Vintage Style Small Town restaurant now open in Madison, North Carolina

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well Jennifer's fixed me up a plate here of Meatloaf mashed potatoes and gravy and uh macroni salad gosh that's a big piece of Meatloaf I don't know that I can eat all that at one time but I'm going to try [Music] hello everyone it's John W the appalachin channel and I'm back in Madison North Carolina back at the Madison dry goods store and now there's Brigg's family kitchen here I was here last year in February and we made a video and if you've not seen that just search Madison dry goods on the Apple acan Channel and you'll find it and I told Med I said soon as you get somebody in here in the kitchen uh running the restaurant we'll be back to film cuz everybody likes to eat right and so now you can come visit and go to the dry goods store shop buy some stuff there then you can go over to the kitchen and have some lunch with Jennifer and boy she does some good cooking she's going to make some macaroni salad yep macaroni salad meatloaf barbecue um baked macaroni and cheese baked beans and some banana pudding oh my goodness I can't wait it's going to be good and sm's going to show us around a little bit some of the local food products that he sells and boy you've really increased on your uh inventory of different products you Carri cuz you you just been here about a month when I come the first time that's right he has got stock full of stuff and we're going to go in and check it out come on guys let's go let's go so I'll let you go over and take care of your customers and SM is going to show us around a little bit all right so SM show us this cash register you've had this when it was here last time but you've added a few things to it this time different that's right that's right um so this is uh still the same cash register from um 1897 um it's not original to the building but it's uh it actually predates the building by a few years if you can believe that but it still works like a charm and we still use it for all of our cash transactions uh We've added this uh piece here this automatic cashier uh it's amazing how much time it takes to make change for people so this just makes it super easy when I know how much change to give them I just push the button and it deposits the exact amount of change we have to carry 50 cent pieces here because the machine uh isn't I guess smart enough to know that it doesn't have those 50 cent pieces in there but as you can see if I push 42 it Depo deposits it right down here and gave us the right amount of change how about that what year is that date back to you think that's probably from the 20s I would guess um it's like I said said it's not original to the building but there probably would have been something very similar to that here in the building so let's talk let's take a little walk around uh the dry goods part here you have a tremendous amount of antiques that you collect and we talked about that when I was here before that you uh started that as a kid didn't you that's right that's right and I've been collecting ever ever since and in fact uh there's probably even more stuff than last time uh you oh yeah they're definitely more stuff oh yes oh yes it's it gives me plenty of room in this big old building to be able to display a lot of the things that I've gotten uh we carry a lot of vintage toys um now the register if you remember used to be on this side the register throughout the history of the building hasn't been in the same spot so I didn't feel very uh I didn't feel the need to have to stay here but by moving the reg towards the front now I can utilize the shelves here so we carry a lot of vintage toys now on this side we have a men's section and it gave us some more room for some hats as well so everything on these bottom shelves are set then everything up here's display looks like that's right that's right I mean people try to buy some of the things some things if I'm not too uh connected to I'll I'll sell but most of the things you see some of the things are local you know an old uh fan here from when the store first opened as well as like this sign came from next door when it was Buck's department store back in the early days so you like collecting local products I do I do and in fact uh you'll see I mean even more products here and uh there uh this recently I acquired this came from um actually the wholesale company that was just down the street uh grogan's grocery it's about two or three Stores um storefronts down the street now here's one I had as a kid oh yes yes I got that actually when I was younger as well that's one of the things and in fact most of the things I can tell you where I got them are when I got them oh yeah you remember what's what's the oldest item you've had around here oh goodness oh goodness um Pro actually it's this clock here I remember um at least the first thing that I purchased with my own money that clock there I purchased when I had just got my driver's license I went to an estate sale and I found that in an old garage and it wasn't working now I don't have it wound up but I had it fixed recently so you you may just hear that chiming when you come in the door well how about that and I I think I bought a t-shirt from you I wiar it all the time Madison uh Dry Goods is a burgundy shirt oh yeah when I was here so you got a lot of stuff to do with the uh recreational area around here Dan River that's right yeah uh we're probably hop skip and jump away as they say around here from the the river so we have a lot of tubers that go down the river kayakers canoers um so we get a lot of traffic from that as well um the in that well I guess the out point is just down the street behind the Clock Tower so a lot of people once they leave the river they want to come shop in town and so