The Bizarre Lore of Merge Mansion

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merge Mansion is this somehow in the past few years it's managed to sneak its way into success and a big reason for that is a ridiculously convoluted story for something that I mean again it looks like this so let's take a look at what exactly makes this franchise so special hi everybody I'm here in a bowling alley haven't been to one of these in a while last time I did a ball shot out of those ball things and hit me ins side of the head and let's just say there's a reason I never sit over there what what do I even say about merge Mansion a couple years back the advertising went for reasons we'll get into but the game itself it uh it sure is merge Mansion takes place in the fictional town of Hobel Bay this is a century old small town that most likely exists on the eastern coast of America based on the climate culture and the fact New York City is nearby the biggest problem I have with merge Mansion is that it's very artificial when it comes to mystery for anyone unfamiliar this is a simplish mobile game with a mystery that in reality is a collection of tiny Mysteries that rarely amount to anything and that's because of the unfathomed able nuisance that is Grandma Ursula who on the exterior is a nice lady who has a pie company but is absolutely hiding something probably within her mouth why does her jaw do that whenever anything happens Ursula is responsible to at least some extent in either causing the event or preventing it from truly being solved like all the marketing is designed to make a big deal about Grandma being this cryptic person but it'll never amount to anything she's just pulling all the strings grandma and a majority of all characters exist in the Bolton family a formerly wealthy group with a passion for inventing and because of it they were able to afford a mansion surely nothing bad's going to happen to it now besides Grandma we also have matad another inventor who we follow throughout all this and when she was young her parents died no idea how because somebody doesn't want to share this story is going to start on mti's wedding it fails bad wedding Maddie was going to marry a guy named Arthur and while he gets ready grandma breaks in seemingly blackmails him and writes him out of the story to make matters worse her house burns down to make worse matters worse grandma house burns down because even when it comes to losing houses in fire Grandma will not be one uped but you know what maybe maybe we might just have a chance when it comes to cooking in part thanks to today's sponsor Factor now contrary to popular belief I need food or else I will starve and we can't have that who else is going to ramble about the life stories of decade old children mascots with Factor I've been able to get delicious and nutritious meals brought right to my doorstep which has been a huge help as being a student and content creator has made it tricky to always guarantee getting a good me thankfully with Factor I've been able to assure that I won't be having ice water and strange berries I find in the woods for dinner anymore please don't eat Forest berries like I did trust me on that factor has been a huge help for me keeping a schedule and actually knowing what I'm going to be eating later now factor is able to mitigate the amount of time prepping cooking and with cleanup within only a few minutes I've been able to get this tasty stuff right from the package straight to my mouth hole just need some heating up and it's ready to go not to mention the flexibility works wonders every week you can easily change the amount of food provided in the package ranging anywhere from 4 to 18 weekly meals there's also no challenge pausing or rescheduling when packages arrive same goes with the food contents itself I've been going for more protein oriented selection but there's also options like keto and vegetarian making all this even more convenient and fellas I got a good deal for you goofballs head to factor or click the link below and use code chupo 50 to get 50% off on your first Factor box and 20% off on the next four boxes worth of orders that's code chupo 50 at to get 50% off your first box plus 20% off your next box of orders okay back to the thing so following the house fire and the wedding falling apart this is when Grandma reveals the estate the fabled merge Mansion exists and it's a wreck Maddy's going to have to do a majority of the fixing up on account of the family having nothing of value besides seemingly this building and this is also the point where the grandma gets arrested at place and I need to be entirely honest the ads are only kind of helpful most of these ads provide only a little bit of value to the greater story mainly just emphasizing that hey Grandma's a little raap scallion they might not even be fully Canon possibly just an alternate timeline because of how cray cray it gets Grandma a is an entirely different character in the game she's vague and unhelpful but in the ads she'll casually reveal or do something crazy without flinching these two don't feel like the same and the left one looks like a liveaction Dr Seuss character and I'm sure that little guy in the back of our imaginary classroom has his hand up going does that mean that there's a merch Mansion Multiverse no little Johnny you're out of your godamn mind if you think I'm going to Chuck a Multiverse into merge Mansion