House of the Dragon S2E04 Explained

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House of the Dragon Season 2 Episode 4 is called  “The Red Dragon and the Gold”. Because the red   dragon Meleys is killed, along with her  rider, Rhaenys. The gold dragon, Sunfyre,   is badly hurt along with his rider King Aegon.  The winner of this battle is the dragon Vhagar and   her rider Prince Aemond, who betrayed his brother  Aegon. Meanwhile, Daemon gets high with a witch,   and meets a Tully and Blackwood, and  Alyn’s true identity is revealed.  So what happens, and what does it mean? This  video has no spoilers for future episodes.  Prince Daemon Targaryen is in the riverlands,  at the spooky ruined castle Harrenhal. Harrenhal   seems connected to the magic of the old gods, of  the weirwood trees. So Daemon has crazy dreams,   exploring his feelings about his family. He sees young Rhaenyra, his wife, and niece,   sitting on the Iron Throne. This mirrors shots  from Season 1 when Rhaenyra saw Daemon on the   Throne. Daemon feels hurt that his brother Viserys  chose Rhaenyra to rule instead of him. Part of   Daemon wants revenge on this girl who stole his  Throne, who stole Viserys’ love, so he cuts off   her head. Did Daemon ever really love Rhaenyra, or  does he just use her to get closer to the Throne?  Daemon feels guilty for how he’s treated Rhaenyra.  Rhaenyra speaks in the Valyrian language,   and a translation says “I was an innocent. You  exploited me and abandoned me. You sullied my   name at court. You empowered my rivals. You tried  to make my ruin”. Cause in Season 1, Daemon hooked   up with young Rhaenyra. He created a damaging  sex scandal and tried to use it to marry Rhaenyra   for her Throne. Later, Daemon undermined Queen  Rhaenyra’s authority and tried to escalate war   against her wishes. Daemon choked Rhaenyra. Daemon  had Jaehaerys killed and Rhaenyra was blamed. Now,   Daemon is gathering an army but he isn’t telling  Rhaenyra his plans. Is he loyal to his queen,   or will Daemon take Rhaenyra’s Throne? In the dream, Rhaenyra says Daemon created   Rhaenyra. Daemon has influenced his niece – he  taught her that sex is for pleasure, which led her   to have catastrophic sex with Criston and Harwin.  Daemon taught her that a ruler must be feared,   which led her to fake Laenor’s death, to  the horror of Corlys and Rhaenys. But also,   Daemon’s chaotic behaviour is why Viserys chose  Rhaenyra as heir. It’s why Rhaenyra is queen. So   in that sense, Daemon created Queen Rhaenyra – and  yet he undermines her. Previously, Rhaenyra said   that Daemon’s heart belongs only to Daemon. Will  he continue in his selfish destructive violence?  Daemon sees blood on his hands – he’s  guilty of hurting the people he loves.  We learn that in the crownlands, House Rosby  and House Stokeworth have joined King Aegon and   the greens. They said they’re against Rhaenyra  because Rhaenyra supposedly killed Jaehaerys,   which was actually Daemon’s fault. So  again Daemon’s atrocities hurt his queen.  Simon Strong calls Daemon the king … dot dot dot  … consort. It’s not clear if Daemon is a king   consort who serves his wife Queen Rhaenyra, or if  Daemon is a king taking power in his own right.  Daemon wants to gather an army in the  riverlands. The riverlands are ruled by   Lord Grover Tully of Riverrun. But Grover is  sick and old and cannot speak. So instead,   Daemon meets Grover’s grandson and heir, Oscar  Tully. In the book, Oscar has a brother named   Kermit and a father named Elmo – author George  Martin named these characters after Muppets. Oscar   can’t command the riverlords until Lord Grover  dies. So Daemon suggests that Oscar murder his   beloved grandpa to become the lord. When Viserys  was dying, Daemon showed him love and respect. But   Daemon has no sympathy for other families. He  complains that the Tullys are a fish without a   head – because the Tully sigil is a fish and  they have no leader. This also evokes a shot   from Season 1 of a fish having its head cut off.  Which was right after Daemon murdered his wife   Rhea – another crime of which Daemon is guilty. Oscar Tully is one of the most important   politicians in Westeros, but Daemon rudely  dismisses him. It’s terrible diplomacy,   which could hurt Queen Rhaenyra.  