UNSOLVED | The Alphabet Murders

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hello everybody welcome back to my channel so quickly I just want to address the sound issue in the last video it seemed like my video was not recording in stereo so if you were wearing headphones do it only here in one ear and hopefully I've resolved the issue with this video but if not I will try to I promise unfortunately I'm not super technologically savvy so if there's any of you guys out there that are like super savvy with sound or AV equipment and this video is still not fixed and still not recording in stereo go ahead and give me some options if you have them alright let's get right into mystery Monday so today we're talking about the alphabet murders also known as the twin initial murders the 1970s in Rochester New York was fairly quiet Rochester is a city in upstate New York it's known for its really snowy weather because it's right on the border of Canada and also it's the birthplace of amateur photography because that's where Eastman Kodak is still housed the city itself is surrounded by multiple suburbs where many people lived worked and felt safe that all changed in the fall of 1971 when a young girl was found raped and murdered and tossed on the side of the road shortly after this discovery two more girls would be found in the same way all three victims had similarities none of the three girls lived with both parents all three girls were Roman Catholic and all three had some sort of learning or developmental difficulties they all disappeared in late afternoon and they were all presumed to be taken by car the most startling similarity of all though is that all the girls had twin initials meaning the first letter of their first name and the first letter of their last name or the same what is even stranger is when their bodies were dumped they were found in suburbs of Rochester New York that started with the same letter as their names the first victim was ten year old Carmen Cologne Carmen was a really pretty young girl she had dark hair and dark eyes she was quick to smile she was friendly she was well known in her neighborhood is called the Bulls had area of downtown Rochester and a lot of her family lived there her extended family so she was well known around the area carmen was born in Rochester but she's got the first half of her life in Puerto Rico when her parents decided to move back to New York she struggled a little bit in school and she was put into special education classes because she grew up learning Spanish her family spoke Spanish at home and she struggled a little bit with the English language when she was thrown into school Carmen's mother was only 17 years old when she had her and shortly after Carmen's birth her father just took off and abandoned them so it's not a huge stretch to say that Carmen's life at home wasn't picture-perfect she was one of six siblings that her mother had so there wasn't a lot of attention for her there wasn't a lot of time for her when you have six kids it's hard to give them all a lot of your time and attention she would end up floating between her mother's house where her father's brother Miguel had ended up moving in living with her mother almost as like a Commonwealth husband and she ended up floating between that home and her grandparents home which was about a 10-minute walk away by the fall of 1971 and the time of her disappearance carmen was living full-time with her grandparents she had her own little room in their house and it was full of like religious relics you know crucifixes and pictures of the Virgin Mary etc carmen also struggled with night terrors for her entire life she would wake up screaming in the middle of the night in such sheer terror people didn't know what to do her bad dreams eventually became such a nightly occurrence that even her grandparents they just couldn't keep getting up every night and making the trip down the hall to her room to comfort her so she was left alone in this icy world of horrifying terror that she couldn't escape at night i november 16th of 1971 carmen walked to her local pharmacy Jack's drugs she was picking up a prescription for her grandfather when the pharmacist told her it was gonna take about 30 minutes to fill she seemed like she was in a rush she blurted out I have to go I have to go and she ran out of the pharmacy this was at about 4:30 p.m. leader a witness would come forward and say they saw some matching the description of Carmen getting into a car near Jax drugs but nobody in the short distance between Jax drugs and the Cologne home saw anything else suspicious when Carmen didn't return home by 5:00 p.m. her mother got worried and so she sent some of her uncle's Carmen's uncles out to look for her but by 7:30 when she still hadn't come home Carmen's mother called the police and filed a missing-persons reports and at that time the police descended on the Bulls head area and between 40 police officers and a bunch of Carmen's family they did a thorough search of the area going door-to-door just checking every place that they thought she could be hiding and there was no sign of her they wouldn't know until later that they were looking in the wrong place at around 5:30 p.m. several motorists on a highway called 490 would see Carmen running away from a vehicle the vehicle was going backwards in Reverse and Carmen was running away from the vehicle waving her arms as if asking for help but nobody did stop to help her in this time there was no cellphones and so you couldn't just grab your phone and make a call to the police but nobody made an attempt to pull over and see if she was okay nobody made an attempt to pull over and go to a pay phone and call the police and let them know what they had seen not until Carmen turned