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[Music] the first thing we do with seasons of opportunity is that we use them to build capacity your first assignment during seasons of plenty during seasons of abundance during seasons of ease is capacity second kings chapter four when you read from verse one to six this was a story of the wife of the sons of the prophet remember the it took the union of the vessel and the oil for profits to come oil alone does not give profit it is oil with plenty vessels that is equal to profit if you have great oil and small vessel you will still be poor the woman had oil in their house but the vessel was small when you have seasons of opportunity seasons of health seasons of youthfulness seasons where your destiny helpers are around maximize those seasons to build capacity spiritual capacity intellectual capacity use these seasons to build capacity are we learning so that's the first thing we do with seasons of opportunity number one build capacity your prayer life your word life your time with god because you see there are responsibilities that leadership of all sorts will bring into your life that may not allow you the convenience to do certain things with the liberty you had to do before again hallelujah number two what do you do with these seasons the seven your seven years of abundance your seven years of fatness the second thing you do is build quality relationships build quality relationships that's what we do with these seasons build quality relationships ecclesiastes chapter 4 please let's hurry up we read from verse 9 nine to twelve ecclesiastes chapter four build relationships here's what the bible says two are better than one because they have a good reward for their label so the two people must not be lazy the bible says two of them have labor is that true it says for if they fall one will lift up his fellow but woe to him that is alone when he fall it for he hath not another to help him up again if two lie together they have hit but how can one be warm alone 12 and if one prevail against him two shall withstand him and a threefold cord is not easily broken can i tell you during your seasons of plenty your seven years of plenty that is the time to pray in the spirit and say lord bring destiny relationships to my life bring quality people who love me because of me quality people who are not just looking for money or titles our world is full of people who prey on you and climb you like ladders to where they want to go you need quality people can i tell you this war betides a man who is full of men but does not have relationships how many people today have stepped into their dark days and their dark moments and there's almost no one look at jesus your jesus my jesus when jesus was on his way to god got a question where were all the people who received miracles from his crusade those who had five thousand um um five loaf and two fish where were they where were all the women who were singing his praises hosanna blessed is he who comes in the name of the lord where were even his disciples they ran away paul so run away paul called a small girl woman because he was running away from jesus i mean peter peter you look like you have no no no no i have not been with him it was only john that stayed when jesus was on the cross do not let circumstances choose your relationships choose your relationships with understanding sit down with the word and with the spirit of wisdom and ask yourself what kind of destiny do i desire will well betides any man when you are in moments i've taught you this about relationships that were in bad days and seasons in your life and there is nobody to call you to say i hear you just lost this election but we are standing by you we love you genuinely i hear you just lost money one billion naira just disappeared can i tell you if you need food provided i am alive your children will not beg for food i will keep paying their school fees till you recover can i tell you not everybody is greedy there are sincere people they are hard to find but pay the price to find them let me ask you an honest question the first time i taught this message i asked that question and i want to ask it now is there someone right now as you're looking at me is there someone in your life you can honestly call for help no matter what time of the day or night and they will get up and respond to you if you don't have such a person your life is in danger now i am telling you apostle i am what they call that thing where people like you um they like you uh oh dear i can't remember it now no no it's not photogenic photogenic is camera yes yes psycho fans i there's something in me that makes everybody like me think again let me tell you think again men are selfish when you look like a ladder you will see many of them let them just see you looking like a ladder and here they come ready to climb messlessly there are many of us here right now the reason why you are almost dying of depression is because there is nobody in your life who can stand and say let's pray i came to spend the whole weekend with you because i hear you were believed i cancelled all my programs and you say why did you do that because of love to let you know there are still genuine people genuine people ask us they are like gold pay the price to find them early is someone learning now i tell you if you have the wealth of men genuine men who love jesus and love you you are wealthy indeed yes there are people today who may not have connections they may not have educational qualifications but god has honored them with the gift of men they can call and say please i don't mean to insult you but there is someone who is sick and they say for you i'm on my way coming do you know your name can be a key or a padlock your lifetime is what decides it there are people today who have