Liz Wright

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[Music] [Applause] good morning everybody thank you for such an amazing welcome I just we just feel like we've come into a community that has their arms wide open there's a full of love it's such a blessing to be here um can I go slightly out of the box and share wild Laurie testimony before I do that I just I wanted to share a little bit about Who I am and what Jesus has done in me it's great to hear the testimony of Jesus in each other's lives isn't it and as with all of us you know the the the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy so what we hear and one of the rest of the family is available to each of us so when I'm sharing please please listen with your spirit to Holy Spirit what he wants to impart into you because that's my passion it's not about me I've been hugely hugely massively extraordinarily blessed as we all have by Jesus lifting me out of the pain and ashes of what was my life and revealing himself to me but I just wanted to show a word of encouragement that the Lord gave me before I start to share a little bit about my life I was asking Jesus who if you would permit me to see a little bit of who you are as the expression of the body here and the Lord gave me the word very clearly and he said to me that it's about abiding glory and that you were I saw him as the vine and I saw you as people that were being you probably already moving in this very powerfully but there's a there's always more right for all of us and I saw you as people that were being invited into a place with Jesus as the great high priest where you literally experienced and will reflect across the nation's the true life of abiding like the true life of Christ in us the hope of glory experiencing that being engulfed with his life with the purity and holiness of who he is and as we have that privileged experience and reality that aspects of who we are now as prophets priests and kings I felt very much that you are a house of priests that's a that's a predominant way Jesus has expressed himself to you it's a predominant way that you move in communion with his heart you minister to the king you sit at his feet you absorb his heart it's not difficult to see it in the natural with that with the heart of prayer that's at the heart of the community here but I was getting this from the spirit directly that he would he was revealing himself that he's here he was standing in front of me in the spirit as the great high priest and I could see he was here and he has chosen to this is a resting place where not just you as individuals here as as a place of the resting place of God and now Christ in us but you corporately are a resting place of God and there is going to be holy excuse me if I get whacked I move around a bit with the Holy Spirit I I saw that you are an abiding place you're a holy place where Jesus has chosen to reveal himself like this and to rest he trusts his heart to you which is holy isn't it he trusts his heart to you and there's an invitation in at this time for you to go even deeper because what I saw in the spirit was that there's going to be an explosion of glory it's like super almost like you can open your being up you know like if we could open our chest like this and reveal our spirit there's like I saw that it was like you were opening us up as a people like that so aligned so connected and centered into his indwelling presence and there was this explosion of glory that came out from you so Shekinah glory was emanating out from you as individuals and corporately as a body here and that also he's not just resting within you he's resting on you his Shekinah presence is here and will be here and will flood out and it will be the revelation of Jesus Christ you know the unfolding eternal weapon that goes on forever and ever and ever like you know the cherubim and Seraphim around the throne are just forever you know we've seen the book of Revelation they're just there in the presence of God Almighty all the time and they're just crying out he is that overwhelmed with increasing unfolding revelation of who he is of the majesty holy the holy majesty that's his invitation to you because he he just trusts you with his heart I mean that's the greatest thing of all isn't it to be trusted with the heart of our God and either he's found the people in you that are so pure in your intent toward sin even enough royalty you know we do we do life right we're we're we're finding our way forwards in life and stuff happens and we get buffeted but through the eyes of his heart towards you he's gone I trust them I want to reveal my heart to them so I just felt the holiness of his invitation of where he was drawing you into that's an even deeper place than you've known that you know his heart and his wisdom concerning Nations you'll renew and people and communities and businesses and regions and you will know how they look from a redemptive perspective and you'll be able to in that ascended place that abiding place that rich connection you'll be able to turn into him and increasing measures and understand how it looks from his perspective and no longer be limited by taking your read from the natural circumstances that tell you reality is a certain way of course it isn't they are temporal limited circumstances they're the real eternal perspective comes from heaven as we know as we abide and we ascend and we turn into his heart his indwelling presence inside us and we absorb him and we get correct perspective and then we come in agreement with that we decree a thing as it's revealed to us and it is establishing the superior authority of heavens perspective as then superimpose Redemption begins to move in as we as his priests prophets priests and kings get his heart from that place of abiding oneness and ministry then prophesy the reality that intention of God's heart that moves