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Daniel we're gonna go to Daniel chapter 1 7 through 17 Daniel chapter 1 7 through 17 and if you'd make me feel at home when you have it go ahead and stand for the reading of the word it's how we do it at home we give honor to the Word of God to what he left here for us that we might war against the tactics and the agenda of the enemy and it says and the chief of the eunuchs gave them names Daniel he called Balthazar Hananiah he called Shadrach Meshach auld Meshach and Azariah he called ab indigo but Daniel resolved that he would not defile himself with the king's food or with the wine that he drank therefore he asked the chief of the eunuchs to allow him not to defile himself and God gave Daniel favor and God gave Daniel favor and God gave Daniel favor and compassion in the sight of the chief of the eunuchs and the chief of the eunuchs to Daniel said I fear my lord the king who assigned your food and your drink for why should he see that you were in worse condition then the youths who are of your own age so you would endanger my head with the king then Daniel said to the steward whom the chief of the eunuchs had a sign over Daniel Hananiah Mishael and Azariah test your servants for 10 days let us be given vegetables to eat and water to drink then let our appearance and the appearance of the youths who eat the King's food be observed by you and deal with your servants according to what you see so he listened to them in this matter and tested them for 10 days at the end of 10 days it was seen that they were better in appearance and fatter in flesh than all the youths who ate the King's food so the Stewart took away their food and the wine they were to drink and gave them vegetables as for these for youths God gave them learning and skill in all literature and wisdom and to Daniel he had understanding in all visions and dreams for a moment I would like to talk to you from the subject topic this time you'll have to sacrifice spirit of the Living God fall fresh in this place tonight move by your will and by your way God we surrender to you every hope every expectation every desire every prayer that we have before you we surrender it to you now have your way great God that you are break chains deliver your people Oh God as only you can save us and then raise us break god we asked for your glory to be ignited in this place fire ring don't fall we ask you God to raise up a standard against the accusations of the enemy [Music] [Music] [Music] you know the intentions that you have behind this conference you know the intentions that you have for your people tonight we ask Oh God that your intentions be made pure release an anointing that makes teaching and preaching easy release an anointing that makes deliverance easy we plead the blood of Jesus over every which every warlock every curse every condemnation we cancel you down in the name of Jesus and we thank you God in advance for what you're going to do what you've already done and what you're moving out of the way and we believe that in the name of Jesus it is so and so it is a man and a man again go ahead and have your seats so I must say I was a little bit nervous about coming out here I thought maybe it was a typo and that y'all wanted my daddy because you know he's like built for this part so I I was very nervous about what I was going to talk about and when God gave me Daniel I was talking to him I'm like I'm not going to a youth conference so I'm not sure that that is going to apply but he told me that there are specific things that you must know in order to be bold and in order to have an outpour and so particularly in this text I think that it is fitting because a lot of us who are ministers pastors all of the titles that we have we tend to forget the sacrifice that is necessary for the mantle that we choose to carry and so it's important that we understand that even though there is accolades that come with your mantle there is still a cross that must be bared with it and so we are in Daniel and we're opening up this text and just to lay a foundation daniel was a nobleman he had no flaws in his character the the Bible says that he was never impeached he was he was never impeached in character he was a noble manner a righteous man he was able to do things that no one else in this time could do but it did not come without a burden it did not come without captivity and I think it's important for us to understand that captivity is necessary in order to get to the call oh let me help you tonight when we consider the call that God places on our life we very rarely consider the captivity that comes before it Daniel and Shadrach Meshach and Abednego or Azariah Hananiah Mishael whichever you want to call them for the evening they were minding their business they were not worried about anything and suddenly they are captured they're captured and they're moved from what is comfortable to move to something they've never known have you ever been in a situation that was comfortable that you were feeling good everything's going well and then suddenly God move for what was comfortable and places you in an uncomfortable situation sometimes it can be a little nerve-wracking when you've been so comfortable in the normal C's of life and then God suddenly says okay now I'm gonna move you up or I'm going to move you down