The Blight EXPLAINED! - Corprus, Dagoth Ur's Solution - Elder Scrolls Lore

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[Music] these parks care little for economic or social standing poor or rich young or old skin pestilences can affect anyone and seem to have a preference for the dunmer complexion they range from mild annoyances to destructive infestations that leave disfigurement and even death in their wake the mortal realm of Mundus is full of wander the Daedra of oblivion would have you believe it is mundane and pathetic crippled by law Kahn's limitations but they would be wrong magic is abundant on known as Magnus's arcane energy seeps into the atmosphere through the Sun and the stars this luminosity is why we have miracles like restoration magic should you devote yourself to learning the arts you can mend broken limbs and seal gaping wounds unfortunately though the wonders of the Elder Scrolls universe cannot erase the reality that the inhabitants of Tamriel remain mortal we use the word more saw to refer to those born in wonders yet the word is inherently samba it literally means subject to death the aedra and the Daedra are eternal yet the defining quality of a mortal is their inevitable demise you might have thought my digression into the wonders of magic and healing meant that this would be an optimistic video well I'm afraid to say the topic of today's discussion is hard to deliver in a positive light for I have the honor of sharing with you guys the grisly details of a horrific disease called the blight or corporis as it is known to the velour it's true here and welcome back to fudge Muppet and as we kick off today's video I must say it's hard not to sympathize with the High Elves here they blame lorkhan for their mortality they call him a foul trickster and yes considering the fact that disease is a concept that exists specifically to kill mortals they have a pretty good case to support their pessimism in truth it is the Daedra lord parry act who so graciously takes credit for the presence of disease on Tamriel and I've gone into great detail on this underrated prince in a previous video if you're interested in that look for a link in the description to parry out and his followers disease serves as a means to cleanse the rot from the world like foul-smelling pasts ridding the land of impurities but to a mortal lying on their deathbed about to meet their premature doom although sorry Souls destined to wander the foothills of Red Mountain deformed and distended you can imagine why they might say for Harriet walk on and mortality but with that said let's get into the lore of this ancient curse the greatest and most obscure fret is the blight a mysterious weather lag phenomenon emanating from the crater of dag off earth warping and poisoning creatures in its path and creating diseased horrors that attack travelers and outlying settlements natives and Outlanders alike must be wary when traversing the Isle of Arden fell naive travelers may see red mountainous just another landmark to see and the ash storms just a slight inconvenience unavoidable in volcanic regions but the ash storms are far more than just a source of irritated skin and dry throats if you are unfortunate enough to contract the blight from the storms or from another afflicted creature you'll begin to notice some changes these changes may seem innocuous at first but they'll soon proved themselves malignant the affected individual will become uncharacteristically aggressive irascible and prone to violence depending on the strain they may notice cancerous growths sprouting up across their body and then the irritability is exacerbated and turns into violent insanity deteriorating the mind and making even the most savvy mortal feral to coincide with the latter stages of mental deterioration the growths will also spread and weep leaving the afflicted skin as inflamed and crater us as the plains of Molag Emmure some will see their symptoms progressed slowly others over a matter of days some will maintain their mobility and their strength will actually increase while others see their growth swell up so much that they can barely move these debilitated individuals are called lame corporis beasts many strains of the blight feature their own unique variations and each one is equally pleasant there's the ash whoa blight an acute variation of the disease which metals with the affecteds willpower and fault processes then there's the black heart black which saps an individual's endurance rapidly leaving them a mobile as they capitulate to the curse there's the Chan fracks blight which cripples the victims day while corporis directly translates from Alki Maris to skin blind some sources treat corporis like a separate form of the blight altogether the nord Gila egg VII working at Vardhan fells fort Pelageya says corporis is a rare form of black disease sometimes Crusaders get it from fighting corporis monsters inside the ghost fence we can't cure it victims are sent to the court press area and beneath tell fear the tower of the TEL valley wizard dive a fear victims go mad and the body becomes fat and distorted with unnatural growths it is always fatal whereas Ravo Ciril dram the retirin healer who wrote the study skin blights by any other name claims that the counsel of dunmer healers we're healing masters from each house gather to exchange information and work together to deal with plagues and diseases at the behest of the tribunal have dubbed all skin related illnesses as corporis using the ancient philosophy word for skin blight evil way there is something about corporis and the black diseases in general that seems unlike any other ailment found on Tamriel if you contract a strain of this incurable disease your only hope of survival lies deep within the Tower of tell fear in the domain of house tell Varney the towers owner is a 4000 year old Dunmurry wizard named I've a fear this wise and wizened sorcerer offers an open invitation to all mortals unfortunate enough to carry one of the many forms of the blind and he studies them in his corporis area a series of caverns beneath his mushroom tower but why after 4000 years of life with this wizard dedicate his time to researching one of the countless diseases that exists on Tamriel well the name skin blight or corporis may be rather typical for an ailment affecting the skin of its victims but there's actually much more to it than that to some it is better known as the divine disease for its origins are not entirely natural dive a fear actually developed a theory that the disease might not be as bad as it seems and that it is actually a divine blessing that most mortals cannot handle pointing to the fact that the victims are completely immune to other diseases and don't a but we'll look more into ease research soon because it's time to talk about the diseases origins there is one being residing in the heart chamber of Red Mountain who believes corporis is a crucial step in the evolution of the dunmer race he believes it will bring unity immortality and protection from external influences like the meddling Imperials for a start he calls sufferers of corporis children of his flesh this same being can commune with afflicted individuals with his dream messages which the denizens of morrowind to refer to as a soul sickness thanks to this corporis was