THE BOYS Season 4 Episode 7 BREAKDOWN - Every Easter Egg + ENDING EXPLAINED!

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who just pulled 50 million bucks worth of pillow commercials you call that harmless oh look at Daisy Duck Dynasty doing Maad hey welcome back screen Crush I'm Ryan AR and these are all the Easter eggs references and little things you might have missed in the boys season 4 episode 7 the penultimate episode of the season and guys we are in the home stretch here and this episode was just the Calm before the storm and I just want to thank all you guys for buying our Kick-Ass new laser Baby Parody shirts at our merch store it's a parody of that scene with the baby from Nirvana along with the butcher as Punisher from Amazing Spider-Man 129 and Soldier Boy calling Hitler a disappointment guys when you shop our merch store you not only support our Channel but you also support the consumerism that drives the American dream be an American by our we open with a Sesame Street parody puppet show The Avenue V Christmas special and we even see the same street sign logo used on Sesame Street now this of course is a play on the musical Avenue Q but also remember we have seen Avenue V before during Sam's hallucination sequences in the show genv now the opening theme also sounds like another PBS classic the opening to Rogers Neighborhood now we have to note this show is very very very super political and we want to break down all these political references that the creators of the show are making as well as the message that they are conveying we understand that talking politics can be uncomfortable for some but there's just no way to avoid it when it comes to this show and hey that's what's great about it if it makes you uncomfortable that's kind of the point the boys has become a brilliant social commentary piece on our modern politics and the extreme divides in our country so the imagery of a train being a puppet is brilliant because that's exactly what he and other V soups have been this entire series they get their talking points and they're sent out into the world to promote those talking points a train has become a puppet of va but as we'll see in a moment during the title card shot a train's puppet lying lifelessly symbolizes that he at train will no longer be homelander puppet and that he's going to join the resistance I'm not joining Rebel Alliance so puppet a train is giving a child targeted PSA on the dangers of a group called antifa antifa stands for anti-fascist and it's group on the left who's described their mission is to stop those that they view as fascists rise into Power even if it means having to combat violence with violence now it's important to keep in mind that antifa is more of an idea to those on the far left than it is an actual organization and we've heard this debate over antifa and whether or not it's an actual threat when compared to more organized militia groups like white supremacist groups on the far right and antifa really has become more of a scare word used by people on the far right to paint a picture that those with a far-left ideology are violent and dangerous and that's exactly what we're seeing happen in the board starlighter are meant to represent the political left and home teamers are meant to represent the political far right for instance Donald Trump cited antifa as a reason to fear left-wing ideology in his race against Joe Biden in 2020 just like we're seeing home teamers use the same scare word of antifa to discredit starlighter and paint them as violent and just like we saw earlier this season when starlighter were framed for the deaths of these three homelanders violent attacks By Starlight supporters left three innocent Patriots dead a train explains that antifa is it's a word for people who hate hate superheroes and America even more than they hate Christmas now this plays into the right-wing talking points that those in the far left hate America and Christmas giving Echoes of their so-called War on Christmas derived from some people choosing to say happy holidays you'll remember this was also the central point of the VOD on eyes Christmas show happy holidays excuse me don't you mean Merry Christmas at train then begins singing the if you see something say something song playing into last week's theme of VA and homelander wanting total surveillance so that they can create a essentially a police state but with soups no more secrets last week we discussed how almost every shot of this show has a poster or a sign or something in the background with some type of vot or soup picture on it giving us the impression that they are always watching and tying into the theme of homelander being an Ever looming threat now this of course also calls back to George Orwell's 1984 when imagery of big brother such as posters saying big brother is watching you were posted all around the city puppet a train goes on to talk about a woke principal and his husband Chad showing us blatant home homophobia from homelander and vot and then the song goes on to tell kids to turn on their own mom and dad this is commenting on a few things one the indoctrination of children it's very popular on the political right to accuse teachers in schools of indoctrinating kids into left-wing ideology and how it should be left up to the parents to decide what their children learn about but then in the same breath we see far right-wing Advocates move on to place right-wing