GEARS OF WAR - The Complete History and Lore

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hello everyone mocks us here and we absolutely love lore videos your tgn world building is what makes some of our favorite games the most exciting and one video game series that's really fleshed out its lore is the Gears of War franchise with Gears of War tactics now available on Windows PC we figured it was about time to delve into the lore and history of the Gears of War universe so buckle up gear heads it's time for your crash course this is the complete history and lore of Gears of War welcome to planet Sarah okay here's the thing before we really dive into Gears of War we have to establish that it's not set on planet earth it's set on a different planet in like a different universe called planet Sarah Sarah is also home to the human race and while there are similar cultures and different races and ethnic groups the human race on Sarah is still different from the one on earth Sarah had its own human history and conflicts similar but different from that of Earth many years ago the planet of Sarah was engulfed in a conflict called the age of Armageddon that lasted a millennia it was a war-torn era that merely spelled the end of the human race eventually the age of Armageddon ended and gave way to the era of silence the era of silence was a time of general peace and prosperity on the planet leading to the advancement of culture science arts and technology however all golden ages must come to an end Sarah's resources eventually became depleted petroleum and nuclear power could not meet the demands of the human race then a new discovery on Sarah appeared to be the answer to the energy crisis emulsion emulsion was a fungal liquid found underground that could be used as fuel and chemical regions dr. Helen Cooper was able to figure out how to refine and use emulsion thanks to uncovering the light mass process has made emulsion the dominant energy source for the world of Sarah while Sarah's energy crisis had come to an end it gave way to a new conflict the pendulum wars the discovery of emulsion didn't lead to peace and prosperity only further war the problem is that the advent of emulsion led to the collapse of the world economy due to the loss of traditional energy production additionally some of the countries on Sarah did not have access to emulsion rich areas this led to a 79 year conflict called the pendulum wars staged mainly by the coalition of ordered government's or cog and the union of independent republics or uir these are the world's two foremost superpowers eventually the COG gained the upper hand in the war after stealing the you IRS plans to create an orbital super weapon called the hammer of dawn after stealing the plans already made by the uir a military scientist named Adam Phoenix who also served as a captain in the COG was able to reverse-engineer the hammer of dawn the COG used the weapon and destroyed the uir Third Fleet eventually after 79 years the pendulum war came to an end the uir surrendered and signed a treaty to the COG the peace was brief and fleeting before humanity could rebuild in the wake of the destruction a new threat emerged the Locust Horde [Music] let's rewind a little bit during the early part of the pendulum wars it was discovered that long-term exposure to emulsion energy caused an illness known as rust lung dr. nyle Sampson began research into this phenomenon to find a cure for rust lung there was one child who appeared to have a natural immunity to the emulsion she was mira dr. Niles Sampson continued with his experiments and it appeared that exposure to emulsion reduced Mira's aging and made her stronger eventually dr. Samson furthered his experiments into the realm of mad science to try and replicate Mira's immunity and other humans he created mutated humans called the Shires after cog chairman Monroe tried to shut down Samson's experiments a fringe political group in the cog enabled dr. Samson to relocate with Mira and the sires the group wanted dr. Samson to create an army of super soldiers to aid the cog in the pendulum wars in his facility at Mount kadar dr. Samson used Mira's cells to create the first drones of the Locust Horde these locusts had a hive mind and Mira was able to telepathically control them at one point Mira had a relationship with a geneticist for the project dr. Taurus together they had a daughter named Rayna fearing what could happen to Rayna if she stayed at the facility dr. tourists took Reina and escaped dr. Samson lied to Mira and claimed that Rayna died during the escape this caused a grief-stricken Mira to assume a role as the queen of her new Locust Horde the Locust Horde rebelled against their creators and killed all the scientists they went deeper underground and created their own civilization with the