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i beg you just follow through with me if you believe that i hear god and if you believe we are walking by the spirit i like you to pray hallelujah limitation i know a brother listen listen i know a brother that for many years this gentleman was so gifted but i'm telling you nothing was working in his life please hear me this is a true story very gifted but things were tied down hallelujah he did everything did everything that that he knew to do but when god made him know that these things are limitations he took a quality time of his life challenging it and brothers and sisters when he prevailed those were open it was as if the blessings have left heaven but to now come to this realm [Music] daniel remain in prayer please hear me anything that kills your prayer life has stopped you from your breakthrough it's not the issue of i'm calling to the ministry of prayer or not forget that nonsense that the devil brings men out always luke 18 1 he speak this parable if you are alive you don't pray because of fear you pray because it's a spiritual transaction it makes things possible in this room hallelujah we're going to pray one more time and you're going to say lord one more time visit this issue of limitation in my life and my family hallelujah listen listen mention the aspect where you are facing limitation don't feel embarrassed mention them and say lord let your fire come upon it lift your voice and pray koinonia pray pray your way to breakthrough so pata take her we lift up a new sense of prayer we lift up a new sense of prayer we lift up an instance of prayer we lift up an incense of prayer change lives break limits financial limits support sata intellectual limits marital limits job limits we break it support opera we break limitations business limitations ministry limitations limitations of potentials hallelujah every time limits are broken the lord will bring a man to hold your hands and create the opportunity for the next level of your life are you hearing what i'm saying bishop will say there are days and there are certain days may this night be the certainty listen your next level is in the hands of a certain man the bible says they wanted to kill joseph but a certain man came and they said they wanted to buy him if not because of that certain man they would have killed him are you following me now the bible talks about a man who was crippled he could not carry himself certain man no names they lifted him and opened the seat oh god whoever is that certain man that must appear my destiny i come i compel them to come lift your voice and pray leave your voice destiny help us financial help us spiritual helpers men of influence men of access please pray pray pray pray lord we call them for hallelujah when jesus died hear me the prophet prophesied that his body will not see corruption but he was hanging on that cross there was no place to bury him and a certain man came called joseph of arimathea an influential man if he was poor and broke the king would not hear him the bible says a poor man's wisdom is despised you are going to pray concerning your finances does it make sense to you to pray you are going to pray and say lord whoever must appear to change my financial destiny i received your ministry come on now pray come on now pray supported people time and chance happens to them all time and chance he [Music] we have blessed our ministry we embrace their ministry i call them thought come on pray i call them fraud man of influence kings destiny help us spiritual helpers financial helpers academic helpers men of influence men who can talk to kings pray hallelujah please leave your neighbor joseph would have died in the prison although anointed there are many people here your anointing will remain dormant until god sends a man to see it announce it and let the world celebrated john the baptist announce jesus ministry as you hear what i'm saying there are many of us we have great ideas great businesses but there needs to be a certain man who will let the world know that great things are happening here please hear what i'm saying there are many of you your your academic qualification is bigger than where you are you have done your best when you have done all you need to do you need another man who is not you are you hearing what i'm saying certain man certain men [Music] it was the one presser that told the king he said i know my wrongs this day there is a man who there is a man many of us have sharpened our spiritual potentials you have sharpened your leadership potentials it's not pride you know that it's time to break forth but the distance between you and the next level is that certain man lift up your hands oh god where is this certain man let him come into my life come on pray one more time play it takes one man to change your business one man to change your ministry one man one man hallelujah listen to me there are many of you here with great business ideas hallelujah all you need is capital you have done everything you should do you need somebody to believe in you enough hallelujah listen truly the race is not to the swift and the battle is not to destroy one man can announce what god is doing in your life and bring to your life men who have been designed to honor it i shared that scripture none of the widows in israel was the prophet said god sent that to the one who could see his difference many of you have been in a place you have potential for the throne but