THE BOYS Season 4 Episode 6 BREAKDOWN - Every Easter Egg + ENDING EXPLAINED!

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we need to invoke the 25th Amendment you're talking about a coup no not talking about saving this country hey welcome back screen Crush I'm Ryan Ary and these are all the Easter eggs references and little things you might have missed in the boy season 4 episode 6 guys we are now in the home stretch we only have two episodes left and after watching this episode I think it's pretty clear that war is coming homelander and Sage they they need places across the country to put their dissidence he's talking about camps now as always I want to note that this show is super political and we want to break down all of the political references that the creators of the show are making as well as the messages that they are conveying we understand that talking politics can be uncomfortable for a lot of people but there's just no way to avoid it when it comes to this show and also that's what's great about it if it makes you uncomfortable that's kind of the point the boys has become a brilliant social commentary piece on our modern politics and the extreme divides in our country also last week we failed to mention why Starlight is having trouble using her powers a little later we're going to discuss the identity crisis that each of these characters are going through especially butcher but as for Starlight we think it's clear that her inability to use her powers is similar to what we saw with Spider-Man and Spider-Man 2 Peter Parker was also having an identity crisis and questioning who he wanted to be resulting in him being unable to use his powers I'm Spiderman no more the same thing is happening here with Annie as she decides if she wants to be Starlight or Annie January and what roles her two personas are supposed to take on in this fight against Homeland Lander so last week we saw Samir being held captive by Butcher and Joe Kessler but really just butcher but more than that in just a bit here on the wall we can see that this building is an Old vot Farms Factory now this serves as a reminder that VA really does have their hand in every bucket of the international economy banking entertainment Pharmaceuticals news food everything and this is how VA has become such an Unstoppable Juggernaut they control literally everything the world is a college of Corporations inexorably determined by the imut multiple bylaws of business and this is foreshadowing the night to come at the party with the oligarchs perfectly paralleling our own economy we're just a few major corporations own most of the American economy reminding us of how the top 1% of our country hoard all the wealth to the top and of course later in the episode we'll once again be reminded of this top 1% and their control and manipulation of the masses these signs also remind us that the threat of VA and homelander is always present in almost every shot of this show you can find something homelander or VA related giving us the impression that they are always watching we're always watching hey guess what losers I just won the lottery he that's really Co man congrats dude that's great yeah and I'm taking my wife and kids on a family holiday to Spain in ia ia Spain I didn't even know you spoke Spanish they speak Spanish in Spain yeah but hey don't worry I mean if you want to learn a new language I highly recommend using Babel they're the sponsor of this video Babel absolutely Saved My Life 2 years ago when I went to Europe now i' had taken a little bit of Spanish in high school but but none of it really stuck does anyone here speak English but thanks to a few lessons from Babel I was able to navigate through the cities and drive through the countryside and now if you're planning your big summer holiday this is a great chance to spend just 10 minutes a day learning a new language with these short lessons you can start speaking a new language in just 3 weeks seriously guys if you've always wanted to learn a new language but you've been putting it off then Babel is the best way to start 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this tyrannical King and that is where this sheep's head comes into play we see butcher has one of these soup Sheet's heads in a cooler likely to help Samir recreate the virus that killed him in last week's episode but this sheep head also symbolizes the same same theme we were just discussing the battle between the masses and the King a battle for the top in the Old Testament a sheep's head symbolizes the Hebrew verse and you shall be the head not the tail which essentially means that God will give you what you need to be at the top and not at the bottom you're the leader not the follower this is once again playing into the theme of the boys's war with homelander and the political divides between right-wing groups like The homelanders and the leftwing groups like The starlighter they're in a battle for control a battle for power they're in a battle to be the head and not the tail we're also a battle between Butcher and himself within his own head a battle for which side of his split personality will be the head and which one will fall to the Wayside and become the tail butcher's use of compound V has created a monster within him both literally and metaphorically it would appear that this souped up mass of cells has taken on its own sentience and Exhibits tentacle likee powers that we saw last week in the rabbit and in the boys animated series diabolical but this monster within butcher which was once brain cancer seems to have developed its own Consciousness by taking a piece of but yourself as its own so don't you worry Billy M that is home Hy and the Gang are on the Maid in Manhattan tour to spread his dad's ashes and we get a reference to this scene from that movie was any of it real yeah it was real here on this taxi we can see an advertisement for V's black at it which was announced in the previous episode start like getting heckled with cries of a abortion is murder are echoing real world attacks on women that they receive when they try to obtain an abortion anti-abortion protesters are known to stand outside of women's clinics with signs and yelling things like abortion is murder now Starlight of course can handle herself but the physical threat a woman may