capital known as Nexus kidnapped humans were also used to repopulate their ranks at some point the Locust Horde became infected with the emotion creating a mutant phenomenon called the lambent seven years before what would be called emergence day a Locust Horde suffered heavy casualties to the lambent war seeing no other resource Queen Mira declared complete and total genocide of the human race to gain control of the surface and evade lambent epidemic at some point in time the existence of the Locust Horde was discovered by the biologist dr. Elaine Phoenix who was also the wife of professor Adam Phoenix the Locust Horde found Phoenix and killed her however Adam Phoenix continued the work where his wife left off and made contact with Queen Mira and the Locust Horde revealed to Adam Phoenix the lambent epidemic and her plans to immolate the human race unless a cure to the epidemic could be found Adam Phoenix was unsuccessful as there was no known cure to the lambent that wouldn't harm Locust Horde after Queen Mira witnessed Adam Phoenix helped the COG win the pendulum wars using the hammer of dawn she saw genocide as the only option together with her generals they planned a full-scale invasion of the entire planet it was the start of emergence day shortly after the end of the pendulum wars the piece of humanity was torn asunder Queen Mira's forces launched a full-scale invasion on the entire planet from the underground tunnels of planet Sara the military was unable to hold back the invasion the locust struck all major capital cities and installations very soon the COG was the only governmental power that was left in the world after emergence day the death toll ranged in the billions about 25 percent of the human race was lost millions of humans were captured and enslaved into labor camps by the Locust Horde humans were used to feed locust creatures replenishing the locust numbers under the leadership of Chairman Richard Prescott what was left of the COG military launched an offensive using the hammer of dawn and chemical weapons against the Locust Horde the hammer of dawn was used on human cities to deny the locust or use of human assets millions of human lives were lost in the process human civilizations had only three days to evacuate to the Jacinto Plateau a place where the Locust Horde could not easily dig through and attack and finally 14 years after emergence Day brings us to the very first Gears of War game [Music] the original Gears of War series primarily follows that of Marcus Fenix and Delta Squad remember Adam Fenix from earlier well Marcus Fenix is the son of Adam and Elaine Phoenix Marcus Fenix later enlisted in the cog military and even won the Embree star during his service at the start of Gears of War Marcus Fenix has been imprisoned for four years for abandoning his post during the locust war in an attempt to save his father who is gone and presumed dead at the start of the game Marcus is rescued from prison by his best friend and war buddy Dominic Dom Santiago Marcus is then reinstated into the military as part of Delta Squad the COG has an equaliser to strike back against the Locust Horde they need a resonator in order to map the hollow caverns where the main Locust Horde resides then the COG military under the leadership of Colonel Hoffman wants to deploy the light mass bomb to destroy the heart of the locust forces in the hollow also in the Delta Squad are private August Cole a former thrash ball player private Anthony carmine and private Damon Baird a science and engineering expert during the quest to retrieve the resonator the Delta Squad becomes overrun by the locust forces as the Delta squad leader Minyoung Kim is telling the squad to retreat inside the tomb of the unknowns he is attacked by the locust towards general Ryan who impales and kills lieutenant Kim poor Anthony carmine bites it too as a result Phoenix assumes leadership and is now in command of the Delta squad after failing to map enough of the hollow tunnel Network elder squad finds another map of the network in Marcus Phoenix's childhood home in his father's old laboratory after fighting through wave after wave of locust forces the remaining forces of Delta Squad board a train that has the light mass bomb Phoenix and Dom then killed general RAM and upload the hollow map data into the light mass bomb just before the Train careens over a bridge the light masked bomb is successfully deployed and appears to eradicate the tunnel network for the hollow lieutenant Hoffman then delivers an address on the deployment of the light mass bomb promising that the human race will rise again however in the game's final moments the locust Queen Mira promises that the locusts will fight on until they Winn and that they are not dead yet the war is far from over [Music] Gears of War 2 picks up six months after