THE BOYS Season 4 Episode 1 - 3 BREAKDOWN - Every Easter Egg + ENDING EXPLAINED!

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they're only humans and toys for our Amusement that's right hey welcome back to screen Crush I'm Ryan Ary and these are all of the Easter eggs references and little things you might have missed in the boy season 4 three episode premiere and you may have noticed this is a pretty long video so if you've only seen episode one or episode 2 and you're worried about spoilers that's okay we have the episode breakdown marked with chapter so if you need to you can come back and finish the breakdown later so before we dive into the breakdown I have a disclaimer this is a channel where we talk about movies and TV shows where we always try to avoid getting into politics but politics is going to be unavoidable when we break down this show because it has become a direct parody of the political divide and ideological Extremes in our country today any politics we discuss here is US breaking down for you what the creators of the show are referencing and conveying to the audience we are not preaching any of our personal politics here if you want to know our personal politics I'm sure they're out there on the internet somewhere so just everybody stay calm Freedom eal 76 just called you a soy boy and # homelander is right yeah that's Paul from heavy spoilers just ignore him like the rest of us do so we open on Election night headquarters for the Robert Singer Victoria Newman campaign you'll remember Robert Singer or Dakota Bob from past seasons of the boys he was the Secretary of Defense and has served as opposition to vot for the record I agree with you and I hate this but you've got no proof he decided to run for president and originally had a different running mate for VP but congresswoman Newman and homelander had the deep kill that running mate so that she could be chosen as his new VP now we learned that this race is close to being called following this Democratic tickets win of Colorado and Nevada both being crucial States for Democrats to win in the Electoral College here we can see posters of homelander with texts that read save America which is fitting for the Donald Trump parallel that they are drawing with this character former president Trump has a political action committee under the name save America and is using this for fundraising so the boys are staked out outside the headquarters on a mission to take down Newman they're set up inside of a Mr Marathon catering van Mr Marathon was the Seven's original Speedster who was eventually replaced by a train you served four years longer than Mr Marathon now that is something okay the boys using a catering van as a disguise is also a call back to this scene from season one there's a black van with flowers and I'm probably full of w the jump us we see huy hack into the building's camera feed a call back to this scene in season 1 when huie was proving himself a worthy member of the team all I needs her IPv6 number and every desktop every Smart TV in the house it has a camera on it they probably have one in every room so that was a nice call back considering that now huie is once again a full-fledged member of the team after his brief departure last season butcher is vomiting in the alleyway likely because he's drunk but also he has seen things I'm fine sh who are you talking to these hallucinatory episodes are a result of his brain cancer caused by the temporary compound V that he took last season how long I got months 12 18 on the outside you know one thing the boys does brilliant is show how the news media's bias affects Everyday People Like Us like we constantly see vot news promoting their own soup agenda and then normal people like Todd are slowly pulled in by this propaganda he starts off just a regular soup fan but by the end of season 3 he's publicly cheering for murder now this is so relevant to our world today where the media's profit bias has divided us up into separate camps and the real news is often hidden behind an algorithm and that's why I've been using Straight Arrow news so straight arrow news is an app a website that shows you all stories with facts free of bias certain stories have a gauge that shows you each story's media landscape reporting so you can see which way the story's bias is leaning there's also a media Miss section which shows stories that are being under reported by the left and the right it's a great way to stay informed about election news or just news I would have missed for instance I had no idea that Anthony fouchy recently said that there was no scientific evidence that 6 feet of social distancing actually worked and I also didn't know that Donald Trump just sold his jet to one of his Mega donors you see I'm tired of media organizations using wedge issues to divide us to drive up engagement and pump Us full of fear so we'll constantly tune in straight aror news cuts through all of that bias and fear mongering and gives you the straight facts the sources and then lets you stay informed I also love their video stories they're well edited straight to the point and they're a great way to summarize news if I'm cleaning or getting ready in the morning so to download Straight Arrow news's app or visit the website click my link in the description below you will not regret it now back to the the voice now here we see homelander seemingly looking through a wall which I thought was going to be a call back to how he would use his x-ray vision to appearer into mine Stillwell's office during that time homelander was very immature and teenage or even childlike granted a devil spawn of a child but still you just need to let me protect you turns out that homelander though is just taking a whiz and low and low and behold he's got a gray hair down south now