something is tying you down because you are hanging around people who cannot see what god is doing is god speaking to someone here there are many of our parents with their qualifications they should never have to beg even if the cost of living on earth is one million per day they should not be begging but they need one man to announce them one man to recommend them please take seriously what i'm saying because this is somebody's prayer request oh lord if somebody can believe in my business enough to pump even if it's just hundred thousand here are you getting what i'm saying there are many of us in ministry here we are great people this ministry you see today we enjoy recommendations mysterious recommendations while i was coming somebody was trying to call me again and again from the uk and he was saying man of god don't ask me how i got to find out about you and have your number he said when a man is in trouble he will look for help anyhow are you getting my point while you are sitting down to sleep somebody is waking others to talk about you but you must activate it it doesn't happen by magic and you get what i'm saying there are many professors and doctors being underutilized because there is a system that cannot honor what they carry there are many of you who graduated with excellent results you people are dead masters and the king sent for joseph somebody must send for you to leave the level and i prophesy whoever should send for you in the name that is above all names listen listen there is a man of god a popular man of god i will not mention names the man had the gift of god like whatever but nothing could announce that grace are you hearing what i'm saying people needed his anointing and his gift but nobody could announce it and then something happened one day he entered a taxi true story when he entered a taxi the holy spirit told him saw a seed of 30 000 naira to the driver and he didn't have much and he told the driver take and he saw that see ah the driver looked at him he said what will i give you he said nothing says sir can i collect your number and he collected his number please listen to me this is a true story when he collected his number the guy dropped he said talk may god bless you he was feeling bad he did not know that that was his moment of victory listen the very next person that will enter that car listen they were part of the regional organizers of redeemed the convention in uk are you getting me one of the regions and then the man was talking a secret we're looking for a man of god to complete the ministers who are bringing and we need men of integrity you know and the driver said sir there was a man that gave me his number this guy is a true man of god and that was it i'm serious they called him and they said sorry we are from this this region of redeem i tell you they brought that man after that ministration there were so many men of god that he never would have been able to see are you guys in my point they all called him and said we'd like you to comment and minister mike mudok met a young man who was very gifted gifted but there was nothing working in his life and my mother looked at him and came and he said god told me to bless you he wrote 17 letters to different ministries and said this is an anointed man please open doors for him and the guy got 17 invitations everybody it does not take time to change your story what looks like a mountain is in the pocket of another person are you hearing what i'm saying are you tired of praying are you tired of praying because we must call them truth i don't want to waste your time let me just share it i don't know if you share this testimony did you share your testimony a i'm not sure he shared this testimony maybe at an appointed time but let me say a bit of it what ambassador [Music] unilever this come he just came back today we met together at the airport in abuja and then we came back together by the grace of god are you getting my point i'm by the ministry of just one great man proof hallelujah he has been selected as the ambassador of unilever nigeria i listen listen listen the race is not to the swift they just came back from their training in lagos and we even bumped i was waiting for my luggage and i just saw him and they had told me he called me lagos and he said he was around we never met how god can change a man's story my father worked for more than 10 or 15 years as assistant director of engineering there was no man to lift him his genius were rising and they they just trampled this man and it so happened that one man who used to be his genius he when when we went for crusade in 2006 six yes he was the one who interpreted for me and he was also the one who interpreted foreign when he came to joss it was that man on account of the kindness he went and said one or two things about my father and when they went through my father's um cv and all of that they said where has this man been they said immediately he should leave josh and report to lagos he has been there for three years many of us are praying lord take me to the next level i'm telling you the secret you need a man hear me there are things you cannot do for yourself you may be anointed but your grace will remain dear until a man can announce you may have a great business a multi-million and billion dollar business but it takes one month to believe in you and announce you are you getting my point i know one of my friends he was my classmate very intelligent and brilliant guy this