Pastor Cora Jakes Coleman- A Clean Thank You

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the bible says as he was going into a village ten men who had leprosy met him they stood at a distance third and called out in a loud voice jesus master have pity on us when he saw them he said go show yourselves to the priest and as they went they were cleansed one of them when he saw he was healed came back praising god in a loud voice he threw himself at jesus's feet and thanked him and he was the samaritan jesus asked were not all tim cleansed where are the other nine has no one returned to give praise to god except this stranger i would like to talk to you on the subject topic tonight a clean thank you father god i beseech you for your glory i cannot and will not do this without you so release your anointing in this place release your chain breaking anointing release your yoke destroying anointing release your marvelous touch in this room tonight they say it's revival week god so show them what revival looks like show them the glory of revival show them the anointing of revival show them the power of revival show them the prosperity and the peace of revival god have your way have your way holy spirit move by your power and your might remove me that you may consume me unveil and expose every dirty thing every rotting thing every dying thing we call you arrested by the holy ghost and we loose and set free and deliver tonight that in which you would have us to oh god there's lepers in the room cherramando there are lepers in the room lord god oh but we're going to give you a clean thank you for it is so and so it is amen have a seat when my sister and i were little girls we got the chicken pox it's really awful you get chicken pox in areas that i find are disrespectful okay just for as as far as body parts go like there are some things chicken pox should leave alone but apparently you can get them anywhere in your nose in your mouth just everywhere and the only people that can take care of you are people who have experienced chickenpox before there cannot be anyone around you who has not experienced the condition that you are in or they will risk getting contaminated with your disease themselves so my sister and i were quarantined as it were in the room and my mother and my granny were taking care of us because they had already experienced this condition before so they were able to be in our company when we look at the 10 lepers i i bring up chickenpox because what we know as the modern day leprosy is not the leprosy in which they are discussing in this text there are many different forms of leprosy when you look in the bible anything that calls the disorder in your skin or in your body boils scabies leprosy anything like that that covered your skin or your clothes or your home was considered leprosy in the bible so when we see these ten lepers we cannot say without a doubt that they all had the same form of leprosy but it just stands to reason considering all ten of them came together spoke together walked together that they had a similar condition the condition of their body may not have shown up for almost 5 to 20 years this means you could be having an issue and a situation that nobody else can see for years and years and years you could be going your whole life with problems on the inside of you that nobody notices for years and years and years you look okay you don't look like something's wrong you don't seem like something's wrong you don't feel like something's wrong but you have a condition so we consider the body we consider that the skin is one of the largest organs if not the largest organ of the body so anything that attacks your skin is after you're covering it's after everything that connects to you it's after everything that can sabotage you and isn't it interesting that every time the enemy attacks you he always goes with your body be it temptation be it sickness be it hurt be it sadness whatever it is it's either a mental thing or a body thing we always end up fighting the enemy when he's trying to attack our body these ten lepers have a condition in their body and it has come to the point where they realize it they're starting to see each other they're starting to notice each other you you don't look like you looked when we first started hanging out together you you don't sound like you sounded when we first started hanging out together you you don't have the same mentality that you had when we first started hanging out together but i don't want to leave you i i want to stay with you we will just link up together and we'll just stay in this toxic unhealthy environment because it feels more comfortable to be with you broken than to be whole alone oh my have you ever felt like that i'm i'm gonna stay in the bad relationship because it's more comfortable for me to be broken and and sad and and and being depressed and broken down in the relationship than it is for me to be alone working on myself by myself trying to figure it out for myself these lepers got comfortable with each other's contamination they got comfortable with each other's toxic mentalities and and thoughts they got comfortable their relationship became contagious and so we see there in a predicament that they have gone from being able to handle their condition