UPDATED BLADESINGER V2! Baldur's Gate 3 Build Guide!

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welcome back everyone to another balers Gate 3 build video I am simp Isiah thank you so much for being here today all right so in this build video I'm super excited because of the fact that we get to revisit one of my most popular videos of all time but we're going to make the build a lot better and that is going to be the blade singer right and one more attack should do it boom there we go another mission cleared hey everyone so I've been diving into this game and it's packed full of a ton of content so I really wanted to talk about it and the game is raid Shadow Legends I'm having so much fun playing this game it is a ton of fun as you can see I just mopping the floor with enemies right now so let's talk more about it dive into this free-to-play fancy RPG adventure with a captivating storyline and Online PVP raid is currently giving away a ton of free rewards and you can get in on the action right now raage Shia Legends is available on PC Android and iOS you can click the link in the description or scan my QR code to download the game and get some amazing champions for free today now remember you must click my link in the description to receive lightsworn an epic champion from the sacred order lightsworn will keep your team alive with his increased defense and Revive on death skills and once you reach level 15 you'll also get Juliana an epic champion and straight up boss killer from the sacred order but wait there's more raid is offering an additional Champion to new players providing a significant Advantage at the start of the game simply use one of these promo codes within the initial 72 hours of registration you can get a massive head start with The Monkey King sunw Kong a free Legendary attack Champion he can dish out some massive damage put your opponents to sleep and even revive after death with his unbeatable Wukong ability this guy can hard carry your team as a main DPS and you can pick him up for free by using promo code Monkey King make sure to use this promo code within the initial 72 hours of registration and for returning players you can use the code I love free stuff to receive the free rare Champion preserver as well as useful in-game loot to to activate promo codes navigate to the left side of the screen and select the promo codes option enter your promo code in provide field and click confirm you'll receive confirmation upon successful entry and you can collect your rewards from your inbox I have never seen raid give out so many powerful champions for free in a single promo so now is the perfect time to start playing the game click my link in the description or scan the QR code right now and start playing today and before you go a quick reminder don't let this opportunity slip away download Rage Shadow Legends using the links or QR code in the description below and Unleash Your legendary Destiny join the adventure today and become a legend in raid Shadow Legends All right so hopping right into character creation the first thing you're going to do of course is pick your origin uh you can either go custom origin or the dark urge either one works just fine for you and then your race you are going to pick uh tling is my first option and the main reason why is because uh Zario tling specifically does get access to a couple different smites as some like uh race spells that they can use once per long rest so that's like another option for you to have because in this build normally um you we won't get smites like naturally besides like magical Secrets or whatever but uh for this specifically I wanted to give that option and uh at first I I was going to do like uh just like a paladin and then like swords barred but I've already done that build and I wanted this to be a little bit different so I thought about SP splashing Paladin and you still can if you want to and take less levels of Bard specifically and that works just fine and it will still be really powerful but there's so many like Paladin Bard builds out there so I want to do something a little bit different and still be powerful but we still can have access to smites thanks to tling if you don't want to take tling you can take any other race it doesn't matter too much you can even go like half work would be another really good option for uh some crit fishing and then class you are going to start out with and it's going to be weird but you are actually going to start out with a cleric so for this build we are going to go 10 levels of Bard one level of cleric and one level of Wizard and I will explain why in the later sections as we get to those levels but you are going to start off as a cleric for this build and the main reason why is because we get all of the weapon and armor proficiencies starting off as a cleric plus it's the most powerful to pick this class up right now and then not have to worry about it later especially because of the fact that the we are going War domain clerics we're going to be able to use our bonus attack or bonus action as an attack a weapon attack excuse me so as early as you know level one we can make two attacks per turn I think it's like three times with like a level one cleric so not too bad for that so uh you're going to start as a cleric of course and then your can trips since we are going to be a Charisma based character we're mainly going to have dexterity but you're also going to be Charisma the ones I recommend you take is going to be um guidance you already get thury if you are zarel tling so that's really nice because that's very useful for a Charisma based character but if you're not zarel make sure to take thury and then for the other ones uh I like produce flame over sacred flame personally and then the third one you can take like blade warart or something really doesn't matter up to this point uh dity you can pick whatever you want does not matter once again just changes dialogue options and then your background uh for your background you can pick the one that this you're just picking some skills basically so really pick the one that you want the skills in since you are a bar you are going to have a lot of skill proficiencies so just pick whatever one you feel like is uh the ones you're going to be using the most I like Guild arson for the Insight persuasion personally so that's the one I'm