up brutally murdered would anybody come forward and say that they had seen her on the highway that day a couple eyewitnesses that were interviewed said they didn't think there was anything weird about it they said they thought she was just in a fight with her parents and running away and her parents were trying to grab her at this time it was more likely that a child was running away from her parents then abducted or some sort of foul play was going on nobody suspected that now that is definitely something that would be your first go-to thought that something's going on with this little girl we need help her but then people just kind of thought it was like a family matter let them handle it this is a classic case of the psychological bystander effect so bystander effect is basically when a bunch of people see something but they don't do anything about it because they assume somebody else will do something about it this also has to do with a diffusion of responsibility so I'm not the only people around there's a lot of people on this Highway now surely somebody else will do what needs to be done I can just go home I'm running late I got to pick my kids up dinner's gonna be ready this isn't my problem in November 18th two days after Carmen was taken her body was found crumpled against a boulder on the side of a road in a little town called Church fell about 15 miles away from Rochester New York two teenage boys were riding their bikes along the side of the road when they saw what they thought was a broken doll laying in the bushes on the side of the road closer inspection revealed the body of Carmen Cologne she was naked from the waist down she only had on her shoes her sax and a sweater her autopsy revealed that she was beaten raped and manually strangled from the front a couple of her uncle's came to identify her body and they said they could still see dried tears on her cheeks the community was scared confused and outraged just so many people did not understand how all these drivers on 490 could drive past carmen running away from her attacker and not do anything those who recall growing up in Rochester around that time recall a shift in their feeling of safety kids a warrant really allowed to go play outside by themselves anymore in a time when it was pretty common to leave your door unlocked and send your kid outside in the morning on his bike and he wouldn't be back until dinnertime that wasn't happening anymore months went by and there was no break in the case of Carmen colognes murder but eventually enough time passed almost a year and a half where the people of Rochester started to relax they thought it was just an isolated incident maybe somebody travelling through their city surely nobody from their city could have committed such a heinous act and people began to relax that sense of peace would be shattered in April of 1973 when another young girl was found being raped and murdered on the side of the road Wanda waka wits was a streetwise freckled redhead with beautiful blue eyes and a demeanor that showed maturity far beyond her eleven years her father died of a heart attack when she was six leaving Wanda's mother alone to care for two young girls Wanda and her younger sister they had to move from their childhood home into a small apartment on Avenue D in the city of Rochester and Wanda's mother was really struggling to make it by trying to care for two children and her husband's meager Social Security checks because of the stress and the financial demands Wanda's mother Joyce turn to drinking she became a regular at the local pubs which were within walking distance of their Avenue D apartment she would even bring Wanda and her little sister with her to the bar sometimes just to make sure that they were okay and you know she didn't leave them alone which was good but I guess being in a bar still not the best place for two young girls eventually at one of these bars she met a man and I guess they get into a relationship and he moved in with Wanda and the two girls Wanda was described by her teachers as a hard worker in school she had a good personality she was pretty well liked by everybody she missed a lot of school which I assume had to do with her her situation at home but even missing 57 days of school that year she was still coming home on April 2nd 1973 with her best report card ever so she was obviously probably really pumped really excited to show her her mom just happy in general you know you leave school you have a good report card in your hand you're on your way home it's just a good feeling when you're 11 years old personally I used to rush home after school in order to get my report card out of the mailbox before my mother would get home and see it so I don't remember that feeling that well one of Wanda's teachers did say he could sense she had a strong sense of responsibility at home like she was she was tasked with a lot at home she was kind of a little mother you know like a mini adult she had this feeling that she was responsible for her younger sister she had this feeling that she was responsible at times even for her mother who was an alcoholic so she had an aura of a young child who was wise beyond her years and was taking on more responsibility than somebody her age probably should have when Wanda got home from school that ernoon she was asked to go to the market that's needed dog food her baby sister her new baby sister because Wanda's mother and this bar guy she met they'd had a baby too so her new baby sister needed diapers and they needed staples like bread and milk and things for dinners so she's in the middle of coloring in her coloring book and her mother basically said you know that'll be there when you get home we need you to go to the market now and get this this stuff so Wanda put her