to needing to scream for help and mercy for their condition it's a quick turn like they're like chilling and then all of a sudden they see jesus and it's like yo jesus you gotta get we need help got to help us they catch his attention the condition that you're going through will catch jesus's attention it's not about you being whole it's not about you being clean it's about you being willing to acknowledge that you're dirty that's that's what they did they screamed from a dirty place they screamed from a uncovered but covered place they screamed from a contaminated toxic place they they screamed from a place that was breaking them in the hopes that they would have an encounter with god and he would be able to build them they screamed together they walked together they got jesus's attention together they went to him and jesus says go to show yourself to the priest this is what would happen back in biblical times if you had some type of skin disorder you would go to the priest the priest would decide whether he was clean or whether he was unclean and what you needed to do how you needed to do it etc etc so jesus tells them to go show themselves to the priest and while they are walking [Applause] this is going to bless maybe 50 of y'all while they are walking in pursuit of what god told them to go look for while they are walking they are cleansed they went to jesus together they talked together they moved together they were told to go together but when they got healed something happens y'all they're they're walking together they're talking together they they go together but then one one of them realizes while we was walking that thing i used to carry with me all the time that issue i used to carry with me all the time i'm not itching anymore i'm not sore anymore this yo y'all we were walking y'all we was walking to get healed we were walking to go see the priest so the priests could heal us we we were walking in obedience jesus could have healed us when he saw us but some kind of way he wanted us to see that i don't have to touch you to heal you if you will just obey my word if you will just walk my word if you will just walk out what i told you to walk out then everything's gonna be okay but you're gonna have to walk you're you you've been waiting for jesus to come to you you've been waiting for jesus to touch you you've been waiting for jesus to make it all right you've been waiting for jesus but but what needs to happen is you're gonna have to walk you're you're gonna have to walk you can't just stand and wait you can't just stand in pain you can't just stand in depression you can't just stand in bitterness you can't just stand in anger you can't just stand in loneliness you can't just stand you're going to have to walk this time he realizes this one realizes this one stranger he wasn't even of jesus is kind he he wasn't he he wasn't even expecting him out of all ten of you this one is a stranger now out of all ten of you the the one that shouldn't serve me the the one that shouldn't believe in me the the one that shouldn't have come back to praise me the the one that shouldn't have even been bothered by me is the one that came back he he came back and and what happens is he separates himself from the relationships that he had that were contaminating him they walked together they they talked together they went to god together they went to show the priests together but when it got time to go back to jesus my homie said i can't stay with y'all my homie said if i keep on staying here i'll be clean but i'll get contaminated again i if i keep on staying here i may be able to walk in healing but it won't be wholeness if i keep saying here see because y'all made me sick you you made me contem you made me toxic you made me something i was never supposed to be i i was never supposed to be here so now i'm gonna have to separate from you because you all are consumed with what god has done i'm trying to see what god can do nine lepers consumed with the cleanliness with the popularity the fame now they can talk to people now they can hang out with people now they can do what they want to do they all clean and they off in the sunset all nine of them not a thank you in sight [Applause] how many times has god done something and you forgot to say thank you [Applause] how many times have you realized you were clean but you didn't go back realize god god answered the prayer but you didn't go back to to thank him realize that he saved your child but you didn't go back to thank him i didn't say look back i said go back because sometimes we can get caught up in that whole theory of don't look back but but what he did was he went back he went back to the real priest this is what's happening he he notices as i'm walking i got healed from the words of this man he's sending me to go talk to some priests about getting clean i've already been clean so i need to go back to the real priest the one who's really cleaning the one who's really healing the one who's really saving i'm gonna have to go back on over here and he leaves his friends because the walk back to jesus is lonely oh yeah yeah some of y'all are so hooked up you so hooked up with your nine little friends you so hooked up with your nine little sick friends your little nasty demonic fornicating lion