Can I Survive 100 Days Trapped underground in Rimworld?

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hello again today I'm going to be stealing a rim World Challenge idea from ambiguous amphibian what I mean to say is that today we're going to be revisiting an all-time classic from the amphibians back catalog that one where he survived trapped underground in rimworld a plan to spend 100 days in the ground alone with a relatively overpowered but not insane pawn and we'll just see what kind of place we can make we'll be starting alone on Cassandra's drive to survive since being naked alone and underground is probably enough challenge for now we need to find ourselves a nice roughly equatorial impassable Mountain tile somewhere like here naturally we'll be using a Darkness loving tunnel or ideologian to help out which will be named deep boys though using boys plural might end up being a bit of a misnomer now for our lonely caveman as you might expect we'll be making a dirt mole I could probably make a better custom xenotype but I figured it'd be nice to stick to the pre-made options here dirt molds have everything we'll want with the one downside being that they're slow runners but that's not a huge downside when you live in such a tiny space it's going to be a bit overpowered which is fine I'm giving him sanguine to keep him from going mad so easily and brawler because why not his skills are pumped up quite a bit because he's got to do everything down here call him see some butts no that's not a name what about Lars crevasse that'll do it and um he's not 75 years old that's not gonna work all right Lars let's get to it we've spawned after a couple of failed attempts at getting the game to generate what I'm after in a single open tile rather luckily staring right at some compacted Steel and immediately we've mined into an open space it seems as though the game's current map generator really doesn't like the idea of generating a completely filled space like what we saw in aa's video which means my playthrough here will likely be substantially easier but that's fine right that's sort of the point the revisit the challenge concept from the past with fresh eyes and an updated game I have access to a little bit of soil and sun and even a singular tree it also means that in theory I could be raided by a drop pod but let's try not to worry about that for now we harvested a mighty 27 wood from that tree it's not enough to make anything nice but that's okay down here wood is fuel not furniture I think Lars deserves a bedroom though it's not going to be a nice bedroom don't get me wrong but it's certainly better than nothing now Lars is progressing nicely towards starving to death and the rice plants are only 16 grown it was at this point when I realized the amphibians started with 10 survival meals and it was at that point that 10 survival meals materialized how convenient Lars with his belly filled spends the majority of his time smoothing stone walls and Floors whilst waiting for crops to grow somehow it's been three days already and we have a bedroom which is described as mediocre a small plot of nutri-fungus as well as some other nasty crops of the light which Cassandra obviously knew I wasn't supposed to have and sent down a blight on my rice crop thanks Cass I appreciate that I believe this means we'll now have to ruthlessly ration meals for Lars feeding him only when the malnutrition has built to near unbearable levels it's either an incredible show of his willpower or of my power over him regardless next we'll build a stone cutters table to make blocks from all these rocks that fall from the walls while we're mining this both clears up space provides us with materials and perhaps most importantly keeps lars's mind from wandering towards food too often it's been five days now and a Wanderer named Emilia wants to join that's not going to work though so I reject this proposal Lars is once again starting to starve but that's okay he's supposed to starve I do enjoy playing a rim World Challenge like this because it's just so simple you watch Lars you tell Lars what to do and Lars does it that's all there is to it there's something very nice about that to me I think I'll probably let him get to about 50 malnutrition and then let him eat I think that'll see us through to our first harvest just fine [Music] on the seventh day he did not rest he laid marble tiles in his Earthen hole which might feel like a bit much but just because we live alone in a dirty hole doesn't mean we have to live like slobs some cargo pods have landed but I couldn't tell you where it's been a while now and we're still not researching though I'm not sure what to research perhaps smithing wouldn't be terrible at least then Lars could defend himself against any errant bugs though some method for generating electricity should surely be a high priority we could I guess have a single not quite fully efficient solar panel up here but that feels like a waste now a small patch of Nutri fungus is 70 grown but looking at it now makes it seem like a good time to make a larger growing area for this stuff our rice however is 99 grown so let's make a stove and make perhaps not the greatest use of this little bit of wood we have to fuel it it's not going to last long but regardless let's turn our 78 units of disgusting rice into some meals of course I don't want to make too many meals since rice lasts considerably longer before it's cooked a transport pod apparently crashed somewhere with someone in it but that's nothing to do with us because we live down here in the hole now the first of the Nutri fungus is ready but Lars is uh well he's playing chess alone with something of an abundance of food now it perhaps make sense to use some of this space to grow other crops like cotton and it's only now that I realize I never made Lars of table he's been eating his plain cooked rice like some kind of savage this whole time as recompense for the time spent living in squalor I'll dig him a nice big dining room or rather tell him to dig himself a nice big dining room oh no Lars has malaria that's not ideal given that he has no medicine perhaps yet another overlooked use of some of that space would have been growing Hill root I'm not entirely sure how he managed to contract a mosquito-borne disease down here aside from maybe the tunnels to the surface that I use to grow rice is probably it's probably those however he got it his immune system