HALO INFINITE Campaign Walkthrough Gameplay Part 1 - INTRO (FULL GAME)

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all right so let me give you guys the rundown really quick i have this game extremely early you guys want to know what i'm recording this i'll tell you hold on it's november 13th right now i'm not even kidding uh i have it so early it's not even called halo infinite on my console it's called uh tahoma i guess that's just a cover title for it or something but any support you're dropping this is greatly appreciated i wanted to try something with this video that i haven't tried in forever uh how many likes can we get in 24 hours i'm just curious yeah there's no way we hit 100 that would be impossible i feel like but we're like 50 that'd be amazing that would be so like to end the year on that would be insane uh microsoft actually gave me a bunch of codes for this game i know the multiplayer is free but i guess the base game and everything i have a bunch of codes for that if you don't chance to win leave a comment of your favorite halo game and uh when you found my channel either one of those i will accept that but you guys are awesome about to jump into this got everything set up uh should be good i'm gonna go ahead and see how fast it launches as well so here's what's the deal right i have like 10 days to play this and then i have to wait for the full game to come out i have like some early not an early test build it's actually the full game um just a multiplayer is not on here or anything like that it's a whole different type of save file so i'll lose everything once this is over so my goal is to beat this in like nine days prepare the videos for you guys which you're seeing in december and uh kind of see how it goes all right that was a very quick loading playing in 4k 60fps all that kind of show you guys the menu the one thing i like about this they gave me like a powerpoint slide and it said uh there's no copyrighted music in this game normally i'd be like muting the audio right here but sometimes you just gotta absorb the halo theme i love it man all right show you guys my i guess let me just show you everything really quick before we jump into it it's gonna be a long campaign hopefully uh here's my button layouts right i used to play on bumper jumper but i've changed it up a little bit since playing warzone and a bunch of other games i like to have the crouch be the the right thumbstick everything else should be good uh i think that's everything everything else is good all right let's go ahead and jump in brand new game i started up just kind of see what it looked like a lot of cut scenes and stuff like that so all right jump into it let's get it guys oh check this out difficulty skulls playing legendary with a friend of mine uh when it does drop officially and i'm guessing that's when the skulls will get added to it all right here we go never tell me the odds would you humor me if you knew how you were going to die how would you live your life differently [Music] my name is atriox and i am the last face you will ever seen [Music] one in lines four send protocol accepted okay daddy's listening can you say hi hi and show daddy how big you are you say you're so big and can you sing good singing how about i miss you i miss you and i love you every day i can't wait to see you again be glad to see you again okay now say bye-bye tag designation friendly single detective tag designation friendly single detectives friendly this is unsc pelican echo 216. can you hear me [Music] [Music] [Music] looks like the main power cells are fried bottles shut down triggering survival mode i'm going to try to override okay if you can hear me in there i hope you're ready please don't die please don't die [Music] yes yes yes we're going home oh welcome back chief i rerouted what little power i had into your suit i'm seeing a fault on the calibration matrix at least i think it's a calibration matrix okay follow the light look up now let's look down that seems fine let's try right yo how he found master chief like that's so sick your visor feed and motor function seem to be operational but it looks like there's a problem with the servos in your hands try moving it stay calm you've been out there a while i know i saw something in here to check the diagnostics on your armor there it is oh we see there big guy you're not status report status report what there's something you need to see chief we lost lost everything there's nothing left for us here [Music] i don't even know where here is [Music] this is all i've got it's enough wait what what are you gonna do improvise close the door [Music] yo this is so sick i'm getting like chills watching this to be honest we're stuck out here [Music] it's enough so i see they're powering up we can't escape you work on the batteries i'll buy us some time i don't believe it you made it now what all right scan uh current objective tap down nearby enemies okay not enemies but weapons interact objects collectibles nice gotta admit watching that opening let me just set the controls up sliding slide cancel this game stasis beam weapons all of it how will you get back i'll figure something out i'll look around really quick all right grapple shot uh launchable hook that attaches to objects use it to pull yourself towards enemies and places or pick up items from a distance i'm guessing there's like something over here i need to get uh i guess wait sweet can we grapple like oh that's sick i use that a little bit the multiplayer we got grunts hold on do it fast all the plasma pistol hold on is this still like i'm guessing it popped shield and switch