SECRET KEYS TO OPEN CLOSED GATES | Apostle Joshua Selman Sermon

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when you meet with god that he will make you it is true it is true that god is able to make men hallelujah and conferences like this are designed with an intention to help men experience god in higher levels higher dimensions and there are a number of things that should happen in every gathering and more so in a conference like this number one is that people must encounter god there has to be a platform that allows for encounters number two people must be transformed by the power of the world god's word is his instrument of transformation transformation is the process that makes you become like christ in experience hallelujah number three there must be an allowance for the ministry of the power and the presence of the holy spirit we must allow god reveal himself through signs and wonders and miracles signs and wonders are expressions of the love of god but they are also expressions of his power and then number four there must be a platform for impartations an impartation is a transference of spiritual possibilities every time god anoints jacob he intends for that grace to reach israel he never anoints a man just for himself he only anoints that man to be the starting point that initiates that experience across the body praise the lord so whilst we're gathered like this it is important that we expect that even while the word of god is coming there will be a transference of grace you know by now through the so powerful teaching ministry of your pastor that our possibilities in this kingdom is not only dependent on the love of god nor the will of god but on the level and the dimension of grace that is operating in your life it is true this is why grace and peace can be multiplied so when god brings and calls for a convergence like this it is also an opportunity to drink of several graces that now empower us to be effective as far as the advancement of the kingdom is concerned and then actualizing our destinies and finally there must be a platform for fellowship the bible says psalm 133 behold how good and pleasant it is it says when brethren dwell together in unity he likens it to the oil that comes upon the head of aaron the priest that comes down to his bed to his cat the bible says for there in that unity not that house that state of unity the lord had commanded the blessing are you ready to pray father open our eyes in the name of jesus take us to higher levels please pray please pray such powerful moments already the worship the praise the mistrals that have come they have prepared our spirits to receive i like us to is in the name of jesus just one more prayer i'd like you to pray and declare that forcefully by the power of god's word you are making intentional advancement in your life i want you to mean it with all your heart listen psychologically speaking one of the indices for fulfillment is progress you only become fulfilled to the extent to which you perceive that you are making progress is that true this is why stagnation is demonic how do you know you are suffering stagnation when only your age is growing if your age is the only thing growing in your life something is wrong the bible says and jesus grew luke chapter 2 and verse 52 in wisdom in stature in favor with god and with men if someone ready to pray and declare that in this conference you are making progress be intentional about your prayer please lift your voice and pray together yes of your glory us let the life of your reefer flow let the truth of your kingdom let it rain in us by the way of your glory foreign by the way i'm under the shadow of your wings your influences all over me i am under the shadow of your wings your influence is all over me to higher levels oh god this is why we are gathered higher levels of perception higher levels of power higher levels of grace higher levels of spiritual illumination the grace that can break open close gates and release that dimension of grace and glory that is upon our lives this we obtain tonight hallelujah we desire to see him through his word because the bible says it is only as we behold him we are not changed when he is around we are changed when we see him to see you high and lift it up you are shining in the light of your glory pour out your power and luck as we sing you are shining in the light of your glory please lay your hands on your head in one minute and pray my mind be open my spirit be opened my eyes be open someone is praying brenda brother hallelujah press the name of the lord may god bless you please be seated romans chapter 15 and verse 4 will begin today and then we'll take it tomorrow and as god will grant us grace i love the word of god because it sustains the power to truly bless and to lift romans 15 and verse 4 the bible says for whatsoever things the word of god is coming now whatsoever things were written a fourth time it says they were written for our learning not just for our knowledge they were written for our learning that we through patience and comfort of the scripture we might have hope what hope hope that the god that did it to them is able to do it again so the bible tells us that the things that were written are four times every story every parable captured in scripture there is an intent to it the bible says it was written for our learning so every time we study scripture god expects that we will learn what do we learn we learn the character of god what do we learn we learn the ways of god what the bible calls the mysteries of the kingdom this is a conference essentially scripture contains three basic things number one scripture contains promises in scripture we find the promises god's bond god's commitment promises define the boundaries of god's bond and commitment to man number two in scripture we find principles what the bible calls the ways of god his modus operandi his methodologies god's strategy for achieving results are we together now so when we study scripture he shows us scripture shows us a road map that leads from desires to manifestations so i am able to study from scripture how to obtain hebrews 11 gives us an archive of those who use these truths to obtain results it says now faith is the substance of things hoped for he calls it the evidence of things not seen he says for by it elders obtained principles the principles of god are a representation of his system of justice so that whoever can find them regardless background regardless gender regardless the disadvantage before that time once you find it the bible says they are life to those who find them and health to their flesh i'm giving a background to my session it's important that we appreciate the ministry of the word for these reasons that the word of god scripture contains promises number two it contains principles we can study the word of god and learn not only the character of god we can learn the way he operates so we gain mastery in this kingdom by an accurate understanding of the ways of god this is what builds up into what we call dominion dominion happens to the degree to which we comprehend the mysteries of the kingdom number three we find in scripture prophecy prophecies are captured in scripture he does not leave us in limbo as to the future he wants believers to understand their destiny both term and long term and we find the entire scope of a believer's journey past present and future in scripture because if our hope is only in this life the bible declares that we have all men most miserable so scripture contains prophecy it lets us know what is going to happen to us after now so that it does not leave us in fear because the character of love is that it cast out fear and if god should leave us in the dark without knowing what the future holds we will walk in fear and fear has the capacity to keep men in bondage if it is true that god is love then there should not be fear around him so everything that makes for the exiting of fear in the believer's life uncertainty brings fear this is why faith is the cure for fear our persuasion that even though i am not there i can rest my faith on a god who is alpha omega not and omega alpha omega he is not the beginning and the end he is both the beginning and at the same time he doesn't have to walk from the beginning to leave the end he can still be in the beginning while at the end so there's no such thing as god what you know as though he needs to leave the beginning to quickly peep into the future his realm does not have past does not have presence does not have future his realm is not even eternity god's realm is called now that's his realm everything is bare before him are we together so when we study scripture listen carefully why am i saying this this is a conference and sadly because god is helping to build the body of christ we must help believers understand the importance of scripture the bible scripture is god's recommended pathway to knowing him and understanding his ways scripture is not the only way we know the realm of the spirit we can route through other sources and other channels but the bible leaves us with a disclaimer that if you follow any other way outside of scripture there is a side effect to your experience there will be a side effect to your experience when jesus came he said i am the way the way means the authorized channel i lead you to the truth reality that reality ministers life to you he says no man comes to the father that means i am also a bridge you never experience the father except through me i am the administrator of eternal life apostle john was speaking and he says this is the record that god had given us eternal life he said but he structured the administration of that life such that you must encounter the sun before you have that life are we together so do not frown at any time you have to sit to learn scripture learning scripture is an is a way of deliverance deliverance from ignorance the bible says true knowledge shall be just be delivered now that god has given your confidence such a powerful title we have to explore through scripture the only way we open gates or bring them down the only way we possess our possession the only way we advance in this scripture is to go to this manual and find out god's way of doing it mastery in this kingdom happens when we understand the secrets that are behind stories not the stories themselves a story in scripture never benefits you until the mystery behind it is unraveled this is how we excel are we together now so we explore scripture and we find there god's ways how do we bring down gates how do we bring down mountains is it unusual for a man to be in an experience where there are all kinds of gates and instruments of resistance scripture is that lecturer that enlightens us brings us into the place of knowledge i commend you to god he says unto the word of his grace which is able to build you up and then to give you an inheritance among them that are sanctified are we blessed having established this i like us to look at the book of joshua through my session the book of joshua is a very interesting book in the bible not only because i'm named after that book but then hallelujah it is a very interesting book because it is one of the books in the bible that shows the valiancy of faith it shows how god is able to pick a man and guide that man and scatter through that book are mysteries the book is very open to show us what happens when we walk in keeping with god's ways and it is also open to show us that just because you won yesterday does not mean you win tomorrow you only win to the degree to which you walk in keeping with the truths that make for victory are we blessed so joshua chapter six please and then we'll back up to chapter five and then i'll just pick one thing for tonight we'll share and we pray are we still together joshua chapter six let's start from verse one we'll read with king james and then if there's any other version if that is possible if we can look at it after we read with king james maybe amplified or nit i wanted to see something there that would be the basis for my teaching proper tonight the bible says now jericho was strictly shot up it was closed why because of the children of israel there was a reason why it was close as a result nothing went in and nothing went out is there any other version we can look at just verse 1 the bible says now jericho a fenced town with high walls was tightly closed because of the israelites none went out or came in can we look at um i wish we can see niv beautiful no the scripture you just the version you just used now nlt thank you read with me everyone now the gates of jericho where tightly because stop stop stop don't rush we this is a conference there was a reason why the people shot that place the bible says these people had fear operating in them so even though they had creativity before and they could build such a wall fear paralyzed them in a moment and for the fear of israelites they shot that place that was once a beauty to neighboring nations the bible says five chariots could stand on the wall what kind of a wall is that imagine a wall where five chariots could stand on if you collapse it it is still a wall now the question is what kind of motivation was given to those people to be able to build such a formidable structure are we together now once upon a time they came to that place they advanced to that region and the bible says they were able to build this formidable structure with strong gates and towers if you read i wish we had time you will see the security architecture of jericho pastor the security architecture of jericho was second to none the nation of israel even though a covenant people they sneaked in and went to rahab in the moment the news had gotten to the king that some people came their location was picked with accuracy what sort of a city is this follow me carefully don't trivialize jericho i know it was destroyed but let's learn something from it first they sent somebody he came to jericho they sneaked in and met a harlot and there was such an intelligent system in jericho with precision the king had received the news some men came from israel they came to spy how was their motif descend and then they met rahab she had to coin a story and he said pursue them beyond the jordan and he opened the gates they went and closed now i'm trying to help you appreciate the fact that this city was not built by weak men but one information entered their camp and the moment that information entered their camp progress died a people who built such events a people who had such security architecture somebody introduced one information give us that scripture again now you will understand what you are reading now the guests what did captioning they close not because the gate spoiled not because anything bad happened to it simply because of one factor was introduced they were afraid of the israelites the bible says as a result no one was allowed to go in no one was allowed to go out we're discussing gates we'll bring down jericho later but this night i want you to understand what can happen to a people how can a man be so powerful so saved so intelligent so creative with results to show and then just one information is introduced into the life of that man and he will profess stagnation to advancement that a man prefers to remain the same let our economy suffer yes let our reputation go down yes remember they only heard