The BIG Reveal! What is THIS For?

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hello everybody Danny W back from pean Grove and guys look back here today's the big reveal today is the big reveal yes uh now the building still has a few more things that has to be done to it but uh hey we're going to tell you what it's about we're going to tell you a little bit about it today we are excited to have it to this point now it is nowhere near completion okay we got a a long way to go but it is in the dry that is what we were after and we didn't want to have to physically do it ourselves no I couldn't do it uh today you take like right now it's 92° heat index 10 101 5:30 in the afternoon 5:30 in the evening it's still that hot and the humidity is now the humidity right now the crazy thing about it this morning it was 99% right now was 47% so the humidity has dropped that's the only reason we're able to sit out here it kind of reminds me of when I was in Mexico uh it was 120° almost and I wasn't even sweating and I looked at the guy I was like dude how can it be that hot he goes there's no humidity we was down to like 20 something per humidity there so that Bird's coming close we're looking at this big old uh piled woodpecker just flew over the top he was real close uh but uh anyway so as you can see we have a building a really tall building with two sides first off let me say this one and I years ago began setting funds back because we knew we would not be at Deep South Homestead permanently uh as a matter of fact we looked all over we've told y'all before we looked over several States uh for a place to purchase uh and uh everywhere from Missouri to Arkansas to North Mississippi North Mississippi Tennessee Kentucky Alabama you know all these different places and we had good friends in different places that went and looked at the properties for us that we felt like we could trust but nothing God didn't ever no open a door no God did not open doors and the thing about it is with what we know is coming in our future we kind of felt like the Lord was telling us we already know what what it's like to live where we're at mhm for us to move somewhere totally different and with a different climate uh different weather patterns different gardening gardening techniques and all this kind of stuff it's not the time in life for us to be doing that plus being away from family even though we live an hour from any of our it's an hour if we had have moved different states that it would have been several hours yes and so as we age we kind of like to be within driving distance of family yeah we're not spring chickens anymore no so when the Lord opened up the doors for us to be able to purchase Pecan Grove uh we've told you the story Wanda fell in love with it I already knew about it he just hadn't seen it as it was now he saw saw it what 25 years AG 25 years ago I saw it while I was cruising some Timber through here and you know I was just like Lord is this it and we were got a confirmation from the Lord this was it he opened the door uh we was able to purchase it without no Realtors involved or anything like that and it was just like it was laid in our hands and we knew that it was God's will because it was easy yes and we really I mean we fell in love with every aspect of the place the first day yes and at we when we bought the place we we walked it we still haven't walked every single inch of it there's a few little spots that we haven't been on but there's reasons for that but um for the most part we've walked most of it and uh Danny's made trails and he's fixed it and we have steady since January 2023 been building infrastructure infrastructure yes fencing um remodel the barn uh redid the little white building things like that the pump house redone some things on the pum down put a whale down you know we've been doing all kinds of things that we knew needed to be done putting in gardens the high tunnel you know everything that we can think of that would make our life comfortable as we transition to pean Grove yeah and this what you see behind us here this is part of the transition that uh we planned on this has been in the making now for like two or 3 years or more and we've been saving funds for things like this and when the Lord opened the door for us to finally be able to find the right company to do it uh everything's been really easy the crew has been fantastic uh we want to give Anderson building here in Wiggins Mississippi or Perkinston I guess they're in Peron yeah um the people in the office are fantastic we we have been um Christian people enjoying sitting talking with them um we purchased the first little building from them is how we got to realize that they do these type buildings also yes and uh we decided it's time and you want to tell them what it's time for well guys in order for us to transition over here we have to have something in place before we can you can't just up and move stuff and not have somewhere to put it into an open field yeah you can't just drop stuff off in the woods in an open field now the equipment yes we've been doing that the barn is not big enough for what we need it is for Animals yeah the the barn is nowhere near what we need for what we have um the little white building is not big enough no as a matter