THE BOOK OF ESTHER pt2 - Apostle Joshua Selman || Feast of Esther 20211 recommended sermon

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we thank you for this opportunity again that you have provided to sit to learn to grow to receive we declare that our hearts are opened in the name of jesus and father we declare again that this morning there is the hearing of faith and the walking of miracles lord we decree and declare that your word will come with power and it will be a defying to our spirit in jesus name i pray amen will you bless let's honor personalia amazing amazing man of god god bless you sir please before you sit would you help me again to honor the man of god the angel over this house and his adorable wife god bless you sir god bless you fully honor you praise the lord i honor every every distinguished personality in this place may the lord increase you in jesus name please be seated i'll be up here only for a few minutes but then i pray that within this time that we have together the lord will speak to us and the lord will challenge us in the name of jesus we began to explore the book of esther yesterday to examine the various principles that esther engaged to rise from the backside of the mountain right to the palace and to be able to preserve god's people and we examined the subject of honor yesterday please i like for you to get the tapes if you were not here yesterday make an effort i believe there should be a system to access that get the teaching and listen very powerfully there are teachings that that bring very definite praise the lord it's not one of those things you add to your knowledge is a very very important subject to understand psalms 1013 psalms 102 and verse 13 his projected then would just read in concert if you have it and you can see it let's read together please one to read thou shall arise and have mercy upon zion for the time to favor her yeah the set time is come one more time if you believe this is for you i like you to read it convincingly thou shall arise and have mercy upon zion for the time exodus chapter 3 please and verse 21 my god this is for someone this morning exodus chapter 3 and verse 21 please let's read one to read and i will give these people favor in the sight of the egyptians and it shall come to pass that when ye go ye shall not go empty who is god speaking to this morning that i will give these people favor in the sight of the egyptians and the proof that i gave them favor is that as they go they will not go empty father bless us this morning in the name of jesus please sit the bible says the things that were written are full time they were for our learning so that we through the comfort of scripture may find hope that means that one of the systems allocated for our growth is to study the dealings of god in the past how he lifted people how he restored people how he opened doors so that we can study what they did and also engage and then likewise receive the results that we so desire this morning very briefly we're going to be looking at the second key that esther engaged the first was honor and let me just do a quick recap i said yesterday that the honor is the discerning the celebrating and if need be the rewarding of an individual as a measure of their usefulness in your life are we together now that honor is a key that can open any door every door closes because of dishonor this honor to god dishonor to men and dishonor to principles please pay attention this is true everything was correct in the palace minors dishonor the palace was almost dividing the chariots were still there the wealth in the treasury was still there the servants were still there but one woman communicating dishonor was about to divide 127 provinces there's no telling how far the disaster that dishonor can produce in the life of an individual i did say yesterday that it's not enough to be gifted to be skilled it's not enough to have the intellectual wherewithal it is important this is the world of men it's not enough to honor god you must honor men praise the lord yes so honor transited the young village girl called hadassah to become queen the second key that we see there and would just build on that very briefly this morning is favor please say favor one more time say favor the number one reason people succeed in life is favor it is true but i want to make an adjustment very quickly this morning because i think there has been what i would call an observation in the way a mana favor is taught the very definition of favor that has been communicated to people is the reason why they never experience it for starters let me tell you favor never happens just once if it happened just once it is breakthrough not favor favor is predictable repeatable under any circumstance praise the lord it says thou shall arise and have mercy upon zion for the time to favor her yet the sad time is come hallelujah the mainstream definition of favor is unmerited access i agree but broadly speaking i disagree i disagree because favor like love and wisdom has dimensions and only one of the dimension of favor should be seen as unmerited access and that is favor when you are dealing with the saving grace the saving grace that was communicated in the substitutionary sacrifice of jesus christ it is unmerited we receive by faith nothing can be added nothing can be subtracted i agree but every other dimension of favor in this kingdom is merited please listen it is important the proposition that all the dimensions of favor are unmerited will leave us in utter frustration favor is a reaction it can be programmed there are exact things you do that culminates to favor proverbs chapter 13 please and 15 if we have it quickly let's just read it read it with me if you're a christian and you believe the bible proverbs chapter 