or I'm going to shift you into this place and you don't feel qualified for where God puts you oh let me talk to somebody in here can we be real tonight sometimes we don't feel qualified for where God calls us to and so this is the situation with Daniel he is minding his business my sister would say he was on the mind your business ministry and he was doing just fine and he's captured and one of the things that happen is when they go to their king's palace there are given food from the Kings table now I thought this was very lovely because often when you're captured you don't get good food you know you don't normally get food from the Kings table when they've captured you but suddenly they are captured and they're being offered food from the Kings table so I thought oh Daniel look you're getting set up this is good come on get you some food from the Kings table and all of a sudden Daniel settles within himself that he will not defile himself with the food from the Kings table now why is this important it's important because every table is not for you you've got to be careful what table you choose to eat from just because it's royal doesn't mean it's righteous and so you have to be careful what you're going to take from who you're going to take from it looks good it feels good it sounds good it's not what you're used to it sounds like an elevation but it's really not what you're supposed to be doing have you ever said at a table you weren't meant to sit at 8 things you weren't supposed to eat and then got concerned as to why your life was in shambles it's because we tend to sit at tables that look good but aren't good we tend to pick the Royal but not the righteous we tend to grab the crumbs from the table instead of watching and and trying it by the spirit before you take from somebody's hand you ought to try the hand first and Daniel says no I'm not gonna eat from the Kings table I'm not going to defile myself with the royal food and I thought man he's the young child he's a teenager and he's gotten more discipline then some of us grown people oh I don't want they don't want me to talk tonight ok some sometimes we can not be very disciplined huh and and so here we are with this young man and not just him but its friends too how is that important why is that important because you need to be careful who you walk in with if they not willing to sacrifice with you they don't need to be able to stand with you Oh y'all don't want to hear that you want to have an entourage but sometimes the entourage will eliminate you from success and so you got to be careful that if you don't make a sacrifice that the people that are standing with you are willing to make the sacrifice as well it can't just be you it can't just be you you got to have some people that will help you carry this cross the mantle is heavy the call is heavy it's tiring and it's going to get weary and if you are standing by somebody who will not pick up the cross with you you are standing by the wrong person I want to tell you some truth tonight that maybe a little bit of stepping on the toes as it were but I'm going to do what God told me to do because I'd rather have trouble with you than to have trouble with God and so they're in a situation and Daniel says hey so we not gonna eat that me and my friends none of us is eating that and yeah you just gonna have to feel good about this decision well the eunuch the chief of the eunuch he allows his assumptions to dictate their assignment you cannot allow assumptions to take you out of your assignment some people will assume that you're not ready they will assume that you don't have the discipline for this they will assume that you can't walk right they will assume that you don't have the strength to sacrifice they will assume you out of your assignment so he says what's going to happen if you end up looking worse than everyone else the king is going to have my head you'd have me killed over vegetables and water and I'm sitting here and I'm reading the story and then we hear God gave Daniel faith so the eunuch has to submit to the favor on Daniels life why is this good it's good because there is favor over your life grace is unmerited favor and the Bible says that goodness and mercy are gonna follow you everywhere your feets rod is blessed and so if you are favored it doesn't matter if you've been captured your favor wasn't taken from you just because you may be a pin bar niche just because you may have been captured just because you may be in a situation that is trying to take you over it doesn't change the favor of God over your life I still have favor yeah you arrested me yes you took me from where I was normal you took me from what I was used to but I still have favor yes you tried to humiliate me you tried to take me but I still I still have favor so he tells them now I love this because who in here ask God to test them not nobody wasn't a hand present not didn't nobody lift a hand or pinky not even maybe a side foot nothing he asked them to test him now if you're going to be bold and you're going to receive an outpour but you're not gonna be willing to be tested you're in the wrong conference honey oh man well you know maybe I'll come back I don't know if you are looking to go through life without the testing you're not going to become triumphant and what God is trying to do in your life