look homelander has in no way bettered himself as a person in fact he's only gotten worse but he has matured in the sense of finally knowing how to leverage his power homelander number one weakness has always been his immaturity his temper and his recklessness over the last three seasons we've seen homelander grow into his super villain role and is learning to fight back strategically so this gray hair shows that homelander is getting older and a vain person like homelander is taking it hard this God King is beginning to question his own mortality he's becoming insecure in his power and these feelings will lead us closer and closer to the moment that he finally snaps and executes his full takeover we got a great video up on the channel right now that's about exactly that so be sure to check it out out homelander arrives at the singer Newman election night party despite his politics being very different from theirs you see homelander clings to power and feels that he can control Newman well that's why you and me are going to prove to them that even with a soft on liard for a president it's good business as usual when homelander says girls get it done in the White House this is of course a call back to season two when VA was promoting Queen mave Stormfront and starlight and a very toned deaf attempt at feminism girls get it done but then of course they end up doing the slogan Justice yes get it so butcher is pleading with Ryan to let him take him back to Grace you'll remember that Ryan was living with Grace mallerie butcher's old boss after Becca died in season 2 you think he'll turn into his father Becca didn't think so the last time butcher saw Ryan he said some terrible things that pushed Ryan away and made him Embrace his father well maybe I don't want to look at you after what You' done on my Becker did you ever think about that homelander walks in mockingly using the expression no means no and then quips about Michael Jackson's Neverland Ranch adding to the far notorious character attack by claiming anyone they don't like is automatically a pedophile we even heard that the guy homelander lasered in broad daylight for chucking a water bottle has been labeled as a pedophile by homelander sycophantic followers that guy was a pedophile it ain't true he's lying to you in Newman's closet we can see a lot of pants Suits pantsss now this is a reference to the classic pants suits you'll see worn by feminine politicians like AOC or Nancy Pelosi but made most famous by Hillary Clinton last season we saw Newman give her daughter compound V that she scored from homelander in exchange for helping him bring down Stan Edgar who remember is also her adoptive father come on sport haven't I always taken care of you her daughter now has these terrifying lovecraftian powers and bites off kimiko's arm but no worries Kimiko can regenerate like Deadpool and we even see her with a little baby hand just like in the first Deadpool movie am I crazy or is your hand really small when Newman catches back up with huie we're reminded of their friendship that we actually didn't get to see much of there was a oneyear time time skip between seasons 2 and 3 and pretty quickly into season 3 we see huie learn that Newman is the head popper so it was nice to get to see this little moment revealing that the two of them were actually getting close you're one of my closest friends I mean hell you're dating a suit if anyone would understand it' be you right Newman mentions huie being a teleporter with his you know what out a call back to hu's teleporting Powers he got last season from taking the 10 V out Newman also makes a reference to war Gam have you ever seen War Games what am I saying look at you of course you War Games war games being the 1983 techno Thriller starring a young Matthew brri the only winning mov is not today the whole point of that movie is that nuclear war was avoided by making a computer play Tic-Tac-Toe which was symbolic of mutually assured destruction in other words the great Powers will not attack one another because in doing so they would attack themselves when huie attempts to hit Newman with acid and then when butcher tries to shoot her in the head we learn that instructi ability is another one of her enhancements seriously and before we get started in celebration of the boy Pro capitalism Pro consumer message I want to show you guys this brand new Soldier Boy parody shirt where he calls Hitler a disappointment in a parody of Captain America issue one and we also have this shirt depicting butcher as The Punisher from his very first appearance so guys shop in our merch store helps out our channel so we can make videos like this one and all the other great boy spin-off videos we want to make and right now we have a special sale on all boys parody merch 10% off through June 14th the links are below and thank you for supporting our Channel and most of all thank you for supporting capitalism here in the CIA offices we can see a memorian plaque dedicated to Susan RoR she was butcher CIA contact in season 1 and we saw her in season 2 when Newman blew up her head Rainer was the first of many head poop kills that Newman racked up that season singer is freaking out that Newman is still alive because he knows that when she sworn in she's going to kill him and we hear singers say everyone told me to pick Buddha Edge and stick a reference to the 2020 Democratic primary candidate Pete budit who many in the media as well as some Centrist Democrats consider to be the safe choice in a race against Donald Trump when Starlight is mentioned mm makes it a point to say that she no longer goes by the name Starlight a call back to this scene from season 3 when Starlight finally turned against VA and homelander publicly singer mentions that on January 6th the election will be