crayons down got her shoes on and she walked out the door she left the house to walk this short and familiar route to the markets the kids would take turns going to the markets Wanda and her younger sister so she was familiar with going there getting things for her family and coming back she actually met a couple friends on the way to the market and she walked some of the ways to the store with them but they ended up going to a different store so they turned a different way and she kept going up konkey Avenue to the markets when she got there there was actually a lot of things that she needed to get and the the person who was bagging up her groceries remembers that he put everything in one bag for her so she would have less to carry home and that it was a big bag it was like over flowing with things and it was pretty heavy for a little girl so she left the market with this bag of groceries and a woman who used to babysit her was actually at a nearby pub where she could see the street from the pub I guess the bars and pubs are super popular in this neighborhood during this time and she saw wanted to leave the market with this big bag of groceries and she recalls seeing her walk away and that there was nothing really suspicious about that she just seemed to be struggling under the weight of the bag and she'd have to stop and shift every so often her lean against a fence post and put the bank up in her arms to get a better grip of it one moment she saw Wanda trying to get a better grip on this bag and the next moment she was gone when Wanda didn't make it home and Wanda's mother knew how long it took usually to go to the market and get back everybody got a little worried especially because of the Carmen Cologne murder a year and a half before so she sent Wanda's little sister to the store to find her I don't understand this like one of my daughters is so let me send the other one out to go find her like what is this woman doing go find your kid what the heck or how about this I go get your own groceries this is insane to me but it was a different time so she said Wanda's younger sister out to find her the little sister and one of her neighborhood friends they both walked to the deli in the store to see if Wanda had been there and when the clerk told the girls that she had already been there and left they walked back home and told the Joyce that Wanda was nowhere to be found so Joyce called to the police around 7 47 almost over two hours since she had last seen her daughter and around 8:15 they did a huge search and rescue effort in the neighborhood looking for Wanda but of course there was no sign of her when the police were looking into her whereabouts they were told of a story where two days prior to her disappearance Wanda and a friend of hers were walking along some railroad tracks at 10 p.m. at night and don't ask me what an 11-year old girl is doing out at 10 p.m. at night and this kind of explains to me why she was missing so much school 57 days I mean she was probably exhausted and nobody was there the next morning to say hey go to school so she was clearly kind of parenting herself or in a friend or walking along these railroad tracks at 10:00 p.m. and a man started chasing them and they started running away and eventually you know he just like douve off and hid in the bushes it turned out this man was a known sex offender and when the police asked Wanda's mother Joyce if she was aware of this incident she admitted that she was and obviously she she probably felt horrible about that you know knowing that her daughter had been chased after by a pedophile days before and she still sent her out to go get groceries but I think in those times they didn't really think about it that way they were more trusting everybody was more trusting they didn't I don't know it was just a different time the next morning was Wanda's little sister Rita's a birthday it was also the day that Wanda's family was notified that her body had been found dumped about fifteen miles away from Rochester in a town called Webster a New York state trooper was doing a basic patrol of the area of 104 and it was you know kind of like a dull rainy day everything was gray and brown its April so it's just rainy and gross and everything was brown because it hasn't gotten like green yet it's still kind of gross from the winter and it's raining all the time so literally all you see in Rochester at this time is like gray and brown but he spotted some you know white sticking out to him in a hillside area the white that he spotted was actually Wanda's bared legs she was lying face down she was still dressed in the blue and white checkered dress that she had worn to school the day before unlike Carmen though one it was strangled from behind and she was strangled with a belt or something like about instead of manually with the attackers hands and even though she too had been brutally raped and assaulted she was allowed to either get dressed before she was killed or her attacker redressed her himself lawanda was strangled manually from the front which is a more personal type of murder it's where you want to see the person's face and you want to have like a hands-on sort of experience when you're killing them it suggests an anger or a connection of some kind also she was left naked from the waist down which also suggests kind of a personal vendetta whereas Wanda was strangled in a more impersonal way kind of just like I have to get the deed done so this girl doesn't identify me and then she was either redressed or allowed to redress so it does suggest that the attacker had some sort of care for her modesty or for the state her body would be found in whereas with Carmen there was none of that care during the autopsy her stomach contents of puzzled police because it