[Video] Feast of Esther 2021 with Apostle Joshua Selman

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[Music] miracles [Music] is [Music] hallelujah praise the name of the lord hallelujah it truly is a very great honor for me to be here this morning i do not take likely the opportunity to bring the word of the lord even this morning and um let me start this morning by honoring our mother mommy god bless you thank you thank you i truly truly appreciate and by extension to our daddy we pray that the lord will keep and honor them in jesus name let's pray father again we ask that you will speak to our hearts the bible declares that the entrance of your word gives light and even understanding to the symbol we pray that you grant us grace you grant us wisdom within the time that we have to share and i pray that our lives and our ministries would never be the same in the name of jesus christ amen god bless you and please be seated good morning once again i'll discuss very briefly this morning is along the lines of the theme making for proof of your ministry and i've been asked to share along the lines of philippians 4 13 the bible says i can do all things through christ that gives me strength i just want to very quickly lay foundation with ii peter ii peter chapter one if you if you have your bibles here please turn ii peter chapter one particularly verse 10 apostle peter was given an instruction that i believe is very instructive as we explore the principles that make for efficiency even in ministry second peter chapter one and for the sake of time i will just read one verse verse 10 but you may read from verse 2 to 10. but i'll read verse 10 it says wherefore the rather brethren give diligence to make your calling and your election show for if you do these things it says you shall never fall give diligence to make your calling and your election show the bible here leaves the believer with irresponsibility the word diligence means to pay attention to invest time to invest energy the bible lets us know that it is our responsibility to make proof of our ministry inasmuch as god has called every one of us at various levels for different kinds of ministries the bible says speaking through apostle peter that it is my responsibility and your responsibility to make full proof that means that you should coordinate together all of the forces that will stop men from disbelieving that you were truly called it is your responsibility to put together the factors under god that will make ministry work for you this call and this assignment that the lord has given us is not one that can be done in the strength of the flesh all through scripture the bible is vocal about the inability of man by himself and in his strength to accomplish god's divine test we have from matthew chapter 19 and 26 you may write it down matthew 19 and verse 26 jesus was speaking and he said with men this is impossible that means there are some things that are not they are not available and possible within the realm of men it is not within the power of a man to change another man in his strength it is not within the power of a man to bend through the situations and circumstances the vicissitudes of life and to thrive and excel and do something that brings glory to the name of the lord in the strength of the flesh so very clearly the bible lets us know that there are some things that are not possible for men that means if you see a man producing that level of result he was assisted by the realm of the spirit it is not within the power of men to do some things i think it's very instructive if we understand early because most times as well meaning as we are we attempt to do supernatural things in the strength of the flesh and then we find out the futility of the flesh again and again and again it brings us back to a place of nothingness the bible says with men this is impossible matthew 19 26 it says but with god all things someone please prophesy to yourself say all things are possible hallelujah so this is very important i learned this early in life that there are some things that are not within the power of men to do a man does not have the ability to lift another man by himself a man does not have the ability to change and influence another person by himself god stated through scripture the limitations of men this is why he made all of the spiritual provisions that empower men who though ordinary now begin to walk in realms and dimensions that don't found principalities and powers are we together so inasmuch as we are men there is a provision in the dealing of god where men are upgraded to realms where we function as gods this is true that although we are ordinary and frail in ourselves there is still a provision in the dealing of god where we can receive strength we can receive wisdom empowerment and all of the spiritual provisions that lift us to the realm that is above the realm of mere men psalm 82 when you read from verse 5 the bible says they know not neither will they understand they walk on in darkness and all the foundations of the earth are out of course verse 6 says i have said ye are gods and all of you are children of the most high the tragedies in the next verse 7 says but you shall die like mere men and fall like one of these princes so i just want to share this morning very briefly for the time allotted me on just one spiritual key that can help ordinary men to rise to supernatural dimensions and to make full proof of ministry and this one key is the mystery of spiritual i like to plead respectfully that we lend our attention to understand this all surpassing truth that if you ever find