they had not seen them it was just a rumor that is possible you may be liable to an attack and because of that every activity that makes for progress suffered everybody say fear shout it again this night we're dealing with some of the forces before we talk about these gates there seem to be something that fear is able to do to men listen carefully that even though it is an invisible enemy the presence and the devastating effect of it can be physical and you can relate with joshua chapter one when we start with that book now there were morning moses please give it to us joshua chapter one the bible says now after the death of moses the servant of the lord it came to pass that the lord speak unto joshua the son of none moses minister saying moses my servant is dead now therefore arise go over prophesy to someone say go over one more time say go over the guy was sitting there in fear what do i do with the people so great how do i lead these people to a place of destiny please keep that scripture and god said my servant is dead now i rise go over this jordan thou and all these people onto the land which i do give them even unto the children of israel verse 3 it says every place hallelujah that the soul of your food shall tread upon that i have given unto you as i said unto moses someone shout amen from the wilderness and this lebanon even to the great river you know let me pause for a minute and let's celebrate god here look at god sharing land as if there are no enemies there you see when god talks to you he talks like he's talking to himself he does not talk like he's seen any limitation when you build that house give this one to this church and one is saying that all you have in your account is five thousand nara and he will never talk about that limitation this is god annotating lands with giants and fierce people please sit down give us that scripture from the wilderness and this lebanon even on to the great river the river euphrates the land of the hittites the great sea towards the going down of the sun it shall be your coast and there shall no man be able to stand before you all the days of your life hold on this was the reason why he removed the sword when the angel appeared because of this word god you gave me a covenant who is this man who are you and the man had to answer he said no no are you for us or against us because a word was given to him that as i go i don't know what i will face but i know one thing that i'm victorious there is a word before me while exploring scripture please leave the scripture then it says verse 5 i will not fail you nor forsake you verse 6 be strong another word for be strong is fear not and be of good courage now that i've spoken to you about advancement there is something that is in men i want to take it out of you otherwise you will not progress now that i have encouraged you i have shown you the allocations of your destiny there is something that is common to all men i need to go through a surgery with you if i do not remove it all this will remain as prophecy mountains will remain mountains prophecy will remain prophecy dreams will remain dreams visions will remain dreams visions it says be strong and of good courage for unto these people you shall divide for and inheritance the land which i swear unto their fathers to give them only bow be strong and fairy why would god emphasize such a thing he said mr man i don't want to threaten you but there are things you are going to see on the way there are things you are going to hear on the way there are people you are going to see on the way do not mind jeremiah 1 please sit down jeremiah 1 from verse 5 jeremiah now we have seen how god was calling and preparing joshua let's see what he did to little jeremiah and before i found thee in the belly i knew that he says before thou camest fought out of the womb i sanctified thee and ordained to ordain means to commission to ordain means to legitimize an operation i ordain you as a prophet to the nations are we together next verse then said i the young boy is speaking now ah lord god behold i cannot speak why for i am a child i love the lord he rebuked him immediately he says say not i am a child for thou shalt go to all that i shall send thee and whatsoever i command thee thou shall speak next verse do you see it here again there is something about great men that if a surgery does not happen to you you can have dreams and have visions but when you start that journey without this spiritual surgery you may not arrive he told him be not afraid be not afraid of their faces for i am with thee to deliver you say the lord jericho a land that is so that is as an architectural masterpiece with such level of intelligence and security but as soon as fear was introduced into that system not even their creativity could function immediately everything paralyzed listen to me tonight in the name of jesus in this place the lord has sent me to perform this spiritual surgery and and crush the spirit of fear out of someone's life and out of someone's destiny that's why i told you don't worry we are coming to gates but this night there is a lesson we must learn please give us chapter 6 and verse one again nlt now the gates of jericho now the gates of creativity now the gates of advancement now the gates of progress suddenly became short because the people were afraid now the gates of higher levels of ministry now the gates of greater exploits in ministry peruse now the gates of science and wonders now the gates of the healing anointing now the gates of supernatural manifestations became short because in as much as you are anointed and blessed as you began to advance you heard that there is a spirit that can destroy men you heard that there is an influence that can come and interrupt your growth fear is dangerous was it not fear that stopped the crusades was it not fear that stopped the instruction from god god lay hands from the sick what if i pray and nothing happens what if people record it and they put it online what if they record my failure when the days of social media what if i pray for that dead body and because of that the gate was shot nothing went out and nothing went in in one minute i'd like you to pray that every spirit of fear in the name of jesus christ i come against you by the god of heaven i come against you by the god of heaven following online pray in the name of jesus the son of the living god hallelujah in the name of jesus let me sit down hebrews chapter 2 please hebrews chapter 2 and verse 14 we're learning from apostle paul hebrews chapter 2 and verse 14. we can go back to king james now hebrews chapter 2 the bible says for as much then as children are partakers of flesh and blood he also himself likewise took part of the same that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death which is the devil verse 15 read with me please one to read and deliver them who through fear of death fear of anything leads to bondage fear of success fear of advancement please pay attention because there are many of you here in spite of the prophetic word that continues to come from the man of god over your life there are ministries locked up within your spirit there are mountains and anointings there are graces spiritual investments after the fasting after the prayer after the night we drill now it's time to advance and fear comes and shuts the gate nothing goes out nothing goes in listen to me the bible tells us in second timothy chapter 1 and verse 7 that fear is a spirit there is a psychology to fear but fear second timothy fear is a spirit second timothy chapter one and verse seven for god have not given look up please that means if you ever find fear in your life you received it as a gift someone gave it but god is saying in that giving i am innocent i'm not the one who gave it listen carefully fear only comes to receive us it is not only money that comes to receive us we are dealing with giving and receiving here please give us a scripture god had not given us the spirit of fear but he has given us power love look at the tripartite forces that must exist for one spirit to live don't you don't place here that for a man to deal with fear there has to be a revelation of power there has to be a revelation of love there has to be a revelation of transformation god has not given us the spirit of fear fear is given it can be rejected it can be received this is very powerful the assignment of fear listen carefully the assignment of fear fear works like a prophetic word because when you become afraid you give power to what you are afraid of listen carefully the only way what you are afraid of can have power over you is to bring you to a psychological state where you are afraid fear is confidence in the object of the fear it is true it's not just a cliche it is true that when you manifest fear you are giving confidence to the object of the fear what is the purpose of fear to gain access to your imagination to gain access to your creativity to gain access to your expectations job chapter 3 and verse 25 job 3 25. job said for the thing which i greatly fear what happened to it is come upon me that means fear has magnetic properties fear can attract to your life what you are afraid of you are afraid of death you are afraid of accidents you are afraid of plane crash you are afraid of failure you are afraid of this and that and job said this is a mystery that the thing that a man can greatly fear is the thing he attracts to his life the thing which i greatly fear this come upon me and that which i was afraid of is come unto me so when god begins to launch men listen carefully after giving them all the encouragement he will tell them there is something i need to take out of you it is not unusual in men to fear but then when you begin to fear you will never be able to do so much fear can impede the passion the force the zest to move forward because when god gives you instructions he will open up to you a destiny that only god can fulfill god cannot give you a destiny that men fulfill he will give you a destiny that only god can fulfill why because he's the one who will walk with you to make it happen please pay attention this night the purpose of fear is to gain access to your imagination when you begin to think fear the devil uses the sense realm and all the things that happen around you to plan fear in you can i tell you what fear does fear can deflate your hope fear can deflate your expectations all of a sudden the zest and the fire you have to move forward suddenly goes down if you will ever raise the dead in your life your first assignment is to have the courage to stand before one if you will ever buy a land in your life your first assignment is to have the courage to look at one land and say how much and they mention an amount you're almost falling down you say no way listen carefully can i tell you this behind the exploits of champions is a revelation that has given them an indefinite immunity against fear champions are men but they are not ordinary men they are men who have received a spiritual vaccination against fear they have sustained the ability to defy fear they have mastered fear and they know how to conquer it and so they move from one level of triumph even to another you will never be able to bear glory i can imagine what happened to your wonderful man of god when god sent him here do you realize that once upon a time this facility was a flat ground yet your pastor was already sharing rooms on a background let this one be an office when you see champions operate they look like mad men but there is an audacity that knowing god produces let me tell you believe what i'm telling you because it is success you are looking for i wish i were lying i would have just told you i'm sorry there are serious giants and gates giants are not only metals there are people also who are gates when the bible says lift up your head all your gates the gates were not metals there were people they spoke back they said who wants to enter we are not used to opening no can i tell you something oh david one day you will stand before goliath the key to the throne is in the pocket of goliath you must have the courage to bring him down to get to the throne we live in a world that is so risk adverse so fearful full of prophecy full of fasting full of prayer but when it's time to move this is why many remain stagnated forever there are ceos today who are supposed to be feeding nations and blessing territories they remain with piles of prophecy one impartation one bottle of oil on their head after another and yet they do not move there are people who are supposed to be doing exploits in ministry not from a standpoint of flesh there are healing evangelists that are supposed to be parking stadiums and bringing glory to the name of the lord but because of here there are books that are supposed to be blessing nations today if i write what is the guarantee we live in a world of guarantees i cannot can you guarantee me learn how to drive give me a guarantee what if i have an accident i'm no longer a slave to fear i am the child of god that i'm no longer let me touch on something and we'll pray is god helping you tonight take off that fear once you are sitting you came for a conference after this conference we should hear testimonies that in one week you carry five years through courage and put it in that one week you smash every gate before you you open the gate up sit down there are three fears that you must overcome in your life if you want to make progress there are three years there is no one who done much for the kingdom who has not conquered these three levels and dimensions of fear are you ready number one the fear of the past the fear of the past philippians chapter 3 and verse 13 the past is the past can can administer fear to you here's what paul said brethren i count myself to have i i count not myself to have apprehended but this one thing i do forgetting the things that are behind and reaching forth to the things that are look at me almost every part of your body you can move it front and back except your eyes because it was not in god's design that there should be any reason you can move your leg back and front your hand back and front but the ice was designed to look forward ever forward only if you want to turn your eyes you must on your head and turn part of your body that's too much inconvenience god designed it that way so that you will know that it's not his will for you to continue to turn back biologically it is easier to look forward than to turn back listen carefully this one thing i do forgetting the things that are behind can i tell you this fear is a very dangerous spirit it can carry yesterday and want to relieve it in your life today yes you failed yesterday you started a company and it failed you started ministry and it failed you organized a crusade and you laid hands from the sick and it looked like nothing happened you left that crusade ground as if you were returning from a funeral you went back home and you said god did you call me and so chances are that when god instructs you again yesterday the memory of yesterday has such a passion to leap into your today you have to obtain grace from god to cut that string that connects you to yesterday there are many people who would have been doing so much for the kingdom but yesterday you want to rise and yesterday tells you did your father not try this did you are you the only person in your