"Call Out the Bones!" - Pastor Cora Jakes Coleman

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pastor author and wife to her wonderful husband Brandon Coleman as well as mother to her beautiful daughter Amari and energetic son Jason aka touka as eldest daughter to world-renowned Bishop TD jakes and First Lady's Serita Jake's pastor Cora oversees and directs the destiny world children's ministry at the potter's house of Dallas in addition to her core Jake's coleman ministry efforts faithing it is her first book pastor Cora posts weekly messages and speaks out about her battle with faith and infertility and hopes of building a global support group for people who are fighting for not just a baby but their ultimate promise that the Lord has spoken over them she defines fertility as the ability to produce and encourages people of all walks of life to produce their talents and their purpose by fighting with faith she received her ministerial licenses from the potter's house school of ministry and encourages people worldwide through her blog books and speaking platforms she has a heart for all people who are trying to get and reach their promise and encourages them to fight for their dreams no matter what obstacles they face come on you can do better than that come on we got a preacher in the house and I passed them Cora Jakes comer will come on in lift your voice for Jesus come on and lift up the name of Jesus in this place I know it's Wednesday but give God your very best chain breaking body delivering yoke destroying praise lift up the name of Jesus lift up the name of Jesus two demons tremble lift a map into life becomes Badman [Music] yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yes he's good he's good he's good didn't have to wake you up this morning didn't have to put clothes on your back then he had to give you bitching didn't have to give you hearing he's a great great great great great God hey Rob I sick it's Wednesday but I feel like I'm going to breach tonight to God be the glory to God be the glory to God be all of the glory I give you greetings from Dallas thank you so much to the first lady and the pastor of this house pastor and Lady Sarah Jakes Roberts and touré Roberts it is my honor to be here I give honor to my mother and father for without them I would not be here I give honor to my husband who is holding the fort down and watching our heathens at home I just want to jump in if that's okay grab your neighbors in let's let's pray No grab your Bibles we'll pray after the text go to Ezekiel 37 3 through 7 Ezekiel 37 3 through 7 I'm going to be reading from the New Living Translation which is not a norm but for the sake of a word they use I'm going to use that tonight when you have it say Amen if you don't say hold up okay I'm holding I'm holding Ezekiel 37 3 through 7 then he asked me son of man can these bones become living people again o Sovereign Lord I replied you alone know the answer to that then he said to me speak a prophetic message to these bones and say dry bones listen to the word of the Lord this is what the sovereign Lord says look I am going to put breath into you and make you live again I will put flesh and muscles on you and cover you with skin I will put breath into you and you will come to life then you will know that I am the Lord so I spoke this message just as he told me suddenly as I spoke there was a rattling noise a call across the valley the bones of each body came together and attached themselves as complete skeletons then as I watched muscles and flesh formed over the bones then skin formed to cover their bodies but they still had no breath in them if you give me a moment I would like to speak to you on the subject topic call the bones out Spirit of the Living God fall fresh in this place release a resurrecting power in this building from the front door to the back door to the side doors leave no space untouched God have your way blow a fresh wind a breath in place that causes dead things to come back to life again spirit of the Living God has your way form us renew us cover us bring us out of our dry place Oh God would you just reign supernatural glory reign supernatural power Reina prophetic anointing reign release oh God release oh god revival she robbed us a suitor AMA shock a satire release revival in this place Oh God from this moment and all the moments that preceded God have your way in the very course of these people I'm looking at bones God I'm looking at bones Lord God hey Shara my satire I'm looking at bones Lord God I speak life I speak life I speak life hear ye the word of the Lord I speak life it on my son tikka shits ah I speak life in the name of Jesus from the crown of your suicidal head to the soles of your feet I speak life in every attempt shall fail in the name of Jesus Lord break free in this place destroy every yoke pull down every strongman every stronghold we bind and destroy you in the mighty name of Jesus and we decree and declare annoying finger flower like never before restore reform revival in the name of Jesus we decree and declare a new singer a new singer a new thing in every seat empty and full a new thing in the name Jesus it is so and so it is a man have a seat when I was asked to come down here I asked myself what was I going to talk about I do know that you all are starting a revival and I wanted to make sure that I came into alignment with what the breaking of this thing needs to be and incidentally the Lord said I want you to teach on Ezekiel many different texts came to mine but dry bones seems to be fitting for such a time as this for this church stay with me I want you to understand that oftentimes we may go through things in life where we have to encounter a dry season but that does not mean God is not moving in the season and so I I did not bring up Ezekiel just because he was able to do something with the dry bones but I brought