with the vr or the dmr that would be so sick i bet you there's like all kinds of stuff down here i could get i'm not going to worry about it for now though everywhere have you used an xbox controller in a while i'm using like for most microsoft games are on pc as well including this one just the early access i have is only on uh the series x there we go this ain't going here we just came from here so i'm guessing oh we gotta probably gotta take all the enemies out it's not like see can you pull the enemies next to you that's so funny they are is really good uh can we do this thing i think we can i just it is what it is uh let's just i'm gonna hold on to this for now you know i like the combat in this game feels really good remember like reach was the first one to introduce the running but it was like an ability wasn't it no it wasn't ability that was the jumping and stuff like that the uh jet pack the shield the shield lock thing whatever it's called together that's hologram he led the attack on the infinity he was looking for something we are the banners what is this the uh oh the mangler that's right i'm gonna you know what i'll try out the needler for a little bit let's see what happens let me scan dessert can't go in this door i can't imagine yeah definitely not i haven't been this excited in a while for a game let me try this again let's make a pop right [Music] still not like doing that i think i'm getting used to the control since i have just i'm trying out a new different like button layout which i feel would be better for this series there we go wait for the pop right i need my armor probably need to there we go remember let me get one of these so glad i can have music on the flight without music would be weird [Music] like this is obviously the way to go the carbine in halo 2 was a single verse so like get used to the grapple hook a little bit i was trying to swing towards the melee i didn't get close enough this is nice man what is this thing hold on oh it's ammo crate never mind i thought it was an explosive barrel when i scanned it interesting any collect here's the thing normally i'd care about finding all the hidden stuff but i know that on this build of the game they said i can't say anything once this thing goes away that's it i gotta restart so i will lose everything from this my goal is to beat this game while i still have access to it early but when the game does drop playing it on legendary again my friends gonna have some fun unless the co-op campaign's not available i don't remember what drop ships is all there force against all this how do we stand invasion the banished one already we could be the only two humans left alive out here then there's still hope [Music] so glad this game is out finally what a way to end the year right it was going to be this and dying light too but i'm happy that at least this dropped what is this [Music] uh all right you've collected okay collecting anything that's gonna make me sad all right each one contains an audio file that can be played uh okay [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] i like how the audio log just kind of replaces everything what is this the bullfrog hold on oh the shotgun ah it's only got seven shots i'm not gonna use that right now i'll use all the weapons eventually my goal i'm gonna be playing this game like all december i feel like probably the best december release we've ever gotten i feel like please still assassinate probably yeah this gun is so good i don't think the last time i played a halo game uh on my channel i play the master chief collection all the time halo 2 hello through hello reach um i think that's such a cool thing that that's all there you know but i use mouse to keyboard on that so i don't know another route of this it does kind of do a good job of making you i guess switch up your guns a little bit grab this some ammo blast coil throw an impact dealing heavy damage to nearby hostiles okay let's try it out i guess he just tossed him oh wow i didn't think it was gonna go that far you forget how tall master chief is i don't know his actual height but it's it's insane isn't it refill kinetic ammo nice you just like swing on the ground a little bit i'll get used to it put a shield up hold on oh yeah plasma full now grenades in the very first halo were insane and they toned it down a little bit in halo 2. we got plasma hold yeah hold on [Music] this is the best movement of halo games ever had i feel like i'm telling you if this game gets it's i know the multiplayer is like free and all that if this if they keep it up and this game gets a battle royale i mean i think it's over i mean this game is so good already scan around a little bit [Music] oh i got stuck there we go nice it does a lot of damage i know it's instant kill usually let's try them all out [Music] the blast coils are a nice touch it's kind of different you know i don't really even feel like it's necessary and we're gonna go through here wait there's like a side area back here though maybe i'm tripping i don't know yeah i think we've already been over here all right let's keep going from when i i first got this game i mean i like watching the opening cut scene just gave me like goosebumps because i've been waiting for a halo game forever was a halo 5 was like the last one i covered on my channel victorious [Music] patriarchs hear these words even from beyond this life your will is served your forces occupy the within ours it will be under our control humanity will cower before your legacy they will burn their praise and defiance will be all but a memory [Music] we have a new problem we we need to