we carry a lot of shirts that relate to um the river here in town I see seems like you've expanded your women's clothing line since I was here before we have we've about doubled our merchandise I mean on both sides really uh the ladies in fact I've got so many clothes and different items in here now that we're trying to uh make room for some new products coming in currently um in fact you may see these big old jeans that I found recently these are size 66 if you can believe that so we carry a little bit for everybody something here for6 that's right that's right uh so they they are quite large but they they're hanging up there and you you know in Old General Stores you could find about everything you need so I like this ladder when was here last time that was original to the hardware store this was a hardware store I don't think we mentioned that this time it was it was it was pin hardware and it was pin hardware for about 90 years until 1995 when the dry goods store moved in here and Richard and Kathy Miller started that and uh made it pretty much into what you see today of course I've changed a few things here and there but it's uh is pretty much stayed intact and everything you see the wooden floor still squeak you may hear that and they are they are original to the to the building as well we got some books over here little Free Library so yeah that's something I don't know if it was here last time you were here but we uh did that shortly after I moved in and uh we're the only official little Free Library here in downtown and I wanted some uh somewhere that people could come that like to read they can sit here in the rocking chairs um or they can take the books home with them they're completely free we get donations uh from several local people here in town and kids can come here we have kids books they can take them home and read um we just like to just spread uh the reading mind as far as we can so right so yeah this is uh was this counter original to the store maybe this one this one wasn't Richard uh recreated this actually the only counter that's original is this one over here okay um and that one's uh never been moved so that's that is the original counter um to the to the store but Richard and Kathy did a good job of recreating them um to make them look very similar to the to the original one that was here in town and the hardware store opened up when what year originally 1908 1908 R to 1990 it did just just after 1990 um about 1993 or 1994 I guess and the VAC the building set vacant for a short period and then uh Richard was walking down the street one day when he moved into town and was eyeing this building and knew that he wanted to make it into an old dry good store and that's what you see before you here today and this right here was talking about your seed rack you got this rack actually from a place we filmed before hey that's right Kathy's place up in wut Cove North Carolina at just PL country I was eyeing this and one of her vendors uh actually brought it down from New York and so this is probably about period to the to the building um it probably was used for maybe receipts or maybe even seeds but we saw that and knew we wanted to carry seeds that one of the local farmers here in town cultivates and uh used it for that well that's interesting are you selling many seeds right now is it that time of year yes that time of year it's starting to get warm you know we just had a rainfall earlier and so it's uh it's it's a good time to plant all kinds of different seeds and things you got somebody new working here that wasn't here last time do I do this is Miss Tanya Miss Tanya works here so when you come here you may just see Tanya she's a sweetheart uh she's known all throughout the town um she has her family Roots here in town so she's a a vital part of the dry goods experience now when you come here I can see working with family so that's sweet thank you are you the one uh that's helped him get some of the ladies clothing and jewelry jewelry and all that going on um a little bit of yeah my opinions in there for I noticed there's a little bit more of a uh women's clothing and stuff than last time that's right yeah she she helps me out I'm a little uh novel to that to that so she she helps me out when I need it for sure so I saw you got some packages in just a little while ago you got oh yes stuff coming in all the time lots of packages and you know uh we get them about every day it seems and we had to find a place to put all the boxes so we try to hide them away and then we load up a truckload of them uh we have a vendor uh that moved in I guess probably shortly after your last film and this is Miss Alita she's originally from Rockingham County and lives in uh wut Cove now actually and she makes all kinds of pottery she makes them at her house there and she even made us if I can find one they here these are some Madison dryg good mugs that she made for us we had them commissioned and she hand makes all of them and in fact she's a perfectionist she'll tell you herself uh she brought in some samples of I think it was was this one and I asked her if I could if I could sell it or if I could have it for the first one and she said no you can't have this one the handle's not exactly where it needs to be so I have to destroy it and I said oh gosh but uh she she does really fine work we have mugs uh for the dry goods as well as these mugs for the clock tower down the street um says for all those who served which is on the clock face here in in town so the other building where the kitchen's at and all the food is that was a different business at one time it was it was there was actually a wall right here so that separated the two sides um and then eventually well in fact right even to this day this has two separate addresses this is 104 this is 108 uh but right now of