Villainpedia: Dagoth Ur

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welcome moon and star to this place where destiny is made stop digother has got to be one of the most confusing villains i've ever encountered in a video game and definitely the weirdest one in the elder scrolls games so who was this guy is he trying to build a god was he a god is he insane is he enlightened what's his connection to the dwemer people in their disappearance welcome to the villainpedia today we're going to learn about degother main antagonist of the elder scrolls 3 morrowind so before we get fully started let's go over just a couple key terms here for the non-hardcore elder scrolls fans number one is kymer the kymer were an ancient race of myrrh or elves who were eventually cursed and turned into the dunmer or modern dark elves number two is dwemer the myrrh race of dwarves with a weird rich history of engineering and technology number three the heart of lorcon an artifact of legend it's literally the heart of the creator of the material plane of existence so obviously a super powerful relic and number four is the tribunal tribunal is the three leaders of the kymer dunmer people that were worshipped as living gods [Music] so as we begin let's also just accept the fact that degoth is shrouded in a lot of mystery so to profile him accurately let's just do a history lesson and kind of frame him with the events that he's involved with so what we do know is that he is a chimer male born as voron dagoth into the great house degoth in the first era literally thousands of years before the events of the elder scrolls iii again very little is known about like his childhood and his rise to power within the house but eventually as an adult he finds himself as the lord high chancellor so obviously a pretty important guy it was around this time a hugely important battle known as the battle of red mountain occurred in morrowind in which the nords were defeated and finally driven out of the region by the kymer and the dwemer people this victory forged an alliance between the two long feuding groups and it was known as the first council this council worked as intended for about two centuries before our man warren degoth discovered something that we don't exactly know how he found that a dwemer man an engineer named kagernak had found the heart of loricon that stupidly powerful aedric artifact and intended to build a brass god a giant golem with the heart as its source of power apparently to wield in opposition of the chimer when this plot came to the surface and it was confirmed by the tribunal war was declared the fighting began and soon after the brass god was activated by kagerneck at this exact instant the entire dwemer race i mean all of them well pretty much all of them vanished from existence this is another like super confusing and debated event so i'll cover that at a later date now with the threat of the dwemer seemingly dealt with the kymer were left with a hot potato and that was the tools of kaggernack items used to manipulate and draw power from the heart of lorkhan now nerevar the war leader and champion of the chimer entrusted the tools to be safeguarded by his good buddy degoth but voron dagoth actually lobbied to have the tools destroyed eventually after much deliberation nerevar conferred with the tribunal to just have them locked away for safe keeping this was pretty much agreed upon but voren kinda lost it he declared himself keeper of the tools and refused to give them over to the tribunal it was also at this time that voron dagoth was in secret unlocking the mysteries of the heart for himself using the tools of kaggrenac to siphon divine energy it was also then that he became degoth er a self-proclaimed god though it is unknown if nerevar gave him the name or if erg gave it to himself now what happened next is again unclear at best with differing accounts of events but essentially the tribunal confronted and fought degather and his followers over the tools with degoth being slain and nerevar dying soon after some accounts have nerevar succumbing to injuries from the fight while others have the tribunal poisoning and killing their good friend and leader another very cool and weird elder scrolls topic that will be saved for another time so from here the members of the tribunal seize the tools of kaggernack and some time later use the tools for themselves on the heart of lorcon achieving immortality and godhood while simultaneously breaking their promise to nerevar to lock away the tools for this they are eternally cursed by azura the daedric deity of dusk and dawn their people to become the dunmer or dark elves that we know and recognize it was also prophesized that their good friend nerevar would be reincarnated to hold the tribunal accountable for this betrayal okay so now we really have to cut some of the fat here the story of the tribunal and the kymer in general is extensive and very complex so i'm going to attempt to just stick to dagoth from here on [Music] so centuries passed but the spirit of degoth er did not somehow connected to the heart of lorkhan feeding on its power until sometime in the second era he was given a new physical form along with some of his homies from house degoth the tribunal didn't know this they made their pilgrimage to red mountain to renew their powers from the heart only to find themselves shockingly