the events of the first Gears of War while the light mass bomb did manage to decimate a great deal of the locust hordes forces they managed to endure also the light mass bomb had the nasty side effect of vaporizing the liquefied emulsion underground which was spreading into the human population and making them deathly ill Delta squad led by sergeant Marcus Fenix continues to defend Jacinto which is the last bastion of humanity on Sara locust forces are starting to encroach further on Jacinto which cannot hold out for much longer with human cities sinking into the ground the COG sends the remaining gear units into the hollow tunnels to investigate and take the fight directly to the locusts in order to prevent the fall of Jacinto new to the team is the rookie trainee Ben carmine who happens to be the younger brother of Anthony carmine also from the first game in the locust tunnels the Delta Squad discovers that the locusts are using a giant rift worm to destroy the underground bedrock to sink the human cities the gears manage to kill the giant rift worm in order to prevent Jacinto's destruction after destroying the rift worm Delta Squad is dispatched to investigate an abandoned COG outpost that might provide intel on the remaining locust stronghold and Queen Mira while investigating the outpost they see the remains of dr. Niles Samson's experiments and shires specimens there's a fake video log that was left by dr. Niles mentioning the experiments the Shires and moving to a facility in the kadavo the delta squad finds an entrance into the hollow in the mountains and delves deeper to go to the nexus and find the remaining locust stronghold eventually the Delta Squad comes upon a group of stranded survivors who had started to live underground due to all the fighting on the surface markers Phoenix has Cole and Baird take the survivors to the surface while Fenix and Dom continue on foot to investigate the location of the Nexus while there Domenic Santiago discovers his long-lost wife Maria Maria had been separated from Dom during the war when she joined a stranded group of survivors who moved underground however she was later captured and interned by the locust [ __ ] she was then even later processed into a locust pod where she was tortured and lobotomized she's discovered by Dom who is devastated to find his wife in a vegetative state Marcus turns away giving Dominic some space so he can euthanize his wife eventually Marcus Fenix and Dom make it to the heart of Mount kadar and find the Nexus the capital city of the Locust Horde after sending a beacon to bring the rest of Delta Squad to their location the squad makes it to the hub of the Nexus they realized the Locust Horde has been embroiled in a civil war against the lambent mutants the locusts who have been mutated by emulsion exposure in a nexus Palace the Delta Squad uncovers a recorded message from Marcus's father Adam the message says that syncing Jacinto might be the only way to end the war as it would flood the Nexus and the rest of the holo so nothing could survive Marcus Fenix then concludes if they sink Jacinto before the Locust Horde leaves they can put a stop to the locusts for good and end the war next the Delta Squad are taken to Queen Mira's throne room who reveals she knows Marcus Phoenix's father and their plan to sink Jacinto leaving her minions scourged to finish them off bad idea to monologue in front of the good guys and leave an inept minion to finish them off Delta Squad reaches command and advises them to evacuate Jacinto so they can sink the city and destroy the lamb bent and the Locust Horde DOM and Marcus go back underground to clear the way for a light mass bomb to sink the city however a lamb bent Bruma destroys the bomb Marcus then calls in an orbital satellite blast to destroy the brew Mack which causes a huge explosion Jacinto sinks and the hollow is flooded with water Delta Squad is able to escape Jacinto and the plan appears to have worked however narration by Queen Mira talks about how the legacies we leave behind are not the ones we intended there's then a lone distress call it's the voice of Adam Fenix he's asking if anyone can hear him and then he says what have you done it appears Adam Fenix the long-lost father of Marcus Fenix is still alive all right it's been about two years since the loss of the last cog and human stronghold Jacinto while much of the Locust Horde was destroyed Queen Mira managed to survive she took what remained of her army and loyal locust soldiers and regrouped to the Endeavour Naval Shipyard in hallow Bay at the start of Gears of War 3 chairman Prescott has mysteriously disappeared and most of what is left of the COG has been disbanded the rest of the COG relocated to the secluded island of Vectis unfortunately the near defeat of the Locust Horde gave way to the