get out of here i'm working on it work faster these pelicans nearly on board and the power still out don't let them get me all right let's try this out you throw it pretty far let's see that's so ridiculous wait can i can i grapple and throw this oh hang on let me just there you go my god tracks a little bit you like very precise with it this grapple you got to be more probably need to be careful doing that got a little too close for comfort hold on oh hold on i'll wait i can just do this so it's an example technically uh mini boss maybe was that was just an armored enemy i don't know what is this thing another audio log let's go banished audio logs why is it it's the same tutorial nice [Applause] [Music] my greatest achievement is lost to us in his wake since the greatest army ever assembled a force fueled by fury his spirit burns in the heart of the banished it is years since he saw my counsel when we planned the revolt against the covenant his words even now i feel them in my heart we will never kneel again we will stand proud together banished brothers side by side i was waiting for that to finish first so here we go it's locked down requires a hack okay and you can do that no new plan scuttle the ship you're going to destroy this ship with us in it i'm going to die here here they come there are cooling pipes running towards the main engines so i'm gonna warm things up kind of take me getting used to the controls a little bit but i kind of getting the vibe for it now i told phil kind of holding out and where is this person at oh my god nice let's go after playing pretty much every major game that has come out this year i gotta admit uh i do feel like this potentially has [Music] game of the year potential like already just from the start the amount of detail and everything is insane [Music] let me break these shields i thought you can play aggressive or you just kind of hang hang back like i'm doing right now seems a lot easier this way that's how i'll play legendary most likely let me grab this just in case [Music] anybody else [Music] i think we're good [Music] hey let's go so we're destroying both sides [Music] i'm not done yet but hurry i can see them this has been a pretty good year for microsoft i feel like like the series x is really strong i've had i've had one in my office the whole year since they gave me one like last year when it officially like launched everything been waiting for halo forza was awesome i haven't covered that yet but it's just or maybe i have by the time you see this video i'm not sure but i uh i love that game i love this game now it's like they get a nice little selection that was my biggest thing was exclusives right hopefully they can turn it around though all right i think we're good get ready okay okay fire up those engines chief maybe report the spartans know something better the master chief returns humans call you their savior covenant demon the banished prey destroy this craft if you must it matters not the banished will hunt you down pursue you wherever you run who is that do you know him no well he knows you he knows all about you you need to hurry and get back here i don't know how long this ship will hold together [Music] yo check it out [Music] they have to detonate right no hold on i don't know that first shot did anything to him jump back oh my god not sure what that stuff is down there [Music] i didn't get is let's go oh my god hold on this first mission is nice red i was just like let's just try to grapple you can't it's like a cool down on the grapple all right all right we're good the batteries charging slowly i don't know it's gonna be closed no close no shot wait a minute all right we're good here too close all right down here there we go that's a little about to die here we go hey let's go i made it i struggled for a little bit i'm not gonna lie [Music] oh come on [Music] i'm actually controlling still kind of not really though hold on let's see [Music] chief you still with me i'm here [Music] okay give me a second i'm going to get you welcome back chief okay let's get out of here [Music] very nice prologue i like that a lot the music's what's making this even better that i know that one i'm safe from all this and uh two it makes the game so much better locate unsc infinity infinity class super carrier crow size 7150 not found near field perimeter scan 1986 unsc tags detected status deceased the master chief lives atriox assured us of his death are you not angered you know i feel invigorated you promised us revenge superiority he threatens everything do you question my leadership again not the covenant not the prophets not here this ring will be operational please blademaster follow a spartan from a distance i want to know everything about him decryption [Music] we're done my chief if we stay out here any longer they're gonna come back they'll find us and they'll kill us what is it you're searching for signal located uploaded there's nothing there you're looking in the wrong direction we need to go home plot the waypoint requesting manual flight control override do it autopilot wait what are you kidding me why would we go down there the banished plan to wipe us out all of us and what you think we can stop them on our own i told you we lost we need help not heroics no we do our duty protect humanity whatever the cost i can't be the only atmosphere a weapon a weapon how many guns do you need what is wrong with you remind me to never pick up this person this is a terrible idea they're coming for us all of them [Music] incoming all directions it's not safe pull back okay okay i gotta admit the start of this game i think