3.22 San'tok.yāi Detailed First Look | Looks Cool But Very Unimpressive | Star Citizen 4K

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hi everyone welcome back I was going to take a day off from Star Citizen but I just saw a spectrum post that the santoki just got released to the new EP even though it was not on the patch note so here I am back to work again and of course let's take a detailed look of the ship and test many aspects here is a santoki and as you can see it's very happy to see me it's very jumpy this is a heavy fighter and this is the original skin and it's this color you can see four big thrusters so this is what it looks on the outside okay before we get in the ship first of all let's check the components and weapons Opa aopa I hope I pronounce it right aopa santok first uh I don't have any paints yet so system we have polar which is size one so we have two size one coolers also two size one power plants Quantum Drive is one size one Quantum Drive and shoe generator is one size two okay checking weapons I think those holes over here as you can see each Wing thing has two missiles so these missile racks are bespoke you cannot change the size of those missiles but we can change the type we have eight size two missiles weapons this is what we're interested I'm interested so this is yenu repeater size three so we have four size through Y 2 repeater item type laser repeater manufacturer is toro aggregate size three inspired by Cen M Tech and Taylor Made by Toro aggregate exclusively oh it says exclusively for the aopa S the Yen 2 laser repeater extend U the ship's dexterity with a Fighter's Edge doesn't really tell anything I'm going to take all these weapon off and let's see if we can put on different other ships let's check the C oh we can put these size three weapons on the C toall and they become gimbaled but we can only put two of them on the C all nice okay take it off so let's let's check scorpus and teres ah we can so these weapons are not bespoke weapons for the C to wall we can put these weapons on different ships they're side three as long as you have the hard points now let's get inside the ship and it's still very jumpy look at the landing gear is inside the ground so it's uh oh how do I get inside the ship what I I can't get uh open P canopy okay I asked someone in the server it says aim low look for the center oh wow it's right here this is quite buggy o okay well let's inter pilot seat what whoa what was that okay I'm getting out of the pilot seat oh the I don't have a good feeling about it so the chair flows down and you're half inside the ground and then the chair I think it's a grab left technology the inside looks pretty cool different uh CN language oh you do have a ejection button over here let's not click that yet flight ready power on okay power on okay lifting off a little bit ooh o I like the sound effect it's uh pretty cool okay I'm going to transform retract landing gear ah nice transformation okay transform again que goes to the back let's see it again Wings front Okay this is the back transform again and see the back ah pretty good transformation yeah looks pretty cool though looks pretty cool look at the view in the cockpit very nice very clear clear window all around in the bottom as well oh blacking out really easily I'm pulling 17 G it's crazy so full speed is 1,274 standard combat speed is 264 m/s the maneuverability I can assume it's pretty high I don't have the official number yet but it's going to come out soon pretty cool so this is a heavy fighter and its purpose is for combat it does not have an interior so let's try some combat right now oh this is uh similar I think exactly same as the sulin the quantum jump effect is pretty nice I love it I think my missile got bugged it's not loading at all missile locked no the missile is bucked okay we'll just uh use the guns oh okay I don't see any major difference of the gun it just looks different but everything else the sound effect the color it just feels like the normal laser repeater or I do have a gimbal function okay fire and the weapon looks like this the weapon sounds very similar to just normal laser repeaters but it looks but it looks pretty cool as a little bit of animation it opens up the firing chamber it's a dual chamber okay now let's check where are the components of the ships are and what buttons can we press outside the ship so over here you can see it says inter pilot seat and open pil of canopy and on this side over here is your external storage of 200 50k micro ICU and on the left side this button you press it you can see something comes out but you do have a weapon rack over here I tested earlier in space looks like uh this is some weapon rack over here there we go we can put a few weapons here you can put two weapons here but right now it's inside the ground in the the back what you can press this is a fuel Port click it there we go this the fuel port and little bit over here click this you can see o whoa careful so this is your Shield generator size two and the Quantum Drive size one and this I think is a radar or something and you have two size one coolers and two size one power plants and they are on the wings over here you can see one power plant one cooler over here on on this side of the wing as well right here so click right here okay so these are all the things the buttons that I found that I can click on top of the ship I was earlier in space I try to click there's nothing on top of the ship unless I miss something if I do please let me know now let's take the ship apart this is a a weapon I can detach it nice I was a little bit disappointed about this repeater earlier when I was testing because it looks really cool but the soundy fact and the animation of firing it's just uh I was expecting something more if you tried the Banu Defender you you know the S two Cannon the sound effect the bullet Trace are so cool those are the alien weapons right I was expecting something like that but cig just made it too convenient the firing everything is exactly same as the normal repeaters I hate it I don't like it that's why I never use those laser repeaters I'd rather use ballistics you see something here the ship is breathing yeah the ship is breathing wow it's pretty cool though oh from the back I can all right got it so this is this weapon and from the back this is this weapon okay so all the weapons can be detached okay now components this is The Shield generator Quantum Drive on the wings you can see this is the cooler this is the power plant and attach all right cool okay let's put these weapons back nice okay another one okay another one on top of ship okay so all the weapons and components these are the locations you can detach them and attach them for the missiles let's check it out okay so these missiles I cannot use my tract to beam maybe when you expand the wings you can try but I'm not so sure you can can see here if I open all the ports the back of the wing the tail splits in half that's actually pretty cool like this and now it's one and then if you open it splits in half I really enjoy I really love the animation for these alien ships all the alien ships okay so I've landed A9 jump here looks compar the size of the hanger and that ship I think it's very possible it can fit at least one of them maybe I spoke too early okay let me see this way wa okay very nice it's very comfortable inside the a any jump it's just a landing gear that really need to fix oh the top might be too yeah it it just touches the top hanger right here so when the landing gear gets fixed it will lift up couple inches so that could be a problem so either way this could be a problem so let me put like this okay hang door's closing ooh yeah the top part is a little bit too tall for the hanger but right now it barely fits so once the landing gear of the ship gets fixed it's going to lift up a little bit more so that could cause some collision damage I hope not so I worry once the landing gear gets fixed it may not be able to fit because not being able to fit a a98 jump will lose its some of its value I mean I really love the sound effect and the transformation and the look of the ship because this is a alien ship so I think they did a great job on that the landing gear is very you know it's a buck It's a Good Ship but uh compareed with when I was doing the first look for the SRV I was a lot more excited about the SRV than the ship maybe because I am not a dedicated fighter cuz this is a heavy fighter and for those who love dog fighting you probably love the ship more than I do but these are my first look for the ship I hope you guys enjoyed it please leave in the comments below what do you think about the ship do you like it if you do which aspect you love about the ship most if you don't like it why you don't like it thanks for watching guys I will see you in the next one
Channel: Cpt_Foxyloxy
Views: 5,787
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: star citizen, star citizen 3.22, star citizen gameplay, star citizen news, star citizen release date, star citizen pyro, star citizen game, star citizen 2023, Aopoa San'tok.yāi, star citizen 3.22 release date, star citizen ptu 3.22, star citizen gameplay part 1, san tok yai, origin x1, star citizen 3.21.1, star citizen alpha 3.22, star citizen dev, star citizen starmap, star citizen convention, star citizen review, pyro demo, star citizen citizencon demo, squadron 42
Id: 8e8ixzRgrsI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 9sec (849 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 12 2023
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