a man a people a ministry excel beyond a threshold level they were assisted from the realm of the spirit this is true in the secular this is true with non-christians there is a level of results ordinary men cannot produce there is a limit so when you find out that men excel beyond a level immediately that tells you they have outsourced a system of assistance whether diabolic or of god but man on himself unassisted cannot go beyond certain levels alleluia spiritual empowerment it is consistent with the character of god as revealed through scripture that he never calls a man and a people and sends them to represent him unassisted every time from scripture when you read whether it is abraham moses esther or whoever at all when god calls people he makes them and then he sends them by the way let me steal out five minutes just to say something that i think has been a burden in my heart for a very very long time our call is not unto ministry our call is unto jesus this is very important every time you find jesus calling people in scripture he was not calling them to an assignment he was calling them to himself matthew chapter 4 for instance and verse 19 beckoned on his disciples he said come follow me come follow me most times i think the confusion is that we think that the call is a call to ministry to a church to a group and so we focus on the platform uh and and and the the ministry without knowing the true essence of the call the believer's call is unto jesus there are several things that happens when you meet jesus one of it is that he makes you come he says follow me and i will make you it is when we are made as a result of that call then we are sent our assignment starts at the instance of our being sent not been called just because a man is called does not mean he has been sent it's a mistake that very many well-meaning people have made to their detriment when he calls you he calls you to himself then through that fellowship and intimacy he makes you reveals the blueprint of the assignment then sends you it is as the instance of sending you he now empowers you but just because you are called you can now send yourself your call is genuine but you will not send and there are implications to not be sent by god is god helping us our calling is unto jesus not ministry i know that sometimes generically speaking we say we are called but now because we are discussing something that especially is among ministers of the gospel our call is unto jesus it is when we fulfill our calling effectively then we can do ministry effectively empowerment therefore happens when we are sent not when we are called the empowerment for ministry happens when you are sent not when you are called it is possible to be genuinely called but because you have not stayed to be made you can live without the requisite level of empowerment that it takes to excel in ministry and there is a plethora of casualties that can happen to an individual that even though genuinely called was not sent are we together yes luke chapter 10 and verse 1 please write it down for reference sake luke chapter 10 and verse 1. luke chapter 10 and verse 1. the bible says after these things the lord appointed other 70 also and sent them sent them remember once upon a time he called them when he called them it was unto himself it was a time of mentorship it was a time of training from the beatitudes to other events they witnessed him they saw him but he never allowed them to participate in any active they were students they were learning now when we get to luke chapter 10 from verse 1 the bible says he sent them two by two into every city we that himself would come he sent them matthew chapter 10 matthew chapter 10 we'll read from verse 1 we'll read from verse 5 and then to 8 matthew chapter 10 please matthew chapter 10 i'll read from verse 1 and when he had called on to him the 12 disciples the bible says he gave them power against unclean spirits to cast them out and to heal all manner of sickness and all manner of disease we go to verse 5 and it reads the 12 jesus sent forth the twelve jesus sent forth he sent and commanded them saying go not into the way of the gentiles nor into any city of the samaritans entity not but go rather to the lordship of the house of israel and as ye go now that have sent you as ego preached saying the kingdom of heaven is at hand and whilst doing that you are empowered to heal the sick you are empowered to cleanse the lepers you are empowered to raise the dead to cast out devils freely you have received freely give the empowerment is as the instant of being sent are we blessed this morning praise the name of the lord so i presume by the grace of god that many of us have spent time staying with our call which is jesus that relationship that builds intimacy that relationship that builds knowledge when he called moses remember moses was tending his father in lost sheep at the backside of the mountain then the bible says that moses saw a bush that was burning and yet would not be consumed he said i will turn aside and see this great sight and when god saw that he turned aside he said moses take off your shoes for where thou standest is holy ground and then he began to reveal himself to moses i am that i am he said now on the strength of this revelation i am sending you go to pharaoh this ordinary road it will now become my road because you've had an encounter with me go back to pharaoh if moses left that encounter without that instruction he would have been surprised what will happen in egypt it is risky to send yourself the mystery is this fulfilling our calling takes a long time and sometimes