up Ezekiel so that you could understand that God was yet moving in a dry place sometimes we can be in a barren situation and feel like God is not moving in that place and so the Bible says that Ezekiel suddenly was taken ahold of New Living Translation says the Spirit of God took hold of Ezekiel now when we understand what take hold means it means to affect change and oftentimes Ezekiel was taken a hold of throughout the entire chapter we understand that Ezekiel has a very personal intimate relationship with God that allows him not to be restricted and sometimes when we are not open to experiencing and encountering situations in our life we restrict God being able to take a hold of us and so there's a resurrecting power that Ezekiel taps into when he allows God to do three specific things and I want to talk to you about these three specific things the first thing is encounter the bones he brought him to a place and the first thing he does is not he encounters it he experiences what is happening he's looking at where he's at consider where you are consider what's going on around you before you move before you speak before you use the gift that God has given you consider where you are consider what is happening in the atmosphere and this is what Ezekiel is doing and as he is encountering what's going on the Holy Spirit asked him a question that indeed he already knew the answer to but sometimes God asks you a question to see if you have enough faith in yourself to believe that you can do what is about to be asked of you he did not ask Ezekiel because he did not already know that easy Gill would have the power to resurrect the bones but he asked him to see where Ezekiel was that consider where you're at sometimes we feel like I'm not old enough I'm not strong enough I don't know enough I'm too old I'm too big I'm too small they won't talk to me they won't listen to me I know I'm supposed to prophesy but how do i prophesy I know I'm called to the ministry but how do I get called to the ministry and and and the Holy Spirit begins to ask Ezekiel basically do you believe in what I have placed inside of you can these dry things that you see can they live can that book deal live can that business live can that marriage live in that relationship live can that job live can you live these are dry things can can that promise that you forgot about Leah's we've buried things in our Valley and so God allows him to encounter something that he would have never encountered had he not first encountered the Spirit of God it is important that as you walk through life you never miss an opportunity to experience an encounter with God there is a power in your encounter with God and watch this more often than not your encounters with God are not happy places they're not comfortable places they're not beautiful places they don't have rivers of living water flowing around them sometimes you will encounter God in the wilderness sometimes you will encounter God in a dark place in a valley in a barren place sometimes you will encounter God in the darkest moment of your life you will encounter him in poverty you will encounter him in the hospital you will encounter him with the diagnosis of cancer you will encounter him when they tell you you only have a few months to live these are the dry bone encounters with God and Ezekiel stood and he said what came to him what he knew to be true only you know the answer do you know who holds your answer because sometimes we feel like man holds our answer and that's what keeps us from moving forward we're waiting on a man to validate us waiting on a man to tell us to go waiting on a man to tell us who we're good enough waiting on a man to tell us we're pretty and I just waiting on a man to tell us that we didn't need our fathers waiting on a man to validate our go he knew who had the answer consider who took you to the valley where you've been broken where you are suffering where you are tired where you are weary consider who took me here did I take me here oh my cuz some of us are not in valleys that God took us to some of us are in valleys that we created with our negative mindset in our negative cursed words that we speak over ourselves with our negative ideas with our disobedience not not all of you just maybe maybe two of you are disobedient when God tells you to do something and when you don't do it you find yourself in a valley who got you here who who took you here where how did you get to this broken self and so so he encounters him the next thing he does is examine he examines the bones he looks at them he begins to say that they're dry these bones that I'm encountering they're dry bones and there's piles of them all over the place I guess we could say Ezekiel was lowkey a paleontologist he he began to examine the atmosphere and he says you know these are dry and I'm not sure well what what should we do in this place and when we look at examine it means to inspect in detail to determine their nature or condition why is this important some bones don't need examination they need to be destroyed you need to understand the nature of the bones that you are encountering you need to understand are they dry could they live could they move could they have a being is this something I need to throw away is this something I need to push to the side is this something I need to give up what what could these if I examine and I look closely at my life and I look closely and where I've come from and I look closely and everything that was supposed to break me what detail do I find when I look at my bones are you a dry bone looking examining yourself we'll let you know am I just a skeleton and I just here but not really here have I put too much weight on other people to put life in me and I didn't put any weight in God to breathe life into me have I been waiting and expecting somebody to help me like the lame man laying in his