The Boys and Gen V RECAP - Everything You Need to Know Before THE BOYS Season 4!

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I'm stronger I'm smarter I'm better I am better hey welcome back to screen Crush I'm Ryan Ary and this is everything you need to know before watching season 4 of the boys we are going to recap the entire series beginning in 1939 when a Nazi scientist named Frederick VA creates a drug called compound V which gives people superpowers in 39 Hitler appointed him Chief position at doow VA used compound V on his wife Clara ringer who would eventually become known as Stormfront and she becomes a literal SU Nazi VA and his wife defected to the United States and VA was pardoned in exchange for the creation of super soldiers such as soldier boy now soldier boy was America's first soup and led a team called payback Soldier Boy's public record is that he died saving the world from a nuclear meltdown but it was actually his team who betrayed him for being a little aggressive I see you getting out of line again trying to move on up I will put you in theing ground understood he was then sold to the Russians and experimented on for decades and to celebrate Soldier Boy role in defending American consumerism we've got this brand new Soldier Boy parody shirt where he calls Hitler a disappointment in a parody of Captain America issue one now we have other parody covers like this first appearance of the Punisher guys shopping our merch store is the best way to directly support our Channel and right now we have a special sale in all boys parody merch 10% off through June 14th the links for those are below thank you guys for supporting our Channel and for supporting capitalism now in the 1950s Clara goes by the superhero named Liberty and one night she stopped the car of an African-American man and killed him just because he was black now the man's sister was in the backseat and witnessed the whole thing but VA paid off the family to keep it secret a little black girl accusing a white superhero of murder in these parts so V forms a company named after himself and their primary product is to create and Market superheroes as a business after vot's death Stan Edgar takes over as CEO and helps lead the cover up of compound V the public is then led to believe that soups are the result of divine intervention God's little miracle now in the 1980s Grace mallerie was working with the government and had run-ins with Stan Edgar black noir and Soldier Boy after her bad experience working with soup she forms a task force focused on bringing down VA and ending the tyranny of these soups now modern day V though has turned superheroes into a for-profit mega Corporation where soups are celebrities with TV shows movies action figures video games and record labels the seven is va's number one hero team and they are led by homelander now homelander was raised in a lap and made into one of the most powerful soups of all time but without a mother and proper upbringing he became a sociopathic madman you people should be thanking Christ that I am who and what I am because you need me his lack of a mother figure results in him having an unhealthy obsession with his boss meline still well I am so excited the boys are back on because this show is unlike any other superhero story we're getting today because this show uses a Fantastical premise superheroes actually exist and it used uses that premise to create a commentary on the real world events of today like this show is a shocking political satire theyve turned homelander in his followers into a metaphor for extreme right-wing fans even inserting a familiar-looking guy into homelanders rally in season 3 but they've also taken shots at Hollywood elites with their toned deaf reactions to real world suffering with SPO of imagine and the Kardashian Pepsi spot but the boys's greatest Target is us we are all guilty of having our own political bias that dictates our views and we all have an algorithm that caters news to what we already think but if you want to cut through all that AI confirmation bias and get the real news you should check out ground news ground news is an app and website that gathers related articles from across the world into one place but they give you the context about the source's political leaning their reliability and their ownership this means that you can see through the political and profit bias and think critically about this news that you consume that's why I'm proud to have ground news as a sponsor for this video I mean think about all the absolutely crazy Bonkers history making events happening right now like Donald Trump's conviction ground news has a story here about the former president potentially being placed under house arrest and here I can see who reported the story which way they lean politically the factuality and whether or not the news came from independent ownership and that last part's very important left leaning SES focus on how he said it could be a breaking point for his supporters and inside violence while right leaning SES use the headline that he's okay with it the story had 56 total sources with 16 leaning left 12 right and seven Center now especially