it's embarrassingly hard god can keep you in one place and those who started with you can go far ahead of you and god's test remain there and sometimes the embarrassment of feeling like your life is not making progress can push us to graduate ourselves from the school of the spirit into a realm where we have not been empowered to function staying with god is really the proof of a believer's maturity let's talk a bit on spiritual empowerment isaiah chapter 61 theologically speaking this is known as the messianic prophecy it was directed to jesus and then by extension his church because the bible says we've been grafted into christ now so let's look at it very briefly isaiah 61 the spirit of the lord god is upon me he said because the lord hath anointed me please mark that word anointed to be anointed means to be ordained to be anointed means to legitimize your operations that means you are no longer functioning in that capacity illegally to legitimize your operation the spirit of the lord god is upon me because he have anointed ordained commission legitimized me to preach good tidings to the meek now please just just walk with me briefly as we see the things that the anointing does it takes the anointing not just a good salmon to preach good tidings to the mig he had sent me there you see the word again he had sent me to bind up the broken-hearted it says to proclaim liberty to the captives the opening of prison to them that are bound he had sent me steel with his anointing to proclaim the acceptable year of the lord and the day of vengeance of our god still with the anointing and still being sent to comfort all that mourn to appoint unto them that mourning zion it says to give them beauty for ashes the oil of joy for mourning the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness that they might be called the trees or oaks of righteousness the planting of the lord that he might be glorified all because of the anointing there is no believer who can thrive in ministry without spiritual empowerment as great as jesus was and is when he came as the carpenter's son he looked helpless for 30 years until he was empowered in fact it will interest you to know that he walked under a close heaven until his heaven opened jesus needed his heaven to be opened the bible says and the heaven was opened over him and the spirit of the lord descended upon him as a dove resting upon him and then there was a voice that spoke he said this is my beloved son in whom i am well pleased and creation was given an instruction hear ye him everywhere jesus went they had to listen because there was a word upon him hearing him when that word comes upon your ministry it does not matter the location when that word comes upon your ministry it does not even matter the kind and the level hearing him is an instruction to creation that means never ignore this anointing may that be a prophetic word for someone in the name of jesus the son of the living god zechariah chapter 4 and verse 6 it says not by might nor by power but it is by my spirit saith the lord i arrived here very late yesterday and while i was being led to a place where i would pass the night i i just kept nodding my head and once again i was reminded that some things are not possible with men i could see the excellency of the spiritual empowerment upon this commission upon our father upon our mother and while i went there i was not just preparing a salmon i was praying and saying lord may something come upon my own life now that i am here let me not waste this time doing preacher whatever grace that produce this kind of result that the whole world cannot deny regardless of tribe regardless of whatever it may come upon my own life listen please sit down there is more to men than all you see there is a grace from heaven empowerment is real the anointing of the holy spirit is real this side of this country is full of a heritage of the spiritual history of men and women who although ordinary encountered empowerment by the spirit of god and what wonders some of them were not educated in as much as we know education to be and yet they encountered this they encountered this mysterious anointing and it changed their lives isaiah 48 and verse 16 the bible says and now the lord and his spirit had sent me god never sends people alone the lord isaiah 48 and verse 16 the lord and his spirit had sent me to the music ministry the lord and his spirit to women's ministry the lord and his spirit to a prophetic ministry the lord and his spirit we never go alone it is always the lord and his spirit in john chapter 20 and verse 21 john chapter 20 and verse 21 jesus himself was speaking and he said as my father had sent me so jesus himself was sent he did not just come he was sent he said as my father had sent me so send i you that means we have to examine how the father sent him the father did not send jesus empty he sent him with the spirit acts chapter 10 and verse 38 says how god anointed jesus of nazareth he says with the holy ghost and with power the bible says he went about doing good healing all day that were oppressed of the devil for god was with him as my father has sent me so send are you you may look ordinary but there is the backing of heaven the jealousy of god is invested upon your life and the bible says jealousy is the rage of a man that means you want to make a man angry touch his bride and if it is true that we are the bride of christ the bible says regardless gender this is a spiritual reality that means i am sure that the jealousy of the one who sent me is behind everything that i do spiritual empowerment is very very powerful especially