God Will Do It For You - Archbishop Benson Idahosa

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for years i read the story of the death of lazarus as a story and a few years ago the holy spirit said to me this is god talking to you and this is god telling you that he is interested in your natural needs god is concerned about where you are god is concerned about your health god is concerned about your job god is concerned about your life your well-being and heaven can intervene in human affairs the holy spirit said to me what jesus is telling you here is different from what is told mary and matter but with the same power you can pick up life from what happened here and i began to pray and one morning the lord said to me in verse listen to this verse and i hope what he did to me to do it to you verse 22 of john 11. but i know that even now everybody say that with me i didn't hear you say i know say it as if you are not afraid oh god you are still afraid what did you say you know what pardon say even now are you even now what don't be afraid say it like a child of god [Applause] say it again oh i'm saying god is only talking to me i'm glad i'm glad it was for me and not for you you think this is for you let's start again why don't you go from the first line excuse me what you do what people who know they don't talk like that let's start again say it again what do you know [Applause] [Music] [Applause] what did he say my donkey what did he say even now at my donkey in atlanta i don't need transportation i have one there i know say that everybody that even now now what [Applause] [Music] what so ever thou will ask of god how many of you have something that's from god today raise your hand say ah when do you want to ask it say now [Applause] do you know that yes do you know that here is a woman that lost the only brother no father no mother no husband nothing and jesus came to their town not their house their town their city their own atlanta and she stood before jesus i said but i know i know if nobody in the city know me i know that even now say now everybody say now say now if god is not in the now he's not in the past hear me carefully if god is not in the now he was never god and if god is not in the now he can never be tomorrow mata in her time of tears grief pain she said my spirit is not blind from knowing that even now even now what so ever do you have any need in your life do you have any need in your life do you believe that god can handle it do you think that god is still there are you aware he's there do you know he's there he asked me to tell you he sent me to tell you now now say now everybody whatsoever you will ask him he god let's see what he said we do [Music] god will give it thee i said holy spirit what did you say he said in your roughest time when everything around you so cloudy that you don't know where you are don't look to man don't look to a woman don't look your government don't look your family take your eyes from those things that are so close take it to the hymn to him that is bigger than all last night as i knelt down by my bed and prayed and prayed and prayed for this service and the sense of god i said god i'm going to chapel you god what you want me to tell the people he said tell them whatsoever they will ask of me i god we give it god sent me to tell you what you need is not to be for god to supply you didn't hear me what you need is not too big for god to supply what you need say with me what i need is not too big for god to give to me now [Applause] when jesus had that jesus said to her jesus said unto her that brother who died four days ago shall rise again your brother who died four days ago shall rise again is there anything in your life trying to slip out is your health threatening to leave you your joy threatening to go it's your job in jeopardy is there anything you have been looking for in life is there anything near you about leaving you is there anything you've ever lost that was dear to you jesus asked me to tell you whatever is gone out of your hand will come back again whatsoever is gone out of your hand that you need to stay with you we come back again did you hear what i'm saying my brother your job a woman came to me six weeks ago i just came from korea and japan and china and philippines this woman cried to my office i said what's your trouble she said look at this my husband have gone to court to fight divorce i said what did you do she said nothing i said what did you do she said nothing i said you want your husband back she said he's the father of my four children he's the husband of my youth we've been married for 23 years i don't want him to go call him back i said what's his name he said john i said john come back and pick your paper and take it away she said what do i do i say nothing wait for john he's coming she said what did you say i said john is coming back she said his left town i said the transport that took him would bring him back [Applause] 24 hours later john didn't come with car john flew john said i couldn't sleep i couldn't sleep i couldn't sleep she said you had a problem the woman said you had a problem she said you have a problem you know when husband and wife is fighting one of the two is always a problem the man said you are my problem the woman said you are after five minutes of argument she said let's go and see our bishop john brought his wife in tears he said papa i can't sleep i can't sleep i don't know what's wrong everything about me saying go back go back go back so i flew here i want you to beg my wife to marry me again i come to collect the papers