curse bringing friends you just wrapped up in all of your foolishness and you're gonna have to separate yourself you're gonna have to break away from them when they when they got time for jesus to do his purpose he had to break away from his disciples he had to move away from what he was familiar with you've gotten too familiar with your relationships you got into familiar it's not benefiting you it's not cleansing you and anytime you're in a relationship that doesn't bring about an urgency in you to be clean it's a toxic relationship if you can't call your friend and say yo pray for me real quick like and they'd be like yo i can't really do that you need to say you know what you might be an assignment and not a friendship oh cause we do that too oh yeah we make assignments friendships we make boys we make assignments lovers we make men we were supposed to pray for our husbands we made girls we were supposed to pray for our wives and now you're in your marriage and he's acting a fool and she's acting a fool and you unhappy and she's unhappy because she was never supposed to marry her to begin with help me holy ghost i know only some of y'all some of y'all just look down just look down at your shoes and tap your foot a few times so so i know that i can i can keep on moving we do we put ourselves in compromising positions and call it jesus [Applause] the lord told me to do it the lord is sending me out the lord is sending me a yonder really the lord just told you to come here and now all of a sudden the lord's sending you a yonder off into the mountains and the valleys you're not ready for no mountain and valley you can't get over this rock you can't get over this little pebble in the ground you're not ready for the hills and the mountains and the valleys you're testing trial you haven't considered pure joy so we end up continuing to walk in our leprosy walk in our condition walk in our pain walking our sorrow walking our woe is me everybody got a victim crown but we got the victory you cannot have the victory and the victim you've got a pick he had to pick he said i can either keep walking with them and risk that we may all get sick again we may all get this condition again or i can walk away i can leave them alone i can let them go their way and i'ma go mine so what happened they went to jesus together they went to the priest together he went back to jesus and then he went again what's that look like okay okay let's try it again they went to jesus together they walked to the priests together he walked back to jesus and then he went again it's a 360. it's a turnaround he he went two he went back he went two he went back it was a whole 360 turnaround and that's what you need to get happy about because this time when it starts over this time when god resets you this time when you turn around this time when you go back this time you'll be clean oh it's a good place to shout you'll be clean this time you won't have your condition this time you won't have your pain this time you will have your sorrow this time you won't look like you're sick this time when god turns you around just turn around right where you are just turn around just turn around he's doing a 360. he's doing a 360. he's doing a 360 in your life it was a clean start it was a clean it was a clean start he goes back to jesus and jesus is he sad y'all he said he then helped all ten of them all ten of them were were clean but only one only one went back he wasn't coerced he wasn't forced they didn't have a worship leader to pull them oh sorry let me let me say where i'm supposed to he went on his own he went back to jesus for himself why are you waiting for somebody to go with you when you can go to jesus for yourself unless you have gotten comfortable in your condition comfortable with the with the insecurities comfortable with the low self-esteems comfortable with the contaminated relationships addicted to your own created dysfunction and and what we do is we blame god that's what we do we create chaos in our lives i mean disobey do what we want to do move how we want to move and when all hell breaks loose then it's the lord's fault how in the world could god let something like this happen to me this is your own created dysfunction you got comfortable with drama and mess you got comfortable with people gossiping around you you got comfortable with contaminated surroundings you got [Music] comfortable no no conviction no fear of the lord just comfortable i don't know why i'm here on a tuesday and i know everybody that i'm already saying you know jesus is going gonna do it it's all gonna work out yeah yeah yeah he gonna do it for you right but you've got to do something you've got to do something it's time out for you trying to get god to do anything else for you you've got to do so you've got to get up and you got to say you know what y'all have never been good for me you created something in me i never wanted to be you made me do things i never thought i would do i've cursed my life in the company of you and i've got to turn around i i'm tired of giving jesus dirty thank yous i'm tired of going to the altar every sunday every sunday you have to every sunday you have to just saying got it yet god just ain't done nothing for you yet could it be that your thank you is dirty [Applause] could