showed within two hours of her death she had eaten custard a food which she wouldn't have been able to buy at the deli or market and when she went to the deli market for her mother's groceries she used her mother's credit so basically back in those days they would have a line of credit at the stores you just give the name of the person they would mark it down and then give you a bill every month for your groceries you didn't have to actually bring money with you and when Wanda left that day she didn't have any money on her and there was no place really close by that she could have gotten the custard from this suggested to the police that she had been fed before her death so most likely she had been lured in by the promise of ice cream and in order to kind of keep her quiet and calm the murderer actually had to drive and get her ice cream so that she wouldn't be like why aren't we getting ice cream and freaked out the attacker had to gain the trust of these young girls in order to get away with driving them out away from their home to an unknown location or a further location away in order to carry out his plans and rape and murder them those who knew Wanda insisted she would never get into the car with a person she didn't know but I look back on that day April 2nd 1973 it was rainy she was wearing a dress so she was probably cold and getting wet she was carrying a really heavy bag of groceries and her her home wasn't a far walk from the deli but maybe she just really wanted to get back to her coloring book maybe she just really wanted to get home where it was warm and maybe she would have been more accepting of a ride from a stranger between Wanda and Carmen's death the city wanted to lack down again school parking lots were packed in the morning in the afternoon with parents dropping their kids off and picking them up from school no longer wanting them to walk to school by themselves which I don't blame them residents who lived in the area at the time say that you pretty much you didn't see kids in the street at this time they said occasionally you would see a boy child here or there but there were no girls children left out parents were locking their daughters up tights they didn't want them to become the next victim of what was now coined the alphabet killer because of Carmen's initials CC and the fact that she was dropped in churchville and Wanda's initials w w and the fact that she was dropped in Webster they started to see a pattern of the double initials plus the letter of the place that they were drafted seven months later another girl would go missing 11 year-old Michelle me Anza was described as happy-go-lucky friendly shy a little bit introverted but such a nice girl she was young for her she was unfortunately bullied at school because she was a little heavier and kind of awkward not really outgoing like I said shy and introverted so she preferred to hang out with younger children who accepted her for who she was and didn't bully her or make her feel bad about herself and because of this she was kind of a little bit more on the social level of somebody who was a couple years younger than her she had two younger sisters and two older brothers but she didn't live with her brothers because some years before Michelle's mother and father had gotten divorced and her older brothers lived with their father and Michelle and her her two younger sisters they lived with her mother unlike Wanda and Carmen's parents who kind of seemed to just let their kids do whatever Michelle's mother Carolyn seemed much more protective people who knew them said Carolyn would bring her three daughters with them everywhere she went to the laundromat to the store they were always with her and in the morning she would take baby Christine put her in a stroller and walk her two older daughters to school she would also pick them up from school in the afternoon and this gave Michelle a lot of grief at school as well people bullied her and called her baby oh you need your mommy to walk you to school and it was just normal bullying but it's so crazy to me that the one girl in the situation whose mother actually cares to walk her to school make sure she's safe she gets teased and tormented from it by her peers it's it's horrible on November 26th of 1973 Carolyn walked to school in the afternoon as usual to pick up her two daughters but only eight-year-old Marie was there to be picked up and the school informed her that Michelle had decided to stay after what they didn't tell her at that time was Michelle had been forced to stay after because she had been being bullied and victimized on the playground by another girl and both of the girls had been pulled in for the incident and told they were staying after her detention which is clearly very unfair because Michelle was the one being victimized Michelle was the one being bullied but yes she was forced to stay after school for this at that point Carolyn made a decision that I'm sure haunted her for the rest of her life she said well I'm gonna bring these two girls home and Michelle will be fine to walk home it's a short walk she's done it before so she told the school to just let Michelle know then when she was done with whatever she was doing after school to come on home at 3:15 Michelle left the school I'm sure not in the best spirits she'd had a tough day she was being bullied constantly at school she was probably feeling pretty bad about herself the next day was her birthday so she should've been feeling happy she should have been feeling like a young girl on the eve of her 11th birthday excited for what was to come excited for a party or presents or to hang out with their friends but instead I'm sure she left school that day feeling pretty you know down in the dumps even though she'd had the day