THE BOYS Season 4 - Butcher's NEW POWERS and Fight Club Theory, EXPLAINED

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what happens to me back there hey welcome back to screen Crush I'm Ryan Ary so what the heck is happening to butcher is he a soup did he get his powers back something very strange is going on with his brain cancer so we're going to explain what the heck is going on with butcher his new powers and how these new abilities are connected to his brain cancer and have you seen this new totally badass Nirvana soup baby shirt that we just designed for our merch store it's a parody of the famous Nirvana album cover and a trib to one of the most messed up scenes ever in the boys that was diabolical we even have diabolical written in the never mind font here we also have this amazing Butchie shirt parodying Butcher and the punisher's first appearance and this one that parodies the cover of Captain America issue one with Soldier Boy calling Hitler a disappointment you're a fing disappointment guys I love capitalism and our boy shirts at our merch store are the perfect celebrations of the fully rewarded consumer-driven lifestyle that we Americans all enjoy in our merch store is the best way to support our Channel and for you to fight against the evildoer so support your country by things the link is below now guys butcher does not have an ordinary tumor the thing inside of him has mutated from the V and everything that is happening to butcher is connected to it including his hallucinations and get this Becca is not the only hallucination and that thing in his head isn't just giving butcher Powers it might influence him to embrace his inner diabolical urges and become the very thing he hates an evil soup psychopath you don't get to quit get up the fourth episode of the boy season 4 is one of the most disturbing hours of Television I have ever watched but everything that happens with homelander aside let's focus on butcher Butcher fights Ezekiel in firecracker trailer but Mr stretchy arms takes butcher down and he's about to kill him butcher blacks out and when he comes to he sees that Ezekiel blew up like a balloon so how did they kill him well at the end of the episode when butcher talks Hui out of giving his dad V butcher reveals that he took V 4 months ago he has terminal brain cancer which is the result of all the v24 that he took last season look at that big black mask curdling around your brain this is why butcher is hallucinating Becca and he might be seeing some other people who aren't actually there and we'll Circle back to that in just a moment but the cancer wasn't cured and butcher didn't get any powers at least not ones he's aware of when butcher took temp V in season 3 he could shoot lasers from his eyes so him taking V might have reawakened those dormant abilities but how does it still have those Powers well maybe he took so much temp V last season that it actually altered his DNA and some of that V is still in his system after all it did give him cancer it would make sense that he got those abilities back because every time Butcher and huy were shooting temp V they retained the same Powers but it doesn't look like butcher lasered Ezekiel there are no bird marks anywhere the scene is way too gory so we can't show it here but it looks like Ezekiel was torn apart just all over the trailer maybe some type of explosion of course there's going to be explosion you think I'm not going to explode but in case you forgot laser eyes aren't the only Power he got from v24 butcher also had super strength and super durability and those are the go-to abilities that pretty much every soup has by default except for those losers who just shoot guns really accurately Bullseye so this is how he could throw down with homelander and soldier boy so if I had to guess butcher probably would have been able to fly just like homelander but I guess he didn't unlock that power in the skill tree just yet anyways if taking V gave butcher his powers back then he probably ripped Ezekiel apart with his super muscles so that dose of V is now turning him into a fullblown soup until now you have become the very thing you swore to destroy except there's something else going on here buter passed out so how did he kill Ezekiel when he wasn't in control of his own body okay sir what the heck happened remember butcher has some sort of tumor or cancer in his brain but it's not a regular tumor we actually see it moving around underneath his skin so the tumor is behaving like a parasite slithering around his brain like those bugs from The Mummy do something do something not that not that when butcher fights for his life Becca appears and just then the parasite under his skin starts crawling all over his face and the screen cuts to Black and we just hear so whatever happened when butcher lost Consciousness wasn't in his control the thing in his head might be more than just brain cancer it might be a souped up parasite what like a superworm in his head exactly butcher took some V not a lot but it was enough to mutate the cancer in his head turning it into a super parasite that's wrapped around his brain you seeing just not really in my head cuz you're just a parasite parasite and in this fight with Ezekiel the tumor took control and activated butcher's new abilities and this is not as crazy as it sounds something like this already exists in the boy Universe it actually happens and diabolical the animated spin-off in episode 7 a woman called son he is dying from pancreatic cancer her husband Jon injects her with the V and it cures the cancer and she gets