because of the reality of the times that we live in if we must excel in ministry we must contend for superior dimensions of spiritual empowerment let me use the time i have left to share just four keys these are keys that i have seen from scripture these are keys that i have gleaned from our fathers of faith principles that they have walked in and has brought them like ushers into tremendous dimensions of spiritual empowerment number one the first key that controls spiritual empowerment helping us to make full proof of ministry is consecration and intimacy with god please write it down the first key that is responsible for such a lavish investment of god's grace and god's anointing when you find a man that is so lavishly anointed when you find a woman that is so lavishly empowered by the spirit behind that empowerment is consecration and intimacy with god first john chapter 2 please from verse 15 for the sake of time again i'll just quote it very quickly but right from 15 to 17 first john chapter 2 from verse 15 to 17. apostle paul apostle john now was teaching us and he made a very instructive statement here's what he said he said love not the world love not the world neither the things that are in the world he says if any man regardless loves the world it is proof that the love of the father is not in him the word love not the world there does not mean to not be blessed it doesn't mean to sincerely desire good things is from the word eros an ungodly affinity an affinity and attachment that can can kill your relationship with god love not the world he says do not develop an ungodly affinity for the world the system neither the things that are in the world that if at any point you find out that your heart is falling away for the things of this life it is proof that the love of the father in you is being threatened and he categorizes this level of lost into three number one he calls it the lust of the eyes the ungodly affinity that comes to your life by reason of the things you see these eyes that god gave us has an implication because there are things when you see there are many temptations and many troubles in our lives that came on account of having eyes that see is that true the lust of the eyes number two the lust of the flesh that this flesh and this body we wear must constantly be be kept under check because there are appetites and i'm not just talking of things like fornication and adultery alone i'm talking of others like glutamine and slumber sleep these are things that can erode the power and the grace of god upon the life of a minister the bible says a little slip and a little slumber a little folding of the ice and poverty will come upon you like an unbandit it takes tamina and it says wild shepherds watch their flocks by night they should be sleeping in the night but a good shepherd lays down his life even by night they were still watching their flocks is god speaking to us consecration and intimacy we must continually pray that god will grant us grace that the higher we rise in ministry the purer our hearts towards him and the more detached we are from the blessings that come to us the temptation is that as god continues to lift us and prosper his work in our lives chances are that we can become complacent and and and focus on these things and not him i've prayed many times and cried to god that if you will ever give me anything that sustains the ability of taking my focus away from you and i'm praying it even among us are on the stage may it never come to me it's true money fame these things are wonderful but they have a subtle way of distracting your focus you must that's why programs like this and conferences like this are truly powerful because they help us to bring us back to alignment all of the distractions that have eaten up our focus when we tabernacle for days like this then it re-fires our focus once again proverbs chapter 23 and verse 26 very powerful scripture it says my son even though you are my son give me thy heart not your money not your offering not your ministry not your singing not your preaching what i want is your heart no matter what else you give me if your heart is far away from me i'm still searching for something my son these are the secrets to the anointing authentic genuine anointing my son thank you for your good preaching thank you for your your your excellent administration thank you for your intellectual prowess but what i require if it is my anointing you want is your heart i've said it that the price for all of god is all of you all of you is the price the price for life is death my son give me thine heart give me your heart can we turn this into a prayer in one minute lord i i surrender my entire heart and my life not just my parish not just my church not just my bank account my heart whatever is in your heart is your god i hand it over please let's take a minute and do a handover service a handover ceremony i am tired of owning my own life and my own heart it's brought me a lot of troubles i hand over my heart to you when i got born again i received your life but now for the sake of the service of the kingdom receive my heart my son give me your heart if someone pray take my heart i gave you my church boss i gave you my church account wonderful i gave you my talent wonderful i gave you part of my fame but god is saying more than that i need your heart i do not trust you until you can trust me with your heart hallelujah consecration consecration and intimacy with god let me challenge us respectfully this morning that as a minister of the gospel if a major part of your life is on stage you are not doing effective