going to go with and then abilities really quick we're going to put our plus two in dexterity bump that all the way up to 17 cuz we are going to get The Hags hair so with one ASI we can get that up to 20 which is super nice and then if you want to wait until you get wither so you can Respec then you can just change this Charisma swap the Charisma in wisdom basically so that way your cleric spell still like uh do something and then once you get Withers at like level two or three you can just go Respec and then change it to this right here so that's why I recommend you actually do for that especially because it's going to allow you to prepare more spells having a higher wisdom so um actually let me do this really quick uh so that way I can show you better than um what I'm doing right now but see now you have four prepared spells right so the prepared spells that I would recommend you take is going to be uh first is going to be guiding bolt guiding bolt is like your best cleric ranged option especially for level one spell it's just really strong and then inflict wounds inflict wounds is really good because we are going to be in melee combat a lot and having a 3d10 necrotic damage attack is also going to be really nice especially because of the fact that in the early game we until we get like our swords barred um subass our melee is going to be kind of like just like average you know like it's you're just going to be hitting with like a regular Raper or something so uh that's nice to have when you need like that burst damage and then I recommend taking Sanctuary because sometimes you don't want to use your bonus action to attack sometimes you need to protect yourself so having sanctuary in your back pocket is really nice and then of of course for the next one um I would take command I really do like command now I will say that these are going to change up a little bit once you Respec because when you Respec you're not going to have a high wisdom and so you don't want to take uh things like guiding Bol and inflict wounds um because of the fact that like you're not going to have a high enough wisdom to make use of those so then instead what you would do is you would take ones that don't focus on um like your spell your spell DC and your spell casting modifier basic Bally so you could just go to like create and Destroy water and then either uh bless Bane or healing word and then those will work just fine for you because none of these are going to use that except for uh command so you could also take command out put like blessing for example and like that would all be fine but it's really up to you I'm just giving you options because we are mixing two different like well three different spell casting modifier classes into this build specifically but we are a Charisma Caster primarily so uh this is what it's going to look like for for you at level one all right so hopping into level two I have to switch to my main character and unfortunately I do not have a tling um that is uh level 12 so I can't show you with a tling specifically but a lot of this information is going to be the same basically the only difference is you're going to get a Smite at level three and then a Smite you're going to get a I think it's like Thundurus Smite at level three and then branding Smite at level five for aariel tling so that's like the main thing that you're not going to see here but uh all the rest of this should be the same so going into it now that you are level two you are going to pick up your level in Bard and then for your canant trips uh a lot of the canant trips like overlap but the ones I'd recommend is taking uh friends I already have to spell on this character but uh you can take friends here and that's going to be really good for you and I absolutely recommend that and then the other one that you want to take you can take whatever it doesn't matter too much uh they're not it's not really going to be useful so just kind of use whatever you want and see if you can get any sort of use out of it and then in terms of your spells the ones that I like taking personally at this level is for ranged damage option I like disant Whispers this one's going to be really strong and then if you want to take like the ritual spells like um long stri featherfall and then speak with animals you can do that and then that's what I recommend unless you're going to do the strategy of having someone in your Camp that's going to cast all the ritual spells on your characters and then just send them off so uh if you're going to do that then you can take different options than um these ritual spells except for speak with animals cuz you can only cast on yourself so I still recommend you take that and for the early game might also recommend you take sleep and then a Thunder Wave if you're going to go with uh a different strategy instrument doesn't matter pick whichever one you want and then abilities you're going to get uh just like an ability that you can pick here so once again you can pick whichever one you want here but I do recommend that you take one of the Charisma based ones so the ones that you feel like you were going to use the most uh probably deception or persuasion are the two that I noticed you're using the most but you can also take intimidation and performance if you want to and you will be just fine moving on to level three we are of course going to take another level in Bard and for our spell here you're going to get access to another level one spell so you can pick up one of the spells that you didn't take before you can take even like disguise self and disguise self does have uh some good uses for example so like uh there's like certain weapons where it's like um if you're a ganki you get this bonus or if you're a Dr you get this bonus so disguise self is nice because you can do that and get those if you want to use those weapons then you can have that bonus I recommend taking that one and then if not you can take something like fairy fire and that would be like a good good support option for you and then of course you can replace a spell if you want to moving on to level four this is going to be uh a huge power Spike for us because we are going to get our subass of course we are going College of Swords because honestly College of swords in of itself is like the closest thing we have to a blade singer and is basically like a