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I'm going to be exploring the book of Esther for many years the book of Esther has been for me a very very interesting book because in this book we do not find the record of a man of God and priests which is very strange because the character of Scripture is such a regardless of the dispensation you would usually find someone who would represent the voice and the hand of God within the context of that dispensation but Esther is very strange the Bible starts by flaunting the glory of a very strange King called a has arose please follow me the Bible is not careful to show us the length and the breadth of this man's achievement the extent of his greatness that he was a king that exerted dominion over 127 provinces a sin woman I wonder why the Bible would take out the time under rego to be that detailed it was fine enough to say there was once a great king and this man was ahead of 127 provinces that's enough but the Bible goes on to give a meticulously the Bible talks about his princes and all the people that represented his cabinet amen then the same changes the Bible introduces a very strange woman who the Bible admits to be very beautiful called Vashti please follow me the Bible is talking to us about a woman who at that time was his bride called Queen Vashti and the Bible lets us know that she was a woman who was fair to look upon I'm just taking the narrative so that would save time then at a point it was in those days it was very consistent in the character of Kings to organize banquets and invite neighboring Prince's or neighboring kings and to flaunt their glory in their presence they would show them the spoils of war they will show them the treasures of the palace they would call the Oracles to come and you know just captivates the people we just feel and all of that and on this one occasion the king called for a banquet and then while the men were under the influence of the wine and the bounty of the palace on the other side of the palace was Vashti having her own thing she had her own cabinet to and please follow this narrative because there are two things I'll be discussing one today and then the other tomorrow the next major issue the Bible discusses is the dishonor that a woman communicates to the king and the consequence that follows the King calls for Vashti to come and all he wanted to do with her can you imagine that was her heart and just turn around and go around and tell the Kings look take a good look at this woman who is all my wife and the moment Vashti heard that she felt insulted and she believed she was being used and she rebelled she sent a reply go and tell the King Vashti will not go are we together the king is grieved but decides to stay calm very good man and then the elders come together and advise the king as a mr. man we're in trouble it looks like you want to be passive about this issue this woman just showed this honor and she's in a position where anything she does is regarded worthy of emulation The effect of this that she has done is that we need to do likewise are we together so it says do something that will be a warning preserve the honor of the women in your province by you are more interested in the continuity of your province than your personal agenda and the King says that's all right and they threw Vashti away please listen the book of Esther is very interesting because the moment washi is banished then the story takes another switch that there is a man who sat at the gate called MODOK I a Jew am i boring you and then Mordecai took a lead in his custody a village girl to be very very modest and the Bible says that he had no father no mother please follow me and there is an announcement from the palace gather all the virgins in Shushan the king is about to look for another wife and maadha kai summons the courage to bring his little girl who want to look peradventure the King may like you a wicked honor and the rest is history eventually she becomes Queen and then being queen she now becomes very strange the only book in the Bible where the official voice of God and the advance of God interest was not a priest not a prophet not a mighty man warrior but a woman a woman it was because of that woman that the Jews were preserved it was because of that woman the mother time was preserved a woman who did not use a knife and yet Georgia man a woman who did not use a knife and yet restored chaos please follow me there is something powerful you will learn this is why God allowed a woman to be the real actor the first wonder in the book of Esther was the transition to become the wife of Kings in those days where arrogant people they will not only say good we will say you are not beautiful they were they were like gods so what did Esther do precious people of God that would translate this little image girl who dare not stand close to the king's palace but now had gotten favor with the king not only to become his friend what she was willing to divide her kingdom without divorce divide the kingdom without the worthless honor the pastor thank you sir hallelujah amen esta chapter 4 I begin to read from verse 13 and then I'll just share the principle and you pray I hope we're not going to be tired of training this conference I believe in prayer please read verse 13 with me if is projected if you can see it and you're a Christian want to read then Mordecai commanded to answer esta aha think not with thyself that thou shalt escape in the king's house more than all the jews verse 14 for if thou altogether holdest type peace at this stop stop stop don't rush if you hold your peace when and that means this season requires a response Esther if you respond and not that time it will not produce the same effect there is a time Esther and goddess command only respond the letter and the threat of a man I hope you understand the vendetta between a man and me that Mordecai would not bow as a human and a man said no I need absolute loyalty this man threats to the position my exalted position and not only Mordechai he wanted to and he laid every Jew are we together and Mordechai now send word to Esther and Esther wanted to the mystic of Vashti because let me confess the palace and disconnect you with the pain of where you came from to the point that you may not remember that once upon a time you in a position that now exalted God desires that you go back the palace can sow shade the scars of your pain you will forget you in once at the backside and so Esther will say look this is not an issue of urgency I'm Queen leave me and Mordecai said go and tell her don't you forget that you are also a Jew then makes that because what they will not end with us I will together now verse 44 if thou altogether holdest I please when and this I told you about times and seasons that every time and every season Lee who is a response and then he says there then there shall be enlargement and deliverance arise for the Jews from another place but thou and thy father's house shall be destroyed now here's the point please every woman of God here read with me the last what now the clause want to go and who know it whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this Lissa's god bless you who knows whether thou has come to this kingdom for such a