powers in the form of these energy tentacles that start attacking and killing everyone but it turns out that these are not regular superpowers the V mutated sunne cancer transforming it into a living entity that protects her body with the tentacles and eventually it bursts out of her body becoming a separate entity it keeps mutating and becomes a tentacle monster that might be powerful enough to even kill homelander and despite the super cancer leaving her body son he still has some other abilities and she fights the entity so that superworm thingy is going to burst out a butcher like an alien that would be pretty gnarly but V influences people in different ways anyone who's injected with v gets Powers but the powers vary so what happened to Sun he isn't NE necessarily going to repeat with butcher's parasite that being said the mixture of V the remnants of temp V and the tumor are going to trigger some type of crazy mutation and you have to wonder what this means for huie's Dad after he was injected with v he woke up and probably has powers now anyways butcher is hallucinating Becca the hallucinations are the result of the tumor in his head but it might also be a mixture of psychological manifestations and it looks like Becca serves as his conscience in the first episode butcher made a deal with Victoria Newman but before he betrays his team Becca convinces him to remain loyal to his friends but Becca isn't the only voice in butcher's head are you saying he sees more dead people yes and that's Jeffrey Dean Morgan's character Joe Kessler I'm Negan the CIA agent and butcher's old war buddy who shows up out of nowhere Joe and butcher are very like-minded although Joe is way more extreme which is how butcher used to be in his darkest moments we need someone like you Billy before the soups start rounding us up and dumping us off in camps in fact the show's Creator Eric kryy even describes Joe as another butcher it's a very interesting choice of words butcher is the only one who interacts with Joe we never see him with any of the other characters and butcher doesn't even mention him to anyone else when they share old War Stories Joe mentions how butcher dragged him out of some mess saving his life but I don't think that actually happened butcher didn't say save him and Joe died 11 years ago sir did butcher forget yes or to be exact the brain cancer made him forget and he now believes that his old war buddy is still alive but Joe isn't just a figment of butcher's imagination when butcher comes to from his blackout he sees that somehow Ezekiel is cut to Ribbons sort of like when Wanda killed Mr Fantastic only much much nastier speaking of the MCU by the way this scene also reminded me a lot of moonnight wait why are we talking about the MCU to me right now oh it's connected to our Theory Trust me Mark Spectre suffers from dissociative identity disorder each one of his altars has a distinct personality in the final fight in the show Mark is about to be killed by his enemy he blacks out and but then when he wakes up all of the bad guys are defeated Mark's other persona Jake lley took over and killed all the baddies and this scene immediately jumped to my mind after what happened to butcher so what we're getting to here is that the tumor in butcher's brain somehow mutated into a separate entity of a different Persona and that is Joe and when Joe takes over butcher's abilities activate without him actually being in control so what we think is happening is that Joe is like butcher's Tyler Duran the tumor manifested itself in the form of a man from butcher's past someone who shares butcher's darkest demons and his darkest views on the world actually considering Joe's age he might even have been a mentor to Billy before he died this symbolizes the fact that deep down butcher wants to give into this Darkness so he can kill homelander at any cost now Becca represents the one good thing from his past actually with Becca being his moral compass and Joe representing his darkest urges and thoughts it's like butcher has an angel and a devil on his shoulders while everyone else in his life tries to pull him into being less of an [ __ ] Joe is the one who pushes him to do more well butcher stuff either we figure out how to train him or we figure out how to kill him butcher has come a long way since how he was in season 1 but Joe is the person that is hidden deep inside of butcher the man who still suffers from childhood trauma and guilt as a dying man butcher is filled with regret butcher had his best shot to end homelander with soldier boy but Ryan was In Harm's Way so butcher's conscience forced him to go against the mission and fight soldier boy but you had a clean shot at him right with soldier boy you didn't take it was your eye on the ball but homelander has Ryan now and the whole world is on fire and butcher just has no time to fix anything but with his fragile mental state and the mutating tumor butcher pulled Joe from his past a no BS do whatever it takes kill anyone who stands in your way to finish the mission kind of guy Joe wanted to use Ryan as a weapon to kill homelander something that the old butcher totally would have done that is exactly what you are and this is fitting in season 3 when butcher takes v24 he becomes just like homelander but in season 4 he becomes like homelander in a different way they both suffer from Deep childhood trauma they have split personalities and they want to be a father figure to Ryan and now the butcher is a soup he might have a completely different mindset moving forward like he says here with great power