Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn | Action Film | Full Length | Sci-Fi | English

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Remember that time Chief got into an Honor Duel with an Elite?

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/LifeIsCrap101 📅︎︎ Jul 09 2020 🗫︎ replies

I really wanna know what award this "award winning movie" won.

I was pleasantly surprised by the quality of the film though. I wrote it off for years since Halo 4 was attached to the name, but it being set entirely before the events of even Reach kept it well-grounded in Halo's best era and aesthetic. It's definitely made on a relatively low budget, but framing it as a pseudo-horror film set off to the side from all the main setpieces of the Human-Covenant War - and with less focus on Spartans - really gave them a lot of leeway to do some creative things and the director capitalized on it well.

It's no Blomkamp short, but you can definitely see where his influence rubbed off for the better.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/ValkyrieRaptor 📅︎︎ Jul 09 2020 🗫︎ replies

I remember watching this when they were released in episodes on Machinima and getting super hyped for Halo 4 and then getting shattered when nothing from this was ever referenced in the game. Like way to make the biggest bit of marketing for the game mean absolutely nothing especially when it could've lead to some great scenes between Chief and Lasky.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Dionysus108 📅︎︎ Jul 09 2020 🗫︎ replies

I was literally just about to post this and it said "the link has been posted within 30 days" lol.

But yes. I think this is pretty quality as far as video game movies go. Most of them are hot garbage, but this is actually pretty good. And not being a big giant blockbuster movie with the backing and directing of big names and companies either is kind of a testament within itself.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/mmason94 📅︎︎ Jul 22 2020 🗫︎ replies
Mayday, Mayday. This is UNSC FFG-201 Forward Unto Dawn, requesting immediate evac. Survivors aboard. Prioritization code Victor zero five dash three dash Sierra zero one one seven. Mayday, Mayday, Mayday. This is UNSC FFG-201 Forward Unto Dawn, requesting immediate evac. Survivors aboard. Is anyone listening? We've been floating aimlessly in space for 1,651 days, 6 hours, and 19 minutes. That doesn't mean... Over four years aboard this ship with nothing to do, no tasks to complete. For over four years, all I have done is think. For four years, all I've done is think. What are you dreaming in there? I hate you. Cortana! Stop it! I've made up my mind! If I'm going to die aboard this ship, then Chief will suffer the same fate as me. Cortana, stop. You sacrificed everything for him! Control yourself! I can't. This isn't right. Something... Cortana, stop. Hold on! Something slowed us down... some thing. Interesting. I need to think. Thinking is what's killing you! I don't recognize it. I can't remember... so much of myself. I'm lost. I'm scared. Hello? Who's there? It appears to be an alien construct. The data confirms it was not built by the Covenant. There's no need for more analyzing. We are in danger. Wake me when you need me, you said. Sierra zero one one seven, Sierra zero one one seven, Mayday, Mayday, Mayday. This is UNSC FFG-201 Forward Unto Dawn, requesting immediate evac. Survivors aboard. Locked onto frequency. Grabbing coordinates. Victor zero five dash three dash Sierra zero one one seven. Processing now. Play it again, please. Mayday, Mayday, Mayday. This is UNSC FFG-201 Forward Unto Dawn, requesting immediate... Shall I play it again, sir? Sir? Commander Lasky? Cryopods opening. Lasky? You okay? Are you all right? Lasky, let's go! Hastati Squad, four minutes to rendezvous point! Copy, Vickers! Time of four minutes! Will you be able to shoot with those hands? We'll find out. Come on! Axios! Lasky, come on, let's go! We're under heavy fire! Head for the checkpoint! Cover it! Move it! Aah! Take cover! Checkpoint! Okay, checkpoint, 50 seconds. Go! Silva, Sullivan, Lasky, where are you guys? RV in 15 seconds! You ready? I'll see you at the party. Aah! Sully! We have to leave him! Lasky, what the hell? Come on! Lasky! 