ministry a major part of your life should be behind the veil that is really where the fellowship is and sometimes i know that we live very busy schedules it's possible to keep doing ministry and keep preaching whereas the wine has finished in the the wedding in canada of galilee the feast was still on and the bible says and the wine finished we must trust god to fund the flames of the secret place again we must trust god for grace to periodically shut down from activities no matter how great because that's where he found us and that's where those who celebrate us they met us there we must remain there is god speaking to us this morning where fame found you where lifting found you where open doors found you i pray that you will remain there yes sir take the stage lord that's what nathaniel bassey sang for us have your way [Music] i'm just a vessel nothing more when you're done [Music] please take the glory i'm satisfied just to see you glorify you need to strengthen your intimacy with god man can clap you to your destruction five minutes to your fault they will still be clapping and when you fall they will trample upon you god is speaking to someone this morning return to the secret place you have held the mic enough drop it and leave them there if they say where are you going tell them i'm going to where i was before this mike found me i'm going to where i was before fame found me where i was before lifting found me when you're done please take the glory i'm satisfied just to see you glorify your all i want not ministry your all life ever needed [Music] [Music] more than the accolades of men help me know you the patriarchs of faith studied that history of the church in nigeria most of the mighty people who were used did not plan to be ministry they wanted god so passionately they were not looking for mics and names and fame they wanted him and the power of god met them at the place of their hunger intimacy with god let's hurry up our time is almost up for someone let me encourage that every spare time of break we have let it be spent alone with god two hours to rest three hours to rest just lock yourself and say lord i'm still here again let my voice not be strange to the realm of the spirit let demons witness me worshipping my king let them let them be part of the testifiers that my secret place has not been left above number two what is the second key that controls unusual dimensions of the anointing the power of the word of god genuine anointing cannot be separated from the word of god now i know that there are all kinds of propositions today that attempt to downplay the word of god but the bible says john 1 verse 3 and without him was not anything made that was made the word of god makes it creates proverbs chapter 23 and verse 26 where we read earlier on he said my son give me your heart first instruction the second instruction is let your i says and observe my ways observe my ways a very interesting scripture that has blessed me habakkuk chapter 3 from verse 3 to 4. if you read this in amplified it will bless you habakkuk chapter 3 verse 3 to 4 the verse of emphasis is verse 4. the bible says in that light the ray that comes from his hand that light is the hiding place of his power the power of god is hidden in his light that means when the light of god comes his power is also available there genuine anointing is a product of encounter with the word of god there is the hiding place you are looking for the power of god is hidden in his word when you feast with the word of god when you study the word of god not just to get a salmon this is my daily bread your very word spoken to me and i am desperate for you thank you the word of god i found your word and i did it it was a joy and a rejoicing to my soul please we must trust god for grace to invest in the world invest in the world i don't know about you um i thank god for the power of technology but there is something about holding your bible and sitting down and looking at it i'm pleased i'm not don't feel insulted i'm not against um you know electronic devices and all of that but there is there is something about making contact with the word of god marking something writing something to remind you we must obtain grace to invest in the world part of the requirement of a man of god is that we study to show ourselves a proof the bible says a workman that needs not to be ashamed he says rightly dividing the word we must be sound in doctrine we must be able to communicate truth with power balance intelligence and grace the third key very quickly the third key to genuine spiritual empowerment prayer with fasting not just prayer and fasting prayer with fasting when you read matthew chapter 4 from verse 1 and 2 the temptation of jesus the bible says after the holy ghost came upon him the holy spirit drove him into the wilderness and for a period of 40 days the bible says that he fasted and he prayed then after being tempted of the devil i think his luke's account he said and he returned in the power of the spirit he returned in the power of the spirit and his fame went abroad returned in the power of the spirit prayer and fasting has been the age long key to genuine empowerment and genuine revival prayer with fasting prayer with fasting prayer with fasting heartfelt prayer james chapter five when you read from verse 13 to 18 13 to 18 is the context but we'll just focus on 16 b to 18. here's what it says verse 13 he says is any man afflicted he says let him pray then when we get to the b part of 16 he says the fervent and effectual prayer of the righteous available much then he uses a personality in scripture to