through our words as we speak under the power of the Holy Spirit and power true power begins to land into that situation and we rule as king it's just it's phenomenal isn't it who we are so I just wanted to bless you and offer that with humility and say that's the perspective the Lord's been giving me about little glimpse into something of who you are as a a very holy tribe with a very holy invitation so I was quite blown away actually like gosh Lord amazing amazing so Christ in us as you spoke before Christ and asked the hope of glory just that's been my reality for the last 20 years and I was just share one more thing and then I'll show you a little bit about my testimony I'll be very conscious at the time to honor the time I'll rein myself in I have never known anything else so I got into a lot of trouble and when I first came into church in two different churches because I I was living in encounters all the time and I didn't know not all the time but I was living that as my normal Christian life and I didn't know anything else and I had come from so I I learned I learned that through experience the scriptures and then I learned from experience with the Living Word the truth of what I was experiencing as I began to study the Word of God and so Christ in us the hope of glory was my reality and so I began to understand something more of who we are and the incredible privilege life that we live as believers and so I began to have language to what was happening to me but just to give you some I what I'm standing here and what is in my heart is to release hope to you to add to the treasures that you already walk in in God to say you know for all of us is more like Christ in us the abiding living resurrection power of the Living God is inside of us and you know things like so I took these things literally because I was experiencing it and then reading the Bible and going oh wow okay that's what's happening that's who I am oh my good that's like a little child you know just like this is real this is real you know because I was living in experiences and then going oh okay this is the intention of God for our life not reaching for them but living in them and then realizing that's what's happening so for example I was healed supernaturally by Jesus of clinical depression through a baptism of the Holy Spirit I was healed of a motor neuron transmission disorder through again Holy Spirit blasting me with light Jesus put moved me into a place of divine health there was something else I wanted to speak to you I just felt very strongly to say you don't need to be sick ever I haven't been sick as Reznor's I haven't been sick even for one day and this is for you as well and since my daughter was 2 and she's now 21 so that we can't you know I absolutely have 100% faith for divine health it is our birthright that was something else I felt for the body here this amazing invitation for you to move into this next level of the reality of abiding consciously connected to the indwelling Spirit you know constantly an uninterrupted union with the divine nature of God him immersing through every cell and dimension of our bit of your being you know how the light you know that was another one so moving all over the place a scripture drink drink drink the one of the one of the there's so many things I could share I mean I wish I had like ours now is that you really but to encourage you but um one of the scriptures that I've learnt is a reality I the Jesus began to teach me that we rule from a place of his of his presence we rule with his nature we rule from the finished work of God Gotha you know like Jesus said on the cross it is finished it is finished we move forward from Golgotha like the scripture in John 1 the light shines in the darkness and the darkness can never extinguish it so over and over through the years and quite a lot recently Jesus has been reminding me of the finished work of God after we don't beg God petitioning moving towards the cross we move in authority connected to his indwelling spirit you know aware of the stature of Christ formed in us present in us and the more we connect into him the more we're aligned the more we realize actually who we are now you're the very substance of our being now is God right we're a new creation in Christ Jesus the enemy is all about identity theft right so his deception is to convinces that we are collectively the brokens emotional state or but that we're currently in but we're not we're not when we're in new species if you want to use that language we're in new creation entirely new we don't have human in the core of our because out the core substance of here we are now we have the divine nature of God when I sit with the Lord sometimes like present at present you aware of Holy Spirit inside of me going on who are we Lord just blast it offered me so powerfully that every single thing in me engulfs into the reality of who we are you know and Ephesians 4 our ticket for in the scripture down it says we were created to be like God in all righteousness and holiness the very nature of God is indwelling us we were created to be like him we're being brought forth in the exact likeness that there's nothing remaining in us that does not reflect perfectly the very nature of God so the more were with him the more aware abiding the more we worship him and enter into his presence and see him and feel the beauty and purity and holiness and power of who years and are infused with God consciousness infused with wisdom the more we operate out of who we really are it's just like so just to give you a little bit of background I 20 about 20 years ago I was an extremely broken young woman I was keep it quite short but I was a multi-millionaire I was living in London in the high life in the fashion industry I had come out of a very very difficult childhood where my mum was mentally ill and had had I watched I have seven nervous