changed their names because if they ever tell people they are carrying that surname they will say which one mention the name again that other one where was in 1971 to 1975 oh he walked with railway go out of my office and you you just refresh a painful wound and something that was a key becomes a padlock i forbid your name from becoming a padlock is someone learning tonight yes build relationships powerful relationships i may not have the school fees to pay for my child and someone says over my dead body i remember what you did for me in 1981 and i vowed that for as long as i'm alive there are people who have gone to be with the lord today but they went to be with the lord smiling because they saw people standing before them that they knew will make sure their children don't cry and they say i will live in peace because i know that someone will be there to defend me there are people who is not the fear of death that makes them cry is the fact that they know that if they if this if their breath seizes today they will shred their entire names and their families into pieces please like what i'm sharing i'm teaching you by the spirit this is what we gain when we come to the house of god so all the people you are insulting in your office because you have money all the people you are insulting around for us young people who are insulting fathers insulting everybody i give you a i don't know if it's a good or bad news but it's a news it's serious news that one day one day you will rip from that seed you are sewing there are people today who are not supposed to have certain jobs but just because they mentioned this you know this man let me tell you in social social years and a job interview becomes a long story and after you talk to the person say by the way where are you staying since i honestly assume i just came to abuja i don't even know the name of the area where i am and the person says go and get him a place at my cost and you see the person and say i hope you are doing things correctly i'm reaping from the benefits of someone's relationship be careful how you treat people be careful how you treat people be careful how you treat people one day the person you are looking down on you will open the door of an office and see him sitting down and you say welcome you can be seated because from here you are going to prison straight straight giving minerals as soon as you are done you are going to prison straight i know we are laughing but i hope we are hearing what god is saying because god is speaking there are many people today who are surrounded by men and women who can help them can i tell you when you find out that a man is close to many helpers and yet nobody's helping him don't be too quick to conclude that the helpers are bad people ask questions what happened what happened why are you surrounded by people who can open doors for you and yet everyone ignores you could it be that you are ripping the harvest of the seeds you so gallantly sowed i made up my mind that i do not want in my lifetime let it never be that one day you mentioned joshua salman and someone says no i intended blessing you but now that you have mentioned this name walk out of here now politicians one day you will not be in that office man of god whether jesus comes or you meet him in any case you are going to move that for sure father mother the baby you not treat anyhow will be the one to take care of you in old age when seasons change young boy learn to be responsible now they will not give you money every day a day will come your father will say at your age i was already out go out of my house now and prove make full proof of your ministry maximize relationships are we learning so i i asked a question that was what led me into this discussion is there somebody in your life today who you can call and he can stand with you in prayer is there someone in your life today who you can open the secrets of your destiny and still go back and sleep with two eyes closed that you can tell the person our family is going through an attack now and the person says over my dead body as for me and my my wife and my children be sure that we are awake praying for you we will pray till breakthrough comes they will pray ourselves their own child that is going to hell do you have such people in your life will be tight a man who is alone when the seasons come the bible the bible gives us a very interesting rendition there's no time for that now to to check that but you would have read about a man in scripture who heard that his boss was going to drive him away when he heard that his boss would drive him away he called all the people who were owing the bus how much do you owe let me reduce something note my face note my face and when the boss drove him he called them he said where are you people i scratched your back and said oh yeah my back is crushing me now even though the reason for relationship should not be selfishness should be that you love them genuinely you have to go and pray this night and say lord give me the gift of destiny covenant friends i'm tired of general relationships oh really you don't have a child two years no child i'm fasting and praying with you we are getting into this together no no don't worry i'll hand them no way when people love you just because of money or anointing opposition and most people will that's that will be the basis can i tell you this when people are clapping for you before you receive it look well who is clapping because some people are clapping for themselves to you oh i'm happy that my money bank is still alive you are healthy are you okay because i'm about to ask you for school fees there is a building project that is going on i can't get you pan at all i can sow a seed are you all right what they are saying is my project my fundraiser are you alive the day they roof that