guy finished furthered his education there was nobody to speak for him and this guy kept struggling for years nobody to speak for him and one day i i prayed i said oh lord what help this guy this guy has paid the price look when i say i i think i will classify him as a genius and i'm not telling a lie but i know other people before they even finish service the road has been made plain you need someone in your life please pray and say oh god send this man that can believe in me and announce what you have invested in my life please pray send a man to change my music ministry oh god send a man send a money to my family say lord by the instrument of the prophetic i called forth dead that have been destined to take me to the next level to take my family make sure you are praying [Music] lord prophetically pray [Music] those who will open doors of jobs thoughts of marriages thoughts of ministry thoughts of anointings thoughts of favor thoughts of lifting gods of success thoughts of increase thoughts of breakthrough make sure you are praying prayed with all your heart your family story can change you have been praying and fasting could this be the message could this be the message pray say lord whether in lagos or abuja organo the united states the caribbean by the prophetic power of the spirit let there be a connection orchestrating meeting let there be a meeting pray pray god wants to take you from this level to another it's a year of supernatural exploits exploits by the spirit your story can change activate defining moments activate breakthrough in your life come and prophesy that both should grabbed shorter cables i call them they are coming into my life from the north the east the south i pray for e and i destiny help us are coming we receive them we receive them we receive them we receive them hallelujah let me give you one little story look at me [Music] when professor madi was the vice chancellor over maduro university many of you did not meet him there was a gentleman who did very well but he did not get admission hallelujah and the guy just went for reasons he could not explain he went and sat down near the senate in the night and professor mahdi had the culture of walking into students hostels walking around just to see what is going on and when he walked he saw the gentleman and he called him he said why are you sitting down here he said sir look at my wife results look at everything but my catchment area is not there and they didn't give me admission he said you are such a brilliant boy do you know what he told him he said go home and pack your load and come back when he came back that printed his admission letter this is true it's a confirmed story hallelujah i know about a student who had been victimized for years till he was in 300 level whatever it is that happened either his name or his matriculation number clashed and what this guy was seeing was not his real cgpa this guy would work so hard but when the exams come out he will not beat and then one day someone just came in and for whatever reason the person decided to start crosstalking things the next thing they put on the notice board that they wanted to see him when they called him they said he should go and bring his results and his courses that he registered do you know true life story when this guy was a maybe around 1.7 something by the time they corrected everything he was supposed to be into one in all sincerity my cousin my cousin was a student in this school my cousin was a student in this school he wrote a major exam that he got a and when the result came out they gave him f this guy didn't know he knew that he had he had read but he said sometimes even when you have the evidence you don't have access to the king there are many of us that have evidences that would wipe our night time but that access to the king hallelujah and one day god raised a visiting prophet just came and he just complained and showed him everything the man took on the case by himself until they rectified it [Music] look at me for a moment what do you expect god to do in your life and in your family [Music] is in the hands of someone is in the hands of someone that breakthrough is in the hands of someone a house to complete for your loved ones to go to school let me tell you no matter what it is expand your mind tonight there are men who are careers of miracles they don't even know there are some of you that your loved ones need some jobs they have been suffering you know that they want to change where they are working or they don't even have a job they are praying they are applying cb after cv if it is destiny help us they will accelerate your path you will join protocols we are going to pray say lord i receive discernment to see these people when they come into my life lift up your voice and pray it takes discernment it takes discernment process it takes discernment say lord let me discern they may not be my tribe they may not be my friends they may be the enemies of our family but lord please to discern when you are about to use them to change our story final prayer point now you're going to pray and speak over your life and tell yourself you are breaking through and breaking foot on the left and right don't keep quiet please don't be quiet prophesy i break through from the left the right the east the west oh hallelujah in the name of jesus by the spirit of prayer i contend against every power of darkness come and pray play against every satanic force pray against every