comes the absolute certainty it you'll turn it to a right which brings us back to butcher's Powers because we don't think the butcher got back his temp V abilities he probably has whole new powers H upgrades when Ezekiel has butcher pinned down he passes out and Joe takes over now like we've mentioned before just before butcher passes out the parasite starts crawling around his skin so that parasite in his head is the source of his abilities the tumor absorbed most of the V and it mutated becoming a separate self-conscious parasite that now feeds on butcher's body when the host is under attack meaning the body Joe takes over and unleashes butcher's latent abilities huh that kind of sounds like Venom something very similar to that although the parasite isn't an alien and butcher isn't getting a symbiot suit we are we an arm but you might be on to something butcher might actually have similar powers to Eddie Brock when he doesn't have the suit on so it's kind of like these goo tendrils or to be more precise tentacles and then again there's precedent to this because of what happened to Sun he and diabolical her cancer mutated into a tentacle monster and I don't think it's a coincidence that the animated show depicted what happens when a cancer patient gets injected with v it might have been a foreshadowing to show what's happening to butcher in season 4 so going back to that scene from episode 4 I could totally see Joe taking over with these tentacles bursting out of butcher's body to rip Ezekiel apart or similar to Sun he when Joe takes over the super cancer inside butcher bursts out of his head or chest kills Ezekiel and then goes back into the body that was diabolical okay I admit the tentacles are mostly based on what happens in diabolical and it doesn't mean that butcher's powers are going to be the same the boys already has mouth tentacle girl and love sausage that's not a tentacle person that's a little reer yeah I got it we all know exactly what it is what was that he's okay don't be so close-minded so when Joe takes over it could just be super strength or even telekinesis I got to be honest scene butcher moves stuff around with his brain cancer is going to be kind of badass anyways if Joe is going to be a type of Tyler Duran this means that in the next few episodes Joe will keep gaining more and more control over Butcher and don't forget the trailers tease that there is a soup virus this is the virus that was first introduced in the boy spin-off gen V now we've mentioned this in our previous videos so we're going to keep it short but basically in gen V there was a virus that was developed in a lab and it can kill soups the virus is highly contagious and the people who created it were planning to turn it into a full-blown soup pandemic can't we make it Airborne why so it's more contagious but before that happened Newman took the virus and killed the scientist who created it now this virus had a pretty small role in genv it was mostly to set up the plot for the boy season 4 in the post credit scene of gen V butcher investigates the lab where the virus was created so he will obviously want to get his hands on the virus I don't think butcher wants to kill every soup probably just homelander and Newman but if Joe keeps taking over his mind he will push butcher to weaponize the virus against all soups triggering a global soup genocide and this is going to pit butcher against his team because they might be down for killing Newman and homelander but they won't stand for a massacre after all two of them are soups themselves but with butcher's new powers and that parasite in his mind that forces him to do evil things he won't let his team stand in his way so by the end of season 4 butcher's mind might be taken completely over by Joe and he might become a villain himself so what we might actually see go down is the boys forced to use the virus to kill butcher because it will be the only way to stop him from killing all soups that would be seriously tragic and I hope it's not how butcher goes out so hopefully the Team figures out a way to prevent butcher from going on a rampage and that key would be Ryan he might help butcher overcome and defeat Joe his inner evil self and then they could all stop homelander in season five and then butcher can use his new powers to kill homelander so guys this is our theory about what is happening to butcher do you think he's got tentacle monster powers or is it some other new abilities big shout out to the writer and editor of this video Pavel you can find his links below and don't forget to check out our merch store for this incredible diabolical laser baby shirt and guys let us know what you think down in the comments below or at me on Twitter and if it's your first time here please subscribe and smash that Bell for alerts for screen Crush I'm Ryan ery [Music]
Channel: ScreenCrush
Views: 290,827
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the boys, screencrush, heavy spoilers, New rockstars, the boys seaosn 4 butcher powers, butcher new powers, the boys seaosn 4 explained, the boys screencrush, the boys season 4 episode 4, the boys season 4, the boys homelander, the boys season 4 episode 5 promo, teh boys, the boys gaming, the boys 4x4 reaction, the boys bloopers, the boys season 4 trailer, the boys reaction, the boys diabolical, the boys trailer, the boys season 4 epsiode 4, teh boys season 4 episode 4
Id: VDvPrW5g9E4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 10sec (910 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 22 2024
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