of fact we've already packed the white building full and it's mostly just gardening stuff it's not really anything to do with my shop or anything and so you kind of just give it away didn't so we we decided that this right here was going to be the new shop for me to be able to put our equipment in and all my tools and stuff like that that I meic Woodwork in yes he owns a lot well the thing about it is at Deep South the shop that I had at Deep South it was half shop half Barn half butchering room uh it was milking room milking room for milking the animals all this kind of stuff was all in one building and everything's just cluttered over here at Pon Grove we knew we didn't want to get caught up in that again so we've tried to isolate the barn up here specifically for just cattle and feed and chickens and chickens and rabbits and you know stuff to that nature the shop right here uh my biggest problem at Deep South is I didn't have anywhere to get out of the weather to be able to work on anything his shop had a big door for him to go into but he had so much Lumber and tools and stuff in there that you couldn't even get in you barely can walk in the door much less get into mechanic on anything and there was no room to move it anywhere else right and so this is his dream shop yeah this is going to be my dream shop uh I figure I've saved and saved and saved and saved and I'm like you know what I might as well before I leave this earth have something that I've always wanted and and the Lord made it possible and guys I'm going to tell you I'm sitting here even though it's done basically except for a few things left to do to it now I have on a walk we we'll take you on a walk around in a minute but the the daunting task is how to lay it out you know it doesn't have any electrical in it right now it's all got to be power ran to it it's got to be water ran to it no walls no it has no it's just four walls you know and a roof and a and a roof up there so now I've got to begin to figure out how to do the inside of it so that it I can utilize it to its maximum capacity because I don't want it all left just open you know I want to be able to utilize each individual part of the building to to its fullest I I don't want to if God give it to me I want to maximize what the Lord has blessed us with here yeah so it is a shop for those of you who was wondering you said a cabin a a couple of people said shop a barini a barndominium all this kind of stuff no it's not that and where most people make a mistake at is when they purchase a piece of property they don't do the infrastructure they just jump on it and then they start piling stuff everywhere and one and I have we have just I didn't want it jumped up we didn't want to do that you know and so in order for us to transition here we need places to put things he is you are going to be putting an extra it will have an up a two up up well it won't be an upstairs but I mean it it'll have a loft above it let me put that with there'll be a loft in it and so we can put some boxes and stuff in there if we need to uh the downstairs like you said would be all his equipment the sides it's going to turn into our farm all Barn guys yeah the sides will eventually be closed in it's just that right now guys uh funds just are I mean are just not there to complete the entire task okay I mean it's going to be a bit by bit now yeah this point forward it'll just be a step by step to get there we wanted somewhere to par the Rangers the lawnmowers the tractor whatever we need and by having roll up doors on both sides he can go all the way through so that's his that's that was his dream is to have it where he could drive in and drive out either side and that's the one thing they have to do tomorrow is put the rollup doors up yes now for those of you who were wondering what the other little building was this is the come clean day okay uh the other small not totally but not totally but but the other small building that we had put on the property here is going to be a building lots of people thought it was a cabin a lot of people thought it was this and that you know yeah but what we've what we purchased that small building for and I've been actively working on the inside of it I'm a long way from having it done and that's why we haven't been able to make a lot of videos guys I've been tied up with this crew here here working on the other building Gard gardening canning canning all kinds of stuff we just hadn't had a time to make a lot of videos but that building will end up being a place where we process our meat at because uh it needs to be a separate facility from the other buildings that we have because there's going to come a day when uh you know who's going to want to inspect everything so we're going to go ahead because I used to build this stuff for these butcher shops and stuff like that I pretty much know what they're looking for so I've decided to design the inside of this building so that if there ever was any inspections it would pass it yeah at at Deep South The one thing is our butchering room is in his shop yes which was doubling as a barn and right outside the butchering room was where the Corral like was for the cows so if they had an issue with that or dust or dirt getting into the room we you know we want