Daemon instead summons the Blackwoods,   cause House Blackwood is one of the most powerful  houses in the riverlands, and they’ve already   fought a battle in Rhaenyra’s name. Later, Daemon has a vision of himself   wearing an eyepatch like his nephew Aemond. Cause  Daemon influenced Aemond. Aemond admires Dameon’s   strength and badassary. Aemond idolises Daemon so  much that Aemond was stoked when Daemon tried to   assassinate Aemond. But Daemon is a terrible role  model to his nephew. Daemon’s murder of Jaehaerys   might’ve taught Aemond that killing your own  family is super rad and cool, inspiring Aemond to   attack his own brother Aegon and kill his cousin  Rhaenys this episode. Daemon’s bad influence   contributed to the monster Aemond became. Daemon speaks with Alys Rivers,   the mysterious witch of Harrenhal. Rivers  is the bastard name of the riverlands. Like,   in the north, bastards are called Snow, like  Jon Snow. In Dorne, bastards are called Sand,   like Ellaria Sand. <Bastards only get a surname  if they have a highborn parent. Alys Rivers is   said to be the daughter of Lyonel Strong, making  her the half-sister of Larys Strong. But no one’s   entirely sure where Alys came from. Alys works with potions and books,   so Daemon asks if she’s a maester – maesters make  medicine, and study, and give advice. Alys says   there was a maester here, but he ran away in  the night. Maybe Alys scared off the maester,   with spooky dreams. In the books, some maesters  hate magic – we see conflict between science and   magic, like with Maester Cressen and Melisandre.  It seems that at Harrenhal, magic is strong.  Cause when Harrenhal was built, “Black” Harren  Hoare cut down some weirwood trees. Heart trees,   which are the trees with faces on them, sacred to  the old gods. Weirwood trees contain the spirits   of the dead. In the books, the old gods seem to  be a hive mind of the souls of dead children of   the forest, humans and nature. And these spirits  can give people dreams. Greenseers like Bloodraven   the three-eyed crow can enter peoples’ dreams and  communicate with them. He gives dreams to Bran,   and possibly to Jon Snow. Maybe Alys is also a  greenseer, and she’s giving Daemon these dreams.   House Strong are of the First Men, the oldest  humans in Westeros, who are connected to the old   gods, and Harrenhal is next to the Isle of Faces,  the centre of weirwood power in the south – so it   makes sense that Alys could have this magic. Alys jokes that she’s not a woman, she’s a   “barn owl. Cursed to live in human form”. It’s  funny that Alys is possibly a powerful sorcerer,   but she acts super casual and relaxed. While  Daemon acts like a powerful dangerous prince,   but we know he’s really insecure. Daemon and Alys  are opposites, so she’s a perfect character to   penetrate and explore Daemon’s feelings. But the owl joke might have truth to it.   Cause greenseers are also skinchangers, who can  control animals, like how Bran controls ravens   and wolves and.. Hodor. In Game of Thrones, we see  a wildling who skinchanges an owl. So it’s totally   possible that Alys can magically control owls,  to spy with them. Her joke could be kinda true.  Alys says that Daemon’s bed at Harrenhal is made  of weirwood. In the books, sleeping on weirwood   can give you crazy dreams – it happens to Jaime  Lannister when he sleeps on a weirwood stump. And   Sweetrobin Arryn sits a throne of weirwood, and  some fans think he has magic dreams. So it makes   sense that if Daemon sleeps on a weirwood  bed, he could have some mystical dreams.  Alys also gives Daemon drugs. She makes  this.. potion, that’s got.. red stuff in   it. In the books, Bran eats a white and  red paste of weirwood seeds. And it gives   him crazy magic visions. There’s a theory that  this paste contains the corpse of Jojen Reed.   So maybe Alys gives Daemon the same thing, to give  him visions. Who did she kill and make into paste?  It's funny that Daemon drinks this mysterious  potion from this witch when last episode,   he refused to eat peas in case they were  poisoned. He is a suspicious man but he won’t   say no to free drugs from a goth girl he just met. The potion makes Daemon black out, skip time and   lose memories. So Daemon is super high during  an important meeting with Ser Willem Blackwood.  