breakdown my parents were divorced so by 13 I was drinking and bouncing around in nightclubs and trying to and in you know went into wrong relationships just try need driven chronically need driven making all of my decisions in life trying to find my identity and security and a place of belonging and and of course you know outside of God that led me into all sorts of very difficult situations culminating in me ending up in my previous marriage a very long time ago and I ended up marrying somebody who was very powerful very wealthy because it made me feel safe and who was a cocaine addict and I didn't know until the other side of marriage and so I ended up in seven years of abuse and it was a very varied of got time and through that time I became very ill with motor neuron and with depression and in the middle of it all Jesus came into my life powerfully I had no grid I'd never been in church I didn't I experienced a Catholic service maybe when I was a little girl but I've never been around Christianity didn't know anything and so didn't believe anything and so I was in a grocery store had a panic attack and felt like I was about to split you know when you feel like you're losing connection with reality I'd watched my mum dissociate and her I have language for it now but as a child I didn't it was very frightening growing up with a mom who would completely split if you know that terminology and Mia was in and out of hospital a lot so I was very terrified of mental illness and I could feel myself going in I was in and I couldn't pull out of the depression I was and on medication prozac drove to the north of England about five hours drive and went to my mom's house and that night I just cried a desperate prayer and I said God if you're real help me cuz I knew I was on the edge of ending up what I believed would be like a life like I'd seen my mom struggle through my mom's now in glory she got saved before she died thank you Jesus for the Lord cleaned up the huge mess and pain of our family life in quite an amazing way so I cried out a desperate prayer didn't take the Prozac that night I just felt instinctively like I shouldn't do that woke up the following morning and I had been baptized in the Holy Spirit and completely healed of clinical depression and I had no grid what was happening to me hello yeah thank you Jesus and so I was filled with love to the point where my ex-husband then thought I was having an affair because I had literally gone from like I was a woman in love you know I had gone from this depressed state just to the other end of the spectrum and I was absolutely filled with the conviction that I had to understand the truth about the resurrection so I set about studying everything I could get my hands on to like you know non biblical texts just Roman records just studying artefacts looking at the Roman guard that was assigned to the tomb what that were the implications of that were the stories of what happened after Jesus rose from the dead what happened in Jerusalem I just studied and studied like a lawyer but at the same time and I was I had no language what was happening to me when I got baptized in the Holy Spirit and my all my spiritual senses awakened so I was seeing in the spirit and I was so I was living in this parallel universe so in the day time I was in an abusive crazy world with pop stars and mafia and crazy people and you just you know very broken individuals who were very powerful and influential at time so in the the outside world I had everything you know but inside my life was just horrendous so I would I would stay up at night when my ex-husband would go to sleep and I just be with the father and just in these experiences and he filled me with the gift of praying in tongues and I had no idea what that was and I just felt this language bubble up from my spirit and I'm like brain and tongues on and off for a couple of days while the Lord was just recharging my energy and recharging me and so then he would show me in Scripture what that was and I just sit there reading the Bible trying to understand what was happening and recognizing myself and the experience and he would teach me about desensitizing the spirit the difference between the sin nature in the new nature and how to drink from him and abide in him and rest in him and draw on him and yield to him and surrender you in terms of your internal posture and because it was so literal for me it was and I my life was so extreme I was in it almost like that the natural circumstances my life would escort me back into the presence all the time because I was dependent on him otherwise I could die I mean I it was violent in the end you know it was a it was literally like that extreme and so fast forwarding that was in the May 94 and then so I was studying I was spiritually awake I was extremely immature so of course everybody around me I was like I didn't want to participate in that like I had no love or grace for it you know I was just like you're evil I don't want to be around you and so I would stay in my bubbles with God and because I'd also I'd you know it had the private jets and the helicopters and the traveling around the world and the best hotels and the best clothes and you know materialistically I had attained success in the world and I'd had a degree of Fame I was sort of sort of socialite in the newspapers at that time and just all for the wrong reasons it was all nonsense but but so Myatt that was my identity me forming and crafting my identity you know my security and self-worth and it was all dependent on what people thought of me and where I lived and who my friends were and I was friends with famous people and so everything was that it was so I'd aspired after what the world can offer us and so of course as God crashed in on my world I was not interested in anything else and like I've been there that's nonsense you know I mean I believe