Is The Boys Season 4 working?

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you I spent a lot of my time talking about Marvel talking about DC but in reality I watch all this stuff all the superhero shows movies and I watch other stuff too I watch that ramir show that show's amazing but we are in the fourth season of a humongous superhero show I haven't really talked about it so I just want to give my midseason recap of what have been thinking so far of season 4 of the boys I do want to say uh this is not a mid-season recap because I did not know this I thought I'll wait till you know episode 5 and then we'll be halfway through the 10 episode season the boys is traditionally eight episode season so we are more than halfway through season 4 of the boys this is just more of a warning for you guys where when you get to episode 8 and everybody explodes and it's like see you in a year that's you can expect it I like the boys a lot I have read a lot of the the boys Comics I do not like them at all I think they are a product of their time and I'm there's a couple of good every so often a video will pop up on my recommended that's like the boys Comics are bad the show is good it's hard to describe exactly why but I would just say like don't read the boys it's not that good but the show I think is great I think I think it's very entertaining I think it is sometimes thought-provoking I think it is usually fun and it is using its budget in ways that are pretty entertaining so in this recap all I want to do talk about the things in season 4 that I think are working and the things in season 4 that I think are not working again this is after episode 5 I don't remember the name of it something something jabber Walky or something like that it's the one on the farm so I'm going to switch between working and not working we'll start with one of the working homelander homelander is working Anthony star is great because what they're doing with him I think is interesting I think the character building they were doing in episode 4 with all the tortures that he endured as a child we always knew that his childhood was weird and bad but some of these specifics help to describe like this is why this character feels such a hatred for like everyone around him and why he does not want to be controlled and I think that's great I think all that has been good I think a lot of the acting with him and the the sun has been very entertaining like I think I think R's doing a great job and I think the scenes with Ryan and Homeland especially in this most recent episode like I think we're getting moments like in episode five where homelander talked to Ryan and said like they're going to make you do all these things you don't want to do so let's just not do them and you get the sense like oh yeah now I kind of understand why Homeland want to do that and I understand why he wants to give his son cuz it's not just he doesn't just want to have a son so he can use the son to kill everybody he thinks he's doing the right thing and I think that's very compelling I think Anthony star is just really good in this role my mostly nitpicking podast DJ brought this up and I think it's true he's not going to like homelander Anthony star's probably not going to get an Emmy because it's a superhero show even if he's very good in it and he's going to have to go up against House of the dragon and the bear and stuff like that but I think we should maybe invent an a word for him it's just like the awesome award like the really good job award for him just so he can have an enemy for this performance even if it doesn't mean like yeah he didn't do the best acting but he's going doing something really incredible and I guess the award is he's going to get lots of money and be lots of stuff but like I don't know he's very good so that's a working a not working here's the main not working that I've seen everybody talk about but I got to mention it the Frenchie plot Line's not working here's how much is not working they just didn't even do it in episode 5 they had a couple characters be like whoo Frenchie you're taking a lot of drugs and Frenchie was like oh I take many drugs because of all terrible things I do and like it's just stuff we've seen before right we know the Frenchie's Life as a Hitman has caused him lots of trouble he's had trouble you know forgiving himself for that moving beyond it I think like he's good I'm enjoying watching freny act that's the trouble with the boys the boys is a show that is frequently split into many plot lines these guys go do this Mission these guys go do this Mission and when you do that it's hard to switch from homelander telling you know the Deep to kill a guy switch from that to sort of interesting corporate Intrigue going on and VA HQ then switch to freni being sad about that thing that has always been like one of his main character traits and there doesn't seem to be much movement on I don't know it's just like it's just not compelling compared to the other stuff this season that's not working let's do a working VA okay so I I love I've always loved one of the things I think is the best you know thing show has going for it is all this fake propaganda like the idea that VA is Disney or you know Amazon sometimes but that the VA is this company that is the immedia company is promoting the idea