it be that you don't have a clean heart and clean hands could it be could it be that you've kicked people out of the church because they didn't look like your denomination rules and regulations could it be that you have chosen ten lepers in your life shut them down move them away weren't open to receive their gratitude the condition of the body you don't look like you you're not supposed to wear pants you're not supposed to wear a lipstick you're not supposed to wear you're not supposed to do that you're not supposed to like yo i think maybe we could look in a few mirrors maybe a few and really get to understand that a leprosy has attacked our lives in our homes i was telling my daughters the other day don't be a plague to your destiny you will become a plague to your destiny every time you do not allow yourself to separate from what you know is killing you you know it's killing you you know it's destroying you you know it's tearing you down but you steady just walking with them walking with them who contaminated who we don't know it's just ten lepers was he the eighth one the seven we don't know it was ten lepers well where did it start we don't know it was just it was ten it was ten of them they were just chilling together and they screamed for god together isn't that interesting they were able to praise god even though they were dirty even though they had their condition they still managed to figure out how to open up their mouths and give praise to god and you are not dirty or maybe you are and we got to pull teeth a few to get you to praise and worship god but these ten lepers were covered in a condition in pain upset couldn't be touched were considered unclean but still managed to open up their mouth and give praise to god [Applause] we do this in life we we make church our performance we we make it our opportunity to sashay to to be cute to be great but it's not truth it's not reality you have a condition and until you're willing to separate you're gonna be burned the wheat and the tear they were planted together they grew together were planted together were seen together but when it came time for harvest separation was required and some were called to be burned um so if you're burning are you tear or wheat if if your life seems to be on fire right now or have you separated yourself because it's difficult to separate yourself from the ones you grew up with it's difficult to say i've outgrown you it's difficult to admit yes i have changed you know that'll be like our first thing like no i haven't changed i'm the same i'm the same person i was when you met me i have not changed yes you have and i would hope that you wanted to we have to get into a habit of changing ourselves so that our circumstance can change this condition can be they said it can be on your body it can be on your clothes it can be in your house this condition can rot out your very foundation it it cannot cause the nerves in your body to become so dead that you begin to lose ligaments and things on your body this condition rots you out but it feels so good to need to be the victim to to need to be the martyr it feels so good i want to give him a clean thank you but i've enjoyed i lived a long time being dirty i walked years and years and years before anybody ever noticed i was dirty i've been fooling the pastors the elders ministers and bishops years and years and years nobody knew i was dirty no nobody wanted to deliver me they sent me in the back they told me i couldn't be here anybody i'm i'm am i'm alone and anybody got set to the back moved to the back because you couldn't get delivered couldn't get clean couldn't get restored couldn't get revived couldn't get renewed and you've been carrying around this bag of dirt you've been carrying around this condition of woe is me and and ah you've been carrying it around and at some point you have to ask yourself have i done this did i do this to me is this my disobedience did i not listen when the lord told me to do something is it is it maybe not god's fault maybe it's mine taking responsibility for your condition it's pretty tough y'all it's a pretty tough situation and that is what causes us to forget and not be whole we forget when god cleaned us so we condemn people who are not clean because we forget when god cleaned us and we have to be able to take responsibility for the fact that i condemned you because i was clean and i forgot that he cleaned me i forgot that he saved me i forgot that he delivered me and i'm over here pointing my finger at you and i forgot what he did for me so i take responsibility for the fact that i let you feel like you were cursed in a house that you should have been welcomed in i apologize for allowing you to feel like you were not worthy because you wore a different type of outfit than someone else i apologize that we kicked you out because your skirt was too short not long enough i apologize that we kicked you out because you got pregnant because your daddy wasn't in your life and nobody sat down and talked to you about the value of who you are so you have a bunch of children and no validation today we render an opportunity for you to understand that while you're walking in all of this mess jesus healed you when he told you to go there were two goals y'all one goal was while