we supposed to steward wealth but for the purpose of God you know but not when it's your identity so I so fast-forwarding I was that I was reading one of the scriptures one day and it was I can't remember which one it was but it was describing crucifixion and I realized what I was reading had been because of my studies had been written 800 years before crucifixion had been invented as a method of torture so because I had no understand I didn't know the word prophecy and you know I didn't so I was just literally reading everything that struck me and Holy Spirit used that one moment of conviction for tool and everything and I just suddenly realized the whole thing everything was experiencing what I was reading in the scriptures the whole thing was real and I was frightened like I was really afraid and I cuz I realized there was no way back everything I had known that was my identity and my security and my world was over and that Jesus was alive and he's God and he rose from the dead and the whole thing was literally real and I just sat there and my life changed and I just said to him you're alive and I want to meet you I'm like where are you you know you know your spirits inside of me but I want to know I want to understand this so then January 95 we were on one of our exotic holidays I was in the Seychelles and I would I would just wait and spend my days you know get up in the morning and I close the curtains and I just be with God because I would have this experience where his presence were just rest and so for me that was the only love I had in my life you know I mean I had love from my family but in my everyday world I would just sit with his Shekinah presence resting on me and he was just absorbing himself into me so and somebody had sent me one little cassette tapes everything you remember like Sony cassettes I just had like one little cassette tape with one worship song on and I just used to play it over and over and over and so I was sitting then I hadn't fully properly connected into church at this point and you know I was starting to engage a little bit so I was trying to find people other people that loved like loved you know Jesus but I had no discernment so the my first experience I ran headlong into a cult that was interesting anyway we learned and so then and I got out of that quite quickly realize they were quite unhealthy and and and then the Lord stutters connect me with other believers you know and life unfolded but so I was sitting on the bed listening to this tape and my ex-husband was being very unholy watching a kung-fu movie and it was irritating me and so I was trying to push the emotions down so that there wouldn't be conflict and I was just i sat there and I just went God take it and the next thing Jesus was standing physically in front of me and then you know to excuse me like a fuller Holy Spirit for a second and he was as physical as you are there like I could feel him and and I touched him and this was the pot this was obviously it was the most profound moment in my life and it kept me alive in the years that then followed completely and I mean to change to say it changed my life is an understatement my I can't describe adequately in language what happened but I was a completely new person in a new paradigm of reality completely from that point and no matter what anybody said to me or whatever warfare subsequently happened which has been quite an interesting trip of learning how to rule ascend and rule you know from the connected place of being with him abiding the power that flows from us as we abide because it's him it's God um no matter what happened and I've gone through a lot as many of us have um I know he's real I know because I've seen him and so he was standing in front of me he revealed himself to me as a Jewish man and which was being very special to know that that know him that way because Israel is a very big passion in my heart I've been there many times lots of Prayer assignments there I passionately loved Jewish people there family of God that he chose to birth himself into very holy and so um he stood there he had black hair the middle part down to his shoulders he was about five foot ten he had a long beige seamless garment on and bare feet and dark dark brown eyes and there was light pouring out of his eyes the light of who years of the light of the world just pouring out of his eyes and shining from his skin his skin was glowing I could see his features but he had a glow an iridescent glow and for the first split seconds I felt excruciating self-consciousness and shame and I couldn't look at him and then within split seconds the light and the love the perfect love of who he is just cascaded into me like him wave after wave after wave and wash through me it was like being infused completely with light and everything in me just all the pain all the false identity everything that I had been in my life to that point was just infused with light and I got spelled weird love and I felt his there was no condemnation there was no judgment there was no discussion about all the things I done Falls there was just total acceptance and love that transfigured me in that moment and I so then he reached out his hands he got hold of me and he said to me come with me always come and rest with me awhile and as he has done down the years he and fused truth into me with every because he is truth right so when you're with him you just infused with God consciousness and he that began the journey of understanding the power of the seat of rest you know that it is finished we can live from the finish work that has you know be still and know that I'm God experiences that word in the original language that I am God we are he he died for a relationship obviously as we know he created us to live with him to know him to abide in him and and so I I was you know that was deposited into me at lacking that experience