from hell Michelle was a good daughter and a good person at her heart and she didn't go straight home she actually turned right onto a Kerman heading toward Goodman Plaza where her mother had left her purse at the Super Sabre store there the past Saturday so she wanted to go get her mother's purse and bring it home for her because her mother had been stressed out about losing her purse Michelle's uncle on her father's side he owned a gas station at the intersection of Melville and Webster Avenue and he would often see Carolyn and her daughters walking home in the afternoon from school and that afternoon he only saw Carolyn walk by with Murray and Christine so he assumed he would be seeing Michelle come by later and he never saw her when Michelle hadn't made it home by 5:00 p.m. her mother got understandably worried she seemed to understand the little girls need to be protected especially in that time and place and she called the police immediately she let the police know that she didn't think there was anything going on at home or at school that would cause Michelle to run away and that Michelle also knew not to get into the car with strangers she did have you know an element of the stranger danger I'm sure her mother coached her well so she didn't think that she would willingly go with anybody once again a massive search would begin for this little girl centered mainly around the neighborhood that she was from and disappeared from there are reports that Michelle's mother knew when Michelle didn't come home that night that she had become a victim of foul play she could sense it and feel it she actually had a mental breakdown and she had to be hospitalized and medicated because she was just so upset I'm sure she blamed herself as any parent would any any good parent would blame themselves and I'm sure she did and I'm sure she lived with that or still does live with it two days after Michele was last seen her body was found once again dumped on the side of the road in a town called Macedon about twenty four miles from the city of Rochester she was bruised sexually assaulted and strangled like Wanda and unlike a Carmen her body was fully clothed and she had been strangled from behind with some sort of tool instead of from the front manually her body was positioned haphazardly on its side as if it had been just tossed from a moving car at this time using DNA to solve crimes was over a decade away but they did pull a fingerprint from her boot and some prints from her coat and they also found some white cat hairs on her clothes which was interesting to the police because they also found white cat hair on the clothes of Wanda but not Carmen they were also able to lift a single print from her neck using a new technique that used salt and iodine so they had prints from her coat and boots and from her neck there were a lot of reported sightings of Michelle but the few that stand out to me as being connected and that had actually panned out was a woman saw Michelle and a man at a hamburger place in Penfield the girl who looked like Michelle was sitting in the vehicle and the man walked to the hamburger place to get some food he had dirty hands and once he got the bag of food he walked back to the car and then they were gone when Michelle's autopsy was done it did show that within the hours leading up to her death she had had a hamburger I wonder if Michelle told her attacker you know when he was being conversational and nice to her that it was her birthday the next day maybe he felt bad knowing what he was gonna do maybe he wanted to give her some sort of last birthday meal it's horrible to consider that on Michelle's 11th birthday she was most likely being assaulted abused raped and strangled to death another eyewitness says he saw a car pulled over on the side of the road and he thought that the car had a flat tire so he stopped to help and the man who was in the car did not want his help he was also trying to black a young girl that he had with him who matched Michelle's description and when the motorist stopped to help the guy got really upset and agitated and kind of tried to block her tried to block his license plate and you know just freaked out didn't want any help this tip was significant because her body would be found less than a mile away from where this happened Michelle was a people pleaser she desperately wanted to be like she wasn't accepted by her peers in school she didn't have you know a father around really to give her that acceptance from a male figure that little girl's need and she was shy and introverted and she was probably feeling pretty lonely not having many friends at school not really you know being accepted by anybody she was an awkward kind of kid and she probably would have given the time of day to anybody who would give her attention give her a compliment make her feel special make her feel heard so I don't think it took much for this person to get Michelle to come with him I think Michelle was looking for acceptance and love and a friend anywhere she could find it I mean she had no problem hanging out with children that were younger than her just to have a group of people to be with so I don't think she would have a problem with being friends with somebody who was older than her if that person offered her a sense of acceptance so it is theorized that the murder of Carmen Cologne and the murders of Wanda and Michelle were done by a different person because of the different methods of a strangulation because of the different ways the body where the bodies were found and because of the fact that Carmen didn't have any food in her stomach but Wanda and Michelle did so it was thought that Carmen was taken by somebody she knew and that she trusted because they didn't need to bribe her with food or ice cream