with the election coming up I want to be informed and I want to know that the news isn't trying to sway me one way or the other they even have a blind spot section that shows you news stories that each side is ignoring and by the way this is all backed by ratings from three Independent News monitoring organizations guys this is an incredible resource and I have been looking for a service like ground news for years I highly encourage you to check them out if you go to ground screencrush or click this QR code you'll get 40% off their Vantage plan which includes unlimited access to every feed or you can try their Pro Plan for less than a dollar a month totally worth it your subscription will not only help our Channel but you'll also be supporting an independent platform working to make the media landscape more transparent now back to the boys now in the late 2000s a hard ass named Billy butcher was married to a woman named Becca who worked at VA in the marketing department homelander took advantage of Becca and by the time the show starts she's been believed dead or missing for the past 8 years but butcher has kept the faith that she is still alive now it does turn out though that after homelander took advantage of Becca she became pregnant with his son V covered it up and sequestered her and the baby away from homelander so that the boy could be raised by his mother and be a better version of homelander now in 2012 Grace mallerie recruited Billy Butcher and showed him the evidence that homelander assaulted his wife Becca and that VA was responsible for Becca's disappearance so Butcher and mallerie form a group called The Boys composed of mallerie butcher Frenchie and mother's milk that's a nickname no my mother actually named me Mother's Milk Frenchie was recruited by grace mallerie for his impressive ability to create weapons that could take on soups and as we'll later learn mother's milk's family was killed by Soldier Boy recklessness and this is why mm has joined the fight against the soups early in 2012 a former member of the seven Lamplighter was blackmailed by the boys into being a spy please don't pretend like you have a choice I look forward to your call having had enough Lamplighter went to mallerie's house to kill her but ended up burning her grandchildren alive after the death of her grandchildren mallerie disbanded the boys but now 5 years later butcher has started reassembling the team starting with Frenchie but is an international Mega Corporation who owns the world's Premier superhero team the seven other members of the team include Queen ma she's a lot like Wonder Woman there's the Deep who's a super creepy Aquaman go another fish [ __ ] at train a full of himself Speedster translucent he can turn invisible and black noir he's kind of like Snake Eyes from gi. Joe movie Insurrection it's really exciting it's my first uh movie with the in the VA Cinematic Universe and then there's the new girl Annie January AKA Starlight now as a child she participated in Soup song and dance pageants primarily because her mother forced her to pain is weakness leaving the body now Annie believes that superheroes are actual crime Fighters until her first day on the job when she joins the seven when she is sexually assaulted by the Deep you and me just roll with the punches for like 3 minutes maybe it's not a big deal meanwhile huie Campbell and his girlfriend Robin are standing on a New York City sidewalk gazing into one another's eyes when out of nowhere Robin explodes a train ran straight through her leaving her severed arms in huie's hands you see a train was actually whacked out on compound V that he was abusing to increase his speed so vot covers for a train and helps him promote the lie that Robin was standing in the middle of the street and that a train was in the midst of chasing bank robbers and they offer huie $45,000 to sign an NDA a distraught and defeated huie is approached by a man called Billy butcher who offers him a shot at Revenge I'm offering you the opportunity to get them and got your girl butcher tells a naive huy all the awful things about VA and the soups soups lose hundreds of people each year to Collateral Damage so butcher convinces huie to visit vot tower for an apology and then he can plant a bug for butcher in the Seven's conference room huie goes through with a plan but translucent sees huie plant the bug afterwards huie impresses butcher by ripping up a check for 45 Grand but butcher still doesn't want huie to be on his team but then later that night translucent walks into the electronic store and attacks huie but then butcher drives his car through the store butcher translucent go toe-to-toe in one of my favorite fights from the entire series it's not as big and flashy as some later fights but it's gritty and grounded like the boys is supposed to be now when butcher is down huie sneaks in from behind and sticks an electric cable inside of translucent Skin's carbon highly conductive saw it on Jimmy Fallon then they go to Frenchies and place him in an electric cage because his Invincible skin is making him very hard to kill now the clock is ticking though as homelander closes in on their location and Frenchie