feel is only part of the problem this extreme invasion of privacy can affect even a superhero and you'll also notice that this guy is wearing a red hat echoing the red Maga hats warned by supporters of Donald Trump and by the way I want to thank all of you for buying our Kick-Ass new laser baby shirts at our merch store this is a pair of that scene using the album cover from Nirvana's never mind and we also have the butcher is Punisher from Amazing Spider-Man 129 and Soldier Boy calling Hitler a disappointment from the cover of Captain America number one guys when you shop our merch store you not only support our Channel but you also support the consumerism that drives the American dream be an American buy our after last week's brutal beating of Cameron Cole firecracker has now taken his place as host she says are Jewish space lasers brainwashing you into joining their shoes a reference to actual Republican congresswoman marjerie Taylor green Starlight says homelander was seen putting soups together like a an army and I found this line so Eerie because I think it's foreshadowing the war to come and that homelander is indeed preparing for a violent takeover when Newman ultimately betrays him we could even see him use his soups and home teamers to commit a violent Insurrection halting the certification of singer and Newman's election win and I love that Starlight mentions them maybe needing to bring butcher back into the fold because she knows the war is coming and they'll need one of their best soldiers for this fight you want to talk to techit no he's having a federalist Society party tonight now the Federalist Society is a right-wing conservative group that advocates for textualist and originalist interpretations of the Constitution to get into the party they're going to need the help of web weaver now you'll remember our very own Lee Mao caught that this guy was Owen Ryan's video game right here and we heard mention of web weaver here in episode 4 straight up webweaver stiny spider heroin enemies don't come cheat my son when they arrive at web Weaver's apartment we see his place is covered in spider webs just like Peter Parker's room in Tobey Maguire's first Spider-Man movie so you like make your own web fluid in your body like does it just come out of your wrists or does it come out of anywhere else at Tech Knight's Party we meet the Republican speaker of the house and he says might have taken 18 rounds of voting but we got there didn't we a reference to how Republican speaker Kevin McCarthy had to go through 18 rounds of voting before getting his hands on that speaker gavel only to be removed from that post a few months later Tech says Oh Captain My Captain a reference to Dead Poet Society captain my captain Tech Knight also mentions his series the whole truth which we saw commercial for in episode 4 this season and then Tech Knight goes on to brag about his old money old money being very common amongst the mega wealthy that's money that has been herited and passed down through generations getting bigger and bigger and bigger while workingclass people like those that firecracker feel she represents stand no chance of becoming this level of wealthy no matter how hard they work because the system is rigged against them those people Pete those people up there the rich and the powerful they do whatever they want guys like us you and me They Don't Care About Us and firecracker seems to realize this with this facial expression that she gives when Tech Knight essentially says you don't get this from entertainment money Tech Knight then reveals that his family were slave catchers who now run private prisons this line is commenting on the fact that private prisons and our racially biased justice system have essentially established the sense of modern day slavery so it's very fitting that Tech Knight appears to have a picture of a southern gener in his home we get a call back to the boys pilot episode with huie planting bugs in Tech Knight's home just like he planted a bug in vot Tower in season 1 Newman refers to this party as maybe I don't want to be at this CPAC nightmare any more than they want me CPAC being the annual conservative political action conference where prominent conservatives like former president Donald Trump come to speak so in Tech Knight's Library he points out that he has an original copy of beater stoves Uncle Tom's Cabin now this is an anti-slavery book published back in 1852 and is crediting with helping sway public opinion on slavery and leading to the Civil War now from what we know of tech Knight this doesn't exactly seem like the kind of book he would agree with but he may have this rare and expensive copy of this book as a way to Virtue signal that he is not a racist despite the fact that he just bragged about his wealth coming from slave running and private prisons now while homelander is a parody of Superman Tech Knight has seemed to be a parody of Iron Man you know rich guy with a mechanized suit but with his estate and secret Hideway elevator that goes down to his super cave we're getting Echoes of Bruce Wayne he also has his own Alfred come on Robin to the Batcave we haven't one moment to lose back at VA Tower we finally see black noir 2 without his mask and fun fact for you this is the same actor who has played black noir for the entire Series in noir's talk with the Deep we hear him talk about how he gets his rocks off from hurting and killing people violence is power reminding us that the Deep definitely won't be one of those to flip on homelander he will be part of his army despite homelander mistreatment of the deep he is too cowardly to ever stand up to him and he's a genuinely terrible person now back at the party we hear the speaker spewing some nonsense about abortion bans and I absolutely love this Daydream of Newman blowing up her own head it echoes homelanders dreams about lasering down that crowd of people at Newman's rally but it once again shows that she's different from homelander homelander imagined killing others while Newman imagines killing herself yes she's a correct politician but she is more aligned with starlighter than home teamers and this conversation with the speaker is foreshadowing how uncomfortable she's going to be associating with at that side of the aisle when Newman says I just had abortion man