they were dirty okay the first goal was your dirty goat you know when you was like not doing what you were supposed to do and the lord was like you were prophet and you was like what no way run that back again that was your dirty goal that was when god said you got to go even though you dirty i'm sending you to the church he sent them to the church to the priests to the temple he sent them to the pastors he sent them to the elders he sent them to the ministers the first goal and it was a dirty goal so why we want y'all to be clean they don't want to hear me tonight daddy and it's okay i kind of already have realized that kind of maybe this sermon was not going to go over well and that is all right with me cause you know you're dirty and i ain't lying i came here to tell the truth tonight i don't have any time to to color color code and candy coat and whoa whoa whoa whoa whoo you i don't have time for that sarah and toray and daddy can woo woo y'all i am not wooing you you are dirty you are dirty you are dirty you are dirty and it's time to get clean it's time to get clean it's time to stop being selfish and jealous and competing in the church it's it's time to get clean it's time to get clean so we can stop losing children and teenagers and and the world can stop going into flames and floods and hurricanes we got to get clean [Applause] you got to you may not want to because some of us don't want to but you have to get clean you have to get clean god desires you in this season to give him a clean thank you to to not worry about what they are going to say he didn't turn around and say hey y'all i realized i was clean i was going to run back over here and say thank you to the lord y'all want to come with me we just looked up and homie was gone he was out of here the thing i love about this story that ties in what my sister talked about on monday is jesus was still there he was waiting for him jesus was waiting for them to come back he didn't move the bible says he walked right back and jesus was like wait where seo he was waiting for him he was standing there for him and he didn't go back just to get healed he had already been healed he went back to say thank you to praise him to bow at his feet to tell him that he was worthy that he was holy that out of all these years i've been to so many people who said they could heal me you're the only one with the words from your mouth you were able to change and turn my situation from from bad to good [Applause] he humbled himself the bible says he laid at his feet he humbled himself that's how you do it you go back to the one who saved you the one was with the one he understood what it's like to have to go through something to have to bear a burden and just want to be clean just want to have mercy that's what they said have mercy on us we just want to be clean we just want to be restored we we know we're dirty and and we know that people have been talking about us and and we know that people have been messing with us and and we know that people have been turning their nose up at us but we really really really want to be clean i'm tired of talking about her i'm tired of talking about him i'm tired of worrying about everybody else's problems but my own i put everybody into my mess and not never do i put people into my blessings i just want to be clean they know my drama they know my problem they know my issue they don't know my thank you they don't know my gratefulness they they don't know they they don't understand they they don't get it i want to be the one if nobody else will go with me i want to be the one if i got to leave the nine i i i will be the one if i have to turn away from my friends and and and my girlfriends and my lovers and and everything that i know is not who god is set for me to be i i just want to be the one the one i i never do anything to be deserving enough of being the one there's nothing i will say to him that makes me deserving of being the one but i want to be i'm tired of looking like this i do look like what i've been through and i'm tired i'm tired of looking like what i've been through i'm tired of the mask and and all of the rules and all of this stuff if it's just me let it just be me he didn't turn back y'all the last thing god told him was a clean go he gave him a clean go a clean start he said go your faith has made you whole that's what he was looking for because i know what it's like to be clean i know what it's like to be clean but that whole part i i've never been whole before i i've always been clean and broken i i've always been clean and okay i've always been clean and it's all right i i know how to smile and act like everything is going okay but i've never known what it was like to be clean and whole never knew what it was like i've been broken for years and years and years and years i was so broken i made my friends broken so broken the people connected to me became contaminated and toxic i don't know where it started i i don't know if if i had it first or he had it first or if we all got it together i don't know and i've been living my life with all of you all this time i'm afraid to walk by faith alone i'm afraid to walk alone you want me to do this by myself god you want me to do this without a friend without a neighbor yes yes you got to climb the