devises a plan to place an explosive inside translucent he stuck a lump of plastique up your bum son translucent escapes his cage and hu is forced to detonate the explosive and it was at this moment that huie crossed the line and became one of the boys his hands are no longer clean now around this time huie and starlight coincidentally meet on a park bench and they really hit it off and later you know he gets her number I know you're you and everything but if you ever just wanted to you know get would you like my number butcher then recruits mother's milk back into the team they may me the only marking trust since when have you ever trusted anybody the team investigates pop claw a d soup and a train secret girlfriend who gets high on compound V and then murders her landlord during sex now the boys have all this on video and then they blackmail her in exchange for info on a train and compound v a train later finds out the pop claw snitched and he kills her faking an overdose following the lead they got from pop claw though the boys find Kimo you're not a bad person just to scared one of now Kimiko is mute and she has a dark past she was forced to join a terrorist organization called The Shining Light Liberation Army she was injected with compound V against her will giving her super strength and a healing Factor meanwhile VA is working to get soups into the US military to prove their worth still well since homelander and Ma to rescue a plane that's been hijacked by terrorists if you bring those passengers back alive not one Congressman will have the balls to vote against our bill once they arrive homelander and mave take out the terrorists pretty easily but then homelander uses his laser Vision to take down the final terrorist and in the process destroys the plan's controls mave pleads with homelander to get under the plane Superman style and help it land lift the plane how there's nothing to stand on made them ask him to take multiple trips taking people to safety come back 123 times and then she begs him to at least take these two little girls so they can tell the world that we left the rest of them to die homelander refuses to save anyone and insists that Ma come with him they leave the plane to crash into the ocean but homelander spins the disaster to persuade the government to let them in the military Starlight is then sent to the belief Expo now the belief Expo is an extremist Gathering promoting Christian values from a far-right political perspective homelander goes off the book at the Expo and gives a speech to appeal to his right-wing base wasn't I chosen to save you while Starlight also abandons Her speech and goes Rogue and reveals to the world that she was assaulted now still well recognizes this as bad PR and forces the Deep to issue a public apology and then is sent on a sabatical in Ohio butcher has a contact in the CIA named Susan rer who wants to help keep soups out of the military but then it's revealed that there is a soup Terrorist on foreign soil are you telling me they have a suit terrorist homelander distributed compound V to Middle East terrorist organizations so that they could create their own soups and now the military has no choice but to allow soups like homelander into the military why did you uh go have a smoke or something okay I got this homelander discovers the identity of the boys and he believes that Starlight has been helping them but then Starlight with the help of mave convinces homelander that she is innocent so Starlight confronts huie about these new Revelations and huie tells her about compound V we're born like this I'm so sorry Starlight eventually joins the boys in their efforts against VOD now during a fight with at train he has a heart attack but then the heroes save his life he'll never stop coming for you I know homelander finds out that he got Becca pregnant but is told that she and the baby died drowned in it's mother's blood butcher kidnaps still well and plans to blow her up in front of homelander to make him feel the same pain that he has carried for all these years but homelander confronts still well about her lies and kills her himself butcher detonates the explosive but wakes up in a yard with homelander standing over him wakey wakey out of a house walks Becca and her son Ryan we are a family butcher is framed for the death of mateline still well and all of the boys including mm Frenchie huy and Kimo are wanted fugitives living in a pawn shop basement despite starlight's public face of being a valued member of the seven she is still secretly seen Huey and very wary of homelander and vot vot CEO Stan Edgar is displeased with homelander for unleashing compound V into the world and shows homelander that he does not fear Him in the slightest while you're preining at the Golden Globes we are busy running around like maniacs trying to clean up the mess you made Stormfront is then brought in by Edgar to fill the empty seat left by translucent I'm in the seven replacing translucent God bless his now at this time Stormfront is relatively unknown outside of the coastal Northwest and no one knows about her past as Liberty or as a soupnazi who are you call him ay the boys offer to bring in a