and he's on he's continued to unfold that through my life that that the peace is a person and he abides within us and it's a powerful weapon in our arsenal and that we were created to live in peace connected to him and move from that place knowing who he is you know when you internally when you connect to him and you know who you are and you know his mind on a matter when you those things synchronize and you can move forward from that place that's where power moves into the earth through us you know we're a doorway right between heaven and earth through which the king comes and his kingdom comes so so he said always come and rest of me a while he took me up onto a hill I don't know where we were I think I was outside of time it felt like I was with him for hours but when I came back into consciousness of the earth realm if you like no time had passed so I looked like the world but the sky was light but there was no Sun and we were sitting under a tree and I wept he just put his hand I was clinging to him as we walked and then went up onto the hill he had his arm around my right shoulder and I was clinging to his waist never felt love like it of course and we went up on a hill we sat down and he just stroked my hair as I just wept and wept and all the emotional release of all the years just poured out and I was a whole I thought it was amazing absolutely amazing and so he took me there are other things that happened he took me into the throne room he took me he removed insecurities from me he I because I lived in such an extreme world to me now because I experienced the presence of God Holy Spirit had filled me I was terrified of losing him because the connection he was life for me in the years life was but he was life and I was terrified of losing him so I got into all sorts of striving and not to talk to anybody and not wanting to move out of this place I wasn't relaxed in my experience even though it was incredible and transformational and he removed that fear when I was there then he took me to see orphans and there were all sorts of things that happened but in the end that for another time but I came out of that experience i sat on the bed and I didn't want to move or speak I was calm like a newborn baby sat there filled with the purity and holiness of God and there was no fear there was no pain there was no dissociation there was no war inside there was nothing it was just quiet and peaceful and I I couldn't see sin in people I just I mean that it didn't continue unfortunately like when we have experiences with God they they fade a little bit over time you know but they he deposits in as I'm wearing we're increasing going to the next level of glory in the next level of glory but I wish I could have attained that and remained in that place of perfection but anyway but I so I came out and my ex-husband came towards me I had a notebook on this site in my bedside table and I'd written I wrote really fast everything that happened to me and he came up and I didn't know until I got up and looked in the mirror but he's looking at me and he was freaking out and he's going what has happened to you what has happened to you and I just handed him this notebook like that and I realized he'd know time had gone he didn't I hadn't disappeared you know it's still been there and in the notebook and he's going like there's and he's like freaking out going how could you've written this what just completely freaking out in me I got up looked in the mirror and my face was radiant I literally had light in my eyes with so much love it's like I had a Moses moment it was just shining with his love and all I wanted to do is go around the island and find orphans and and and I couldn't see the sin and the pain in my ex-husband and I was just engulfing everybody with this love like as an extension of his being of Jesus as being you know still it was so complete oneness and what I saw here you know you this invitation to abide I mean you do but this invitation of what he's gonna reveal to you of who he is and not just reveal so that you understand more of him but so that you are more of him there's more of him expressing through you it's so incredible in the power that will release from you in the spirit in the natural is transformational it's like God you know God consciousness total God infusion this is the time were coming into isn't it where we absolutely understand who we are in him and move as an extension of his being so yeah so I came out of my experience and my life is completely completely radically 100% changed so then because I had no unbelief in me you know it was just literal I was just open to I just wanted to be with him all the time so every waking moment you know there was no life didn't make sense to me anymore outside of him and so I had no interest and but then over time you know he matures and I began to experience more of his heart for people and then I realized as different experiences were happening was that I was like a barometer for the Bride of Christ so I would have an experience with him and then I began to realize that my experiences were actually happening corporately or starting to happen corporately in the body so my role in the secret place with him really was to just live with him and abide and as he gave me these experiences I was in agreement there was agreement between heaven and ours and then he started to have me walk with different leaders and champion them on and understand something of who they are in God's heart and the mandates they're carrying and so being able to be a prophetic intercessor so I could be an agreement with Jesus's heart for what one that he wanted to establish in that particular work so he took me across the different night in the media sphere and ministry and business and we I began to understand something more of his blueprint and the culture he wants to birth in different organizations and