certified Congress certifies the election January 6th now we think this could be foreshadowing what's to come this season you'll remember that on January 6th we saw the United States capital stormed by violent protests seeking to Halt the certification of Joe Biden's Victory you may even remember this guy from those riots who we saw a parody of here last season now as much as this show is leaning into paralleling what's really happening in the world I would not be surprised if we see homelanders cult-like following commit an Insurrection of their own attempting to stop the certification of singer and Newman keeping in mind that homelander has ulterior motives in seeing Newman become the president so I wonder if we'll see him fly in and attempt to take down his people and tell them to go home but when they refused to listen and turn against homelander we could see homelander laser down his own folks in a fit of rage reminiscent of this day dream from season 2 it would be quite a Twist to see Homeland do this to his own supporters but I doubt that homelander would suffer any push back from his followers and here's why many supporters of former president Donald Trump claimed that the violent mob at the capital on January 6th weren't actually Trump supporters but were instead undercover FBI agents and members of antifa that were just there to make Trump look bad so I could easily see homelanders cult buying into the lie that the supporters he lasered weren't actually his supporters during mm's meeting at the CIA we see his ex-wife Monique call and he sends the call to voicemail echoing how mm's job with the boys has come between him and his wife before Monique left mm in season 1 when he lied to her about rejoining the boys and he put their family in danger now in season 2 we saw her with a new boyfriend Todd who we now know she has kicked out for getting too obsessed with homelander Todd was even the first guy to start cheering on homelander after he laser that guy in the season 3 finale yeah and then in comes Joe Kessler being portrayed by the amazing Jeffrey Dean Morgan of The Walking Dead and Supernatural Fame now Joe Kesler is in the comics but it would appear that the interpretation we're getting in the series will be a bit different Kesler mentions butcher having had a clear shot at homelander with the help of soldier boy had a clean shot at him right with soldier boy you didn't take it Butcher and soldier boy together plus Starlight and Ma probably could have taken down homelander but Ryan shot his laser eyes at Soldier Boy for hurting his dad this results in Butcher and soldier boy going to to toe because butcher is protecting Ryan back at mm's apartment we can see that he's anxious about his ex-wife coming over because he clearly wants to win her back and I noticed that in this apartment we can see this picture of the 44th President Barack Obama again subtly showing the political divisions that different characters have in the show we learned that Monique and M's daughter has been acting out in school she got into a fight at school this could be serving as a reminder that any kid that age going through something traumatic can and will act out so we can only imagine how Ryan May react when he finally snaps under the pressure next we got a series of homelander flashbacks in this Montage we can hear meline still well telling home Lander that he has to be good you have to be good and that scene is from season 1 you have to be good next we hear Dr VAB bomb homelander creator telling homelander how he was his greatest failure You're My Greatest failure we see this red door in a lab and behind that red door is a very young homelander reminding us that he was raised in a lab and poked and prodded like a rat homelander did not have the traditional upbringing that vot tries to sell to the public and this is a great contributor to why homelander is so deranged and sociopathic and this is why VA sought to raise Ryan with his mother hoping that he could be a much improved version of his dad look we have this opportunity to give him a a childhood you never had next we see homelander Killing still well in the season 1 finale we can hear Stan Edgar telling homelander that he is bad product you are simply bad product we see homelander lasering storm fr's chest back when the two were hooking up and then homelander fighting mave in the season 3 finale when he took her right eye mave stop next homelander killing the original black noir for not telling him that he knew soldja boy was his dad did you know that I had a father out there and here homelander is lying in storm front's bed where the blood stain is from her taking her own life this is homelander lasering the private jet of the mayor of Baltimore in episode 1 season 1 after he attempted to Blackmail still well what's he doing out here aren't you guys friends here he's smashing in this guy's head in an Alleyway and that's from this scene in season 2 when he Corners this guy who robbed the place and then he and storefront just toy with him what do you want to do with him hand him over to the police of course well of course we are heroes this is homelander lasering down vot Troopers in the season 2 finale when he caught them in his cabin there to take away Ryan did I hear you say butcher this is him lasering down the guy who threw the cup that hit Ryan and him lasering this crowd in season 2 which was all in his head but still this makes me think that we might see it for real this season what do you mean that could actually happen here we see homelander threatening Starlight in an elevator in season 1 After he finds out that her boyfriend huie is working with butcher this is a dead supersonic an old boy of Annie who joined the seven but was murdered by homelander for conspiring against him Starlight warned