super terrorist in exchange for full pardons I will see what I can do but during their meeting with Rainer her head explodes wait so what happened to Butcher and Ryan and stuff oh yeah so homelander was about to kill butcher but then Becca threatened to kill herself in front of her son I said if he hurt you I would kill myself in front of Ryan and my last words would be her father did this to me so homelander dropped butcher miles away in exchange for a relationship with his boy but now butcher knows that Becca is alive and he is determined to get her back he breaks into her compound but she won't leave without Ryan no Ryan Ryan can't climb that fence now Annie has been working behind the scenes to get a sample of compound V that she can reveal to the general public a Tran catches Annie and is going to rat her out but then Annie reminds him that she knows that he killed pop claw you know say if Sports Illustrated found out now the the deep is in the midst of a breakdown and scaring kids at local water parks and then insteps the Church of a collective a cult-like organization who says that they can get the Deep back on the seven but only for a price so the boys then bring in this soup terrorist who is actually the long lost brother of Kimo her brother but then V sends the deep and the rest of the seven to stop them butcher smashes this boat through a whale and then they escape into the storm drains pursued by the seven so Starlight then is forced to blast huy even though they're dating because she knows that homelander is watching hands in the air like you just don't care kill but then kimiko's brother Kenji drops a bus on homelander from above ground and then Kenji is brutally murdered by Stormfront homelander is pissed that Stormfront took his kill but VA is still happy to take credit for one of their soups taking down a soup terrorist but then a video leaks of homelander accidentally killing a civilian leading to protests led by liberal Firebrand congresswoman Victoria Newman homelander crashes the protest to talk his way back into the crowd's good graces but instead he fantasizes about doing [Applause] this so he then turns to Stormfront for help repairing His Image by using memes and social media Bots they get their super villain nasty on and boy is it nasty don't stop around this time homelander outs ma as a lesbian to the Press even though she's bisexual and V decides that this should be her new rebranding she's # Brave mave a Tran Goes to the Church of the collective to try to steal files on Stormfront and then he delivers this file to Starlight and Huey because Stormfront is actually a full-blown racist and he wants her off the team that place used to be pure and then they just started letting all kinds of people in the file contains proof that she's actually a full-blown Nazi Starlight finds out Stormfront has been overseeing a facility where they test compound V on adults instead of babies and working at this facility is none other than the retired seven member lamp lighter when the boys are breaking into this facility an encounter Lamplighter a super powerful soup named Cindy is released hey Cindy let's be cool I'm sure we'll see her this season but lamp lighter agrees to help the boys by testifying against vot black noir captures Starlight as vot in the seven label her a traitor on the news so Lamplighter takes the boys to her holding cell in seven Tower but then sets himself on fire now this sets off alarms that Starlight uses them to break her out from her cell black Mar and starlight go at it and mave steps into help was that an Almond Joy he has a tree nut allergy but now with lamp lighter G they have lost their star witness but butcher has someone better in mind va's Chief scientist vogle Bal homelander Creator chair calls former CSO of va Dr Jonah Vogal bomb but right as he's about to testify heads start exploding after this attack the US government decided to purchase a lot of compound V so they can create super soldiers while homelander decides that it's time for Stormfront to meet his son after they tell him his whole life has been a lie Ryan decides to go with his dad and his Soup Nazi mom Becca breaks out of the VOD compound and goes to find butcher who promises to help now the boys set up a sonar Beacon that draws homelander away from this cabin so that butcher and Becca can NAB Ryan meanwhile Stormfront Nazi photos have been released to the public so butcher confesses to Becca the deal that he made with Stan Edgar to return Ryan to vot in exchange for Becca's freedom I cut a deal that when I got Ryan that I would call V they were going to come and take him away and that you'd never can see him again as they're leaving storm front comes into to kill Starlight for leaking the Nazi photo people love what I have to say they just don't like the word Nazi so Starlight and Kimo go toe-to-toe with Stormfront and then Queen mave arrives to help finish the job Stormfront though escapes and catches up to butcher Becca and Ryan Stormfront begins to choke Becca and Ryan lets out a laser blast from his eyes completely frying Stormfront all season long homelander wanted Ryan to tap into his powers and Stormfront threatening