everything that you're looking for God to do and your life is gone require testing it's gonna require testing there's no way to get around it I tried y'all I looked for detours and I looked for ways to get around it but there was no way to get around the testing and and then I went to another book and then James said hey girl you got to be quiet cuz tests and trials you gotta consider it pure joy when these tests and trials come cancer a pure joy James what do you know the tests you couldn't know the tests James if you knew the tests you would say something different he said consider it pure joy so daniel says test us for ten days now I want to prophetically declare this in the room that in the next 10 days those who are willing to be tested those who are willing to go through the sacrifice that God is going to do something miraculous in your life in the next 10 days I dare you to receive it I dare you to receive that in the next 10 days there's gonna be a shifting that takes place in your life because you were willing to say test me God over the next 10 days test me test me I'm sure to pass the test test me I know it doesn't look like I will pass the test I know it doesn't feel like to you I'm gonna pass the test but in the next 10 days we're gonna look better we're gonna look better gonna look bolder in the next 10 days the outpouring it's not happening now it's gonna happen in the next 10 days it's gonna happen in the next 10 days the outpouring is gonna happen in the next 10 days so the eunuch says okay vegetables and water we're gonna do this thing and we're gonna see what y'all look like in the end all of this and they not worried y'all Daniel Azariah Hananiah Mishael they're chillin they chillin with vegetables and water and at these next 10 days the unit comes back to check on them and they look fatter now I don't know how many of y'all know about diets but it's safe to say that ten days of vegetables in water should not make you fatter just you know rule of thumbs and if it does I mean we might be in trouble because I was like Daniel fasting you know and what do you mean Lord they got fatter on vegetables and what this really ruins the whole game for me I was hoping that that was gonna work out salad and water yes the Bible says they got fatter but it wasn't the fact that we're accustomed to oh no no no it wasn't it wasn't the fact that you are see from eating Donuts no no no it was the fat of the anointing of the Holy Ghost that was over them it was the fat of God on them it was it was the fatness of the Spirit of God that consumed them and so they looked better than the ones that were eating from the Kings table now now watch this God cannot bless you until you move from that table oh man oh man some of y'all are sitting at the wrong table some of you are sitting by the wrong person some of you are sitting at the wrong palace you're not even supposed to be in that room and some of you need to get up straightway expeditiously from that table so that you can receive the blessing that God has for you just because everybody else surrounds you is getting blessed it doesn't mean that you are lacking blessings yourself see what happened is if Daniel had gotten so consumed by what everybody else was getting then he wouldn't have been able to receive the sadness of the Holy Ghost what we do is we get so consumed by she's getting blessed and he's getting blessed and she got married and he proposed and she got the job and she got the house and we see all these people around us getting blessed but God says I will bless you more in your sacrifice then what you see it's not about what you see it's not about what you see it's about what you're doing it's about the sacrifice this time you'll have to sacrifice maybe you didn't have to last time maybe you just prayed for 24 hours and God turned it around for you maybe you just fasted for a day or two and God turned it around for you but this time you don't have to get in the trenches baby this time you gonna have to war for it this time in captivity you're going to have to trust God in spite of can you trust them in spite of the diagnosis can you trust them in spite of the divorce can can you trust them in spite of the affair can you trust them in spite of the molestation can you trust them in spite of the rape can you trust them and right of infertility can you trust God in spider it's easy to trust him in favor but face isn't built in favor it's built in filth you are to write it down faith isn't built in favor it's built in filth that's where your faith comes from your faith is built when it's dirty when it's messy when you don't know if God is gonna show up or if he isn't your faith is built when you're praying and you ain't heard no answer from the Lord your faith is built when the answer is not aligning with the desire that you have in your heart your faith is built when you're being tossed to and fro and you're not sure what's going to happen and you keep on crying and you keep on praying and God still says no that's where it's built bone ain't beautiful it's a battle it's a battle everyday you fighting this person and that person you're getting into war that's why you gotta put on the armor of God because it's a war baby it's the fight the good fight of faith it wasn't supposed to be easy who told you that life it's not supposed to be easy it never was