bones have I been waiting and people been stepping over me and and they've been overlooking me and everybody's getting their healing but I'm still dry bitter angry confused isolated depressed I'm still a tribe Oh he examines the bones he tells him they're dry he inspects them and what's important is you can tell here that God doesn't need a lot to do something great he just needed a structure of a thing he just needed a few bones and all he needed was somebody to believe in the word of the Lord he's talking to bones he tells him to talk to bones yeah bones can't hear you bones can't hear he tells him to speak to the bones and he tells him to tell them to hear the word of the Lord bones cannot hear those so how are we doing that Lord but he doesn't question him he doesn't say well there bones Holy Spirit huh how'd it go hear the word of the Lord there bones maybe after you make them human they'll be able to hear no God has placed an ability to hear in the depths of your spirit beyond what your skull can hold beyond your bones there is the spirit that is inside of you that needs to hear the word of the Lord you're not going to be able to cause things inside of you that are dead to resurrect without the Spirit of God and most of the time resurrection came because of the Spirit of God and that's why I opened with same spirit of the Living God release an anointing of Resurrection in this place because the Spirit of God will cause that bad thing in you to have a life again the Spirit of God will look at your condition and say I just need a little bit I just need a little bit if you could just believe that I'm strong enough I'm big enough I'm great enough I'm powerful enough I just need a little bit examine the bones there's life here I didn't bring you to this Valley to die I didn't bring you through this pain to die I didn't bring you through this hurt to kill you I didn't bring you through this sorrow to take you I brought you here cuz there's life in the valley of the dry bones he examines the bones and he listens to God and he speaks to the bones and rattling begins to happen a sound there's a sound that begins to happen in the valley the the bones begin to respond to the voice of the Lord this is how we know it's the spirit that can hear because they begin to respond to the voice of the Lord and he begins to prophesy this is what's about to take place I'm about to move you from this dry place and I'm going to raise you up and you're going to be covered you weren't covered before you were not covered before but God says I'm about to cover you I'm about to take you from what was dead and bring life into your situation and that's only making one person maybe three and here happy but that's because you've been dead so long you don't know what it's like when God says I'm about to breathe the breath of life into your situation if you didn't come here in a dying place you're not leaping right now but if you came here looking for God to blow a breast of life into your situation he says I'm cutting that you might have lights and that more abundantly you've been laying in this valley too long you've been complaining in this valley to long you've been wondering about why they left and who is coming next and what we supposed to do you've been worrying about everybody's assignment but yours you've been worrying about everybody else's book but yours you've been worried about everybody else's website and social media but yours so he covers them and they begin to move and and they're they're being clothed in flesh and it's very similar to two Lazarus when when you consider that he was dry bones and so Ezekiel is performing a shadowing type of what Jesus will do later the Holy Spirit came before Lazarus to show there is a power of resurrection before we even get to Lazarus there was a power of Resurrection in Ezekiel I was bringing things back to life and Ezekiel so why you worried about Lazarus this isn't a new thing this isn't a new miracle I've done this before and so he he begins to clothe them in flesh because God is Jesus clothed in flesh he begins to show them what's going to happen we we continue to see a cycle of this when he got ready to build a woman he took a bone and and he began to form a woman from a bone and then then we go to Ezekiel and we see that he's forming an army oh catch it if you can he's forming an army out of bones out of things that were broken out of things that look lifeless out of things that should not walk again shouldn't talk again shouldn't have breath again he's building an army out of nothing it ought to make you happy that God has looked down on your life with your nothing self and he said i'ma make an army out of her rape I'm gonna make an army out of her molestation i'ma make an army out of that divorce i'ma make an army out of that marriage i'ma make an army how does that abuse out of that cancer how does that hurt out of that pain I'm gonna make an army they're moving they're moving they're moving but but something is missing pastor they're moving there they've got their clothes there God got their bodies there they're ready they're in formation but something is missing and and they're looking and they can see and they can hear and they can move better something is missing and and they begin to look again he examines again and he says there's no breath now what I thought was interesting is that he didn't say Ezekiel go and blow on all of the bodies that you see he didn't say you know whistle he didn't say speak breath into them but he called forth a wind and specifically for winds which is the number of manifestation four is the number of manifestation and so he calls forth four winds where have we seen this wind thing again as an answer where have we seen this wind thing I think it may have been in job when when job got and he was close to death and covered in ashes and his bones were dry and he got quiet