of his mother finally made those Powers surface but Stormfront wasn't the only victim of this blast Becca's throat was hit by the laser too oh I'm sorry help us when homelander tells Ryan to come with him Ryan steps behind butcher so now homelander is about to kill butcher but then ma steps in and reveals the video of Flight 37 let them go you're going to stop hunting Starlight or I release this mave tells homelander to let Butcher and Ryan leave and to stop messing with her in Starlight compound V's release is then put on hold the boys get secret government funding after mallerie's reinstatement and takes in Ryan so that he can be hidden away from VA and homelander afterwards huie gets a job with congresswoman Newman but it turns out she was the head popper so a year has passed and things have been relatively calm huie is working at the Bureau of superhuman Affairs under the direction of congresswoman Newman butcher is still leading the boys and they now have a comic accur office in the flat iron building mm has retired from the team to focus on raising his daughter but his relationship with his wife is over and now she's dating this guy who is kind of of a jerk and a big fan of soups you going to stay for homelander birthday special got some BRS on the grill buger still has Frenchie and Kimiko at his side but he isn't thrilled about the dialed back nature of their soup takedowns he's even become a bit of a father figure for his late wife's son Ryan you done your own work I hate math yeah you and me both Starlight is made co- captain of the seven by Stan Edgar poking the bear that is homelander huie finds out that Newman is the head popper and that she was raised in a soup orphanage and then adopted by none other than Stan Edgar this makes Hu realized that fighting v through the system was never going to work out and that they're going to have to do things butcher's way homelander is on an apology tour for dating Stormfront I may be a superhero but I'm also just a man who fell in love with the wrong woman now Stormfront is still alive but she's not all there in the head she mutters Nazi talking points and gives homelander handy dandies but when she dies on his birthday he finally hits his breaking point on live television now his Bas loved his speech and homelander is now emboldened to go further down his evil Rabbit Hole I don't make mistakes I'm not just like the rest of you I'm stronger I'm smarter I'm better I am better homelander tells Starlight that he isn't afraid of that video being leaked anymore because if it does he'll just take over the world I'd prefer to be loved but if you take that away from me being feared is A1 Noy dop by me ma brings butcher classified documents on America's first soup soldja boy explaining that whatever killed soldier boy could also maybe kill homelander mave also gives butcher three doses of a new version of compound V that makes you assume for 24 hours it's temp Fe one shot makes you a soup for 24 hours butcher takes the compound V and gets the powers of homelander he interrogates an old colleague of Soldier Boys and then kills him because the compound V is affecting butcher's personality and making him less patient and more cruel you said you'd always watch out for me you promised Ryan let go oh and huy also took some of this V and now has teleporting Powers oh I'm sorry mallerie tells butcher that soldier boy died at the hands of a top secret Russian super weapon in the 1980s so the boys make their way to the Russian science lab that supposedly holds the secret to killing a soup but instead they find out that soldier boy is still alive homelander gets the Deep back on the seven not because he likes him but because it's a good way to mess with Starlight he even makes deep eat alive octopus just to screw with his head so sorry starlight's old boyfriend and new member of the seven supers Sonic helped Starlight plot against homelander and then homelander kills him just like he warned Starlight he would do he's threatened to murder me more than once and you're just going to be putting yourself and your family in danger Edgar is displeased with homelander recklessness and asks Newman to open an investigation into him but instead she opens an investigation into Edgar himself now it turns out that Newman made a special secret deal with homelander in exchange for compound V to give to her daughter Edgar is pushed out of vot and homelander is now in charge and in the coming days the fbsa will be investigating charges of black blackmail perjury and obstruction of justice against Mr Edgar homelander realizes this day-to-day Corporation running isn't really for him so he names Ashley as vault's new CEO after escaping the Russian Lab soldier boy makes his way back to American soil now butcher tells soldier boy that he'll help him hunt down his old teammates if in exchange soldier boy kills homelander all we ask is that you add one more name to the list who homelander soldier boy at homelander go at it and then butcher steps in with his new powers to help what have you done SC death huy Pops in two and the three of them pin homelander down and almost kill him but then homelander is able to escape and flies