nobody told you that and you appear mad at God cuz it ain't easy oh we don't want to talk be mad it ain't gonna change that it's not easy your anger ain't gonna change the outcome so you might as well get over it yep I said it I said it you gonna have to get over it you gonna have to get into the fire they looked better after the sacrifice and then the eunuch said we'll find y'all going vegetables and water forever but take the Kings food from you and the Bible says that wisdom and understanding and their gifts became unlimited let's talk about the out pour the out pour that they received after their sacrifice was that their gifts became unlimited maybe you don't want unlimited gifts so that doesn't mean anything to you but the Bible says that after they sacrifice after they went into the battle after they prove themselves to be disciplined that God gave them unlimited visions thank you to these four young men God gave knowledge and skill in every aspect every single aspect of literature and wisdom was theirs Daniel also had insight into all visions unlimited that's what God is trying to help or in this room is an unlimited gift an unlimited access to wisdom and knowledge and scales is trying to pour out wisdom knowledge skills and visions and dreams that's why you've been dreaming that's why you've been having visions that's why that's why you've been having a thirst for knowledge that's why you've been having a thirst for wisdom that's why you've been at the feet of God asking him to pour out his spirit on you Oh visions every aspect that is the outpour that is coming after the sacrifice you see this is what happens we praise him for the output but we forget the storm that brought it you can't have an outpour and a praise for the outpour and then disregard the storm that brought the outpouring o help them God see we want to clap and we want to shout about what's coming but we don't want to shout about the cross nobody wants to shout about the thorn nobody wants to shout about the sacrifice nobody wants to shout about the fasting we just want to favor mother we don't we don't want to fight we know we don't want to fight we we tried to fight the fight to it we try to push it away we we don't want it we don't think we deserve it did you miss that I said Daniel was a nobleman it was a righteous man wasn't deserving of being captured wasn't deserving of being taken away from everything that he knew he didn't do anything wrong that's what happens to us it don't matter what religion you in it don't matter what denomination you got on every one of us will have a cross every one of us will have a suffering every one of us that desires to reign with him will have to suffer with him he didn't say to reign with me he said to suffer with me then you will reign with me if you suffer then your reign doesn't come without a suffering it is built from the cross salvation is built from the cross the very story that we use to save you is built from the cross a humiliation a vulnerability a betrayal a denial people lying on you people betraying you people saying they never knew you the healed are quiet you healed them you anointed them you laid hands on them and now they walk past you like you never did anything I'm only good when I'm anointed but when I'm being attacked can't nobody help me when I gotta carry this cross can't nobody help me when when I'm getting beaten and my flesh is falling off of my bones can't nobody help me when I'm calling on help okay nobody what do you do when every friend that you had every minister every elder every armor-bearer that's your head leaves you to carry your cross by yourself why do when you're looking for someone to help you and everybody seems like they've gone deaf what do you do when the burdens seem more than the blessings what do you do Daniel is in a situation they're going to use his gifts for their own personal gain that's what they do they use your gifts for their own personal gain they use your gifts so that you can bring fire and you can bring power but when you go home at night and you're crying on your pillow nope this is the reality of boldness this is the reality of outpouring this is the reality of your mantle ministers elders superintendent's and missionaries I came to tell you you got to sacrifice this time and you'll sacrifice alone I'm sorry I didn't come to prophesy houses and cars and clothes and shoes and I don't have a Gucci for you I don't have a Louboutin prophecy for you I came to tell you this time you have to sacrifice this time is gonna hurt you more than it hurts anyone that you bless this time is gonna hurt you in the midnight hour this time is gonna hurt you when you go home by yourself and you're looking for a refueling from somebody you have to sacrifice this time every aspect and all visions and dreams didn't come without the sacrifice yourself and without the testing testing is required for triumph it is required you cannot be triumphant and not want to be tested can be a child of the king and not what the cross he is the cross he is the cross he is the cross that he's asking us to carry take up you who every day and carry him every day every day that you all take up me take my burden she robbed a see me Shanna Michael su take up the burden that I have carry this time it's not your burden it's mine it's not your burden it's mine it's not your