that are fired the wife began to cry he began to cry i knew it was not god that took the man from her did you hear what i'm saying there are many things that are slipping out of your hand you think it's god taking it it's a devil but jesus says it's coming back it's coming back it's coming back it's coming back it's coming back it's coming right [Applause] power is coming back [Applause] life is coming back say hallelujah say hallelujah i said john you're in my office what happened that you filed the bus he said i don't know at all i just woke up i thought i didn't need my home anymore i thought i don't need anymore i have no strength to continue what went wrong he said i lost strength to continue i lost strength to continue maybe there's someone here this morning who has almost lost strength to continue there's a vision god put in your head god said go ahead and the devil says stop the lord sent me to tell you that vision is coming back again [Applause] i said john what did your wife do he said she did nothing i said did you think of your children now you are the only father they have he said i lost my memory i couldn't think of my wife i couldn't think of the children help me [Music] help me you know the greatest thing i've found in life in 32 years of close walk with god no one that says god help me has god ever denied help stay with me god help me god help me when it's rough god help me when it's tough god help me when i don't know what to do god help me when i'm in trouble god help me when i'm weak god helps me when i'm down god help me when i'm in confusion god help me [Applause] hallelujah and the wife looked to him and said john it was yesterday morning i ran to papa to tell him what you have done and i told him i want you back john said what time the woman said 11 o'clock john said at 11 15 i was in a meeting when i took excuse to go to the bathroom the loudspeaker in my ears john john go home john go home i said you know who was calling you he said i sent me ah i was calling you he said the voice sounded like your voice and i said yes i did spiritual life is not mystic i want to explain that when you decide to walk with god you step to mystery god can intervene anytime god can come down even when you are not ready he said i took excuse from the meeting i told them i'm going back home the people say we have not finished he said the call i received from the bathroom is more than this meeting who was calling him god say god say god i don't know what state of mind you have this morning i don't know what state of mind you have this morning i don't know what is trying to sleep out of your hand but the message i'm given by god is very simple mata said but now i know and from the minute you know that god is interested in your marriage that means you know god is interested in your business the minute you know god is entrusted in your health the minute you know that god is interested in what you are doing for him the job will take newton the business will have new cause your life will have new direction i don't know how many john we have here this morning who want to go to court to file divorce god sent me to tell you don't do it you say what do you mean i've gone far come back come back john come back john come back john god is saying come back you say why and i said why not you say my wife is a devil that's why the bible says we shall cast our devil how can you reach your wall if you can't reach your home maybe that's the mistake in language but i'm not sure you can win the whole world if you can't win your house why would god send me to say what i'm saying now is because god knows you need help what is dying out of your hand jesus asked me to tell you it shall live again god is saying to you today i want to dwell on the world i know say i know i didn't hear you try it one more time that whatsoever doubt will ask god stop a minute one of the biggest english i have tried in over 40 years to understand is whatsoever whatsoever look around you inside your spirit whatsoever check your head whatsoever look at your job whatsoever look at your home whatsoever look at your health whatsoever check around your marriage whatsoever look at the ministry god put you whatsoever look at your bank account just let your let your flesh leave this hole put your spirit to use before you search no first because god said you may see the crisis but wherever there is crisis here is christ and you say amen i'm looking for jesus in the midst of all my crisis when i have crisis i look for christ in the center of it and when jesus comes the whole storm go down say hallelujah oh let's see what this bible is telling me oh my god the lord saved the anointed yes isn't that good for you or not yes but thank god for that what he will hear him from his holy heaven god is ready to hear me and hear you amen with the saving strength of his right hand god has a servant strength of his right hand can't you say this with me he's going to rescue me with his saving hand i think that means that as long as i'm in his hands he's not going to drop me did you hear what i'm saying he's not kidding two of us you put your life in his hands how will he drop you say no say no he wouldn't drop me he's not going to drop me to the shame god will not drop for me to be ashamed did you get it now let's hear the next one some trust in chariots some do and some in horses some do but we will remember the name of the lord our god say that hallelujah for me well listen to that those of us who trust him who remember him verse 8 they are brought down or that are brought down but we are risen and we stand