The Bridal Walk - Ben Dianda

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I am Liz right welcome to live your best life the only thing that matters now is living by the power of this wonderful new creation life we're going to become an undefeatable force of radiating glory and we are rising up strong now in this hour welcome to live your best life I am this right I am so happy that you join me today this is going to be an extremely special program today I have with me to join me in and in a life-giving conversation for you guys one of my dear dear friends he is a successful businessman in the property sector he's also a minister and he's a head of a ministry and but more importantly than anything else he is a true close friend of Jesus he has broken through in and to a depth of relationship with Jesus that is rare and he is a man that I would say truly epitomizes and what we see in the scriptures in Song of Solomon chapter 7 verse 7 where the scripture says we stand in victory above the rest safely and secure as we share I'm paraphrasing obviously as we share the vineyard of our heart our love relationship with either so he is truly a man I know him really well and I've walked with him for a number of years and I've seen him walk through battles and in the circumstances that we all face in life and I see that he truly has discovered the source of source of strength for his life for the fulfillment for all of his emotional needs that he really does live in that place and it's any obvious to all of us that have the privilege of calling him our friend we see that that Jesus literally radiates off his life and to be a man who's in business as well and he's not a full-time minister you know he is a minister but he's ending the mark it places a minister predominantly in how he spends his time and it's clear that he trips Jesus he releases the fragrance of Jesus he releases the wisdom of Jesus so in today's show I want to go inside the relationship with my dear friend and Jesus to destroy out some nuggets from his life to hear some of his story that will hopefully release a lot of strength for your life too so welcome to the program bending under to joy and privilege and you know how much you and Wesley means my heart that we gonna walk this out together absolutely absolutely then to jump right into our conversation would you mind sharing with us all together like the family listening to some of how you your life started off with Jesus how did this level of depth of relationship with Jesus begin for you I had the privilege of growing up in a family that always knew Jesus in fact my parents met revival in Bible College and so I was born again when I was three speaking in tongues when I was like seven but and so I knew Holy Spirit incredibly intimately my whole life I don't know what it's like to be apart for not hearing the Lord and so it's become so one with my own internal language that sometimes I'm even jealous people that have radical transformation story because they they can express the dichotomy between before and after but I know it infused through me but what happened was sometime after college but without expressed in my full testimony because we'd be here a super long time just sort of these this brokenness and what I know now is love sickness really manifest in my life there was nothing wrong with my upbringing or my childhood or there was nothing dramatic that happened to me but my body began to just shut down and I'm emotionally became extremely traumatized to the point where my dad would drive me to work we would work together kind of after he rescued me out of school and put me into a different lifestyle I I would have severe panic attacks I would be able to breathe or move and there are other underlying conditions but I knew without a shadow of a doubt that everything was spiritual and that I could be healed just by finding him and what I didn't realize was that I hadn't met Jesus for myself I had been saved my whole life but I hadn't had the face-to-face encounter with the one that was supposed to be married to and I just went head deep completely and defying anything I possibly could to get freedom and the Lord laid forth the series of circumstances where I could find that but because I had what we spirit as my guide and my counselor he knew exactly where I needed to go and it wasn't overnight it was a series of like 10 years of progressive what I would call like levels of Union into Jesus kind of what you hear really from like the mystics and the saints of old like Madame Gyan a tracing of a villa or Catherine of Siena and Jonathan cross after I walked through so much that I turn back in their stories and what would show how he fulfilled and honored every step of the process in maturity in union with him without having any four type before me except Jesus himself so I say Joey naima it was unfolding were you sick I'm Wow and so was the so the sickness and the desperation inside of you for Jesus which was propelling you to keep trying to find okay yeah an extreme depression like really was practically bipolar but it was things working out inside of me internally to like find and know him it was a radical pursuit and what it came down to was I knew that everything inside me had to be completely stripped away that I had to completely forget myself and remove and renounce pretty much all my desires all my talents all my abilities all things I knew I was set up for which were like radical and extreme and artistic and sheer influencing you know spear influencing all of that but and I came out of a place where I was completely set up to do it all and all crumbled in