ministry what he wants to birth on earth your the value system of his heart what does that look like in different expressions like one obviously that we're now praying into is what my husband's involved with where they're looking at a kingdom bank what does that look like what does love look like what is the kingdom look like in a money system you know how does how do they move money to begin to serve people what is you know the Lord's interested in everything in life isn't it the earth is his and everything in it it's all supposed to sit on a value system of God's heart and be containers through at his presence and his revelation can flow out to the world in a marketplace ministry and so he began to give me language like this and teach me how to walk with people how to serve people his heart for people you know how in love he is with us how he's for us he's not against us he's all about as we know you know empowering us into the fullness of who he created us to be he wants us to live like John 10:10 the abundant life you know he came to give us life and life in abundance and one of the experiences he came and released that to me he he released like a ball of golden light and I said to him what's that Jesus and he said it's abundant life and so we just released it into me it's like an explosion of fresh life and he you know he was speaking to me sort of metaphorically in the spirit if you like and then he said I am abundant life I came to give you me you know and so again it was like another level of consciousness of okay you know and so I became aware of where I wasn't aligned with that internally you know so lots and lots and lots of experiences and so I would serve leaders in that context and then moved into the ministry world and that order give me permission to to share some of the encounters to edify and we found that through sharing as you know the testimony of Jesus it releases the spirit because it's the spirit of prophecy it releases the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Jesus and so people started to have encounters and there was multiplication so people started to who'd never had experiences with Jesus before began to experience him and be healed supernaturally he's so amazing he's so amazing thank you Lord and so literally he's moved me into all sorts of different adventures over the years a lot as many of you well as intercessory people you're going on God assignments you know you're getting his heart for something and praying and coming in agreement with heaven until it literally begins to manifest and take form or shift or you get the breakthrough and like I said at the beginning you know one of one of the most powerful scriptures that I have come to realize is the truth is that the light that's in us God in us shines in the darkness so our job is to send her into the light to use that language to abide in him to yield to him and to allow his light the radiance of who he is to shine out through us even if it's as simple as a smile if you're connected to God on the inside and you reach some out to somebody with a smile in the shopping mall the whole of heavens invade in their world you know it's as simple as that I began to realize the power of that and then the Lord he'll finish with this but then the Lord began to talk to me about kingship that we ecclesia which is why I wrote my book my I scribed the book as he it's a it's a combination of different encounters that Holy Spirit then showed me to share so I scribed it but he he spoke to me about the time that we're in that we are coming into a place of understanding like never before that we really are the resting place of God in the earth the ecclesia gods resting place in the earth is rising governmental II that we are coming into a time now where we will understand the attribute of our nature in him as king like never before moving his profits with his priests ministering to the Lord prophets knowing his heart on a matter and then Kings executing his authority like never before were being positioned in the gates of influence like never before aligned into the truth reconnected back into you know the identity theft over one of them so that we can literally operate governmental II and see the kingdom come see that Shekinah presence of his glory engulf society thank you Jesus I had an experience I won't go through all of it but essentially in this experiences this is where the Lord began to talk to me about kingship like he does he will in he will infuse me with an experience that then moves me into living in the reality of that aspect of who we are now in him or his mind on a situation and in this situation he came to me with Holy Spirit as the king but the king is the only time I've seen him dressed in a regal regalia and Holy Spirit came he invited me into an office of responsibilities concerning England specifically and then to serve internationally from the office of responsibilities thank you okay I'm gonna reign myself in now he he commissioned me into an office of responsibilities in him that was to do with governance serving internationally from England knowing myself as redeemed royalty now in Christ with with it with the mission to execute the judgments of God unto life to decree the Word of God at a different level so holy Spira spirit came and overshadowed me and infused that is like he changed my identity again an inside was like I will be recalibrated as the revelation of our majestic Authority was established I come from a one of the Royal bloodlines in England is a very messy bloodline but I'm from the Berlin family which Anne Boleyn married Henry the eighth's 500 years ago King Henry the eighth and second wife again another three hours of conversations of all sorts of different prayer assignments we've been on to deal with the mess to release the blood of Jesus redeeming history is cutting off consequences that we live in today