is better than halo four and five already i guess i think we're already good hold on let's see looking forward to playing this on like legendary and struggling can't wait hold on where are we going over here oh i love doing that wait what in the trying to world once how they react to the grenades a little bit the ai is extremely good in this game like this first video will be pretty long uh any sport you drop again and thank you for joining me this has been crazy to play it this early i'll do the intros like the other videos after this one goes up so i'll like see how it does and react you know go ahead and take this this whole place looks like it's dying like it's clinging to life somehow what is that how is that possible each ring is different i see an entry point in the wall ahead get in there find this weapon then we can go right i don't have much anything left hold on [Music] that's like no damage there we go you run out of ammo pretty quick in this game it feels like not a fan of this one what was the other gun called is something like the prowler or something like that i can't remember it was like really good in halo 3. it was like the pistol that pretty much like a hand cannon all right i think we're good be careful they're still coming you really pissed them off back look at this there it's beautiful and broken very very broken i need to move there are ships everywhere this guy's not bad it's like a one-hit kill on these guys [Music] fusion coil i'm just gonna hurl this at the first thing i see this feels like a spot where they would hide a bunch of stuff right because there's like this area there's the area up there that's kind of broken let me see if i can hurl this really quick you throw way too far hold on like i gotta almost just aim it right at him there we go [Music] i'm just gonna commit right here no hey let's grab let's go [Music] that's the flying best [Applause] i don't think the shield really helps too much for him it's a little bit of armor yes this gun is nasty what in the world i don't remember seeing this in the multiplayer though i'll go up here and see if there's anything i can collect maybe i like the voice logs um grab this pulse carbine i'll take it they have like a little shield okay makes sense you have not won yet i think we're good let's get it if you knew how you were going to die what hold on hold on hold on hold on wait a minute no ah wait what wait a minute i'm alive no way uh all right we're going back up then i thought that was a wrap interesting gotta figure out the range with this just a little bit more i'm not quite comfortable with the grapple just yet i feel like by the end of the game i'll look completely better than i am now we shall see though probably get a no life this game as soon as you see this video i'm gonna hopefully have the game finished we'll see if i don't need to actually grapple here let's just take it easy anything there nope i'm actually curious if you guys think of this so far i like this a lot lighter the first two two missions there's like the part one i wonder if we're gonna see like the banshee and the warthog other stuff in the campaign okay halo 2 had a lot of that going on this seems like it's mostly just like it's the bare bone experience what you would actually expect from a halo game yeah this gun is and it's got way more ammo than the other ones too not like number wise but how much damage per what you actually have there we go actually okay it does kill i was worried about the shield how much armor they would actually have crossed them it's cool you pick up the ammo for the carbine even though it's it's technically you're not really picking up anything i feel like it'd be better just to swap guns but it just auto adds to the percentage which is kind of nice yeah sliding in this game is really good i don't know if you can slide cancel [Music] what are those things this is four on the right i've heard the stories but man this is crazier than i imagined this is really different wasn't expecting this at all [Music] how do you know this isn't a trap i don't great i hope this weapon of yours is worth the risk i'm reading multiple enemy ships heading this way too many it's been six months where have you been what happened where is cortana the rogue ai known as cortana is gone she's been deleted how by you of course not did you hit your head or something don't you remember my instructions were to enter this installation imitate cortana and lock her down for retrieval yours were to take her back to the infinity for deletion so if it wasn't you okay then [Music] there's something else on successful deployment my deletion routine was supposed to complete still here good good my programming failed i'm not supposed to be here you need to delete me no no i was created for one purpose and that purpose is no longer needed my mission is over we have a new one the banister planning to fire this ring we need to make sure they don't first of all what's a banished second you may have noticed that a significant piece of this installation has been damaged making that impossible and third to fire this ring they would need an activation index cortana had the index i had parts of it as well something stopped your deletion we need to find out why but this wasn't the mission the missions changed they always do are you sure [Music] dude this is so sick [Music] everything this game just feels like did you do that no moving me triggered a response from the ring i need you to understand there's not much time if you knew how you were going to die you knew how you were going to die how would you live your life how would you that