front of me so I was in a place where I really could give it all up and one day I remember specifically where I said this is it you know I have I don't even have my own life anymore at that point which unfolds all those different aspects but I really felt in this specific what became an encounter felt as though I died and was resurrected all within it was when I gave up all the purpose and destiny in my life all my physical being every vitality your piece of me kind of all those things that we make up of what our desires and our passions are for our life to really become this kind of avatar of what we think we're supposed to be or I'm even thinking about how important it is to like brand yourself right now all these expectations you know to be well you to be exactly and yeah exactly even to it you've believed God made you to be I laid those things down and announce them and I saw them all really infused into Christ himself as though he were on the cross because those were my own sins they don't even seem really bad per se because they're all things that were given to us by him but this is the radical part was I knew the only thing left because I also wanted to give him anything I could have value was my own salvation was the greatest you know thing I could possibly own or have or conceive of and I really even laid that down before him too and I said if I am nothing I even give you my salvation because it's the most precious thing I have to you that even if that is the most worthy and precious gift that I can give you I even give it back to you and in that he'd laid me out on the cross with him and I was infused in him just like as you go through Ephesians of the code death Co burial Co resurrection I I saw the nails go through her hands together and I felt the pain of it but not the fullness of it because he really bore it but he allowed me to experience parts of it with him and the feet the raising of it the dropping into the ground the agony and the suffering of trying to breathe what it was like to feel everyone's life come upon him and the the adoration of his life for man and we breathed her last breath together and I know now that that was the beginning of the bridal experience you know Song of Solomon says I even have it queued up until date breaks and the shadows flee I will go to the mountain myrrh into the hill of incense and you together a beautiful my darling there's no father within you and she really says there in song songs three six four six four six that she said here on the mountain of suffering love yes I will become your bride and it's in that place where you experience the coasts sufferings of Christ because it played on and on I over the next series of six years I went into different aspects of his suffering and has walked and Via Dolorosa the betrayal and garden when we identify with his life that's when we really know him and become the bride you know if we really adore him we live our life with him and we want to experience everything with them just like you would your spouse you want to know who they are and what made them who they are today you know and that's what changed everything for me was identifying the sufferings and laying within his wounds it's so holy then I so I'm so thankful that you're willing to be this vulnerable you know to share this because I realize this is the treasure of your life you know all I keep thinking when you was sharing that then was how gee this has privileged you to truly understand become one with his hearts like he's shared with you his heart he's taking her inside the experience of his life while he walked on the earth the price he paid for us and it legend like you've gone through an experience of literally what the scriptures say it's no longer I that lives its Christ lives in me that we are Co crucified covariant Co resurrected code meaning mystical union of oneness Christ in us now the hope of glory that literally he took you to the end of himself to me and then and then when you gave up everything you knew to give up you know you gave up your entire life out of love for him and then he shared with you what he did and his immense love what was behind those nails who was his love then you experienced that and and went through I don't think like he said I don't think I've ever heard anybody go through this fullness of this experience of war of its the scripture right you went into the experience of what he's done for us apart from maybe some of the Mystics of old in part you know where they've shed some of their testimony so what when obviously obviously it ruined for you for everything else I mean know that that's a friend I mean you are living with this divine love sickness for his presence I mean he's your very breath isn't he he's you know he is I mean we once we've seen him there's no going back these exquisite love and we were created to live in oneness with him but the language you have and the the purity part that you have been and that reverential through the Lord up desire to walk in holiness because you are so sensitive to how your life affects the heart of God you know it's just a gift that has come as a result of what you've experienced so and then so what happened after you obviously you you began to heal physically he blood we were Schoology he brought you into election night presumably the other side trusting you to this level with his heart what happened after that I one of the almost immediate encounters that followed that was even in that experience I was within him I didn't see him and that was the heart cry my heart it still is to to physically tangibly hold and see the face of Jesus and I mean that