We saw Willem in Season 1 – he was the young  boy who killed a Bracken in front of Rhaenyra.   Now he’s all grown up, and is leading House  Blackwood. Cause last episode, Lord Samwell   Blackwood was killed at the Battle of the Burning  Mill. Samwell’s heir is Benjicott Blackwood, but   Benjicot is too young, so for now his uncle Willem  leads the Blackwoods. And Willem still hates   House Bracken. So he says the Blackwood army will  join Daemon if Daemon and his dragon attack the   Brackens. But Daemon is not listening because  he has a vision of his ex-wife Laena Velaryon.   Last season, Daemon married Laena and had  two daughters, Baela and Rhaena. They lived   together in Pentos, until Laena suffered birth  complications and killed herself with her dragon   Vhagar. Daemon was not a great husband to Laena  – he refused to go back to Westeros with her,   he didn’t communicate well, he ignored their  daughter Rhaea, their relationship suffered.   So Daemon’s vision of Laena is another reminder  of Daemon’s failures. Showrunner Ryan Condal   says Laena Aemond and Rhaenyra are sins of  Dameon’s past that he must face and atone for.  Daemon is on a deep psychological journey, facing  his demons, which is great, but he’d better be   quick about it because there’s a war happening.  His wife and queen Rhaenyra needs him, and is   angry that Daemon’s not replying to her texts. At Harrenhal, we see a black goat, which writer   Sara Hess described as a “haunted” goat.  A hundred and seventy years from now,   in the Game of Thrones books, Harrenhal is held  by Vargo Hoat, nicknamed “the goat”, who has   a black goat as his sigil. This represents a god  called the Black Goat of Qohor, a god of death who   demands blood sacrifice. Last episode, Alys said  Daemon would die here, so this black goat of death   could be a dark omen. Vargo is brutally killed at  Harrenhal, so maybe this goat is some kind of time   travelling goat-ghost. Or maybe it’s just a goat. We also see some dogs. Dogs are the sigil of House   Clegane, and in the Game of Thrones books,  Gregor Clegane holds Harrenhal before he dies   horribly. So these animals represent victims of  Harrenhal’s curse. Will Daemon be its next victim?  On Driftmark, Rhaenys Targaryen meets Alyn.  Alyn is the sailor who saved Corlys’ life   on the Stepstones. And we learn that Alyn is  Corlys’ bastard son – Corlys cheated on Rhaenys   with another woman. In Westeros, it is common for  married lords to have bastard kids with mistresses   and sex workers. And the books explore how that  sucks for the men’s wives. In Game of Thrones,   we see Catelyn’s pain over Jon Snow, who is  supposedly the bastard son of her husband   Ned Stark. Catelyn is sometimes cruel to Jon,  excluding him from the family, hating this walking   breathing symbol of her husband’s infidelity. Si Alyn seems afraid of Rhaenys – this angry   dragonriding princess could mess him  up. But Rhaenys doesn’t blame Alyn,   it’s not his fault he was born. Rhaenys is angry  at Corlys. But Corlys acts defensive, he doesn’t   acknowledge Rhaenys’ feelings, so Rhaenys drops  the subject. Once again, Corlys puts his own   desires ahead of Rhaenys. Like when he married  Laenor to Rhaenyra against Rhaenys’ wishes,   like when he abandoned Rhaenys for years to fight  his war. Rhaenys’ actor Eve Best says Rhaenys   feels she’s “losing Corlys”, and that the “steady  rock of their marriage is shaking”. Tragically,   this painful scene is the last conversation we see  between Corlys and Rhaenys before Rhaenys dies.  On Dragonstone, the black council is a mess.  Cause their Queen Rhaenyra is gone to King’s   Landing and is not communicating. And the king  consort Daemon is gone to Harrenhal and is not   communicating. The council has no leader. While  the Criston’s enemy army is rampaging through   the crownlands nearby. These lords, Gormon  Massey and Bartimos Celtigar are from the   crownlands – their castles could be attacked next. Gormon Massey compares the complex politics of   the riverlands to a Lyseni orgy – Lys is an  eastern city famous for its sex workers and   slaves. Last season, we heard that Johanna Swann  was kidnapped and sold to an eastern brothel.   