emergence of the lambent who are now invading the surface the COG military is now splintered Delta Squad and Marcus Fenix have taken refuge on the cnv sovereign a carrier ship some other former cog military forces such as Colonel Hoffman are pushing back into the mainland shortly after the start of the campaign lieutenant Anya Stroud informs Marcus Fenix Dominic Santiago and corporal J straitened that the mih airman Prescott is arriving on the sovereign Prescott arrives gives Phoenix a disk the disk is a message from the long-lost atom Phoenix atom Phoenix reveals that he's being kept prisoner by the remnants of the Locust Horde he's come up with a solution to kill the lambent but Queen Mira wants to use this weapon to destroy both humans and lambent alike according to Adam Phoenix the key is the emulsion which has been killing the planet this whole time but Adam Phoenix has possibly found a cure the message cuts out before the lambent forces deliver a surprise attack on the sovereign chairman Prescott is mortally wounded during the battle before he dies Prescott reveals that Colonel Hoffman has an encryption to another disk in that Adam Phoenix is being held captive by the locusts on a secret cog base called Asura Delta Squad now made up of Marcus Dom Cole and Baird fight to the envelope fortress in order to find Colonel Hoffman together they fight their way through a combined assault by the lambent and the locusts after decrypting the disk they realized they can only get to the island of Asura using a submarine which needs emulsion fuel over the course of their journey Dom sacrifices himself to save the team when they are almost overrun by enemy forces what's left of the group goes to the ruined city of char led by Griffin who reluctantly helps the gears get some emulsion fuel Queen in hot pursuit of the team they managed to make their way to the submarine to head to Azure to find Adam Phoenix after arriving Marcus is reunited with his father Adam Phoenix reveals he's made a device that can put a stop to both the lambent and the locusts in one fell swoop on planet Sarah Adam Phoenix created a weapon that would theoretically kill the lambent cells on every living organism on the planet with Queen Mira's forces closing in the gears are able to activate Adam Phoenix's countermeasure weapon and released the lamb been killing waves off of Sarah as the weapon activates Adam Phoenix says goodbye to his son asking him and his friends to live their lives to the fullest after he's gone Adam Phoenix injected himself with lambent cells in order to test the device but the countermeasure caused him to disintegrate Queen Mira somehow managed to survive the battle and she insults the Fallen Adam Phoenix the vengeful Marcus has had enough and puts an end to Queen Mira once and for all stabbing her with the combat knife of the Fallen Dominic Santiago Adam Phoenix's machine emits energy across the planet of Sarah which seemingly destroys the locust the lambent and the emulsion parasite a melancholic Marcus Fenix strips off all of his cog ear armor lamenting all that they have lost in their years of war Anja Stroud then comforts Marcus reassuring him that Adam Phoenix gave them hope and a chance for the future this ends the original Gears of War trilogy but this story is not over yet [Music] following the events of Gears of War three Marcus Fenix and Angus trout are married through the help of a breeding program the formerly barren Anya was able to give birth to her and Marcus's son James Dominic Phoenix Anya also became minister of the reformed cog for a time Anya Marcus and James lived peacefully at their family Manor however some years later Anya attempted to have another child in the breeding program but she passed away in the process roughly ten years after the end of the last game before the start of the fourth game the reformed cog has built off walled cities to protect civilians from devastating wind storms called wind flares one of the side effects caused by Adam Phoenix's emulsion countermeasure weapon the COG declared martial law to prevent any type of travel outside the walled cities this created a divide among the human survivors a group of human survivors rejected the new COG way of life forming a group of outsiders that live outside the walled communities they steal resources by conducting raids on cog territories at some point JD and his childhood friend Delmont Walker joined the COG army with JD going against the wishes of his estranged father Marcus at some point JD and Walker come into conflict with Coggs hardline policies and they desert the military they later join a group of outsider dissidents led by Reyna Torres hmm that name sounds familiar they also befriend rayna's outsider daughter kate diaz during the start of the game cog first minister gen commemorates the 25th