power of darkness that wants to attempt to abort your breakthrough god wants you to smile god wants you to smile god wants you to smile he wants to encourage you he wants your life to be fruitful satan get lost be lifted all you get let the family of coinonia receive breakthroughs i prophesied breakthroughs breakthroughs breakthrough financial breakthrough marital breakthrough family breakthrough academic breakthrough spiritual breakthrough breakthrough in your job let your family members smile i provoke it from the realm of the spirit i provoke it from the heavens i activate the angelic i activate the angelic let angels begin to move to every family that angels begin to move over your academic angels move over your finances and just move over your family and just move i activate the operation of angels content with the powers in the heavens and release breakthroughs for god's people let the angelic contend with the powers that delay that stop people from entering their prophetic breakthrough i release breakthroughs i release breakthroughs i release breakthrough i speak it in your life i send an anointing into your life a breaker anointing a breakthrough anointing i send it into your life i send it into your academics i send it into your family i send it into your finances those you do not know i cause them to arise and help you i cause them to arise and help you hallelujah hallelujah lift your hands everybody everywhere your gift is needed i command them to begin to talk about you in the name of jesus in the name of jesus i activate breakthrough for you in the name of jesus everywhere your gift is needed whoever needs your gift in nigeria i stand as a servant of god i command a connection in the realm of the spirit beginning from tonight tonight tonight tonight tonight in the name of jesus hallelujah i pray for every one of your family members looking for a job my god and my king tonight let testimonies rise from this message no matter how long tonight let someone talk to somebody talk to somebody and talk to somebody and connect them for breakthrough in the name of jesus for your family members i command help us those who will connect them to projects and contracts and opportunities yes they don't merit it but by the power of destiny helpers i connect them to the breakthrough for the next level in the name of jesus when you have tried academically i connect you to help us professors who will help you administers who will help you administer who will help you members in the senate who will help you weather for accommodation whether for your result whether for missing script whether for your wi-yank whatever it is in the name of jesus as the senate and the faculty board members meet over your results and your performance may a strange man enter that meeting and not forget for you in the name of jesus [Music] anywhere they want to turn down your family members or turn down anything let a strange man come we don't want to know the name let a strange call come let a strange connection come i prophesied i release it to you in the name of jesus i release testimonies testimonies testimonies from this breakthrough experience beginning from tonight i command calls from destiny help us calls from destiny help us calls from destiny help us connections with destiny help us they will travel and come and meet you you will meet them on the street they will come to your homes in the name of jesus you will see them in your dreams god will connect you for every one of your family members that is supposed to be married and they are not married the husbands or the wives they are not in space they are here on earth lord we pray tonight as a family by the power that is in the name of the resurrected christ i pray let help us lead partners to their mates in the name of jesus receive it in the name of jesus receive it in the name of jesus we command supernatural marital connections in the name of jesus in the name of jesus we bind every devil we bind every power that attempts to cause delay we set them free from every curse and every yoke of bondage be released in the name of jesus the ministry of destiny help us all through this week i want you to pray cry out and say lord bring them i believe you will share fearful testimonies in this place as a result tonight i've shown you a very mighty secret don't forget it also hold it every time you are praying over something the answer is in the hands of another person stop beating about the bush every man and every authority can answer when god calls yours is just to pray that god will connect you praise the lord mercy is a weapon and you are about to use it now and he showed me joshua the high priest standing before the lord and the accuser came before him attempting to real accusations and he said is this not a reed that i have taken out of fire and he said the lord rebuke you listen the mercy of god is a weapon you can use it and say that satan i know you are supposed to destroy me but what about this i present to you the mercy of god i present to you the blood of the eternal covenant i present to you the advocacy of jesus at the right hand of the father standing and speaking i present to you the sinless blood i present to you calvary foreign foreign [Music] hear me tonight you are going to use it as a weapon over the devorah i know i've not been a titan you are authorized to destroy me but see the blood when i see the blood when i see the blood when i see the blood you should be destroyed but the