of all things merge Mansion has not earned the right to have a Multiverse so here's how I'm going to implement the ads I think the game itself takes the POV of Maddie while the ads take more of a cinematic look a more objective one and I don't even know how nobody's figured out grma Ursula's in the ads some things she's done include getting arrested in the intro sneak a file into a pie knowing she was going to get arrested has mdy bring the pie Grandma breaks out at one point goes into hiding by the police and seemingly bribes the police she's shown hiding things Gathering large stocks of weaponry and poisonous foods has some secret ingredient in her pie which I would guess is people she's assassinated but the creators directly support this Theory therefore it's probably not true that's secrecy 101 by acknowledging a possibility that reduces the odds of it being a possibility just thinking about it both major forms of Storytelling hardly feel like the same property the game feels like some sort of average romantic Hallmark movie or a cute soap opera the ads could be a blumhouse property in regards to story telling you got Pedro Pascal on this I mean what why why are there alist actors in these I don't know I don't I honestly I don't give too much of a who these things are probably different but they're both called merch Mansion so I'm just going to say it's the same so when Maddie and Grandma start cleaning up the Mansion according to the inspector Rody if at least an effort is not made the town has the right to tear it all down on account of the Mansion being a public Hazard so Maddie and Grandma but mostly Maddie because Grandma does not actually help she's she's quite toxic in general they make necessary payments and then they all go around the house room by room renovating every area through generic is puzzle gameplay with text boxes sprinkled level to level it's through these moments where we meet a whole load of characters along with learn more about the Bolton tree family and this family tree wow the it it sure does exist like half the game mystery and reveals in general correlate with this family and the family tree that do justify some of the Antics but also not really at some point the family has some sort of pirate background this would explain Grandma's criminal record almost none of these people had pictures by the way now the oldest named family member is ignacious Bolton the one who made the family Fortune born in 1802 he immigrated to the US and settles in Illinois marrying a woman named Agatha and becoming insanely Rich when inventing the tinken the couple then have two daughters in the late 1800s and early 1900s tragedy strikes the boltons The First Daughter Clara falls in love with a sailor and he leaves her when finding out that all of their family wealth is entirely invested on the Mansion or on tin cans Clara then dies of a broken heart and her parents get so sad they don't even set up a funeral and also stop working leaving the remaining family financially in shambles so then the second daughter Lindsay Bolton in the 1920s moves to New York for an extended period and eventually clutches up by inventing the spray can bringing back the family fortune for generations to come moving forward so we can move backward again there's Grandma's supposedly deceased husband Charlie his mom was a code breaker in World War II and his grandma was a nurse in World War I Charlie also had a cousin that they named skatey Katie and she invented the skateboard alongside inside her partner Casey on Grandma's end she had a brother named Leonard responsible for the conditions of the Mansion not being functional and stuff because he was generally just a bad person like he set up in a legal gambling ring he had an affair with the former Butler Winston just a collection of messes that led to this sad husk of a pristine lovely Mansion Grandma also has a sister named Deb who's been married at least four times still looking for the perfect man which probably won't be happening in the retirement home she looks like she has roughly 16 minutes left somehow she does it though because she Nets this guy named hate we'll get back to him but he also has a brother named Michael one of her other marriages would also result in an unnamed daughter who in current day is with pearl woo and the two of them have a kid named Mason Pearl also has a cousin named Dwayne who never matters most of these people never matter it's just a family tree now Grandma's unknown parents were hesitant to let her marry Charlie and part to the financial standing thinking he's not in it for love like he was a carpenter on the Poor Side of Town they totally had some level of bias so instead Ursula almost marries this Infamous mob boss crutchley promising additional wealth and to keep them set for life but that falls through we never know why because again somebody doesn't like sharing and Charlie helps her escape the almost marriage then those two actually marry more so just being happy over anything and seemingly the mob is still after Grandma maybe that's why she is the way she is I'm not ruling out the possibility of Grandma being The Punisher Grandma Ursula and Charlie have a single son named Michael this is another Michael that's also never shown and hardly important but this time he is one day a new family moves into hell Bay and Grandma invites them over this includes a girl named Becky and Michael and Becky