Ballers Gate 3 blade singer because of our blade flourishes and the main one is going to be the defensive flourish so defensive florish is going to um you're going to attack and then you're going to add your armor class by four so that's going to be the M blad singing aspect because as we know one of the main features of a blade singer is having incredibly High AC so this is going to help out a lot with that and then you're going to get access to a level two spell there are a couple different options here once again I always do recommend that pay attention to the spells that require concentration because you don't want to pick up too many of those since you can only concentrate on one spell at a time but there's a couple different good options there's invisibility there's knock if you're not going to have a rogue in your party the knock is always pretty useful and then there's like fantasmal force there's a couple different good options here shatter so um if I had to pick one specifically for me then the one that I'm going to go with is I'm either going to take like a ranged AOE damage option to have like that in my back pocket for when I'm not in melee combat so like shatter or I'm going to take something with more utility like invisibility or um hold person hold person person I think is a pretty good one to be able to concentrate on especially cuz you can you can use this on like a like a boss enemy or like the strongest enemy that you are facing and then you can just focus down on them with like your blade forages and stuff and you'll do a ton of damage with like the guaranteed crits so that's also really good just depends on what you want and of course if you are not playing solo then a lot of the spells that you pick especially utility and support based spells are going to be a little bit more based on what your other party members are going to be casting and doing as well so I'd say pay attention to your overall party composition and then make your choice based on that fighting style you have a couple different options you have dueling and then you have two weapon fighting Now with uh this build specifically because of the fact that in the most recent patch they did update it to where uh dual wielding crossbows does require you to have two weapon fighting to get that uh benefit on your secondary attack um this is the one that I'm going to recommend taking because I do like dual wielding crossbows with this build now you don't have to do that and if you don't want to dual wield crossbows and you instead just want to use like a like a short bow or something then I would say take dueling and dueling is still useful with that additional two damage but this is going to give you a lot of options for this build we're not going to doal wheel two different uh weapons you can in this build but I'm going to uh emphasize on using a shield instead because of the fact that like we want to have as high AC as possible so I know that like it looks weird and you like oh I want to do dueling but the benefit that you get for dual wielding two crossbows is I think better than just getting an additional two damage on your uh melee attacks but if you do want to take this it's not going to be bad for you at all I just really like being able to do a wi to crossbows especially with a swords bar and things like slashing forish and stuff because then you can just basically Gatling gun down enemies from range and then when they get into melee range with you then you can destroy them too so I like C that option that versatility and of course before this patch you would have always picked dueling because you didn't need this but now you do need it in order to make the best use out of that particular strategy so moving on to level five we're now going to be aard four and this is going to give us a couple different things first off we're going to get another can trip pick whichever one you want doesn't matter too much and then you're going to get another level two spell and again this is going to be dependent on what you picked earlier and if you want to take a concentration spell or not or not so if you took shatter then you can go ahead and take like hold person or vice versa uh the bar spells for this build in particular I would say um you're mainly going to have like utility based options because our our damage is mainly going to be coming from our weapons like especially once you get to like good um hand crossbows for example then since we are going to have a higher decks because we are going to take an ASI right here and bump our decks up to 19 and then 20 with hagire uh you will do more damage with that and your flourishes than you will like casting spells like in general right so focus on like utility based ones and ones are going to help you out even outside of combat so that's the one that I would recommend and then of course we're going to take an ASI here and we're going to bump our decks up to 19 and then again this will be 20 with the hacks hair moving on to level six we are now going to be aard level five and the two main things that we're going to get here is going to be font of inspiration which means that we're going to get all of our bar inspiration after a short or long rest the short rest thing is especially useful for this build because of the fact that now we can use our blade flourishes as much as we want and then we can just short rest and get them all back before we had to wait until a long rest so it was a little bit rough but that alleviates that issue so that is really nice and then moving into the Spells section you are going to get access to level three spells there's not too many options for barred specifically like they don't have like a huge selection but they do have some good options so the three main ones that I say are the best are going to be Clint of warding hypnotic pattern and plant growth now this is going to depend on your play style which one you want to pick if you want an AOE ranged option that has like some good amount of utility as well such as like putting everyone to sleep then you can go glimp the warding and as a commenter pointed out in uh one of my previous videos if you are one of the races that can't be put to sleep you can can actually walk into a group of enemies put the glint of warding sleep down on the ground and put everyone to sleep and you will not be affected so that is