blood will speak hear me you live the wayward life and all kinds of things happen and the earth cries against you but when i see the blood when i see the blood you were involved in all kinds of blood covenants and fraternities in ignorance but now that you are in christ when i see the blood lift up your voice and plead the floor what mess mercy break up foreign foreign foreign the bible says blotting out every handwriting there are handwritings there are records kept in the realm of the spirit that testify that you should not live long there are records in the realm of the spirit that testified that you should not be blessed there are records in the realm of the spirit that testify that you should not have any child again the devil says you wasted all your children and all of them have gone there is a record in the realm of the spirit that says you have misused all the opportunities that you were given but tonight please the blood it can plot it out come on now but they can plot it out foreign is [Music] hear me a cause causeless shall not stand a cause causeless so if the blood of jesus takes away the legal access the effect must lead me to open your mouth and declare every pattern you have been bloated bloated by light patterns of buriness patterns of the lord of jesus listen listen listen when you activate this you will find out that no longer will there be an accusation to say all you once in where in the world you committed 19 abortions and blood is speaking and that's why your life is not moving it should not move but now that you have evoked mercy it makes the cost cost less that means it should not come again are we together you stole money help them please and all of that you destroyed another person's destiny but but now that you are in christ what of the blood he showed me joshua the high priest please take seriously this is what i did for my own life oh let me tell you [Music] for we rise to our access to mysteries in the kingdom [Music] i want to pray for you but we're going to pray one more prayer point hear me and say i begin a new order a new order dissociated from the past from witchcraft [Music] foreign hey foreign [Music] is one more time i like you to pair yourselves into three find someone who is serious anybody who is not praying leave me alone pair yourselves into three three three and you're going to for the next two or three minutes i'd like you to blast in tongues nonstop this month of july we're declaring war over the gates of darkness lift your voice and pray that a threefold call cannot be easily broken up pray like a priest open lord my destiny must be revived my spiritual life must be revived my finances my family arise from god [Music] my ministry is time to break forth on the left on the right foreign foreign hello foreign yes hey you are going to pray you are still holding the hand of the person father enough is enough what kept my father kept my mother lord i come by the message of god it must break in my life lift your voice and cry lift your voice and cry lord knows is enough and not for failure struggling my spiritual life everything of your destiny is is you reign you rain halloween [Music] you hello you yes [Music] we have grown up all the works of doctors yes i like you in one minute you are going to pray just two prayer points i like you to lift up your voice and declare that in the name of jesus i'm walking in the experience of the victory the victory that the blood of jesus the victory that the blood of jesus the victory that the death of jesus the victory of his triumphant resurrection never will it become a prophetic reality it is becoming my experience victory over generational consciousness completely over the world hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah i know that i've not i've not taught it the next time we're doing deliverance and i'll be teaching you on all of the elements but one of the mysteries that produce truthful deliverance is the mystery of the blood are we together is one of the three witnesses the bible says and there are three witnesses that bear three that bear witness in heaven the father the word and the spirit it says that there are three weaknesses this is where the problem is the earth it says the spirit the water and the blood are we together the bible guarantees us that the blood of jesus speaketh the blood of jesus speaking that means you can cause the blood to advocate the blood of jesus is an advocate there is the advocacy ministry of the blood the same way cain killed abel abel the man had died but abel the blood was speaking and he cried and god himself had to say no something is happening although the man had died but the blood is still speaking speaking i'd like you to engage the flow and say in the name of jesus i declare that i'm a partaker of the ministry of the blood i invoke the advocacy of the blood open your mouth and speak open your mouth and speak over every pattern over every curse over every yoke i will pass over and when i see the blood upon your life upon your family when i see the blood upon every ordinance against you i will pass over when i i will pass over leave your voice and invoke the vlog we declare the mystery of god's mercy the blood speaks we declare the priesthood of jesus that is after the order of melchizedek and the erotic priesthood higher than the priesthood of noah we declare in the name of jesus the blood speaks the blood speaks over the ordinance of our fathers the blood speaks hallelujah [Music] but