supersonic to not join the team but once he did she brought him into the fold to take down homelander I mean if we need to fight him for real will you help me supersonic made the mistake of trying to recruit at train and a train told homelander all about it what if we could do something about it at train told me about you two mutineers and your little plot next we see homelander killed doppelganger who is in the form of homelander in lady's lingerie like what you see homelander had been using doppelganger to transform into mateline still well so that he could still have time with her but one night when doppelganger oversteps and turns into just homelander well just watch here we see a brief clip from last season where homelander is talking to his reflection and we hear him say human Because deep down there's a part of you that is still human so homelander is now standing trial for the murder of this poor guy who chucked the cup at him and hit Ryan homelander sitting in court for his trial is one of many parallels between homelander and former president Donald Trump both are controversial public figures who hold or have held great power and are beloved by about half the electorate and loathed by the other half homelander is a powerful figure now having to face the music for his alleged crimes we hear Ashley mention Tower reconstruction I'm afraid we are behind on the tower reconstruction likely in reference to the damage caused by the big fight scene in the season 3 finale in this TV interview with the Deep we hear mention of his ex-wife Cassandra Cassandra was the wife chosen for him by the church of the collective in season 2 the Deep dismisses her allegation of him having a sexual relationship with an octopus and accuses her of pooping in his bed a reference to Johnny depps claimed that his wife Amber herd who funnily enough played mirror in Aquaman pooped in his bed let's be clear pooped in my bed we meet the new black noir who is absolutely hilarious yo what the that was so up you guys we hear Ashley thank homelander for saving her life after that incident at gulkan a reference to this scene at gulan University in the boy spin-off series gen V what kind of animal are you which by the way if you haven't seen gen V highly recommend great show on the board of potential new recruits we've got a lot of names so many some characters that we've seen or heard mentioned of in the series before and some who we actually know from the comics we've got europ the standard lady araly Mal chemical big game Tech Knight who appeared in genv the Divine incon Dr peculiar shout out stacker airburst luckless jet streak Pit Stop black helmet Holy Mary Lord Horus pin wheel ground talk and vielas and Jimmy the one we then get a closeup of a few Heroes featuring TV and film appearances and their powers we've got Talon Hyperion dognut Wrangler and sister Sage she's the world's smartest person and I absolutely loved this next scene I'm surrounded by cant anding imiles homelander tyrannical and threatening rule has finally come to bite him in the butt and he's created sycophantic yes men who are terrified to question him and that was the perfect way to set up homelanders Outreach to Sister Sage he needs someone who is smart who is willing to tell him when he's wrong plus I'm a black woman who is a thousand times smarter than you your ego can't handle it I'm pretty smart myself see what I mean smart enough to listen here we see the deep and a train doing a fundraising ad for homelander helping him to capitalize on his criminal trial homelander faces his toughest opponent yet our corrupt legal system now this is very reminiscent of what the Trump campaign has been doing with great success using his criminal trial to rile up his core fans and send him money on this new Chiron we see mention of a stand your ground bill now this type of law allows for someone to use deadly force to defend themselves likely an argument being made in favor of homelander lasering that guy overthrowing a plastic bottle and we see The Return of our stereotypical Fox News meets Newsmax anchor Cameron Coleman Coleman who presents himself as a proponent of traditional conservative values yet he's having a very kinky Escapade with Ashley next we see firecracker spewing some homelander talking points and claiming again that the guy who killed homelander was a pedo when he obviously wasn't behind her we can see a Ronda santis sticker Dan santis of course being the Republican governor of Florida who also ran in the 2024 Republican primary and firecracker even threw in a little anti-Semitism by referring to the Old Testament as the je section of the Bible back with butcher we see this frame picture featuring him and his late wife Becca and their Bulldog Terror and here we can see mm reading a book on conquering your OCD a call back to season 3 when we learned that mm does indeed have obsessive compulsive disorder hey what's up with mm's OCD wait what what OCD you know when he changes Lanes he Taps the steering wheel three times now while Starlight is working on flying she uses a significant amount of power remember she has to have an energy source in order to use her powers so when butcher says what would Greta say this is in reference to climate activist Greta thunberg now I like seeing that despite everyone else wanting butcher off the team huy is standing up for him and refusing to kick him off this shows the loyalty between these two leads and the unlikely bond that they formed all the way back in episode one of the series here we see a vot version of Blockbuster VA video and you'll notice that it's been abandoned because physical media and video rental stores sadly went out of style a long time ago hey what did you say don't worry buddy we'll get a customer any day now now in the video store you can see