that were the were activated at the time in history through the iniquitous choices of our forebears who were in leadership positions that impacted the nation's and so we were dealing with cleaning up things like the root system of the Church of England which is our institutional Church in that in the nation that has huge influence and so a whole other story but we began to realize the power of the blood how much Jesus is invested in redeeming planet Earth that it really is about Romans 8 activating you know the sons of the kingdom taking their positions releasing the landrum is bondage to decay redeeming planet Earth bringing the nations back to Jesus you know the nation's some to the nations of the Lord's inheritance so again it was another level of authority that I knew was now flowing into the bride into into us corporately that we would be operating no longer on a back foot you know moving advancing in there getting absolutely whacked with warfare or you know complex circumstances or whatever or being defeated by sickness or being defeated by relationship break down all the stuff that happens and all beset in constant sin you know tangled up in strongholds that we were coming to a place of operating filled with glory with the mind of God with with the government of heavens so powerfully flowing through us that we would know that we know that we know that as we pray a thing as we decree a thing it is going to shift things are going to be established no unbelief in us anymore I mean I'm speaking things that I've been tasting I've been I'm testifying to social I'm sure you know I'm trusting Holy Spirit to witness to your spirit this is not hopeful for the future this is the time we're in this is the invitation right now we are we are Kings moving forward and there's a changing of the gaurd happening and we've been we're very privileged we get to meet with this last week in Hollywood we've been meeting a lot of you know incredible people of God who the Lord strategically put in positions of impact and there's new people coming up into position now that have been hidden away in the wilderness prepared for such a time as this coming forth and they are powerhouses they are Kingdom people and this suddenly favours connect kicking in on people's lives and they're being given invitations to move into positions for major impact to start to shift the worldview you know so that they eat some of these people they're musicians and they're artists and they're producers and directors and creative directors that you know Hollywood so they're they're impacting I think the most influential of the spheres that in that the releases the belief system of so much of the world right you know and so what so anyway but you so my passion when I'm when I'm working with people like that is to make sure that they understand who they are because as the enemy like I said the enemy is all about identity theft right he wants to convince us that we are the the end product of our emotional life experiences that you know he lies to us doesn't he has his only weapon it's deception once we realized that I break the deception so I have a passion to see leaders operating in the truth because of where I've come from I came from you know absolutely smashed up no identity no self-worth know who I was at all to compel a radical transformation and total surety this is who we are in Christ this is real this is who we are we are carriers of God we are the most precious thing in all of creation there were the penultimate of all creation right we're made in the image of God I mean that scripture blows me away you were created to be like God in all righteousness and holiness like who are we as God carriers merged in the very image able to as a doorway to radiates him and blast the light and bring God and bring the realm of his kingdom everywhere we go like everywhere we go so there's people I mean I'm sure you guys know and sure many of you are but there's people like this being positioned at the moment they're like God's hidden missles and they're about to become more visible politically met some amazing political people recently you can see there's an emerging government in the natural coming into position you can see you know in the media gate in the business gate in the music gate it's like wow our Lord so we've literally been meeting the kings you know I'm right I'm writing my second book at the moments called walking as Kings and interestingly Jesus been having us meet lots and lots of kings all over the place it is so encouraging it's like what the Lord's doing seeing he's moving everywhere and the key thing is identity the more this is what I found and in all the strategic intercession we've done the battle is over identity who who you know you are matters hugely because to the degree you know who you are and who's you are is to the degree that you're moving correct alignment and authority and the enemy can't touch you yeah it's a big deal the big deal shew you mean I'm gonna stop there can I pray for you guys before I start I'd love to do that yeah Jesus I just I thank you for my family here I thank you that this is a church of abiding glory it is a place that you have chosen to rest your head it is a place you have chosen to share your heart I thank you for the more that's coming you are the vine we are your branches we are one species we are one tree and I thank you that as the SAP of your spirit Rises and Rises as they abide in stillness fruit just happens it happens it's a natural byproduct we cannot not manifest the fruit of your nature as we abide in you and I just thank you for a grace as they move in all that they're called to do in their lives individually and corporately that you will grace them with that internal governmental seed of rest that they will be fine themselves saturated in the SAP of your Holy Spirit manifesting you moving revealing the one who