your deliverer is coming your delivery one more time and to pray is just going to be praying in tongues now i want you to find a corner my brother my sister take your life seriously in the next five minutes instrumentalists just charge the atmosphere for us blast in tongues and refuse upon mount shadow and it shall come to pass in that day and it supposed to pass in that day in that day in that day that the burden shall be taken from off your shoulder and the yoke from our neck and it shall be destroyed please pray pray please pray if you are tired hold the hands of somebody that cannot agree with me the victory of christ the work of jesus on the cross cannot be in pain the substitutionary sacrifice of the son of the living god cannot be saved shall be taken from off my shoulder that look from my neck and noticing us in the name of jesus foreign pray for your family pray for your wife pray for your husband pray for your children our eyes oh god this is battle peace is better this is better it's time to move forward it's time to move forward it's time to break grounds in the spirit spirit it's time for the anointing of your destiny to come it's time for the ministry to open it's time for your finances to come it's time for prophecy to find the expression hello hello hallelujah we are going to pray this prayer says serious prayer as we pray sisters i want you to lay your hands on your womb as we are praying brothers just praying tongues i'd like you to declare that no sin of any entity that is not of god will find i will not give back to any stranger no pray no matter the ordinances of the fathers no matter the enchantments of the ancients i come by a new order and i declare my womb will produce that sin of the woman every devil is hallelujah hallelujah we are going to pray brothers i like you to pray the spirit that keeps men in one place you don't move forward you don't move backward you stand no productivity every gentleman here open your mouth and blast in tongues father in the heavens this is better than you he altered and everything that in my life that time is destiny by the mystery of believers i challenge i challenge it is the point outside of the spirit that prospero tickets hallelujah listen demons came into pain when the spirit assists assisted men so your victory comes into being when the spirit assists you it says i am the god of peter i have seen the oppression that laban has gone the victory will not just happen forget about the physical things in the realm of the spirit you are going to cry for divine assistance i provoke the ministry of angels over every affair of my life leave your voice my brothers and sisters are they not ministering spirits sent to minister for them to be the heirs of salvation i call for sisters from heaven oh god of joshua the helper of men the leader of marriage the helper of man the leader of man the deliverer on angel on assignment judging the wicked delivering the prophecy of god concerning my life hey hallelujah we're going to pray every attribute of the flesh that gives access to any spirit in my life by the mystery of the blood i declare that that door is closed forever lift your voice and pray come on lift your voice and pray do all hallelujah hallelujah was she praying i tell you i feel fire in this place listen everything god has shown you either as a revelation from his word or as a revelation from the realm of the spirit you're going to declare jacob did not just see the spotted cups and left them in the realm of the spirit they had to come and interact the world must become flesh i'd like you to lick your voice and cry every anointing every mantra every mandate every dimension the prophetic the apostolic prosperity increase speak deliverance that god has shown me lord you showed me quickly i declare i declare i declare you must find [Music] expression [Music] right my hallelujah hallelujah now this prayer we are going to pray listen carefully whether you are an usher or not please if anyone is under the anointing or manifesting around you just help them are we together the very serious prayer we are going to pray now you are going to pray that if by any means there is any spirit entity in my life or around me it's time for you to come out it's time for you to go listen as you pray this prayer many strange things will start happening to you don't worry about it you just focus on this prayer and pray with all your heart and watch what happens say in the name of jesus say it in the name of jesus i decree and declare by the authority of the lord jesus christ that any spirit spirit entity finding expression in my mind in my body around my life hear the word of the lord i cast you out of my life now lift your voice and pray fire is holy praise my mind my body around my life around polynomial in the name of jesus around my family if you are married also pray for your family pray for your children i cast every [Music] devil foreign [Music] right in the name of jesus there's no place for you in my mind there's no place for you in my life i come against ordinances oh oh [Music] [Music] oh ah self time in the name of jesus please pray in the name of jesus i declare that tonight is my night i declare that everything that jesus christ did for me on the cross it must be appropriated in my life tonight therefore i declare that every yoke every spell every course every ordinance speaking again against me and against my loved ones tonight i command that you are leaving me open your