indoctrination into schools so this song is essentially showing us that in the world of politics you'll often find people who talk out of both sides of their mouth also the indoctrination of political ideology and youth calls to mind the Hitler Youth when Hitler spread his hateful toxic ideology to children who were too young to know better Ryan isn't really feeling the song and expresses some concerns to the director showing us again that Ryan is not on board with his dad in V's plans nor does Ryan share his dad's hate filled outlook on life and Mankind when Ryan says I just need to go 101 this is an expression used in Show Business to indicate that you need to go take a whiz well I need to 10 one on that tree behind the store but I'll wait until we're done here Ashley says made that apology to Temple bethl so that should be a ding deal calling back to how firecracker said this Republican Congressman woman Marjorie Taylor greens quote in the previous episode are Jewish space lasers brainwashing you into joining their Sholes now we get another reference to former president Trump with the VA marketing team wanting to start selling nfts that's non-fungible tokens of homelander trump also sold nfts featuring his likeness in various different Photoshop positions here we can see homelander golfing which is former president Trump's favorite hobby hunting homelander as Santa homelander as a NASCAR racer football player homelander and Astronaut homelander homelander mentions to Sage how they killed former vnn anchor Cameron Coleman for no reason because they thought that he was the leak Sage says that it's just a speed buff but then firecracker says Cameron golfed with Mike Lindell who just pulled 50 million bucks worth of pillow commercials you call that harmless now Mike Lindell of course being the my pillow guy you've probably seen on late night television Hawking pillows but he's also one of the guys who went all in on the baseless claims at the 2020 election was stolen and that there was mass voter fraud Mike Lindell is notorious for running his pillow ads on conservative news channels like Fox News but following lawsuits from voting machine companies those channels decided to pull lindell's pillow ads temporarily but in the universe of the boys it's Lindell who is pulling the ads because Cameron Cole is no longer hosting now all season we've been predicting that homelander would take part in and incite a violent Insurrection on January 6th miring the real world Insurrection that occurred on January 6 2021 to Halt the certification of Joe Biden's Victory but we have to remember that homelander actually wants Newman's win to be certified but I'm really not sure why they don't just wait for her to be officially sworn in his VP a few weeks later on inauguration day before they assassinate President elect singer we catch back up with the deep in his octopus lover Ambrosia who is actually played by the legendary Tilda swienton Jesus Kevin you really have the soul of a poet when Starlight talks to her mom we're reminded of the fact that her mother was always using Starlight as a proxy she was living her best life through her daughter and she was always imposing her goals and her dreams on her daughter we're seeing that happen again here with her trying to impose her personal feelings on abortion on her daughter never mind the fact that her daughter is being attacked and smeared in the media all her mom cares about is criticizing her for having an abortion Starlight then goes on to say how she didn't want to bring a baby into a world that is ending now she is of course referring to homelander in the home teamer desire for American democracy to end but this was also serving as an allegory for climate change Starlight represents the political left on this series especially the youth vote on the political left and and many young adults on the left are expressing the fact that they don't plan on having children because they fear what kind of world that child would grow up in and if that child will be able to have the same luxuries of clean water clean air and you know a freaking atmosphere this symbolic reference to climate change could be meant to symbolize our political climate that's being focused on in the show not only is the Earth getting hotter but the temperature of the political divide in America is getting higher and higher and could be reaching its boiling point in fact you could argue that the attempted Insurrection on January 6th was that boiling point during starlight's argument with her mom we see huie locking his hard drive with dirt on Newman in this safe which of course comes back to play later in the episode here we can also see huie wearing an Iggy Pop shirt the father of punk thus is signifying that huie has really hardened over the years and has come a long way from being just a Billy Joel fan what do you means just a Billy Joel F Billy Joel's great no offense to Billy Joel I'm just saying Iggy Pop a little bit harder than Billy Joel so when huie sees the image of the shooter Sage is hiring to assassinate singer he says you really think this could be our Lee Harvey this is in reference to Lee Harvey Oswald the man who assassinated John F Kennedy or did he Doug we talked about this Magneto curved the bullet trying to save Kennedy because JFK was a secret mutant why would you try and save him because he was one of us so last episode we heard mention of a global pandemic for Soups if they made a virus