Blain to me by a guy who refuses to be alone with any woman who was in his wife this is a reference to former vice president Mike Pence and how he refused to be alone with the woman without his wife present we also learned that sister Sage's grandmother was a black panther the doctors didn't care about saving some old ex- black panther and they told my parents there was nothing to be done now I can't really get a read on Sage she obviously doesn't agree with the home teamer politics mean she's too smart but she is eerily hungry for power so I think that it's still up in the air on whether or not she'll stick with homelander or ultimately betray him or he may betray her after she embarrassed him during his pitch to these Elites and after this conversation between sage and Newman cuz you remember what it's like being a little girl who no one listens to I'm starting to lean toward thinking that Sage will join Newman and the boys and their Tak down of homelander this may have even been her plan all along and despite the Milky ending to this episode I think that firecracker may be part of the resistance to take down home as well Colton take it away yeah so don't get me wrong I cannot stand firecracker but I couldn't help but feel a little sorry for in this episode at this fancy party she feels very out of place she doesn't like the fancy food and when she tries to talk to homelander Newman and Sage Sage says this firecracker it's kind of a private conversation but I'm sure the bar has some Sunny D in Ever Clear essentially calling her white trash now I love this scene so much because it's giving great commentary on our current political divide workingclass whites who grew up in poverty have been abandoned by both major political parties and in this episode we see these rich white Elites who totally look down upon their own electorate firecracker on the other hand represents those who have been manipulated by the farri and their Elites like the ones at this party those who have been convinced to vote against their own interest and In This Moment firecracker appears to be realizing that the elites running her party look at her like she's trash and they are just using her to appeal to their base so that they can get the votes to get in power and enact their anti-worker agenda I think that firecracker is slowly but surely realizing that the same purpose that she's been selling to her audience has been sold to her by homelander and these Elites well that and the same commentary on the Betrayal of the working class is continue with these posters we see in the old bot Farms Factory they have anti-worker and anti-union signs posted around the factory such as talking causes accidents and unions can't we can with black noir on the poster and earlier we saw this count this poster that reads don't be a Time Thief and guys I'm surprisingly loving at Train's hero art I never thought I'd be able to forgive him for what he did to hu's late girlfriend Robin especially with how nonchalant he acted about the whole thing but he's really grown on me over these past few seasons and especially this season I mean at TR was crucial for the boys in taking down Stormfront and he's going to play major role in bringing down homelander and you know what if huie can forgive him so can I I forgive you I also really loved how we're seeing at train for the first time in his life see what it's actually like to be a hero when he runs mm to the hospital and that little boy looks at at train in amazement I think that at train just for the first time in his life knew what it meant to actually save someone and to feel like a real hero so when homelander gathers the oligarch darks into this room for their special little meeting about taking down president alect singer he uses some of his stereotypical right-wing talking points that he's used before to rile up his base before singer replaces us with a bunch of transgender illegals that will do everything save the boogeyman for the idiots watching vnn and I loved how that lady shut him down showing us once again that the elites are fully aware of what they're doing they use these scare words that are created in think tanks so that they can enrage and manipulate their base to get fired up and hand over for control once again echoing the theme with firecracker realizing that she is nothing but a pawn in this game homelander soon realizes that he can't manipulate these people like he does the Sheep who follow him now if you think back to season 3 homelander thought he could replace Stan Edgar as CEO but he soon realized that he wasn't really equipped to serve as an actual leader of a corporation with the changes around here our EA margins will drop a tiny bit how do you want to handle that on the ear news call hello my this embarrassed homelander the same way that we're seeing him embarrass now but it also made him realize that he needs confident people on his side who will tell him when he's wrong and not just Copans surrounded by siant and fing imiles it's just that you make a lot of really great points sir deep homelander trust Sage to be that person but when Newman steps in and saves his presentation homelander has a look of jealousy and humiliation on his face he doesn't like being overshadowed when Newman gives her speech we hear her mention AOC look I'm sure you're all wondering why I'm here tonight instead instead ofing out AOC while shouting defund the police up now I thought it was really interesting to learn that congresswoman Alexandri oio Cortez actually exists in this universe because Newman is supposed to be a parody of that congresswoman didn't you love that little Walk Like an Egyptian dance you did online so fun Newman shows in this speech that she is very talented at telling people what they want to hear there are no Nations there's Apple Exxon and Burkshire halfway corporations are the real superpowers here her claimed that democ was never what the founders intended was once again playing into the theme of an elite VI controlling the masses the masses which these Elite view as stupid unimportant and laborers for their empire down in Tech Knight's Sex Dungeon we see huie and the Gang sending some contributions from Tech Knight's bank account to leftwing causes there was 40 million to Progressive Senator Elizabeth Warren 100 million to