of the superheroes I think we got we got maybe one of the best ones we've seen in a while with this VA 52 conference which is like the d23 which that one's one that like I had to explain that to Hannah I was like by the way that's like a play on d23 which is their big conference where everybody cheers about all the bazillions of movies they're going to make and I just think it's really funny uh that they're doing that I loved all their movies all the fake corporate propaganda they do and it's like it's not subtle and it's not incredibly clever but it's just funny like it's funny to have atrian go out there and say we reshot the movie a lot so you know what that means it's even better than it was before like this is going to be the best movie ever cuz it cost the most money that's really fun but yeah vault's been great this season I think as a company it's clearly starting to fall apart and I love that I love like because now the superheroes are in charge like crime anal Linux just doesn't work anymore because the Deep's an idiot I think that's very funny but I don't know I think there there's a lot of people doing a lot of great work on the boys and one of the people that's doing that it's all the set dressing everybody that's you know putting Billboards behind every shot and you know ads on buses and stuff like that because you cannot like I've never seen a show like this and I've seen many shows set in a un like this where you cannot look at a frame of it and not go oh this is the boys Universe because just there's advertisements everywhere for all the stuff in the univer I think that's great I think Marvel should do that more with Marvel it's like every so often you'll see someone wrote like Thanos is right or whatever but I think the boys is treating it the way you would treat like Star Wars or the MCU or something like that or football you know something that is truly like everywhere uh so I really appreciate that I like just how many fake posters and things for movies and like there I'm sure there's a Wiki for what all the tech KN night movies have been cuz he keeps doing them and he's doing a reboot now cuz it's been two years or whatever but like the thing I like about V you never feel like you're at the bottom of it you're never like all right I think I've scratched all of it there's always more there's always some other video game or something that they're going to pop out and I don't know I just found that really funny another not working uh Huey D all that stuff I didn't hate it but honestly when that plot line started my head I went oh wait we didn't do that yet I had heard of this character in a while I soon be had died or just we weren't going to see him again I'm worried with a couple of these stars that are kind of branching out and becoming very famous you have Anthony star who is I'd say still very much involved in the show I don't think I this isn't a case of like stranger things necessarily but I worry slightly that we're getting into that space where the show's gotten so big and the actors have gotten so big that like your Carl Urban who are doing the Mortal Kombat movies and your jack quades were doing Oppenheimer and the Superman cartoon and other stuff they're all getting busy and booking other work so the show has to kind of be written so some of these really compelling characters have to do their own thing they can't play with the rest of the group because their schedule is so limiting I'm not convinced that's what's happening but I don't think it's that surprising that this season who I would say are probably two of the biggest stars in the show are doing plot lines that they usually kind of to go off on their own maybe one or two other characters and go do a thing ever so often they meet back go hey how's everything going and everybody's like it's bad everybody exploded and they're like all right I'll be right back and then they just go Um I I feel like yeah stranger things is the worst example of that where it was very clear that they just could not get all the kids in the same room so everybody had to do a little side quest I do think that the boy like Hue's story does not feel necessarily like it is the most natural place for his character to go or the most compelling thing for his character to do right now but it does feel like something that can be just a little Huey diversion you know something for Huey to be up to I enjoy Simon peg in it I think he's good but I don't know I just I I I just haven't really been super into what hu's been doing this season and that is compared to last season where he would superpowers and was having trouble with his masculinity I thought all that was great so I think kind of separating him from the group feels like it might be a mistake but again I do think that is an issue of scheduling in this show just getting so big things are working uh maybe my favorite individual small thing from this season is black noir I love the idea they replace black noir with another soup who has no idea what's going on and he's just trying to kind of keep it together and keeps talking and keeps asking about his motivation like I think that's so funny I love that because VA is managed so poorly you cannot just throw another guy in there he has he's going to just stand around going I think I have a line or whatever and I love the gag