an advertisement for a movie called polarity State 3 and you'll recognize this hero from gen V it's just like the old man when I was his age huh uncanny we can also see this drawing on the wall of homelander in the seven for some type of stereotypical Halloween movie and you'll notice the Lamplighter is part of the lineup because this drawing is so old Lamplighter of course being the hero that Starlight replaced when she joined the seven back in season 1 and he's played by the guy who played ice man in the original X-Men movies so we learned that Frenchie is bisexual but really this is something we've known since like season 2 because it's pretty clear that he was in a polyamorous relationship with these two you are my Dorthy guess you're a little gay yeah butcher is wanting Newman's help with getting Ryan away from homelander and if you look closely during their exchange we can actually see butcher hallucinate again butcher mentions a virus that's being made at gulkan another call back to the events of genv now we did cover this in our recap video but essentially at gulin University in an underground lab the dean of the school was secretly developing a soup virus that she wanted to use to kill all soups because her family died on that flight that crashed in season 1 now the season ends with Newman showing up popping the head of the Doctor Who created the virus and taking it for herself Newman says the material Huey has on me from the Red River group home a reference to her true past as a soup orphan and her real name Nadia I'm not naughty anymore in homelander little momento box we see not only a jar of his gray pubic hair but we can also o see a frame black and white photo of Stormfront and her late husband Frederick VA we also see a breast milk baby bottle that was from meline Stillwell and the sword of the original black noir when homelander meets sister sage and asks her to show him how smart she is she deduces that he has an enlarged prostate so between that and you're enlarged prostate my what now I love how this Echoes how homelander was able to see into butcher's brain earlier in the episode using his x-ray vision look at that big black mask curdling around your brain but Sage didn't need X Vision she was able to see right through homelander without it here homelander repeats some more Trump talking points such as the use of the phrase [ __ ] hole countries he then goes on to use some alt-right nazies phrases such as pure and cleansed Hile myself Sage then explains that in order for homelander to accomplish his true Mission he'll need to be like the Roman dictator Julius Caesar people will tear it apart themselves then you get to swoop in be the one saving it like Caesar like he said now butcher uncharacteristically gives huie a hug when he learns about his father's stroke but then we see that he slipped huie's flash drive which you'll notice has a Billy Joel keychain on it foreshadowing the return of huie's mom and on this Chiron you can see a message that reads I pray the jury ends this miscarriage of Justice you'll see that the quote is from Ezekiel who is a massive hypocrite that headlined the belief Expo and then we cut to a catheter commercial from V Pharmaceuticals a reference to how vot news is a parody of Fox News and the majority of fox news's audience are senior citizens outside of homelanders trial we can see lots of protest signs on both sides my favorite being this Rosie the Riveter we can do it sign with Starlight and then this one of homelander that says I want you a parody on Uncle Sam here you can see a sign for homelander that says keep America Stormfront which is really disturbing considering that she was outed as a Nazi and even homelander has publicly condemned her after the chaos breaks out and homelander and Sage have succeeded in provoking a riot we see a sign that says soup lives matter with a blue American flag and below it we can see blue hawk which was this right-wing guy from season three I go where the crime is and the crime just happens to be in in black neighborhoods that that's not my fault now the sign is of course in reference to Blue lives matter a phrase that was created in response to the black lives matter movement when dealing with the issue of police brutality against black Americans back at the tower we see the Deep's octopus girlfriend Ambrosia now she's also in the boy comics and she briefly appeared in season 3 back at the boy headquarters we can see on butcher's screen Newman's file and right here we can see the bloody images of headless bodies from when she accidentally killed her family and became an orphan and then we get the return of Becca well like at least in butcher's head it's her who he's been speaking to throughout this entire episode serving as his conscience a train is getting a stereotypical origin movie where Will Farrell plays his coach now we know from season 1 that a train's brother was his coach but now VA is replacing that story with a little bit of good oldfashioned fictional whitewashing come back with me to the suburbs and you'll notice that the director of this film is Adam bour director of dawn of the 7 the New Black MO is still trying to learn how to play the character and we hear a train say you don't talk it's like your one thing a reference to how black noir was never the same after brain damage caused by soldier boy back in the 80s now hu's Mom has returned and we learned that she works for VA 5K away from the red white and blue caddy I thought it might be helpful you you work for VA huie then mentions how V killed his girlfriend a call back to hu's girlfriend Robin from the series pilot when a train ran straight through her this all set huie on his path to meeting Butcher and the boys and going toe-to-toe in a war with homelander when Kimo is at therapy you'll