area did they not try living by divine health did they not try fighting they do not try giving and when yesterday overwhelms you you are unable to do anything the fear of the past there are many people who cannot rise up today and do great things because the voice of yesterday seems louder than the passion that will move them today and tomorrow i came tonight joining faith with your pastor in the name of jesus which is the son of the living god every connection between you and yesterday we got it forever be caught forever listen to me when nathaniel heard about jesus he laughed and said can anything good come out of nazareth i hope you know natalia was not lying there was a drunk record he was speaking based on facts dr munro of blessed memory he says the fact is the present state of a thing the truth is nothing as designed by god the fact is the present state of anything you did ministry yesterday and you failed you prayed for the sick you failed you started a business you failed you went to school you failed you applied for a job you failed and the devil can use those things to impede you he will use the voice of man and he will tell you you cannot make progress but he speaks to you tonight his majesty fear not when they came to jesus and jesus was wondering gave them a word over the couch they said master there is a history we have toiled all night before you came we've been doing it it says but nevertheless somebody said nevertheless prophesy i say nevertheless yes i prayed for you yesterday you were not healed but it's not the yesterday version that is coming to you now between yesterday and today saul has encountered somewhere i know that i did not have the prophetic grace to know where the donkey was missing but while you are rejoicing over the weeks hall he has met somewhere and received an anointing and is now one of the prophets listen this is one of the dangers of being around people who used to know you because they always think the version of you they knew it's the first one that remains they did not meet the version that has received an importation they did not meet the fashion that are spread and faster they didn't meet the version that has now been mentored they met you when you just came into abuja ignorant of spiritual principles a non-title you are not a giver not established in the house of god so your your lack of results well that's the testimony they have every time they mention your name they trace it to that jesus died but he only died for three days don't talk about the dead jesus when he's already resurrected i said when they met you january you have not received the baptism of the holy ghost you didn't seem to take god seriously but let me tell you this from january till now they didn't know you came to water life they didn't know the fire that came from this altar upon your spirits it is very natural for people to trace you to the version of you they used to know and that can be dangerous some of those people can't even be your family members when they hear that this man is now serving god they laugh and they say the last time we checked this guy was a broke failure who did not know god what suddenly happened oh do not laugh at somewhere while he's looking for the missing donkey there is an angel leading him to encounter a prophet and then encounter a grace that will make him king go and ask any successful man who has made constructive advancement in the kingdom they will tell you they had to conquer the fear of yesterday people pray that your failure without prophet sign it and they were right so many times hear me there are many of us under the sound of my voice listening to me while you are hearing me speak the holy ghost is telling you this is what i've been showing you in dreams this is what i've been showing you in visions that if you do not rise your family will never rise because the mantle of the liberty the advancement of your family is upon your shoulder but yeah every time you want to rise you say oh god i miss tamara stamina moses oh god i want to rise but abraham time has gone i am too old holy man kill all of our excuses the fear of the past the first time we organized the crusade the car spoiled on the way three hours to the crusade ground to the crusade time we had not arrived and we didn't have money to call any mechanic it took faith and worship to get that car back when we got true story when we got to that crusade ground the ladies who were cooking were also the ladies in the choir we didn't have any luxury of hiring anybody bills were paid by faith you understand what i'm saying when they finish the crusade you tell everybody go and then you who said god sent you you now have to wait and defend you'll make your calling on your election show so chances are that after such a horrible experience when god says go again you say god i'm tired of looking like a fool before this world god speaks to you and tells you you are going to become a mighty vessel in the hands of god they gave you bible study in your house to lead you forgot every scripture they gave you one week to rehearse and pray the only thing you remembered was opening prayer the jordan disappeared and you messed up on your father you know that's how parents look at you with compassion mixed with disappointment is this the person who is going to take over from me and you return back and your loved one said no problem you have a certificate there's an opening somewhere to get a job because it doesn't look like this ministry will work and you return back and god tells you are you ready for us to continue the lecture he does not even talk about your failure you came for a conference the lord is speaking to you can i tell you this the reason why there are very few people who ever succeed in this kingdom is because there are few people who have the courage to look at yesterday and say i refuse to be emotionally connected to you i wave you goodbye and i force you to wave me back i failed yesterday but the prophetic grace is still there i laid hands on the sick and they were not healed i know the courage to break free from the past the courage to break free from the past you have good or bad they can do the same thing to you are we together chances are that you are born again and you love god filled with the holy spirit you return back to an area where you grew up and you see all your friends that perhaps maybe you used to live your life maybe a wayward life together with them and they say we hear that they call you rev right now and they laugh and clap and say you mean god has god all god's army have died for god to find you and you feel stupid for answering the call when they say opening prayer and you say they don't even close their eyes because based on your version of you yesterday can i tell you this when god allows people to laugh at you is not to mock you it's to be weaknesses so that when he honors you they can say we were there we were there this one did not fake it we saw him when he was failing god allowed your failure public so that your honor will also be public the fear of the past sit down please few minutes we're almost done just give me five minutes and we're done tonight the second kind of fear that you must conquer is the fear of the present the fear of the present another word the fear of being controversial goodness my god the emotional discomfort or the emotional comfort that comes with looking good in the eyes of men look up please let me teach you something if you want to be great in life you must obtain grace from god to build a wall of spiritual immunity against all kinds of expectations of men it is better to serve god and fear god sincerely you will lose too many things in your life trying to please men let me give you an advice when your life is excellent both god and men will rejoice with you but can i give you an honest advice you must obtain grace from god to focus on god and your destiny many of us love men so much you would rather fail god and have a good name with men rather fail god do you have the courage to survive the controversy of the prophecy upon your life oh mary how did you get pregnant tell us the truth what happened i'm an innocent young virgin an angel suddenly appears to me and says a ghost is coming i am innocent to the point where joseph said i'm sorry i love you sincerely you know i'm a responsible man this this this embarrassment is too much just when he was about to leave her he had a dream and he said no joseph this woman is surviving something and that which is coming out of her is that which is destiny can i tell you this if you do not obtain grace to respect your vision and your prophecy more than your reputation you must respect the prophecy upon your life more than your reputation the prophecy upon your life will make you do things sometimes that you will look controversial what do you mean by go around the city seven times do you know what it means to watch an adult go around the city seven times to bring down a fence is that how it is done do you know what it means to empty your account and say god said you have a wife and children you know what it means for your relatives to hear that news that god gave an instruction to resign from your job the controversy that comes with the honor vision and prophecy if anyone ever told you it's a bed of roses to become a champion think again behind these crowns that you so admire is audacity and courage abraham take now your son go to a place i will show you where oh god keep going the fact that you want me to kill my son question when abraham was done killing his son what will he tell the radio station what will he tell the tv ministry what will he tell the authorities over his life that god said you should kill your son does god behave that way i'm describing the journey that some of you are in right now god gave you an assignment to first two months and while you're fasting someone is already calling you and say look wisdom is profitable this thing you are doing with your life even you you don't know the name i'm not talking about foolishness i'm talking about divine direction are we together yes there are some of you just when people are rushing to move forward god says you remain here and for three years you are in the same position and do you know sometimes god does not give you the complete answer so when men call you you still look stupid give me the correct logical answer the only thing i know is that i had him he said for two years keep supporting pastor and his wife that is it so what about the dreams and the visions you saw i don't know he's not spoken to me do you know the courage to move forward is the courage to withstand the controversy that comes with prophecy vision speaking the end not the beginning are we blessed i've had the honor and the privilege of talking with extremely great and successful people both in the faith in the business world in politics and unanimously christians and non-christians they will tell you that they had to withstand the courage there are times that as a man of god you may not have money to eat or to do whatever and yet someone comes to you for counselling suddenly wisdom comes you will impact grace you are solving the problem of others and say okay god what about my own and he's silent he's saying just keep moving father this sickness that is plaguing my child can there be a way out and heaven is silent another person comes some boom word of knowledge you are solving their problems and you lock the door they say this man you are so powerful and you say lord it's us again and god keeps quiet i reckon that the sufferings romans chapter 8 let me teach you the way of champions oh great ones because these are some of the messages you will not hear again but this is how great men are made you came to this conference to be made there is a way that people rise in this kingdom it is the reason why through the sacrifice of that death when they rise they don't just rise with an anointing there is a throne in heaven that backs them demons are testaments of the arising and the things they go through jesus i know paul i know who are you some of you are crying don't be ashamed i didn't come to make you cry i came to show you the truth if it is glory you want to come out of you can you drink of his cup and be baptized with this baptism there are things you cannot cast away you only obtain grace to pass through did you hear what i said yes sir isaiah 43 and verse 1 and 2 fear not o israel i have redeemed you i have called you by name you are mine verse 2 it says when thou passes through the waters i will be with you i will take the water away i will be with you when you go through the river it shall not overflow you when you walk through the fire it shall not burn you the making of the great is a very difficult spiritual process you want to breathe glory there is a relationship between death and glory we're dealing with fear the fear of the present the fear of the present what gives me the guarantee that as i do ministry now i will succeed what gives me the guarantee that partners will come and hold my hands what gives me the guarantee that with three hundred thousand nara if i start this building project will i not become a mockery to everybody and having the same move the signs follow they don't go before you start moving the river does not patch until you are inside are we together look at me everything that is glorious moves against her to school everything that has prophecy and destiny is usually unusual in its manifestation do you have the courage to endure do you have the courage to not try to defend yourself even while you move god told you you have a bank you are failed and failed and failed and failed and someone says come i will give you a job let's stop punishing your wife and yet you want to sleep and you have the vision of the bank again and god is saying i have spoken it and it will happen go and read about the global brands you see all over the world don't just read their success stories read their failure stories go and read about the men and the women of god that you order in the body of christ today and see the scars that are on them testaments of endurance time will fail me to talk of gideon jephthah and barack men who through faith subdued kingdoms wrought righteousness shot them out of lions but they entered the dead of lions your jesus the grave where that finishes is also where resurrection starts resurrection does not happen outside the grave you want to experience resurrection power it only happens to those who are in the grave the last time i came here to preach i taught you something about the mystery of the prison i told you the prison is where both good and bad people meet the fear of the present lastly for tonight and then we pray the fear of the future the third fear that you must overcome this is especially true for people who are already bearing fruit can i tell you this please look up most times when you are producing results exceptional results it gets to a point where you start becoming afraid of your results you know why because when you rise to the top the fear now is to finish and to finish well most times when people pray for great people their prayer is made you finish well now that you have shown us that you can conquer yesterday and you can conquer today our prayer for you is that you finish well can i tell you this the hand that lifted you can keep you even till you finish be careful