a really nice strategy and and I'll put their comment up on the screen because thank you so much for pointing that out is that is uh it's just awesome that's really cool just to walk in and just be like a night night you know what I mean like a night and then yeah you know what I mean it's awesome so I really do recommend glimp of Waring and because like it just has so much utility but it also has damage like these other ones have utility but they don't have damage they have better utility but they don't have damage Glen the Waring has that damage and that utility so I really like that one that's going to be my main option here but if you want to take like hypnotic and also it's not concentration so that's another thing if you want to take hypnotic pattern uh that one's a really good one as well if you saw my last video then you can see that Hypno pattern is still really good and then plant growth is also pretty good as well especially if you have some boots that or someone to cast freedom of movement on you so those are your three main options for level three spells and once again you could replace a spell if you can't pick and you want to pick like two of them but but main option glint awarding absolutely I still think it's the best one for us specifically moving on to Bard level six this is another huge level for us because we get extra attack here so uh obviously extra attack is going to increase our power by quite a bit and then you're going to access to another level three spell so you can take like Hypno pan or plant growth whichever one you didn't take before and you can move right on with level eight you are now going to have access to your level four spells and there is a couple different level four spells here so you have uh access to Greater invisibility polymor freedom of movement dent door and then confusion and uh freedom of movement is a nice utility option to have because it lasts until long rest so you can just cast it on yourself and then you don't have to worry about it until you long rest again so that one is nice um but if you have another party member that's going to be able to cast this then you want to free up that slot for something else then you don't really need to take it here but if you want to combine that with plant growth then that's like a good strategy that you can use as well dimension door is nice since we don't naturally have access to Misty step so that it does give you a way to teleport but the thing is it's an action not a bonus action like Misty step is so that kind of sucks but there's also plenty of ways to get Misty step from like certain equipment in the game so uh the one I recommend is greater invisibility as the spell that you can concentrate on at this level and this is going to be really nice because of the fact that we have a high deck and we can have a high uh stealth score in this especially if you have someone who can cast pass without trace on your party then this is really nice because um assuming you're not super unlucky you can go and you can do a lot of damage without starting a combat encounter by uh just attacking from stealth and attacking while invisible since greater invisibility does not break if you attack it only breaks if you fail a stealth check so that one's really nice and uh if you saw like the last video there was a clip of me like going in and I killed like half the enemies I think and before my combat for this character even started because I succeeded a couple stealth checks in a row so really really nice to have and I really do like the utility of Greater invisibility now moving on to level 9 we are going to be aard level eight and we're going to be able to get gain another spell here it's going to be a level four spell slot so if you want to take um just like another one that it doesn't have to be like a level four spell specifically you can take whatever you want at this point this is going to be up to you because uh for bars like a lot of their spells are utility and once you get like your core spells that's kind of just like picking and choosing whichever like one that you feel like you're going to need for like a certain situation so um you can take whichever one you want it doesn't matter too much at this point because we have like at up to this level we have our spells already and then for your uh second uh feet and this you're only going to get two feets with this build you have a couple different options here so uh you have three main options right and this is going to be dependent on what you see yourself doing if you are going to be focusing mainly on melee combat take Savage attacker this is going to be a pretty big increase to your damage because whenever you make a melee attack you roll the damage die twice and use the highest result so it's just a natural increase to your overall damage output if you're not sure what to take you can take warcaster this is going to be good cuz it's going to give you advantage on saving throws to maintain concentration on a spell so if you have like key spells that you want to concentrate on then warcaster is really good especially because we are going to get access to magical secrets so maybe you want to take like Spirit Guardians and that's a really good one to concentrate on but you are also going to be in melee range you're going to be receiving a lot of attacks but you also have a high AC so it might not be like that necessary right to have like War Caster but it's an option or you could take another ability score Improvement and then bump your decks up to I mean your charisma up to 18 so the choice is up to you you can choose between those three personally for me because with a blade singer I mainly like to focus on melee combat I'm going to take Savage attacker but again the other op there are are other good options as well and it would not be bad for you to take those options either so moving on to level 10 you are now going to be a bar level 9 and this is going to give you access to level five spells we have a few different options here for our level five spells and the main one that I am going to recommend where is it is going to be uh hold monster and because we took hold person earlier and there's not many other options here for us that like I feel like are as good like I mean there's some good utility options but when you're thinking about like a main damage dealer not