13 and verse 15. one to read please good understanding give it favor but the way of transgressors is hard the bible talks about two pregnant women here the two pregnant women the first woman is called good understanding she's a woman and has a womb and the other woman is called transgression also a woman that both women can give birth and that good understanding can give birth to a baby and the name of the baby is favor and that transgression can also give back to a baby and the name of the baby is hardship a transgressor is not a sinner a transgressor is not an unbeliever a transgressor is a consistent violator of god's ordinances and that can happen even if you are born again and the bible says you will continue to program the betting of an experience called hardship this is true spiritually this is true politically this is true intellectually and so on and so forth favor is programmable and the mother that gives birth to favor is good understanding there is an exact belief construction that you can have and it can birth favor in your life again and again praise the lord the bible lets us know that when vashti was banished the king decided to gather all the young virgins and the cousin of this man who sat at the gate mordecai he decided to give his cousin a chance to see if per adventure the king would find interest in her are we still together and then the bible says that hey guy i'm just rushing because i don't want us to spend time looking from scripture to scripture and hadassah is also brought together with the virgins the bible says they were kept under the custody of a man called hagai the keeper of the king's virgins and all the women were giving everything that they wanted to adorn themselves to look as presentable as possible and then the bible tells us very surprisingly if you would give us please esther chapter 2 and verse 15. esther chapter 2 and verse 15. esther chapter 2 and verse 15 esther chapter 2 and verse 15. the bible tells us that now when the tone of esther the daughter of abihai the uncle of mordecai who had taken her for his daughter was come to go on to the king she required nothing but what hagai the king's chamberlain the keeper of the women appointed go on please and esther obtained faithful in the sight of all them who looked upon her now look at this it looks like a charm for as long as your eye made contact with esther you were compelled to favor her it's a grace that a village girl stands in the midst of many other people and whoever looked at her had an interest in her ah what betides a man who is alive in our day without the grace for favor i tell you sincerely life will be hard nobody loves you by default it takes a grace to make men interested in your issue there is a grace that can make men isolate their own concerns and zoom their interest towards you he say grace people are too busy for you to attract that level of commitment from them there is a grace that must come from heaven that can compel a man to be desired that people go out of their way as though under an influence verse 17 same esther chapter 2 and verse 17. and the king my god loved esther above all the women before esther arrived he was considering others this is wonderful and when esther showed up the king loved esther above all the women and she obtained grace and favor in his sight more than all the virgins what was the reward so that he set the royal crown upon her head and made her queen instead of vashti the mystery the enthroning power of favor all through scripture we see how that men found favor with god was it not for 430 years the bible records that the nation of israel were under the captivity of the egyptians to the point that pharaoh would not even give them straw and in one night please say one night favor her speedo that you can see a man today and turn and turn back and not identify the person again because the favor of god has transcended the person this is true this is true it's not just a church talk i tell you when the grace for favor comes upon your life you will join those clapping for you to stand in wonder and say god i know you can move but what is this when the lord turn again the captivity of zion the bible says we were like them that dream and so said they among the hidden the lord had done great things for us i came this morning to share this scripture and to trust that god will put something upon our lives this morning that was when we step out of this place you see remember i told you yesterday that nothing comes from god to men directly everything comes from god through men to men and everything leaves you from satan to men from men or if i would use that expression nothing will come from god to you directly including salvation it will come from god to a man to a man so if god says yes and the man in the middle the answer for you will still be no it takes both god and the man to say yes for your destiny to say yes praise the lord favor favor a man began to plot the the annihilation of the jews and he obtained permission from the king promising to give him some money in return and then the report got to esther and mother kai had encouraged her stand up and go and advocate for us but she was afraid because traditionally you would not enter into the king's inner chamber without his invitation and if he did not lift his golden censor the price the penalty was death are we together and now esther was about to take to make a very costly sacrifice then she says please declare first all of us let me take the risk of going to the king if i perish i perish and then the bible says that esther stands before the king and then the king not only leaves his golden censer but then he says what do you desire that up to half of my kingdom i will give to you the king was willing to divide his province