voice is cortana's no it's not her just dust and echoes what did you say what it's just pieces of data cycling until they run out of power it's all around us today i was called an emotionless atomic they solved faces 75 healthy subjects hand-picked by me perfect for the program they will not all survive i understand that and have paid peace with it mostly there is one subject that i find myself hoping does live through this he is perfectly suited for what is coming everything in this game has a purpose which just feels nice there's no filler all quality content so far there's something up ahead i can feel it calling out to me always thought it was crazy how big of a deal cortana was for the halo franchise you know they even i mean they even put her on like the windows 10 stuff for whatever like voice everything there we go these are the banished affirmative they smell even worse than i imagined you can smell them well an array of sensors in your armor can and i analyzed the input you smelled fine by the way see a red icon hold on what is this oh wow uh i guess i'll try out these two for now one's best for the shields look over there that's the source the bridge is out yes it is maybe there's a way to power it back up nearby uh powered up wait what i can't do anything obviously um not like a command i can do or anything let's look around here it is power seed okay [Music] right is it safe i think so yes it's safe this this is part of me i don't know why i don't know how but it is me it was the last part i remember being deleted let me just you are here because you were chosen our enemies are getting smarter and more numerous every day what i am about to show you will help turn the tide of war i have been working to harness the strategic power of a ship born ai onto the battlefield are you ready yes dr halsey [Music] unlike previous ai models she will reside between your mind and the suit directly communicating with your neural interface think of her as a new set of eyes to aid your reactions and upgrade your reconnaissance she's not the driver but a way to level the playing field what do i call her ask her she named herself hello master chief i'm cortana [Music] together you become our newfound hope together you become our key to humanity's survival she will do anything necessary to make sure that your mission is accomplished even if that means sacrificing herself or you to accomplish it what happened i touched it and was that real it's just data it's it's just here clusters of recursive code but this on the other hand this is the framework i use to trap cortana it contains a copy of the activation index at least fragments of it what should we do with it do we need it well based on what you've told me so far the bigger question is do the banished need it do it [Music] uh that was something let's go really cool seeing cortana even though it's just data you know ai connected let's go i feel like um did i miss something there's a file that's been unlocked but i don't have access we need a route out of here okay let's see there's a breach close by it should lead us to the surface all right there we go construct bridge hopefully no boss battle yet give me a second and i'll get this bridge activated we've got company chief meet me at the plinth up ahead i can imagine this game on the highest difficulty is going to be crazy not quite as strong as man it doesn't hold a lot of ammo either hold on it's more of a sniper type thing not even a true sniper there's just like the covenant one that's like the basic one yeah i don't know if i like this gun my favorite gun so far is the this one for shields um back up that little handgun i was using earlier i don't know if it's new if it was in like halo 5 i can't remember i also might not my sensitivity looks like it is a little slow sometimes which is probably good because i put a really high sense on mouse and keyboard might make you guys dizzy hey oh there's there it is the mangler let's go wow you got here fast not the type to waste any time huh no noted let's go i just texted my friend at microsoft while in the middle of playing this and told him that this is a really awesome experience i feel like it is just like a lot of aaa games came out this year right but a lot of them felt like they needed a little more time oh my god what just what just cooked me right there hold on anyways like i was saying i just thought this game is very polished the soundtrack the uh combat everything is just really really well done the story is also really engaging let me just hang back for sauna i like some i don't quite know the range on that oh it's that thing in the middle yeah it's like a turret okay let me uh let me just wait for my shield really quick [Music] i have to like run past it um i guess we're supposed to just use this for doesn't quite track as far there we go having to play a little tactical right here yeah oh this gun cooks hold on two shots um let's go there we go the little grunt was on there can we operate this can i i can detach it nice there we go oh this is nice overheats though hold on hey let's get it uh plasma cannon yeah might as well just hang on to it we also have one of these feel the most lost atriox's wisdom continues to impress me i regret that i ever doubted him his talk of forerunners of the lies of secrets hidden in this forsaken ring [Applause] atriox hear me your will is absolute the banished your soul eternal let's let that finish because this feels like uh what's wrong this gravity lift should be powered up we need to find a way to bring it back online this skewer hmm gotta look for one of those things all right