or hamburgers and she just kind of got into their car sort of willingly and that is why her uncle Miguel Cologne her a sort of stepfather the man who had moved in with her mother after her father abandoned them he was a big-time sauce the attack on Carmen once again like I already said it felt personal the killer wanted to see her face when he was strangling her he wanted to use his own hands more of a personal touch and it seemed that her body was left in worse shape that she had been beaten a little bit more that she had been kind of abused and the fact that she was left sort of half naked suggests that the person who killed her kind of had a reason to embarrass her or humiliate her or make her feel bad when Carmen was running away from the car in the expressway many people theorized that it was somebody she knew because why else would this person take the risk of chasing her in such a public manner if she couldn't identify him why would an attacker who had taken a girl make such a big and public display of chasing after her after she had allegedly earth what we think happened is that she got away in and the person chased her but why would he do that if she couldn't really identify him it's theorized that she knew her attacker was and that's why he had to get her back in that car because if she got away she could point the finger at him the car seen chasing Carmen was reportedly identical to the car that Miguel cologne had just purchased and even though it was a new car after Carmen went missing the car was thoroughly cleaned inside but her hair and her dowel were found in that vehicle which I guess isn't crazy like I said he was kind of like her foster stepfather he lived in her mother's house I'm sure she would have been in his car before but it's still kind of strange what is really strange though was when the police went to question him about his involvement he like freaked out and fled he went to Syracuse which is further towards New York City from Rochester and when they followed him to Syracuse he then again fled to Spanish Harlem in New York City and from there to Puerto Rico a man living in New York City who was a friend of Miguel's at the time he said Miguel came to him after Carmen had been found to be murdered and he said I need to get out here I need to get to Puerto Rico I've done something bad in Rochester the police chased him all the way to Puerto Rico and they were there for seven days trying to find him and for the entire seven days that they were there Miguel hid in the jungle like literally the jungle it was the jungle I don't know any other way to say it like I'm not talking about you know a forest I'm not talking about you know like a cabin in the woods I'm saying this straight up jungle no shelter no cable no electricity no running water he was so keen to avoid these investigators while he was in Puerto Rico for the entire six to seven days they were there he stayed in this jungle he eventually did return to New York and he was questioned about Carmen's death but I don't think anything ever came of it which is crazy to me because you clearly thought this guy was involved that's why you went to Puerto Rico and he clearly had something to hide because he ran so far but nothing ever came of it in 1991 Miguel Cologne tried to kill his wife Carmen's mother and when the police showed up he said to them shoot me just kill me and they didn't so he ended up just taking his own gun and killing himself when the family was questioned after his death about whether he was involved in Carmen's death they all still to this day insist that he was not but you be the judge of that James barber was also thought to be involved in Carmen's murder he was a cook in the Bulls head area where Carmen lived he worked at a local restaurant where they utilized like a punch clock system where you would have a timecard and he would put it inside the punch clock and it would stamp it the time you came in and the time he left the day that Carmen went missing he didn't punch in with the clock he like wrote in his time manually when Carmen was discovered to be missing and murdered James barber took off he didn't take anything from his apartment he didn't give his job notice he just left and after the suspicious behavior they looked into his past and found that he was wanted in the state of Ohio force atomizing a 15 year old girl they obviously searched for him to question him but once they did find him it wasn't Ohio in a graveyard because he had died another person thought to be involved in the murders of Wanda and Michelle possibly Carmen is a firefighter named Dennis termini termini was a 25 year old fighter fighter who had abducted or tried to abduct a 16 year old girl on New Year's Day she was walking out of a hotel and he tried to grab her but she screamed and made such a big scene that he ran away to find his next victim which he did shortly after that it was an eighteen year old girl who was walking away from him II grabbed her from behind held a gun to her head and dragged her into an empty garage where he then told her to get undressed but fortunately a neighbor who saw the abduction go down called the police and the police showed up at the garage and Dennis fled once again he found a parked car on like a Street climbed into the car locked the car from the inside and when the police tracked him there through his footprints and the freshly fallen snow he basically just took a gun and he killed himself Dennis was thought to be involved because he was close to all three of the murders and all three of the areas he kept his firefighting outfit or costume or uniform in his car so he would always have it close to him and a lot of people did think that the person who took the girls was somebody who might have been dressed in