that whenever homelander walks in a room he always has say shut the [ __ ] up Noir that's super funny I don't know if it's the same actor is the old black noir or if it is a they got a new actor uh I could see it be either way but I think the and the decision to do that with this character I think is very funny so Nathan Mitchell yeah I think it's a fun performance and it's a very fun character I'm excited for more of him blackm 2 is what we're calling this character okay great things that aren't working U Negan I keep forgetting that Jeffrey D Morgan is in this show every so often he shows up because again because butcher re be so isolated for everyone to be like hey butcher you gotta do a bad thing and butcher's like oh maybe I will and then he doesn't do it I don't know I guess this the idea that like honestly the thing with him and I feel like we've had scenes where this character has interacted with mm but I would not be shocked if this character does not exist the same way that Billy's wife doesn't exist and they're just all in his head uh I don't again I don't dislike this character I just don't think we done much with him or enough to justify him being here especially because he is so similar to Billy and he's like clearly a bad influence on Billy but besides the thing that they do at the very end of this episode there's nothing that this character is done that I don't think you could just have Billy do on his own and then go back on like Billy you know could come up with the idea to drug his kid and then at the end of the day decide not to uh I don't know I just don't think we need jeffre de Morgan's character so far I think maybe he could do cool stuff but I I've been convinced things that are working oh the deep I love the Deep Chase Crawford you're so funny the this character they're so good at writing dumb specifics for the Deep having the Deep mentioned that he was going to be in a Shiloh buff movie is so funny the deep is constantly name dropping I love all the stuff that's going on with the octopus played by dilda Swinton and his like I love that this character at the end of the day he's awful like he's not he's not a good person he's been through it I think we've seen this character go through a lot in a way that's kind of like we need to you know he's he's gotten away with too much he needs to get uh some come upins but I just think it's it's funny because you could tell a train him are about at the same point but a train is obviously taking it differently it's just you could tell that the deep is so sad and he's not enjoying any of this like he enjoys I guess yelling at Cameron Coleman and stuff but in terms of like he just wants to be with his octopus and go do fish stuff he doesn't like any of this he's scared of homelander but he's just kind of a wimp I I think it's so funny he's also just so good at being all cringey the song that he did with firecracker was fantastic anytime the deep is in front of a camera I think it's great the idea that that one bit from last season became a meme where he turns around and walks back out is just like his presence is so excellent on the show and to chase Crawford's credit besides being funny on the show he's also doing like commercials for energy drinks or something like in real life as the deep and being a jerk like I think okay here's part of it I think there's some actors who would not play this role because of how unlikable this character is and I appreciate that Chase Crawford is able to go for it and just make him the biggest like Entourage level douchebag you've ever seen I would recommend anybody cuz they made a book in I think it was last season maybe was season before uh that was from the deep it might have been called Deep Thoughts or something like that uh I don't remember but uh that book was never released it's not a real book like the Ant-Man book but what they did because Amazon owns audible they made a fake like Terry Gross style interview with the deep and his wife at the time about the book and it is so funny it's like 40 minutes long completely in character just him talking about how he got bullied because he was fat and then he lost a bunch of weight so now he could bully the fat kid like it's so funny it's it's just that character has no self-awareness and it's makes them incredibly fun to watch next scene's not working this is another one k me c plot land I don't think this is now working as much as the Frenchie plot line or the Huey plot line uh it's just something that like if you asked me like you know looking back what's Kimmy copen up to this season it's just been her going like hey Frenchie you want to be friends again and Frenchie has gone and done drugs and she has this thing with the uh other traffic children which I think is interesting as a way to kind of get at this issue that firecracker keeps bringing up and it's like no she does care about that uh I just think we've feels like we've gotten this from her before also I remember we we had her brother show up in season 2 and I don't know I'm just this just doesn't feel like we're moving forward with her again with this character and with some of these other characters we have guys like mm who I think he might even be on my list no he's not well you know what screw it he's next on my working list where we do kind of see the growth of