time as this alleluia first is banished and there is a vacancy and you know God is totally not interested in anything that he cannot find a window for me to advance his kingdom please listen when you study the Bible historically many other things happen concurrently with the things written in the Bible that were worthy of being recorded some of them were recorded but they were never captured inscription everything captured in Scripture were captured with respect to their contribution to Kingdom advance if God could not find a space in that story where Christ will be revealed it was useless in God's economy whatever promotes Christ is what is interesting it doesn't matter how popular if Christ cannot find a space for himself in any story in any life in any situation it is not what his participation for a long time the issue of the palace was not a concern to God because everybody did not give him space God began to be interested in the palace when there was vacancy because his desire was to find a way to bring the Jews out of captivity there were people who had hopped from one level of captivity to the other notice that the name God was never mentioned until estecado there was nothing in that palace that seemed to honor God and so God - was he not unsilent but the moment he found a vacancy he started now my interest can be promoted and then a little girl gets to the palace and God says finally I've gotten someone who can represent my purposes and through that one woman not a prophet not a king not a priest the only book like I said where a woman played the role of poor the prophetic the Apostolic people without no ordination from anyone she became the voice of God within that land there are two peas that we will learn from the entire book of Esther I studied very carefully the spiritual tools that as I use both for her exaltation and the preservation of God's people and surprisingly I thought I would find so many kids I was shocked to find only two and this is what we are going to be discussing and that whoever will align to possess this case in this season will inevitably reproduce estas dimension of resource uniqueness and amongst usefulness the rewarding the designing of the amongst usefulness the usefulness of a person could be an object is called on to discern this is a phone the ability to discern through students of this phone and the ability to not take it for granted I cannot act like my life with my phone and my life outside my phone is the same that this honor I must acknowledge the role and the ease that this gadget as small as it is contributes to the improvement of my life it can help my efficiency is that true not recently this honor therefore is the trivializing of a man's usefulness this honor is the trivializing of the contribution of a person or an object in your life I'll show you why many people continue to fail this is one of the most powerful spiritual mysteries that the Lord taught me outside of the law of encounter I thank God for the privilege and the access is granted is granted me to the revelatory dimensions of God what I submit to you that if you must have honor there is no power in existence that sustains the ability to clump you down in one position you will live your life as if Satan does not exist it's called honor please pay attention I'll show you why great people do not necessarily rise to the position that befits the sacrifice they have knowledge they have skill they even have God but they have realized the excellency although it's not a ladder is indeed it can turn your life around in a moment in a twinkling of an eye please listen to me in this kingdom who hates you does not matter but who likes you matters please away with that theology that it doesn't matter I don't need men if you are saying that with respect to God's sovereign power you are right but if you are saying that with respect to trivializing the usefulness of men sit back relax and experience the shock that your ignorance will produce the episodes of pain that will come as a result of ignorance to the point that the son is says what is man Lord you have options there are too many things to think about in the throne but in the midst of the worship he thinks of man to the point that is not ashamed to Cheeseman geez he he he his own ashamed to make his vulnerability I mean he shows us how vulnerable and soft spotted he is how dare you trivialize man what is man that thou art mindful of nor the son of man that thou visitest him please learn this and learning forever all blessings come from God through men to you no blessing comes from God to you it looks like it came from God to you even Jesus came from God to men to men all destructions come from Satan two men two men and all blessings with no exception whatsoever if it looked like you had an encounter with God interfacing human God was an intercessor just because you could not see the person another prophetess was in the temple for sixteen years praying down Jesus it was not just Mary an angel Gabriel there was a man in between please landis I want you to leave this conference with something you know that you can activate right here and now and you can turn your life around all together all blessings come from God to men to men it is possible for God to say yes and a man says no the answer in your life will be no believers please listen please listen there it is in the wilderness seeing visions of himself being king God rejects all a scheme a man comes in between consume well as a lot I refuse David is playing the price God already had told him mister man you are next King a prophet stands in between us a God of not allowed this and it's destiny is in the balance waiting for the approval of not God a man and God himself knowing the immutability of the system he built had to come to the man to negotiate is a look son well let's not drag this how long shall you don't delay listen listen don't delay another man's destiny pick up your horn go to the house of Jesse couldn't God bypass Sam well what was the big deal in somewhere says an ignorant Christian was it not because the matter well that the donkey returned back home restoration is true my question is under what condition every possibility in the kingdom is governed by spiritual conditions that make them real in your life just because they are - based on God's Freddie does not mean they will manifest it's gone helping us this morning preston oade oh I will I will the goal is knowledge please listen very carefully I'm strolling you and I hope for some of you and changing your perspectives that your answer the answer to the many prayers continues to move around you are is within your circumference it is the intelligence to understand how to attract that answer to you that the missing link is not your prayer may be the missing link may not even beyond godliness that there is a spiritual weapon that can transmit man from where the backside right to the throne I know you know favor but leafy room we'll discuss it the mother that gives back to favor is called or known until honor is pregnant there is no child called favor if all know is buried one trouble you will never never your first assignment is to pray that Allah can take in when all it takes in begin to rejoice because a child is coming and