mountain by yourself yes you got to be in the bottom of the well by yourself yes you're going to have to go through the seas by yourself yes you're gonna have to bleed and and be sad by yourself but but i will be with you if if you're just the one i will be with you if you will come to me all ye the one saw one they will come to me i didn't have to ask the one to come to me ah yeah the one the one the one the one they they just came to me they they just came they they didn't wait for an unction they he he didn't wait for for his friends to say go he didn't he didn't wait for somebody to say it's okay to come to jesus he he didn't wait for somebody to say come down to the altar he just came he he just went to jesus he he didn't mind if he had to go by himself and even when the enemy tried to keep him connected to his dirt he walked by himself anyway the one the one the one the one the one the one the one the one the one the one the one the one the one the one was connected to the one and then they began to develop a peace and a wholeness that caused things to change and be renewed and saved and sanctified and filled god i don't know how to give you a clean thank you so i'm gonna start by laying my dirt down yeah laying my dirt down i'ma walk down here and i decree and declare that as you are walking god is healing you as you are walking god is restoring you as you are walking god is reviving you as you are walking god is renewing you as they walked jesus began to heal as they walked jesus was taken off depression taking off low self-esteem taking off insecurity taking off suicidal thoughts as they walked jesus was moving things and shifting things and turning things around around around around around they did a turnaround [Music] he did a turnaround he did a turnaround and a clean thank you ain't cute a clean thank you doesn't wait for god you just go you just go whatever it is you've been carrying around that's dirty that's dirty that's rotting you from the inside out that's messing with you from the inside out if you do not walk your way to your cleanness if you do not walk your way to your salvation if you do not walk your way to your wholeness you will stay broken you will stay bitter you will stay depressed you will stay angry you will stay in unhealthy relationships that rule and abide you you will stay there if you aren't willing to walk [Music] i'm giving you a clean thank you i'm giving you a clean thank you because i don't know what else to do so i'm giving you a clean thank you i'm giving you a clean thank you i'm giving you a clean thank you cause i don't know what else to do so i'm giving you a clean thank you i'm giving you a clean thank you i'm giving you a clean thank you i'm giving you a clean thank you cause i don't know what else to do i am giving you a clean thank you i'm giving you a clean thank you i'm giving you a clean thank you cause i don't know what else to do i'm giving you a clean thank you i'm giving you a clean thank you i'm gonna give you a clean thank you cause i don't know what else to do i want you to lift up your hands all over this place and the ones that came down here the one the one the one the one the one the one the one i'm going to decree and declare over your life a new start a clean start a clean go a clean break a clean separation a clean thing god is going to do a new thing in you god is going to do a new thing in you and i want you to put in your mind what is that going to be [Music] what is that clean going to be what does it look like when i'm clean what does it look like when i'm clean what does it look like when i'm whole what does it look like put it in your [Music] head i'm about to pray and lay hands on you as god has instructed me to do so but before i do i want you to understand one thing and one thing alone whether you are dirty or whether you are clean you can still be the one you can still be the one whether you are dirty or whether you are clean you can still be the one lift up your hands father god i pray that as i go down here before your people that your hand would rest rule and abide in me and through me do a new clean work and set free and deliver each and every person who comes in contact with me in the mighty name of jesus we release a sound of worship and breakthrough in this place right now before i even move we release shiva surramando we release a sound a sound of breakthrough a sound of deliverance a sound of chains breaking let's go [Music] i'm gonna be the one to say thank you i'm gonna be the one yes i'm gonna be the one i'm gonna be the one to [Music] thank you [Applause] [Music] [Music] i'm gonna be [Music] thank you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hey thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you thank you [Music] [Applause] thank you thank you [Music] thank you i'm gonna be [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you [Music] thank you thank thank you [Applause] thank you [Music] i'm gonna tell ya [Music] [Applause] me [Music] [Applause] me thank you [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] thank you you've been so good [Applause] [Music] [Music] i'm going to give you glory been faithful to me [Applause] [Music] [Music] somebody i'm going to come back to you [Applause] [Music] [Music] i'm be [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] i'll give you [Music] you can depend [Music] if nobody else [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'm gonna be the one i'm gonna be thank you thank you [Music] [Applause] thank you for healing me thank you keeping me thank you [Applause] thank you thank you [Music] i don't know thank you [Applause] thank you thank you [Applause] [Music] oh thank you thank you thank you thank you this is a wonderful opportunity for you to give god your best thank you for you to give god your best thank you that is not your best that is your church pretend clap i said open up your mouth in this place and give god what he deserves i'm not gonna beg you i'm not gonna fight you open up your mouth and give god what he deserves [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] ah thank [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all you [Applause] [Applause] thank you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey [Music] god has been too good it doesn't matter what has has happened to you what you have lost what you have gained deaths in the family whatever it is that you're going through god has been too good for you not to be able to muster up a clean thank you a clean thank you i walked my dirt down here but i am determined to walk away clean this time when i go i'm going clean this time when i go i am going clean i'm not carrying any more weight i'm not carrying any more of my problems i'm not carrying any more of my issues this time i'm going clean can anybody testify that tonight this time i'm going clean if you would pack up your things but before you do put a clean seed in the ground some of us have been given dirty seeds [Music] and it is time for us to sow into our clean walk our clean talk our clean move we're not in those same relationships we're separating ourselves from those things that contaminated us and plagued us and this time we sow a seed into the ground with clean hands and a pure heart unto god i don't care how much it is ten dollars nine dollars one dollar however much you have that says god i thank you god i thank you i thank you for being my god i thank you for being my friend i thank you for being my keeper i thank you for being my will in the middle of the will i thank you for being my bright and morning star i thank you for healing me and setting me free i thank you because almost i almost got comfortable being dirty i almost got comfortable walking dirty i almost got the devil almost made me comfortable with my dirt but this time this time i'm going clean i'm going clean i'm going clean when you have your seed if you just stand up i'll pray over your seed were you blessed tonight to god be the glory to god be the glory if you have a seed stand if you don't stand so everybody should be standing because even if you don't put a seed today still clean you're still clean god has still restored and revived you you don't have to carry the weight or the guilt or the shame or the pain or the sorrow or the sadness of anything that you've gone through anything that has hurt you anything that you have done to create dysfunction in your life today tonight before midnight hits god is giving you a new 360. a clean 360. a clean 360. father god i thank you for healing us as we walk i thank you god for allowing yourself to hear the voice of your children no matter where they are in life i thank you that you see us when we're dirty and you see us when we're not i thank you that you see us at all god i thank you that as we stand in this congregation we don't stand because we think you need our seed but we stand because we know that it is important that we plant a seed in anything new in our lives god tonight we declare a new 360 in our life a new 360 for our children a new 360 for our marriages a new 360 for our jobs in our households god we refuse to go to thanksgiving not being able to give you a thank you we thank you for being mighty we thank you for being marvelous we thank you for being pure we thank you for being grace we thank you for being worthy we thank you for being honest we thank you for being loving we thank you for being enduring we thank you we thank you we thank you for being healing we thank you we thank you for the blessings that you give us the fruitfulness that you place in our lives oh god we thank you we thank you we thank you we thank you we thank you we thank you god oh we thank you god we thank you god we're not asking of anything god we're just saying thank you we're just saying thank you thank you that it didn't work thank you that the suicidal attempt didn't work thank you that the divorce didn't work thank you that he got healed and he got set free thank you for my husband thank you for my children thank you thank you god now as we go god we go as you have told us to go we go clean we go in peace we go whole not just clean we go whole and we thank you for wholeness and it is in your son jesus name that we decree and declare that it is so and so it is god bless you all good night
Channel: Cora Jakes Coleman
Views: 88,756
Rating: 4.8887768 out of 5
Id: 3CzoE4ezCK4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 39sec (4419 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 16 2020
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