and whatever treatment he's apparently managing to perform with no supplies are working together to get over it he'll be fine he'll be fine it's day 16 now summer is beginning and just like that he's immune sweet immunity and now it's time to clean up the place is hideous also we're out of wood so no more cooking unless we grow some trees or Fiber corns which I suppose is by no means impossible wait a minute I'm researching smithing but I wouldn't even be able to fuel the Smithy supposedly best research tree sowing first it's day 19 and we're smoothing walls it's riveting you're riveted to this video you'd need an angle grinder to stop watching Lars smooth the walls of his Abode and eat raw mushrooms speaking of his Abode the bedroom at some point became decent perhaps we can make it even more than decent with a few fine tiles and here at day 22 I finally realized I should be researching biofuel and turning extra mushrooms into electricity not that it really matters much as Lars has yet to spend a single moment at the research table all my indecision up till now has been entirely in vain I suspect Lars is actually getting used to eating raw mushrooms at this point it seems like he might even like it a theme of this playthrough is events that functionally do nothing like this solar flare followed soon after by an eclipse and these cargo pods which are out there somewhere I'm sure all those are followed by a psychic drone which does technically do something but not a lot it's time to finally get Lars sat down at the research table and he researches sometimes he sleeps sometimes he eats but mostly he researches and there we go biofuel refining but as I had feared the refinery requires components so we'll need to go and do some strip mining oh and there we go they're immediately found some very good even better news Lars has experienced an inspiration he'll successfully tame the next animal regardless of difficulty uh unfortunately there aren't any animals here to dig some more rooms for the biofuel Refinery and generators and how convenient whilst doing so more components now the biofuel Refinery does consume 170 Watts so we'll have to run a wood field generator in order to create our seed chem fuel which can then be fed back into producing more chem fuel out of mushrooms however first we've just had our first cotton Harvest so it's time to make Lars some panties which I'm quite sure he'll enjoy don't [ __ ] this up Lars you need those pants before putting them on though he's decided to go ahead and make the shirt too I guess for Lars it's either naked or fully clothed no half measures they're the same color as his body so you can't really tell he's wearing them but I'm sure he's thankful anyway and okay we've got some wood from the fiber corns so after sticking that into the Woodfield generator we can force Lars to turn some of his food supply into chem Fuel and immediately the refinery broke but it's okay we have some spare components in order to better fuel the fuel production I'm expanding the mushroom farms and with our Newfound electricity we can make a stove and eat cooked food again now 30 fuel runs a generator for just under a week and 70 mushrooms make 35 fuels so it takes about a fifth [Music] I don't know whatever this isn't Factoria we don't do exact numbers who am I kidding we don't do exact numbers there either anyway all right once more some cargo pods drop somewhere and at this point I realized I could make a fridge which I guess I probably should but I'll need to vent the heat from the cooler somewhere which is easy enough to handle with a little vented tunnel out to the semi-outdoor growing area so Lars has a lot to do now throwing down the fungus gravel building the fridge planting more mushrooms and in the middle of it all some little beggar has the audacity to request charity even if I did want to help we live in an enclosed cave anyway we now have a cold room to store mushrooms in and a larger room to grow them in now let's focus on hauling for a bit although annoyingly the cooler near immediately broke down in the fridge for some reason everything here breaks immediately I'll spends a lot of his time relaxing socially alone in the dining room I suspect I know what that means but for the sake of Food hygiene I wish he'd do it in his bedroom but when you spend your days smoothing rock walls I guess you lose a certain part of your psyche so maybe we should be more forgiving and to top it off there's another psychic drone but at least the fridge is smooth now so it's time for some cleaning during another eclipse with that done it's time to research some more we'll do smithing Advanced lights and probably pretty soon Hydroponics passing day 42 now which is winter apparently not that you'd know here in the cave the generators output some heat but it's also just very well insulated from the external temperature here also the stove is on fire so that'll be warming the place up a bit since it's so well insulated these small rooms get immediately very hot when something sets itself on fire Lars immediately got heat stroke as the room was up close to 100 degrees shockingly quick oh and hey look another solar flare these actually do something now especially since in the midwinter we do in fact need heaters to Stave off the bitter cold [Music] perhaps a hat will help with this but which hat to choose shade cone that seems appropriate it'll keep him shaded from the harsh Sun whilst harvesting cotton in the sunlit section it's occurring to me now that this may actually be too much Nutri fungus I always do this with the mushrooms they grow slowly enough that I think for some reason I need to keep expanding their production and then I end up with thousands of them and far too much growing work unless Lars can manage to self-install a field hand this is going to be too much now we've researched Advanced lights we can place some uh floor lamps yeah I know it's a frightening concept isn't it playing without wall lights installed anyway with them down just gotta flick them over to dark light it would be nice if I could use other colors but it's pretty restricted with dark light gotta be this cyan blue it's time to expand the bass a little I want to make a storeroom down here to save running up to the original shelves I built at the start of the game and also a rec room would be nice down here as Lars works on these we're passing day 50. a good time to make a good cloth armchair for