the name of that child is feeling I cannot know you by myself unless you take over we cannot see this on our own Jesus take over we cannot learn is my ourselves unless you take on Google listen please sit down let me tell you this there are many families here that have the privilege of leverage from the credibility and integrity of their parents and may God bless you maximize it but I'm sure without contradiction that they a few of us here that the only ladder you will have in your life is the ladder that is used to this understanding otherwise you will remain at the backside of Shushan forever please Yemi your growth and your lifting is not just dependent on the will of God his wheels for you is clash not a mystery I know the thoughts that I think towards you 29 and verse 11 Jeremiah saith the Lord they are thoughts of good peace and not of evil to bring you a future and unexpected end are we together it is not it is not we're not in the duck as to God's desire for us to rise to the top because he said in John 15 and verse 80 say herein is my father glorified let me show you how the father takes glory it says when you give much food so then shall ye be my disciples let me interpret that for you it means in your very much food you validate that I mentor you well you're not bearing fruit is an indictment on my mentorship God says let it not be that I did not show you the systems of the kingdom so when you produce result Jesus comes to a tree and finds that tree with green leaves and then no food and it crosses the dream he doesn't exit and help me and cause this tree by himself the same anointing you want was used to cause the tree and in 24 hours the tree went down notice how sad sauce he saw fruitlessness Scotch to someone this morning or no is the reason why you will live where you are to the next level or is the reason why you may remain where you are in spite of the fasting in spite of the prayer I came from a background that did not provide an advantage by default and I knew that if I didn't learn this I will continue to propose things I would never see my life it is painful to propose things that your life cannot capture there is no ladder there is no dimension the next time you are writing streams of income right along when you write realistic right you can any music practice in honor please understand what I'm telling me this is very powerful very powerful especially let me say this respectfully our generation of young people we don't understand honor at all is the reason why we life continues to be hard because transgression is a mother when she gives birth the name of her child is hardship has a science to it proverbs 13 and verse 15 the Bible says good understanding to procure a saver is a sport the way of transgressors is a transgress was not a non-believer a transgressor is a violator of God's system I came fully to charge our hearts so that we will have results that bring glory to the name of the Lord there are many skillful people in this land in this city around this nation and they continue to wonder why they never rise some music ministers some men of God some women of God some Korea people please listen very carefully people continue to have visions and visions of growth in ministry and they wonder why in spite of all the machinery that they put in place they add every other thing to the ingredient except on what everything in the palace miners are not produced the king is still on his throne his servants still loyal to him the chariot still in place the treasure house still full of gold and honor is extracted from a palace for one day and the palace is almost in trouble King what has been happening in your life everything - honor degree - oh no TRAI - oh no is God speaking to us annoys them designing the celebrating I need need with the rewarding of a person of his system let me submit to you that the only reason why we are failed in life is not so much about Satan it is dishonorable this honor to God dishonor to men dishonor to principals this honor to God dishonor to men dishonor to principals takes a turn out of this world men will continue suffering they will not even know yes left that's where you will know what part of our lives have nothing to do with him this honor to God dishonor to man dishonor to principals in heaven where the devil is not angels don't just enter the tool room Satan is not there evil is not there yet we don't jump in and out of the throne room there are doors there is order in heaven Olivia when you trivialize the usefulness of God in your life please listen when you when God becomes like one of the many important things you just classify him as number 13 in the list so you are in my heart Oh God the jealousy of God was designed to fight everything till his number one even if he gave it to you it's amazing that God can fight something he wants give you read the Bible and see God giving people Thrones and fighting it again the moment he cannot find his place exalted the moment you had many things to God as a lot you are important but not the only important thing this this owner has translated to marriages you're my wife what is there I will not marry what part of the ring can't you see you see that dishonor dishonor communicated in the pungency of our words communicated in the sarcasm the body languages that are communicated when we see great people we so trivialize them what is it about these artists is it just because God did the best good words what is there if I trade my little voice won't I be that you see that attitude alone you don't know you are programming a climate of hardship let me tell you what many Nigerians continue to go to pain we are embarrassed to acknowledge great things when we see greatness we act as if we're blind towards it someone can come into this beautiful church right now and see our mothers and sisters ancestor what is what is so special about the conference what is in life that organizing conferences is our swamp that's why you are where you are you see this kind of attitude please lend this there are many young arrogant preachers that will enter and see men of God people seasoned people who have been used by God and just look at one day okay so what is he saying let me see if I can get one or two things I hear they say is a nice man of God you see let me tell you this my brothers and my sisters there are battles you cannot fight the fact that you want to fight it is proof that your life is under attack because there are battles in this life that you should never try to fight I will together oh no I preached a message seven years ago that became a blessing into the body of Christ and I'm honored to be to have been used by God it's called commanding results it was a vision miss listen it was a vision that I had a revelation as to why people's lives never and I said there has to be a way should I fail simply because of my background was it my fault you are born looking like your parents but you died looking like your knowledge and decisions it's true someone has to be tired this morning and say no it can't be like this again someone you are Dishonored something you have dishonored has authorized your hand sheep listen to me very carefully a mother would eat children and all of them responsible children and you say