confronted by degother you can kind of imagine the godhood achieved from the heart to be like a battery and while the tribunal needed to come back and recharge dagoth had literally been plugged into the outlet for a few thousand years or so making him just immensely powerful and a little crazy okay so we have to briefly talk about kim now kim is complex the spark notes version just for the sake of this video is as follows achieving kim in the elder scrolls is to essentially break through and come to the material understanding that all of existence is simply a dream of a sleeping god or the godhead while retaining that conviction that you are an individual who must exist regardless of this fact the being would then essentially be lucid dreaming within this dream able to manipulate physical reality and just be crazy powerful the only confirmed people to ever achieve kim are the hero talos who's coming in another video and vivec who's actually a member of this very tribunal but if someone was to break through and lack that conviction of individuality they would essentially be divided by zero and cease to exist it's pretty common thought that this is maybe what happened to the dwemer people when they attempted to build a god and they all vanished but this brings us back to degoth er and his physical death at red mountain in the powers he had taken from the heart and his inability to fully die when tied to it degoth was fed a sort of perverted vision of achieving kim instead of breaking through and realizing that essentially everything is all he took it as all are me some fans called this anti-kim but that's totally just like a theory and i don't know i personally think that he was just incredibly confused and driven mad by this misconception essentially creating an insane god in physical form ready to crack skulls and maybe build a little something inside a red mountain this also earns him the title from vivec the sharmat or false dreamer now fast forward a little bit to the third era when the nerevarine our main player character is sent to morrowind to investigate things and we have all the makings of a great adventure and a final adversary so all that background's great but what exactly is degather attempting to do why do we need to stop him in morrowind now in short degoth er is attempting to build a second brass god known as a kula khan using that very same heart of lord khan he's also spreading disease into blight and corpus diseases by the way of huge ash storms coming from red mountain itself these diseases cause horrible cancerous growths and boils and lead to ash vampires and zombies stalking the region to do his bidding it's even said that he can use these thralls as puppets and speak through them his end game is essentially to transform all of morrowind into a theocracy worshiping his constructed god a kulacon dismantle the tribunal unite the dunmer under one banner and go on a crusade the only way to stop him is to gather up the tools of kaggernack and come directly for that heart it's also kind of interesting and cool to note that upon degoth ur being defeated aka the heart of lorcan's destruction it also would sever the tribunal from their godhood as well just in a nice way tying his fate directly to his adversaries now none of this is to say that he's just like a rabid demon kind of villain it's actually kind of charming and definitely funny and intends to implement charismatic persuasion along the way to achieve his goals dagoth ur welcomes you nerevar my old friend but to this place where destiny is made why have you come unprepared and i think this video would be like another 30 minutes if it included the full scope step by step of his plan there's also tons more information about dagoth and his relationship with the tribunal with vivec with nerevar i mean in the 36 lessons of vivec a book series in game there's just a ton of light shed on this but as things get deeper it just gets abstract almost psychedelic with dagother but if you're at all interested i definitely suggest you like check out some fan theories or analysis online [Music] i think degather fails ultimately because he's unable to hold control of the tools of kaggernack these are key to manipulating any sort of power coming from the heart and unable to be recreated in any way shape or form as kaggernack the dwemer guy who was the sole creator is long gone additionally through his delusions of immortality and ascension he overlooks the nerevarine prophecy and that it could be his own downfall he sees himself as all and all as him when in reality he's just confused and kind of tragically evil so that is degother a spectacular villain shrouded in mystery to this day and remains in my opinion the finest of all elder scrolls antagonists that concludes this villainpedia entry if i was incorrect in any lore please correct me in the comments also let me know if there's any villains that you would want to see added to the villainpedia i appreciate your time thank you very much for watching [Music] peace you
Channel: Ghostcharm
Views: 444,361
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dagoth ur, dagoth ur explained, villainpedia, morrowind, elderscrolls lore
Id: l7ZPCfTl-MA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 47sec (707 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 28 2020
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