anniversary since the end of the locust war meanwhile JD and walker attempt to steal a fabricator from a cog settlement with kate and her uncle oscar after returning to rayna's village they are attacked by cogs new robotic divi soldiers minister jin claims they were kidnapping her people however soon new creatures attack and raid the village kidnapping both Raina and Oscar these new creatures are the swarm JD Walker and Kate go to the Phoenix estate to get help from the now elderly Marcus Phoenix who is angry at his son for joining the military and putting his life at further risk by going AWOL informing his father of the swarm Marcus wants to investigate further at Fort revol where his dead locust corpses were supposed to be disposed of after Marcus is captured they find that the swarm creatures have been kidnapping human civilians on Sarah and harvesting them to create new swarm soldiers it appears the emulsion countermeasure weapon did not solutely wipe out the locusts it merely sent them into a chrysalis state allowing metamorphosis thus the locust survive and evolve into what are now called the swarm JD tracks down his father and they free him Marcus reveals that the swarm operate under a hive mind similar to the locust Rana is being kept alive at another site Marcus leads the group to find the other burrial site to stop the swarm hive and save Rana they are joined by the old delta squad team members including Augustus Cole Damon Baird and Samantha burn it appears Samantha and Damon became boyfriend and girlfriend at some point despite that goofy confession from the last game where he said I suppose you want me to say I've always loved you but I don't I really really don't yeah I didn't forget about that Damon the group fights their way into the swarm nest ray notorious is still alive but she's been forcefully integrated into the swarm hive Network releasing her would result in her death Rayna asks her daughter to end rayna's own life Kate tearfully says goodbye to her mother before mercy killing her taking her mother's family amulet Kate then leaves the cave and rejoins the group embracing JD Marcus warns them that this conflict is far from over and that Kate needs to go somewhere safe to find some time to regroup JD and Kait then observed rain as a mule at the other side of the amulet resembles one once worn by the locust Queen Meera Raina remarks that the amulet once belonged to her grandmother plot twist Raina Torres was queen Mira's biological daughter this makes Kate Dee as the biological granddaughter of Queen Meera all right the Locust Horde has been reborn as the swarm and a new conflict rages on JD Dell Walker and Marcus are reinstated into the cog military Kate joins the gears and becomes a corporal together they form the new Delta Squad Kate Walker Marcus and JD traveled to Ezra to try and restart the hammer of dawn satellite network by launching a new hammer of dawn satellite however first minister jen is not aware of this mission eventually the group returns to new ephyra Damon Baird has not had any success in locating the new satellites after learning about the hammer of dawn satellite launch minister Jin orders Delta squad to stand down noting that JD is late mother Anna shroud advocated for the hammer of dawn to be decommissioned soon the COG settlement too comes under attack by the swarm the Delta Squad assists in the evacuation during the evacuation the swarm attack heats up and JD orders the premature launch of the hammer of dawn while the swarm forces are killed the hammer of dawn continues to fire wildly Lizzy Carmen is killed in the crossfire JD Phoenix is injured and goes into a coma some months later Kate and Walker visit an outsider village led by Kate's uncle Oscar in a mission to a request that they joined the COG Oscar refuses but the group is soon attacked by the swarm after getting engulfed by a swarm snatcher Kate starts having dark visions of herself being able to control swarm forces and killing humans and this isn't the first time she's had such vivid nightmares either sadly kate diaz isn't able to save her uncle before he's killed after Kate informs the Delta Squad about her visions Marcus Fenix suggests that she'd go to a lab in New Hope after being awoken JD Phoenix is promoted to the rank of captain and he objects to the new hope mission in New Hope kate diaz finds clues about another secret cog lab hidden in mount Kedar there they learn about the secret experiments run by Niall Sampson which had first begun to cure emulsion poisoning ultimately this led to the creation of the Locust Horde and the Shires after Mira's daughter Reina Torres was taken away from the lab by rayna's father dr. Torres this led to Mira going mad rebelling against the human scientists and assuming her role as leader of the Locust Horde Kate Diaz now