because sometimes you can hear men and they tell you story for people who did not finish well they may be right and they may be well meaning but can i tell you there is a covenant that brought you thus far and that covenant is able to keep god is not only a giver he is a keeper he is a keeper but i know whom i have believed and i am persuaded the bible says that he is able to keep that which is committed to him against that day what gives you a guarantee that this great church and your pastor will still be standing 20 30 40 years from now there is the grace that keeps listen to me most successful people are afraid of their future they are not afraid of their past they are not afraid of today but what if this happens what if a pandemic comes and my business goes down can i tell you this it is it is more it is more painful and embarrassing to rise up and go down it's better that you remain down you were once a billionaire you were once on fire you were once a prophet you were once packing up crusades with signs and wonders so most times when people succeed that fear comes will i last what will become of my children what will the newspaper say about me tomorrow the lord is my light and he's the light of my life i will not be afraid the hands that lifted me will uphold me to the end no fear i will not be afraid listen i bring you words of comfort if it is by kingdom principles you rose i want to tell you those principles are potent to keep you to the end that when the fire goes up and down when the vicissitudes of life goes up and down you are still standing in ministry in life even to the end this is the reason why you must be afraid of your results if they were not built by the world because it is only the world that sustains the power to keep things this is where the arrogant of successful people outside of god they tell you we are successful but if it is not by god allow the wind to come allow the rain come it will beat on both the house that is built on a rock and sand but if your life is built on a rock you need not be afraid listen to me this is my conviction as a man of god this must be your conviction sincere people will meet you and say i pray that god keeps you all this is how so so so person started but unfortunately this is sound so so so person started this is how so so bank started this is how social started when they say those things appreciate them with truth but turn back and have confidence about the future because you leave jesus i lead i have nothing i want tomorrow please because lead jesus highly today i live to praise your name i lead to praise your name i have no feelings tomorrow jeremiah 29 11 please rise up on your feet where about from here for i know the thoughts that i think over what alive over reverend godwin and his wife over the membership of this church i'm not confused about what i'm thinking about them the pandemic yes sir the economy of nations yes sir i still know the thoughts that i think he calls them thoughts of peace and not of evil there are people who think evil of others they laugh with you but they are hoping something bad happens as a negative prophecy god is not one of them thoughts of peace are not of evil to give you and hold on he didn't say to give you an end the end is not guess work the end is expected i have programmed it already i am alpha omega can i tell you this believers hear me many of you who are under the mentorship of this great man and his wife do not be afraid of what you are becoming you are being built on the ward and you may not look like it but find strength there is a making when a woman is cooking sometimes all you see is water and you don't really know what is is it yum is it rice just be patient as that fire under is walking on that pot suddenly an aroma that begins to attract you from the power what in the world is going on in this kitchen everybody say maker is making you salt is not the only thing that will be added there there are ingredients that you add only towards the end women am i correct one ingredient in five minutes can change the narrative of that soup they get here hear me just because the anointing of your call has not come yet does not mean it will not come keep moving one day while you are serving like you are doing every day one day while you are praying like you are doing every day conquering fear to move forward and then that grace will rest upon you the nations will be ready to hear you please hear me brothers and sisters it was fear not a physical army that made jericho to hide they never saw a physical army with swords yet but they just heard the same way you heard that there are people who don't live long the same way you heard that there are people who serve god do and yet it looks like their end be careful what you hear be careful what you see define your realities by the word of god i have heard that people trust god and they still become broke failures i have heard that people trust god as men of god they serve god sincerely and yet it looks like there is no consolation to their christian experience be careful it was a hearing of the year that made people who should advance with such investment did you know the treasures that were in jericho by the time the wall of jericho fell down look the kind of treasure that they met yet in the midst of that treasure what happened a lot right now we're going to pray because in the name of jesus i came releasing my faith with your pastor it is time for someone's destiny to open up some of you because of fear you closed the notebook the holy ghost asked you to buy there was a notebook you bought that every time he comes to you you write matters of destiny for months now you've not opened it go back this night after this conference regardless what you heard by the time i was writing this apostle my mother was still alive my father was still alive how could god let them die i don't think he's faithful i don't believe those visions we are saying faithful are you know faithful faithful like faith we are saving faith faithful you lord faithful are you lord hallelujah are you ready to pray the spirit of fear listen to me i'm not here to talk about myself but this man you see standing before you i cannot begin to tell you the dangerous instructions that god has given me in my life the things to do that if i ever failed in those instructions that testimony will be a memorial and a warning to nations and yet by faith we closed our eyes away from our backgrounds we closed our eyes away from status quo and we said lord we trust you if we perish we perish this man you call your pastor and your father you see him stand here and you just laugh but this man is a testament of endurance he will tell you of times that even though he said yes lord it was with tears in his eyes his wife is here as a testament results don't just happen no if you see men possess the land go behind that land you will see the graves of giants there they killed giants and bury them run away from any land where you would see only champions without the graves of giants even jesus has his grave to show are we together i'm not wasting your time i want you to make constructive progress there are some of you god gave you a word and if you had obeyed god and moved in faith by now you would sustain the grace and the resources to override the bills of conferences like this based on your vision god told you by now you should start doing it but for five years you've been giving excuses in fear god is speaking to you are you going to choose to honor me and experience glory this beginning of miracles john 2 said that jesus did in the presence of his disciples and she should solve his glory what was a miracle an instruction take this risk the risk of death fetch water and one meet the rulers those days they didn't correct by counselling you died immediately once you did anything against the king how could you tell me to fetch water people are thirsty and you say fetch it and start moving lord should i really move move these rulers are testy i don't want to embark this is a feast it's not a rehearsal move recently sir as i round up i was in bonny island i had the honor of visiting the first cathedral not only nigeria but across maybe central or west africa about 150 years old where men like samwell crowder joseph johnson all these men were there i had the opportunity to look at these things and i saw an old pulpit and while they were giving me an orientation about what happened there they said the man i saw an emblem of fire the man was going to preach and just when he was going to preach he found out that he forgot his notes there was nothing there and yet he was going to talk to people that was a moment of destiny if he did not deliver at that moment he will bring reproach to christianity and while he is too dear confused in fear he decided i will move anyway and that was when the spirit of revelation followed him and in a way he could not explain he began to teach scriptures can i tell you this one of the ways that god defeats fear in your life is by bringing you face to face with it that the thing that you are afraid of god brings you face to face you stare at it it stares at you then you will find out after a while that you are no longer afraid of it again the lord is my light and my salvation of whom shall i be afraid of when i saw that i was so blessed i was so inspired christianity came to this country because of the sacrifices of men like so and right now hear me you are standing we're about to pray the destinies of many are upon your shoulder and god is telling you it's time to move forward even as we look forward to and hasten the day of his coming this 11th hour of this global harvest god is looking for men and women of courage of courage and strength is time to conquer fear it's time to call it what it is you are a spirit and i'm tired of living in fear if it be thou bid me come and he said come this is what god is telling someone it's time to learn to walk on water the water will not change to cement oh dear child of god there are times he can pass the sea there are times he can say work on it the most important thing is that he's the one speaking whatsoever he says to do do it are you ready to pray prayer point number one i conquer the spirit of fear i call you by them and i declare that your power and your influence is broken over my life lift your voice and pray lift your voice and pray what a life is your children crossing over your ministry your business in the name of jesus someone is praying the fear in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus you are going to mention everything you know that seems to be a fear limiting you call it by name and say in the name of jesus i come by the blood against you lift your voice and pray if it finances if if your health is with your children call it by name and declare in the name of jesus thou shalt be made foreign oh in the name of jesus the bible says the righteous are as bold as a lion now you are going to pray and you are going to declare that instead of fear the spirit of grace to advance and as we pray i'd like you to move forward prophetically praise to advance leave your voice and pray i advance my grace i conquer fear the grace to advance the grace to advance in the name of jesus the grace to advance in ministry the grace to advance the grace in the name of jesus i psalms 18 29 were wrapping up psalms 18 and verse 29 everybody please read is projected one to read for by thee i have run to a troop by my god i have lived over a wall if someone ready to pray father the grace to run through a troop and live over a wall i obtain that grace lift your voice financial walls marital walls in the name of jesus listen we're wrapping up please make it as a covenant that you will not miss the remaining sessions of this conference i want to pray for you hallelujah our time is gone i apologize but let me just i just saw light coming on four people i wanted to bring them here this light because i'm seeing that tonight there is a massive deliverance not only from the spirit of fear but the effect of that fear on god's people i'm stretching my hands please bring them i just saw that light i have to pray that prayer the power of god is coming on them that light and i want you just bring them here help them please bring them command the spirit of your spirit and we decree and declare the spirit of fear i release my faith with that of reverend godwin we're declaring fear over god's people my god my god you came to church this house is a house of power we declare fear by the spirit of grace in the name of jesus let god's people go now shout the lord amen let god's people go now let god's people go now let god's people go now let god's people go now let god's people go now let god's people go now give me every spirit of fear that has stopped you from making progress tying down families tying down destinies in the name of jesus the son of the living god i command that spirit go now come on now go now come on now hey between this night and tomorrow i speak to you joining faith with the angel over this house you will return with testimonies of strange thoughts testimonies of strange doors in the name of jesus christ hear me every family here that is under any kind of bondage i stand by the god of heaven and the god that honors this altar i declare and declare that bondage is broken now broken now broken now hallelujah in the name of jesus christ the word for you is fear not god himself is standing by you like a mighty terrible warrior fear not in the name of jesus christ be blessed and experience the grace of god in jesus name please be seated god bless you jeremiah chapter 6 and verse 16. jeremiah chapter 6 and verse 16. he says thou sayeth the lord stand ye in the ways and see and ask for the old parts where is the good way and walk dearing and it declares that you shall find rest for your souls this is a very powerful and instructive road for the believer it says stand in the way and ask for the path and when you are told when you find it be diligent to walk in it and it leaves you with an assurance that you will find rest for your soul we began to talk about the power of the word of god scripture i started by again reminding us of the power that is contained in the word of god that the word of god defines and describes god's modus operandi the way that we obtain results in the kingdom has been revealed to us through scriptures scattered in stories scattered in parables scattered in prophecies are the secrets of the kingdom hallelujah jesus was teaching the disciples and he said because it has been given unto you matthew 13 11 it has been given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven it takes keys in this kingdom to be able to open and close revelation chapter 3 from verse 8 revelations chapter 3 from verse 8. let's go to verse 7. let's start from verse 7 revelations 3. and to the angel of the church in philadelphia right this thing said he that is holy and he that is true he is not only holy he is not only true but he has a key there is a key that he has called the key of david and with that key he is able to open and no man's shortest and he's able to shut and no man open it so it is on the strength of keys that we open it is on the strength of keys that we shot we do not just open because we intend for gates to be opened we do not short because we intend for gates to be shot it takes keys everybody say keys