to eliminate some of the things that we've figured out from one place to the other yeah so uh that's what the other building was all our butchering equipment will go into it once we get it completed and we will show you pictures as we go along we'll we'll keep you up to date on what we're doing there yeah uh it's just that guys I've been busting my tail trying to get things done and now we're in the 100 degree heat index is here already and that means that in the middle of the day I'll have to figure out inside projects that I can do in this shop or in that building with a fan blowing on me because that's the only way I'm going to be able to stand this heat well in the little building you did put a little air conditioner 110 he could put in there and that's made it bearable for him to sit and wire and things only way I've been able to make it I had the inside of it spray foamed and that's the only way I've been able to make it bearable in there is I put a little 110 unit in a window and I've got it hooked to a a cord so that I can keep watch Dolly going under that that's candy candy I mean Candy's going under a bush that's been over and she just pushing and shoving and just having her field day out here but uh we just thought you know we'll take you on a walk around show you some pictures and this is what this side of it like our road is coming in around the fields yeah this is what you will see if you came in when you come in when you come in from one of our entrances we actually have several entrances uh when you come in for one entrance you will actually see this end of it here this would be what you see yes and the little building is this way the high tunnel's here so we'll go that way and you'll get other views and show you but a shop it is it is a shop that it don't call it a dream shop I don't know what we're going call Barn it ain't a barn it ain't a barn this is not going to have Barn attached to it this is the barn is up yonder over under we are not putting animals in this right no no animals goes in this one I refuse to have an animal in my one of the other problems was he had the farmal barn and he had the farmal in the barn with the cows and they keep it Dusty and here he hopefully can that's the problem I'm having in this Barn up here is it's in this Barn up here but but the cows are keeping up so much dust and dirt scattered and sted up that the tractor stays completely Dusty and filthy all the time and I just he wanted it where he can keep it clean wash it put it up and it's good for the next time yes and so we've got lots of ideas yes and works in progress a lot a lot a lot a lot of work to do guys that's all I can say is moving and setting up infrastructure we've been putting up fencing all around the property and everything lot more to go I got a lot of fencing left to go I was yesterday I spent the heat of the day yesterday pushing uh a fence row and a swamp back here on the back side of the property clearing it to for new fence to go up we're trying to get our perimeter fences up around the whole 40 acres and that is a chore because nothing has been done here in 25 years and it's and Katrina happened during that time so Hurricane Katrina did a lot of damage done a lot of damage a lot of the older trees have disintegrated and become dirt but the pine fat Pine lightered hat the fat Pine lightered hat and the bushes came up where they were not at and I'm having to push and clear all those bushes out sitting at right here was a jungle a year and a half ago you couldn't even walk through this I mean you'd have to tear your way through right here where all this building and all is and we had uh Mr Lance come in with his trackco and dozers and clean out everything and leave all the pecan trees I mean sitting around us right here part of what he did do right here the barn he came this way there there's 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 pecan trees right here around me that I had him leave cuz they're spaced out pretty evenly yeah and one day hopefully all these will grow up and make beautiful trees and have pecans on them now I may not ever live to see it but at somebody will be able to enjoy all these pecan trees here at pean Grove now this is nothing compared to what's on the property there's hundreds of them on the property and the reason I named it pan Grove is because the first time I walked it I was over by the old Pond well it was it's the theond Now it's theond now uh it was old and not very deep and it was all growed up and there was bushes everywhere Danny cleaned a lot over there yeah uh there were just trails that you could walk and and I walked through and I saw a pecan tree about this big round little bitty pecan tree there and I looked and I go Danny's always want of pecan trees hey there's at least a small pecan tree and I got to looking and there probably was four or five in that little area just there was a pathway through there and those trees were there and there was a lot of Just Junk trees everywhere and so when I told Danny he says really I said yeah cuz he didn't walk with me that day no and I said if if we buy this property it's going to be called pecon grve and he kind of laughed because he of it but once we started really looking there were pecan trees everywhere I did