puts me in the agony of lovesickness just to hold him but an experience right after that I was learning you know what it is to practice the presence and made the scriptures like Madame Jeon laid out you know like lay upon the word and eat the word and as you just look upon him just say one of his name's softly and I was even practicing that it was as if this opening of them within the top of the dome an oculus opened up above me sort of with that framing of architecture background like the exposure of it being black within the dome but the pure white coming through that oculus and a figure looked out over the balcony down at me and it was the similitude of Christ and what I knew to be him and that was enough for me that just set me off and I was lost and what happened in that specific recognizing him as all fear was eradicated from my body like spiritually and soulish li and physically and i believe that was one largest pieces and my healing was that in that experience i knew i could face held satan all torment all of it and nine that would matter because understanding them like the understanding of the resurrection of christ night the revelation within the encounters you were in prayer just in news that strengthened - you did it and they left you a rat Akeno it I mean I was on the ground and you know I'm done but it didn't mean that I couldn't stand up with fullness and strength and feel him within you exuding to push anything away you know and that even if something horrible would come before you would fall in terror really and so I mean that really it was those truths that were set up in me through encounter that I knew I was healed I knew that I didn't have depression I knew I wasn't suicidal or any of those types of things because I had such strength in my spirit that it wouldn't matter if even a doctor gave me a prescription that was wrong it was enough to know and it would had ended up doing was physical eyes and a full miracle of you know wholeness yes but can you connect it into the new creation reality hadn't you completely and there is no sickness in Christ and he's our neighbor so do you believe that you touched the sovereignty of God or you said the fear completely left you I had to uh anymore seven spirits brought even fear himself you know I mean if you approach the of God and he is what we are in reverentially fear and we have on his beautiful dazzling splendor you know nothing else matters that's what happened I beheld him right fear had to leave yeah absolutely you touch but I mean it was a six to ten year experience but what it was is that that was a Co crucifixion I walked through a CO burial there was a co dissension just like he did to when the keys of life there was a resurrection experience coming out of the tomb with him you know there was the point of ascension with him he's allow me to walk through these experiences and it wasn't that overnight I was better but I was in pursuit and so I had everything I needed you know but what it did was it set me up for Bridal encounter and true Union and I think sometimes that's what's missing when we in like the intimacy message in the bridal message is that people don't completely open up their stories of their bridal encounter what it took to enter into that like you know like you said in song songs took her deciding to walk up Daugava with him and be crucified before he calls her bride and so I think sometimes there's a step missing in the message like he's gonna marry you he is but are you identifying with the fullness of who he is and like my other favorite scriptures and Ephesians where you know he's giving us the Holy Spirit is the seal to promise hope filled inheritance and deposited surety of what's to come but song is the passion translation calls it he gives us the Holy Spirit his engagement ring is given to a bride and when we see the Holy Spirit surround us as a physical surety you know an engagement ring to him that he's slipped upon our name though we know without a shadow of a doubt that we're ready to be married - yeah yeah yeah absolutely there's an invitation into the fullness isn't it is a security that we can now experience as we have the dump the deposit I'm not it's an invitation to into the fullness of the vision that Jesus held in his heart as he hung on the cross which was asked right right we are his counterpart forever so as a as a man I mean I love this I love talking to my brother's you know like you and Eric and Brian Eric Gilmore and banger huh who are you know our friends and men who walk in the bridal paradigm you know and another man that comes to mind of course he's pioneered it's Mike Bickle you know masculine guys intelligent guys who have who have found this wife you know the Lord's brought them you brought you into a walk with him that is just is that what we were created for right but it's extraordinary so as a man can you explain to other other members of the family listening right now to help them go deeper in their walk it's not a it's not a feminine message is it it's it's a oneness with living god that's transformational and is the source of all power so can you can you explain from a man's perspective the bridal walk so you've walked this incredible journey with Jesus has he begun to awaken you and share his heart with you and take you into this amazing journey really understanding what he's done for us and who we are now and then the component of that will the next level for you at the bridal when you started to touch into that as a man would you unpack that a little bit more for us certainly you know we had surrendered so I mean identification and terms didn't matter