into two on account of a woman who obtained favor from the lord life is not hard when you have favor hallelujah eventually she beckons on the king to come and dine again and again and again and then in the process of the dining she reveals that her man is the traitor the enemy that would want to destroy the jews and then you know the story he ends up hanging in the same gallows that he created notice in the entire book of esther there was no record of war with the sword only two instruments were used to both lift people and create a system of defense honor and favor it is not always about fighting with amory honor is a weapon favor is a weapon hallelujah scattered here this morning i believe are people who desire higher levels of favor if everyone were to write a request here most of the requests will be favor dependent you are trusting that god will touch the heart of a king in the heart of a noble the heart of someone to watch you and i am telling you this you've heard me say it again and again that everybody who blesses you has relatives who are also in need whatever will make him leave them and come to you must be supernatural that a few men saw a man who was crippled and insisted that today you must be healed and they were willing to tear the zinc and take the risk and brought a man down it's not enough to be sincere it's not even enough to just be godly there is a grace for favor the proof of favor is not money the proof of favor is the willingness for men to help you if all you have is money you are not favored the real proof of favor is the loyalty of men to your needs and this morning i believe with all my heart that it will take favor to move us from where we are to the next level it will take favor to see the fulfillment of everything that god has said in my life and in ministry i have seen very gifted people because i have learned by experience that truly the race is not to the swift and that the battle is not to the strong that wealth is not only or always to them who are wise when god's favor comes upon you it will look unfair but that's just how it works in one day a man's life can change and you will be amazed that that day can be today that a man's life can change did you know that most things we pray for are already on earth but they are in the hands of men whoever holds what you need must love you to give you but it will take god my assignment is simple this morning for someone who has been stagnated in one position could be a family could be financially could be spiritually could be in your career your business politics and government let me tell you nothing beats the power of true favor favor and the king sent for joseph and they brought him out of his dungeon there are times you don't have the influence at the gates you need somebody already at the gates to speak for you you may never have the opportunity to make your demands at the gate you will depend on the favor of those who are the gates my prayer all the time is lord who are you about to lift may i hold the hands of that person while we rise it is powerful to discern who is the next person god is about to lift there are people who left people two minutes before they are lifting one day before they are lifting one year before they are lifting may you not be like that may god surround your life with people he's about to lift because you can be blessed by association the easiest way to be blessed is through relationships god called abraham alone lord said i'm not you wouldn't go alone and lot went with him and lord increased when lord left abraham he went down to that means it was not anything he did on his own the power of association i come from the north and territorially speaking i've said it again and again that this region has a lot of um a lot of what would i call it now a sense of empathy you can have people rally around you to encourage you to rise it is not necessarily so where i come from you can have that that moral that that humane participation but they may not have the where without to leave the man so at that point you need favor exclusively because you can come out from a region where there is no basic advantage whatsoever i am a product of what the favor of god can do and my assignment is that for someone who truly believes maybe maybe the first and the only one even from your family that if you can receive this grace today i tell you the truth in the name of the lord god of heaven your life will be a marvel even to you [Music] [Applause] i've heard a lot of people say but this is unfair i'm better than this person unfortunately life does not work like that it is what is on you that governs what is around you esther obtained favor esther defended the course of the gospel by preserving the jews otherwise there would be no jesus there would be no salvation there would be no redemption a woman not a prophet not a king not a warrior are we ready to pray i don't know how you are going to pray this morning but find a way of crying to say oh god at such a time as this arise and bring favor to my life bring favor to my career bring favor to my destiny are there people who can pray here lift your voice and pray pray passionately and pray truthfully i will give this people favor before the egyptians and it shall come to pass that when ye go ye will not go empty emptiness is proof of lack of favor pray pray for your children if not for yourself pray for your business pray for your career a woman loses favor and in 24 hours she leaves the king's palace never to return again a village girl finds favor and within this short time she is seated with royalty grant me favor oh god in this season thou shall arise and have mercy for the time to faith of it the time to favor me is someone praying you are in church this morning the time to favor me don't