what this character is up to and we also see like a path forward for like this is what this character does in his spare time he tries to be a good dad and stuff this is what this character wants to do in the future and I still don't think I've gotten a sense for what that is from Kimo or Frenchie but Frenchie doesn't feel like he has the future whereas Kimo does like she seems like a character that is going to survive this show beyond the fact that she's Wolverine just based on the fact that like she is more emotionally mature than a lot of the rest of these guys so like she's not going to make one of the big mistakes like butcher is making that kind of guarantees he's going to die throughout the show uh but I do I do like Kimo in the show a lot and I think her energy is great again I just think her plotline has been kind of I don't know not as exciting however I do think she's been around for some of the best stuff in this show so I can't really complain uh but she is on the side of them like where I'm like eh and it's the problem of like the boys are not as interesting as the soups and they never could be right like the seven all the VA stuff the powers like instead it's just these guys in trench Coates whatever and I don't fault the show for sticking with the boys not just giving up on them and doing you know all soup all the time but I also feel like we haven't reached I would say the right equilibrium with some of these characters uh and Kimo's one of them although she's not my biggest problem character and like I said I think mm's been good I like him in the field I like him as the leader I like him you know having like a vision for this team yeah I just think he's funny I like the idea of he's flipping a train like that is an interesting move that no character besides mm would have really tried so I think that's pretty interesting uh and yeah I just think L is funny I think he's very I think he's great uh delivery he makes great faces he's great at making that face it's like oh you know that like oh butcher you're doing it again and it's just really funny I think it's so funny how many articles I've have seen never read any of them uh that have been like did they switch actors for lines like he just shaved his beard that's the thing with shaving your beard just really have to be ready when you shave a beard for people to their brains to break and it's just like you don't look like you did yesterday and it's like I know I shaved my beard but it like you it there people people see this character and instead of going I want see a picture of him did he have a beard before oh he did now he doesn't have it he looks different they went online and went did they changed the actor it's insane things that are working uh the weird sex stuff so this is one thing I really appreciate this about the boys I think season 3 where the guy was in the other guy and here we go we're we're going to do like a Content warning for this part I guess uh kids don't don't watch it uh and I'm not going to show it but like just you know you probably want to hear about this uh when the guy went into the other guy's uh penis cuz he was Ant-Man I think his character say was termite went the other gu penis and exploded it because uh he coughed or sneezed or something like that uh that's hilarious and it's stupid and it's it's incredibly stupid but it's the kind of thing where because superhero movie and and comic book culture and all that is happening so much you have these like ideas that permeate culture though what if Ant-Man went up thanos's butt thing and I think they decided you know what we got the money we got characters that would do it nobody's going to miss you know termite or whatever let's have him do it I think that's super funny this season has one of those uh with the Splinter character which is their multipl man and I think everything about him is great I love that they do weird sex stuff together like that's funny and I love that when they split apart it's gross because of course it would be uh just a bunch of guys that are naked running around like it's super funny again this is the thing part of what is so great about the boys compared to say if they tried to make the boys on the CW or something a you wouldn't be able to get away with all the nudity and stuff like that and obviously the gore people's heads wouldn't explode as much but B you just wouldn't have the budget and it just wouldn't look as good but like the effects and the stuff that they're able to put attention to is just it's great it's great that the show exists and it is such a hit because then obviously they're able to you know commit more budget to it and do even we're during crazier things not working uh here's the thing episode 5 uh I feel like the stakes of episode 5 we're very clear is there's a superhuman drug or like a poison a virus that we're going to be able to get that's going to kill hland or great and really quickly it became clear that we're not leaving with this like there and I don't know I guess just when they found it and guys like we only have one more and it's like oh well otherwise we're going to get eaten by all the Lambs I don't know it just felt I don't know it felt dumb it's was fun to see the evil chickens and the evil Lambs flying around and stuff like that but the idea that they use that to kind