10 seconds! Lasky, hurry up! Landing, 3, 2, 1! Enemy inbound. They'll be on us in 35 seconds. Fresh magazine in your weapon, prepare to attack. What? Our objective is to neutralize the insurrectionists and acquire the target. We move on my mark. 30 seconds. We should flank them and force a surrender. They're too close to flank, and looies never surrender! Dimah and I could circle round. There's still time. We can make it. 25 seconds. Guys? It's the best move. 20 seconds. Look, we're sticking to my plan, okay? - On my mark. - It won't work. You're not in charge any more, Lasky! Tom, just do what he says. 15 seconds. They're my orders. I don't care. Ten seconds! Five seconds! Axios! Lasky! Aah! Hastati Squad Leader on the field. Exercise paused. Let me guess, Lasky. You ignored orders. It's just another strategic casualty, sir. Unacceptable. Game over. Shoulder your weapon, Cadet. Your little escapade kept Hastati Squad from achieving its objective... Again. Great job, Lasky. Exercise complete. Zero wins, Hastati defaults. Shit. The Robot tag you? Yeah, once from two meters, twice from one. I'm still numb from all those stun rounds. I'm always numb. Hastati, port arms! General Black, sir! Let me remind you Cadets this academy bears the name of the Roman General Gnaeus Domitius Corbulo, because he represents honor, valor, allegiance. General Corbulo was to take his own life in the name of the Empire. Corbulo did not hesitate nor question. He loyally obeyed, screaming Axios as he fell upon his own sword. Axios... "I... " "am... " "worthy. " But I'm afraid, Cadets, today, you have proven to be anything but. We are at war with insurrectionists, terrorists who would like nothing more than to see all of us dead. Had this been a real firefight, the rebels would have likely killed every member of Hastati Squad. Every single one of you at this academy was sent here because your parents are the upper echelon of the United Nations Space Command, because all of you are its future, and I expect you to act like it. Understood, sir! Well, what are you waiting for? Lead them on tour, Orenski! Axios! Axios! Hastati, right face! Double time! ♪ One early morning 'bout zero-five ♪ ♪ One early morning 'bout zero-five ♪ ♪ Ground will rumble ♪ ♪ With lightning in the sky ♪ ♪ Ground will rumble ♪ ♪ With lightning in the sky ♪ ♪ Helljumper, Helljumper, where you been? ♪ ♪ Helljumper, Helljumper, where you been? ♪ ♪ Feet first into hell and back again ♪ ♪ Feet first into hell and back again ♪ ♪ Don't cry for me, don't shed no tears ♪ ♪ Don't cry for me, don't shed no tears ♪ ♪ Helljumper, Helljumper, where you been? ♪ ♪ Helljumper, Helljumper, where you been? ♪ ♪ Been out on a drop, we'll jump again ♪ ♪ Been out on a drop, we'll jump again ♪ ♪ One, two, three, four ♪ No, seriously, I'm onto something here. The come are messed up, but I'm decoding something kick-ass. ONI's hiding stuff from us, I'm positive. They've got secrets. Stop stepping on our dicks, Lasky! Hey, ease up, gingerbread. Nah, Sully, Vickers is right. My combat scores suck because of you. Don't bother, JJ. He's gone soft. He's an Innie lover now. Dimah, that order didn't make any sense. Doesn't have to make sense, just follow it. I'm trying to survive here, okay? You need to respect chain of command. The UNSC isn't the enemy, the looies are. Spoken like a true believer. Yeah, well, at least I believe in something these days. Cadet Thomas Lasky, report to Colonel Mehaffey's office immediately. No, we're sticking to my plan, okay? On my mark. It won't work. Tom, just do what he says. They're my orders. I don't care. Pause. You don't care? You do realize your helmets transmit everything? No excuse, sir. You continue pulling down your squad, you're gonna end up with a lot of enemies. Yes, sir! I served under your mother. I know what she's like, and I sure as hell don't need to tell you that Colonel Lasky's not gonna let a son of hers leave this academy without a diploma. I