course we have it as as one building one bu then we won't walk upstairs right now but you got vendors quite a I sure do yeah we have about uh 14 to 16 vendors upstairs at any given time uh antiques woodwork uh Pottery as well as up there um so uh we've got the museums upstairs which we've recently changed around a bit so uh that that will be a new experience when you go up there as well so this is some of the stuff we was talking about a little while ago that you said sold really good for you yeah so this is Miss Mary's products Miss Mary is an older lady that um lives not too far away from here now um in North Carolina and I found out recently that her family farm actually budded up against my uh my great grandpa's farm in stok stale North Carolina but she's well known for her products she makes them all with her um her sister and she's well known for her squash relish as well as her um chowchow her chowchow does really good and it's wonderful it's so good in fact I tell people I can just eat it out of the jar uh with a spoon it's so good and then uh we also have apple butter we're well known for our our apple butter um which is juice sweetened so if you have any sort of sugar issues um this is a great product to be able to eat and not have to worry about your blood sugar um so I don't know that you had this cooler last time I don't think maybe this yeah and we we've done some rearranging over here we tried to pack it full as of as many local products as we could of course cheer wine is a a locally made product here in North Carolina was founded here so we carry all of their products as well we started carrying Amish product that's that's a pretty new um thing that we've started doing here um we get it all uh shipped in and uh bar soaps jams jellies pie fillings uh Taffy these are uh locally made as well uh po holders cookbooks all kinds of all kinds of goodies further down we have our new Candy rack our new old candy rack I should say this uh this came from um an old um tool store probably I don't know 30 minutes from here and I found it on uh on the internet and I needed a new place to put the the candy and had this vision in mind I guess so we we pack it full of candy and we sell a ton of candy actually so this uh this did really well and of course the kids love coming by here and spinning the rack and seeing what kind of candy they can uh get their parents to buy them so yeah you got more stuff you you just got so much more stuff you you've been buying stuff hey that's right that's right you got more shelving and you've added so much yeah and a lot of the um the furniture you see in here is local um a lot of the pieces that are green came from uh RJ Reynolds tobacco company and Winston Salem and in fact the table that all the Amish product is on um is called RJ Reynolds Green so if you see any furniture that's made or painted with that color that's typical of what RJ Reynolds painted all their furniture with another addition is these Booth over here these Booth I I recently acquired and we put them in here they may look like they've been here forever but they've only been in here for a couple months this came or these came from Miss rabbits um which Ran New Way Lunch for over 50 years until her death in 1997 her name was Lily nunam and these booths set in her small um Grill area so she did hot dogs um and she typically had bags of chips it was a really small space and so you can see the wear and tear and how many people came and sat in these booths over 50 years yeah I love them they're they're just great addition like you said they look like they they was originally here that's right that's right they just needed a little bit of cleaning up but we didn't do anything to refinish them and um you know people that are local to hear are just so happy to be able to see them again and they remember them from when they were a child and sitting in the booth and eating eating eating hot dogs with their parents now this is new too the C yeah this this also may look like it's been here for a while this is an old uh wolw worth counter um that came out of a wallsworth up in Virginia um it still has the the original top here you can see the crack in it but we haven't done anything to try to fix that and that's quite original the napkin holders are kind of neat too they're enamel um enameled on the outside and people love just coming in here sitting the kids of course love spinning in the chairs I guess that's something something that uh has transcended time you know kids love to sit there and spin around in them but we enjoy having families come in here early on in in the mornings especially on Saturdays uh Jennifer does hot homemade cinnamon rolls on Saturday mornings and uh people come here and pack these seats here at the at the counter here's a table full of dips and cheesecakes and all kinds of uh drink mixes uh this I enjoy because I'm not a cook myself but I can even do these you just put a couple ingredients in the in a bowl you mix them together put them in another bowl and then you're done so it makes feasting easy at family events then we've added some local North Carolina uh coffees that's another uh coffee down there woodswalker coffee and then another interesting one is uh As Good As It Gets salsa we carry her her products she's in germing as well not uh far from the just plain country store where you filmed and she makes that all um in her home well I I think this is the most local products I've seen in one place you know that's uh you've really done a great job on trying to bring people the local uh products that's you know that's uh made by small companies you know that's right that's right and we we try to shop as local as we can get you know even I mean the most local actually are these peanuts the Methodist men's peanuts they came from literally the next street