show us the excellency of prayer he says elijah was a man of like passion meaning he was in every way human yet he was able to pray that he prayed earnestly that there be no reign for a space of three and a half years a man single-handedly used prayer to shut the heavens over a territory and then when the time had elapsed he prayed again that means what prayer did yesterday can still do again luke chapter 18 and verse one he spake this parable to the end that men ought always to pray and not to faint then it says there was in a certain city a george that did not fear god nor regard men then in that city there was a widow the bible says a woman who had lost her system of defense and she came to him daily and said avenge me my adversity and and for a long time he would not pay attention to her the bible says but for her continual coming her importunity he said even though i do not fear god and i do not regard men yet this woman will weary me that means there is something prayer does there is something it does to the power of darkness you may be weak and defenseless but prayer can give you immunity it can supply strength acts chapter 1 from verse 8. the preceding verses jesus was having his last session final session with the 120 before he would ascend to heaven and they said will you at this time restore the nation of israel he said it is not for you to know the times and the seasons that the father has put within his care verse 8 says but ye shall receive power after that the holy ghost is come upon you it says and you shall be witnesses unto me jerusalem judea samaria to the utmost part of the earth then we go to acts chapter 2 and verse 1. it says now when the day of pentecost was fully come that they were gathered together in one accord suddenly there was a sound like it was in ezekiel 37 and then the bible says that they saw the holy ghost came and filled them and they received cloven tongues now in chapter 1 verse 8 he never said you will receive tongues he said the name of whatever comes from you is called power but in acts chapter 2 we do not see power but we see tongues that means there is a relationship between the prayer language of tongues and spiritual power he said you will receive power but in acts chapter 2 we do not see any power there but what we see is a language that was given to man so when you engage in prayer truly you become powerful show me a weak believer very weak and timid believer show me a ministry a minister without results invest genuine quality time to pray prayer for edification not just supplication edification that you generate energy in the spirit and i show you a believer that will work in tremendous levels of power number four i plead that we pay attention to this fourth key i'm ramping up this is a very deep mystery and i'm glad that we're in such a prophetic platform it's my prayer that will maximize this fourth key the fourth key that controls spiritual empowerment is called impartation impartation is a very deep mystery is the transference of spiritual possibilities isaiah chapter 9 and verse 8 the bible says the lord sent a war to jacob but it lighted upon israel that means every time god wants to transfer a dimension of his grace to a people the way he does it is to find an individual are we together now that everything he does to an individual is for the sake of a people so when god empowered our father the jew and our mother mummy jew he had us in mind when that was happening that when he sends a word to jacob it is because he intends for the entire israel to benefit from it impartation is powerful philippians chapter 1 and verse 7 apostle paul was mentoring the church in philippi and he said ye are all partakers of my grace that means men can become the partakers of an individual's grace the grace on a ministry can come on an individual the grace on a man and a woman of god can come on an individual hallelujah there are many people doing great things for god around the world around this nation and you see the thing about the anointing the anointing is like an address you can know where it came from impartations are like addresses you can carry a grace you did not come here with and return back and your results will show immediately and you see the thing about impartation is that what is on you is what controls what is around you i can know what is on you by looking at the results you command around you that one anointed my head with oil but i see what is on my head by looking at my cup it is my cup it's not the cup that is anointed it's my head that is anointed but i know the result on my head by looking at what happens to my cup thou anointed my head with oil my ministry runs over thou anointed my head with oil my business runs over so if my cup my ministry my business whatever it is it's not running over the problem is not the cup the problem is that there is insufficient oil on your head at any level in the spirit there is still room for greater levels of the anointing numbers chapter 27 two scriptures will be our last numbers 27 from verse 18 to 20 numbers 27 from verse 18 to 20. moses was instructed to anoint aaron i wish it could be projected let me rush there so that would just read numbers chapter 27 all right verse 18. here's what it says and the lord said unto moses take thee joshua the son of nun a man in whom is the spirit already he already had the spirit he said notwithstanding lay your hands upon him and set him before elias at the priest and before the congregation and give him a charge in your sight may you never forget verse 20. look what is written there verse 20 it says and thou shalt put some of