Top Diet Changes that Make the Most Difference in Your Health! (Pantry Chat)

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hey you guys and welcome to this week's edition of The Pantry chat Food For Thought today we have our special guest Sally Fallon Morell I'm so excited to have her here and we're going to be talking about some of the top changes that you can make in your diet to give you the greatest uh health benefit the fastest the biggest oomph for your change when it comes to your health um and I'm just so excited to have Sally here like so many of you guys probably I feel like my cooking my approach to health everything really changed after reading her uh foundational book nourishing traditions and so she's been with she she may not know this but she has been a mentor to me in my kitchen for a lot of years and I really credit her and all of her work with the health of my family everybody is so healthy I'm so thankful for it for those of you guys who don't know her though um I want to give you a little bit of a bio here and that is uh as a best-selling author of the nutritional cookbook nourishing Traditions Sally falling Fallon Morell is the leading spokesperson for a return to nutrient dense diets including raw milk animal fats organ Meats bone broths and lacto fermented foods she is the founding president of the Weston A price foundation and a founder of a campaign for real milk she's also the president of the new trends publishing which publishes books on diet and Healthy Living including books in the nourishing tradition series there are several of them if you don't own them all you will want to they're incredible in 2009 she and her husband Jeffrey Morell purchased a Farmstead which is called the PA Bowen Farmstead where they produce award-winning Artisan raw milk cheeses Woodlands pork and pastured eggs and poultry um so she's not just writing about it she's not just researching it she's actually putting it into practice in her very own Homestead and Farmstead so I am very excited to get to welcome Sally fall and Morell Sally thank you so much for taking time and joining us here oh thank you Carolyn I'm happy to be here I remember when your husband was here and we my kitchen was full of cameras microphones when we did the broth series yes it's so amazing and that was just so neat for me because for so many years I'd been trying to get him to drink his broth you know after reading your book and then there he was actually in your kitchen and he came back telling me all these benefits of bone broth that he had learned and I thought that was yeah no you didn't even and to this day ever since being out at your place for that filming he has a cup of bone broth for breakfast every single morning so he's uh really practiced what he learned so it's been amazing but I I love that you guys have opened your own Farmstead and that you're really um you know taking what you learn to a whole different level and not just educating people about it but you're actually helping to provide amazingly healthy food to your community what's that Journey been like like going from writing about it and of course you're a cook anyway so you've been cooking but then to start providing food to the community well it's been a lot of fun um very challenging I love the role of of running a farm but um it opened my eyes to a lot of things this is not for the timid and you really do need resources before you can get started so you need to have some other type of income um you because your farm is not going to make income right away yeah and and you need things you need fencing you need chicken Pluckers you know you need a barn so um you need to make um business plan and double the costs and double the time yeah you might be okay yeah that's probably a good thing to think about with starting any small business but then you start adding in livestock to that mix we're depending on nature and it it really is even more true isn't it yeah and it really depends on having very good people work for you and which we have we have wonderful staff and I'm not the Hands-On farmer because I'm doing things like right but uh you definitely need people that you get along with for sure yeah yeah good thoughts that's great well as uh you know we look around the world today I feel like more and more people are sick they they're you know we just see this everywhere and pretty much everybody's sick unless they have totally thrown out all the processed food in their in their diets and stop getting vaccinated yeah it it's a it's pretty amazing how quickly this decline feels like it has happened to me I do not think that this was a case when I was a child most people were healthy that I was aware of but now it's like everybody's on a medication everybody has some syndrome or illness or autoimmune or something or other and it just seems to be getting more and more so um do you one of the yeah one of the reasons people are on medications is because they've lowered they've lowered the standards so that more people quote unquote need these medications a perfect example is blood pressure in the old days normal blood pressure was considered to be your age plus 100 over 90 and the NIH actually illegally changed those standards to uh it was 130 over 80 and now uh if you're 120 over 70 you're borderline hypertension so they pretty much put everybody on blood pressure drugs and these are terrible drugs and the worst part about them is you can't get off them you you can't get off blood pressure drugs cold turkey yeah so it's kind of this trap that we find ourselves in I think and so we have more and more people looking for answers and trying to get away from some of these pharmaceutical answers but I think on the other side there's so many opinions out there and modern answers I mean I I had one um naturopath that I worked with tell me that the only way to tell what foods were good for me or bad for me was to put it in some sort of a circuit and run electrical current through it with my blood to see like some of these things I was just like oh my goodness gracious you know I'm sorry I'm not sure that God made that system to work that way you know I just don't know sisters eat this food exactly right I