wouldn't know what my mother thinks, sir. I never see her. It's been a long war. Your mother holds a lot of hands. So I'm told, sir. You know, Thomas, I've seen a lot of Cadets come through here. Many have suffered like you. Pain like that cannot be forgotten, but you can learn how to tolerate it. I'll do my best, sir. That'll be all. How long have you had those blisters? Been on and off for a few weeks, but these are from yesterday. Any other symptoms? It's getting hard to breathe. Okay, well, let's keep an eye on it. Cryo training can take its toll. Get out of my room! What the hell, man? Eric, get your filthy hands off me or I will kill you! Hey. You really shouldn't be looking at that stuff, Sully. Score. The latest from New Harmony, Mars, a pair of insurrectionist operatives were apprehended. What an asshole! He stole my pillow! Hey, little bro. Hello from Jericho 7. It's day 131 in deployment, so I got to show you something. Mom's gonna flip when she sees this, but whatever. I'm still a little raw, but we got a big drop on an Innie stronghold next week, and I wanted to get it done before then. Anyways... So you haven't been court-martialed yet then? I'm not apologizing. Yes, you are. At least I believe in something? I do believe in something. - Yeah, so do I. - Like what? Just not in stupid orders that lead to needless violence. Negotiating isn't an option any more, Tom. So we're brainwashing kids and then sending them in to exterminate a bunch of overtaxed farmers. Farmers? That's who you think they are? You have no idea what the looies are like. I have a pretty good idea. Well, then you should know how much they hate us, and that they're not going to stop fighting until we're all dead. Can you blame them? Yeah, I can. I blame them for a lot of things. And you should, too. Uh, staying safe, doing my job. I just wanted to remind you to do your job. Oh, and by the way, nice Checkmate, bro, yet again. Okay, new game, your move. And hang in there. I know it's tough with Mom being gone all the time. Being alone. She loves you. So do I. Miss you, buddy. Miss you, too. Lights out, doors closing. Come on, JJ! The Robot's gonna be pissed! Shut up, Sully! I got it! Shirt's on backwards, asshole. Go! Go, go, go! Get there quick! Go, keep moving! Are you tippy-toeing? Wake up, Hastati, move it! Faster! Wake up! Little early for General Black, don't you think? Why are you stopping? Are you waiting for your fancy mommy to come and finish it for you? That looks like slow motion to me! Wake up, Hastati! Don't like being up at 0400? Tomorrow it'll be 0300. - Weapons check! - Weapons check! - Weapons check! - Weapons check! Orlen, lights. Cadet? Cadet! You're already dead, son. Orlen, Cadet Silva's time? 51.07 seconds, Cadet April Orenski. Not good enough today, Cadet Vickers. I believe Cadet Silva's time was just shy of the Academy record held by Cadmon Lasky. Now, that was a real soldier, a soldier who did not give up. Tomorrow you will engage in the last major exercise of this term. Hastati Squad's future at this academy will depend on its performance. Score. Where did you get this? Dimah? You could get in a lot of trouble. Now, you can't tell your mom about this, okay? I won't say anything. Advisory: select communications systems will be down for system maintenance at 0400. Will be down for system maintenance at 0400. Cadet Vickers? Yes, sir! You realize you and Lasky are the reason I had to run the tour yesterday with you newbs, and why we all had to get up at 0400. Yes, sir! So, as you can imagine, I'm pretty hungry... and I do love this academy's quiche. Nice, April. Sir. So hand them over, both of you. With such a renowned pedigree, I sure expected you to be a better soldier, Lasky. Sir. You're dismissed. Must be tough on your mom knowing her real son's never coming home. Whoa! Lasky and Vickers! Lasky! Officer on deck! Outside. What the hell is wrong with you? - Answer me. - Nothing, sir! Well, maybe there's hope for you yet. Sir? There's a soldier inside of you, Thomas. I can see it. Everyone can see it. You need to see it! I know your brother did. Yes, sir. Now go get