away Starlight decides to handle this war in a different way and exposes VA sups and homelander to the world now homelander and VA are going to tell you that it was the super villain and that they have it handled they don't and then it's revealed that homelander is actually Soldier Boy's son because he was made using Soldier Boy DNA turns out VAB bomb made a kid born in Spring 19 81 Starlight learns that more than 3 to five doses of that temporary compound V that butcher and huy have been taking will be lethal butcher though keeps taking the V but he won't allow huie to inject himself anymore homelander learns that one of his only friends black noir knew that soldja boy was homelander father but he never told him so homelander sheds some tears and kills black noir butcher in a fit of rage tells Ryan that he blames him for killing his wife well maybe I don't want to look at you after what you done on my Becker did you ever think about that so when homelander finds Ryan Ryan goes goes with him willingly cu the final battle homelander pours his heart out to Soldier Boy he brings out Ryan and tells soldier boy that he's his grandson but then Soldier Boy does this you're aing disappointment and the two go at it again Ryan lasers Soldier Boy to help his dad and now soldier boy is going after Ryan butcher steps in to protect him because deep down he loves Ryan like he's his own son while Butcher and Soldier Boy go at it Queen mave and homelander begin to fight soldier boy is about to go nuclear but just before he can mave tackles him out of the window Ryan leaves with homelander ma is alive but without her powers and starlight officially leaves the seven and joins the boys and while butcher is still alive he is now slowly dying from his overuse of compound V how long I got months 12 18 on the outside Newman is now running for VP alongside Dakota Bob after homelander in the Deep assassinated his former running mate in exchange for Ryan's location homelander has now developed a cult-like fan base when a protester throws a cup at homelander that accidentally hits ran he responds by lasering the guy to death in public but old Todd begins to cheer him on and then the whole crowd joins [Applause] in all right so now let's talk about the show gen V you see many soups that were on the seven went to a school called gulan University or God you for short who have all gone on to protect America's greatest cities Marie Maro who we actually saw here in the boys season 3 has blood manipulation powers and accidentally killed her family when she was a young girl what the hell happened she grows up in the same orphanage as Victoria Newman before she was adopted by Stan Edgar and coincidentally Marie and Newman have the same blood manipulation Powers your blood there's compound V in it you're soup Marie is now attending the dkan university and wants to be an actual superhero now unlike most soup she does not want to become a performer she wants to actually help people and join the seven after some Chaos on campus and Ving a human torch style hero Golden Boy Marie and her friends are dubbed the Guardians of gulin like Marie Maro the guardian of gulin now it turns out though that VA is still up to no good and in the basement of the University VA is experimenting on students VA is looking to create a virus that can take away powers from soups that you know get out of control but the creator of that virus secretly wants to use it to kill all soups because her family was on the infamous Flight 37 the young soups who were being experimented on go on a rampage against humans at the University and Marie steps to stop them and it is just a bloody [Music] mess but then Inc comes homelander who is displeased with Marie do you like attacking your own kind he lasers her but she survives and wakes up in a hospital and homelander has made her out to be the villain four gulan students went on a brutal murder spree and now comes the next installment of the boy Saga the boy season 4 which we'll be covering right here on the channel week by week with Easter egg breakdowns of every single episode so let me know what's your favorite episode of the boys who's your favorite hero what do you think's going going to happen this season big shout out to the writer this video Colton Ogburn you can find his Social Links below and guys if it's your first time here please subscribe and smash that Bell for alerts for screen Crush I'm Ryan Ary [Music]
Channel: ScreenCrush
Views: 630,157
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the boys recap, screencrush, heavy spoilers, New rockstars, gen v recap, boys recap before seaosn 4, boys 103 recap, the boys recap before season 4, teh boys recap, the boys recap season 2, the boys recap season three, the boys recap season 3, the boys recap season 4, the boys recap season 1, the boys recap before gen v, the boys recap season 1 and 2, the boys recap all seasons, the boys recap myanmar, the boys recap 1-3, the boys recap 3, the boys recap season 1-3
Id: T2z8yayfH9Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 23sec (1643 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 10 2024
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