up uh Within two minutes walking distance so when we get these they are literally too hot to handle I mean you you grab this jar and it's still hot from where they where they cook the peanuts so you can't get fresher than that well well I think that Jennifer's getting ready to put some food together I'm going to go back and uh see if we can't get some cooking tips that's great get some lunch and uh I'll be back with you in just a little bit all right we'll see you all right thanks Smitty all right so this was my grandma's recipe I called her grandma Shay um um she's my mama's mama and she was a truck driver but everybody knew her for her cooking her chocolate pies but especially her banana pudding and her big old biscuits and um of course I have like quadruple this recipe but um this is what seems to be everybody's favorite I have it about every other week if not people get angry but um like I said she she was a truck driver but when she came in off the road she uh she loved to cook and we always um she would take me to roses and buy me a new night gown every time she came in off the road and we would make biscuits together and banana pudding and uh that was that was our little thing and uh I miss her she passed away in 2000 and um this is how we keep her m Alive by baking all of her things that she was known for so um yeah everybody is everybody's favorite so tell us a little bit about how it came about that you opened the restaurant here what what that about um well back in 2020 um I had my son Welden and um we were living in an old house and we were not allowed to leave our houses at that time but uh because of the big sea word but uh I don't know if I can say that or not um but one day I woke up and I was like I really I really want a cheesecake I want a blueberry lemon cheesecake and um went to the store I looked up a recipe got what I needed came back home and made it and I posted a picture on Facebook about it and when um when I did everybody was like oh my gosh I want to buy one of those so I started taking orders and then it expanded into pies and different types of cakes and all kinds of other stuff and then I got really into um like the really fancy decorated sugar cookies let me another bag of this real quick um I got into the decorated sugar cookies and um Smitty actually contacted me one day and um asked if I'd be interested in making some for an event that he had going on and uh we actually we went to school together we've known each other forever we grew up together and um so I I took on the job it was like 160 cookies for this event and um after that we started talking about um me coming and being a part of this and then uh the space came available in um the the end of December and he contacted me and was like hey would you be interested I said of course and um before this I was moving mobile homes with my family since their family business and um I jumped from driving a truck to this straight to It Wide Open so um yeah it's been a a big change from being on TR all day to this but um I like it I like it a lot um on Mondays and Tuesdays when I'm here prepping and everything um my youngest son comes with me and then after school our oldest son he comes here after school and they hang out and greet all the customers and my husband just works right up the street so he comes and sees me every day for lunch he'll actually be here in just a little bit so was you over the road driver or local uh we were Lo well we pulled for um Clayton Holmes in different areas mostly out of milary um and then doing individuals as well um but we were home every day so it wasn't um like over the road but my grandma grandma was over the road she'd be gone for 3 months at a time um but no we uh we stay pretty local to the area um but yeah it was hard job moving houses this is physically this is a lot easier mentally not so much now why is that um well physically you know lifting the tires and axles and you know you're talking 100 lbs at a time just yourself carrying cind block and so you set them up too you deled them and set them up yes sir yourself uh no my family I worked with my family um my dad and my mom they own their own business doing that and um he's been in business since 93 and um that's kind of where I got my knowledge of small business I guess I always knew I wanted to have my own business I just didn't know what kind of always thought it would be you know moving houses I would just take over but um turned into this but um yeah so I I learned a lot growing up how to run a business and seeing how they interacted with everyone and I I think I was on the job site for the first time when I was 2 weeks old they took me with them every day to work until I started kindergarten and um that was that was real fun that's all I knew going into school was big trucks and um even all through school summertime that's what I done and then um I worked out a martial arts academy for about 6 years and I ended up um not working there and then after 6 years I I went back to work with my dad full-time so um and I done that for about 7 years until I started this and even when I first started this I was still helping them when I could and um I do miss it sometimes it was it was a fun job it was always somewhere different always something new um but like I said very physically demanding and um this isn't so physically demanding but it is mentally demanding just trying to come up with different stuff every week and cuz you know we change the menu every week we don't keep a a set menu um we change it up and so trying to hear what everybody's wanting but also you know stick within the bounds of what I can do but um everyone everyone seems to enjoy it there's really not a place around here that you can get good homecooked hot meals like this and um uh growing up we didn't eat out a whole lot my