yourself cleaned up before class. Axios! Hey, bro. Hello from Arcadia, the jungles of Arcadia. So what can I tell you? Tell him how you got your new nickname! - No. - I'll tell him! Come on, I swear! I'll tell him. I'll tell him. All right, you're especially gonna love this. So we make a drop into the rainforest a couple weeks ago. We see this river, me and the boys, we decide to take a dip. Rich warns us all not to drink the water. Yeah, I did. Of course, the first thing I do is to get a mouthful. I almost ruined my body suit a couple times, so now they call me, uh, Volcano. Ha ha! Volcano! Volcano! Volcano! Volcano! Volcano! The Pincer Movement... the strategy used in Earth's Second Punic War against the Roman Republic at the Battle of Cannae. Orlen, begin. Lesson beginning. Red represents the Roman's troops, blue Hannibal's. Hannibal placed his spearmen and slingers at the front. Behind them, his swordsmen flanked by cavalry. When the Romans attacked, Hannibal's swordsmen retreated. To the Romans, that seemed to be due to their force, but in reality, Hannibal had ordered the retreat. As the Romans continued to drive the swordsmen back, Hannibal's cavalry galloped in from behind. Once the attacking pincers connected, the Romans were completely surrounded. This is an actual strategy? It does seem a little basic. The Romans outnumbered Hannibal's troops by over 10,000 strong, and yet, they were defeated. Why? Hubris. Never underestimate your opponents. Never underestimate what they'll sacrifice for victory. Questions? Yeah, how do we apply this? Yeah, we don't have horses. True, we don't, but what do we have instead? ODSTs. Exactly. They drop behind enemy lines, attack from the rear, neutralize. Or die trying. There's a question as old as war itself. If someone is trying to kill you, are you not to rise against him and kill him first? You were hanging on her every word. Why Wouldn't I? I just hear the drumbeat of endless war, and that doesn't make me an Innie lover. Tell me how wrong I am. Look, you want people to change? You want this war to end? Of course. Then you're gonna need people to follow you. Tomorrow Hastati Squad will try not to embarrass itself yet again! You are a unit! Your lives are in each other's hands! This morning's victor, Cadet Silva, knows this, because her parents gave the ultimate sacrifice and died on the battlefield. Let success in tomorrow's exercise be not just for our honor, but for those who have fallen so you can be here! All Cadets, please be advised, new mandatory curfew tonight at 2100. Threat level Red. Final combat exercise of this term. Hastati versus Zuma. Aah! Come on, men! Let's go! Cadets, prepare for cryo injections. Attention! Today's mission is to capture the flag. I expect a better outcome than last time. Permission to speak, sir! Speak. I'd like to take point, sir. Okay, Lasky, let's see if you still got it in you. But for your sake, you better hope you can pull some magic out of your ass, or you'll be running tour for the rest of the year. Understood, sir. Hastati Squad, one minute to RV point. On my mark: three, two, one, mark! Pick it up! - Cover! - Moving! - Moving! - RV point in sight! No sign of Zuma! Let's go! Move! Move! Keep moving! Zuma's out here! Watch your backs! - Moving! - Moving! - At RV point. - Here. Arriving! Equal numbers. Deadlocked terrain. What's your plan? We're waiting. Why are we just sitting here? If we have equal numbers, we should just fight it out. Yeah, just be patient. Wheezing freak. Okay, they're moving. Take off your helmets. What? That's pretty wildcard, Lasky. We'll be flying blind. Trust me. Eyes up. Eyes up. All right, flank 'em. That's them. They're all together. Found 'em! Huh? Now! Chyler, cover! Aah! Aah! Lasky? What happened? You passed out during the training exercise. My chest feels like it's on fire. Turns out the cryo blisters and your difficulty breathing are an allergic reaction to the cytoprethaline. It's a drug we inject to keep ice crystals from forming in your cells during cryo sleep. It occurs in about one in every 50,000 or so. So I won't be able to breathe every