mean that's a pretty new fangled answer even from the health side and so I think we have a lot of confusion about what should we be doing to get back to just it's deliberate it's deliberate on on the one hand you have the um kind of meat based diets the keto and carnivore and used to be the Atkins diet and then on the other hand you've got the plant-based diets vegetarian vegan and also the USDA guidelines which is mostly plants and these you've got these two extremes and um that's not where it's at it's it's you know the diets that Dr Price looked at they varied from very high in meat to very little meat and the people were still healthy so it wasn't the macronutrients it was the micronutrients it was the vitamins and minerals now I'm very familiar with uh your work with Dr a price in like studying him and what he's done but I for our listeners would you just give a really quick like background in who Weston a price was and the work that he did yeah Weston Price was a dentist he had a practice in Cleveland Ohio in the 20s 30s and 40s and he was asking himself you know why are my patients so sick why do they have mouths full of uh Decay and in infection and why don't they have straight teeth why do they need braces and have overbites and underbites because the world was opening up at that time and the report that always came back back about traditional people Untouched by modern civilization was that they had beautiful teeth beautiful wide smiles and so he decided to find out whether this was true and if it was true what these healthy people were eating so he spent 10 years of his life from 1931 to about 1942 uh traveling to remote parts of the globe and um describing the People's Health couny cavities in their mouths and uh then describing the foods that they ate and these diets were all very different but in analyzing the foods which he took home to his laboratory he found that they were very rich in minerals and very high in what he called the fat soluble activators those are vitamins a d and K which we get from animal fats organ meat certain types of seafood uh all all the foods that we're being told not to eat were the foods that were most important to these traditional people yeah that's amazing and those are a lot of the things of course that we're very shy on today like you said they're being told not to eat them that they're not healthy and stay away from them yeah the the propaganda has been so intense that people believe that it's vulgar to eat lard and that uh it's indulgent to eat butter and those are two very wonderful important fats to have in your diet yeah I no wonder you you get sayings like you know when people say something well it doesn't taste any good so it must be healthy right like no that's the wrong kind of healthy well and I do like to stress that there's no renunciation in our diet there's no extremes it's just going back to the foods of our ancestors um you're in our diet you can have salt you can have sauces you can have butter all the butter you want you can have dairy products as as long as they're the right kind of dairy products and um but always from uh natural sources so grass-fed animals especially yeah so let's just Dive Right In if somebody is looking at this world and they're like oh my goodness I'm not well people around me aren't well all of this diet information that is out there is so conflicting um in your opinion confusing very very confusing what are the top three things that you can do that going to give you the most bang for your buck as far as health goes when it comes to changing your diet yes well number one we we say get your fats right fats get your fats right go through your house in your kitchen and throw out all the industrial seed oils this is really the number one thing that's killing us they weren't in our diets before 1900 and they're they caused cancer they cause heart disease they interfere with growth and development in your children they uh interfere with hormone production so throw away the oils the you know pan sprays the margarin and those spreads so-called healthy spreads the um mayonnaise and the salad dressings and all this stuff made with these disgusting industrial seed oils and what do you use instead well butter is the number one food particularly grassfed butter um use it liberally and uh then we cook in lard from you know pastured pigs from Woodlands pigs uh Tallow is a great animal fat and then I'm more and more stressing the poultry fats Goose duck and chicken because these are great sources of vitamin K2 which is Dr Price's xfactor and so no skinless you don't have to eat skinless chicken breasts okay you youat eat the skin with the fat in it and when you bake a chicken you make a gravy with the fat that's in the pan like our ancestors did and they didn't realize what they were doing but they just ate this chicken in the most delicious way they could and they were getting the vitamin K that they needed I've got so many thoughts going through my mind right now because I feel like our health changed so much when we started changing our fats and it but it did a few unexpected things for us one is that all of a sudden we didn't want the sugars anymore fats rais dopamine and that's what sugar does and there was a wonderful study that I wrote about um so these researchers had got their rats addicted to Sugar they had the sugar water or whatever and then they've fed them a diet of 40% lard and the WFTS did not want the sugar water and the researchers were saying that this was a bad thing that the rats did not want their tasty treats anymore um because they were eating all this what they call the chronic high fat diet to make it sound like this is a bad thing but so many people have told me this when they give themselves permission to eat butter and cook in lard and eat bacon and eat egg yolks um the first thing they do is gorge on these Foods because they haven't had them in a long time and the body needs them so badly so first thing they do is Gorge but then after a while usually takes two or three months they've taken in the fats that they need they don't want as much and then they notice that they don't want the sugar as much either it it was a big change for us and I think