of write off this you know like Legacy virus kind of uh analog here it just feels kind of lazy uh that being said it was funny so I didn't hate it I just don't I don't know I don't know what I didn't like about that really I guess and it just felt like it was like a how are those Lambs not getting in there and then B how can we not just we can't just give this to Kimiko and have her just book it and come back with a flamethrower and see what happens like I don't know like what about Newman she can't explode them all she's on my list too of things I don't think are working or Newman I don't dislike Newman I've never liked Newman not because obviously she's bad guy uh because she's like a weird evil AOC I think that's a weird like it just feels weird that in this universe there was a politician who seemed to be genuine and was like an ally and was like not only not only is she secretly evil she's also secretly working with the soups and is a superhero and blowing up everybody's head like I don't know uh I didn't love that but it's you know what the show's decided to do it's fine uh I also think his character feels like they're just kind of going in circles a little bit uh especially because now they are the vice president obviously that's creating tension with homelander and I guess there keeps coming these moments where they're like oh we'll reveal that you're a soup and like for instance there's the bit in episode 3 where H's escaping and she says well you can't kill him cuz if you do his team will tell everybody that I'm a soup and homelander is like I don't care anymore dude look we're past that just come out as a soup and we'll figure it out I do feel like there's been some moments there with Victoria humman where I'm like this whole like is are people going to find out is it feels like it's a season two plot line uh that doesn't belong in season 4 it's not terrible though and I like I like the actor uh I just kind of feels like we're spinning our Wheels I need something from her I don't think it helps that she has kind of taking the place of or I guess like taken up the mantle that Stan Edgar her father passed off as he went to jail and he shows up in this episode but like Johan caros Vito is just like the most compelling actor ever so like it's hard to be anybody replacing him and obviously they're not doing the same thing but they are both like opposing homelander from the business or you know political side of things they were always that character you can't really trust them because they have their own agenda so I think having to come in and fill those shoes is got to be tough another thing I like firecracker I think firecracker is a fun character I think this actor is doing well I think she's got a lot of like spunk and it feels like a real character that could exist in this universe originally I remember seeing this character in the uh trailer and going like just like a gun but I think now I think I like that we're seeing her be a fraud like we're not just seeing her present that but also seeing her kind of grapple with the fact that she is a fraud I love that she got outed as a pedophile but again because this is kind of a loose can and she said the Tweet out and I got out of it I think it is so so funny that there are people on the right who are like they're making fun of us man they're they're they're making jokes about us the boys went woke I I just think that's really funny you know we've been saying this the whole time that you you guys the bo is pretty woke it's obviously not the wokest show ever but it's got up like politically it's definitely doesn't think homelander cool but you know I'm happy that the people behind the show have made a character like firecracker and decided like we're just going to make her all that stuff and make it impossible to miss that the right-wing you know Q andon nut jobs are the bad guys and that is uh I appreciate that uh not working here the Gen V kids I don't dislike them I just feel like they didn't really they show up in this episode and they technically are there they even had two lines right next to each other that felt like they could just really be inserts I'm sure the actors were also there but it just felt like we're there homelander yeah me too uh whereas characters like Tech knite who also technically came from that show had like a presence on gen V feel like they have integrated maybe a little bit more naturally uh also just like those kids don't have interesting powers like the brother is just like kind of Superman is very strong uh so I don't know he just feels like have anything more like a liability homelander like an ID but he's not that stupid I feel like he should maybe distance himself from these children uh but I don't know I guess maybe he's not thinking straight uh I like that they're integrating these two shows and it's just a problem with like where that show is and obviously the difficulties they're going to have with figuring out what to do in the future like I like that these other two characters have made it onto the big stage but I'm getting a sense there's not going to do anything so that they can come back for season 2 or whatever it's fine things are working uh at train I think at Train's Arc in this season is compelling I I like the actor Like Jesse T user and I think the idea that he is just