notice that she is focusing on this mouse now the mouse is meant to symbolize a creature that is quiet as in quiet as a church mouse and Kimo suffers from traumatic mutinus when Kimiko says that our past is not who we are and then says it again this is reminding us how much she resents the terrorist organization The Shining Light Liberation Shining Light Liberation Army the ones who kidnapped you next we get the return of Seth and Evan pitching a new suit and a story for Ryan soup debut when listening to the story pitch homelander is quick to dismiss the idea of him crying and says with tears in his eyes tears and says proud this reminds us just how fragile homelander is in his own masculinity strong men also cry and then we're reminded that Ryan is the first Natural Born superhero even though homelander had a father he was still made in a test tube but Ryan was actually conceived and born with powers and he was never injected with compound V we also hear homelander say let's not forget why he is special shall we he's my son every reminder that homelander thinks everything absolutely everything is about him and then we arrive at truth con and buckle up cuz this is going to get real stupid real fast now you may have noticed this is a long video so if you've only seen episode one or episode two and you're worried about spoilers that's okay we have the episode breakdown marked with chapter so if you need to you can come back and finish the breakdown later on the truth conon Banner we can see a logo that looks like the eye of the Illuminati here we can see a poster board claiming that we've all been abducted by aliens and that we will be again this board is a presentation on the Earth being flat and we've got Jesus levitating an assault rifle this sign says God Guns coffee and this one says Jesus guns and babies this one reads undeniable proof that Starlight is a lizard person a classic call back to the Alex Jones style of conspiracy theory from back in the day when he claimed that Hillary Clinton and Obama were lizard people wearing skin masks and later we even hear a mention of Alex Jones over the intercom here we have the minions with stars of David on their overalls more anti ISM and a rest in peace poster for Todd this is president-elect singer with devil horns and red eyes with text that reads Dakota Bob to mass Harvest Americans Dakota Bob being a nickname that we heard mentioned in this scene was Stan Edgar and that was also his nickname in the comics these posters have Starlight as some type of Satan spawn claiming that the star in the light is actually a pentagram this one reads that soldier boy is being held by the CIA and you know what that one is actually true soldier boy is in the custody of the CIA here's a soldier boy and Liberty sign Liberty being Stormfront are original soup name now this is a soup lives matter shirt a phrase We heard uttered by the aforementioned blue hawk in season 3 soup lives matter soup lives matter and here we see these cultists pretending that they actually care about child trafficking when in reality they just use it as a talking point to cast false dispersions on their political opponents and this issue is actually very personal for Kimo because she is a victim of real life human trafficking Kimo has flashbacks of training with another young girl likely the same girl who shows up here here we go we see her brother in these flashbacks remember he was killed by Stormfront in season 2 after helping the boys Escape homelander kimika goes and gets drunk on a beer called speeding bullet ale with a picture of a train on the can now we're at firecracker presentation where we can see her duplicating assistant with powers like Multiple Man from the X-Men comics and notice how his Prime Self is wearing a Starlight is aedo shirt now this guy refers to the soup movement as the alt soup movement now the altri is a far right white nationalist movement but it's typically not referred to as the alt right by its own followers so it's interesting to hear the movement referred to as the alt soup Movement by one of its own this could be suggesting that these cult-like followers have gone so far to the extreme right that they are just embracing the labels now they're out of the shadows and you know what the duplicator here is also a great parallel imagery for the alt-right movement itself the duplicators duplicates are Mindless servants mimicking the marching orders of their leader just like the homelanders and later in the episode when the prime duplicator is killed all of his duplicates die this is imagery for how if you take out the cult leader the cult itself will be dismantled just like how if the boys are able to take out homelander then the entirety of his cult will likely Fall so firecracker starts Her speech by calling Oprah and Tom Hanks pedophiles go see my new movie I'm in love with Katie Holmes then she Slanders transgender people and she even throws in a dig at Megan Markle that Oprah has been under house arrest ever since she sat down with Harry and that monarchy Megan Markle all of which are classic talking points you'll hear from those on the alt-right elsewhere a train's brother Nathan catches him with his nephew and we see that Nathan is now in a wheelchair last season Nathan was paralyzed by a blue hawk Nathan then exposes that a train's big save was all fake just like the fake save that they're now preparing for Ryan now guys over the seasons a train has slowly very slowly moved further and further away from the villainous role that he had in season 1 and now we're once again seeing him help the boys just like when he leaked the files on Stormfront well how about I D homelander who really leaked all that Nazi [ __ ] on Stormfront now at Ryan's big Save which is staged you'll notice that the bank is of course