anymore what mattered to me was that Jesus has a bride and I want to be that and it's the church and the other call on my heart that I even skipped over was in that Koko's fiction experience it also wasn't downloaded like what my purpose was to and he made it very clear that it was to be a manifestation of the bride upon the earth physically and to physically establish the kingdom of God whatever that meant in terms of like habitation physical eyes spheres to walk through and so that's something that marked me in it was like a train but I had a goal and endeavour now is that I want to see the church in the body become one and built up into the temple of Christ without any like measure variable between us and so that is the bride the church is the bride and I walk through it just as you do your life is pathetic allegory of the hope filled promise and something I've been really meditating on lately is just as the patriarchs or a four type and prophetic picture of Christ I believe our walk in our life is a prophetic picture of the bride and Jesus and the fulfillment of his next coming to watch us and see even in our failings and shortcomings how he comes to fulfill and so I leaned into it honestly and that that that experience the Holy Spirit encompass Cena's engagement ring that was my first bridal realm experience and the next was him laying these bracelets around my neck and I didn't know what that meant looking song of songs that's his version of the engagement ring with the Shulamite are the bracelets around her neck and then also put a veil over my head and it was a white veil and he said this is your last fail you know having walked through all these things of tearing things away and all the wrong ways of seeing and rose-colored glasses and all that but this one was a good wedding so this is your veil of peering it's the last one between me and you is one of the period and in another experience actually the first time Erik Gilmore came out and we shared together he was speaking all the kisses of Jesus just like he did in your podcast and that's when he removed that veil and he kissed me for the first time and so these are all real things these are all real encounters I had another experience with Erik Gilmore I just felt to be transparent with some my Bible explain because people don't share them they're weird yes yes and I know I'm not the only one know from behind closed doors we hear them but they're not on the platform yeah and it's just sort of unveil it's not something like weird and spiritual was spiritually physical or anything like that with Jesus it's something very sacred and it's worth for type in a picture of really who he is fully completed and another that was very precious to me was again I was an Eric Gilmore meeting because he just facilitates that realm so well and like I said with the important Asian and the father came and he officiated the marriage between Christ and I and it was private and it was in a small ceremony just with like the creatures before the throne the Holy Spirit Jesus and I and he gave me a different ring of authority with him to walk in it was beautiful emerald massive and I mean but each one of these things I say these casually now but at the my was undone yeah completely completely lost absolutely I mean it's this scripture isn't it that we are transformed with every unfolding revelation you know and as he releases the kisses from his heart we are infused with divine revelation that completely transforms our lifeless he's opening up another realm of understanding to us of who he is and therefore who we are now as ones that have inherited his nature you know to Co reign with him it's so obvious to me been that you are a man like you said you knew that that divine infusion of understanding came into you through the encounters about not just your identity in the privileged incredible walk we now harvest as the Bride of Christ but that also where there wants to Co reign with him we are his reflection in the earth and we took o train with him to bring the realm of his presence his kingdom everywhere we go across every sector of society as we start to you know and it really is the walk of the Shulamite isn't it like your life written lies as that but you you are a surrendered man you have completely died to yourself and you are your the eyes of your heart are locked on to Jesus to just flown with what matters to him with the revelation that comes from his heart every day from across the property sector across the financial sector all the different aspects of business that you're involved with you're bringing his influence and his wisdom and his nature all the time which is you know you are you're for running we are for running the bridal walk with me this isn't it it's Co reigning with Christ wherever he puts you to so that in the end the the earth becomes a reflection of heaven you know you look like Jesus taught us to pray you will be Time Lord on earth as it is in heaven you know your kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven it's just it's mind-blowing is it this is who we are and I love the fact that you know you and others many of us are starting to share like you said being vulnerable now with the journey that we've actually been living in a secret place for all these years I Jesus is initiation and I think the more we shall we give language to each other don't we which is so critically important to actually helping to the understand oh you know it's like I listen to you you know and when we have our conversations and you explain what you've been going through and I'll sort of go oh wow yes that's what I went through I