strong enough to take down homelander and that sentiment was expressed again in this episode you can't make it deadly enough to top homelander without causing a you know Global pandemic and I'm actually curious if we're going to see the co pandemic adapted into the series but as a Pand mic for Soups maybe we see soups having to wear masks and maybe VA pharmaceutical will develop a soup vaccine that firecracker refuses to take it really does right itself so butcher got Frenchie out of prison against his wills so Frenchie could speed along the process of making a virus to stop homelander without killing anyone else just like he recruited Frenchie somewhat against his will to find a way to kill translucent you bring this to my this is not my problem huh well is now he knows what you look like on this package under the Christmas tree for Ryan we see the same name dant TB of course a reference to butcher's username on the video game that he played earlier with Ryan this season and in this package we see the photo of butcher Becca and their dog Terror I swear to God I'll get your mom back just take a little bit longer so I thought it was interesting that last week we heard Starlight suggest that they made actually need butcher for the coming War I cannot believe that this is about to come out of my mouth but we could use butcher but now this episode we're hearing her say things are bad already without this back this is showing us that Starlight just like every other character on the show is living in a constant state of unsureness butcher Frenchie Kimiko huy mm they're all unsure but they're hoping they're making the right decisions to keep each other their families and their world safe even characters like homelander sage and firecracker and especially Newman are questioning their paths and their place in this war and how to win it and that's really been the overarching theme of this season we're seeing our characters battle their own inner demons homelander argues with this reflection butcher has Becca and kesla representing two sides of his split personality Frenchie and and Kimo are battling their own guilt for things they did in the past mm is fighting his lifelong illness of OCD Starlight is trying to decide what role she has as a soup but also as Annie January I could go on surprisingly enough it's huy and a train the characters who really started this journey back in season 1 who are the only two characters in the show who seem to have finally discovered who they want to be Kesler says trying to figure out when you got this soft spot for Soups was it when you shout your load and cream fried ma a reference to how mave and butcher hooked up in season 3 when she was giving butcher info on VOD and giving him t v but we also learned in this exchange that butcher cheated on Becca if your love was so perfect and pure why'd you that waitress and I like that they showed us that butcher and Becca's relationship wasn't perfect far from it probably but that doesn't matter because they loved each other dearly and I think that love between Butcher and Becca is going to be what ultimately brings Ryan back to the good side here we can see the maps have been obtained of the DC Fairgrounds for January 6th this is in reference to how those who orchestrated the attack on the US capital on January 6 201 had obtained detailed maps of the capital building next we meet a shape shifter who has to literally rip its skin off in order to take on a new appearance as opposed to the more tame shape shifters like in the Marvel Universe like mystique and the Scrolls and it's super fitting that shape shifters in this universe would have a bloody and gruesome transformation and I really like how the shape shifters in this universe not only copy your physical appearance but they clone your mind as well mm says this fight that we're in this never ends it killed my father a reference to how Soldier Boy and vot killed his family and how he has been in this fight for his entire life he also says you know I look in the mirror and I don't even see myself no more and this reminded me of the fact that the actor who plays mm also has lost a lot of weight some fans even thought that they had recast the character but as we heard in the premiere this season he's not eating much and it's likely that his character's weight loss is a result of extreme stress here we can see a magazine with the aforementioned Soldier Boy when Weaver turns himself into firecracker and homelander we see him well just watch oh what the and this reminded me of the brown widow on the Venture Brothers not in my parlor said the spider to the butterfly and when homelander eliminates web weaver we can tell by the look on firecracker face that she is traumatized and that she might still be on a path of turning against him but then again she did gladly beat Cameron Coleman to death so maybe not Frenchie and Kimo catch up and they have it out regarding him turning himself in and not letting her visit Frenchie feels great guilt for his past and he tells Kimo that she wouldn't understand but Kimo would perhaps be the only person who would understand what he's going through she lives in constant guilt from her past life Kimo says that she looks in the mirror and hates what she sees which Echoes this episode's theme and the theme of this season reflection we have seen homelander have conversations with his different Reflections in the mirror Starlight looking at a photo of her