In the books, Johanna eventually becomes a famous  courtesan and practically the ruler of Lys. She’s   probably hosting a Lyseni orgy right now. Baela asks her grandparents Rhaenys and   Corlys to come help, but they still can’t  do much without their queen. Rhaenyra   really should’ve left someone in charge,  or left instructions while she was gone.  But finally, Rhaenyra returns. And she  reveals that she was secretly meeting   with the enemy queen, Alicent. Her son Jace  is outraged that Rhaenyra risked her life.   But Rhaenyra says she had a responsibility  to try to make peace. Now that peace failed,   she accepts she must fight for the Throne, or die. She learns that Criston has taken Rosby,   Stokeworth and now Duskendale. Rhaenyra’s  Kingsguard Steffon Darklyn is from   Duskendale. He’s distraught to hear that  his father Lord Gunthor Darklyn was killed.  Now Criston is marching to attack Rook’s Rest, a  small castle near Dragonstone. So Rhaenyra decides   to send a dragon to burn his army. She says she’ll  go on her dragon Syrax, but Rhaenyra is the queen,   she shouldn’t risk her life or they could  lose everything. Jace says he’ll go,   but Rhaenyra won’t let him. Jace’s dragon Vermax  is relatively small and weak. Rhaenyra doesn’t   want Jace to get killed like how her son Luke  was killed. So Jace is frustrated. He glowers   and fondles his sword, just like Daemon  does. Jace imitates his awful step-dad.  Earlier, Jace was about to send  dragons without Rhaenyra’s approval.   Will Jace disobey Rhaenyra, like Daemon does? In the end, Rhaenys says she’ll fight for Rook’s   Rest on her dragon Meleys. Because Meleys is  Rhaenyra’s “largest dragon” in Hot D. Caraxes is   her second biggest dragon. Followed by Syrax then  Vermax and Moondancer. The dragons Vermithor and   Silverwing are bigger than Meleys, but they don’t  have riders. And Vhagar is bigger than them all,   Aemond’s dragon is the deadliest being alive.  But Meleys is strong and fast, and Rhaenys is an   experienced rider. Rhaenys says Meleys has been in  battle before. Which is odd, cause the books don’t   mention Meleys fighting any battles. The last  seventy years have been mostly peaceful under King   Jaehaerys and Viserys. But Rhaenys’ husband Corlys  fought in the Stepstones for years. In Hot D,   their son Laenor joined the war on his dragon  Seasmoke. So maybe Rhaenys and Meleys also fought   in the Stepstones, off-screen. In the books, forty  years ago, Rhaenys’ father Aemon did fighting   pirates on Tarth. The home of Brienne. Maybe in  Hot D, Rhaenys and Meleys fought there as well.  The actor Eve Best says Rhaenys is the most  capable and experienced and responsible   dragonrider. Unlike young Jace and Baela and  Rhaenyra, Rhaenys knows the horror of war,   and will use dragonfire with restraint,  causing minimal bloodshed. Maybe Rhaenys   should’ve used restraint when she killed all  those civilians in the Dragonpit last season.  Eve says Rhaenys doesn’t like Rhaenyra. Rhaenys  has always felt bitter that Rhaenyra gets to be   queen, while Rhaenys was rejected from the throne  years ago. Rhaenys still suspects that Rhaenyra   was involved in the death of her son Laenor. They  have heaps of unresolved tension. But Rhaenys   doesn’t want to see another worthy woman denied  the Throne because of her sex. So Rhaenys puts   aside their differences and fights for Rhaenyra. Rhaenys is called the Queen Who Never Was, because   she almost got the Throne. A tiara is almost a  crown. So maybe this tiara symbolises the power   Rhaenys almost had. The tiara has antlers on it.  Because Rhaenys’ mother Jocelyn was a Baratheon,   and their sigil is a stag. In the books, Rhaenys  has black hair, because the seed is strong,   children of Baratheons tend to have black  hair. So Rhaenys flies off to Rook’s Rest.  Rhaenyra tells Jace about Aegon the Conqueror’s  dream. Aegon dreamed that darkness from the north   will threaten the world of men – which sounds  like the white walkers. To save the world,   the Targaryens must unite the realm with the  “prince that was promised”. In the books,   it seems like Jon Snow or Daenerys might be  this prophesied saviour – though in Game of   Thrones it’s Arya who kills the white walkers.  