upright say with me i'm rising i'm standing upright i'm reason no matter how tough or rough i'm reason i am standing upright i'm right hallelujah hallelujah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] before you sit down listen to me the dead god remove his hand from you you are finished you are different from the worldly people your hope and trust is only in god your confidence is in god your trust is in god your strength is in god my choir sang a song recently my strength is in you lord my power is in you lord my life is in you lord that day something began to shake inside me my strength is in you lord my power is in you lord my life is you lord as a god i didn't know the choir could preach to me but i'm taking this as true my strength is in europe my power is in you lord my life is in you lord my all is in you lord it's all it's all in your hand my strength is in you lord my power is in you lord my life is in you lord i think of that day think of that day when the only brother mary and mata had was sick and they sent one of their friends from the town i said go tell jesus the man whom you love is sick come heal him the man whom you love is sick come heal him jesus said i will come bye bye the turn they say fine he said he's coming he's still coming first day as a matter of fact before they got home to relay the message back lazarus died and then jesus turned to the disciples i'm glad he died you are glad your friend died oh yes i'm glad but i'm very happy i wasn't there and he continued with what he was doing day one day two when they waited after 12 hours he didn't come they buried lazarus and jesus went on with his ministry think of the angoni of disappointment think of how terrible the only friend they have they've lost their father they've lost their mother only three of them were converse of christ in kaepernick and bettening only three of them were conversed the whole nation jesus preached and preached and preached nobody listened three people listened they had him every time jesus and the twelve men passed through that town they gave him food he drank water only once they have need and they say go call him go call him my bible said when they got there they said to jesus your friend living in bethany the town of mary and her sister mata is sick the man whom their lovers is sick when jesus had that he said this sickness this sickness this particular one is not unto death but for the glory of god the one you have now the trouble the pain you are going through god wants to get glory this is not for the devil's glory god is coming to your house god is coming to your house god is coming to your house jesus said this one this sickness is not unto death but for the glory of god that the son of god might be glorified nearby now jesus loved mata and her sister and lazarus he loved them lazarus died he died you say i'm a christian things are wrong with me you are not dead yet i said you are not dead yet lazarus died he died he was sick when they sent for christ but jesus said i'm glad the sickness this one what i'm passing through now god wants to get glory how can god get glory when i'm crying how can god get glory when my bank account is empty how can god get glory when i'm in trouble i want us to read this scripture as it is just raw and rough and jesus said now when jesus now jesus loved matter he loved them he did you say people whom god loved do they have trouble yes but do trouble help them no we haven't reached a stage where trouble can have us we can still have trouble i have this dress this dress doesn't have me are you hearing what i'm saying i can have pain but pain doesn't have me it's like paul was in prison but prison was not in him are you hearing what i'm saying don't let what you have have you don't let money have you don't let time have you don't let name have you have it but let god get glory at your faith say hallelujah [Applause] three weeks ago on sunday morning i was in the church god said to me who are financially blessed i say tell them if i give you status don't turn to statue if i give you status don't turn to statue make it loud for him he he speaks american english let him it's a bishop make it loud start if the lord gives us status he does not want us to turn to a statue or a monument he wants us to stay alive inside us inside of us yes if god raised you from this church and make you governor don't live in state house and forget god's house and one of my engineers began to cry and one of the doctors began to cry i said god what have i said what did i say i didn't want anybody to cry and they were whipping and whipping while we are they crying for sometimes now the job god blessed them with so occupied them that they didn't remember the church they became big in the world and smalling god [Applause] so even though the status came from god they become statue in god's house you know statue don't move start you don't pay tight start you don't give off break and start you don't if statue does this on monday he doesn't throughout the whole week when he had heard therefore that he was sick he had bought two days still in the same place where he was how will you feel if the man you have been giving food for three years you sense that go call him emergency and two days later he's still not there will you still shake his hand will you feel disappointed i'm glad to tell you god never comes late i said god never comes late he never come late he stayed two days still then after that said he to his disciples let us go into judea again his disciples said unto him master the jews of late sought to stun thee and grace thou