a lot of these are like too great but hold monster is really nice because of the fact that since we already have hold person now we can affect the things that we can't affect with hold uh person so you can just like hold monster like a boss that's not a humanoid and then get like all of your uh blade fores and then if you want to use like one of your if you're a tling zarel teling and you can use like your smites and stuff get those guaranteed crits and do a lot of damage and really focus fire down on that and I just think it's the best option out of the ones that we have here but planner binding and dominate person are other good options as well now moving on to level 11 we are going to be a level 10 bar and this is where we're going to get access to a lot of features level 10 is actually huge like one of the probably like the biggest like level that bards get access to is once they hit Level 10 so of course you get to pick two skills here that you want to be proficient in so really um I'm going to recommend perception 100% of the time uh because perception like having a high passive perception is just really useful for exploration and then the second one here it can really be just uh whatever one you want this is also going to be a little bit different depending on the background and race that you took so uh just do whichever one you want but because you are a barard you're going to be like naturally good in a lot of skills anyway so it's not like the biggest biggest deal CH trip here insignificant take whatever you want and then you're going to get access to another level five uh spell slot here and again you don't have to take a level five spell you can take something else if you wish it doesn't have to be level five so uh like take like Freedom Movement if you don't have it already and then we get access to my favorite class ability in the game magical Secrets I love magical secrets so there's a lot of good options here for you now um there's a couple different options depending on the way that you want to play it because of the fact that there's just so many different options from a pure power standpoint if you want to make this build as strong as possible uh if you don't have a party member that can cast haste on you take haste haste is going to be the best spell for you uh it's going to be the biggest increase to your power as a as a Melee character like turn for turn just because of everything that it gives you but if you have another party member that's going to cast haste on you consistently then I would take Spirit Guardians as your concentration spell instead and that's also this is also just a very powerful spell that's going to be really good and do like a lot of uh AOE damage around you as you're in melee combat and as you're just destroying all the enemies so both these are really good it really is going to be dependent on um since they're both concentration you can't concentrate on both of them at the same time but you can have another party member cast taste on you so if you have a party member that's going to cast haste take SP Guardians if not take haste yourself and then for the last option again once again you do have a lot of really good options but I will say something to knowe is for our last level we are going to go Wizard and the reason reason why we're going wizard is because of the fact that we're going to be able to learn from uh spells from Scrolls when we have that last level in Wizard and since we are a full Caster we are going to have full casting level slots so we'll be able to learn any spell from a scroll as long as that spell is available in scroll form so some of these spells for example on this list you can get from scroll so you don't need to pick them up here and so when you combine all of that information my number one pick for this is going to be banishing Smite and I know just says ranged here but it does have a melee variant as well and I know it's in concentrations but hear me out this is the coolest spell this is the only way to get banishing Smite in the game is through a Bard's magical Secrets at level 10 and the thing is you don't have to concentrate on this like you do not have to keep concentration on this now it will break your concentration if you're using something else so for example if you're already if you're casting haste on yourself or spare gs on yourself then you can't use maning Spike cuz you're going to break your concent on one of those but at the same time it's just so cool like this spell is just awesome but again from a pure power perspective it might not be the best I just really like this spell and I think that since like this is the only way to get it it's a really fun spell to pick at this level but again not completely necessary couple different options are going to be good there going to be fire shield and then counter spell these are also really good options and I don't know off the top of my head if you can get either of these from a spell scroll so just double check on like the wiki for example and that's what I would recommend you do is is uh double check the wiki see which one of these you can get from a spell scroll and then just pick accordingly uh armor of agathys is also really really good for um this build because uh you're going to have a high AC but when you do finally get hit you're not actually going to take any of that damage yourself and then you're going to explode the enemy back with a bunch of retaliation damage similar to fire Shield but this can actually when you upcast it enough be really strong and then spiritual weapon is also really good because that's just extra damage that you get to Output as well so I like that one too it's not the most flashy of spells but I thematically I've always loved spiritual weapon and I think it's really cool and it's just a really good way to like ink out extra damage because of the fact that you can upcast it and it has like some utility depending on the weapon that you pick as well so you have a lot of good options here I like that one but again this is going to be up to you and what you feel like you need and then of course like I said before depending on the rest of your party composition and what they're going to be casting as well so you can figure out what you want this particular character to cast right so uh that is going to be that level I know it's a little bit