Rhaenyra says this mystical destiny justifies   their war. Like it’s okay to kill lots of  people with dragons, because hundreds of   years from now we’ll save the world. Is that a  good belief? The books question prophecy. Like,   Rhaegar Targaryen thought he was the chosen  one, and that led to a terrible war and got   Rhaegar killed. Stannis Baratheon thinks he’s  the chosen one, and he does evil things like   burning people alive. So we should be sceptical  of Aegon’s dream. Later, we see Criston use the   religion of the Seven to justify war. Both sides  use mystical ideology to justify mass destruction.  In King’s Landing, Alicent has this model  of a dragon. In Season 1, this model broke,   so Alicent had it fixed. It was a symbol that  Alicent might hold the Targaryen family together.   That’s part of why Viserys decided to marry  Alicent. But now, Alicent drops the dragon model,   and it breaks again – House Targaryen is split  in two, as though Alicent broke this family.  Alicent has been having secret sex with  Criston Cole. She doesn’t want to get pregnant,   so she drinks moon tea. Moon tea prevents or  aborts pregnancy. It’s based on real-world   abortifacients, with ingredients like pennyroyal  and tansy, which were used historically,   and today. <Moon tea can be dangerous. In  the books, a young Lysa Tully got pregnant   from Littlefinger, and moon tea almost  killed her. It has to be brewed correctly,   so Alicent gets hers from Grand Maester Orwyle. Last season, Rhaenyra drank moon tea, cause   Rhaenyra also had secret sex with Criston.  That’s part of what destroyed Alicent and   Rhaenyra’s friendship, Alicent was outraged  that Rhaenyra broke the rules and lied about   it. So it’s ironic and hypocritical that  Alicent also has secret sex with Criston   and also drinks moon tea. The rules and the  truth don’t seem to matter like they used to.  Cause Alicent’s family is at war, her grandson  was murdered in her home. And last episode,   Rhaenyra revealed that Alicent was wrong about  Viserys’ last words. Viserys didn’t want their   son Aegon to be king. Viserys’ last words  were actually about Aegon the Conqueror’s   dream. So now, Alicent reads history books.  Trying to find evidence of Aegon’s dream,   to confirm that Rhaenyra was telling the truth. In the books, Rhaegar Targaryen finds some old   scrolls that convince him to be a warrior, which  seem to be connected to the prophecy of the prince   that was promised. So there are scrolls about  the prophecy somewhere. Will Alicent find them?  Alicent asks Orwyle what he thinks Viserys wanted.  Did Viserys want Aegon or Rhaenyra on the Throne?   Orwyle was on Viserys’ council for years, he must  have some idea of Viserys’ wishes. But Orwyle   says he doesn’t know. It would be dangerous  for Orwyle to question King Aegon – Orwyle   saw what happened to Lyman Beesbury when he  spoke for Rhaenyra. So Orwyle stays neutral.  Alicent needs a friend and an ally, now that Otto  and Criston and Talya are gone. She’s so isolated.  Criston Cole battles through the crownlands. He  forced House Rosby and House Stokeworth to join   his army. And then he takes Duskendale.  Duskendale is a port town ruled by House   Darklyn. Many years later, the Mad King Aerys  Targaryen is kidnapped by the Darklyns. Barristan   Selmy heroically rescues the Mad King from  Duskendale. Then the Mad King kills every   Darklyn. And kills every Hollard, except for  Dontos Hollard, who later helps Sansa Stark.  Criston defeats the Darklyns, and forces them to  join his army. Criston calls Rhaenyra a “Whore”,   because she had sex with Harwin, and with  Criston before she rejected him. Criston   weaponises a sexist narrative to justify his war. He also says the gods of the Seven bless their   army with divine purpose. Criston’s horse has  the sacred star of the Seven upon it. He uses the   appearance of religious virtue, though we know  Criston’s murderer who breaks religious rules.   Like Alicent, he wears a “cloak of righteousness”. Lord Gunthor Darklyn calls Criston “Kingmaker”.   In the books, Criston is remembered as  the man who crowned Aegon and caused this   war. Though in Hot D, characters like Otto  are more responsible for Aegon being king.   One of themes of the books is how historical  memory is different from the actual events.  