it's another one that's just more ammo i'm guessing all right nice well let's go look around shall we that's where that now where this person was that probably a thing right oh my god what about the grapple systems i got to get used to the uh there we go the sling shot once you go up it's part of the ring's life force it's called a power seed all space [Music] but there might be something hidden back there i'll never know though chief stop how is is that a spartan we need to find out what happened [Music] suit upgrade nice she was carrying an enhanced shield module let's see what i can find out about her accessing this is spartan bonita stone recon specialist her vitals have been offline for nearly a month cause of death was an energy blade but different stronger a single strike she never saw it coming all right shield core installed uh enhanced show core increases amount of sustained fire you're okay spartan cores wait is there like a initializing attack i haven't looked at any of this stuff yet yo look at this i i knew that there was some upgrades but quite more spartan core to get this upgrade got you so that's the first one we got i guess it just keeps going and going that is awesome and it seems like each one quick shot nice who's shooting me i won't look at all this stuff really quick mongoose okay showing you all the different stuff here interesting targets database it's all the different logs and stuff all right we should be good we're here that elevator should take us to the surface oh my god what hold on what kind of gun is this i think it's like uh this is a multiplayer i think could be wrong hold on i'm gonna die that thing took forever to get going probably not the best gun to use right here so it doesn't really detonate around them it looks like a rocket launcher almost this thing take a lot of damage on the field [Music] oh guys god hold on let me just back up take it easy a little bit so what's the i want the ranges on this really quick i mean it's pretty far but didn't really help us let's go up top this first video is probably gonna be like well over an hour i want you like the first two missions in the entirety hey let's go get my favorite the stalker a little bit better not my favorite gun but definitely better than what i was using i think the first carbine probably is the best thing has no range hold on it wasn't i think it's like the first halo the grenades went insanely far we need to call down the elevator look for a control terminal this elevator is drawing power from the ring well it was the seed is missing oh it's another one of these hold on stalker rifle um let me get the pulse back this gun is just too good oh it's one of these areas again genetic repositories forerunner storage vessels silexes how do you know this i was stuck in that room for six months surrounded by them let's just say they that should do it let's get back to the elevator this [Applause] is they forced me to help them with it whatever it is i brought it up from whatever's below when it opened god it was something different i've never seen anything like it [Applause] you need to believe me it's not my fault all right this should be fixed now this isn't forerunner it identifies as banished can you operate it in my sleep not that i sleep oh i don't need to it's already on its way down incoming but what if it's a friend it isn't he did not specify in how many pieces all right always got a little wow okay it's an actual named enemy i've never seen that before in these halo games that's pretty cool easy peasy already have hydra you were right he was not friendly by the looks of him he was some sort of leader they called him tremonius not it sierra 117 understood i've been trying to reach you you vanished i thought i was on my okay i got your location on my way be ready i like a loading screen randomly i don't know if it's a brand new mission or what oh it is okay okay i'm guessing it's gonna like keep going what is this but this one's open spartan core oh that's one of those things what do you think was in it yo let's get it another problem why so cynical it might be something good trust me it won't be all right i'm gonna stop there for now uh thank you guys so much for all the love and support you drop on this game i mean this has been an awesome experience it just feels like i think microsoft knew they had to get this game right and it's like it feels so polished it's fun it's a very detailed experience where like fans of the franchise were really appreciated i feel like i just did a great a great job so far so all right that is it for now on the part one catch you guys in part two if this i mean this thing blows up definitely expect it fast uh i wanted to play this series i mean i know it's probably like the only major game that drops this month right so we'll see how it goes love you all like your likes and support take it easy guys
Channel: theRadBrad
Views: 2,287,580
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Halo Infinite, Halo Infinite Campaign, Halo Infinite Gameplay, Halo Infinite Campaign Gameplay, Halo Infinite Campaign Part 1, Halo Infinite Gameplay Multiplayer, Halo Infinite Part 1, Halo Infinite Review, Halo Infinite Walkthrough, Halo Infinite Gameplay Part 1, Halo Infinite Xbox Series X, Halo Infinite Xbox Series X Gameplay, Halo Infinite Full Game, Halo Infinite XSX Gameplay, Halo Infinite Gameplay Walkthrough, Halo Infinite Walkthrough Part 1, Infinite Campaign
Id: Op0Gb_S-_m4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 23sec (4643 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 06 2021
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