done with this and you know he's probably going to get caught probably going to get his head ripped off or whatever uh is interesting I like that like speaking of characters we've seen them develop in a way that is like feels like we're adding as opposed to like friendship where we just kind of keep recycling like he he had his life saved by huie him and huie have this weird understanding they both seem to get that the other one isn't a bad guy just in crazy circumstances and I like that you know a train for all intents and purposes is joined the good side uh I'm I'm interested to see how that plays out but I like that now we have like a set of evil soups and good soups I think that's fun other thing icecapades that was great that's another thing with the show they're able to do such crazy things with such all this budget you didn't need that you didn't need this to be like the icecapades for Jesus scene in episode 3 but they put that in and they not only actually choreographed it actually got all the costumes they got Andrew r and James Moro iart to record a song this is how good this sounded and how tricked I was I didn't watch this in the episode I turned on YouTube and vaud international a YouTube channel that I subscrib to uh put this out just 3 minutes the whole thing without anybody's head getting cut off just like the full performance as they would perform it uh and the music with Andrew rynolds and James mon art was so good and it kind of overlapped but in my head I was like oh did someone take the scene from the boys and put this other professional song from like the Book of Mormon or something over it and that's what I'm watching uh but like that's the thing they don't just get some Broadway Stars they get some of the biggest Broadway stars to record and choreograph and stuff a very convincing song uh and I just I don't know I like the stuff where people are skating over each other's fingers and stuff I got like this stupidity of it I do I think the boys is out to make some interesting political statements it's doing great character building and at the same time is the dumbest things you could imagine are happening but I I like that the there's that balance I have a third category things I'm not sure if they're working yet uh butcher blackouts it doesn't seem like it's something we're really focusing on he's blacking out he's got a little worm in his head or something he's got those RFK brainworms I guess but it's a little weird to me that we've done more than half this season and this has only happened once and we just kind of keep forgetting about it uh I I like what butcher's doing with the sun like I think that plot Line's great and I like the idea that he is dying and I'm sure they have something cool that they're going to bring out here that is what's actually happening is he turning into the Hulk you know is that what his new superpower is I don't know but uh I I don't know just the blackouts for me I'm not I just can't I have no verdict right now on whether I enjoy them or not Starlight I don't dislike her this season either I think what they're doing with her is interesting again a lot L of what I don't know about her comes down to my big you know question mark here sister Sage this new character this Lex Luther a amandus type smartest person that ever lived who's out here to do bad guys stuff maybe or also maybe do good guys stuff like she's breaking down these characters like Starlight I guess part of me is like to what end are we doing this because we've seen Annie go through a lot we've seen you know all of these Heroes go through a lot but specifically having sister Sage focus on Annie and you know go after her with this abortion stuff destroy her whole Legacy over the course of two episodes I guess I need to know in my head is this something that's going somewhere or are we just like taking this out on Annie because we want to be edgy and cool and we got to do something cuz I have a feeling that we're going somewhere with this character and I'm I'm not saying that this character can't just be a bad guy who's out to cause Mischief or whatever or just likes Homeland or whatever is going on with them um but I don't know it's why it's why simple plot lines to me aren't fully coming together is because I can't still can't quite figure out what their deal is and I know this is something a lot of people been saying but that's really it for me I mean obviously you know everything they used to work about the show is working all the actors are doing a great job like I don't think I I didn't have any actor there that was like they're bad um and honestly I think everybody they've got now is doing really great work I also appreciate the political element of it then to make a prediction I've said this already but I do think episode eight I guess the end of the season is going to be homelander storm in the capital and I do think season 5 is going to be president homelander and it's going to be because we know that's the last season and I cannot imagine the last season is not going to end with homelander dying or something so I think to make things interesting we're going to have to make it more or less Untouchable going into season five so that our heroes can break him down and it's interesting like I don't think he's going to suffer a loss I feel like he's got to