Darklyn says that Criston’s death will come.  Like how Alys predicted Daemon’s death.   Criston kills Darklyn, takes his men,  and marches to Rook’s Rest. Criston and   Aemond plan to use Rook’s Rest as a trap –  they want to lure Rhaenyra’s dragons there,   and ambush them with Aemond’s dragon Vhagar. King Aegon doesn’t know about this plan,   so he’s furious. He doesn’t want Rook’s Rest,  he wants Criston to take Harrenhal back from   Daemon. But the Lord of Harrenhal, Larys Strong,  says it’s fine. He says Harrenhal will drive   Daemon mad. Does Larys know about the Harrenhal  curse, about the weirwood dreams and Alys Rivers?   Alys and Larys may be half-siblings. Maybe  Larys asked Alys to drive Daemon crazy.  King Aegon is angry that he’s not  included in Aemond and Criston’s   plans. Just like Alicent was angry when  Otto and the council plotted without her.  But Aemond enjoys tormenting Aegon. Aegon  had humiliated Aemond at the brothel last   episode. So now Aemond humiliates Aegon.  He speaks in the Valyrian language,   showing off his mastery of their ancestral tongue.  He criticises Aegon for putting his dumb friends   on the Kingsguard – we see Leon fidgeting, and  Martyn staring at the ceiling. And Aemond doesn’t   say the Kingsguard is Aegon’s, he says  “our Kingsguard”, as though Aemond is   just as much a king as Aegon is. Aegon tries to reply in Valyrian,   but he doesn’t know the language well enough.  So despite Aegon’s symbols of legitimacy like   the Conqueror’s armour and crown, Aegon is  incompetent, an unworthy king. And he knows it.  The greens struggle to get enough  food to feed their dragons – Vhagar,   Sunfyre and Dreamfyre are at King’s Landing. And  since the Velaryons are blockading the Gullet,   the greens can’t get supplies by sea. In Game  of Thrones, feeding dragons is a big problem   for Daenerys. Her dragons start eating children. Tyland mentions the blacksmiths. Previously, Aegon   promised money to help blacksmiths like Hugh. But  Aegon forgets his promise, gets bored and leaves.  The council is left without a king and without  a queen. Just like the black council don’t have   a king or a queen for a while. Both sides are  heading for war and they don’t have clear leaders.  Alicent feels terrible while the moon tea does  its work. She’s frustrated that her body is   stopping her from joining the council meeting.  Just like Rhaenyra was frustrated when her body   giving birth kept her out of politics. Queen  Rhaenyra and Queen Alicent face many of the same   challenges, but they’re stuck on opposite sides. Larys sees Alicent’s pot of moon tea, which she   foolishly left out, so Larys knows she’s having  forbidden sex, which is dangerous secret. Larys   says that we must indulge our appetites. What  are Larys’ appetites, what does he want? Last   season he masturbated over Alicent’s feet. And he  seemed to enjoy cutting out peoples’ tongues. What   other horrors does Larys do for fun? Larys asks how Alicent feels about Criston,   and asks if she doubts if Viserys wanted Aegon to  be king. He knows Alicent’s deepest insecurities,   and probes them to manipulate her. Alicent says Viserys’ wishes no longer   matter. The truth no longer matters. Cause this  war is happening, “many will die”, and the winner   will rule. Previously, Alicent stood up for truth  – like the truth that Rhaenyra had bastards with   Harwin. But now she feels she’s also in the wrong,  and she spirals into nihilism and helplessness.  Aegon complains to Alicent that no one listens to  him. Aegon feels insecure that he’s not a worthy   king. So he asks his mother what he should do.  And Alicent basically says Aegon’s useless. That   he should shut up and listen and do “nothing”. Alicent is not wrong. Aegon should listen and   learn. Maybe Alicent and Otto should have  actually taught Aegon more. Alicent is also   frustrated that no one listens to her. So  you’d think Alicent would sympathise with   Aegon. But Alicent is so shaken by Rhaenyra’s  revelation and Jaehaerys’ death, and the moon   tea. And Alicent has been disgusted with Aegon  ever since he raped Dyana. So Alicent is harsh   to her son. When he’s at his most vulnerable,  she gives him contempt. And this rejection   from Aegon’s only parent leads him to go and get  burned at Rook’s Rest. Will Alicent feel guilty?  