Halo Episode 1 TOP 10 Breakdown and Halo Game Easter Eggs

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I knew we would be perfect together and i was right Welcome back everyone this will be  my full halo episode 1 video there's a whole bunch of easter eggs to break down if you're brand new  to the channel be sure to subscribe to get all the   videos i will be doing videos for all the episodes  depending on how everybody feels about the series   just in general how everyone feels about all the  episodes so careful for spoilers if you have not   seen halo episode 1 yet we'll go through scene  by scene talking about easter eggs wtf moments   there will be a couple things that i probably will  not cover like the true purpose of the halo rings   exactly who the forerunners are their relationship  with the ancient humans or the progenitors   there's so much to unpack in this first episode  it was basically just a tutorial for people who   had never seen halo before ever in their lives  or had never played any of the video game series   so the waiting a couple episodes kind of give  you the entire backstory but the tagline for   the series is win the halo ring win the war so  by the finale the goal will be to find the halo   ring and gain control of it before the covenant  do the one they believe is the only halo ring   even though there are several halo rings around  the galaxy like i said the lore goes really deep   but starting with the episode title episode 1  was titled contact it was a reference to master   chief making contact with the forerunners  making physical contact and mental contact   with the forerunner artifact the contact  he makes with a human survivor like quan ha   the contact that he literally makes with the  covenant elites the opening scene is the sans   madrigal madrigal as a planet was referenced in  halo's myth series a couple of games including   the contact harvest coal protocol halo 3 odst it  started out as an easter egg in the games actually   but then was made canon when they officially  published the halo contact harvest in 2007.   the tv show as you can tell like they talk  about the master chiefs team the silver team   silver time is a reference to the show existing  in an alternate timeline of the video game canon   as you can see they made some changes in  the name of practicality and getting on air   this caused it to deviate from established video  game canon so it's being viewed internally as an   alternate timeline for instance master chief  is never or rarely but essentially never   seen with his helmet off any scene during this  episode taking his helmet off some of the larger   changes you notice when they show the covenant  assembly at high charity high charity being   their mobile planetoid station it's the reason  the united space command aren't able to locate   them at the beginning of the series because the  covenant is able to move their base of operations   you only get a brief glimpse of high charity in  this episode but the covenant is a collection of   alien species held together by their religious  belief in the forerunners it's a religious war   that they think they're fighting the colony news  broadcast is complaining about reach seeking to   enslave the colonist's population reaches like  the next biggest unsc occupied world and base next   to planet earth within the inner colonies all the  mobilization you see all the tech all the hardware   you see the unsc spartans roll out comes from  reach so reach is like the powers that be it's   also the birthplace of the spartan 2 program  which produced master chief and his fellow   spartans the silver team here the place where you  see dr catherine halsey in her lab all the time   the reason the spartans were created in the  first place was because the unsc wanted their own   version of super soldiers enhanced by biology and  mechanical methods they beef up their bodies while   they're young then they pair them with a superior  exoskeleton suit like you see master chief and   the rest of his team wear like he tells quan huh  there's no way you're gonna be able to fire your   way through this i'll have to take my helmet off  before you can fire an actual bullet that'll kill   me there'd been a lot of civil war amongst their  outer colonies like the old timer mentions at the   card game his hands were dirty awash in the blood  of unsc marines the spartan program was started   because the unsc needed a quick effective way of  putting down rebellion with as few lives lost as   possible and they were tired of throwing regular  marines at the problem thus various versions of   the program were implemented until they got to the  spartan 2 program and you see master chief and his   team before you the ironic thing like you have  a surviving colonist like one surviving colonist   from this place here is it the spartan 3 program  the successor to the spartan 2 program the master   chiefs program was mostly populated by children of  dead colonists because they thought it was cheaper   catherine halsey and the unsc who enabled her  experience aren't necessarily viewed as good   people like the actress natasha mcelhin plays her  a little ambiguously very curious very determined   in the name of science of progress but the  detriment of something else but as you learned   they essentially stole a lot of children that were  part of master chief's group of kids experimenting   on them a lot died some survive the training to  become like master chief until you get the perfect   weapon the problem that they have at unsc command  then is when master chief comes into contact with   the forerunner tech he finds it and interacts with  it and it sort of scrambles the programming they   had