win and for that to happen I think Newman's going first of all there's no way Newman survives this season uh partially just because of all the things that she's been doing you know I I feel like this character's been making a lot of mistakes uh and is is putting himself in more and more danger but also she's the vice president and if my main prediction that episode 8 is going to be superhero January 6th she is the Mike Pence in that situation or she's at least the vice president so I do think there's a good chance she gets the Mike Pence treatment uh from the the January 6th mob of supers I hope there are soups like I do hope this is a fight between superheroes and superheroes on the capital I think that'd be fun I I kind of I think they've already done the kodon shaman but I would love to see like a character that is like a human like the man ball kind of from She-Hulk uh that is on the superhero side just cuz I think that would be funny iconography uh they've already mentioned January 6th once or twice I think homelander talked to Newman he said like January comes around you better be ready or something so I do think that is them maybe seeding that that's where the season's going to go Al I'm not the first person to make that connection I just think that from a purely just like what would they do on a show like this to end the political season that feels right and also to set up the season five like absolute finale that feels right for me is some sort of superhero January 6th so yeah overall I'm into the boys I'm very into it I look forward to the show every week I don't know if it's the best season I seasons 2 and three have been really good but there's a lot of stuff in here I really like a lot of other stuff that I really really like is the Vault soup side of things and some of the stuff that I maybe am not as hot on is the stuff that the actual boys are doing but you know I think that's a consequence of the stores being big and the show having a lot of ground it has to cover and I'm excited to see how it covers it so thank you for watching this I'll make a video at the end of the season giving my thoughts and if you enjoy this video and you've never seen these before for I have a whole another Channel called Nando V movies and that is longer form video essays pitches things like that I've been talking about the X-Men a lot because of Deadpool and Wolverine coming out and because of X-Men 97 I just released a video that's what the Marvel Cinematic Universe can learn from X-Men 97 so if you enjoy that you're probably going to like that video my video that's going to come out after that is my in defense of the X-Men movies nobody likes that's just me going through the six X-Men movies that get a bad rep and go no actually this scene was cool we remembered it wrong but this was good stuff like that I think it's a really funny video I think you watch it you'll go you know what that movie is still pretty bad but that one scene was cool and you'll maybe appreciate the Xmen movies a little bit more that'll be on YouTube eventually but if you want to watch it right now you can watch it on this video sponsor nula oh nula is the best nula is a subscription streaming platform that I help to create with a bunch of other YouTubers all my videos go up there Fernando V movies and the Nando cut my Nando V movies videos go up one cycle early so video goes up the next video is already on nebula when that video goes on YouTube the next video is on nebula because my theand Cup videos come out quicker I can't really do that but I do have my Marvel lore videos where I focus on a character talk about them and it's usually because that character is being introduced to Marvel snap those are also one week ahead now so if you want to get a heads up on Aram or gwenpool depending on when you're watching this because you want to impress all your friends those videos are on the Nando cut early there's also so much cool exclusive stuff on nebula the jetl guys just put together a new game show called The Getaway that comes out in about a week week or two I'm going to say without spoiling it I think it is so funny part of me wishes I was on it and then part of me is like I'm actually very glad I was not on that and if you see why I'm sure you'll understand why it would be fun and also is stressful and probably not fun but it's fun to watch and that's going to drop on nebula in early July working on all kinds of other films documentaries it's really whatever you guys want to watch and whatever we want to do now I've got some ideas for stuff I want to do on nebula that I'm currently working out our yearly subscription is $50 which is still a great price for this but if you go to go. nebula .tv /then Nando cut use my promo code the Nando cut when you check out you get nebula for just under $2.50 a month it is an incredible deal go check it out like if you've never looked at nebula just browse around see what kind of cool stuff we have I guarantee there's something there that will be interesting to you I hope you enjoy it again go.
Channel: The Nando Cut
Views: 154,793
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 8Sra9udjvbA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 54sec (1974 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 02 2024
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