Aegon smashes a wine jug that has a golden  dragon on it – foreshadowing the defeat of   his golden dragon, Sunfyre. This episode,  we also see that dragon model smashed,   and we see a dragon skull – lots of symbols  of dead dragons for Meleys and Sunfyre.  Aegon mounts his dragon Sunfyre, who has  shining opalescent scales. The books say   Sunfyre is the most beautiful magnificent dragon  ever. And Aegon drunk drives his dragon to Rook’s   Rest to try and prove that he’s not useless. Criston and his army attack Rook’s Rest. The   army includes Rosbys, Stokeworths, Darklyns  and Hightowers. They build battering rams and   shields to protect them, as the Stauntons of  Rook’s Rest shoot arrows. We see Lord Simon   Staunton leading his men – he left Rhaenyra’s  council last episode, to defend his castle.  In the book, Criston besieges Rook’s Rest for nine  days. Criston burns villages and kills civilians   to force the blacks to come save Rook’s Rest. In Hot D, the ground battle barely gets started   before Rhaenys arrives on Meleys.  She burns hundreds of men – soldiers   seem helpless in the face of dragonfire. But Criston springs his trap. Aemond and   Vhagar are hiding nearby, ready to kill Rhaenyra’s  dragons. But then Aegon shows up on Sunfyre – this   is not part of the plan. And Criston is terrified  that his king is in danger. But Aemond sees an   opportunity. Aemond wants Aegon to die so that  Aemond can take Aegon’s Throne. So Aemond waits   and lets Aegon face Meleys alone. Meleys is an  older bigger dragon than Sunfyre, and Rhaenys is   a more experienced dragon rider than Aegon.  Meleys and Sunfyre spit fire at each other,   and Meleys wounds Sunfyre with her claws. When Aemond and Vhagar join the fight,   Aegon thinks his brother Aemond will save  him. But Aemond and Vhagar burn Sunfyre.   Aegon and Sunfyre crash to the earth –  Aemond betrayed his brother and king.  The books say that dragons are mostly immune  to fire, but not entirely. Younger dragons,   like Sunfyre, are more vulnerable. And  older dragons like Vhagar have hotter,   deadlier flame. So it makes sense that Sunfyre is  hurt by Vhagar’s flame. But the main way dragons   fight is with their claws, teeth and tails –  their claws are razor sharp and long as swords,   their jaws can crunch through armour,  and their tails can knock men flying.  Rhaenys gets pretty close to dragonflame.  Can Targaryens be burned? In Game of Thrones,   Daenerys seems to be immune to fire. But, in the  books, no one is immune to fire. Book Daenerys   gets burned. Jon Snow gets burned. Targaryens  are more heat resistant than normal people,   but they can be killed by fire. And that seem  to be true in Hot D as well. We saw Daemon get   burned by fire and he still has the scar. So it  looks like Targaryens can be burned in Hot D.  Rhaenys faces Vhagar. Vhagar is bigger and  stronger than Meleys. Rhaenys knows Vhagar   will probably kill her. The actor Eve Best says  this is “a suicide mission”. But Rhaenys wants to   finish this fight. In Season 1, Rhaenys could have  killed Aemond and Aegon and Alicent and but she   chose not to. And maybe that was a mistake, cause  peace failed and led to this war. Aemond killed   Rhaenys’ ostensible grandson Luke, and Aemond took  Vhagar, who was the dragon of Rhaenys’ daughter   Laena. Previously, Vhagar was ridden by Rhaenys’  uncle Baelon, and Meleys was ridden by Baelon’s   wife Alyssa. These dragons are like family, so  it’s tragic to turn them against each other. But   if Rhaenys can kill Vhagar, the greens will lose  their biggest military asset, this could end the   war. So Rhaenys takes the risk and fights Vhagar. Eve Best points out that unlike Aegon and Aemond,   Rhaenys doesn’t say dracarys, meaning fire,  because Rhaenys is not trying to cause maximum   destruction or collateral damage. She just  tells Meleys to attack Aemond and Vhagar.  Vhagar is bigger, but Meleys is faster, and  Rhaenys has sick moves. Rhaenys attaches a belt   to hold her in her saddle, and then flies Meleys  upside down to attack Vhagar with her claws. This   was inspired by real-world birds of prey who  turn upside down and lock together in a death   spiral, like a deadly dance of dragons. Meleys and Vhagar crash to the ground,   and the impact knocks men off their feet –  the director compared this to a nuclear blast.   