she's just lucky let I leave the children to work broaden see you see that this Hollow you have one child you are almost having beeping and a woman and a children and I say we do to care of them every time you see consistent results it's no longer guesswork there is a grace you cannot be exceptional in definitely by your strength is proof that are not a system has lifted you and any wise person will discern that behind these results there is increase I can tell you the key to close those this or no you don't need to ask the door to close just practice this or no and watch the door shot on their own every door that opens opens ooh Oh No every daughter is shot the dog the palace in spite of the chance she did not have a key but oh no took her to the palace she bypassed the protocol let's let her dasa had she tried to access the king on her own even Mordecai would not cross the gate but as villages or no takes her right to the palace someone is rising in the name of Jesus that means the lack of job was not really about the job it was something about your dishonour when you trivialize a man's usefulness in your life then you are brought into a system where you are forced to recognize that men can be very useful in the rising of men Priscilla I've had the privilege to meet very good people and I've made it as a culture as a person to never treat the last greatness when I see it it takes a lot of humility or not many times will sting your ego but the lift and the dimension it'll take me to that price please listen to me listen to me the first key we see in the book of Nesta that was responsible for this effortless transition in fact the first gene that we see notice that what she did not just backslide down from the pallet she left immediately look how dangerous dishonor is the King never if if is very clear from Scripture that Vashti was not a woman of honor because there's no record of her running to the king to say Oh King have mercy upon me King to hell with you what is there about your panels it's all like let me remind you that once upon a time you were not in the palace in the name of Jesus Christ and forbid eat food enter the palace and have to come out because of this honor my Bible says to me the part of the just is as a shining light the Bible says it shines ever brighter I've seen this with men of God you are here today in this hi have you seen names and seen people that seem to capture your attention than a season comes sometimes it could be a music artist everybody is placing a demand on your grease until you forgot that the favor and the honor of the people is a trust you should not realize whatever you can do in your life to make honor I know people who would have been managing directors today without battles every qualification prophecy calm this honor shot that door until the padlock through the G anyway you train your spirit man when Jesus was born he was taken to the temple to honor the people that spiritually contributed to his arrival please listen taken to the temple Simeon the Prophet lifts him blesses him another prophetess blesses him and then his back to me now watch this until Jesus came to the scene the official voice of God within that territory was John the Prophet I hope you know that who we call the Baptist baptism was his strategy to identify the Christ look at the Ricoh he went through to be trained to be able to see Jesus now John sees Jesus coming and then he says behold the lamb that takes away the sins of the world and John said I know you are the Christ and you know Jesus you know the conversation and he says that um I am NOT even worthy to untie the latchet of your shoes Jesus would have said I I thought you don't know cheese let me tell you this listen listen please listen Jesus the world was under a closed heaven for 30 years till honor open his heavens Jesus your Jesus as the Son of God his heavens were closed not even the father opened it he came to the existing authority within that land and Jesus said suffice to be su in other words this is an ordinance that not even me can violate please listen this is powerful is it not it's not a suggestion is not an opinion is a law I joined here by mistake gravity not say okay I know you are preaching which was carried away I'm falling straight off press the loan and then John did Jesus in water and the father is watching when Jesus comes out then the Bible says and the heavens over who see then have a crowd he would have tried it and be surprised he would have tried to call people he would have tried to collect a man's donkey and see what the Roman people would have done for him you lose someone's donkey I said the master has need of it who else is the master if not Caesar but when your heavens open there are things that others can do one feel and you can do one pass with it please listen don't just be excited for nothing I want you to get this is it principal we're going to pray show me what you have to get it or no opensees heavens the Father now says this is my beloved son what was he before that the father is saying this now having fulfilled this ordinance this is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased and then he says here here you business woman who was announced that may go should hear you just because you have a good guarantee you will be heard just because you have a voice that sings does not guarantee you will be heard please listen to me just because you have an anointing genuine anointing it doesn't mean you will be hurt that budget yeah what Allah dust yeah yee-ha songs hear ye his sounds come to his church order here he he Jesus crimes of the mountain five thousand people climb with him because there is a verdict here for three days they are up that mountain he goes by the slogan a Souris and people nobody can lift himself it is not given to men you do not have the ability to promote yourself it is not within your jurisdiction your assignment is to align yourself to be discerned and promoted could this be why we're where we are could this be why professes on Gino to come week after week let me tell you it is difficult to you his owner will change you like Samson even if the person is obviously wrong the show-off or no we talked about the person is then you just forget about it I know it's true but how do I say there was a foolish man in the Bible who would have been at the route of a king except that we had a wise wife called Abigail the woman quickly stepped in to bridge the foolishness that the dishonor of that man cost could this be the reason why many families do not work there is a lot of Prayer and spirituality but they are different versions of this one on this honor from the woman to her husband this honor to several things I've shared this story on if you permit me to share a true story I heard it somewhere many years ago but there was a man of God and this man was having a serious crisis in his family I think it had to do with maybe financial crises things were not working yet he was a pastor in a church just like this and people would always come to testify pastor prayed for me and doors open now I have a job now I'm abroad and all of that and things where I mean there was fire on the mountain in his own house and then one time his service was running like this and his