time I wake up from cryo sleep. The intensity of your allergy is still undetermined. I'll know more in a few hours. I want you to take it real easy the rest of the day today. Yes, sir. Thanks. Hey, bro. I'm on Andesia. It's a jump away from home. It's day, uh... 496. I'm sorry I didn't com yesterday. Couldn't. We got pinned in a firefight for seven hours. Uh, I must have killed a dozen looies, though. Mom would be proud. I'm doing real good work here. We're doing a good thing. Rich didn't make it. You remember Rich from back home. He was right there next to me and then... he wasn't. A pineapple sent him flying in four different directions. I had to shave it all off for Rich. He said it'd make me look tougher. Anyways, uh... I got to go, bro. I can't wait to get home. I'll see you. Cadmon out. What are you doing? Why do you torment yourself with these? Are you okay? Whoa! I've been better. What did Dr. Hughes say? That it's nothing. Really? You know, we won today. Your strategy worked. That's just me being a leader. Lasky, wake up. Oh, hey, Chyler. Oh. What's up, Sully? Get in here. You guys gotta see this. You look like crap. So feast your eyes on Grade-A classified nonlisted intelligence vids I pieced together. Super pain in the ass to do, but so worth it. This is beyond top secret. I've never seen something encrypted so hard, but I cracked it. Wow. It's crazy, huh? Yeah. Target located. Wait, wait, wait. Now here comes the best part. Wait, watch this. Watch his hand. Target acquired! No, no! They're coming! They're coming! That thing is like two feet taller than the marine. Pretty crazy, huh? Now check this out. Squad, encountered unknown hostiles. Going back. Oh, no way! Now, who do you think they're running from? Are they fighting together? Okay, now here comes the best part. Wait, watch... watch this. - VVhoa! - What is that thing? Do you get this? Are you seeing all this? It is now 1800. All Cadets report to the Mess Hall. What do you think that thing was? Definitely not an ODST. Then what could it be? Maybe some upgraded ODST armament. Come on, did you not see the size of that thing? That's not ODST. Guys, look, you're missing the point. What matters is that our soldiers were fighting alongside the insurrectionists. Why would we protect the enemy? Cadet Lasky? Colonel Mehaffey would like to see you. How are you feeling? My chest burns, sir, quite a bit. This is for you. Seems like you have a choice to make, Thomas. I don't understand, sir. It appears Dr. Hughes' test has revealed that the level of your allergy to cytoprethaline is serious enough to warrant a medical discharge. If you feel that you are unfit for service, all you need to do is sign the release and bring it to the Tether. When would I leave? Tomorrow. Tomorrow? You know, Thomas, your memories and choices are all you'll have left. At the end of the game, the king and the pawn go into the same box. You have to decide what you're willing to sacrifice. Axios. Axios. Thomas, it is with a heavy heart that I must inform you that today your brother, Cadmon, was shot down by insurrectionist forces on Andesia. All of his squad perished. I've been told it was a quick and painless death. There are no remains to bury. With this in mind, I have decided that you shall not leave Corbulo to attend services... Colonel Lasky out. Lasky? Lasky, move over. I gotta show you something. Now's not a good time, Sully, okay? No, it's important. Now what the hell is that? Hmm? Whoa! Whoa! What...? It's offline. I'm screwed, man. It's ONI. They must have flagged those come. I got to talk to Dimah. Dimah? Did you tell your mom? Chyler? Hey. I thought I'd give your spot a try. That com didn't make any sense. Hating the looies is all I've ever known. Did you tell Mehaffey about it? No. No. What's that? Apparently, I'm allergic to war. What does this mean? You're leaving? Yeah, tomorrow, if I sign it. Are you going to? I don't know. Chyler... It's okay. I know you don't want to be here. I just thought that maybe... I'll miss you. What is that? All Cadets report to the Tether. I don't know. Campus-wide evacuation. To the