keys so this morning we're going to examine acts chapter 12. the lord is going to be revealing a key in the book of acts chapter 12 and then we will pray worthy is the lamb of god acts 12 verse 1 the church at this time was beginning to expand and gain grounds the gospel was beginning to gain ascendance and there were all kinds of threats that were happening to the apostles verse one now acts 12. now about that time herod the king stretched forth his hand to vex saturn of the church so the plot was against the church verse two he killed james remember james the brother of g of john with the sword verse three and because he saw that it pleased the jews how can you kill a man and see that it pleased another then want to kill another one anyone that stands your way in this season in the name of jesus anyone whose pain who whose joy comes from your pain i decree and i declare may shame and reproach never depart from their life this is a very interesting scripture that you kill a man for the gospel and people clap for you and you say i see that you like this then i'm about to go and do it again verse 3 and because he saw that he pleased the jews he proceeded further to take peter also then were the days of unleavened bread and when he had apprehended him and put him in prison look at the state of this man the apostle of the lamb are we together now to bind him is already enough disaster for the gospel but he put him in prison number two delivered him to four quatanions of soldiers intending after easter to bring him forth before the people so peter was kept in prison but something that did not happen to james was happening to peter but prayer was made without season keyword without season keyword without season of the church unto god for him next verse when herod would have brought him forth the same night peter was sleeping between two soldiers look at this kind of oppression that the soldiers would not even allow him liberty in the prison if he slept left or right he will be on the soldier to confirm that he's still there bound with two chains and the keepers before the door that kept the prison and behold the angel of the lord came upon him and a light shined in prison and he smote peter on his side and raised him up saying i rise up quickly and his chains fell off his hands and the angel said unto him gird thyself and bind thy sandal so he did and he said unto him cast thy garment about thee and follow me he went out and followed him and wished not that it was true which was done by the angel but thought he was in a vision he saw a vision the bible says when they were past the first and the second word the word word there is also synonymous with the word gate it says they came to a gate called the ion gates the gates that lead to the city and the bible says it opened to them of his own accord and they went out and passed through one street fought with the angel departed came to the gate that kept him bound and that iron gate opened and you would think that would be the end of the story we're still reading now when peter was come to himself he said now i know of his shorty that the lord had sent his angel and had delivered me out of the hand of herod and from the expectation of the people of the jews and when he had considered the thing he came to the house of mary the mother of john watch this now whose son name is mark where they were gathered together praying so they were praying somewhere and then an angel came in response to that prayer brought peter out through that gate but when peter knocked at the door of the gate a damn cell came to hacker named rhoda 14 and when she knew peter's voice she opened not the gate look up this is a very interesting scripture i just came out of a gate of evil and intending to enter a place of rest now you who is supposed to be for me i am knocking the gates you pray that i should come out now the gate that leads me to rest the gate that led me to bondage i came out of it but the gates that leads to my rest now you are refusing to open it keep that scripture kaliska la parruski at her she opened not the gate not for sorrow for gladness but ran in and told how peter stood before the gate here what happened you need to pray for grace to know when what comes is your prayer the answer to prayer they were praying lord deliver this man bring him safely now this is the answer to their prayer and they said unto her that was mad but she constantly affirmed it that it was even so and they said no it is his angel the miracle is in verse 16. everybody read but peter continued knocking pilasquila peruskiata the gates that would not open peter continued knocking and when they had opened the door they saw him and they were astonished listen very carefully there is a powerful key here that is responsible for swinging gates even ancient gates open now i told you that you only benefit from scripture when you draw out the mysteries behind the stories if all you know is just the stories or the parables it will not bless you hidden in every story in scripture is a spiritual mystery a key that he found can grant you grace to command here some dimensions of results so the bible starts by telling us that a man was in a very negative situation didn't matter what got him there the most important thing is that he was now there are we together now in prison again all kinds of oppression around that man to the point that the bible does not tell us peter was praying i pray that you find intercessors because there are times that even the great can be overwhelmed you can imagine the level of pain bound with over eight soldiers supervise us at the gate and then change again there are times where it will be difficult for you to pray but the bible says the church said we may not have the power to come and fight herald but we know how to bring the government of heaven to bear and the bible says prayer was made continually listen carefully believe us prayer was made continually continually without season unto god for him so the angel came in response to the prayer and he came and delivered him in a very spectacular manner he opened that door and brought peter out and even peter himself thought he was just having a vision and he brought him past the first word the second word do you know when you read the remaining part of that story all of those soldiers were killed because that security was too maximum no human under any condition would have the power to escape even if you got out of that prison how do you escape the first gate then the second gate then the third gate it described the material that was used he said it was called the ion gate don't tell me god cannot bring deliverance don't tell me god cannot open doors you are only looking at what is there before he shows up when god shows up none of those gates was a challenge whatsoever the bible says they open on their own accord so there are gates listen carefully there are gates that short men keep men in bondage close the door of your relevance the door of your influence access to the glory and the grace of god upon your life the word glory comes from the hebrew word cabord many words really the hebrew is cabard and the principle greek word for glory is doxa what that means it refers to the weightiness to understand the word glory you have to understand how they measured uh money those days their coins and all of that the weightiness of a person or a thing the root word of the word glory is also the word wealth a description of the extent of the excellency of a person or a thing are we together now yes and so this man was now inhibited by gates both human and material gates are not only metallic resistances human beings can be gates for or against you when a man sits down on his signature what must lead to your promotion that man is a gate they are gatekeepers someone can decide and say as far as i am in this office you are not rising for whatever reason and they make something that is so easy to become so difficult because they have become gates now the bible says the church began to pray continually we pray for the deliverance of peter my deliverer is coming my deliverer is standing by your deliverer is coming your deliverer is standing by let me tell you something this god you see is a mighty god and when god is ready to stand up and deliver a man for his namesake it's a fearful thing to see the warrior dimension of god he is not only a lamb there is a lion when god desires he says let god let god arise the only way you make him arise is to make your enemies his enemies for as long as your enemies they will not arise he will only arise when they become his enemies and the only way to make your enemies his enemies is to become his friend then you become an ally let god arise and let his enemies he will not arise for your enemies when your enemies become his enemies when they threaten something your life is supposed to do that produces his glory now they become his enemies when they threaten your passion for god your passion for kingdom come they become his enemies and the bible says god is able to arise he sent his angel and the angel came and opened that prison door watch this now he came out of a place of bondage but he had not entered rest when he came to the place where he would find rest they were praying and they were excited but there was no discernment he knocked and a young lady came and opened the door rhoda when she saw him in excitement she closed the door look how powerful the early church were do you know what they said they said is his angel that means it was it was a very it was a usual thing for them to have angelic encounters no if he's an angel just leave him he's doing his work let's keep praying if an angel knocked your door will you not open and say you are welcome what did god say no it's his angel don't let it distract you angels are just doing their things let's keep praying and then the bible says peter kept knocking kept knocking kept knocking kept knocking until they finally opened and when he entered he found his rest and they were astonished listen to me there is a dimension of the priesthood ministry of believers that is responsible for the opening of doors and gates many believers are not able to triumph over obstacles and swing white even ancient gates because even though we pray we have not sustained the power to travail and remain until victory is wrought in the spirit there has been all manner of teachings from well-meaning people across the body that communicate an idea that when you stay persistent in the place of prayer over a matter that sometimes it may reflect unbelief i do not agree with that scripture tells us that jesus went to pray in gethsemane why because shortly he would be descending to hades the place of the dead and he prayed the bible says he prayed three times repeating the same words are we together now the challenge with believers is that we do not pray enough and stay too in the place of travail and prayer until victory is wrought in christ now let me teach you something i know that your your pastor has done an excellent job opening up to you the reality of scripture many believers are confused about the dynamics the administration of the kingdom and god's power maybe because of the way that the truth of scripture is taught across the body of christ this is by no means a way of creating any divide or any trouble but this is just because i'm teaching in a conference most believers confuse what we call the finished work of christ realities from god's standpoint versus their experiential manifestation if you not unders if you don't understand this you will live a defeated life forever listen carefully the finished work of christ refers to every dimension of victory that was wrought in christ on account of his death his burial his resurrection the substitutionary sacrifice of christ did not just administer eternal life to the saints no it brought in experience back that dominion and that victory that man gave to satan are we together now so it's a fact and it is truth that in christ every dimension of victory that the believer seeks as far as excelling in this realm is con is concerned it is already a reality from the standpoint of god but what believers do not know is that the administration of that finnish work has a dynamics attached to it this is what we teach there is a dynamics to the administration of it for instance the bible says from the foundations of the earth the lamb was slain so what did jesus come to do because in god's mind that was already done but that reality then could not save man jesus had to come in the flesh to act it out for 33 and a half years what he was doing was not adding to what was in the mind of the father he was executing what was in the mind of the father that's why he was called the logos of god the thoughts of god in expression it was his death his burial his resurrection his ascension and his enthronement that brought about what we call today the victory of the believer now but as powerful as that is in god's mind nobody on earth should go to hell again why because the sacrifice for our salvation is finished yet every day people fly and swim to hell is that true they are going to hell does not make his power or his sacrifice less than the truth but because they do not understand the system of administering that life to themselves the system of administering that life is found in romans chapter 10 from verse 8 to 10. if you ever become a recipient of that life you must follow that code of administration the word is near thee even in your mouth and in your heart the word of faith that we preach nine it says if you will confess this is how the administration of the life of god is imparted in the believer you have to confess with your mouth the lord jesus that believe with your heart that god raised him from the dead he says thou shalt be saved the law is in verse 10 with the heart man believes unto righteousness and then with the mouth confession is made unto salvation the watson area not just salvation like new birth any kind of salvation whatsoever are we together so even though the finished work of christ is a reality if you do not find yourself subscribing to this administrative system you will go to hell in god's mind no believer should be sick because the same cross that paid for sin paid for sickness but there are still people sick today and your being sick does not mean god lied it only means you're a student in the school of the spirit evolving into that state where the reality of that that word will be true in your life are we together why am i saying this there are many believers who just believe that because they have found what christ has done automatically it is administered into their lives this is a very subtle but dangerous dimension of deception so we have people who never are able to experience the fullness of the life and the power of god there are many believers who are poor who are broke who are struggling and yet they study all the time that the blessings of abraham belong to them the bible says galatians chapter 3 and verse 29 it says and if he be christ then are ye abraham's seed and heirs according to the promise so there is no confusion that we are partakers of the blessing that is upon abraham and his seed that seed being christ but just because that is a reality it does not mean that you walk in the fullness of it automatically no jesus said if it is true that you are the children of