wife just got up and walked out of the church imagine what happens if my mother just gets up and walks out of here you wonder what happened now and then the man was torched he finished the Saudis did his counseling very quickly and reached for his house and he went for money what is wrong she never uttered a word please pay attention he sat down at the table waiting for his meal what is wrong if I offended you I'm sorry we can talk about it you I was happy to this is section 4 it is not that the Holy of Holies that trea it doesn't come out callously but that day and then the pleats for yes let's not do this children's let me get she didn't say you are please listen when she brought the last item that will be on the table she now knelt down and looked at him a husband and said servant of God my family's in trouble listen carefully because the anointing on that man continued to bless people who discerned that he was not just a man that he was an anointed man and the wife said when they said lift your hand said where I did not my husband what we quoted this morning I helped you with your backing water what is all this literal handling and she was shocked that the church was rising but there was time and the woman like Esther said I found the key it is this honor that has been closing the door today you are not my husband a key to take by a man of God I have to remember my home must change heavy let me teach you this there are many dimensions to every man you see that dimension you all know is the one that brings it reaches to you your brother's not only your brother your brother is also a prophet he never prophesized to you because the only dimension you call is your product so you receive stories about how the family is doing back at home that's a broad ass reward there are women that carry certain creases please listen to me they never beg water to shame something most are Nikes and build them out you never see them is a grace they may not be educated but then something about the above India needs it's like God covenanted with himself whatever they did to God that made him to enter that covenant I wanted to sell pray for you pray for me my past operate not in what to talk more of you and you remain there let me tell you the truth human beings are mysteriously missed seriously strange just all you see is not all there is personally in everyone seated here there are on top spiritual dimensions that these are no disengaged on our lives and change there are many women who continue to pray for other people to our children but their children have not seen in each to come mommy I hope your brain was well I'll do my best and five years become seven years the day that daughter comes and says mommy this is a seed I brought it forward I have watched everyone you prayed for home with twins triplets I'm not meeting my mother a meeting a woman with the grace that contaminates barriness let me tell you the truth that day that day it would not longer be as usual for many years I would not preach in my own state I would preach in neighboring states I didn't know why that happened my own family my own blood mother things were not going as well and one time my mother was very very sad and she was fed up every time I went to greet them at home I didn't feel like a man of God he was a Cynthia not you would hang at the gate as soon as I come back let's get back to work not because they were bad people but one day my blood mother biological mother should not look that Manson a tad of this he has to be away and my mother cried that day and said what you are blessing on us and lifting the lives of others and that day for the first time that grace under a mountain I felt that grace with all my heart and I laid my hands on my own blood mother and I said mommy I stand in the name of Jesus and I shift you to a dimension on tour today I speak to you in the name of the Lord people who do not know me find our family housing Joe's and not the gate are you apostles mothers this is for you thank you for giving back to a person please listen if this teaching gospel help you today I don't know where I went wrong with you because this is a teaching that the results can be instant some of you your result can be after disservice God is already showing you the person who truly God honor to go and say look with their colleagues we graduated at the same time while you have never been without a job for three months when a company seems to tell you in three months another one has come what Greece do you have they are abroad libros please I'm tired of roaming around like King aliquots a place of opportunity don't you know that this city has his riches but there are people whose hands has never touched it they were born and bred here people come upon your soil and place it demand too or no and walk away with blessings who is God speaking to this morning there are many pastors let me tell you this I've shared with you maybe I'll just say this underneath three I'm teaching on Oh in 2004 redhot donkey came to just for a crusade I left Kaduna State and I went down because I desired grace upon that man's life I was already a man of God I was already working in miracles I was already ministering to people how stupid would I be to imagine where the same level you'll never receive from a colleague there is no transference from colleague to colleague there has to be a spiritual potential difference someone has got to acknowledge and discern the Eli's Elijah was never supposed to be a prophet he was a farmer but he decided to work with an angry man if Elijah where your boss you will know why the sons of the Prophet were not happy people temporize man you don't know what you would call today when are you called fire or call whatever and the sons of the Prophet were obviously offended but Elijah said you can shout oh you don't know me there's something I'm looking for listen can you eat not the witnessing man to still get what they patty let me teach you this way around you know I know why we never receive from man because they are a thing and unfortunately you wouldn't want God to switch the anointing to something more desirable and God in His economy we'll leave it there let me tell you the secret of receiving from men to transit to another dimension is hidden in the riddle of Samson when Samson please listen when Samson fought a lion on his way to go and see a lady I will together now he returned after seven days and he found a mystery he found that they were trees in that place for the beasts did not go to put in the tree they kill and entered inside a caucus and put on them and so when something came he was looking for the onion the piece directed inside a smelly caucus and they give a redo that out of something strong has come something sweet why will please not go to twist and enter a smelly caucus this is the mystery of how God's transpose abilities the vessels may be smelly what can you enjoy the smell to get the honey that's the price whoever told you are knowing that people are perfecting themselves were you not pre told that the treasure is in earthen vessels Elijah is temperance what ignore him and you will never carry the prophetic imagine a month following this much affection and he goes from Gilgal Bethel down to Jordan and he says so now