this again how do we who are trying to bless our world get stoned why is it that every time we are trying to make more efforts to extend the kingdom we get stones why doesn't the whole world say well done bishop thank god for you i'm so happy why do some stupid stones what have we done thank you is not good with stone i think thank you like this is better than thank you don't you think you need some thank you with hand do you think it's every time you need some scotch do you think you need some stunning jesus was told they still want to stun you for healing the sick opening blind eyes on stopping death ears and raising the dead let's see how jesus responded jesus answered and then not 12 hours in the day if any man walk in the day he stumbled not because he sees the light of this world but if a man walk in the night he stumbles because there's no light in him these things said he and after that he said unto them our friend loves us sleeping but i go that i may awake him out of sleep how can jesus a man dead is sleeping in christ there's no death when that day come to you and me when we are no more able to breathe to do anything and the onlookers say we are dead jesus said we are arrested why he would soon come to our homes he would soon come to that job he would soon come whatever died in your house i see christ coming to wake it up he may not come at your timing for he will come and not too late as if jesus is coming he's coming he's coming he's coming he's coming if your job is lying asleep god is coming if your marriage is in trouble god is coming if your home is in trouble god is coming i see christ with a heavenly host getting up god is getting up coming he knows your home address he knows where you live and he says this one this particular one is not for it's for the glory of god it's for the glory it's for the glory it's for the glory just hold on hold on it's just friday sunday is coming it's just friday sunday is coming it's just friday despair comes on friday the stones comes on friday but sunday sunday sunday sunday sunday sunday is coming the stone will roll away the stone will push aside you who was dead you can stand again to set the death where is this thing grave where is your power it is followed up in victory say hallelujah [Applause] today may be your friday today may be your friday today may be your friday sunday is coming stay with me my sunday it's coming today may be my friday with bruises wounds pain blood stain crown of towns on my sunday is coming my sunday is coming my sunday is hallelujah you know [Applause] it doesn't matter how many days i spend in the grave god will raise me up again hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah [Music] everyone who wants resurrection come forward if you need resurrection in any area of your life come forward if you need a change find a song to sing find a song if you need a resurrection may peace to your job or marriage maybe it's to your business [Music] there's a power here in our mystery his resurrection power his resurrection power is resurrection power oh that today oh that today [Music] the same god that came to lazarus house my bishop listened to me four days last was couldn't pray four days lazarus couldn't speak four days he lay in the grave dead but when he never knew all he did for god in the past god came i said lazarus [Music] i didn't forget you lazarus i know you were gone i am standing by your grave [Music] some of you whether you know it or not have first grave situation god sent me to say to you [Music] it shan't belong it wouldn't be long your grave will be empty your grave will be empty [Music] your grave will be empty [Applause] your grave will be empty god is on his way to your house god [Music] god god is on his way to your house [Music] four days four days four days matter say to jesus jesus by now [Music] by now he stinketh by now stinketh by now he is rotting jesus said i'm specialized in rotten situations [Applause] [Music] the matter said unto him but but i know that even now whatsoever thou shall ask of him god will give thee i know that even now say that everybody i know that even now say that i know that even now what so whatsoever thou shall ask of god god whatsoever will ask of god god will give it to me well you said [Applause] [Music] every stress and strain you found yourself every grief and pain that the enemy tried to inflict on you that is now too heavy for you to bear you turn it over to jesus then you can smile his yoke is easy his burden is light he didn't call you to kill you he called you to glory and virtue are you hearing me today say today your body my body is dropping at his feet to follow me home no more [Music] did you hear that raise your right hand up put your left hand in your chest say after me my god and my father i have witness in my spirit i know in my spirit you are intervening in my human affairs today i've heard your words death is going away pain is going away strain is going away stress is going away fear is going away from now i receive your resurrection power in the name of jesus i am loose free to go on with you thank you lord whom the son of god set free is free indeed hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah
Channel: Church Of God Mission Int'l - Common Impact Centre
Views: 332,691
Rating: 4.8072729 out of 5
Keywords: Benson Idahosa, Benson Idahosa Sermons, CGMi, Church Of God Mission Int'l
Id: eyqm_xgmnlQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 38sec (2798 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 05 2020
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