Why The Redemption of A-Train Works

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the boys is more than halfway done with season 4 and only a few episodes remain we've already seen a lot of traumatizing stuff like usual Anthony star has stolen every scene he's been in episode 4 was absolutely chilling and we've seen some serious character development as everyone seems to be getting pushed further than ever before some of the most interesting character development has been from a train I think one of the most engaging things of this season has been what the writers are doing with him as we're seeing the slow and steady build towards a Redemption finally pay off if you remember way back in season 1 a train was nowhere near redemption in fact he was actually closer to a main antagonist than I think you might remember of course everyone remembers how he started the show doing one of the worst things that has ever been done to someone named Robin well maybe there there's a lot of competition your parents they're here man well where are they they are just on the other side of the door mommy daddy your baby is coming go April AR train did a lot of messed up stuff in season 1 he was a menace after he killed Robin he made fun of it he publicly announced he was single while in a relationship did this to Kimiko held huie's dad hostage and tried to Gaslight huie into thinking that he started everything even though he killed both of their girlfriends back in season 1 he was essentially the secondary antagonist he was hu's homelander however that role quickly fizzled out as his character became less of a threat due to his heart condition nerfing him now at the time I didn't really understand why the writers were so quick to kind of take a train out of the game like this you know he was going to have this showdown with Starlight and then his heart just gives out and you know it was pretty funny at the time but also it was like you know this is someone with like some of the coolest powers in the show and he's just kind of out of it from there on out he had a lot of momentum at first but was written out of being a main threat but this was actually a really smart decision as it kicked in a series of events that would continue into season 4 one of the longest running arcs being between atran his heart in both a physical and moral sense after Train's heart started to give out he sort of became a background character throughout season 2 leaving the seven joining the Church of the collective and returning to the seven in between he took a lot of L's and was kind of aimless basically just feuding with the deep and getting bullied by homelander but even after all of that he still managed to be a complete villain all the way into season 3 by telling homelander that supers Sonic planned to betray him and subsequently getting him killed at this point it seemed like at train was always going to be a villain because he had been brought so low and still refused to change his character like there were chances where we thought he'd turn and he didn't it wouldn't be until he talked to his brother Nathan that the seed for the Redemption we are seeing now was planted as we know after finding out that blue hawk had been overp policing black neighborhoods atrain decided to get involved and confront him at first he was turned down by homelander but eventually he got his shot he was able to get blueh Hawk to give an apology however at train underestimated just how awful blueh Hawk was and it led to the disaster that we are seeing to find him in season 4 because when Blue Hawk gave a completely fake apology and it was not accepted he started beating people up and it took at train way too long to stop him he knocked down like 12 people before at train interfered the worst part being that blue hawk paralyzed Nathan when at train encountered bluehawk again he slammed him to the ground and dragged him across a road until he died now this was definitely Justified but when Nathan found out that blueh Hawk died he was not happy because he wanted him to face proper Justice and train took that possibility away this caused Nathan to tell at train to get out of his house and never come back and the crazy part is that even in the midst of their arguing when Nathan was kind of pushing atran atran moved out of the way and caused Nathan to fall which was super messed up and just shows how corrupt his character is however the cool full circle thing about this subplot was that atran actually inherited blue Hawk's heart so he was put back into his prime but he also ended season 3 with Nathan hating him you can see that when at finds out that he managed to survive he's not as happy as like a season 1 a train would have been right like season 1 a train would have probably been hyped been like I'm so lucky this is awesome and just sped right out of the hospital but near this end of season 3 at train was actually remorseful he was just so upset he didn't even want to talk to Ashley about the awesome movie she planned that brings us to season 4 where at train commits one last crime sort of halfway halfway I I think I'd call it manslaughter now this isn't exactly his fault as he didn't really have a choice and he didn't actually hurt anyone but when homelander orders the seven to execute his own version of Order 66 a train stops Todd right in his tracks technically giving Noir an opening to take him out I doubt that Todd would have been able to get away anyways but a train didn't hit him or save him he just kind of complied with homelanders evil orders but for that moment before Noir took out Todd you can kind of see that atain is just over this he's so tired of being a bad person he's tired of the guilt and for those couple seconds before Todd gets merked you can just see that he's not about this anymore at Train's next scene is the one where he finally breaks huie and starlight spy on at train and see him talking with his nephews at Tran is telling them about all the heroic saves he's done he's just completely gassing himself up telling them how he stopped scarest how he was so slick and and ate some popcorn after saving the day and the boys are pretty impressed you can tell this is at train trying to make himself feel better about how his family sees him so he's taking Nathan's boys out behind his back to hang out and brag to them but before long Nathan shows up and is furious and he just straight up tells the boys that at train is lying the Scaris that he claimed to have defeated was just a stunt man the boys ask at train if it's true and all he can do is tell them that it's complicated it's not complicated