a VA bank and when homelander crashes the party we're reminded that everything just has to be about him back at the convention we hear this guy pouring his heart out to firecracker your videos got me to see that my entire family had been brainwashed by Clover genders like Starlight and this is actually so sad because this really does happen entire families are broken up over these extreme political divides most commonly those divides that are from people going down conspiratorial rabbit holes and next we get one of the best lines from the entire series sell purpose which would you rather believe that you belong to a community of Warriors battling is secret evil that's you're a lonely and consequential nobody that no one will ever remember this perfectly explains the real gimmick that we're seeing unfold in the real world and Echoes how people like homelander firecracker and real world politicians use and manipulate these people for their own gain they create false narratives to Garner the support of the desperate back at the convention center that's being held at a soup in inspired Hotel you'll see they have an inclusive all genders bathroom that is called the queen mave all gender bathroom a call back to how VA uses queen mave as their signature gay hero after homelander outed her as bisexual in season 2 we have a gay hero who in the seven is gay queen mave and this Mitzvah is marvelous Mrs Rachel themed and this is inspired of course by The Marvelous Mrs masel another show on Amazon Prime now it's cute that it's for someone named Rachel because Mrs masel was played by Rachel Brosnahan in this next between Ryan and homelander homelander thinks that Ryan is crying because he took away his Spotlight because he just can't comprehend that Ryan would feel bad about killing a human being this shows us once again that homelander cannot ever relate with his son so Starlight has become like this liberal icon which is interesting because in season 1 her base was more so the conservative Middle America Evangelical base but once Starlight found herself and spoke out she slowly became a hero of the left while homelander has shifted more and more right and this is something that was said set up way back in season 1 when Starlight and homelander gave their speeches at the belief Expo back in season 1 they both went off script homelander was supposed to appear moderate while Starlight was supposed to be the Jesus girl but homelander expressed here to still well his intention to appeal to a more right-wing base you need to appear moderate humble no there is an opportunity here and that is exactly what he did sounds like the American thing to do sounds like the right thing to do Starlight on the other hand gave up more Progressive speech rejecting things like blatant homophobia that was being showcased at the Expo what if you're gay or if you're Gandhi you're going to hell I mean and then back at the hospital with huie and his mom we finally get some more insight into hu's Billy Joel Obsession the day you left it it was a Friday and you promised to buy us tickets to Billy Joel which is a call back to this scene from season two that's where Billy Joel comes from she and I we used to have these dance parties she was she was fun at this rally we're home Lander is introducing the new members of the seven we open with this child rendition of the American national anthem big round of applause for the Samaritans Embrace boys a clear parody of these child Le performances at rallies for former president Trump this group is from Samaritans Embrace an Evangelical Christian organization founded by VA and run by the aformentioned Ezekiel their public face is a Christian charity but in reality VA used this organization to distribute compound V to disguise as vaccine so they can inject it into infants you ship boxes labeled as polio vaccine but they're not really polio vaccine are they they're compound V ironically Samaritans Embrace were the real child traffickers in this show now in the back of the crowd here we can see starlighter protesting the event homelander then goes on to say that star lighters are the biggest threat to this country a time when this country is facing the biggest threat in its history starlighter now this Echoes the relatively new divisive rhetoric that we hear spewed from politicians I mean there have always been political divides where two sides would criticize one another but it's relatively recent in mainstream American politics to refer to your political opponents as threats to the country this type of rhetoric was popularized by former president Trump with remarks like this these are people that hate our country hey John they hate our country they hate it I think with a passion and on the other side of the aisle with remarks like this you can put half of Trump's supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables we then hear this guy yell Str her up echoing chance of lock her up during the 2016 election at a starlighter house a homelander supporter walks in and says where the kids the ones in the basement now this is referencing the whole pizza Gate scandal where this baseless conspiracy theory claimed that this pizza restaurant was holding kids captive in their basement plot twist the pizza place didn't even have a basement we don't have a basement we even hear the guy ask about cheese pizza what do you s cheese pizza CP the guy then pulls out a gun and this is all in reference to the real world situation where a man brought a gun into the pizza restaurant that was targeted in that conspiracy theory I'm rescuing those kids here we see a copy of the superhero management act which is reminiscent of the sovi Accords from the MCU if we can't accept limitations we're boundary list we know better than the bad guys Dakota Bob says that he wants