I believe the Bible says that God answered him in a world wind that that he landed down in the center of his situation and he answered him in a whirlwind stop getting afraid of the storms stop getting afraid of the tornados stop getting afraid of the wind God is about to answer you in that chaos in that in that wind and that you keep running from that tornado that you keep not wanting to face God's answer is in the storm and the wind he tells him to call forth the wind and Ezekiel and his obedience calls forth the winds and all of a sudden you see wind coming and it's blowing around and anybody else would have thought this was chaotic this is why it's just Ezekiel and the Holy Spirit and the army because you can't take everybody with you to see what God is about to do in you you can't always have an audience for what God is about to show you and so it was just him and the Holy Spirit and he's watching this thing he's watching this wind and they begin to breathe they begin to breathe the dry thing went from a rattling noise to covered in flesh to standing in formation to breathing because of an encounter with the Holy Spirit this is resurrection this is how you get from being able to move yourself from a dry place to moving yourself to a resurrected place God has has released a resurrecting power and anointing in some of your mouths and although you have to do is speak to that thing all you have to do is speak to that situation all you have to do is say listen bones here's a word of the Lord the power of life and death is in my tongue I don't have cancer I am healed I am not broken I am ho I am NOT insecure I am safe in his arms the blood of Jesus is against you I rebuke every stronghold I rebuke every yoke I rebuke every hand of the enemy of my life I speak life in the name of Jesus I will resurrect myself from this dry place I will not be dry oh but the rivers that are inside of me oh god is about to break open some rivers in this place oh hear me when I tell you God's about to break open some rivers in this place this this place is about to go through a supernatural revival and resurrection like you've never seen before these chairs are going to overflow into this house from the top of the balcony all the way to the floor we will go back to the original anymore this house will be restored we will begin over every chair every we're not we're not army is rising up an army is rising up this is the kingdom suffers violence but take it back take it back [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] there's some ezekiel's in the room there's some ezekiel's in the room there's some easy kills in the room I hear it in the spirit oh here he the word of the Lord overflow I see rivers of overflow in this place I see rivers overflow in this place supernatural breakthrough miracle science and wonders people being healed delivered and set free oh yeah we going back y'all we're going back we taking it back by force we're telling the devil not today devil not today Satan no sir not happening we're breaking strongholds we're calling down every witch and warlock oh yeah oh yeah every witch and warlock every curse spoken over this house I destroy it into the kids but I'm taking my marriage back [Music] [Applause] you got to step to the devil and let him know who you are if you don't tell him who you are he'll keep on tearing you down he'll keep on breaking you down he'll keep on telling you you're not strong enough you're not wise enough you're not prosthetic enough you don't get for this oh but I cancel every curse over your life I cancel it now in the name of Jesus you will rise you will rise you will rise and be about your father's business ezekiel means the god that strengthens the god that strengthens Sarabhai shake a son of my resurrecting god that strengthens in this house we went through hell y'all it's time to get up it's time to get up you are the army you are the dry bones it's you Ezekiel is speaking to you it's time to get up God is about to cover you he's about to change the way you look you look broken you look dry you look dark you looked out of sorts but God is about to change the way you look a new thing is coming in this place a new thing is coming in this place the power of God is coming in this place we are not gonna sit silently and let the devil skip up and down these aisles it stops tonight the devil don't have no hold over house anymore I cancel the spirit of adultery I can't so the spirit of lying I can't sell it out every spirit of manipulation we destroy you we had your hand oh y'all don't hear me devil I'm not playing with you get out of here there will be a new powders House of Denver because we've got new leadership we've got new covering we've got new word be open if you keep on letting the enemy play you he will play you like a fiddle God wants to take hold of you he wants to show you a power in you that no man can stop that's where we're going we're going to elevate that was the third thing he did he elevated them he let them know what they were going to be used for you're gonna be used to fight the devil so don't be scared you're more than a conqueror he's already defeated stand firm go after the devil you are the army the Lions of the tribe of Judah the sons and daughters of the Most High God Jehovah gabor the warring God the God that fights for you that is who you came from he birthed out of you a spirit of war hey get ready to fight y'all revival don't come easy it didn't come easy to Ezekiel it did not come easy watching those bones come back to life wasn't an easy task the devil doesn't want you to resurrect he doesn't want you to live he doesn't want you to grow he doesn't want you to encounter examine and elevate but you're going to anyway you're going to anyway you're going to elevate beyond what man can see eyes haven't seen speak it over yourself eyes haven't seen ears haven't heard neither