say i have an uncle who likes me don't say i have a friend who likes me no man can give you what god has not given you hallelujah listen let's listen let me tell you this while it is true that all blessings come through men god must direct them to bless you if god does not place it in the half any man you can watch your needs in the heart of a man there are people here it is one signature that can change your life but for decades the byro is in his hands what will not sign it takes favor it takes more than desire it takes more than lopping just because you know a and b and c does not guarantee help he says i will lift up my eyes onto the heels and he says from whence connect my health my help he says comes from the lord the maker of the heavens and the earth some may trust in horses he says and some may trust in chariots but we will trust in the name of god i'd like you to pray a prayer and say lord who is the next destiny helper cause them to show up in this season whether they be in lagos the name that is above all names i pray i pray who has been anointed in this season to be part of my success who has been anointed by god to be part of my growth who has been anointed to advocate my preservation to what forget my establishment who has been anointed to see that i remain in honor is someone praying this morning [Music] help the gift of man send help send help to my career send help to my ministry hallelujah hallelujah i'm rounding up in second kingston there chapter five the bible talks about a man called naman he says he was the captain of the syrian army and the bible says he was a valiant man but but excelling in a level but he was leprous and one day one of the captives a young slave girl you must pray for discernment because sometimes your helpers don't look like helpers until you see what their help does who would have known that the destiny of a warrior was tied in a slave girl she said all that my king would happen to me that you would go down there is a prophet and they sent a letter to the king and the king said oh my god you are looking for trouble elisha heard about it and he said let naman come and know that there is a prophet in israel when he came he told him go and wash in the jordan seven times it takes humility to receive from destiny helpers because sometimes the instructions are equal stinging he said there are many other rivers and elijah did not see a need to repeat himself and the young slave girl again pleaded with him and said i know this man if he speaks believe him and he went and himself one two three four five six and that man was healed you may have excelled in a level maybe in career but is that the best there may be an area and that area that is wanting is where you will need the favor of god in this season i'd like you to pray and say lord give me discernment the eyes to see the eyes to see the people who will be used by you to lift me [Music] please pray for rounding up this morning god you must pray he gathered us by his spirit to help us [Music] [Music] [Music] hallelujah hallelujah the body of the son of the living god jesus is hanging on that tree no man has the courage to talk to caesar to release that body because there are times that it takes influence for your voice to be amplified and nobody none of the disciples they had the desire but not the influence and then a man of influence called joseph of arimathea went to meet the king and said i demand let me tell you not every voice can open your door influence is powerful is it all right if you cry that god will send one man of true influence into your life in this season please leave your voice don't reject influence don't fight it you will fight it to your period send men of influence oh god to my life and to my destiny send a man to my destiny that has the credibility that has the leverage that has the voice to advocate my lifting send the josephs of arimathea to my life hallelujah [Music] final scripture the bible talks to us about a very strange man in the bible called mephibosheth have you read about such a man and the bible says that at his birth the midwife made a mistake it was not his fault or as a result of another man's mistake someone is suffering there are times that you are in positions that have nothing to do with you but in any case you are now a victim of that situation is there a system where god can build such men out the bible says that one time that david looks at this man and falls in love with him he says is there any man in the house of saul that i may show him kindness where they're not other people then they carry a weaker god they carry a weak man to the king do you know that deformities and imperfections are not allowed within the palace historically and yet he said this man you will not only die with me once i told you favor does not happen just once it says from today this will be your place you will stay here apostle is not my fault how i came it's not my fault the issue i'm in now i didn't know anything about it i was just walking in a bank and they said some money was missing and all of us are about to leave i know it's not your fault but then the system requires that you also be punished unless favor bails you out can we pray lord i may not have the strength on my own but please may someone like me enough to arise for me in this season please leave your voice and pray you will be surprised at the testimonies that arise from this someone must be interested in your life and your situation enough [Music] hallelujah hallelujah please listen while standing let me just tell you three ways to activate favor in your life number one is by sowing seeds of honor you activate favor by sowing honor you are not entitled to favor from anybody you detest reject or trivialize you must have the humility to show