abraham you will do the works of abraham the works of abraham referred to the participatory conditions that he met for that blessing to be actualized in his life so we there are so many things we continue to claim we continue to claim we continue to claim and yet our lives remain we remain victims of situations and circumstances oh i know in the name of jesus i am all right and yet things are clearly showing you are not all right i am favored and there's no ayat of favor for decades i'm moving forward and all we see is retrogression let god be true and all men liars so when we teach the principles of the kingdom we teach them because those realities are already finished access does not mean experience listen carefully there is a difference between access and experience what jesus did on the cross gives us access our faith the participatory action that we take makes it our experience forever oh lord thy word is settled not in your life in heaven it takes faith and the oppression of the principles of the kingdom to make it settled in your life if you are learning something this morning say amen so we must open up our hearts on the strength of everything that christ has done and the realities that have been purchased the possibilities that the believer the believer can step into now on account of christ's finished work that is what we call grace grace is not just on merited access grace refers to the storehouse the compendium of everything that makes god god power is grace mercy is grace anointing is grace wisdom is grace grace refers to that central storehouse that contains every possibility that is in god given to the believer only through the office and the person of the christ grace gives you access but faith and faith there does not just mean confession the entire participatory process of a believer that shows your obedience to the principles connected to that promise so for every dimension of god's grace listen carefully there is a mystery connected to it if it is speed if it is restoration if it is favor are we together now if it is the anointing if it is influenced all of these possibilities are true in christ but for every one of these possibilities there are mysteries and keys that connect them merely claiming the results without understanding the principles that lead to that outcome will be self-deception and this is sadly the state of many believers today just because you saw the promised land does not mean you are in it you can see it and yet never step into it are we together in john chapter 3 when you read john chapter 3 from verse 3 now it was a conversation between jesus and nicodemus he came to him by night and said rabbi we know that thou art a man sent from god for no man can do these things except god be with him verse 3 jesus answered and said unto him verily verily i say unto you except a man be born again he cannot see the kingdom of god and nicodemus answered and said how can a man be born when he is old can he enter his second time into his mother's womb and be born verse five jesus now uses another expression verily verily i say unto you except a man be born of water and the spirit he cannot enter there is seeing the kingdom and there is entering the kingdom you can see the kingdom and yet never enter into that experience john 10 10 says the thief comment not but for to steal to kill and to destroy jesus said but i am conversed then that ye may have life and that you may have that life more abundantly ephesians chapter 4 and verse 18 in as much as apostle john had told us that we are recipients of eternal life is that true he told us that we have the life of god but here paul is mentoring the church in ephesus and he's teaching them something about the administration of the life of god he says having their understanding darkened being alienated from the life of god through the ignorance that is in them because of the blindness of their heart they are not able to step into the full potential of this life that they claim to have because of ignorance and blindness is god speaking to us so believers hear me it takes knowledge it takes understanding of the mysteries of the kingdom to actualize every reality that is meant for the believer in christ merely believing that just because he did it it is over his deception i repeat merely believing that just because it is finished in christ you do not have any participatory role is deception hallelujah amen so here we are talking about the mystery that opens gates and we see from acts chapter 12 that the church prayed they began to pray and they prayed without ceasing listen carefully they prayed without season first thessalonians chapter 5 and verse 17 please first thessalonians 5 and verse 17. first thessalonians 5 and verse 17. read with me god's people one to read pray without ceasing one more time one more time prayer without ceasing does not mean pray from morning till night you will be an irresponsible believer if you do that it means be consistent in your prayer life be consistent the idea is that of consistency be consistent in your prayer life james chapter 5 and verse 13 apostle james again was teaching us portraying on the ministry the priesthood ministry of prayer he said every time a believer finds out that there is anything that represents an affliction in your life your first pot of call as a believer is let him pray you sense that doors are close towards you you sense that gates are closed you know that prophecy does not seem to find the kind of expression in your life it says to pray submit yourself to that prayer ministry and stay there until those gates are opened prayer is powerful it is god's recommended key that opens gates from acts chapter 12 we see that two strategic gates were opened and all of them were opened by consistency consistency consistency the prayer of the saints made the gates of the prison to be open the persistent knocking of peter made the other gates that led to his rest to be opened matthew seven seven he last sailor capran da gatus que de brecatia ask and it shall be given you is a law these are spiritual laws that provided you ask there is a guarantee that it will be given to you next instruction seek and it leaves you with an assurance that you shall find and then number three it says knock and it shall be opened unto you next verse for everyone everybody say everyone this is not an assurance just to men of god this is not just to do the ministry there are blessings that are for everyone for everyone that ask it will receive everyone that seek it and everyone that knocks it shall be opened for as long as you knock it shall be opened for as long as you knock it shall be opened for as long as you knock it shall be open can i tell you this there are victories in the life of every believer you see there are gates that have been opened gates of ministry gates of blessings gates of oppression that have people who were born and based on their background there's no advantage whatsoever all of them seem to have been caged in in gates and prisons of witchcraft mediocrity and it looked like no one lift up his head but in that family you will usually find one person who will be tired one day and say this pattern and this trend must end and they may not have anyone understanding them and backing them but they stay with power and with fire secretary pakuraka they won one day turns to one week one week turns to one month consistently every day let me tell you this there is a law in the realm of the spirit that consistency attracts the spirit dimension of the activity you are doing let me explain to you what i mean i can tell lies today god forbid and it may be a product of my own will it's not the devil it's just you as a human being using your own will to lie you are not under the influence of a spirit you are a free moral agent i can lie tomorrow again steal my will i can lie next week again steal my will but let me tell you what is happening in the realm of the spirit the spirit that controls lying is being attracted by my consistency the moment i'm doing it consistently wherever that spirit is there is something about my consistency that is drawing me to my place one day as i lie i will give that spirit access to enter my life and my destiny from that day it will not be by my energy again july are you getting me so i can be studying the bible consistently and just i'm tired i'm doing it i'm not getting anything but i continue to be consistent while i'm consistent in the name of the lord the dimension of the holy spirit that operates as the spirit of revelation is being attracted by my consistency who is this that is always opening scripture one day i will open that bible and from that day it will not just be you reading again this is how it is with the spirit of prayer and supplication you can go to prayer and after five minutes you think you've done one hour and you check your watch you say no this watch is not working all this time five minutes no way has that happened to you i like this church you don't tell lies you prayed sang danced and everything was under five minutes and you vowed that day that you do three hours ah now you are calculating and wondering what in the world and then you pray again and then you pray again and then you pray again and you just think you are praying in the flesh until one day you stand there to pray and it becomes a vigil only you that day is not you again that is the kind of grace that comes upon you that even while you are sleeping as you turn to the left say coach que la branda catos you are sleeping you are not even aware let me tell you this everywhere you see ease there is a spirit supplying it when you see ease it is because that person through the frequency that the law of consistency has attracted a spirit dimension if a young man keeps stealing and is under the influence of his spirit let me tell you how much he will steal he was still in a way that even if you hide the money under a carpet he will stand there and just go and raise the cap he does not even know what is leading him have you seen people like that you hide anything anywhere he just looks as if he's joking because he's under the influence of a spirit he does not know it's the same way you can be under the spirit of the grace for favor and you just stand and say no i need to go to this person's house just when you get there that's when your destiny helper is arriving and people ask you how come you get things so accurately it is because you are under the influence of a spirit so let me teach you something about prayer when you hear that the early church prayed without ceasing no human being sustains the power in the flesh to be consistent in prayer prayer is it is labor except you've not really prayed hallelujah but when that spirit of prayer and supplication comes upon you you pay attention and begin to pray que raquel tasca brandi balata do you know the mistake of jacob in genesis 28 he saw angels ascending and descending but they were never coming to him they were going to those who were calling for their ministry that was why he was angry how could that be so close to an encounter and then the angels were said the bible never said they brought any message to him even though he heard the voice of god but he did not have any he did not benefit anything and he said the lord was in this place and i knew not the next time he did not let god go 32 genesis i made that mistake once i will not make it again leave me for the day breaker he said i will not let you go unless you bless me listen to me believe us we do not know the power that has been given to us in prayer and the the omnipotence of prayer when it is accurately administered you can swing gate open the average believer thinks he's so weak when you don't have physical cash or when you don't have a political title you see that now our sociological context has indoctrinated us into believing we're just masses we're just a flock you read your bible and see what ordinary men did through prayer elijah the bible says was a man of like passion he was hungry he went to toilet just like any other person but the bible says that he prayed endlessly endlessly the key were there endlessly that there be no rain noticing all this prayer the prayer points were consistent not this today and that tomorrow peter should be delivered that was a prayer point they stayed there until he was delivered when peter was knocking he didn't follow the window and knock he stood at that one door and not till that very door open the challenge with many believe is that we do not have the staying power the ability to stay through and pray until you see the answer to your prayer after three days we route to another thing again for everyone that knock it that door that gate shall be opened it was the consistency of the believers around jericho why would god tell them to move once every day look how frustrating that is i'm walking around jericho no noise nothing i hope you know that jericho was a city jericho was like abuja so when he said they went round don't think it was just one small shop that they just went around in two minutes when you go around jericho even you you ask god am i going to do this for six days do you not see that spiritual things require consistency elijah washed seven times god you are powerful what is in the number if he had washed six times he would have left lepros six and then took the water the seventh time and just rubbed on his head he was supposed to go in seven times and even at the sixth time there was no sign of healing it was until he completed that seventh time now watch this imagine that god gives you an instruction to go around abuja once every day from now till next week i know when we read it we think it's just a city with a fence that they just went around and no noise so the six local governments in this city down from gua guanada what's the other plot after governor abachim going around there down near karu you turn and by evening you are around angry and exhausted god says rest quickly in the morning you are starting again but while that was happening in they did not know what was happening in the eyes see but the way spiritual things work five minutes to their manifestation it will still look like defeat whereas you are finished you have discarded jericho from the realm of the spirit the shout was just a system to sink that building down consistency so every day while you are praying you hold hands with your wife ziko ska brandagato casket it's like a register you are signing next week many of us today love god because of our mother's prayers and fasting for 20 years they did the same thing some of them even had the same position where they knelt and they prayed they prayed that god will find you and one day in your rebellion you just lost around the crusade and stood there just to check for five minutes looking for your friend and fire from heaven fell upon you there because everyone that ask it receive it can i tell you this satan is the master of the flesh realm the sense realm and so he can make you believe that the investment of prayer you are making is not bringing any result the bible says the word is quick and powerful i've been praying over this issue for one month just when you are two days left for victory you retreat you know your answer is almost there when the frustration becomes highest it's an agitation from hell is one of the ways you know seasons are about to open there is a