we followed that exact pattern where at first we were you know we had all the jokes in the house about um liking a little bit of bread with our butter you know because all of a sudden we felt like we could go ahead and eat it and but there came a point where it was like no I've had enough I don't actually want that much butter on my bread I want a little bit less but yeah it was drastic the the change in our taste for sugar and for sweet things it just it and I would have said that I was one of those kind of sugar addicted I grew up on candy on all this stuff I also grew up on a lot of really really good food um so luckily we had liver at our table we had a lot of really good food my mom never used margarine it was always butter um and so we had lots going for us but itely F Su but uh so this was a big change for me and I've never gone back to wanting the sugar in the same way yeah it's really very interesting the other thing you find is you don't want to eat between meals when you eat a meal let's say you eat bacon and eggs for breakfast and you have plenty of butter at lunch you don't think about eating between meals and and then suddenly you're hungry and and you eat but you're not snacking all morning or all afternoon okay so let's talk about the next thing that you think is the most important after fats um and after getting your fats right what's the next thing that we can do well the next thing is go Raw on the dairy raw cheese raw milk raw cream if you can get it and that may be really shocking to some people especially today when all this fear porn is going out there about how raw dairy is going to give you bird flu kill you you know um there celebrating the 100th anniversary of the first mandatory pasteurization laws in New York in 1913 but what they're not telling people is that when they passed that law in New York everybody recognized that raw milk was more was healthier but they passed the law so it would be uh less expensive to regulate and they said that right in the meeting I got an email today and it was from a reporter and she said well I've just read this article about how since the bird flu thing raw milk sales are going up she said can you explain this to me and I said yes I said raw milk drinkers are very smart their brains are working and they're not very easily fooled and they know that the FDA and CDC are lying to them so I don't know if she'll email me back but yeah so I hope all this backfires on these people they've been through this before they they know the animosity against raw milk and um it doesn't bother them because they're drinking raw milk they're not getting sick uh they their health has improved they know how delicious it tastes uh they're not suffering from anaphylactic shock you know there are 20 or 30 deaths per year from anaphylactic shock to ultra Pastor milk and they don't mention that so it's the industrial milk that's really dangerous it's not the raw milk it's even hard to find statistics on those things because you go look up you know uh safety of milk and that's not what you read about anywhere well we've kept statistics we have a lot of articles on this at um so you know when you really look at it if anything raw milk is safer than pasteurized milk but it's certainly not more dangerous yeah yeah I absolutely believe that now somewhere back many years ago and I I have to go and look this back up and see the page but I believe in nurse Traditions do you have a page that you say one of the most important things that you can do for your health health is to get a milk cow if you can yeah did I say that a lot of people did a lot of people did but now raw milk is so widely available uh yes at our website where you can find raw milk put your ZIP code in or your state in um we have over 3,000 listings now and when we started there were only 20 listings so it's widely available there's only a few states where you can't get it which is wonderful you know that that's just proof that when we vote with our wallet it actually makes a big difference doesn't it it's a big deal we actually went out after reading some of those things and went and got a milk cow on our side and have never turned back the uh you know the few months where she's dry out of the year as we're giving her a break before the next calf are like our sad moments in our house and and even other people's raw milk doesn't taste as good as our raw milk you know so I think you really get attached to that but like so many things I've found is that when you first have something that's healthy like real healthy and seriously nourishing at first your taste buds maybe aren't accustomed to it but then after a short period of time your body craves that so much that it's the only thing that tastes good and I know raw milk products can be that way for people they can you know have a little flavor at first well and the other thing is that the people who go to raw milk by and large they cannot drink industrial milk it makes them sick gives them a headache makes them throw up makes them pass out and so the dairy industry thinks it's going to bring these customers back but it's not because people just can't drink this stuff and the ultra pasteurized milk which is 95% of the milk on the market is heated to 284 degrees Fahrenheit way above the boiling point and there are studies showing that it's mutagenic cytotoxic it's the the proteins are so warped and distorted that they become toxic to the body so the dairy industry is not going to get these customers out back whatever they do it's hard you know you don't go back to something that makes you feel awful it's the biggest change or it makes you sick or makes your children sick you're not going to go back to it you know my grand son was getting the mil cartons in school and he got asthma and we taught him not to drink that and got him raw milk and the asthma's gone and what a wonderful lesson for a four year old to learn he said oh Sally and I when I drink that milk at school I get asthma it's it's amazing how much actual change happens like in your body how long do you feel like it takes most people to notice that change if they make a complete change from you know the pasteurized Dairy into raw dairy is it pretty