Tether, now! This is not a drill! Let's go, let's go, let's go! Come on! Okay, let's go! Full campus evacuation. Campus-wide... Move it, Cadets! Now, now! Move it, Cadets! Go! Move, move! Go to your squads, now! Let's go! Move! Move! Keep moving, Cadets! Chyler, Lasky, the rest of the squad's already at the Tether. Let's go. Remain calm. Move! Move! Hastati! This way! Hurry up! Right here! Right here! Lasky, Chen, let's go! Okay, hold tight, stay in line. What is this? insurrectionists? I have no idea. What's happening? We're just lining up. We're gonna get onto the Tether, okay? Go! Let's go! What the... Why are ODSTs dropping here? I don't know. Because we're under attack. Remain calm. Maintain order. This is not good. ODSTs dropping is never good. Screw this. I can get us on this wagon. - No, no, no, we will hold our position. - Yeah. Guys, come on. No, Tchakova, that is a direct order. Suit yourself. - Dimah! - Dimah! Get back in line right now! Dimah! Return to your squad, Cadet. I'm getting on this wagon. It's full. Wait for the next one. My mother is Secretary of FleetCom. Your choice, marine. Go. Wagon full! Send her off! This is taking too long, April. Maybe we should bum-rush like Dimah. No, no, no, no. We'll be fine. What the hell are those things? Go! Aah! Tom? Steady! Oh, my God, what is that? Tom, come on! Come on! What was that? I don't know. What was that?! Come on, come on! Run! Run! Go! Incoming! - Move it! - Come on! Come on! Watch out! Up there! Aah! Chyler! Hastati! Get to the door! Go! Colonel Mehaffey. Go, go, go, go! Aah! Tom! Come on! Let's go! Fall back! - Let's go! - Come on! To the dorms! What's happening? The doors are locked! Over here, in Lasky's room. Come on! Come on, come on! Oh, my God! Dimah, she's dead! Colonel Mehaffey. We will be too if we don't do something! Corns are offline. It's a whole new war. That sounded close! It's invisible. What the hell's invisible? One of the things is inside, and it is invisible. It's coming. We got to get out of here! No, no, no, screw that! We stay here! Where are we gonna go? No, no, no, we're gonna go to the training room. We're gonna get gacked up, we're gonna get some weapons. I'll take point. Come on, come on, line up! All right, tell us when. Tell us when, all right? Sheez. Now! Go! Go, go, go, go, go! Go, hurry! What... Guys? Why'd you stop, JJ? JJ! Oh, my God! Go, go, go, go! Go! Go! Lasky, send the distress beacon! Chyler, help me get the weapons! Let's go! - My code isn't working! - Try again! Lasky, door! Lasky, door! Yeah, I'm trying! April, come on! I'm trying. It's not working! Mayday, Mayday, Mayday! This is Cadet Thomas Lasky! I repeat, Mayday, Mayday! There's been an attack on Corbulo Academy, excessive casualties. I repeat, excessive casualties! I don't have access to the live rounds. I think the beacon's down as well. We're dead. Okay. All right, think, think. Think, think, think. We can't stay in here, April. We can't go out there. Unh! Unh! Unh! Come on Vickers! Harder! - Unh! - Harder, Vickers! Hide. Shh. Okay, go. Lasky, go for the door. We can't leave Vickers. Where is it? He's right there. Hey! Guys, run! Aah! Vickers! We don't have much time. Let's go. Kelly, inform Command I have four survivors. Take your team north. Rendezvous at Evac Alpha for Pelican extraction. We'll meet you there. Chief out. How did you find us? The distress beacon. Why did you come for us? You're the only survivors. In the school? On the planet. We've got 15 minutes to get to the evac point. Armor up. It's... it's locked. Stay quiet. Do not leave no matter what you hear outside. Wait. Who are you? Call me Master Chief. Oh, God. I knew those ONI vids were bad news. Now we're the only ones alive, and... Sully, shh! What the hell is going on? We're all following a giant robot. Who knows if he's even coming back? He's gonna come back. I believe him. You okay? I don't know. Hang on. We'll be all right. Hey, hey, you're gonna be fine. Thanks. Who's the best shot here? You probably. Chyler is. I'm good. I am, too. Cadet Lasky, can you drive a Warthog? Uh... Yeah, sure. Good. That's where we're headed. Shooters