heightened level of frustration everybody is annoying you your husband annoying you your wife annoying you everything annoying you when that happens keep at it it's a sign to frustrate your consistency believe me i know what i'm saying father build your church like bring revival upon this city church history is full of men and women who seem powerless but they prayed men like john knox who use prayer to overturn scotland most of the evangelists who are gone to be with the lord now before they would go for a crusade in any city there would be at least three months of fire from intercessors they had a band of intercessors who would pray they would usually carry the map of the city where they are going to and drop it on their prayer altar and they are praying everywhere capos que da palata the powers that all the destinies of people the powers from the second heavens when they finish that their equipment can now go before them and it's not the day they stand on that crusade ground that the seeker healed they finished it since they only came to manifest will be tight a man who uses the stage for a hazard the stage is not the place for a hazard whenever god wants to build you he will take you behind the stage and that's where you make the prayer investments you don't stand on stage and that's when you are trying to learn about anointing and power you are joking go and do your homework when you come out then you are ready for action there are gates hear me that refused to open for your father he knocked it all through his lifetime it did not open refused to open for your mother and they all stepped back now god is raising you let me tell you what to do i know what you do do what they did not do they prayed only for two weeks and gave thanks and went back but for you hold on to the horns of that gate and say i have come with grace from heaven zeno kappa ruskata brandega de balakata rikotoski tapata what is this pattern of barriness in this family that will not live what is this marriages don't seem to walk everybody returns back to their father's house minus me and not only me i'm not just here to open this gate i'm here to start hide so that anybody see if it opens for you they can close it again but when you scatter the gate everybody behind you can pass can i tell you this it was bishop david who said no matter how mad a man is he will not enter fire by mistake he can be mad enough to misbehave but set fire and there will be a level of decorum and behavior he makes his angels wings and his ministers flames one thing i know about fire is that there is no metal it cannot melt no if fire refines gold what else exact fire upon that gate exact fire upon that altar and watch what i'm telling you believers don't pray we lament we close the door and roam around but we do not engage with the spirits you are not praying blindly there are forces that stop helpers from coming to your life there are forces just when they're about to sign something that becomes an open door these forces use men and systems and structures lift up your head all you get is not just a pronouncement there is an activity that you must engage in prayers was made by the church for peter prayers was made by the church over the areas of your life there are areas that if you sit down and allow the devil to keep oppressing you let me tell you this satan is a determined person he would destroy anything you allow him to destroy when it was time for the nation of israel to leave they said we will allow you go but keep your wives behind and keep your children moses said i didn't hear you well everybody everybody and everything i'm not going to live with my health and leave my finances behind everything i'm not going to live with my character and leave my influence behind everything must move forward hear me brothers and sisters by the grace of god and by the privilege of god's mercy i am a testament of what prayer can do no until you get you take your prayer life seriously you will teach victories in the spirit you will shift systems and structures and align men and things to line up purposes of god awake doubt that slippers this spiritual slumber and laziness is why gates continue to look as though they are strong this morning for a few minutes i want us together as a coordinated army to scatter some gates in this place gates of delay perusca de balakuziana gates of shame and influence look at me please listen just help those under the anointing listen there are people who are victims of these prisons that peter was in it is the women that feed the men where you come from no matter how responsible they are they go to america for 10 years and return back like they've never left your village what of those who rise just when they get to the place where they should sit down they come down in shame they never come down normally don't say it does not matter the one person that becomes a breadwinner i remember one time something happened to a dear woman her only son responsible gentleman he finished with first class he was returning back home and he had a ghastly motor accident died in that instance don't tell me that is the will of god i hope you know these gates we talk about they are mobile they are not just in one place they look for wherever you are and come and stand in front of you oh i want to help you where are you from you look like you're my relative yes sir meet me at the office tomorrow and those kids come and stand by the next day you go to the office and say i can't remember where did i meet you and you are wondering what is going on some of you have been in this city for more than one decade and yet the gates in the city have refused to open for you anything you do fails you do business it fails you have been trying to build you are still at the foundation level when you were trying to build the entire land around you was empty till today you have not lifted it to lintel level help them please just help those under the anointing listen i know this by the spirit please give me elijah we're going to pray this is a conference we'll take out time the bible says he has broken the gates of brass and caught the bars of iron in sunder while you are praying don't pray for yourself alone think of your children born on born lord let me pass through this once and for all so that everybody behind will not have to go through that shape in one minute i'd like you to open your mouth and begin to pray in the spirit please pray pray walk around foreign in the name of jesus amen in the name of jesus are you ready to pray father in the name of jesus in the name of jesus i declare and declare decree and declare by the blood of the eternal covenant by the blood of the eternal covenant every gate every day standing my way standing my way standing in front of my past declare you by lamb amen hallelujah amen please if you compare yourselves into two you're married find your wife or find your husband or find anybody close to you you are going to pray every kid standing in front of our house it doesn't matter how long by the blood of the eternal covenant we command those gates be destroyed lift your voice and pray we decree and declare in the name of jesus foreign is in the name of jesus amen first thessalonians 2 18 was he praying my god there's fire in this place first thessalonians 2 18 18 please read with me everyone want to read wherefore we would have come to you even i paul once and again but satan hindered us your favor is speaking since january i've been looking for you but there has been a hindrance your lifting is speaking i desire to come to you are you ready to pray say father in the name of jesus jesus i decree and declare i decree stopping prophecy stopping prophecy stopping my blessings stopping my blessings from reaching me from reaching me this day this day i declare i declare jesus foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign in the name of jesus lift your hands why is he praying just lift your hands i'm seeing chains on the feet of like four or five people i'm stretching my hands now these chains these things have to do with ancestry they have tied some of you so that you will not move forward right now fire paradise fire from heaven fly don't know who that person is but in the name of jesus anyone here who is a victim help them change be broken change be broken change be broken change be broken bring them out we're praying shabach every chain change of ancestry witchcraft orchestrations of darkness ill speakings of men be broken the lord is telling me to release people here who have been victims of delay so everybody moves except you i'm praying now please help those people because when i pray some of you are standing in for your families enough is enough here at this conference it's time for kids to be open i declare at the count of three not anyone here at world of life who is a victim of any kind of delay at the count of three i want all of you to shout the name jesus are you ready one two three be broken break now break now was he praying look at me the lord wants to destroy patterns it happened to your father now it's happening to you it happened to your mother now is happening to you by the blood of the eternal covenant we have an advantage are you ready to pray yes sir in the name of jesus in the name of jesus every pattern every person following me following me i declare i declare by the blood of jesus the blood of jesus you are broken now you are broken is in the name of jesus amen isaiah 60 verse 11. isaiah 16. read with me everybody by faith let this be a prophetic word for you are you ready one two therefore thy gate shall be opened continually they shall not be shot the day or night that man may bring unto me the forces of the gentiles under their kings listen one more time you are going to read it but personalize it as a prophetic word are you ready now one to read therefore my death shall be opened continually they shall not be shot day or night the men may bring unto me the forces of the gentiles and that their kings will be brought to me hallelujah pastors are pleased if you will allow me i want a few ministers prophetically please station them just as a point of contact if you can stand just at the front of the gate of your church here just prophetically while we pray maybe some of the people holding the mic just one just prophetically just stand at that place we are praying we want to speak over this church that everyone connected to the grace upon this man this must be your season for this case to amen please position yourself there we are going to pray yes sir are you ready now yes sir now everyone we are going to pray that every gate that has refused to open yes sir so that helpers will come into your life every gate that has refused to open so that your influence will manifest while declaring over your life and overwater life are you ready now say in the name of jesus in the name of jesus we declare and declare we declare and declare as members of this commission we stand and we declare i will declare water life your gates your peace father foreign foreign there is a grace for speed that is a graceful speed you write this down you will marvel and wander and see the way god will begin to honor men to testify in this assembly that does just begin to open but i want to release that grace as we pray please don't be distracted father i stretch my hands standing in faith with your choice servant we declare in the name of jesus christ that anyone here who must drink of this oil and this grace at the count of three right now let speed speed upon your life one two three take that grace take that place take that praise take that place help them please take that grace speed speed of accomplishment take that grace speed in business prophesy speed foreign please look up we're almost rounding up now look up please the bible says peter came out of the gate the prison that made for captivity but when he now came to the place of rest he knocked and they refused to open are you ready to pray there are times that you may not have the power to open the gate you only have the power to knock it will take somebody already inside so open for you are you hearing what i'm saying now listen listen joseph had the ability to interpret dreams but he did not have the ability to bring himself out to stand before the king he had to depend on someone who was already in the palace are you ready to call your destiny helpers now watch this i don't know how you are going to do it but you are going to speak to your north wherever north is turn to the south turn to the east turn to the west of abuja and any territory i'd like you to prophesy that anyone ordained by god in this season to hold your hand wherever they are compel their ministry lift your voice and begin to pray stretch your hands prophesied to the knot stretch your hands aside to the sounds stretch your hands yes from every direction is in the name of jesus you're lifting has come you're leading oh we're wrapping up please look up i want to teach you something look at me everybody time came in my life when i wanted to end seasons i took up time i prayed with all my heart listen carefully and the lord led me to a scripture that i want to lead you to now acts chapter 10 and verse 4. let's start from verse 1 acts chapter 10 from verse 1 there was a certain man in caesarea called cornelius a centurion of the band called the italian band a devote man the bible says and one that feared god with all his house which gave most arms to the people and prayed to god always notice two things he is giving and his prayer he saw in a vision evidently about the ninth hour of the day an angel of god coming to him and saying unto him cornelius verse 4 when and when he looked on him he was afraid and said what is it lord and he said unto him thy prayers and thy arms have come up as a memorial listen i can tell you by scripture and by experience that when prayer goes hand in hand with sacrifice they are weapons of mass destruction in the camp of the enemy now listen to me this is no manipulation at all your pastor is a man of integrity but i love you too much to not tell you the whole truth there are dimensions of breakthrough there are gates there are doors that it is not only your prayer alone your prayer goes along with a level and a measure of sacrifice many years ago the lord gave me an instruction that he was going to lead me to god's servant bishop david and it was a sacrifice i had been praying god had helped me but i knew that it was time to break some territorial doors and gates listen carefully and on that day the lord that the lord told me this is now the day i got up took my sacrifice on my way down to canaan land by the privilege of god's grace i was able to go it was there are sacrifices that when they leave you you two you know this is isaac not ishmael but you must love the seasons before you more than where you are and i remember when i came out to enter the car so i would go and rest the lord told me to come out of that vehicle and he said i should place my hand on the ground on canaan land on the ground there i placed my hand on that ground and the lord spoke to me he said from today you have entered the overflow anointing i was praying and trusting god for increase and favor upon my life you've heard my stories and i remember it was two women they are not the only ones that god used to bless me but it was it was not something well at that time maybe