immediate for most people it's pretty immediate uh one of the most I won't say most common but I have had um parents say to me you know once we got them off pasteurized milk and put them on raw milk we saw a change immediately in their behavior they calmed down they could concentrate better they didn't get in many fights the temper tantrums went away and we really began to like our children we didn't like them very much before but now we they're great kids you know well they're all great kids but everybody needs to be fed right and when you're giving your child a pasteurized milk you're giving them a a whole a glass of foreign proteins and all the enzymes necessary for absorbing the nutrients they've all been destroyed so what's the point and what's that do to our little brain brain you know that are developing and having to live on that and you know at the best it's essentially sugar right as as that like that's the best case scenario is you're unbalancing their blood sugar by making all of that hit their blood sugar um without all the proper especially when it's all so skinned all the nonfat oh my goodness everybody's drinking non-fat milk yes they take the fat out and that's just a crime they need that I mean why is it there because mammals need fat to develop normally and if you look at um milk replacer for Cales the third ingredient is animal fat be because they know they need the cholesterol they need all the stuff in animal fat the vitamins the fatty acids and so forth and this I mean the idea that we should give children skin milk to avoid wak gain does not t with the evidence the evidence shows that children on skin milk and lowfat diets gain more weight and and are more addicted to Sugar but I can tell you why the reason is that the butterfat is actually the most valuable part of the milk and the industry has figured out that by taking the butterfat out of the milk and putting it in ice cream they can make five times more or even greater than five times more money on the butterfat so why waste this valuable butterfat on growing children so these decisions are being made by accountants and what they want the child to do is be on the skin milk all day long the body is craving for the butter fat which it needs and then at night the child or the adult or whatever goes to the freezer and eats a half a gallon of ice cream that's what the industry wants us to do yeah I mean it makes sense you can't charge any uh very much more for whole milk versus skim milk but you can turn it into two separate products and charge that way can't you no no exactly exactly so this whole campaign about drinking skim milk is uh being promoted by the accountants in these companies how can we make the most money from this butterf and then of course they have skin milk as the waste product and um they want us to drink this awful skim milk which is you know you when you take protein without the fats that's really a bad thing to do to your body yeah we need to go back to whole milk and butter and what do you do with the uh buttermilk after you've made butter and the way after you've made cheese you have a feed to the pigs with chickens that's what Farmers used to do but if you have a single species Farm that's not going to work yeah absolutely like so many of the big dairies are now is completely single species you couldn't have pigs right next door to give all of that waste product to you um that's what we're actually looking like at here on our Homestead is that we by uh accidental circumstances have ended up with two milk cows this year that are both uh due to freshen very soon and I'm going oh dear what are we going to do with all of this milk that's going to come into the house and we've decided you know we are going to keep them both and milk them both and we're just going to start clabber it for the chickens and feeding the pigs with the skim milk after we pull the cream off because we always need more cream there's never enough yeah if you feed uh whole milk to pigs they will not fatten they will not get fat and the whole point of pigs is to get that great fat right but if you feed skin milk to pigs they will get fat oh that's great and quickly well there you go diet industry that's that's great you see how to seedy this this is they've made us afraid of fat and so what this is created is a kind of monster food system where the fat that you need they're making you pay a huge premium for it and mixing it with sugar and other horrible ingredients like anti-freeze how how do we change this we Chang this by buying directly from small farmers by supporting them we're not going to change this from the top that's for sure yeah yeah absolutely well and I think it's important to bring out here we're talking about the difference of whole milk and skim milk what you buy in the grocery storees whole milk is not actually whole milk as it would come out of a cow it's something closer to like 4% milk right what comes out of the cow it should be three to 5% fat maybe more like four to five% fat and that's that's how nature makes Milk yeah uh by the way milk for I think it's reindeer is 25% fat oh wow that's amazing okay so moving on let's talk about the third thing that you would do to make the biggest impact on health so the Third change is to make broth bone broth from chicken bones beef bones um fish bones okay and and consume that frequently either as a mug of chicken broth or in a gravy or a sauce or soup or stew and this again is what our ancestors did they ate meat with the collagen and that's what broth is it's melted collagen and they our bodies are composed of muscle protein and collagen proteins basically and if you just eat muscle proteins you're going to get some kind of imbalance there probably likely to develop arthritis a lot of um stiffness and pain and your skin will not look so good because you need collagen for healthy skin your digestion might fail uh because you need collagen for aligning the digestive tract uh so yeah learn to make broth and use it all kinds of creative ways in your cooking yeah let's talk for a second about different ways to make broth uh to use it in the kitchen because um you know we have a lot out there if you guys I've got to say it again