blessing it's mine it's not your purpose it's mine we have to wrap our head around the concept of sacrifice that leads to success ultimately Shadrach Meshach and Abednego and Daniel will experience much more in sacrifice Shadrach Meshach and Abednego will be thrown into the fire Daniel will be thrown into the Lions Den if I could just pull on David and take him with us he'll be thrown into a Goliath situation what's so powerful about this thing that we have here with the fire and the lion and the stone I asked the Lord what what are you saying he just kept saying stone fire lion I am stone fire lion I am stone fire lion what are you saying God when they threw them into the fire they threw them into me when he threw the stone head Goliath he threw me at Goliath when they throw Daniel in the lion's den they threw Daniel and with me I am the stone that the builders rejected after fire of the Holy Ghost I am the Lion of the tribe of Judah everywhere the enemy throws you it's going to catch you probably when you're driving down the street when you consider Daniel is in the lion's den and he is faced with insurmountable things around him to die for him today so why were the lion still why did they not even approach him and I thought well Daniel is a lion he's the lion we are the Lions of the tribe of Judah he was in good company then the Lord said no go a little deeper daughter okay God what are you saying I am the lion every lion that you face every lion that they throw you at it's me they don't know it but it's me they don't know they threw you into me they thought they threw you into the enemy's camp they thought they threw you into your death oh my god they thought that they threw you to a weapon that was going to prosper they thought that they threw you enter unbelief they thought that they through you interfere they thought that they through you huh help me God into depression they thought that they threw you into suicidal thoughts they thought they threw you into the prison God said they throw you into me they threw you into me they threw you into me I am the fire Jeremiah said it was like fire shut up in my bones I am the fire so when they say they're throwing you to death they need to know they're throwing you to me you're worried in the fire you're worried in the lion's den you're worried in front of Goliath you don't even understand you're holding me in your hand I'm the stone that the builders rejected he took stone to Goliath I am the stone the builders rejected he took a stone to Goliath he could have taken a sword he could have taken a helmet he could have taken anything he could have taken an arrow but he said I'm gonna take a stone I am the stone that the builders rejected so not only did David come in the name of the Lord he came with the Lord in his hand and so when he threw that stone it wasn't just a simple stone y'all it wasn't just a simple Rock y'all it wasn't just a simple slingshot situation that was happening he threw the Lord God Almighty the name of Jesus into Road Jesus Goliath needs a row everything that he knew God to be had Goliath and the Bible says that they survived the fire the Bible says Daniel survived the Lions and the Bible says David survived Goliath whatever it is that you're going through I want you to understand it was sent to kill you but really it's not going to there is no other I will make my name great and every one of your battles that's why I threw you I throw you so I could get the glory I threw you so that I could get to praise I know you thought that fighter was gonna take you out but the king said it was three that we threw in there but I see a fourth walking around in the fire that's got to be Jesus that's got to be the Holy Ghost walking in the fire with you you got to remember that even in the midst of the fire God will jump in the fire with you they will call the flames not to consume you later on in the text the Bible will tell us that the very ones that through the fire that he was gonna take you out that time he thought that you were gonna be done that time and it didn't work this time it'll take sacrifice this time you have to be willing to be thrown in the fire this time you're gonna have to be willing to be thrown in the lion's den this time you're going to have to be willing to be tossed to and fro sometimes you're going to have to be willing to sit at the table in the presence of your enemies let me finish with that God is preparing tables for you indeed he is but before you can get to the table remember what you got to walk through the Bible says though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I shall fear no evil for the LORD thy God is with me he prepares a table the table didn't come before the valley of the shadow of death the table didn't come before the shadow of death the table came after he was willing to walk through the shadow you may be in the valley but you cannot to fear you cannot fear in the valley you've just got to walk through it when you get to the table the Bible says that he prepared a table in the presence of your enemies oh my so what I know about this here is that the enemies are going to be our foot stools I'm going to be jumping here because a footstool can be used for two different things you can either rest on it or you can either be elevated by it if you have an enemy around you and your enemy is