realizes that Queen Mira is her grandmother and she's done ethically next in line to be the next Queen of the swarm kate is aware that she somehow can did to the swarms hive mind and she wants to be disconnected in order to free her from the swarm dr. now Samson had converted himself into an AI construct and assisted Kate Diaz into entering a brain scanning machine that's capable of severing Kate Diaz's linked to the swarm hive mind this process somehow revives the previously dead Reyna Torres as her consciousness was still within the hive mind of the swarm the revived Reyna Torres now becomes the new swarm Queen and seeks to finish what Queen mera and the Locust Horde had started the complete and total genocide of the human race and conquest of planet Sara with Queen Reyna leading them the swarm becomes stronger than ever he realizes she has to put a stop to her mother the only way to put a stop to her plans might be the hammer of dawn eventually the heroes joined Baird on VASCAR where they discover an old rocket that was built by the uir to launch the hammer of dawn satellites into space and was kept secret from the public however thanks to rayna's influence the swarm is growing more organized intelligent and cunning they are building new weapons and armor together the Delta Squad is able to launch the rocket with the hammer of dawn satellites and gain targeting beacons to control them however a giant swarm creature called the kraken attacks them and they escaped by the skin of their teeth after the group returns to new ephyra Jin wants to arrest Kate Diaz her plan is to forcibly connect Kate into the swarm hive mind to potentially destroy them this idea is soon thwarted by a swarm attack on new ephyra the kraken appears again and destroys the new hammer of dawn targeting beacons in the course of this battle Queen Reyna appears and attacks JT Phoenix and del Walker in this battle kate diaz can choose if she wants to save phoenix or walker rana will then kill the other one kate diaz is devastated by the loss of one of her friends the survivors are then attacked by the Kraken again on the outer wall of new fira but the hammer of dawn cannot strike without beacon coordinates the group's AI robot companion jack then saves the day by broadcasting new beacon coordinates this activates the hammer of dawn and destroys the kraken the battle is over but the war is not Queen Reyna is still out there what's left of the Delta Squad picks themselves up and looks over the battlefield Marcus Fenix warns Kate Diaz that Queen Reyna will be coming back Kate Diaz is strengthen her resolve to stop her mother and remarks not if we find her first and that's the end of the current Gears of or series for now the future well a sixth gears of war game has yet to be announced however one could safely assume it would resolve this current storyline with Kate Diaz the swarm Queen Raina and the rest of Delta Squad as if yet we don't know how the branching narrative from the last game will figure into the six considering it leads to the death of a significant character from the latest games for now there's the new turn-based tactics game gears tactics which is available on Microsoft Windows BC with an Xbox one release on the horizon no gears tactics is actually a prequel set before the events of the very first gears of war game and follows the COG soldier game d as the father of Kate Diaz from the later games over the course of the game Gabe Diaz meets his future wife Raina and shows the story of the amulet that belonged to Queen Meera that we see in the fourth and fifth games over the course of Gears tactics the ragtag group manages to uncover the secrets of how the COG and dr. nyle Simpson created the Locust Horde eventually the group fights back against duquan and Raina shoots him in the head killing him and she retreats her mother's amulet basically this game provides some backstory for the new characters introduced in the last two games as well as more insight into how the Locust Horde was created otherwise the weight is on for Gears of War 6 that was our look at the complete history and lore of Gears of War what did you think of this trip into the Gears of War lore universe if you want to see more complete history and lore videos let me know in the comments which game you think that we should do next thanks everyone for watching I'm mocks ness and I'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: TGN
Views: 445,713
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gears of war, history and lore, gears of war 2, gears of war 3, gears tactics, gears of war 4, gears of war 5, gears of war 6, complete history of gears of war, tgn
Id: Zd7CWEQ4fOo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 1sec (1621 seconds)
Published: Sat May 16 2020
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