to ban soups from the military vigilante activities and all government employment so this is bringing the show Full Circle to season 1 when vod's core mission was to get subps into the military now in this interview fire cracker says where a woman can make it all the way to the seven Tower without blowing some dude to get there a reference to how the deep sexually assaulted Starlight at VA tower on her very first day now the comment is really messed up already and of course it's a lie but it's also pretty hypocritical considering that firecracker says this to homelander just a little bit later so anything you need anything I mean anything in this the seven video game we see a train the Deep Crimson count this from season 3 homelander black noir Queen mave and our very own Lee Mao caught that this is a character from the comics called web weaver a parody of Spider-Man you can tell because they both have these Fang symbols on their mask that is a really nice catch here we have Tech Knight who we saw on genv Lamplighter gunpowder which is the guy who butcher kills with sup powers for the first time in season 3 here we have polarity who we mentioned earlier and is also in gen V this is translucent termite and Ezekiel now this line from Starlight about not being denied reminded us of this speech by the rapper Killer might when he was campaigning for for Senator Bernie Sanders in 2020 everybody outside of that 1% has been denied once again showing the political allegory of Starlight being on the political left when mm says to at train you may have that racist white boys heart up in you this is in reference to how at train had a heart attack after killing Blue Hawk an a train then got blue Hawk's heart in a transplant you're going to get to run again can I get a what what at butcher's place when he's showing Ryan his board games he mentions Connect 4 a call back to season 3 when we see butcher by connect for for his play date with Ryan at Grace mallerie you cheeky little BL in an attempt to get friendly with Ryan butcher compliments him on his save and how he says that he nailed his lines showing us of course that butcher knew the whole time that it was all fake and oh my God this scene between Ryan and butcher almost had me in tears now we all know that butcher isn't a lovey-dovey type person but when Ryan starts crying about killing that guy during his save and when he tells butcher that he gets why butcher didn't want him man it just breaks your heart so major props to Cameron cretti who played Ryan and when butcher finally opens his heart up to Ryan and pretty much tells him that he loves him and I could be leaving without making things right with the one part of her that is still alive this was such a huge step for butcher as a character and could be a sign that he's actually nearing the end of his hero's journey when interviewing anuka we hear her say I mean we uh shared an Almond Joy from time to time a call back to when she offered black noir an Almond Joy in season 1 and how starlight's favorite candy is an Almond Joy nobody likes Almond Joy Jeffrey dmer that's it he's the only one when firecracker reveals that she used to compete in pageants with Starlight she says that she felt like trash and this is a perfect example of how the poor and downtrodden feel left behind and looked down upon by their representatives in Washington so homelander says that he wants to outn as a soup and the terminology that she's going to come out of the closet is reminiscent of how he outed mave as a lesbian on television Sage mentions the racist robots in Transformers 2 Revenge of the Fallen where these two Autobots were portrayed in a pretty stereotypical fashion are we going do with this sh Taco just bu a c in his ass throw in the truck andbody going nothing me on Sage's coffee table we see a bloody poker and actually we have no idea what that's about maybe she killed someone let me know your theories down in the comments below homelander says I've given you everything that I ever wanted and it's still not good enough for you showing us that homelander has taken on the common father Instinct of pushing his dreams on his son reminiscent of this scene from webat a zoo I thought this was a dream come true for us your dream homelander then begins talking to his reflection again like we saw in season 3 and the way he talks to himself in the comics and this scene was so eerie and reminiscent of Norman Osborne's conversation with the Green Goblin in the Ramy Spider-Man films and then we get a tease that homelander will be returning to the lab behind the red door where he was made you need to go back to the start well guys that is all the Easter eggs that we caught for the three episode premiere of The Boys season 4 massive shout out to Colton Ogburn who wrote this video it was a huge undertaking you did a great job be sure to follow him on Twitter so let us know what you thought of the premiere down in the comments below or at me on Twitter and if it's your first time here please subscribe and smash that Bell for alerts for screen Crush I'm Ryan Ary [Music]
Channel: ScreenCrush
Views: 344,631
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the boys season 4 breakdown, screencrush, heavy spoilers, New rockstars, teh boys season 4 breakdown, the boys season 4 breakdown hindi, the boys season 4 trailer breakdown, the boys season 4 trailer breakdown tamil, the boys season 4 trailer breakdown telugu, the boys season 4 trailer breakdown malayalam, the boys epsidoe 1 breakdown, the boys season 4 episode 1 breakdown, the boys season 4 episode 2 breakdown, the boys season 4 episode 3 breakdown
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 17sec (2357 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 13 2024
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