honor is proof of wisdom can you adapt to the complexity of men so that you can receive the blessing that comes with them oh no number two you can pray favor provoking prayers like we have been doing you can actually pray your way into a realm of favor number three the third way to activate favor is by receiving what i call the esta anointing there is a grace that comes and that through prophecy one scripture and i pray for you and i'm on my seat ezra chapter 6 and verse 14 please never forget this scripture it's a scripture the lord showed me and it changed my life please read with me if you're a christian is projected let's save time one to read and the elders of the jews build it uh-huh and they prospered through the prophesying of hey guy the prophet and zechariah the son of idol and they build it and finished it stop there is one thing to build is another thing to prosper is another thing to finish they prosper through the prophesying of two strange prophets hekai the prophet and zechariah the son of idol prophecy is powerful he says i'm by a prophet the lord brought israel out of egypt and by a prophet where they preserved it says believe in the lord your god you see unbelievers know this they do everything they have to do and they know there must be a spiritual advantage and so they will resort to dark powers to cap up everything if all your effort ends in this three-dimensional realm you will be frustrated there is a dimension of the prophetic that must supply stability to your life it is true every time there was chaos and disarray the prophetic came speak to the dry bones speak to the act said that speak to it i want to pray in one minute and please i want you to believe there is nothing a man concept it is given to him from god we stand as ministers privileged keywords of the mysteries of the kingdom but let me admit to you with all humility that when god gives you something you have it it doesn't matter whether you when you have it you have it if you do not have it you do not have it you know you have it by the results that show father in the name of jesus christ who is the son of the living god i stand here this morning in the presence of mighty servants of god in the presence of captains of industry in the presence of political veterans in the presence of men and women who have tasted of your grace and i stand by the privilege of your grace according to the measure of grace you have supplied i speak to everyone under the sound of my voice rise to a new level of results rise to a new level of results i prophesy in the name of jesus i join my faith with the faith of our father the overseer of this great ministry and i declare for someone here let today be the season of your rising for someone here let today be the season of your restoration for someone here let today be the season of your lifting in the name of jesus i declare any door that has refused to open i stand by the power of prophecy and in the name of jesus i speak to that door effector be open now be open now be open now and the book of remembrance was brought before king ahazarov and when that book was opened he said did this and that what reward has been giving him listen there are some of you who are being good to people and they have forgotten you i stand by the grace of god this morning and i command remembrance on your issue i declare remembrance over your issue in the mighty name of jesus when joseph interpreted the dream of the wine presser he pleaded with him when you go back don't forget me and he forgot him for two years it takes god to make those who have helped to remember you i pray for you whatever has made them to forget you in this season in this season may god cause them to remember you for good please hear me do you know that mother kind according to scripture consulted with dark powers and define us to know the exact date to kill the jews he didn't just strike any day [Music] please believe it that there are arrows that fly by day and there is the noise from pestilence the destruction that wasted in noonday that there are men that rise just when your blessing is coming you come down zechariah chapter one when you read verse 18 he said what see a style and he said four horns he said these are the horns that have lifted up themselves against jerusalem against judah so that no man will lift up his head he said what i have sent for carpenters i have come this morning as a privileged carpenter that any power sitting on anyone's destiny in the name of the god of heaven the god of jesus ron i command that they leave your destiny now [Music] [Music] i declare finally first for our mothers and the women in this church and then for the members in this church and then for all our guests and our visitors that in the name of jesus whatever represents an expectation because of our activity today we may not have the time to minister and prophesy to people individually and i apologize we have to honor the time and allow other activities happen but i agree in the name of jesus that everything that has represented your request if it brought tears from your eyes then you must cry again for joy if it ever brought tears of sorrow then i declare you will cry again for these times for joy in the name of jesus christ father we give you all the praise in the name of jesus christ let it be done we establish it and we declare that the favor that is upon our lives now will shift us and the testimonies will prove that we received something this morning in the name of jesus give jesus you
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Rating: 4.8860397 out of 5
Id: 9Jp1fLiXM8c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 20sec (2540 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 23 2021
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