uniform somebody who might have seemed trustworthy from the get-go without even having to know them he was called the garage rapist and it soon came out that he was responsible for at least 14 rapes between 1971 and 1973 it was clearly not lost on detectives that this was the same space and time that the three girls had gone missing and been raped and murdered the most incriminating piece of evidence against Dennis termini for these murders was the white cat hair found in his car and on his clothes none of the girls owned white cats but two of them had white cat hair on their clothes the same way cat hair that was on Dennis Germanies clothes and in his car what his MO didn't match he usually went after older women between 16 and 18 years old and he never killed his victims he always left them alive typically a serial killer or a serial rapist there ammos aren't gonna change they don't go from younger to older they don't go from not killing to killing they have a standard mo that they follow especially when it comes to the age and sort of type that they go after in 2007 the Sheriff's Department obtained a warrant to exhume Dennis termini who was already dead and buried obviously years before they had found DNA in the underwear of Wanda so they found semen basically in her underwear I suppose they also had found some at Carmen and Michelle's crime scene but over the years those samples had gotten lost which is kind of troublesome for me like where did they go what happened to them but anyway is his DNA was compared against the semen sample they found in Wanda's underwear and he was ruled out as being a suspect in at least her murder because the DNA didn't match two of the more kind of crazy theories I think that really need a little bit to kind of reach to be connected are Kenneth Bianchi the hillside strangler did he was a Rochester native as was his cousin and they both moved to LA in order to I don't know get out of Rochester I don't blame them I live here and it's not really that that much fun but Kenneth Bianchi along with his cousin raped tortured and murdered ten women in LA the victims were strangled and they were left on a hillside overlooking the city and that's why he was given the name the hillside strangler Bianchi and his cousin tricked these women into coming with them willingly by pretending to be police officers he's a very famous I guess serial killer what he was from Rochester and he lived in Rochester until he was 26 so he was there during the time of the murders of Carmen Wanda and Michelle he actually didn't leave until 1975 which is right around the time that the murders stopped during his time in the Rochester he did a couple odd jabs he was an ambulance driver and he was also an ice-cream man so he would have had a lot of close contact with children and I don't know if it's connected but Wanda was found with custard ice cream in her stomach contents after she was killed the first time this was ever connected that Kenneth Bianchi might be connected with these alphabet murders was a 1981 news article that said the method of strangulation and the way the bodies were dumped like in open space outside was very similar to Kenneth's Bianchi's and he also had a blood type that the police were looking for that was very rare only 20% of the men share this blood profile Bianchi was not happy to be like connected or associated with these murders I suppose even serial killers have their moral high-ground or a line they won't cross and it is said if you go to jail for raping or murdering a child that they will eat you up because even criminals don't like crimes against children and Kenneth Bianchi did not want to have anything to do with this crime he said he was not involved absolutely wasn't him and at this point he was facing two life sentences for all his murders he committed in California so he didn't really have any goal or aim to reach by denying these murders if he had been a part of them he did willingly give his wrist prints and palm prints and his DNA he really wanted to be cleared from this murder I guess based on the DNA Bianchi just like termini was eliminated from at least Wanda's murder because the DNA did not match that found on her body and last but not least a little bit of a far-reaching theory is that Joe Nassau did it in April 2010 Joe Nassau or crazy Joe as his friends called him he was actually arrested for committing many murders in the California area he is convicted of killing at least four women and suspected of killing many more and he is actually a Rochester native and grew up and lived in Rochester for some time so we have a really strong history of as serial killers there's more I won't get into a now but there's a lot of serial killers crazy people born in Rochester the reasons he was suspected in the case was because of the double initials of women he murdered in California his California victims were Roxanne roguish Pamela Parsons Tracey Tafoya and Carmen Cologne so not only did a lot of his victims share twin initials but one of his victims was the exact same name as one of the girls who died in Rochester the women were all raped and strangled similar to the alphabet murders in Rochester but like Germany and like Bianchi his DNA did not match to the DNA found in Wanda's underwear once again it's also not common for a predator like this to change his MO he's not going to be raping and killing young girls in 1973 and and you know later 80s 90s 2000s graduate to older women it's just these kinds of perverts and predators they like what they like and that doesn't change for them so those are the theories my personal opinion is that Carmen's uncle Miguel he was responsible for her death possibly somebody else killed the other two girls maybe a copycat maybe even Miguel who was trying