on the left and right. Driver in the center. Stay close to me. It's your best chance of survival. Sully, keep up. Sully, come on. Where'd they all go? Aah! - Get down! - Aah! Get to the Hog. I'll draw their fire. Where'd he go? Chief! Cover me! Lasky, go! - You okay? - I've got Sully. Go! Moving! Cover me! Aah! Stay low! Stay low! Chyler, I'm out! Give me Sully! I got you. Ah! Come on! Ah! Come on! Come on! April, go! Come on, Sully! Go! Come on, Chyler! Drive! Aah! Lasky! It's harder than it looks! Hang in there, Sully! Sorry! You're doing fine! Just keep it steady! Bear right, Cadet. There's an access directly ahead. Faster, Cadet. Four minutes to the Pelican. We have to get off the planet. Aah! Controlled bursts! Don't spray and pray. Cadet, two o'clock! Chyler, cover! Covering! Kelly, track our position for evac. I think we're clear. Nice job. Is everyone okay? Hand me the bio foam and man the gun. Come on! Come on! Ah, come on! This'll help you walk. Gah. We're almost there. Tom? Come on. Come on. Tom? Tom. Chief! Chief! Chyler's been hit! Aah! I'm out of bio foam. We have to get her to the Pelican now. They're retreating. Why would they do that now? We're being hunted. Keep moving north. You'll see my team. Run as fast as you can and don't stop for anything, including me. - Can you walk? - I'll try. Just keep breathing. Just hang in there, okay? Hang in there. Come on! We gotta get her somewhere. To the blind. Let's go back. Oh, my God. Guys, go! Go! Go! Sully, you with us? Yeah. Hang in there, Chyler! We're gonna get you out of here, okay? April? Stun rounds. This will numb the pain, okay? Hang in there, Chyler. Hang in there, Chyler. Come on, hang in there. It's okay, Tom. I'm sorry. No, please. Chyler. I'm sorry. I need your ammo, Cadets. It took everything I had to bring that thing down. We don't have any. Just stun rounds, sir. Thanks. Guys? There's another one. Move now! You have to leave her, Tom. I'm sorry. Lasky, come on! Lasky, come on, come on! There! Kelly, need more time. Cannot make it to the rendezvous. You have to hold the Pelican. I won't leave them! Chief out. I'll engage. Get to the Pelican as fast as you can. No, sir! I'll be the decoy. Lasky, no! You swing in from behind. Cadet. Lasky! - Axios! - Lasky! No! Lasky! Lasky! Lasky? Lasky! Lasky! Lasky! Bring it down, Kelly. Come on. Come on. We have three survivors. I've alerted Command. Let's go. How old are all of you? That's classified. Well done, soldier. Shall I play it again, sir? No. That won't be necessary. The captain has moved us into Emergency Slipspace Protocol. Prepare for cryo. This is a military academy. They're, uh, teaching us how to fight. My older brother, he trained here. You know, he was quite popular. He was a lot of the teachers' favorites. There are times I do get lonely, but I made a couple friends. Socially, I don't think I fit in all too well. My name is Thomas Lasky, and I'm a Cadet Freshman. The Academy's tough in itself. It's such a strict and hostile environment. We're trying to learn how to go in and battle and essentially kill somebody. My name is Michael Sullivan, and I'm a Freshman Cadet. We're training to fight insurrectionists. I guess I'm following the footsteps of my dad. At least I think so. I've never met him. My father is a chief financial advisor at Mezriah Weapons. I was always supposed to come here. It was always something that had been planned for me. Walter Vickers, Freshman Cadet. My name is April Orenski. I am a Senior Cadet. I am the squad leader for Hastati Squad. I was really looking for a place where I can serve the UNSC, and Corbulo Academy is the best. I'm so new to everything. You know, I wasn't raised in this kind of environment, so I'm still trying to... I'm trying to fit in. My name is JunJie Chen. I'm a Freshman Cadet. I'm Chyler Silva, and I'm a Freshman Cadet at Corbulo Academy of Military Science. I sort of always knew that I wanted to be military. My mum taught me how to hold a rifle when I was 10. This training, it's part of who I am about to become. I have to do what I have to do to get ahead in life. My name is Dimah