talk to me what are you looking for he emerges that kind of thing that were following someone he should know I mean you would have Sarah but frog don't you have brains where weddings your prophetic now when you are desperate for growth anything isn't durable when you begin to complain about things is because you are not desperate enough for growth your boss may be an angry man but one call from him can be used by God to change your life because you miss manage his anger he threw you out and acted like you didn't matter see now is five years five years everybody who can give you a job respects that same angry man and when he hears they want to give you a job says I told you little present hungry it's amazing how God watches with one still lives those things there they laughed at Moses and sis man you married a black widow peon woman I do the only one God would talk to Moses kept quiet but God said I will keep quiet God came and said what did I hear you say against Moses have I ever talked with you face to face do you think Moses is just a man and the glory him and let his sister Miriam you know Miriam was a prophetess and she was wondering why I was not using her and leprosy just came upon her this honor is not only bad it has side effects side effects that can be demonstrated in your lifetime people can know that you are carrying this as a token of this autumn there are many ways to build your life you can pay your way through in pain or you can honor your way through this strange lift called honor like this I will never but this oh no any man I will never dishonor any Church I will never disown any people when we got to the airport the precious precious parcel by the way please let this I support a business or no art we truly practice it now thank you my thank you please sit down it was such a gracious reception and my heart was gladdened and I said boy look at this there are people you invite they're surprised that you are not blessed they wonder where the anointing went your dishonor removed it from them and kept it at the door of the church ask Jesus he enters his City and as I had a couple de saucé here no good Falls today and Jesus says let's go out of this place there is no there is no point trying they will not receive please yummy young people your mother made in the village she never went to school but do you know when she was small ha prophetess mother blessed her and said whether you open your mouth even if you see you Obama bless your life will change but is yummy yummy can I give you one more story and then we'll pray did you finish the rent I wanted story but let me just switch and talk to you about one that relates with you you've heard it in my teachings we were on our way to preach son in Aditi it would be my first time there and so we had to fly to alluring the airport and then would go by the road and so when we when they receive dose and worn away going and then I started watching the obituaries obituaries and I will sing one hundred and twenty something years one hundred and thirty something years I said these people are joking call all this Guinness Book of Records to come to Nigeria they say the oldest person is 114 come to Nigeria where the mystery of agility dwells one something and then I passed and I saw one one thirty two years just died in Nigeria within your region I noted it I went to preach when I was done preaching and we returned I was passing God is my witness and then I saw one 145 years and then I went back to the 132 he was like a senior apostle who just who just died and then I said I told the driver stop there is a graceful long life here instead of taking the risk and a plane crashed me tomorrow now I'm not I'm not being sarcastic every possibility secure to understanding Grace's are transferable many of the graces you asked for left heaven sins you don't just know how to bring your portion to you I would have said I'm a man of God I've spoken long life over people I'm too young to dig knives I plan to live here for a long time there is there is there is work to do for the kingdom please listen and I don't speak Yoruba and the man there now he doesn't seem to speak English but it like a Christian community small community I said no there has to be a way out to a lot I stopped I parked this car to receive something solid eventually we found someone who could speak limited English and I said ok we're men of God we came to receive the grace for a long life who is the oldest man in this place he must pray for us before me and then eventually they interpreted it as us to go and meet one old man and we entered the room I was talking than you interpret watch what happened please I would speak and then you end up in Yoruba and we said we're here to receive the grace for long life I thought the man said no we don't have that grace he laughed is a Nilda I cannot know this on my own unless you take [Music] I'll never know this by myself unless you say listen that man said he D as a you a man of God are you the one they call a person Joshua sermon that's nonsense when it has to do with him with with reception drawing far from you it's not only worship that demands removing your crown receive him also he said kneel down I know thou quietly and the man started trade in yoruba quite honestly I was not interested in what you were saying all I know was that is he a law or not a law there is no date it will not open I come from the north there are killings yeah I said I must transport this place for not driving the moment he was spraying I felt like a crown just input on man and when we were done praying then I appreciated him package the scene and gave him and then I went out where to enter the car then I saw some women standing there and then I said let me go on thank them they were the first people we contacted and I went there and I said you know mama they went everything just to say thank you and they said you did this man who is 132 years this is his wife shows like 120 something standing no speak as a let's go back let's go back now we have to go back behind every glory there is a story oh let's go back to have become one if the man has died he still alive I thought that shoe of the wife of his all is like a Torah but this is the one and only wife the man died 132 and then when they told her she loved she taught me say follow me then she opened a room and I started seeing the pictures from those times where did we're on site whatever you taught you to stay now remain there forever I started seeing the pictures together the wife office what did they know that the arrows that fly by day that the noisome pestilence what did they know what did God do for them so you can go to God in prayer and say God give me long life and self giving it it's not like it is within your territory use or no like a magnet and draw it to you every possibility who pray for is already nicosia it is the discernment the discernment those people live as if they are not energy out of my from my father's side the only personal life is my father is a lot a risk to not tap into this kind of grace and then I told I said man we all know you for who we represent please forget the fact that we're men oh god I want you to give me the blessing of a mother and the best thing that was upon this man and