mouth and pray oh yeah say in the name of jesus say in the name of jesus i declare that the sin of the fathers the sin associated with my lineage i declare that every mistake of the past i plead the blood over it lift your voice and pray the blood the ordinances of the fathers wherever you are just pray pray [Applause] foreign hallelujah send the name of jesus i stand on behalf of myself my family and i declare that everything that the devil has taken away from us we command that it must return tonight lift your voice and pray everything come on believe us pray hallelujah say the name of jesus say it again in the name of jesus use spirit your feelings behind the tragedies in my life say every spirit behind the failures in my life behind the delay in my life behind every progression behind every closed door here it is the word of the lord tonight your legal hold is broken by the blood of jesus lift your voice and pray the spirit behind the cycles of failure the spirit foreign hallelujah i want you to pair yourselves into two very quickly just find someone find a neighbor somewhere allah in the next our time is gone but in the next three minutes all i want you to do holding the hands of that person is to just blast in the spirit just pray in the spirit go ahead and pray foreign foreign in the name of jesus in the name of jesus lay your hands on your head fire fire is burning in this place say in the name of jesus i declare in this season may the glory of the lord that is upon my head begin to speak now open your mouth and pray oh lord are she you are my glory you are the i declare the glory of the lord upon my head believed him hallelujah he has broken the gates of brass and caught the pass of iron and sunder say in the name of jesus every child holding my life dying my destiny says again every chain holding my life tying my destiny by the power of the holy ghost be broken now please professor foreign say in the name of jesus say it again in the name of jesus i declare and i decree i speak to the forces of creation hear my voice align yourself and touch the word of god to walk in my life lift your voice and pray we speak to the elements of occasion and the stars fought for the water and the stars fought for the border and the sun and the moon fought for joshua creation align yourself hallelujah say the name of jesus you are the seat of abundance set again all earth you are the seat of abundance it is out of you that please grow therefore i declare according to the lord sit time and harvest let my happiness locate me now lift your voice and pray let the people pray to your god let the people praise thee then shall the act use our increase hallelujah he said i am the lord thy god that teaches me to profit and lead that thing the way that you should go just do what i'm asking you to do stretch your head in the name of jesus i declare that these hands that are stretched towards me right now become the hands of fire in the name of jesus hallelujah please put your hand on your belly just put that hand there just do what i'm asking you to do put your hands there the bible says fall out of your belly shall flow rivers send the name of jesus every treasure within me as i lay my hands i declare come out now lift your voice and pray every treasure allah foreign hallelujah hallelujah we're going to round up don't mind all the prophetic acts you are doing i want you to just trust my leadership in helping you get results are we together are we together i like you to stand where you are i'm saying the name of jesus i prophesy to the north [Music] say i prophesy to the north i prophesy to the south i prophesy to the east i prophesy to the west everywhere my help has been obtained to come from in the name of jesus i call you locate me now list your voice and pray it comes from god but it passes through men send help for god send help send when a man is supposed to give you a job and get angry because something happened unpacks all the employment letter and shelves it and they forget about it for the next two years the guy to help joseph came out and forgot him for two years it was after two years by the mercy of god he said i remember my wrong so he acknowledged it was wrong i pray whoever's forgotten you that must remember you may they remember they are wrong and may be corrected every anointing and every grace that god pre-ordained that should be resting upon your life your ministry right now and by some activity of darkness it has not yet touched your head i declare may that ocean rest on you now may that auction rest on you now may that ocean rest on you now remember what i taught you about words never forget words are traits god is serving you something he's only using words are you ready to receive the prayer of faith again don't say you have said it before remember that they build and they prosper through the prophesying not once jesus your jesus touched the eyes of a man and he said what do you see this is the word touching a man's eyes he said i'm seeing but i see men like trees jesus said nonsense he touched his eyes again and he saw men clearly if he if he was left like that listen we want to we want to destroy the spirit that about complete miracles so the miracle starts in your life but never finishes have you seen people like that it starts in your life but never finishes in the name of jesus because according to scripture if the hand of the rubber bell starts a thing that hand should complete it i'm praying right now every