helios a covenant homeworld and helped the arbiter put down remnant forces there in exchange for his help catching up to blue team to do so they hitch a ride aboard a guardian which carries them to the staging area on genesis once there osiris encounter another 4 runner monitor 031 exuberant witness who's in the process of being remolded and just generally pushed around by cortana not happy about that 031 aids osiris in reaching blue team hoping they'll eventually kick cortana out of exuberant witnesses systems the teams meet again and lock explains that cortana is attempting to usurp the mantle of responsibility for herself the chief tries to talk her down but she refuses immobilizes blue team and attempts to kidnap them fire team osiris recover blue team and return control of genesis to exuberant witness forcing cortana to flee aboard another guardian ai across the galaxy suddenly start to pledge their allegiance to cortana but one ai the control ai aboard the ship infinity named roland remains loyal and makes an emergency slip space jump in order to escape her widening sphere of influence because it's not a halo game if it doesn't end with an emergency slip space jump that sets up the next game this game ends with blue team and fire team osiris meeting up again on saint helios along with the arbiter palmer the spartan 4 and everyone's favorite walking moral gray area dr catherine halsey technically speaking the events of halo wars 2 come a little later in 2859 after 28 years drifting in space the spirit of fire remember the original ship with captain cutter and ellen anders aboard finally awakens upon doing so they realize they've been forcibly transported to right near the lesser arc installation double zero an aggressive covenant faction called the banished have occupied the ark and sof forces begin a surface campaign against them while simultaneously trying to find a way to contact the unsc they finally realize that the ark is currently mid-build on a replacement halo the new ring called installation zero nine will inevitably teleport back to known space once it's complete so the humans decide to hitch a ride when the time comes in order to do so they make their way to the control room aboard halo 9 and disarm its weapon systems right before it jumps anders is left behind and some of the spirit of fire's crew but most are able to evacuate onto the ring in time unfortunately rather than completing their ride back home the ring is yanked out of slip space mid-jump by a guardian and that is the halo story so far as for the upcoming halo infinite assuming it carries the same story forward we've got to assume that pesky guardian is under cortana's control and the master chief's attempts to cure her rampancy and prevent her from stealing the mantle will make up the main thrust of infinite's story that said there are bound to be plenty of surprises along the way and now you're properly primed for each and every one good hunting chief party on dude summer is here and with it the biggest show in entertainment comic con and this year it's on ign starting july 22nd ign is giving you a front row seat to the geekiest celebrity panels i love this show the coolest merch the latest trailers and the biggest reveals from across the world of movies tv and comics catch all five days of comic con at home on ign and ign one on samsung tv plus
Channel: IGN
Views: 1,569,570
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: halo, halo infinite, halo story, ign, top videos, gaming, video games, halo story recap, halo lore, master chief, halo 3, halo reach, halo 2, halo story so far, halo storyline, halo 5, cortana, halo 5: guardians, halo 4, halo: reach, bungie, halo2, spartan, covenant, halo 4 story, halo wars 2 story
Id: -bVU8K6jlKE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 34sec (1354 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 23 2020
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