has it coming to the heart of man what God has in store for me for me and everything connected to me some of you came in here dead tonight I came here simply to bring a start of resurrection if you have felt broken play something for me if you have felt broken if you have felt down if you have felt like this is me I am Ezekiel or I am the dry bones at 22 years old God took me to an infertile Valley and he said Cora and your promise we can your promise for life live your dream your vision can it live and just as Ezekiel only you know the answer gotta there's an answer in here tonight if you would flood this stage if you're tired of walking in a dead valley tired of fighting by yourself need God to touch you need God to bless you don't be ashamed don't be embarrassed don't let the night fall without you feeling life again life again the breath of God again the peace of God again ain't you tired tired of having to fight harder looking at all the painful stuff no God he understands best Agora it's been so hard for me I've been trying to pray I've been I've been trying too fast I've been trying to see God but it's just every day it gets heavier and heavier and heavier I don't know if I want to wake up tomorrow I'm not sure that I want to keep on doing what God has called me to do it doesn't seem to be working I'm tired cause the bones out cause the bones out cause our bones out hear the word of the Lord I will breathe a new breath into you I will breathe a new breath into you you don't have to be afraid you don't have to be afraid I know I know the valley seems tough I know the valley seems hard but you don't have to be afraid God wants to heal you tonight God wants to set you free tonight breathe so to rob AHA breathe God breathe breathe breathe breathe breathe breathe new life new life new life new life breathed a sudra by Satish Kannamma Sutra bhai breathe Oh God fresh breath Jesus fresh breath Oh God resurrecting breath God four four four four four and our spirits God from the belly from halav our belly God speak your new breath sir blow God Sarah Massie ritsch surah mondo sexy man am i sexy sky cerimon dosoo god I bless you I bless you for a new breath I bless you for the hand of Ezekiel the hand of the Spirit of God fishy rubber sex her anima sue God we bless you because we know that you are able to do exceedingly and abundantly above anything we could have ever asked or salt I thank you O God for our life she will not give up she will not be weary she will reap a harvest in this season in the name of Jesus share about so to hill-hill hill-hill hill-hill hill-hill god hill hill in the name of jesus we speak it over her life from the crown of her head to the soles of her feet emotionally heal emotionally heal heal from every dry place from every dry place we speak life we speak life in the name of Jesus out of her belly oh god huh Sarah Burchett who sort of a higher I've called for more I've called for more for you stop hiding from me save the Lord stop hiding for me I've called more for you more more MORE [Music] shut up a su Rahman - outside we bless you God restore and revive her restore and revive restore and revive every spirit as the enemy taking a hold of her I cancel it I cancel it every bondage every yoke in the name of Jesus new life new life new life new life God we bless you we bless you we bless you we bless you we bless you we bless you we bless you breathe gotta breathe gonna breathe gonna breathe God praise God praise God praise God [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is Reza [Music] [Music] [Music] bless your name god the resurrected King he's resurrecting me [Music] directed King he's resurrecting me [Music] resurrected King he's resurrecting me [Music] [Applause] resurrecting me he's resurrecting me [Applause] he's resurrecting me [Music] he's resurrected me he's resurrected me he's resurrected me he's resurrected me he's resurrected me he's resurrected me he's resurrected me he's resurrected me speak it over yourself he's resurrected me he's resurrected me he's resurrected me he's resurrected me he's resurrected me he's resurrected me [Music] he's resurrected me [Music] he resurrected me he's resurrected me he resurrected me he resurrected me he's resurrecting me resurrected me he's resurrected me we bless you and we honor you we love you for who you are we love you for what you are we love you for how you are Oh God we came in here dead we came in here dead but he's resurrected me he's resurrected me I don't know about you but he's resurrected me he resurrected me he didn't want me to come here but he resurrected me he fought me to get here but he resurrected me and he's gonna keep on resurrecting me he's gonna keep on resurrecting me every footstep I take his resurrected every footstep I take his resurrection he's resurrecting me he's resurrecting me [Music] father God continue to fall in this place continue to move in this place I release the mantle of resurrection over each and every hand listed to receive it I release the resurrecting a mantle over every hand that is up to receive it I release the mantle over each and every hand Oh God that they may be able to touch things and they come back to life everybody'll every child every marriage every relationship every job release release release release release release and I thank you God for the overflow shall I sing who love us I thank you for the overflow god I thank you for bringing this house back to the original seed may the Lord bless you may the Lord keep you from my heart to yours I love you
Channel: The Potter's House of Denver
Views: 477,893
Rating: 4.8452072 out of 5
Keywords: ministry, message, church, potters house, denver, colorado
Id: hKhD_HK0dX0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 14sec (3374 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 27 2018
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