hit it off pretty well remaining together until they graduate high school Becky decides to break up when she gets accepted to a European college but when she returns one year after over summer break she sees that Michael still cares about her deeply so they get back together Becky transfers to a local school they marry and finally end with the happiest of happy endings until they died you're an orphan now wow this family tree sure is a family tree I'm sure Grandma would love to talk about no instead she's going to continue pretending to help fix up the Mansion which in Universe has taken years but hey at least we know there's a very real possibility that Grandma's been conditioned to go up against the mafia but we've all been there Grandpa Charlie might also be alive the hand thing in that one ad confirms that either Arthur or Charlie are still alive it's probably Arthur but still it seems like Maddie's slowly moving on from probably the worst day of her life I would say it is Arthur was probably bad for her good thing Grandma's playing Matchmaker really just taking control of mad's life she seems to be pushing for Rody he already knows how to treat a woman on account of already being divorced by a Detective Kate Sullivan who investigates much of Grandma's bolting at one point grandma gets arrested again for allegedly stealing Charlie's gold watch don't think that's very fair but regardless they bail her out this curule amounts to virtually nothing at this point the boltons have been maintaining exclusively the exterior and a few more characters make their way into mty's life the family finds and adopts a dog named Rufus it is a dog and I'm sure it's very marketable there's this Masters of Disguise looking guy Julius I think he's trying to ask Ursa out he also drives through the Mansion gate uh revoking his driver's license then there's Jackie she's a reporter in attempts befriending Maddie after Grandma's arrest a marine biologist amelo shows up for a bit managing to be in a relationship with Maddie for a hot minute only for it to end when they go on a double date with Rody and Jackie and they break up because alilio decides to go fishing in bovia probably never returning until the game runs out of ideas and need to bring them back like a soap opera love can ruin you but Bass Pro will never let you down that's what hecky knows about I hope I said that right I don't care if I didn't I know there's like 50 million trillion characters but hey what are you going to do probably cry I mean I would this is a guy who lives in the lighthouse is from Finland and probably has a connection to Charlie I wish we could ask someone but unfortunately much of this game is Just story roadblox that we can hardly Whittle at one day while tending to the plaza of the Mansion Maddy gets a call from someone who claims seems to be Charlie I don't like the implications of that and neither does Grandma maybe they got into a fight and Grandma just claim he died that seems like a way to hide your problems but then she wouldn't be looking back at the memories fondly generally I just think this was not thought through the Mysteries keep prolonging and my patience keeps thinning oh also Deb is relevant now she moves into town just like all the other side family members we we don't care we don't care as much Deb is on a love quest she seems like the type to say she would be on a love quest and again somehow this ends up with Hank I'm going to assume they're meant for each other though considering both of them were okay with having a wedding where both of them are wearing pink suits oh oh yeah also uh Grandma's blackmailing Hank now great right at the wedding and when one of Deb's ex-husbands gives a horsey named Reggie so Hank he now now he goes missing and Rufus also will disappear at this point instead the family get a new dog Goldie give it like 2 months Rufus will come back now Michael Hank Hank's brother Michael him and Maddie start dating while Hank is still missing and as this is going on Jackie starts to take more initiative looking deeper into the family history becoming significantly closer with Maddie much to Grandma's disapproval we all know where this is going Graham is going to wave the file folder of death Jackie's entire reality is going to crumble and to make matters worse the city council the one who wants the Mansion torn down for causing more problems than anything they have a new head of things named Victoria and while all the Bolton Antics are going on while people are gone missing while grandma is being an objectively unlikable person Victoria has been sneaking around trying to find ways to get rid of the home anyway and as this is happening no I'm just kidding that that that's the current story that's everything okay you would think this series that markets itself as this storytelling Mastermind full of secrets and twists and turns would be this complex story where everything is a plot point and everything comes back with some sort of payoff uh no not only is this a mobile game this is a mobile game that doesn't know when it's going to end so it's going to keep the mystery just vague enough yet just open enough to where they can pump out one more chapter at any moment and end the story if need be like part of me wants to be a puled at this story and how wacky it gets but not only has in covering the storylines of moderately popular children's franchise shriveled me from a person I