Dragon war is uniquely destructive – the war  has crosses a line into apocalyptic devastation.  Rhaenys has another opportunity to run away, but  again she turns back, and Vhagar kills Meleys.   When Rhaenys sees Meleys die, the fight goes out  of her. Dragons and their riders have a magical   bond. It’s like Rhaenys’ soul is killed before  her. Rhaenys lets go and falls to her death.   Eve Best says that after all Rhaenys’ grief, the  loss of her son Laenor and her daughter Laena,   and the tension with her husband Corlys,  her death almost feels like a relief.  It’s tragic that Rhaenys was almost a ruling  queen, but died for Queen Rhaenyra instead. Tragic   that she dies not knowing the truth about her son  Laenor. But Rhaenys was a Targaryen dragonrider,   with fire in her blood. The book says she “lived  fearlessly, and died amidst blood and fire”.  Aemond enjoys his victory. Until now, Aemond  only acted like a bad guy. Aemond pretended   that he killed Luke deliberately, but when  that was actually an accident. But now Aemond   has betrayed his brother Aegon, and killed his  cousin Rhaenys. Now Aemond truly is the monster   people thought he was, he is now a  kinslayer, a traitor and a killer.  Criston sees the aftermath of dragonfire –  ash and bone. This destruction is exactly   what Rhaenyra and Alicent and Rhaenys hoped to  avoid. This is why Rhaenyra delayed and delayed   for five episodes. But the war still happened. Criston feels powerless against dragons. What   is his value now? How many more will burn? Criston finds Aegon and Sunfyre badly hurt.   We don’t yet know if they’ll live or die. Aemond approaches with his sword out – as   though to finish off his brother Aegon, and  become king. But he stops when Criston sees.  The fall of Aegon is another failure by Criston.  Criston’s plan got the king and his dragon badly   hurt. When Criston is the leader of the  Kingsguard. He failed to guard the king,   just as he failed to guard Prince Jaehaerys, just  he failed to guard Aemond when Aemond lost his   eye. This episode, Gwayne asks if Criston  has grown tired of living. Last season,   Criston almost killed himself out of  guilt and stress. How will he handle this   new failure and the trauma of this battle? For thirteen episodes the Targaryen family   gradually broke apart. And this horrific  devastation is the result. Rhaenyra and   Alicent don’t want this war. But the blacks and  greens are locked in a spiral of destruction   that could consume the realm. In the books,  this war is called the Dance of the Dragons.  I’m locked in a spiral of destruction with  my ancient rival Alt Schwift X. Alt Schwift   X and Glidus made 36 hours of videos about  House of the Dragon, that you can watch now   at They also made a  twenty-two hour long video about Jon Snow,   and they’re making more weekly videos about Hot D  Season 2. These videos are also available as audio   on podcast apps, using the Nebula RSS feed. Nebula is an independent video site owned by   creators, where we can make ambitious projects  without worrying about demonetisation or The   Algorithm. Nebula has exclusive Originals from  creators like Isaac Arthur, Lindsay Ellis,   Tale Foundry, and Abigail Thorn, who is in House  of the Dragon Season 2. You can watch her play,   The Prince on Nebula. As well as 58 hours of  Schwift and Glidus dragon talk. Nebula is a   much better business model for creators  than YouTube ads. So to support Alt Shift   X and Alt Schwift X and Glidus, sign  up to Nebula at   Or /AltSchwiftX. If you wear an  eyepatch. Using the links you can   get an annual plan for just 30 bucks. It’s  a great way to support Alt Shift X. Thanks.  Thanks to the Patrons, including  Cecilia Rose Qu'in, Jake,   Alexa K, Tackett Coffman, Elusivetoast,  avocadoeclipse, and JIGGYG123. Cheers.
Channel: Alt Shift X
Views: 77,991
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: c52KPMOC_6Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 28sec (2428 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 14 2024
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