the woman said kneel down she removed her shoes I don't know about you but when a woman takes off her shoes to stand on background you better start rejoicing she took off her shoes and for 15 minutes she was started with a song first before she started blessing me when she finished as my people wherever we're traveling whether the plane is going round and round and slipping on many scriptures is true that he keeps them in perfect peace but that the same grace listen you know possibilities by the results they produce if they are not captured in your life that grace is not yet there while when to pray while going to do our impartation of greece's because of us as has been the answer to your prayer for a long time everything you are saying God forgive you God give the person sins and regardless what is happening in Nigeria that person is whether females or whatever doesn't go down there is increase that is palpable through all this is what we can style she or not modify or not how way to the palace please hear me in this conference the Lord is speaking to us by the spirit Illinois same whip on it is not always the sword that wins sometimes you need to drop the sword and use the whip on women God is speaking to you it is not always the sword the Borah was a warrior what she never sat on the throne ask Esther how Dena sit on the throne ask Esther how to replace Vashti when you do what what she did you will follow her ways but she said no I'm too proud to honor you she forgot that she was green only because the King married her is why we stand him we acknowledge you regardless of what people say I will never make the mistake of Vashti because every man is a woman in the spirit and if you give know your husband and carve out a niche for yourself then you are out of that palace when it was time I will be teaching you oh please don't miss tomorrow whatever sacrifice you will make but we will open this book of Esther and God will show you something there Esther comes to the king let me give you a preview and Stan what Timothy even if it's to half of my kingdom I will give you and serozha does it mean the kingdom the part where the Jews are where they want to kill them just give it to me quickly that would have been a wise strategy but let me show you what all those it says Oh King all I want to do is to show you how great you are I have put it back when a woman under fire there is a threat happening and the King says what is wrong she says nothing I only came to honor you and I want a man to be there so Oh No thank you that's how she killed come on you all know an enemy to death did you ever let that noisy report of mass destruction I want her man to participate in that honor come on crew she goes to tell his household I don't know what is going on I'm not only exalted am I was specially chosen to eat with the king and then she froze the Kings glory and then the king said no there is a catch to this my wife are now BC knows what do you want she says let it please the king that I repeat this again King can I do this again and the King said Vashti why didn't you do this you would have remained in the palace this is all I wanted all foolish fashion is not only delicious our foolish the foolishness started from fasting and I hope it ended with the Galicians they've never never be all foolish me whoever told you honor was for weak people women who ever told you how beautiful shouting with the manners that you don't know you you gotta find out see the antecedents you just innocently married me you will soon know that just because many times the sword does not win the sword more made in joy but it may not bring victory there are times you don't need injury you need victory if a war is not needed GPS order not every victory needs one if you don't have to fight let honor lift above the challenges is God giving us wisdom and she takes the king and then there was a particular feast she now organized it was called the feast of wine that was when she made her request not when they was fruit she said King drew the wine I savvy dis wine something happens when you are full of wine I will show you to borrow yours is to play your part and watch the power of God's laws they will things see it will be like your whole image God what are you doing some of you you need to practice this that tomorrow you buy wine on a gift pack and take it to the department where someone well done by boon you don't leave this job except I think I'm here before you and you give me the gift and say I'm just here to annoy you and ignorant people all foolish that's why they keep talking all noisy sword it'll kill you can all know people down while you rise c'mon was or not to the gallows that he built she never fought a man once she said let her man also be in the feast to APRI a man sat down foolishly and while he was eating he did not know death had come what is now your request and she said my life and that of my people have been threatened he said by food he says the enemy is this wicked man the King leaves for a while and goes to his garden that's what every good man should do when you're under pressure don't talk be silent go out of that place and be reasoned with wisdom then return and look at this he now fell on the bed where as I was to beg how you see but when God wants to make nonsense out of your enemies there good can be evil spoken of the King just entered when she was beginners it is not enough that you want to kill me who you now want to rape my wife and then as soon as he said that one of the king's men said sir for your information there is a gala that was viewed who asked him maybe they were not just bodies and the King said go and honey we're going to pray listen to me every consistent result has come from the sacrifice that a man has paid with God in the secret with the spirit of understanding woe betide the man who did knows greatness when you see and without all contradiction the less is blessed the lest is not a weak one the less is the one in need Prescott I've had the opportunity many times to be at the redemption camp and to pass the hem and I say Lord I know that I'm a man God that you have helped but what grace did you put upon her father are these dimensions not transferable a man that God gives a kilometer and kilometers for an estate as model real estate there is a grace for territory you can be struggling to get his face Oh God too bad we flattened to help me whereas were under Greece territory listen women you can stand for your responses say the embarrassment that come from rent has to end in this conference I'm a product of many anointings I have trained myself do not despise graces when I see I'm not to bid to receive nice and you must leave there are artists here sitting now there are men and women that God has raised from this ministry please listen to me we are going to pray that continue to be honored by God around the nations you have never taken the time you have them a fine amount of work I you are doing well you are so you are the one you will never rise that way this is not human worship I teach you the wisdom of the ancient that a day can come you can say sir I have tried to produce an album for 10 years it makes people want to help you think people just come to help you in this wicked world who has