didn't have a language for it you know so it's such an important hour for us to be able to speak like this and so just be lengthen and build each other up in our most holy faith and you know the scriptures clear isn't it he's coming back for a bride without spot and the children called were being perfected in holiness in this hour through our intimacy with him to Co reign with him and see the earth transform because it's his so I'm so I'm so encouraged by your welcome and it's such a privilege to be able to do life with you and and here's an amazing journey that Jesus has you on and and I think you that you can see can't you every every genuine encounter changes us and there's that a little bit more humility inside of us a little bit more reverential fear of the Lord little bit more love for him you know more of the attributes in his nature do you find that the more you go on with him you realize or golly that his nature is expanding inside of me yeah absolutely and without forcing and upon yourself and begin to just manifest it through that life and you know I had always been a prayer like I grew up around intercessors and I always knew that that was sort of my DNA in my model and it's that's what's been the most interesting part is I don't pray the same anymore and as I mature through this with him I've lost the right to have any words anymore have my own agenda whatsoever even in many ways present my own needs and it's because I'm beginning to just walk in full trust and there's such like a heart sync between us that my desires are his and my needs or his needs and I have full understanding that I don't mean II really need to carry those things for myself or for others anymore that even when I'm praying with you or for you and your family is the same thing I hold you in my heart we hold each other and Jesus's heart we're all one in him that we really just set our affection towards him with our friend and we just experience Jesus together but my prayer time now has just become silenced and waiting and seen and going to him but really through love and just a desperation of having to have more of him and he reveals himself and he's faithful and sometimes it's not the most ecstatic thing on earth but I'll leave feeling as though nothing at all has happened even feeling a bit defeated and they'll go about my day speaking to others and realize oh he's deposited all these things with them we're so subtle and it was so vast you know like how when you do get a revelation or download from the Lord it's not through words through just this infusion of something that's so much larger than our really our capacity yeah it's really it's a different thing and I'm realizing to how much our lives are intercession in our lives or career walk and I was even expressing to another friend of ours that also kind of live it lives completely in a bridal reality is that you know either each point where maybe you're not sitting in praying 24/7 and you kind of so thoughtfully feel as though I'm not a good Christian I'm not spending my time in the prayer closet but even subtly correcting me one day and said no your spirit is in constant adoration towards me and even you know you're my heart and your heart or one together and is there any time when you're not longing for me know you're constantly adoring me we're constantly in prayer and worship together you know infused as one I would say that that's true for people that haven't begun to walk out this reality you know just to say like oh I don't need to pray you know I'm constantly community but it doesn't come in to a place where it is that 24/7 prayer like Paul talks about you know there's no more separation no I mean it is it is the invitation for everybody isn't it I think what I can feel that when you're speaking you know that there is a divine invitation for everybody listening for all of you family right now there is this divine invitation to come to this next level of communion with the Lord it's like them as you go on he sensitizers fastest and he so you're launch awareness he was in with the mystical union that's real now that you know Christ in us the hope of glory as Paul says you know Paul shows others that is what has happened you know when Jesus comes to indwell us we have him all the time and so for me the walk that you're describing my experience is that I just become more and more sensitized to the fact that he is within me and I I can turn the affection and the attention of my heart throughout the day and with that that's what we both do you know you just take a few moments and recalibrate reset your gaze upon the Lord and then he just infuses you again you know and you realize you are and then I think I think this is the life of intercession new it's the priestly life isn't it we get the privilege of being able to minister to the heart of God and then when he shares his heart in response we get to know what's on his heart and then we come rement with that and that's what changes the earth I mean he really cares about all of the horizontal needs and our to-do list and please God releases I mean and that's really valid it's part of our growth and our relationship with our isn't it but this is a completely different level this is the level of union of communion of Union and of knowing what's on his heart and really I think this is the most powerful level of intercession because you're agreeing with the perspective of God and when this is his mind on a matter there's no there's no authority that can override his decisions and so therefore you you just are in agreement there's agreement between having an earth and that begins to manifest that's what