said to be your footstool understand you've got two choices you can either rest on your enemy your enemy [Music] [Music] be bold be broken be bold and be broken because that is what it means to be thrown she would be broken that she would be tossed that she would be torn because Jesus would be broken he would be tossed and he would be turned now theologians don't get on me because he said at the table and he said this is my body that was broken for you so he had to be broken in order to give of his body to the disciples that were around him so you have to understand that in order for you to have the favor of the Lord you have to be willing to be broken for the Lord then you have to be willing to feed your betrayer oh let me help you we have a few more minutes left I want you to understand that Jesus was sitting at the table and he said one of y'all is gonna betray me and yet still is my body that was broken for you this body to the one that betrayed him yes betrayer if you're not ready your enemy you need to get up from the table because being a child of God will require you to have to bless those who will later betray he broke his body for the one that would deny him he broke his body for the one that would betray him he broke his body for the disciples that would leave him he broke his body for the ones that I don't know I never met him I'm not sure who he is [Music] [Music] [Music] you have to sacrifice this time this time you're going to have to get beaten this time you're gonna have to get broken this time you're going to have to feed the betrayer this time you're gonna have to feed the denier you keep trying to find a way out of it you're wasting your time you need to get with it this time you have to sacrifice stand up on your feet [Music] Great God righteous God mighty God delivering God saving God sacrificing cards you are the stone you are the fire you are the Lion of the tribe of Judah we submit ourselves to you we give it all to you we're willing test us don't test us God tests us when we don't want to be tested move us when we don't want to be moved Reyna when we don't want you to rain showers God who we are that we might lift up your name may your glory be revealed in us may your hand be revealed in us may your life be rebuilding it is God who you are who you are God your whales go away [Music] [Applause] ask God from every ratchets and we're repair to you way in time to repentance way repent plan [Music] Rob no glory to jizz cleanse washa so God created a drain on renewing us I like spirits of God by your glory I have phone i absolve I love the roadmap all over the room sadaqa job [Music] Oh God we called you and I without you - Rose of Sharon what [Music] we surrender all we surrender all I surrender all God we understand to be bold and to have the outpour we must surrender out but we received the next ten days her machine here Armando Costa new Robo Xie na ma we receive the next 10 days oh oh [Music] wallowing our kids overflowing our marriage blowin on fire we receive it [Music] Oh God we thank you for chains being broken we thank you for breakthrough we thank you for breakthrough we thank you for breakthrough God we call upon your breakthrough breakthrough in every seat right through the resisting spirit right through the rebellious spirit breakthrough in the name of Jesus we break through generational curses we read my shame we break through and now we have burrowed every curse reactor Oh everything the devil the devil told every last Devil's go you we have world our kids get out of my marriage get out of my job you can have us [Music] go tonight where while same way we came with skills the same way we came [Music] hey ba shakes to break us God for your glory break us open for your glory [Music] [Music] [Music] we commend rivers of living water to flow in my shits all right behind we commend rivers of living water to flow flow god yeah my shades flow God from out of our belly rivers of living water should flow from out of your belly rivers of living water should flow from out of your belly it's not my belly it's your belly it's your rivers it's your rivers the outpouring huh it's coming from you Oh God the outpouring is coming from you your rivers your obedience your sacrifice you it's coming from you stop looking for everybody else stop looking for the pastor to touch you stop looking for the superintendent to touch you it's coming from you rivers of living water it's coming from you it's coming from you rivers of living water break God it's coming from you can have whatever you ask of God you can have whatever you ask of God but it's coming from you every sacrifice you make God will bless it every sacrifice you make god bless it every sacrifice you make God will bless it they're sacrificing you're worshiping them they're sacrificing you're worshiping him there's a sacrifice in your worship there's a sacrifice in your praise to God there's a sacrifice in your worship there's a sacrifice in your praise to God Oh lift up Jesus [Music] Oh [Music]
Channel: Evangel Fellowship Church
Views: 192,067
Rating: 4.8939867 out of 5
Keywords: #evangelfellowshipchurch #corajakescoleman #bold #greensboro
Id: 9UZgO6qJiAE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 52sec (3472 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 21 2020
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