The Chaos of Playing Baldur's Gate 3 with Four People.

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try sneaking up okay yeah let me all right stay in conversation [Laughter] you got any heels brother oh yeah [Music] you need those yeah if you can't hit anything I almost I almost healed Michael oh yes thanks brother go down fall to your knees Beast [ __ ] Muckleshoot Casino Vegas and best and in the quest what I think we're gonna have a trees it unsnakes me when I do that I want to reset let's go get it baby I'm going in deep Oh no I got caught yeah they're crazy let's do it wait are they are really are we training them to us or now we're going to him this time I was gonna say train them to us I'll put down a uh put down a wall of fire Avid yeah that Hellfire wait let me back in this is where the zombies are coming graduate horizontal like it's okay make it no make it louder it is pretty wide or [Music] we all did yeah I I was still crouched I sort of I could have put the wall of fire down first brother I was calming if we wanted it here didn't say you were in combat brother yeah yeah this might burn Michael let me kill this guy no oh fire wall of stone baby [Laughter] yeah he's right there that's fine that's just that's just what we got we're all gonna die focus on the uh flying one what is he gonna do fly over our wall you gotta get to us first light them up line them up that's the only thing I can do let none pass oh he's a mean a poison Force he's almost dead finish up blast them back into the fire yeah go back to where you belong yeah wow wasn't that easy well you know I found the asset and um he's not happy with us no no no no of course not it's not you know there's some options like a victim and then uh I just don't know if I can take her but I believe I can't either see you in the background these [ __ ] Brands keep finding me you because she's sneaking back there all right not going to happen like your spunk that's cool I guess I'm outside I'll leave you to your very serious business the lipid Empire that's what they want to bring back behind you really wrong for wanting to stop them oh uh will how we met I've loosened his tongue cracker of a tail huh I said I was gonna cut her head off oh I just murdered you what did she say oh goodbye lady he's invulnerable and Isabelle doll if you're invulnerable then your daughter will be sent back to from which she came oh my God we got inspired from that oh is she dead dead [Music] we gotta free the lady the deal damage to him probably oh killing the daughter wasn't it wasn't the answer that's good to know yeah because she is the source of the guys invulnerability well I'm up here with him so this is not good uh you're in trouble ah I'm coming back to beat that ass where's my trip [ __ ] stay down too you know what that is interrupted somebody call for a beating yeah beat his ass wow that's what lame there we go yeah or dots or dots beat his ass again there we go these are the Dodge again I'm too close to him I can't hide it is some [ __ ] you can't hide from God he only has 27 Health oh [ __ ] laughs he's gonna die next round anyways Jamie heal me no I healed you you [ __ ] look at me if he wants the final blow virginity of course evolve me baby give me them little worms snackies something special it's giving me so many options to back another word brother this one's a lot this one's special it's right wants to evolve but it cannot do so alone it must commune with another eat it [Laughter] it's yearning almost unbearable feast [Laughter] rather than consume it join [Laughter] muscle cool brains expanded it's wrinkly [Music] selfish [ __ ] and I was a little hungry a little snacky was in my hands I just nibbled on it and then what do you know listen there's a beggar plus here exception is success and I wasn't informed refugees Benji oh it's a thrall for a carnival [Music] s you know I don't know I just kind of lied my way in here oh well I can use a donation do you want me to grab that for you [Music] oh you don't have to grab anything it's already broken all right what's going on I'm in bed ah [ __ ] being arrested for theft if you have a defense Matrix [Applause] we haven't been here for five minutes I won't kill him I won't kill him I'll go to jail brain without that stone it's people screaming what are you guys doing I'm in jail all right guards come at thee we've had so many fugitive stacks oh [ __ ] they're level 10. man we didn't waste any time trying to kill people did we I know right I can't kill them I don't have any weapons I can knock them out though if you're a monk it wouldn't matter that is true sadly I am not a monk [ __ ] where's the chest come on there it is equipment chest let me fly there take it off all right you [ __ ] [ __ ] you Scrapper oh damn it looks like I'm murdering today can I fly without attack of opportunities triggers foreign just like mercenaries I think there's a heavy chest down here I got it there's a truck I didn't see me unlock it no oh here yeah I'm getting away you wanna go down there yeah I hate tpos yeah dimensional door I think uh yeah brother you're there's two of you oh well oh no it's a it's like a shadow clone um [Laughter] [Laughter] imagine like the bug bear or the sitting there badger badger badger badger just in the porta potties laughs
Channel: Sir Penguin The V
Views: 4,922
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Video Games, Gaming, Gameplay, Baldur's Gate 3
Id: 54X4EfpS0OQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 55sec (835 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 23 2023
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