past self from season one huie seing himself covered in blood and questioning who he wants to be Kesler represents a dark side reflection of but and mm says he looks in the mirror and doesn't recognize himself at all these are all themes of self-analysis and self-loathing and it doesn't get any more self-loathing than the Deep this piece of is so ashamed of his own self that he kills the only being who actually loves him for who he is osia and oh my God man this scene was just so messed up and so sad and this scene represents the Deep going fully to the dark side he was always teased for his connection to Aquatic Life and being romantically involved with an octopus but now he's killed that piece of himself and he is turning wholeheartedly over to homelander huie says yeah but it's not like you're ping around with Mitt Romney you're working with Homeland a reference to how a republican like Mitt Romney may have a different ideology from a Democrat like Newman but he isn't some major threat to the fabric of American democracy Mitt Romney of course was the last Republican nominee for president before Donald Trump became the face of the party and in modern day politics he's viewed as a republican of yester year he's more moderate and nuanced Republican who cares about traditional things like dorum and I loved this scene between huie and Newman showing us that she will come around and join the boys in their fight against homelander and oh boy time for a Smackdown the deep and black noir 2 show up at the boys headquarters to kill them and I'm actually a little surprised that homelander just didn't want to do this himself deep who remember is a murderer and a sexual assaulter tries to play the victim first you try to cancel me victimize an innocent man because I guess that's just cool to do to white guys nowadays and we get a call back to black nor 2 being narcoleptic oh sorry you guys I'm narcoleptic and then boom a train Zips in some ing himself as a hero and finally facing off against his old team black noir 2 starts flying a call back to this scene earlier in the season going to let me fly I can fly did you know that later on Ashley says your chip don't forget to cut it out these chips are used to track V soups a call back to this scene in season 2 when freny removed starlight's chip this is also a call back to season 1 when the boys captured translucent and use this enclosure to block his chip feet homelander learns about a train's betrayal and dude is he crying are you all right he TR how could he do this to me so I don't think homelander is crying because he actually gives a damn about a train but because he's not getting his way homelander is still a child in so many ways and I'm not even talking about the breastfeeding he throws temper tantrum he cries when he doesn't get his way he is so emotionally unstable firecracker says you know some folks are just well they're boring up yet another incredibly racist remark up is a atory remark used in the Jim Crow South to describe black people who Dar to try to climb the socioeconomic ladder when Sage is fired she leaves behind her Queen ma Journal that we saw in previous episodes confirming that her detailed plan of world domination is inside back at VA Farms we see Frenchie and Samir successfully recreate the soup virus but ah Samir stabs Kimiko in the leg with it and I loved this race against the clock to cut her leg off to prevent the virus from spreading just like we've seen in shows like The Walking Dead when somebody is bit only one way to keep you alive [Music] we get more of this stupid song If you see something say something I could be a ler from the welfare state or your teacher who tries to indoctrinate and I love how Ryan flips the script on them he is seeing something and deciding to say something and that's something is calling out VA for this ridiculous propaganda and then we end with the reveal that Starlight isn't Starlight and that she was replaced by The Shape Shifter at the bar and I love how creepy and ominous this reveal was now I also want to talk about something regarding huie sexual assault but I want to issue a warning before doing so last week we saw huie assaulted and while it was painted to be a comedic scene it was still horrible for huie sometimes you just got to make your own and then them no and now we are again seeing huie being assaulted and he doesn't even know it he's having sex with someone he thinks is his girlfriend but it's not and therefore this is not consensual sex and I'm curious to see how huie is going to react when he finds out all right guys well those are all the Easter eggs that we caught in this week's episode of the boys big shout out to the writer of this video Colton Ogburn you can find his Social Links below and guys if it's your first time here please subscribe smash that Bell for alerts for screen Crush I'm Ryan Ary [Music]
Channel: ScreenCrush
Views: 176,420
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: screencrush, heavy spoilers, new rockstars, the boys season 4, the boys, the boys season 4 review, the boys spoilers, the boys episode 7, the boys season 4 episode 7, the acolyte, star wars, the boys season 4 breakdown, the boys easter eggs, the boys season 4 reaction, the boys ending explained
Id: OXUgSTr1_10
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 54sec (1074 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 11 2024
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