if you don't have a copy of nourishing Traditions please go get it like you just this is something that you should have in your kitchen but there's also you have Nour nishing broths as a separate book and yes I wrote a book called nourishing broth which has great recipes in it uh the even the editors who don't often compliment you said they love the broth the sauce section was really thorough and all these different ways of using broth uh to make delicious sauces and you know meat tastes better with a sauce and there's a reason for that the sauce has the melted collagen in it and usually has fat in it like cream or butter and so you're basically eating the whole animal when you make chicken with gravy okay especially if you chop off the liver into the gravy then you really are getting the whole animal which makes so much sense you know it's only in this like Factory world that we live in that we would even consider eating something like boneless CH uh skinless chicken breasts skinless chicken breast no one would do that unless they were being hered by the dietitians you wouldn't but if you were growing your own animals there is no way historically that you would ever just pull the breast off of an animal and then just let the rest of it go to waste because we don't know what to do with the bones or the fat or all these other things it just wouldn't have happened historically in fact the way people used to cook was in put everything in a big pot um it was either cast iron pot or if you're in the South sees a big shell or even an underground oven where everything kind of melts together and you get sort everything the blood the meat the the collagen the organ Meats the bones okay that's that was typical of how people ate we've gone to an our household um since we raise and butcher our own meat chickens we've gone to saving the chicken feet and the heads and necks and putting those back in along with all of the organs and we'll just put the entire thing into the broth pot to start or we will roast the entire thing and then pull the meat off that we want and put that into the broth pot and um it is amazing now how absolutely thick and gel-like our broth always is it turns into like you can cut it with a knife literally which is the sign of a yeah good broth right exactly although I I and I think I demonstrated this I cooked the broth twice so the first cooking in the crock pot and and then take that out um that will be like you say you can cut it with a knife and that's kind of our mug broth that's what we drink but then the second cooking you get a thinner broth but it's still great and that's what we make soup with that's amazing and so when you go to the store and you get this broth that is like always no matter how much you chill it it's it's always liquid like let's talk about what you buy it never gel it never no matter what the temperature is what is that stuff you get from the store and well that's usually water plus um MSG flavorings and the MSG is what gives processed food The meat-like Taste it's also extremely toxic especially to the hypothalamus which is the master gland the seat of impulse control and the Really the seat of um oxyen you know the cuddly hormone so it's without the broth makes us a Kinder society and culture real broth real broth yeah yeah so it's one of those things it's so ubiquitous to have that box of broth or that can of broth on your shelf to add into all sorts of different things but it's it's one of those things that just has to go it's not the real thing it's not the real thing and not only is it not real but it's actually highly toxic so it's like the the exact opposite end of the spectrum when it comes to your health you know it's not hard to get into the broth habit at least for chicken broth you just buy whole chickens save the bones and put those into the crockpot now if you can't get feet and heads one thing you can get at supermarket is a pig foot some stores do carry chicken feed I've seen them at Whole Foods in Austin Texas for example and I've actually seen them at the giant here in our little town so they'll get them for you well that is just wonderful and and those things make great additions I know I've started putting in any um beef bones that I have right in with my chcken broth too and people everybody says oh this broth is so good today like we love the flavor in the broth and it just adds a real richness to it flavor-wise one of the things that I know I noticed in your broth cookbook is that you actually had a lot of combinations of different types of meats or bones that were put in together to make different broths yes you can you can mix the bones well thank you so much Sally we just absolutely love having you here thank you for these three tips you guys this is going to help change your health so much um if you just follow these three different things get that as your starting point by the way let me just say you know the the broth is so good for your digestion and your mood uh I came home the other day and was getting some kind of stomach thing little bit of food poisoning maybe and I pulled some broth out of the freezer and made a mug of broth and it was like instant I just as soon as I drank that mug of broth it all went away so and it's very helpful for mood there's there's a truth to Chicken Soup for the Soul yeah not only does it feel good on your body but that translate into how the rest of our our being feels too so valuable exactly thank you for your time Sally just really appreciate it and you guys make these changes get yourself a copy of nourishing traditions and uh make sure you actually start implementing these things thanks Sally thank you thank you bye bye
Channel: Homesteading Family
Views: 27,232
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Homesteading, Homesteading Family, healthy eating, healthy diet, healthiest foods, healthy foods, healthy diet (diet), health foods, healthiest foods to eat everyday, healthiest foods to eat, healthiest foods in the world, healthy food, healthiest foods on the planet
Id: Bedh9UbYGKw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 22sec (2122 seconds)
Published: Sat May 18 2024
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