and simply because i helped them to pay for sugar they wanted to buy sugarcane i wanted to buy you two and i said mama no you are my mothers let me honor you and i paid for them and they kept blessing me old women and one of them looked at me and said my son forever woke up on gold listen my dear people seeds and sacrifices come very unpleasant seasons in your life and introduce other prophetic seasons now i know the issue of sacrifice has been abused there are imbalances here in the body of christ people have taken advantage of people but anybody who truly loves you and is teaching you the warfare dimension of victory if it is gates you are bringing down it is not only your mouth that will pray your giving your giving this is a morning session where wrapping up you have prayed most of you hear god has brought victories for you i want to challenge you you know me i'm not i'm not the kind of person who will go and be raising seats on this but this one i know including myself listen let me challenge you i want to challenge everyone you are going to pray and agree with god that lord i'm coming with a sacrifice not a seed a sacrifice and don't if you just come and drop money what you did was donation you just wasted your money but you must tie any unfavorable season to it do you know why it's dangerous to steal money in church because that thing you are seeing people wrapped seasons and courses on it they are dropping that seed to kill that season when you carry it you don't allow the season die you carry that that's what happened to gazi it's in your bible just because the leprosy left naman did not mean that it had gone out of the earth he was waiting for somebody who would receive it i have ended seasons in my life and i've introduced certain seasons of favor if it is gates and the glory of god that you want to be released from your life maybe some of you are here and you have seeds now of sacrifice i will start i'm the i'm the first who is that some of you are following online and you're saying apostle i am tired it's obstacles and this gets that stand if you don't believe what i'm saying no problem just follow the other part of what i'm saying but i'm telling you if it is levels of increase that you want to step into i stand and i stick i i lift the word of god if you honor this word sincerely you will marvel and wonder what happens to you this is true are we together i'm going to speak over your life what you are going to give you don't have your seat here you need to discuss maybe with your wife or your husband go ahead you can do that during this maybe the last session tomorrow there are offering baskets here let me request please those of you following online or some of you are here there is a church account be careful and beware of scammers there is one central account because there are evil men who take advantage of prophetic moments like this and once we are serious about lifting the destinies of people you will find all these funny people doing all kinds of things online let me challenge you you have a seed a sacrifice you are saying lord i want to end seasons in my life i'm going to pray for you i'm not going to mention any amount this is between you and god and maybe your spouse or whatever it is if it's a vow or a pledge if you will not redeem me don't write anything don't say i'm coming to give god an error and just be emotional and don't do what you are doing just emotionally no but i stand by the god of heaven and i tell you sincerely if you dare to honor the lord with your sacrifice i'm going to speak over your life some of you it would it will not be more than one week before you see the strange things that god does in your life are you ready so maybe in how do we do it now i'll give you two minutes two minutes if you have a seat here and you are saying lord i am ending these seasons in my life can we use this this offering baskets okay there are two offering baskets here you can leave your seat hold on first and okay there are other people holding seats here you come and drop them and if you are using the account use the account it is a pledge between you and god whatever it is please do not do this emotionally we are people who fear god one day we'll stand before god and will be judged are we together but i want you to release your faith and i want to pray with you in the next two minutes if you are coming out come out now god bless you you're leaving has hallelujah now those of you who are not able to come out there's no reason feeling bad we're standing we're just giving people an opportunity i want to pray for you father everyone here in front i believe they have come if there's no space you can just stand at the aisles there's so many people here lord some of these people are standing here representing their families their ministries their businesses some have cried some are currently in debt some are standing here with all kinds of issues maybe legal issues lord you are the god of all flesh and the world is watching us walk your principles we pray that you will honor your word right now i stand in faith with the angel over this house and his precious wife based on the integrity of scripture i stretch my hands in the name of jesus christ by your prayer and your sacrifice i shift you by prophecy step into new seasons new seasons of breakthrough hey la bakatosa new seasons of favor i prophesy to you everything that has left you that should not have left i stand by prophecy and i call it back to your life i call it back to your life i call it back to your life in the name of jesus christ and hear me there's such a strong anointing here everyone here who is using this seed to break cycles that you saw in your family patterns that you saw in the life of those who have gone ahead of you i stand by satan in the name of jesus those cycles are broken now those circles are broken now those cycles are broken now cycles of retrogression cycles of poverty and hardship cycles of servitude in the name of jesus be broken now and every gate that stands before you and prophecy stands before you and destiny right now we command may those kids swing may they open peter and heather in the name of jesus christ father all the seeds and the sacrifices of your people may it rise as a supernatural incense satan by this sacrifice we put a sanction and we decree and declare that you have no legal access to the lives the finances the destinies of these ones in the name of jesus christ be blessed in jesus name i pray amen drop your seed with thanksgiving quickly and return back you can drop it in the offering basket the altar anyway just make contact and please return back to your seat as we prepare to round up two more prayer points and we're done please go back who are still praying hey la catusa brende gepa ruski atakadoshi again the account details are on the screen for those i don't know if there is a domiciliary account for uh international audience if there is for those okay beautiful there's a usd account you can use that should be projected on the social media platforms please very quickly two more prayer points and we're done so hallelujah praise the name of the lord are you tired please rise up on your feet we'll soon wrap up oh god you are my god and i will ever praise you god you are my god and i will ever love you oh god you are my god and i will ever follow i will seek you in the morning i will learn to walk in your ways for step by step you lead me and i will follow you all of my day listen there's no time to turn to the scripture but pay attention when joshua received his commissioning from god he told him he was going to take jericho but before then two things happen and i want to introduce them quickly and we pray the first thing that happened was he needed a strategy for the defeat of jericho the defeat of jericho he would not use his own formula to bring down the gate and even the walls of jericho and so the first assignment god gave him was circumcise yourselves look up please everybody listen carefully he said some of you who came out there was a generation of the men who came out that were not circumcised you cannot attract the backing of heaven he was telling joshua therefore get knives circumcise yourselves you want heaven to reveal the strategy to bring down the gates and the wall it is not without a circumcision and when he said that joshua gathered the men and all of them as a people they circumcised themselves and once they circumcised themselves they stayed there until they were healed suddenly a being came and said joshua now that you have fulfilled the law of circumcision you are ready to receive the strategy this will be the strategy go around jericho seven times once every day and on the seventh day you will go round with the act in front of you and then you will raise a shout let me tell you this there is a reason why many people do not experience the backing of heaven to come and reveal prophetic strategies that make for destiny it is because many times that circumcision circumcision is a painful process whether for children or adults is that true yes sir the cutting away of the flesh seeing then that we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses he says let us lay aside every weight and the sin that don't easily beset us and let us run with perseverance the race that is set before us it says looking up to jesus who is the author the finisher of our faith who for the joy that was set before him endure the cross and even despise the shame you cannot do god and something else now you can have one arrow in your house that was given to you from the village and add it and combine it with god you cannot want the blessings of god and you are playing pranks in the office and so don't feel offended there has to be a determination for that circumcision the cut in the way of everything you know that sustains the ability to drive away the backing of heaven if heaven does not back you there cannot be the strategy men reign and they dominate in this kingdom on the strength of the strategies they receive from heaven whether for ministry whether for business including idol worshipers they go through the requisite levels of sacrifices and then spirits come and back them you're going to pray a prayer of genuine rededication and say father my life and all that my destiny is about is about jesus jesus only jesus ever you remain my priority everything that is not you i cut it away from my life those have been born again for 10 years that's not what i'm asking you are you ready now in one minute cry your heart and say father i cut away let there be that circumcision let there be that genuine circumcision pray those following online pray that same prayer that circumcision by the spirit allah relationships one minute you are praying to the god of your salvation it is all about you and only about you jesus be magnified oh lord we're wrapping up you are highly exalted and there is nothing you can do oh lord my eyes are on you be my i pledge allegiance to the land with all my heart with all i am i will seek to honor his command i pledge allegiance if there is anybody here under the sound of my voice i do not want to take for granted that even though we've all prayed a prayer of rededication and consecration there might be one or two people here who are saying apostle i love jesus but i've not won that war i cannot say for sure that things are all right between me and jesus before we pray the final prayer no matter where you are do not be ashamed win that war or you as an apostle i know that i need a new and a fresh walk with jesus you have one minute wherever you are i like you to leave your seat with boldness and confidence please come and stand before me here don't wait for someone to be the first this is a family of faith welcome the lord is calling you what a life let's celebrate them as they come come to jesus i'll just count one to four two don't be ashamed win that war stand before him i have decided to follow jesus no turning back no turning back i have decided to follow jesus no turning back no turning back the world behind me the cross before me no turning back no turning back the world behind me the cross before me no turning back no turning man i salute you my dear brothers and sisters for making this bold decision the bible declares that everyone who will come to him you will in no wise cast away i salute you for the confidence and the courage some of you are crying don't be ashamed of your tears the bible declares i have loved you with an everlasting love and have drawn you with my loving kindness i want you to lift your right hand before jesus who is our lord and savior and i want you to say this after me let it be from the depth of your heart you're not reciting a poem say lord jesus i come before you just as i am i declare that i am unable to help myself but i believe that you died for me this afternoon i declare that you are my savior you are my lord and you are my king i receive eternal life into my spirit i receive the gift of righteousness and the abundance of grace i reign as a christian i reign as your child the power of sin don't be ashamed of your tears it's broken over my life forever i declare that i belong to jesus i go forward ever and backwards never amen let me pray for you father we present to you these ones as a trophy when you hung up on us you saw all of us together we were worth your death we were now we have come to you to present these ones they have become part of this family of faith by the authority of scripture i declare your sins forgiven and i declare that the lord gives you a new beginning you are partakers of the life of god i commend you to the ministry of the holy spirit and the ministry of the world i decree and declare that you will rise to the fullness of your prophetic destinies i bless you you go for whatever and backward never in jesus name i pray amen and amen all right please all of you in front just look at me congratulations to you please there's a counselor waving his hands the man of god is waving his hands all of you in concert let's celebrate them as they go a group of people will talk to you and you'll be back to your seat hallelujah last prayer and then we're done i'd like you to pray and say father as proof that every close gate has been opened over my life give me testimonies between today and tomorrow release your faith and pray lift your voice as proof that these gates have been opened and my glory is ready to be revealed it says thou o lord that shields for me you are my glory even the lifter of my head lord give me a token give me a sign in the name of jesus give me a sign in the name of jesus christ you
Channel: Salvation TV
Views: 113,024
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Keywords: online sermon, apostle selman sermon, apostle joshua selman sermon, new sermon 2021, apostle joshua selman new sermon, youtube sermon, sermon on youtube, apostle joshua selman messages, apostle joshua selman nimmak messages, koinonia, apostle, joshua, selman, nimmak, prayer, apostle joshua selman, apostle joshua selman 2021, koinonia messages, download apostle joshua selman messages 2019, how to grow spiritually, god, how to desire greater glory, powerful prayer, prophetic prayer
Id: -ahVqsjFoGo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 198min 7sec (11887 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 06 2021
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