though he was lying and everyone knows it and you can see that the boys are disappointed in him desan even gives him this thousand yard stare while walking away you can feel the shame being projected onto him this is a pretty low and honestly pathetic moment even for a train not only did he get his brother paralyzed but he also tried to influence his kids he has gone full-on bum Uncle like that one unemployed Uncle who starts like telling you that no he's he's really crypto stuff is taking off this interaction was at Tran's breaking point though as we're now seeing a completely different person in season 4 at Tran's family are the only people he cares about and they want nothing to do with him and it seems that he's finally decided that the only way to make things right is to actually become the hero that they would be proud of and with that at train is now helping the boys and it is terrifying I don't know if he's going to make it out of this season because he actually wants to be a good guy and that is not a good idea in this universe the first thing he does is give Starlight evidence to clear her frame supporters he does this out of his own initiative no one asked him to when Starlite and huie ask why he did this he says it's because they didn't get in his family's face which means means that he knew they were spying on him all along but I think we all know that it's really because he saw an opportunity to make up for what happened in the last scene the craziest part about this is not that he's helping them but rather what he says Starlite tells him that if it wasn't for huie she would have blasted him and that he would have deserved it but she's completely shocked when he replies saying that he agrees after mm finds out about all this he identifies that at train wants to turn good and tells the team that they will be flipping him he then tricks atran into beating up with him by cloning Nathan's phone now in any previous season this would probably lead to a train making mm disappear but as mm sees it a train isn't going to be doing anything like that anymore mm says that there are now dark circles under at Tran's eyes and it's probably because of the guilt he feels from all the wrong he's done but a train tells him that he already regrets helping out Starlite because Sage might find him out and he basically tells mm that doing good things gets you killed the conversation ends with Marvin seemingly convincing him to join the boys and this kicks off season 4 A train at his Peak what really solidifies a train's Redemption is what he does for huie first off he saves his life by hiding him from homelander and second off he actually goes inside of Home rander Room and steals compound V for huie this actually led to huie being able to get a special type of closure with his dad albeit it was kind of terrifying but still he wouldn't have been able to do this without a train and that is some serious character development now by this point in the season fans have fully picked up on atri's Redemption Arc and have started running with it some of the stuff I saw being discussed the most online outside of homelander was people hyping up at Train's Redemption and a probable fight between him and homelander but people are also immediately terrified that he's going to get brutally merked because I'm pretty sure that at train is in the most dangerous position in the show right now due to his change of heart earlier in the season the seven didn't seem quite as strong but with the addition of sage firecracker Kate Sam and Tech Knight they are now fully stacked a train is surrounded by people who are either extremely smart or extremely dangerous some both and all of them will kill him the second they find out he's betrayed them if you haven't seen gen V I highly recommend it Sam Kate and Tech knite all get introduced in that show while I won't get into Sam and Kate's Powers I will mention that Tech Knight is known to be a prolific detective and there's also Sage being the smartest person in the world so that's a huge problem at train is actively messing with these Psychopaths but worse fans watching the show are starting to like him he has redeemed his character in just two episodes and everyone has a hunch that the boys writers are going to use him to make us all cry so How likely is it that a train will die well many people are theorizing that Sage already knows that he took the footage from bot and there's actually a kind of easy toiss scene where she talks to Tech Knight about a journal she also talks to at train who does a very bad job at acting innocent I have never seen a train smile like this it's the most unnatural acting he's ever done super suspicious at the end of the latest episode we see that Cameron Coleman host of seven on seven is decided to be the person who leaked the footage this happened because at train ran into Ashley taking a dump in homelander toilet earlier and then blackmailed her into joining his Rebel Alliance so she framed Coleman and he is beat up and humiliated by the seven right in front of at train and it shows exactly what's going to happen to at train if he gets caught matter of fact it will probably be worse just because of how long homelander has known atrain and how long he's been on the team during this scene at train tries his best to keep his composure but it seems like he's already starting to crack under the pressure no good deed goes unpunished seems to be the theme of a train's Redemption and with so many sharks in the water it's very worrying to see a character who just started to become selfless in so much danger I honestly don't think he's going to survive this season he might not even survive the next episode but we'll have to see what happens I'm a big fan of this development and how slowly and steadily it was built up it works because it was done with tact and it was done in stages a train went from being completely self-absorbed to falling From Grace and finally to where we are now he has a really cool suit he has really cool powers and really cool sound effects I'm a big fan of him joining the boys but like most people I think it's too good to be true what do you think about atri's Redemption are you into the plot line do you like the development let me know in the comments below and please drop a like on this video thanks for watching I'm lofa
Channel: Lufa
Views: 542,604
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: xRQvL91b3sQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 19sec (679 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 30 2024
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