Black lives matter and 65 million to the Innocence Project a nonprofit that works to use DNA evidence to free people who were wrongly imprisoned and speaking of wrongful imprisonment this is where things get scary homelander has been working with tech Knight to use his private prisons to contain anyone who descents from his rule essentially these would be internment camps homelander and Sage they they need places across the country to put their dissidents he's talking about interment camps now interment camps are something that have been feared by both the right and the left right- Wingers have long stated that Democrats want to round up all the trumpers and put them in camps Donald Trump and speakers on The Fringe right have also used some rhetoric in the past suggesting that anyone who doesn't agree with their patriotic Mission would need to be dealt with leading some on the far left to fear that they two would be put in camps if there were some kind of tyrannical takeover they're crazy it's like everything everywhere is going crazy so we don't go out anymore we learned that web Weaver's safe word was Zenda which is of course hilarious because web weaver is a parody of Spider-Man and Zena plays the mcu's MJ at the facility where Frenchie is being held we see this poster in the waiting room that reads remember if you've done nothing wrong then you have nothing to hide and it has a creepy picture of homelander on it this poster implies two things one homelander is always watching which has been a recurring theme throughout the series with characters being too afraid to even talk too loud for fear that homelander might hear them as well as how the threat of homelander is always present and motivating every decision we see the boys make this poster could also be commenting on surveillance and the nanny state where for example police or other government agencies May infringe on privacy rights to keep the peace and they'd use the argument that if you're innocent then you have nothing to hide but the Counterpoint to this argument is that regardless you should be entitled to your privacy okay so now things get weird but hey it wouldn't be the boys if it didn't homelander was of course obsessed with mine still well who also breastfed him taking advantage of his serious mommy issues firecracker however isn't pregnant whereas still will had just had a baby and I love how homelander was able to tell just by peering inside of her that she wasn't pregnant just like he peered into butcher in the first episode this season you're not pregnant there's a a long Reg many and drugs a person can take to make it happen so butcher wants Samir to create a strong enough virus to bring down homelander but a virus strong enough to do that would result in a soup genocide now a few seasons back this type of virus would have been something that butcher longed for up until very recently he's had the mentality that all soups are bad but now butcher has become close with characters like Kimo and starlight and of course he's very close with Ryan we're seeing butcher have an identity crisis both literally and figuratively as to which butcher he wants to be and I think closure with Becca and his Embrace of Ryan and the boys as his family have really helped with his mental state but this veed up cancer Beast inside of him has adopted all of his old and cruel mentalities of that wartime Butcher and has created an inner Beast that butcher is going to have to defeat I know you shut youring CLE and oh my God was this reveal epic I mean we've kind of assumed this is where they were going butcher has already been hallucinating Becca who represents his better nature and sympathetic side and it just made sense for Kesler to be another figment of his imagination but when we see Kesler turn and tell Becca to shut up oh my God brilliant this was the perfect way to reveal that Kessler existed within butcher's own mind you can see her but that he is in his own way a separate entity The Entity of the Ved up cancer cells and I personally just feel like this reveal that butcher is in a battle with his own self perfectly symbolizes every character in this show homelander Starlight Kimo mm huie ATR Newman firecracker all of these characters are having their own identity crisis home homelander is struggling to know what kind of father he needs to be to Ryan Starlight is stuck between being Annie January and her soup self Starlight and we're seeing that Amplified with her struggle to use her powers Kimo has been battling her own past since season 1 and trying to convince herself that she is not the monster or the weapon that she was made to be mm is always combating his OCD Huey is learning to balance his need for attachment with the importance of Letting Go a train is trying to decide what kind of hero he wants to be Newman is divided between obtaining power or doing the right thing in by her morals and Frenchie is sitting in jail because he can no longer live with the terrible things he did in his past and firecracker well she may be stupid but she's not dumb I can handle things I'm smart she knows she's on the wrong side of this fight but now she has to decide if that's where she wants to be so guys big shout out to the writer of this video Colton Ogburn the guy who's trapped eternally in our television but doesn't know it so please don't tell him you can find his Social Links below and those are all the Easter eggs that we caught in this episode if you caught any let us know in the comments or at me on Twitter and if it's your first time here welcome to the channel Please Subscribe and smash that Bell for alerts for screen Crush I'm Ryan AR [Music]
Channel: ScreenCrush
Views: 251,912
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the boys, screencrush, heavy spoilers, New rockstars, the boys season 4 episode 6, the boys season 4 episode 6 trailer, the boys season 4, the boys reaction, the boys season 4 episode 5, the boys season 4 trailer, the boys gaming, teh boys, the boys episode 6, the boys trailer, the boys vr, the boys season 4 epsiode 6, the boys diabolical, teh boys season 4, teh boys season 4 epsiode 6
Id: IBkVebB81Qs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 18sec (1338 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 04 2024
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