parents we just cooked at home we always we raised Hogs we had our own garden we had uh we canned our own food and that's what we lived off of uh we had cows growing up so growing up I just learned how to cook you know what we grew and what we had and that's what a lot of people like because you can't really get that anywhere and a lot of people don't know how to do that type of cooking so they seek out little places like this so they can just have it done for them and it's a lot easier all right so mering is basically just egg whites and sugar that's it um some people put extra stuff like cream of tartter or something like that in it uh just help stabilize a little more but um again I don't measure but uh I I've never added anything like that and it always turns out pretty good um but you can't get any yolks at all into the egg whiter it will not stiffen up at all and some people when they do their topping for their banana pudding they'll put like K Whip or something like that this is the the real the real deal stuff um that's why a lot of people love it as much as they do because they've only ever had banana pudding that is like banana flavored pudding from a box and with Cool Whip topping so um I make the pudding completely homemade um and I make the mering homemade too so this just whips it um and I just keep mixing until it form stiff peaks and then I can pop it in the oven after I put it on the banana pudding and brown it up way it gives it a a little bit of a brown crusted on top but not you have to watch it because it it will burn very fast so if it doesn't get real stiff you just add a little more sugar so you want it to form stiff peie it's not as stiff as it probably should be but it's okay cuz it's just going to get baked anyway slather it on [Music] there right I'll hover it up and we'll just pop it in the oven that one's easy put this in here for about 5 minutes and then check it do a little more than five and we'll come back and check it in a minute all right so this is my pasta salad or macaroni salad everybody calls it something different this is actually something my mom makes um she still makes it even now um it's really simple it's just tomatoes and cucumbers and salt and pepper but um it it's just something that's cool and refreshing and just takes you back to Grandma's house again um something that's not just you know overdone and it's not fancy or anything like that but um people come in here and will ask for just like a whole pint sometimes people come in and buy quarts of it to take to family gatherings um I actually have that a lot um people will come in and they want to get sides like pint sides sides of everything so they can take it on picnics and stuff um which is is really special because then I feel like I'm part of their family they're bringing my food to their family gatherings which is nice I like that and some some people really just don't like this but other people absolutely love it so it's cabbage apple cider vinegar ketchup a little crush red pepper and salt so you make it a little bit different because it's going on a barbecue sandwich than if it's just regular SLO yeah yeah it doesn't have the the mayonnaise and mustard and stuff like that in it like regular SL wood okay mayonnaise are mustard so where' you come up with this recipe at um I just made that one up you made it up yeah so I've had a barbecue saw before but um it was never any that I really liked so one day I was like I feel like I would really like barbecue SLO if it was made a different way than what I've had before so that's what I done I just kind of made it to my taste and you'll see I don't measure anything ever um I I've never been one to really measure anything I just kind of measure with my heart until it feels right and um go with it and hope for the best which normally it turns out okay um but yeah so this is actually the first time that we've had had um barbecue sandwiches so um I'm anxious to see a R's feedback about the SLO and the barbecue and I already know everybody really likes the MEO so I'm not not worried about that one but um so you're a little nervous about this one on the SLO today maybe yeah yeah you know it's not everybody's cup of tea but they don't have to have it they they can opt out of the SL so and the the macaroni salad too it's so simple but everybody loves it um I think sometimes no bigger places try to over complicate things and this just kind of gets you back to your roots and back to Grandma's house almost which is what we hope for want everybody to feel like they're coming right back to Grandma's house when they come here there here's the mering all brown and ready to be eaten cut into oh here we go and I have the other one in the oven got in super early made two of them this morning but uh you want to show us what you got out so far yeah sure so over here is our meatloaf all homemade and then we have cold pork barbecue our gravy and mashed potatoes and everything is homemade cooked here by me and baked beans those are homemade as well then macaroni and cheese and green beans so this is our homemade sourdough rolls we do Loaves and the rolls which everybody likes to get the rolls with their their lunches and then normally they take a loaf of it home with them now did you bake those this morning yes I did so what time do you start in the mornings oh I got here about 6: this morning and it's 11: now so yeah so how does your kids get to school do your husband have to do that or oh my sister-in-law actually takes our oldest to school and our youngest stays with my parents okay so yeah so you got a busy day very busy day I want mashed potatoes with no gravy and baked beans and a delicious roll all right would you like some barbecue slow on your sandwich ah please all right I'll get it made right up for you yeah she's the one that I was telling