is government as they just delight themselves in you and minister to your heart and receive the truth that will set the captives free ministers of your glory Jesus once who know the heart of God and manifests the heart of God thank you for Lord the more that you're bringing him in them into we stand as English brothers and sisters and thank you for them and stand in agreement for each one of their lives thought that there would be absolutely no identity theft permitted that this would be a place where people would literally just walk in come straight into your presence more and more and more and be transfigured is the glory of who you are to saturate to them and they are set free the word I thank you for all that you're about to reveal to them of who you are beyond anything that they've known but I thank you that this is a place that can be in a no-go zone for sickness no-go zone for poverty and lack lord I thank you that every everything that does not exist in that and the nature of God is not permitted here I thank you for that manifesting fully that this is literally a place of light and a hope and presence and power that you've put together in the earth and I just honor it and I honor them in order to spray that every single thing that I've spoken that's been from you this morning would release as life and power and hope and strength and transformational glory that there would be a new strength in their lives a new capacity to move even deeper and encounters with you even greater degrees of oneness if they're that they would know the mystical union Jesus like never before that incredible oneness that we have that we literally just turn into your breath you because you're with us always to the very end of the age and on into eternity nobody can snatch us out of your hands no body no weapon formed against us can prosper nothing nothing nothing can tell you to move out of us you've chosen to abide and that is eternal let me thank you for that Wow Christ in us the hope of glory thank you Jesus thank you for these radiant shining ones that's who we are now in you we give you all the glory Lord reveal yourself through our lives teachers - oh by in trust and yield more and more Lord but it would be your presence that people touch every time they meet us the sickness would bow everything that does not exist in you would bow as we move forward as carriers of your presence amen thank you for listening thank you so much well I'll let you know you pretty much read exactly who we are and we rejoice that the father would confirm that so well because when you know who you are you I wrote this thing on I'm rediscovering well I'm submitting to God to use social media to present the messages in small small little snippets like Instagram and so I revived a Twitter account that I've had for I don't know 15 years never used and and in the Lord just in my kitchen was Thursday night he said he said if you know who you are God can send you anywhere if you don't know who you are you have to stay put now this is funny I thought else Twitter that and there's something right now that's just so powerful it's happening intentional heavenly positioning to which you were born from eternity into and it's awakening within each of us thank you this thank you thank us is a pleasure to have to meet and to know and to a journey together I'm sure many many new ways so we have we want to pray for the nations kami and I shot sat down on Wednesday to share some of the things we saw coming we we took a day to say this is who we've become in our thirty-four year journey of us as a church and known as that no yeah yeah that's right and this is how we got here and this is where we're going and you could see them and one of the things that came out so strong it's is that it is the time of governing prayer which has been accompanying us all year so it's just where it's where we are where we're going and we really rejoice so I want us to ask a blessing over Liz and Wes if you'd like to sow into their lives we'll put the buckets we'll bring the flags up we've got to step into the our role to pray for the nations so a lot of movement but let's just let the blessing first rest upon Liz and Wes do you have any father we thank you for receiving us and receiving them and receiving them and receiving us you do are so clear and beautiful in your your words in life and we bless now Liz and Wes as they advance student in the rest of our nation and to the assignments that they await them in their nation and to the encounters and discovery and to the caring of you and accept allowing you and just bless them in every way that they have spoken life we thank you for them and now we ask you send him out Lord in a manner worthy of God impart to them new and wonderful beautiful abiding places that they can grow from and live in and bear much much fruit in the name of Jesus bless us in the nation's as we pray so we humble ourselves to agree with Jesus in his glorious victory over all the earth we thank you for that Lord in Jesus name oh and everybody's identity wakes up in this week in Jesus name Amen god bless you and thank you thank you online [Music]
Channel: Jubilee Church
Views: 7,863
Rating: 4.8510637 out of 5
Keywords: jubilee church camarillo calif, jubilee, jesus, god, camarillo, church, los angeles, ventura county, california, hillsong, bethel, redding, ihop, music, song, prophetic, word, preach, pastor, steve, dittmar, power, witness, healing, breakthrough, glory, life, live, truth, love, praise, worship, world, share, holy, hope, holy spirit, fun, triumphant, christ, procession, leader, listen, voice, calling, called, victorious, nations, thailand, bangkok, inside, victory, london, chosen
Id: CyI-bqTIWiA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 13sec (3433 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 22 2018
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