house if you like die on that day and many of us need to be discerning because just because people laugh and celebrate you you draw them to the holy of holies of your destiny no put a strict spiritual immigration officer around your life that before you move from outer court to inner court you must pass that test indeed from inner court to the most holy place just because you meet someone and the person loves you i said my god apostle joshua selma you preached so powerfully in five minutes you've told them everything about your life just to let you know that in fact my mother is a witch is an issue we're still dealing with now who asked you look at just five minutes and are you aware that that sure even why i borrowed it to come in fact let's sit down and for five hours you are by the side of your bed discussing things and the person laughs until two two weeks later you find out that the person was actually looking for your enemy is just how he came to you and now you open up several things about your life to your peril so teach us to number our days that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom let people qualify for access to your destiny don't open up the gates of your destiny to just everybody love everybody but don't relate with everybody no association is not by force choose it with respect to god's agenda and your destiny are we together and beware of people who want to be your friends without changing their values be careful if you come to my house and the protocol is to take off your shoes you take off your shoes you see that there are people who want to come with their shoes and sit this is just a parable not doesn't mean literally if i come to your life and i find out that your priority is jesus i must honor jesus and it must remain so i cannot want to create an exemption and yet want to be close to you it doesn't work that way beware of people who do not respect your values and yet want relationships with you they may be sincere but they are dangerous people so number one what do you do with seasons of abundance build capacity number two build relationships number three what do you do during these seasons selflessly invest in blessing and transforming as many lives the third thing you do with these seasons of opportunity your seven years selflessly invest in blessing and transforming as many lives [Music] we see this in the life of david we're about to pray first samuel chapter 22 from verse one and two please first samuel chapter 22 from verse one and two the bible says david therefore departed tense and escaped to the cave of adullam and when his brethren and all his father's house heard it they went there to meet him this was when david was running away from saul look at the caliber of people who came to david and everyone that was in distress and everyone that was in debt and everyone that was discontented they gathered themselves unto him and he became captain over them and they were with him about 400 men can you imagine the level of selflessness it takes to be captain over these people you are you can't expect anything in return from these people people who were distressed people who were in debt people who were already disenfranchised and now he became captain over them by the time we get to second samwell chapter 23 second samuel please chapter 23 from verse eight second samuel 23 from verse 8 their names are changed they were no longer weak men these be the names of the mighty man whom david had david on weak men who were in distress weak men who were almost in debt and he transformed them by selflessly investing in them until their names changed to the mighty men that david had the tag monitor sat in the seat chief among the captains watch this he says the same was ardino the s knight he lift up his fair against 800 whom he slew one time what mighty man next verse please and after him was eliza the son of dodo the aohite one of the three mighty men with david when they defied the philistines that were gathered together to battle and the men of israel were gone away next verse please the bible says he arose and smote the philistines until his hand was wary and his hand claimed to his sword and the lord wrote great victory that day and the people returned after him only to the spoil watch this next verse please and after him shaman the son of agi the hara right it says and the philistines were gathered together on onto a troop where was a piece of ground full of lentils and the people fled from the philistines where reading 217 watch this but he stood in the midst of the ground and defended it and slewed the philistines and the lord gave him great victory remember who they were before look what david told them to become and three of the thirty chief went down and came to david in the harvest time in the cave of adullam and the troop of the philistines speeched in the valley of refrain david was then in a hold and of the garrison of the philistines in bethlehem and the bible says david longan said watch this it's good to raise men david said all that i would drink of the pool of the waters of the well of bethlehem which is at the gate and those who he had raised what did you say you said you are tasty you want water from bethlehem watch this and the mighty men break through the host of the philistines and drew water out of the well of bethlehem that was by the gate and took it and brought it to david nevertheless david said you've killed too many people what warriors what did i make you become don't expect loyalty from anybody you did not invest in don't appear in people's future and claim is taking their lives there are many people today who have not invested in building anybody you just gather successful people and you want to claim their lives no sir if you were there during their dark days they will remember you in glory there are