your time there is increase that draws people was it not in your Bible that Gentiles will come not that you will look for them to your light and get Kings to the brightness of your rising it says that your kid shall be opened they will be open day and night and not be shot to receive the forces of the Gentiles there are people in structual be marvelously helped like isaiah by God by God's grace finance is not a concern but you stand today wondering how will tomorrow be financially it is good that you have learnt all the business principles it is good that you have learnt all the investment principles but do you have the discernment to say Lord there is a grace there are people way before they knew what they were doing they were already prospering in that area because they were on the increase something we have ignored has pegged us in this position and we're going to prey on crime for the next two three means everybody are going to be alone with God and your destiny for your family for your children if you have nothing to pray for for yourself you have to pray for someone you love father I love you the palace was full of every other thing but without this one oh it was about to divide I pray in tongues I'm a man of God I have revelation but every toys shot towards me now I see that there are those who only Allah can open there are doors mothers is God speaking to us you are crying that God will touch your children look what he has done to children in this church there are children who are rich who are risen with flawless track records never done anything twice in your life [Music] best free [Music] [Music] I cast my crown before brain the highest ROI LT I am undone before your glorious majesty I cast my ground before my guests I'm undone before your glorious majesty you're the king of kings and Lord you are the king of you're the king of kings and Lords your glorious margins [Music] Oh whoa Oh [Music] whoa [Music] [Music] are you praying just a few minutes and we're done [Music] what's doing work in our lives on the mystery behind the strange rising of people Allah peruse cutter Brandon Katie another I understand the mystery behind the closed doors in my life now that in spite the opportunities that once open listen if the door ever opened and is now closed this owner closely and no matter who you are there are many music artists in this nation doors open and these owners want them out of it there are many preachers that doors opened and this owner shut them out of it many business people you were granted access to stairs and shackles this oh no she was cry to the God of heaven the restorer of times and seasons says the sons of Issachar who had an understanding of the time they knew what Israel ought to do man of God are you praying like the hell Samson Lord I cried my respiration let the doors be opened once again let the doors to my music ministry be opened once again let the doors to my ministry be open once again let the doors to the storehouse of my destiny be opened once again holoband escapa Hashana cobras Hallelujah press alone you're going to answer lot for grace to design who is deserving of Honor they may not come in forms that you will see and appreciate we live in a society where we are obsessed with coming from the vistas of society the sociology deanõs the craziest things in your life will not coming from that you will appreciate you will need discernment Lord grant me discernment to see the creases to see the individuals and the sacrifices they are men but their lives they can lift you they are men but a spiritual systems that can carry you to on both dimensions they don't have to be men and women of God in ministry they have to be men and women who are carrying something divine and something powerful few minutes were pray let it be from the depth of your heart [Music] mahalo caboose Chagres kavaja sha-la-la-la Sagan a Brazilian Otto Hodge felt sincere jutsu unbiased should know it from your heart hallelujah listen please listen to me listen to me listen to me when you are no people just because you suspect there is something in them you can have is epoch Racine Hanoi say culture that must be beautiful I know you have the fortitude for know when I see what you do it people who have nothing to give you annoyance a culture that is to contact us to accent anybody if that spirit is upon you you will honor the mighty and the lower the same you don't treat everybody like a dog and suddenly talk to someone as a while Shaun's are not a hypocrite and I know it's not political it follows the purity of your desire must be affected by the sincerity of your desire it is the reason why you can kneel down and have hands prayed for you and never receive anything you will fall and stand up and go back but someone can be in the secret place and your past or right in your room you can say Lord I decide that this is a man of God I don't know what you put upon this man but Lord I receive I'm opening up to a door you you hallelujah can I say a word of Prayer father I stand here as one who has been granted grace and mercy of the Lord I stand here only as one village of your presence may we never be ashamed to let men see you let the glamor of Palace never make us who made the mistake of Vashti I stretch my hands upon right now and I gratefully in the name that is above all names and speaking by the spirit that every dimension you lost through this autumn every dawn I stand by the God of Joshua the one who rides upon the wings of the week and I shoot you back to that level I shoot you right now step back into the dimension in the name of Jesus Christ the Son of the Living God I speak to every toe that has been closed by your destiny through this honor by the message of the god of David let that door be open again in the name of Jesus God is the god of the second chance he says and Adam knew his wife again and she bare a son and he called himself I'm praying for someone who has to believe I stand here and I cheat you to a new level in your life in the name of Jesus Christ I shoot you to a new dimension spiritually [Music] thank you Jesus please let me encourage you I know that a number of us here do not fellowship with this parish but please forgive my bias let me plead with you please do not miss the next session I want to show you a very big mystery in the book of Islam and then I trust God together with all who will be ministering here that God will do something upon your life but when you walk out of this conference it will be worth any sacrifice father we give you praise in the name of Jesus
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Keywords: apostle joshua selman, apostle joshua selman messages, spiritual warfare, altar of prayer, apostle joshua selman holy spirit, apostle joshua selman prayer, apostle joshua selman the secret place, apostle joshua selman messages on spiritual growth, apostle joshua selman messages on marriage, apostle joshua selman messages 2020, apostle joshua selman messages on prayer, apostle joshua selman messages at worshippers retreat, apostle joshua selman worship songs mp3, overcoming daily
Id: gp7Ia5bGHP0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 52sec (5272 seconds)
Published: Sun May 17 2020
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