you about um my very first customer uh she came in here you know we open up start serving lunch at 11:00 she got here at 10:00 and she sat down and waited I made her a cup of coffee she said I didn't want to be here when a lion got here so I'm going be the first one in here and she was and she has continued to be the first one in here every Wednesday and Friday she has been my first customer and now I consider her family I see her all the time she's she's like my my little mama customer coming in always tell each other about our days our weekends what we got planned these I [Applause] see you should do one plate today or two I think I'm going to do um the usual too okay and mashed potatoes no gravy yeah [Music] have to tell me how that SLO is cuz you know it's the first time we've had barbecue sandwiches okay I will all right and then meatloaf I'm using this how early I am she's not prepar yeah no no never me Loa whatever I eat and I won't um mashed potatoes and no grav all right I got got pasta salad today too got what got the pasta salad today yeah let me try that too okay and I want some um banana pudding all right yes ma'am told him that's like everybody's favorite it's a banana pudding she's the one that gets here early enough to whip me into shape get my life together with getting everything out so it looks like you get one for tomorrow too extra want to take home yeah yeah here you go ma'am okay and and I'll be back with you tip I got to get some change all right here's your ticket there you go thank you we'll see you Friday here wife actually helps me on her days off from her regular job oh really yeah well how about that yeah so and and Rebecca helps yeah and his sister she's the one that actually made the brownies makes me some sweets to bring in can I get for you let me get try to barbecue today all right you want barbecue slow on it y'all been here before I have yeah must have liked it you came back huh that's right that's right she didn't leave nothing on her plate Harley she's ate it all up I was hungry yall local here no work uh working from out of town okay just here temporarily then that's right so you won't get to eat this food all the time then not all the time all right thanks guys thank you she make some uh mashed potatoes oh yeah more all homemade super buttery and creamy all mixed in together I just refilled my macaroni and cheese also usually the mac and cheese is the first to go everybody loves some good homemade mac and cheese so where you ladies from uh we grew up here locally uh I'm was a metan girl I grew up in Madison not far from here yeah so was you all glad to see the restaurant open up here in the dry good store yes we we love the dry goods it's a lot of uh memories Heritage uh we like to support local businesses yeah yeah he they've got a lot of neat stuff in here I like that atmosphere what about you yes uh it is very interesting they have lots to choose from and so uh the clothing is good uh the little knickknacks if you need to buy quick gift um they have a lot to choose from so mixing up some more barbecue saw cuz this went uh pretty quick today I run out already huh yeah yeah so having to mix up some more and get it put away for the next customers to come in this is we actually do salads tooot to mention that but it's our little salad bar build your own salad so nobody's got one so far today though but we do make our own homemade crons out of our sour dough bread and these are some of my regulars my husband right there they work right up the street and they walk down here for lunch what do you think about guys you like it here always good always good but you was glad to see it the home cooking yeah switch up the menu every week something new fresh definitely good I bet you got to see another place open up I know absolutely it's all about supporting local small business and being right here in your hometown it don't get any better than that that's right and plus that must be in here getting to come into this old store like it's always fun oh yeah absolutely uh we actually moved this counter in he was a a big help we had to go load it up on trailer and bring it here on uh New Year's Eve where did you get it from um it was um it actually came out of old wesworth store from the 20s but um it came from a lady she owns a southern Spirit s on the street Mavis she had it in her basement and uh we thought it would fit in really good so we got it and then he actually helped install the the booths as well that came from another old restaurant down the street yes um Mrs rabbits so a lot of people that come in here used to eat there and they remember when they were little sitting in the oh okay so they remember eating in them years ago that's special for them I bet yeah they they love it they're like I bet I sat in the same booth when I was little say she had the best hot dogs and if you didn't like slow it didn't matter cuz you were getting slow on your hot dog it didn't matter if you liked it or not yeah just scrape it out if you didn't like it yep yep so let me ask you what' you think when Jennifer came up with the ideal to start a restaurant you think you think she's over her mind no I was fully supporting it uh I wanted her to build something of her own and do something for the family and we' supported all the way been been a fun road fun ride getting here loved every step of it so far a lot of work I guess getting started opened up yes yeah a lot of late nights here a lot of weekends a lot a lot of weekends he he works here on Saturdays with me sometimes so so what do you think about working here you like it yeah it ain't bad boss is nice sometimes I me she treats me Fair glad you're here at the dry goods today coming back to see their new addition to the restaurant and everything my name is Richard Miller and I'm Kathy Miller and uh we