once used to be but it's also like I I I don't think there's enough to Warrant this level of complexity I mean look at the game play play the game and tell me this deserves to be held in shakes sperian levels of high regard doesn't that look exciting merge Mansion has the UN predictability of a graham cracker but at least you don't need to spend 3 years to make sure it's a graham cracker can't do that with merge Mansion I'm serious if this ends up being like a Truman Show situation where everyone is an actor hired by Grandma that would be like the only twist that I think would work at this point I would not be shocked this is not a story that can warrant a satisfying conclusion no matter what angle you take we already know all the routes of story like this can go Grandma's hiding stuff wao it's not like that's been established since day one or anything and now when the Mysteries are eventually revealed it won't be that crazy because every potential outcome has been shown off in an attempt to prolong everything the story beats have been repeated and now this takes up the same space of my mind that wondering who's going to end up with who in a sitcom does this is a sitcom where the main antagonist is built like a nutcracker all right all right let me be fair merge Mansion is designed and promoted in such a way that objectively speaking they want the audience to speculate and come up with their own respective ideas so I'll throw my hat in give a perspective of what I think is going on because that's what they want and it'll be funny if I'm very wrong and it'll be funnier if I'm very right so I think Grandma is still wanted by the mafia before marrying Charlie Ursula almost ended up with crutchley and then when Charlie and Ursula bailed them they put the two of them on the mafia list I also think this escalates to the greater Bolton family Leonard ran an illegal gambling ring a very real chance that there's conflict because of that just look at Ignatius Bolton look at him and listen to that name and tell me this man volunteered at soup kitchens no Mafia so then Charlie's in hiding and grandma has to pretend he's gone I'm going to assume that this time they're they're still wanted but also wanted to remain discreet so the mafia didn't go for the boltons after the marriage fell through and only in more recent years when they've become more vulnerable maybe that's why madd's parents passed away Mafia takedown and you know what screw it I'm going The Punisher route Grandma Ursula is taking down the entire Mafia with her giant collection of knives and hiding the remains in her meat pies I dare you to try make up an alternate argument do it do I dare you I dare you Grandma has full control of everyone and everything trying to set up Maddie to potentially attain normal scene and bring the family bloodline back on track now regarding Arthur and Hank both of them were blackmailed at such a level where their first instinct was to go missing Arthur hasn't shown up in years on account of multiple things Hank just went missing post wedding I don't know why grandma keeps waiting until the expensive and timec consuming weddings are set up but she keeps doing it I hate you also I'm just going to go with with a good old Mafia route once again maybe they're Associated maybe they're going to harm the Bolton bloodline does not matter get them out of here get all the men out of here get all the all the guys all the all the nuisances all the potential dangers away from Maddie make them rot make them rot Grandma except Rody he can stay he's he seems nice I really hope this ends up being real if I'm wrong I want to be unfathomably wrong because in that case I'm still the best at failing which means I'm still the best at something wherever this story proceeds I will continue to go the mafia route I could be proven entirely wrong I will still go Mafia route in the end merge Mansion is a convoluted story that in my opinion does not matter too much all the story beats have been set up the specifics maybe haven't but in the end I'm not all too sure that's a concern just by having the vague idea of where everything's going nothing matters Grandma's got like 5 years Max until you're in the grave please stop existing well folks I'm going to actually go play bowling I'm sure you've noticed the guilt statistics stick up there uh yeah not much else to add uh yeah make sure to unplug your phone it's good for preserving the battery life I feel like not enough people think about that you know nothing wrong with leaving it in for a little bit but there becomes a point where oh never again never go into a bowling alley again I need to leave this happens every time I come never again I'm clocking out bowling alleys bowling I'm done with them bye n
Channel: choopo
Views: 218,788
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bizarre lore, Bizarre lore of papas games, Choopo, Game lore, Game theory, Game theory merge mansion, Merge mansion, Merge mansion ads, Merge mansion commercials, Merge mansion grandma, Merge mansion lore, Mobile game lore, Mobile games, Pedro pascal merge mansion, fake mobile game ads, merge mansion ad, mobile game, mobile gaming ads, pedro pascal, the bizarre lore of rabbids, why do you look at tags?
Id: 17Kbmt9hNPE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 12sec (1092 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 06 2024
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