your honor on him all noise is transferable honor is a grace that can lead someone to someone there is a real grace called honor no matter how valuable an individual is if you do not have that grace you will be despised the kingdom of god operates by anointings and graces that means for every dimension of result in the kingdom there is a grace allocated for it if it's prosperity there is a grace allocated if his speed there is a grace if his influence and honor there is a grace allocated our assignment is through humility and meekness and discernment to be able to outsource some of these graces that are not in our lives and continue to improve on our results at every point in our lives we should be conscious of the graces that are deficient the bible says and god is able to make all grace that means grace is not just generic all grace i can have the grace for wisdom and not have the grace for favor i can have the grace for wisdom and not have speed in my life so my assignment is that in a conference like this i humble myself before god and start asking lord you have done well for me here in the area of prosperity you have settled me but it looks like my life is slow so you begin to discern that becomes your prayer request as words keep coming you know what you are receiving the graceful speed and when it comes it shows immediately elisha followed elijah and elijah said what are you looking for he says a double portion he said you've asked a hard thing however if you can if you are that focused to see me to see me means if you descend what i represent beyond my human body and he said my father my father the chariots of israel and the horsemen thereof and the bible says that the mantle came on him when he went to jordan he said where is the lord god of elijah several years ago i was in iran had one care crusade and i made up my mind that there was a grace upon that man that i desired in my life i stood there for six hours the first day very simple message and i saw marvelous things happen by the second day i said i have to serve this anointing it's not the issue of man of god now and when i came i was i was serving doing they said no no you are not in any committee i said committee or no committee i came here with hunger to receive when you are desperate to receive you drop everything aside and pursue sincerely i stood there for six hours i humorously would say that there was a pregnant woman close to me and because of her pregnancy i don't know what brought her to that crusade ground occasionally she would lean on me and at a point i said madam we're all standing here too we're tired you know and then here's the encounter he preached a simple message that night and he was about to take a cup of water so that you will minister the baptism that was the first time my eyes were opened to see the the visible manifestation of the holy spirit i saw a big bird as big as this auditorium hovering around the entire crusade ground i thought everybody was seeing it it had silvery silvery linings like this just not flapping the wings and the spirit of god took me to genesis chapter one from verse one and two and the spirit hovered around the face of the waters and the holy ghost told me that the union between the spoken word and the movement of the spirit is what produces miracles when i came back to myself i was backing the stage i said thank you jesus i know that i've received this impartations are real you can obtain a grace hallelujah one time i had the opportunity of sneaking into the redemption camp here and i had the honor and the privilege of being taken to the prayer room of our father when i lay down there i cried i prayed i said lord there is one thing you have a covenant of answered prayer may that grace and that impartation rest upon my life why would one person say may god bless you and your life changes and someone will say it hundred times before the same thing happens and yet the bible says the same lord is rich unto all i i my prayer in this morning devotion is that someone would discern impartation cannot happen until there is discernment discernment away from what you already have look to that which is not yet there impartation i truly believe in the transference of the anointing one last story and then we pray many years ago i was in jaws and then i went to buy sugarcane and i saw a group of mothers i have profound respect for women especially mothers and i said no no no mommy please i'm your son would you allow me pay for it it was not more than 100 naira and they said no they were struggling to remove money from their you know this thing they tie here and i said please let me do it give me the honor and they were watching me i paid for that sugar cane and you know paid for them too and the women started blessing me for some reason i don't know why i did not pay attention to what they said but then one of them looked at me strangely and said my son forever woke up on gold [Applause] i knew that woman was not an ordinary woman he was on the way here going to equity i stopped at a little village now i don't know the names of your places here forgive me i remember stopping there i saw that people within these regions lived strangely and mysteriously long i said i need the grace for long life because i know the kind of call god has given me and i know the attacks i remember and now i i don't speak europe maybe just say a bit of it and then we finally found someone who could interpret the english for us i said please where is the oldest man in this place i went to preaching equity on my way back and then they took us to an old man and we said please i'm a man