the chess table and there you go we've finished researching Hydroponics though I'll need more steel to actually make any basins and a lot more power for Sun lamps with that in mind we'll shrink the fungus Zone some more there's too many mushrooms and not mushroom to keep them all in [Laughter] all right it's day 60 now and as you can imagine progress starts to slow at this point Lars has a lot of background tasks to keep busy with oh what's this cargo pods Landing somewhere we can access full of chocolate did you say chocolate yes 87 bars of it how wonderful all right so this space is ready for Hydroponics but like I said we'll need more power and that's what this space is for more generators but Lars just developed a case of the old sensory mechanoids that's what you get for touching yourself in the kitchen you dirty dirty boy anyway now it's day 69. nice and the fridge is full of fungus only some of which Grew From lars's special kitchen Funtime fluids but let's try not to think about it instead let's focus our energies on using it to make more chem Fuel and connecting the new generator room to the existing heat vents since this many generators will make an uncomfortably warm room we got a psychic soothe here as well which is nice considering Lars is all cranky about the mechanoids thing something that's annoyed me throughout this playthrough is that fueling generators is under the hauling job and don't get me wrong that does make sense but it would be nice for it to be separate or to fall under the basic tasks I'm aware that there's likely a mod for that there's a mod for almost literally everything you don't need to tell me though you can if you really want since comments are just engagement we need to do some more strip mining for components to fund the hydroponic spaces but before Lars can get started on that some wool falls from the sky and then the armchair sets on fire it's all popping off down here in the caves golas go punch out the fire we near immediately mind into some components though it's only a small chunk of them it's enough so there a few basins to grow various nice plants and an electric Smithy so we can finally arm Lars with a mace just in case I'm 95 certain he'll never use it but still I'd rather have it and not need it than need it and not have it the same reason you keep spare pants in a race car so lars's favorite color is Brown uh I'm not gonna lie Lars that's a bit Psychopathic but okay let's get your clothes dyed I'm insisting on the hat being green though which kind of makes Lars look like an onion or something that probably won't be relevant to some insane video I'm releasing soon anyway now he's happy about wearing brown clothes one thing you forget about when you don't play vanilla rim world for a while is that hauling is a massive job without backpacks hauling inventories and horns just passively hauling when they're completing a job near something that needs hauling just shifting all this steel takes Larsen eon okay we've passed day 80 and we're just sprucing the place up a bit at this point Lars is very slowly finishing work on his billiards table an excellent billiards table and a second chair for the chess table in case Lars decides to play a match with a friend and to finish off the rec room it's time to paint my favorite time we get yet another psychic soothe to offset the mechanite pane and then it's time to expand the Hydroponics before making Lars a cape out of that sheep's wool all that is followed up by another solar flare a really long one long enough to kill all the plants in my basins in any case and now that's followed by toxic Fallout which actually doesn't really affect us at all other than making everything green that is it's day 95 now 95 days into lars's underground sentence he's very much routinized at this point he grows his crops he cooks his mushrooms turns some of his mushrooms into Fuel and puts that fuel into the generators Blaze Billiards Blaze chess relaxes socially he sleeps he researches not that often at this point but still occasionally I actually did research Brewing here but I'd need quite a lot of wood to actually put it to use so I doubt Lars will ever taste a beer while we're watching him on day 98 I'm just watching lasgo about his life he's happy it's nice to see so this is what we made in 100 days I'm sure if we really went for it we could have done more but I'm pretty happy with this and I'm sure this could have been a much more eventful playthrough with more mods but I'm trying to reconnect with my love for this game by stripping it back a bit it's easy to fall into Modpack insanity and while I know for a lot of you that's the whole draw for me it just speeds up the burnout playing something like this which admittedly is nothing even remotely close to the vanilla experience reminds me of why I love it so much I find that lars's story while it's not enormously eventful is so easy to fall deeply into and get invested in he's just a lonely guy masturbating in the dining room of his cave it's basically a self-insert character for most of us anyway I suppose we'd best dig ourselves out peep out our heads and see what's left of the world after a quick sleep fair enough Laos you've earned it what plays now is the live audio from when I recorded this because I feel like it's better than anything I could have done in voiceover this is it [Music] look at that now we can see what's out here [Laughter] heard of dead deer wow oh I heard of dead deer I'll get an alpaca oh no donkey donkeys and the piggies there's vomit out here this is corpses and vomit in any case that's where we lived all that time yeah clearly it's best to just remain indoors Lars has got the right idea remain indoors
Channel: Hazzor
Views: 534,892
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rimworld, rimworld gameplay, rimworld ideology, rimworld challenge, rimworld let's play, rimworld tips, rimworld underground, rimworld underground base, let's play rimworld, riwmorld game, rimworld ep 1, rimworld mods, rimworld underground mod, rimworld survival, rimworld survival challenge, rimworld gameplay ep 1, rimworld episode 1, rimworld biotech, rimworld 2023, rimworld biotech gameplay, rimworld biotech part 1, rimworld biotech xenotype, rimworld playthrough
Id: WU3wr31KB4Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 33sec (1233 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 01 2023
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