miracle that has started when elijah saw the rain like the fist of a man's hand it didn't stop as a feast it became an abundance of rain therefore i declare what you have seen like the feast of a man's hand it must come to completion in your life it must come to completion in your life so you get a job but they say you need an interview you pass stage one you pass stage too they even give you small pocket money and you are happy it's almost as if you are employed then when the finalist comes out your name is not there a lady sent me a text crying that a gentleman came and paid her dowry and ran away what did he do he paid her dowry and ran away it's better that that lady were never married than the one that you gathered people they paid your dowry then he ran away let me say it again the bible says he that has begun this good work except it's not a good work what my god has started in your life in the name of jesus it must come to end let me pray for your family that in the name of jesus whatever has brought pain to your family whatever has brought shame whatever has brought distress right now i prophesy by the power of the holy spirit we come from different families and we know the various challenges that we left from our different families therefore i prophesy to you right now in the name of jesus that every challenge you left from your family let that challenge be turned into a testimony now let it be turned to a testimony now let it return to a testimony now [Music] now let me prophesy a very serious prophecy for you everything you saw from january that god fought with his integrity in the place of your retreat he showed you things you know it is not guesswork you know that god told you certain things but you have not seen it come to pass i release my faith with you and i command october to deliver the result for you in the name of jesus christ [Music] hallelujah everyone who is a ministry here i want to pray for you whether it's an evangelical ministry you're a missionary you're into a prophetic ministry whatever is making it to not work or whether it's a prayer group a fellowship i stretch my hands i strengthen your hands in the spirit fresh fire upon the work that you do in the name of jesus christ if there is anyone in anger who made any pronouncement over your life it could even be your biological parents i stand here by the privilege of the prophetic and the apostolic and i declare that that statement is erased from your life those in business i pray for you i decree and declare the spirit that brings fruitless labor you labor so much and yet nothing comes to fruition i curse that spirit from his root now let me pray again in the name of jesus that everyone trusting god for a miracle job i don't care how long you have waited in the name of jesus the name that is above every other name i speak to you may the lord surprise you [Music] the lord is showing me a medical doctor that an appointment is coming from abuja one of the hospitals in abuja as i just prayed this prayer i saw it in the spirit we establish it now in the name of jesus christ i'm seeing someone nobody has ever truly applied for a visa and gotten it in your family it doesn't matter how many times they apply and the reasons are legitimate i speak by the anointing of the holy spirit may the favor of god open the doors of nations hallelujah one way the spirit of poverty listen eats up resources from people is through the mystery of terminal illness illness that your money must finish before the person now dies are we together now it's a wicked spirit because you can't sit down and watch your loved one in pain you will liquidate everything you have to help them when the entire family is drained then the person just goes i declare if there is anyone with any terminal illness that is sapping resources from your family the healing power of jesus touch them and breaking them now favor is a spirit i stretch my hands and i complain the name of jesus from today carrying strange faithful paris french favor carry strange favor in one minute wherever you are open your mouth and let's pray for kaduna stage blood sucking spirit will cause you [Music] pray like april declare peace upon our brothers pray for the families that have been buried lord by your mercy let there be peace we prophesy peace in zaria peace in kaduna's foot please enjoy us pleasing adam our peace in benwy in the name of jesus the lord of the wicked will not rest upon the lord of the righteous we fortify our spiritual brothers please pray don't be like esther who is not mordecai don't be like esther who is not mordecai we declare and declare in the name of jesus i do not hear the word of the lord let there be peace we pray for the spirit of love we pray for the spirit of love the spirit of unity christians muslims free persons that together in the name of jesus there will be a bond of peace hallelujah i speak to everyone here the covenant of protection you have to know the blessings that are coming to this ministry that you are part of i declare in the name of jesus that grace that has protected us the grace that has protected this ministry may that grace speak in your life i forbid the earth not the sword from receiving your body in the name of jesus christ
Channel: KelFusion TV
Views: 612,693
Rating: 4.8589902 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 100min 52sec (6052 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 19 2021
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