of god we just came to honor your grace and that you speak whatever has kept you long i went to a place and i saw 130 something he just died i said please where is the wife of this man is she still alive because two have become one anyway that man prayed and released that grace do you know when we met him and they explained to him i thought the man who said no no all grace has just come from god he laughed he said kneel down he began to pray for me in europe but honestly i wasn't interested in what he was saying i just felt like a crown true story was put on my head when it was done we sowed into his life i was on my way to go and enter the vehicle and someone called my attention and said this man that died 136 that's his wife standing there i could not believe it that woman was like a hundred and something yet she was standing and i i said can they take me back i said ma i don't know what to call you now but please can you pray for me and the woman tapped me we entered the room and she was showing me the pictures of her husband that was the husband of her youth they were together from very early black and white photos and she showed me around and i said they should help tell her that please i don't know if i'll call myself your grandson or your great grandson but mama please let me not leave here like this do you know what she did she said they should tell me to kneel down she took off both of her shoes and stood on barefoot now i don't know what that means here but that woman she stood on her feet and more than 15 minutes she was reigning prophecy upon my life people don't rise by mistake there are mysterious anointings that lift people we're wrapping up my time is up but we are going to pray anybody you see excelling beyond a certain level there are mysterious graces there are always stories and most times these stories are not said because we want jesus to be glorified but there are stories behind the rising of people behind the mysterious lifting of people was it not somewhere that called saul and said come up he said is it not because the lord has anointed you to be captain over his people someone is going to pray that all of the vessels that stand here to minister especially our mother in the lord beyond what she's saying there are graces testaments of sacrifice yes of pain and covenants with god father been coming for feast of esther but it will not be like before again something must come upon my life just two minutes for us to cry i don't know how you are going to cry before god here but please remember your ministry remember your children remember those connected to your grace in the next two minutes just play something for us everyone cry before the god of heaven [Music] change my life papa to shelly kapara change my ministry lord i have seen your mercy but i need speed i need helpers financiers to arise for me this is a prophetic platform that you have so honored you are so glorified globally what grace have you invested on this ground what grace have you invested upon our parents let it come upon my life let it come upon my ministry what is it that you gave them that makes that every time they call you here somebody is praying somebody is praying lord where is the grace for honor that you have given in this ministry where is the grace for speed where is the grace for favor the esta anointing that cause help us mysteriously where is the grace for relevance and continuity there are people who start ten years they have gone down five years they have gone down what is this grace that has sustained this ministry this long i open up my heart to receive just two minutes and we are done [Music] i have found my servant david and with my holy oil have i anointed him please pray the grace for consecration and intimacy with the holy spirit the grace for the word of god the grace for prayer with fasting and the discernment to open up for [Music] impartation hallelujah hallelujah in the name of jesus in one minute listen was he praying in one minute every grace that you have discerned upon our mother and by extension our father that the lord has revealed to you can you mention it by name and say lord by your mercy i received by your mercy by your mercy by your mercy feast of esther let it be a time of impartation graces are transferable they are transferable under the atmosphere of humility and meekness and genuine hunger pray to god lord i honor this grace and honor the graces upon this ground [Music] are you praying let it be from the depth of your heart [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you lord thank you faithful father thank you lord jesus thank you in jesus mighty name we have prayed father we thank you for your word if we say we have not heard you we lie and the truth is not in us we receive your word with thanksgiving today lord we plead with you that your word will not return to you void if we find good ground in our hearts it will grow it will bring forth fruits
Channel: Victor Omebije
Views: 11,970
Rating: 4.9488492 out of 5
Keywords: Apostle Joshua Selman Nimmak, Apostle Joshua Selman Nimmak Videos, Apostle Joshua Selman, Apostle Joshua Selman Videos, Apostle Joshua Selman Sermons, Victor Omebije, Koinonia, Koinonia Global, Koinonia Abuja, Koinonia Zaria, Apostle Selman, Mummy G.O., Mummy G.O. Prays for Apostle Joshua Selman at Feast of Esther 2021, Feast of Esther, The Book of Esther, [Video] Apostle Joshua Selman at Feast of Esther 2021
Id: lj_sYFtklbQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 40sec (3940 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 27 2021
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