more than just a disease it was also a form of indoctrination reverser ill drams research also says like other plagues that ravaged the land court Prasad ease of both natural and unnatural origins sometimes an alchemical or even magical version of a blight gets loose to devastate the public the secondary healer also attempts to find an explanation for the correlation between the blight and the dunmer who were far more susceptible to the disease he says as to why the dunmer into German seems to be notoriously susceptible to court proceedings well the best I can offer is fury and conjecture some believe that the dunmer people are ill favored by fate which makes us particularly predisposed to skin blacks and other irritations others claim that our ruthless and distrustful nature makes our blood run hot allowing all manner of disease to breed and take root in our bodies as a healer I have found no clear proof of such thermal differences between a dark elf or say an orc or an but the true arts are mainly much clearer since the rise of the nerevarine and the events of the third era 427 one fury seems to be the most plausible the blat was created by voron of house de goth the immortal lord of the forgotten house since the death of inderal nirav ah in the year 700 of the first error de gogh has been tied to red mountain in the heart chamber from here he builds his armies of corporis beasts the short history of morrowind says this about dag off and his ash black curse but most serious of the plagues and diseased hosts produced by the blight storm sweeping out of Red Mountain Vardhan fell and all morrowind have long been menaced by the legendary evils of dag off earth and his ash of amp IURC in dwelling beneath red mountain for centuries the temple has contained this fret within the ghost fence but recently the temple's resources and will have faltered and the fret from red mountain has grown in scale in intensity if the ghost fence should fall and hosts of blighted monsters were to spill out across Vardhan fells towns and villages the Empire might have no choice but to evacuate Vardhan fell district and abandoned it to disease and corruption with de Gophers return came the height and fret of a corporis outbreak the ash storms of Red Mountain have always been fierce and blustering a severe hazard to even the most experienced ash Landers but the spread of the black-colored the winds with an ominous crimson hue as if the volcano spewed vile pestilence from its bowels to plague the landscape the only thing preventing morrowind from being completely overrun by the disease is the great ghost fence the great ghost fence surrounding the crater of Red Mountain was built with the sole intention of keeping the black contained within the tribunal used the spirits of deceased dunmer ancestors to power the fence and their holy energies make up the impenetrable shield wall according to the book ancestors in the dunmer this idea was taken from traditional Dunmurry burial customs the book says it is a family's most solemn duty to make sure their ancestors remains are interred properly in a city of the Dead such as nekron hear the spirits draw comfort from one another against the chill of the mortal world however as a sign of great honor and sacrifice an ancestor may grant that part of his remains being retained to serve as part of a ghost fence protecting the clan shrine and family precincts so the concept of a ghost fence on a much smaller scale is nothing new and a dying dark elf may state in their will that they wish to dedicate their body to their families fence the more remains used to make a ghost fence the more powerful the fence ears so you can imagine how much honor comes to those who donate their remains to the protection of the Isle of Arden fell and the entire province of morrowind the great ghost fence incorporates the bones of many heroes of the temple and if the house is in drill and retirin who dedicated their spirits to the temple and clan as their surrogate families the ghost vents also contains bones taken from the catacombs of nekron and the many battlefields of morrowind when the nerevarine clashed with dag off urn and the shadow of the Akula khan and the beating heart of lorkhan dag off was destroyed and with him Red Mountain stopped spreading the blind the ash storms lost their red coloration and it seemed as though the great ghost fence was no longer needed this was fortunate considering the fact that the eruption of Red Mountain in the fifth year of the fourth era likely destroyed the fence completely but anyway whether this removed the blight entirely from Tamriel or if it simply prevented people from contracting the disease isn't exactly clear but the nerevarine who was cured of his blight by died of a fear left Tamriel on an expedition of akavir and as of the present day he hasn't been heard from again when I say he was cured what I actually mean was dive a fear discovered a way to remove the negative aspects of corporis while maintaining the disease immunity and immortality and with this discovery the question must be asked was it truly a good thing to defeat this seemingly terrible plague I mentioned before that dive a fear suspected that the black might not be a disease but rather a divine blessing that most mortals couldn't handle this notion is an entirely implausible considering the fact that somehow despite the harsh symptoms of the disease many of the cultists devoted to dag off earth like the ascended sleepers seemed to have been afflicted by the curse only they remain lucid and attain a higher spiritual state there's no doubt that the severity of the curse varied from individual to individual with more prominent figures like the nur of rain and Yaga and began managing to keep their wits while those around them transformed into mindless husks if the deranged distorted victims of the deadly court press disease housed in the caverns of the corpus areum can be cured by dive a fear as the narrow Vereen was then this disease could be the ultimate gift complete immunity to disease complete immunity to the effects of aging with no violent insanity and no grotesque deformations perhaps there was some method to de Gophers madness but it seems we'll never know the truth of his message to the nur of rain Oh would claim that he was betrayed all those years ago beneath Red Mountain and he would also claimed that he could cleanse the land of false friends and greedy faves paving the way for the children of vel off to build anew a garden of Plenty in the blighted wasteland no doubt he wished to achieve this in part with his divine disease for good or for bad the true nature of corporis may be lost forever and there you have it guys the full story of the mysterious disease called the blight I hope you enjoyed the video thanks so much for watching I've been drew and I'll see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: FudgeMuppet
Views: 114,805
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: skyrim, elder scrolls, elder scrolls lore, fudgemuppet, morrowind, morrowind lore, dagoth ur, telvanni, yagrum bagarn, divayth fyr, corprus, blight, ash zombie, ash vampire
Id: kT0p0HJkCvE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 38sec (818 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 21 2019
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