politicians who have gotten this right others got it wrong there are men of god who have gotten this right others got it wrong there are parents who have gotten this right others got it wrong may you get it right every opportunity god gives you invest in someone some of them will ignore you some of them will turn back don't worry you will always find faithful people say we remember we have pledged our loyalty just because you are testy they will pull down peoples of leadership visionary leaders do not maintain followers they turn those leaders those followers to lead us and like dr miles will say of blessed memory they will now turn the leaders into agents of change can i tell you this do not allow a generation pass without having your investment represented there some of these children that many of you see and push them in a bit to look for joshua salman they are the next apostles you are pushing mighty men it is my passion that god looking for yourself i'm raising you for myself that's already selfishness that you invest in people selflessly can i tell you this they may ignore you for a while but the reality of your investment will bring them one day they will realize that not everybody is that selfless for someone you can start with your children there are many people but they land them outside so those they are close to are those who fed them intellectually and spiritually and otherwise can i tell you this no matter how anointed i am no matter how blessed i am if i go to someone today in the generation of our fathers like baba devoe even if i remove a human head and fix it back as a miracle they will thank me but they'll be on their way to redemption camp because that is the voice that grew with them the key to transgenerational relevance is don't just impact a generation grow with that generation grow with that generation laboriously invest in the people they may not reward you but invest sincerely a day will come when the presidents of nations will be people who are fruits of your apostleship impulse them sincerely and watch them grow their honor and their lifting is what will keep you up god does not throw people he lifts people everything lifted is lifted because it is connected to the ground no matter how high a skyscraper is it does not float anything that floats in the air will come down number one build capacity number two build strategic destiny relationships number three selflessly invest in blessing and transforming as many lives are possible you're just talking you don't know how many children are brought to my house to raise almost 90 percent of them have become ambrose don't worry you will reap what you sow not where you sowed you can sow in nigeria and rip in u.s is still your harvest one child among the many who will do well will be equivalent to hundred children hallelujah invest in transforming as many i heard a man of god say this it is better to be kind than to be right there are many times you will need to prefer kindness than being right the pressure to prove you are right it is nobler to pursue kindness there are times you are wrong but you are right but you will still fail right does not always mean success right does not always mean victory but kind will always mean victory hallelujah are we learning the final thing and then we pray thank you for your patience what do i do with my seasons of abundance study and carefully follow those who have maintained relevance two seasons study and carefully follow those who have maintained relevance through seasons hebrews chapter 6 and verse 12. did i give you a title for tonight's teaching the law of seasons you may want to write that down the law of seasons it says that ye be not slothful but followers of them who through faith and patience inherits the promise every time i have the honor of speaking to any of our fathers or mentors or senior people whether in ministry in life who have gone ahead of me i don't approach them as apostle joshua salman i go there like a sponge like an ignorant person ready to learn wisdom and my goodness sometimes in five minutes they will tell you something that will define the next 10 years of your life let me give you an advice when you stand before greatness don't contribute listen when you stand don't go and stand before people you know they are all billionaires respectfully speaking you may not have anything yet i'm very quick you are no no he's he's not first bank he's um access bank how much do you have just keep quiet whether you are right or wrong listen and learn you stand before senior fathers of faith and that no no no you made a mistake it's acts chapter two i just read it whenever you stand before greatness minimize contribution be a listener it is the secret of receiving from the great sometimes what they will say they may fail in statistics they may misquote scriptures don't worry adaptation is proof of honor just endure be looking for what they are saying that can bless them how were you able to raise 11 children and the least among them is a professor today my mom may not be able to speak english and your just listen to what she's saying there is a formula that through the frailty of her communication will drop to your hands when you receive it you can change the people can i tell you this every time results are consistent it means they happen by laws consistent results are proof that you have gained mastery show us the ancient past will you lead us a long eternal highway we want to follow the ways of jesus we want to
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Keywords: apostle joshua selman, joshua selman, koinonia, koinoniawatchtv, koinonia watch tv
Id: lA5Z6_QZx3c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 24sec (1824 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 08 2021
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