not know that day that there would be hundreds of pecan trees and some of them gigantic yeah so that's how come it it became pong gr so let's go walking let's go walking we'll show you guys what the building looks like okay this is the end wall of the building here we have two 10t lean twos one on each side of it we have an entrance door on this side right here with a rollup door on the other end down here okay this is another angle view of it here as we come around and what is the size the size is the concrete slab part is 30 by 40 with two 40ft lean tuos on each side 10t deep this is what we was telling you about the drive-thru I put in it I'll have two rollup doors on it one on each side that's identically across from one another so that I can pull something in one section work on it on the concrete and I pull right out the other side and keep on going or if you have two vehicles you can come in either side yes I can do it either way yes now we're on the back side of it uh this is the Shaded side you can kind of get an idea we made the back and the front identical to each other so that it wouldn't be too hard to figure out where everything needs to go in it but you can see it's uh looks tall there don't it it's 20 something feet to the top of it up yonder okay guys this is the other side of the building which is completely identical to the previous side that we just looked at of course you can see in relation to where the shop is as to where the greenh house or the high tunnel is in the background back there it uh there one the hands around here you can see where we were just sitting at around there filming the front side then when we look back the high tunnel is on the right hand side here okay all right as we come in you can kind of get a an idea here of the the size and what it looks like on the inside in here you tell you how high it is you can look at how there's three sections of scaffolding set up there and they don't even go all the way to the top of it so all right the door to come in yep it's over to the right hand side there and then you're going to start planning out what's going on this end on this end of it I will begin to plan out this is a 20 by 30 on this end right here to the rollup door yes to the rollup door and then from the rollup door there's a 10ft bay where the rollup door is and then there's a 10ft Bay on the back side of the rollup door that's also 30 ft across so we've got to decide where and how we want everything in here uh so that we can maximize the uh the space that we have here now the of course the part where you drive through where the rollup doors is there won't be anything going there that would just be an Alleyway through here where we can go and come through here to be able to work on things okay guys this is how things are in relation to one another here we have uh the room here that we will be using for our processing of meat now it will have a porch built across the front of it a little deck area with a roof over it and around the bottom will be covered in won't have to worry about that and then we have the shop in the background which matches it has light Stone uh metal on it with a black roof black trim and white doors and white doors uh with the high tunnel to the left hand side of that the old Tre yeah the older we get we decided that we wanted things close in proximity to one another so that we didn't have to do a lot of a lot of walking when we went from one place to the other all right guys we invite y'all to follow us on our journey from deep south over to pean Grove as we make this transition uh and I mean look we have things like our Bago beds we've already tried to lay these things out strategically and the only way you're ever going to figure out what we're doing here at pan Grove is to subscribe to the channel it's pagon grve Ms it's not just pean Grove peon grve Ms you should be able to find it really easy and W and I are going to be mainly filming and videoing here at Pecan Grove from this point forward Because deep south as we've already told you we will be transitioning from there to here deep south at some point in the future might be a year from now I don't know will be sold to someone else to be able to enjoy for their future because W and I is going to be turning Pecan Grove into our retirement place if we just don't know how long it's going to take uh it's a big project for two people our our age to to undertake to do and we've only been owning the property now a year and a half and we do things as we have the finances available to do them we're not going in debt we do not believe in going in debt so guys follow follow us on our journey and see what the Lord can do if you step out on faith and following thank you guys from pan Grove
Channel: Pecan Grove
Views: 23,557
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pecan grove, abandonded farm, creating a homestead, portable buildings, pole barn, converting a pole barn, building a shop, metal building construction, anderson enterprise, woodworking shop, mechanic shop, planning a homestead, how to design a homestead, meat processing building
Id: UlXbuylVUOo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 12sec (1452 seconds)
Published: Mon May 20 2024
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