founded mass of dry goods in 1995 and sold it to Smitty last year after 28 years of being here and we we've concluded after the year he's been here we couldn't have found anybody any better to operate this business he's doing a great job and one of the things that he's done he's carried on the tradition of what the store looked like the old time he looks one thing he's added is is the restaurant here has drawn a lot of people but it's just a good fit for the store so again we couldn't be any happier to have Smitty as the new owner and take take this on well Jennifer's fixed me up a plate here of Meatloaf mashed potatoes and gravy and uh macaroni salad gosh that's a big piece of meat GL I don't know that I can eat all that at one time but I'm going to try first B that's good I got to watch her make this um macaroni salad oh man this is great two thumbs up well guys I thought it was pretty good what do you think happy [Music] plate back to filming some more my brother for the longest time swore up and down he did not like banana pudding then he she brought some home to him and he said oh my God I love banana pudding now he loves it a bag I get one down there all right what can I get for you today I have theat all right and salad all right that is for here right what there's that one we put some gravy on here all right can I get you anything to drink are you making milk check SP not yet that was actually my birthday was yesterday and that was one of my birthday presents oh my other birthday present is coming tomorrow and it's a big freezer and fridge combo so it'll be here tomorrow very excited about it so we'll be able to offer um scoops of ice cream Combs milkshakes all that coming soon like hopefully this Saturday soon all right I'll set you drinks down here for you so who you got here with you this is my son Tony Tony he's the third the third mhm and uh how old is Tony he just turned three on the T what you got in your hand Tony you got some candy yeah yeah you come down and eat quite a bit with him we try to from time to time here and there he's gotten to be in his picky face where he doesn't want to eat a whole lot so we'll split a plate usually I'll get something he'll normally take the mac and cheese that's his favorite right now is the mac and cheese looks like he likes the candy uh right here he seems to love the smarties the most they're his favorite right now well guys we've had another great visit here with you all and it's even better that we had food this time with Jennifer that was some great meatloaf and macaroni salad I'm glad you enjoyed it I'm going to take some banana pudding with me I I didn't get to that and I got to have some go with me I filmed you making I got to have some you don't want to miss that and uh so yeah and Smitty's been growing a little bit he's got another building across the street now that you've opened up for a local venue for people to rent if they have something going on that's right that's right and then we're expecting to have music over there as well so keep an eye on our social media for that yeah they're on on Facebook that's Madison dry good and there's also another Facebook page for Jennifer's Briggs family kitchen and you can look and see what she's cooking and I've been looking when when you first posted this she was coming and I I made a comment so I got to come back and film now again and uh so yeah you but you're not here every day I'll tell your hours no so I'm open Wednesday through Saturday 11: to 4 Wednesday through Saturday Saturday 11:00 to 4:00 and the stores open Monday through Saturday 10: to 6 10: to 600 it's a little bit different two different businesses a little bit and probably as you grow you're probably open up a little bit more as things maybe maybe not we'll see we'll see I know restaurant business is a lot of work and then Tom's a new edition that looks like really helped you with the some of the uh new products that you've got that you sure has she sure has so you may see her around as well yeah that's right Smitty seems to be out running for mayor Maybe he not quite not quite yet I'm I've been aggravating about that today but he's I told him another five or six years old 10 or 12 more buildings around here he he started collecting stuff as a kid and he got so many antiques he had to buy business to put them that's right that's right so Madison's like a museum you can come here and if Smitty's here that day he loves talking about his Antiques and the history of the building uh if you didn't see the first video we made here we went into more of the history of the building then and and the being the hardware store this time we went more into the cooking with Jennifer and I can't wait to come back uh don't know when it'll be but I'll be back all right love to have you and we appreciate all of your supporters and for you for uh giving us a platform to be able to be on well we appreciate being able to come and tell us the address here it's 104 West Murphy Street Madison North Carolina or just Google Madison dry goods or probably I don't know if you're showing up on Google you there Briggs family kitchen and bakery so they're right here together and it's it's a real treat you can come and eat and you can shop and you can look at all the history and and you can go upstairs and shop and there's a museum up there about some local history also so uh I think we'll get ready to head back to our next filing location tonight all right stay safe and we appreciate it thank it's nice to meet you y'all come see us see y'all next time next time bye [Music]
Channel: The Appalachian Channel
Views: 62,215
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 0zswPafu5co
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 0sec (2940 seconds)
Published: Mon May 20 2024
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