long-winded but magical Secrets when you have that many options there's a lot to talk about there so your final level like I said before you're going to go Wizard and then a couple things here um you can wear the head headband of intellect uh so that way like these few wizard spells that you get um specifically from taking this level not from Scrolls cuz the Scrolls will use your charisma modifier but uh it just uses whatever your highest um casting marfire is if I I believe that's how it works there's been like weird information about it because it's like weird how it actually interacts but I believe that that's how it works so correct me if I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure that's how it works so um if you're not going to wear the headband of intellect then don't take any spells that are going to use like your int basically or can trips you already have a lot of these so like it doesn't really matter too much you can pick whatever cuz you're probably not going to use them you know what I mean like especially level 12 like you're not really going to be using those can trips and then you get to pick some prepared spells uh you can take whatever you want here but the one I absolutely do recommend no matter what you take a shield and um Shield is just huge and this is also going to help and this is like Shield is the main argument for why you might not want to wait till level 12 to take uh one level of wizard is because Shield is so good and it fits that blade singer theme so well right so if you wanted to take Shield if you wanted to take your one level of Wiz wiard at like an earlier level and delay some of your other stuff you could just because you can get access to Shield but you don't have to do that it's just that like Shield is that good of a spell and combining it with our um defensive flourish like that's already a plus n to our Armor class not counting anything else and that's an absolutely insane boost so absolutely take Shield here and again if you want to just pick up that level of wizard at any other point in the um build like as you're leveling up then you could do that as well because again these are just like one level dips so you can take them wherever you want besides the cleric level uh I do like taking the cleric level for all the armor weapon proficiencies just getting that out of the way already and then having access to of course making extra attack is nice early on in the game so uh that's going to be the main one right there and then the other spells it it doesn't matter too much you can take literally whatever you want it's not like the biggest deal in the world because again um a lot of like at this level like you have so many core spells already that you're using and then on on top of that like if your int is at eight and you're not wearing the headbang of intellect you can only prepare one of these anyway and you would just be preparing Shield so that is going to be the level guide for um this build without further Ado let's move on to the equipment section all right so moving on to the equipment section there are a lot of really good equipment for this build and it really does depend on the direction that you end up taking it because you are a blade singer the main thing you're going to focus on is of course getting as much AC as possible so we're going to be us a shield so I have a couple good Shield recommendations on screen for you as well as heavy armor I know that heavy armor doesn't fit the blade singing theme specifically because you don't wear heavy armor as a blad singer in regular D and D 5 but because we don't have the actual class and we don't have Blade song as an ability in the game we still want to have as much AC as possible to fit that theme which is why we're wielding heavy armor with this build and then in terms of your weapon uh there's a couple different really good weapons in different stages of the game there's a couple long swords that are uh uh finesse so you can use those at the beginning of the game and then later on you have things like the harmonic Dueler and a couple other really awesome like rers and stuff that you can use as well so you have a lot of options with this build and you can really pick and choose you can even go for like the U legendary Quarter Staff if you really want to if you want to lean more into the spell casting aspect but again with this build you mainly are uh focusing on melee combat getting like your three attacks per turn with your blade flourishes and just doing as much damage as possible and then and of course the Spells are mainly there just to supplement that in true blade singing nature and with access to things like shield and stuff you should be AOK and almost impossible to hit these are just a couple of the really awesome recommendations I do recommend for this build thank you so much for watching this video I really do hope you enjoyed this video and if you did make sure to hit the like button as well as subscribe so that way you can stay up to date with all my build videos and have a lot of cool builds to try in balers Gate 3 leave a comment down below any type of build that you'd like to see me do next and as always I really do appreciate every single one of you and if you do want to support me and get written uh like a like a write up for each build because I do do like physical PDF writeups not physical digital PDF writeups for each build to go along with the videos that you can follow through so that way you don't have to like flip through the video then you can join the patreon or the YouTube uh members there'll be links down in the description below and there's also a couple other cool features that you get with that and some benefits so if you want to support me as well as get some access to some cool benefits then make sure to check those out but that is all the time I have for you today so I will see you in the next one and don't forget to check out rage Shadow Legends use my QR code or the link in the description so that way you can claim all of those amazing Rewards
Channel: Senpai Ziah
Views: 8,164
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3, baldur's gate 3, bg3, bg3 guide, bg3 build guide
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 39sec (1899 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 04 2023
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