to get the heat off of him so it didn't look like there was a personal connection to Carmen maybe he actually went so far as to kill two more girls to make it seem like there was a serial killer out there instead of you know just a personal vendetta against Carmen maybe he was sexually abusing her for most of her childhood and now she was getting to the age where she was gonna tell so he couldn't let that happen but the other girls were strangled much less personally and they were also given a little bit more respect in their bodies when they were dumped the length of the the length of time between Carmen's murder and the other two would also suggest a different suspect there was a big gap over a year of time between when Carmen was killed and when Wanda was killed but then not so big of a gap between Wanda and Michelle I could not really tell you who I think is responsible for Wanda and Michelle's murders it could have been somebody they knew it could have been somebody that stalked them and you know did go after them for their twin initials purposely left them in areas that started with the same letter just to kind of be I don't know coy or funny a lot of people think the twin initial thing is coincidence I don't believe in coincidences especially considering they were dropped and dumped in towns with the same first letter it just seems way too much of a coincidence for that to happen to three girls that's just my opinion we may never know what happened to these girls they were all young they were all innocent they all had their whole lives ahead of them and they were all kind of coming from situations where their whole life maybe wasn't the best or they weren't getting enough attention or there was something lacking a male presence at home typically a you know a nurturing environment I think any of these girls would have been receptive to a kind word or a friendly smile or the offering of an ice cream or a hamburger I think any of these girls would have been receptive to making a new friend I will leave you with one final strange theory that I heard these girls were thought to be picked by the letters in their names maybe they were picked up because of the initialism that their names put together made Carmen Wanda Michele C W M come with me the words their attacker would have said to them before changing their lives forever thank you guys so much for being here with me today I'm sorry if there was a lot of jump cuts because my my little daughter she's been sick and she stuffed up so she wakes up a lot when she's sleeping and I had to go in and kind of soothe her I am so sorry if the sound is not right if the sound is not right guys I'm going to fix it by the next video I played with it for like 45 minutes this morning and I could not figure it out so either I have to do some serious googling and become an you know an audio-visual genius overnight or I just need to give it to somebody who can help me who knows more than I do so either way I will get it fixed if it's not fixed in this video I'll get it fixed by next video if it is fixed in this video I would genius if you like this video and you want to see more like it please like subscribe and comment leave me a comment and let me know what you think happened to these girls and let me know if you've heard of this case before because there was like this B list kind of movie made called the alphabet murders of the alphabet killer or something it wasn't it wasn't a good movie but there was a movie made about it so let me know if you've heard about this case because it does happen in my hometown it's just kind of interesting to me I hope everybody's having a great day I hope you enjoyed mystery Monday I'll be posting another true crime video this coming week and then of course every Monday you'll have a mystery Monday thank you guys so much for being here with me stay kind and stay beautiful and I'll see you next time bye perfect timing look who just woke up little sick girl say hi hi can you say hi to everyone hi this is Bella she does not feel good today but we are gonna spend our day in bed watching trolls are we gonna watch trolls are we gonna watch trolls today just take it easy and relax so okay you wanna get some breakfast breakfast one lets Grandma dice oh no what do you want do you want ice cream ice cream hey do you want a popsicle mad P say bye say bye we're gonna go watch trolls and sit in bed all day say bye to everybody see bye how are you blowing a kiss okay I'm gonna go take care of this little one everybody thank you for being here like the video if you liked it comment if you have an idea of what happened to these girls comment if you've heard about this case because I know there was some like vilas movie made about it called like the alphabet killers or the alphabet murders or something like that but I don't know if anybody ever really watched it and give this a thumbs up if you liked it did I say that already yeah go ahead and subscribe if you aren't already subscribed and hey she's playing throw Z go ahead and subscribe if you aren't already subscribed and I will see you guys next time stay kind and stay beautiful MA bye you are you trying to get Rosie are you gonna feed Rosie or are you free - Rosie your pretzel Rosie wants your pretzel Rosie want your pretzel Oh [Music] yeah I'm waking up to ash
Channel: Stephanie Harlowe
Views: 322,599
Rating: 4.9287381 out of 5
Keywords: mystery, monday, the alphabet murders, unsolved mysteries, mystery monday, rochester ny, true crime, true crime videos, story time, true stories, true scary stories, scary stories, crime
Id: Wl6_wvRbp78
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 25sec (2725 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 05 2018
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