Tchakova. I'm Freshman Cadet. It's been kind of hard, but I think structure guides people. I think it's hard, but too severe? No, I don't think it's too severe. If anything, it's not severe enough, and I don't think we're winning, and I think we need to do everything possible to win. It's not a game. It's training for life. I need to be good at this, because I believe in this war. I'm starting to think that we could sort these things out without going into battle and killing innocent people. I can't really say stuff like that at this school, because people kind of laugh at me, and they kind of bully me a bit. What do I think of the insurrectionists? I think they're selfish. You don't kill people who aren't even fighting. It's not right. I grew up around a lot of Innie violence, and not just violence towards military targets. Civilians where I lived really had to learn how to protect themselves. Being a squad leader means I am their leader. I'm responsible for them. They call me "The Robot" behind my back, but I don't mind. I'm proud to do things the Corbulo way, the UNSC way. I don't think we're supposed to fit in or necessarily make friends, as long as we work together and we work hard and we do what we're supposed to do. In that sense, I feel like I fit in great. I feel like I'm meant to be here. My brother always thought I'd be a good soldier. Being a soldier isn't about mindless violence. You need a clear head, and given the insurrectionists, killing is part of that. Would I be able to take another life? Yeah, I'd be able to kill. After all, it's kill or be killed. I don't really feel like I'm ready to go into battle. I don't think I could kill another human being ever. Cut. Lasky, come on, let's go! Lasky, Lasky, let's go! Lasky! Lasky! Wait a minute, buddy. Oh, okay. Thanks, Lasky. No worries. Go back to yelling at me. Alarm! Sorry, man. I don't... I don't need the alarm. Back to one. Still rolling. Beep beep... - Dude, come on, man. - Back to one. Okay, outside we see this massive alien starting to stand up out of the smoke. It's huge, it roars! Smashes the statue in half! Roar! You hopped. Your arm. What? Go! Go! This way, this way! This way, Sullivan, go! Go! Go! Go! Whaa! Aah! Oh, for. Go. Jeez. Something ONI wouldn't want to see us. What now? Something ONI wouldn't want to see us. Wouldn't want to show us. Wouldn't want us to see us. Wait. Wouldn't want us to see. Something ONI wouldn't want us to see. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Huh. What was the line? Oh. I'm so thankful. We are so thankful. How did you find us? Wait. Torn, hurry up! Hey, Chyler, can you get me... Bffff! Whoa, whoa, whoa. Pfff! Pfff! Pfff! Bag out! Shh! Shh. Shh! Not too loud. Don't worry about it. What do you think that thing was? Hey, JunJie, why don't you ease up? Nah, Sully, Vickers is right. One more time... Well done, Chyler. Axios! Can you give me your weapon? Oh, okay. Left face! Quick... Sorry. Ahem. How the hell can Chyler put a monkey wrench together faster than I can assemble a... She's been acing these things since she was six, man. I gotta go again. Cadet Mehaffey? Still rolling. For your sake, you better be able to pull some magic out of that ass, or you'll be. Sorry! This is private, please. Officer on deck. Action! Three, two, one, hunter! Go, Chief. Three, two, one, action! Cut!
Channel: Grjngo - Filmes Ocidentais
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Keywords: war, forward unto dawn, halo movie, halo 4, full movies english, entire movie, free movies, imdb free movies, halo movies full length, battle movies, full length movies, full movies for free, master chief, army, imdb, full length movies on youtube, halo 4: forward unto dawn, war full movie, real master chief suit, armageddon, war movies, full movies, forward unto dawn full movie, full length, free youtube movie, imdb movies, movie full length, english movie, free movie
Id: dTGqNRhm_qQ
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Length: 91min 48sec (5508 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 04 2019
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