I would call his bridal intercession would you I knew for I mean I know with you I've seen the breakthroughs that you've had by living this way in the business that you do you know the battles in your face but it's broken through there's a direct result of just seeking him tuning in and and knowing what he's saying and then we come in agreement with that until it manifests in the earth and you really do get breakthrough mm-hmm so true love yes yes this is the wisest life this is the way we were created to live yeah yeah oh it's so well I know that there'll be people listening right now okay help me I wanna go into this next level so then can we can we jump into rather I'll be in agreement with you but can we go inside your relationship with Jesus a little bit absolutely this is my favorite part no let's do it spend some time too as we as we come towards the end of this at this program together just helping all of you guys out there just engage even if you are walking in a deep walk with Jesus there is always more for all that's why we permanently hungry isn't it cuz we know so much more and this was the groaning Jesus here we come before the steps the Temple Mount knowing full well this is where you dwell we present all our hopes and all of our expectations knowing that here we will befall the fullness of our desired intimacy and the realization of your manifestation so Jesus stepped through into a hardness liberating you eat dwell within us that we actually feel the deposit of your person as a physical entity as the pearl of great price within the yield that we are the shining and luminous ones it's your fitting that engagement ring upon our hearts our physical being and setting the stone or the refraction reformists the facets of the union that is the body that our identity is the missing refraction in light of Christ and we see this now as the fulfillment of all that we were desiring all the radiance that has been given that's laid up from within so Jesus even now he presents and lay before you all our desires all all our suffering all our places that we don't measure up even to our own expectations and even for the ones around us that we found the authority over and width within our families but the Holy Spirit is a crusher before you and in our generations that we are all coming before Jesus as one formerly as one Accord that we across over the Jordan and left Egypt and Babylon we're no longer slaves and we've come into the promised land out of Zion itself where we meet Jesus that's administrating before his lamp stands but the flame is rising and the things in the dust of our earth and our life and this earth journey is actually labor for you the dirtiness has just burned up and consumed and now we're just radiant and shining ones clean a perfected washed even by your own hands and head to toe let us feel the waters cascade over our bodies as we humble ourselves before you to even be loved by a washing of youth is the word so we even step into you the word that our lives become an allegory and perfect picture of the coming of Christ we think that you realize all of our offering all of our giving that there's a monument in heaven before you and that you recognize our needs that now we can come into a place of full trust full abiding and full of or we can just finally rest and become uncoiled ease of union to drink in life and to eat of your Tree of Life finding Jesus again that is before you in transparent that we can walk as a bridal procession up the Mount of the Lord through the archway of trusted song of triumph and victory and in it losing ourselves and seeing constantly magnified and we see your hopeful promises radiates from your throne and fallen cascade upon us and everything around us come into its fullness and maturity and life resonating life that no thing can hold us and shroud us because we are just radiating buzzing with life we touch you hopeful promise pearl of great price and we're closing our Bridal garments we cut our hands the oil of love and with your kiss that they are a lit with the flame that we can then present to others the radiating promise of love we trust you to lay ourselves down and resurrect as you in you Christ in us the hope of glory no longer I who lives for Christ who lives in me from this day forward Co crucified Co berry descending a winning keys of life in and with him resurrecting walking upon the earth and ascending and now co seated with Christ in heavenly places far above all things that place where there is nothing but I and you and you in me forever thank you so for sharing your precious precious relationship with Jesus and family to stay in this place as we finished off program today to stay with Jesus you're going to a completely different level now in the understanding of the mystical uses one lacks of being living fulfill every need meant to his beautiful glory there's no present within you second in love glory to glory to glory have grown molding revolution I understand into your heart even today thank you for being part of today if you know people that will benefit from the content of today please do you get this out on your social media it's like share subscribe get out there we are all rising together in this new creation life to look like Jesus to be his reflection here in the earth the flash thank you for being rivers kind of water bring it again next week Cobra [Music]
Channel: Liz Wright
Views: 8,987
Rating: 4.9455042 out of 5
Id: k1uaHwnWKAs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 23sec (2603 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 15 2020
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