built into him the broadcaster here venture  grath is played by bern gorman who a bunch of   you recognize from torchwood or somewhere else  recently because he's a fairly popular actor   they reference the jin ha character who's the  leader of the rebel insurgency on this colony   opposition force that's standing against the unsc  even though he's only in the episode for a couple   minutes it's really his daughter quan ha who  becomes the more important character she's one   of the newer additions to the narrative normally  in halo games you either take the master chief's   perspective like the main spartans perspective or  you take the arbiter or the covenant's perspective   you only see glimpses of other viewpoints  other storylines that take place concurrently   like the catherine halsey storyline or the flood  storyline you learn about that in snippets and   in cutscenes but you spend all your time in one  of those two perspectives the difference in the   tv show is that they'll take a couple different  viewpoints since this is the first episode it's   mostly just a halo tutorial like i said but  they are careful to reference why madrigal is   so important such a high value colony to the unsc  which they use for all their fuel all their drugs   powers pretty much everything at this point they  haven't quite learned about forerunner tech yet   then the covenant attacks looking for what the  colonists haven't realized is a local cachet of   forerunner tech the reason the covenant forces  seek to steal or take or seal off any forerunner   tech from anyone or kill anyone they find using  it is because they view it as sacred only humanity   was deemed by the forerunners to be worthy of  being their successor in the milky way galaxy   all the different races of the covenant evolved  without the genetic programming needed to operate   forerunner tech or activated in any functional  way but they worship it and they worship the   forerunners as gods they view protecting  forerunner artifacts as their sacred duty in   future episodes you also see that they keep a few  humans one in particular maki this character here   who they refer to as a reclaimer literally helping  them reclaim and activate forerunner artifacts   because unlike them she's a humanoid which is  another big change from the video game series   the special effects that they use for the sangheli  are okay they could be better they kind of size   them up a little bit to make them seem more  brutish more indestructible next to the regular   humans to better show off the master chiefs  and the spartans abilities when they roll in   as they say the covenant forces literally think of  them as demons like actual literal demons because   for them it's religious war as you can tell one of  the things they worked hardest on was getting the   armor video game accurate along with the weapons  as well the shield recharge is particularly   familiar for anyone who's played the game everyone  of course knows john 117 aka master chief by the   side of him john 117 was a designation given to  him when he was taken from his family as a child   which you see several times in flashbacks  throughout the episode once he hits the   ground though and starts killing a bunch of the  covenant forces then they hit you with the intro   title scene which depicts the spartan 2 program  creation of master chief you see him slowly as   they experiment on his body then they develop  the exoskeleton around him the music has echoes   of the classic halo music but it's meant to be  new it sounds a little bit more like the classic   halo theme song during the end of the episode as  you see them go around and kill the rest of the   colonists though the reason the covenant are here  in the first place the reason why they're trying   to kill the colonists is because they think  they've interacted with the forerunner tech   nearby in the cave which master chief only learns  about later they spot the type 52 phantom that   the covenant used for their low numbers drop  ships is not meant to carry a ton of soldiers   but that's where master chief and the silver team  find the 4runner tech in the caves the reason the   4runner tech activates for master chief is because  he's human it would have turned on for any human   who had touched it it's because forerunners  made it so that humans would eventually be   able to find and use their technology for many  many reasons which i won't get into this video   because i don't want to turn into an hour-long  dissertation on the history of the halo universe   but it triggers a flashback to his repressed  childhood memories something we really don't   get in a lot of the games just hinting at his  past before he was abducted by catherine halsey   in the spartan 2 program and he was abducted as a  child like he didn't go with them willingly back   at reach they show the main city and catherine  halsey's lab as she views the forerunner tech   the point they at during this series foreigner  tech is only a myth to them but they don't really   understand how important it will be to them to  utilize it but catherine halsey thinks that this   artifact this forerunner artifact might be the  key to them winning their war against the covenant   that's why she's so interested in it but at this  point human command don't know anything about the   foreigners the covenant's relationship with them  the covenant's relationship with humanity and the   holy war that they feel like they're fighting the  miranda that they mention is miranda keys within   the unsc forces whose catherine halsey's daughter  with her husband captain jacob keys who you meet   later in the episode obviously for the purposes  of this series they've been aged down quite a bit   the development she's talking about includes  things like cloning and cortana which they   reveal later another piece of classic halo  lore from the games everyone will remember   cortana is probably the second most important  character on the show cortana being like the ai   intended to be the spartans partners in all their  endeavors like a true partner only in digital form   the cloning is the questionable morality that i  talked about in order to create cortana the ai   and all the other spartans she essentially creates  flash clones clones that are grown super fast   and harvests their brains when they become mature  enough in order to serve as the bases for ai that   would become cortana for master chief and for the  others but that's why it's her in the cloning tank   she's creating cortana based on her own brain for  master chief issues that cortana will be played by   a different character but it'll be based on her  brain we get a brief look at high charity the   covenant's mobile planetoid in the name of the  hierarchy is the high prophet of mercy he's one   of the three hierarchs who reside over the council  that governs all the actions within the covenant   who's keeping what looks like a human reclaimer as  a pet so to speak they're calling her maki but she   is a human if that wasn't clear because she asked  to speak with master chief after he activated   the 4runner artifact they'll probably have the  covenant capture him at some point during the   season and he'll learn more about its true purpose  and learn about the halo ring's true purpose they   show captain jacob keys who's much younger than  you remember probably during the video game series   they talk about their mutual love of catherine  halsey despite how she is focused more on her work   how she keeps getting miranda keys from  getting promoted with any chance of real danger   she eventually does lead her own command when she  gets older the article 72 twist this should show   human command is just as bad as covenant command  is is providing this gray area for master chief   and cortana eventually to operate in not totally  trusting unsc command not totally trusting the   covenant forces either quan ha asking master chief  if he ever takes the helmet off is a reference to   him never taking the helmet off in the video game  series although it does foreshadow him taking it   off at the end of the episode which is one of  the stark contrast to the video game series   halsey references cortana by name for the first  time although we probably won't meet her for the   first time until episode 2. the whole thing with  him trying to disable him by disabling the oxygen   is just showing what master chief is capable  of physically but they show the other spartans   armoring up preparing to protect him and fight  the other marines if necessary when they're doing   their big silver team suit up montage the theme  song is somewhat similar to the classic halo theme   music but it's also another way of showing that  halsey is protecting master chief because he has   the artifact if he didn't or he hadn't interacted  with it she probably wouldn't be quite as quick   to use a silver team to kill regular marines  to protect him but him touching the artifact   triggers the flashback for a second time back  to his child reactivates the troop transport   and triggers a reboot cycle for the rest of the  fleet on reach halsey's reaction is probably one   of the more interested ones like she seems more  interested and impressed at the site of what the   foreign artifact can do and wants to study it more  i haven't seen episode two yet but the two of them   master chief and kwan hot are probably headed  for a friendly resupply depot where master chief   can learn more about the artifact and more about  his memories if you spotted any huge easter eggs   during the episode that i didn't mention during  the video please write them in the comments below   there were a billion things that you could talk  about in this video alone like we could talk about   the true purpose of the halo rings but i will  continue doing weekly videos just depending on   how this video does and how everybody feels about  the series in general i feel like hardcore fans   will be a little upset like if it's possible to be  a little upset that it's not completely canon to   the video game series but hopefully they do have  some fun with the rest of the episodes there's   at least potential here for it to be a really fun  series they have renewed it for season 2 as we're   speaking right now but my moon knight episodes will  start next week after they start releasing them so   be sure to enable alerts for my channel to be the  first to watch them click here for my new marvel   secret invasion announcement and click here for my  moon knight episode 1 trailer video in easter eggs   thank you so much for watching everyone stay  safe and i'll see you guys in the next one!
Channel: Emergency Awesome
Views: 152,584
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Trailer, Emergency Awesome, Halo Episode 1, Halo, Halo The Series, Marvel, Doctor Strange 2 Trailer, Secret Invasion Trailer, Secret Invasion Teaser Trailer, Marvel Secret Invasion, Doctor Strange Multiverse of Madness Trailer, Moon Knight Trailer, trailer, marvel, Spider Man No Way Home, Spiderman, Movies, Movie, 2022, Scene, emergencyawesome, Halo Episodes, Halo Episode, Charlie Schneider, Clip, Doctor Strange, Doctor Strange X-Men, Doctor Strange Patrick Stewart, Moon Knight
Id: Ot8gaXkUaVc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 37sec (817 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 24 2022
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