What's in store for our channel now / We have waited so long for this!

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[Music] n the [Music] smile you on camera well we're here at whipper wheel holler it's a I don't know late in the afternoon sun's trying to go down and I've been out trying to build a roof for young chickens and we're going to move them out to a little bigger pen and been letting them Rascals out in the garden and they've been really doing good out there catching bugs and raking around the leaves around the fence and then they got to getting in the the old part of the high tunnel didn't e them in there in them garden beds and Lori put some netting and stuff around that and that kept them out of that and they're just getting more and more mischievous every day that they are I turn them I turned them out today and I had to run them out out of the raised beds three times they're like little kids you give them an inch and they're going to take them mile I do love going out there in the afternoon working in the garden and letting them babies out and them just mess around behind me in the garden but they can't stay in there forever you got want I can stay around you know yeah so yeah they were doing good but they're just getting they ain't staying out of stuff so I run them out of there so I'm going to try to put them in a different pen that may be fun after while man end up letting them go to Old Roost and catching them putting them in there y'all notice that I've got a big smile on my face don't you I'm happy she is yeah tomorrow well time they get this video but Friday is your last day tomorrow by the time y'all get this video I'm going to be done I'm I'm retired I'm done and uh our next Journey Begins yeah and I'm excited I really am I've been I've been telling her you only got one more Monday you only got one more Friday she been them days been long for her but they have they've been really long but uh it's sad too M you're going to miss all them babies up there it uh I think it really hit me today pretty hard too now there wasn't very many kids at school today because tomorrow's the last day and they kind of start dwindling down but yeah um some when you've done something for so many years and you remember that feeling when you walked out of that bus garage for the last time you remember yeah yeah it uh when you've done somebody something that many years um you feel like you're going to be out of place almost all I can ever remember since I was knee had a grasshopper is working so now it's not that we're going to not be working we got so much to do around here on this Homestead it's I don't know how we'll ever everybody tells us everybody says you don't know how you going to get everything done well maybe so but we're not going to work as it as hard we're going I I get up I like to get up early and get out and work till noon anyway if I got something to do Mo yard or work in the garden we just get to do it on our own time we don't have to be rush rush and that old alarm clock don't have to go off it's it is very Bittersweet though because like a lot of y'all me and Mr Brown have worked many and many and many years many many hours probably him more than me but being a mother and raising a big family yeah it took lots of hours plus working and uh it's time it's time I'm work since I can remember because when I wasn't big enough to se over the steering wheel I was driving the truck in the Hayfield I had to get my knees up in the seat and drive and when they want me to stop I'd have to jump down and slide down the floorboard and put my foot on the clutch and the brake and of course the fields wasn't most time they were flat it wasn't no big deal but ever since I can remember and when I was 11 years old I believe it was 11 or 12 I started custom cutting hay me and my grandpa my dad was down his back and had back surgery and that was before laser surgery and it was a pretty major deal and uh he was off work for about a year and uh he he put me and his dad my grandpa to work uh we had a little tractor and and it wasn't much but it was a little John Deere tractor and bought a Ford mowing machine and he put me and Grandpa out there and I rode that little old tractor Grandpa would lay off the land for me I wasn't big enough to pick up the sickle bar on the mower machine and he'd help me do all that and we'd move from field to field and he'd lay it off and if i' got if I got the really looking hot and he felt sorry for me he'd come out there and let me go set in the shade for a little while and get a drink but we just helped supported the family then that's what people done back then didn't matter how old you was you went to work in the fields to help feed your family that's for sure now I don't think I started working that young but I was raising the I was cooking and and being a mama not for my own kids but for my own brother yeah right after we was married you wait for your brother right so I had to grow up pretty fast let see when you moved up here and you was 13 you went right to work with your grandpa on the farm so yeah that I enjoyed that though I really did we um he's a funny man that that was a perfect place to grow up I can tell you so on the farm and that's where we raised our kids too was on the same Farm on the same Creek that I swam in and took many of bass in and my kids will tell you that uh they had I think we spent after we got married about well we was after we moved up there it was probably we spent about 24 years there yeah yeah and uh we ended up when we sold that place the the farm uh where we raised the kids we had uh we had bought just a little bit of land on the river built the menites built us a a cabin right there and we lived there for just a little over three three years almost three years yeah and uh so that's when our Venture really began trying to find another Homestead it took us a little while I got off I got off the I drove a big truck for 17 years owner operator for about 15 years of that and uh I got off the rad went back to work to saw me and uh and we need let's start from the beginning let's start from the beginning when we got married you was working at Brown Shoe Brown Shoe Company okay um in pocis Arkansas from Brown Shoe Company of course you had two or three jobs at the whole time when you was working at factory you still worked on you they out till 10:00 every night you worked on a farm for a man that we've always known all of our life he also to pay rent he also trapped in the winter time to make money to get us through the winter um we cut wood to make money okay but after Brown Shoe we're going to reminisce most a lot of people know this but we have a lot of new subscribers so we're just going to kind of go over it again maybe we won't bore you too much we're going to get to where we finally retire so after Brown Shoe you went where'd you go I went to work up on the cattle ranch okay worked on the cattle ranch a big cattle ranch about 450 M cows for a few years we lived up there on the ranch in a house we did we lived on the house that they uh they had a house you could live in you and your family while he worked on the ranch and um we had Brandon our oldest boy he's 42 now and then during that time there's a little time there you worked at the library in Pocahontas uhhuh and then you went to the night shift I'd work during the day come in and watch the little on and she' go to night shift and work yeah I got pregnant with my oldest daughter and I went to work at the Shoe Factory while he was working on the cattle ranch I worked nights and uh from like what was it 3:00 to midnight or something yes four to midnight what and then I'd get up with the kids how I don't know how i' done it y'all but I did um but uh I couldn't do it now that's for sure so Brown Shoe cattle ranch yeah from the cattle ranch did you go to work at towboats went to work on the Mississippi River and I worked for a company for almost two years called aatr and I've got kid folks that was working for them um I got a cousin that uh we just went out west with and he was a riverbat captain he just retired uh about a year or so ago he still trips some on the mighty Mississippi River I run mainly from St Louis Missouri to Baton Rouge Louisiana and uh that's a different life started out 3 weeks at a time time and then a month at a time and but it was better money than you can make around here yeah the men you know the men worked hard around here but like we have said a hundred times you just could not make the money that you needed to make to BU able to raise a family so most men just like your daddy we done that a lot though had to go off and work so Mama could stay home and raise the kids yeah then Mom end up working off just like you did she worked in a nursing home and different things and I guess me for me after Brown Shoe um I come home for just a little bit and then I ended up that's when I started working up at school at Oak Central we're out to farm when you started working there started driving a bus I mean you started doing subing and this that and other then you started driving school bus so from that point um let say from from the boat and then after you hurt your back oh yeah I I was about two years and then I decided to go back out and I went to a different company for about a year and I hurt my back really bad and uh I was off work almost a year wasn't I yeah we had a we had a brand new baby she was too old too that was tough times and I wasn't working cuz I was at home nursing that baby and taking care of two more kids and uh you talk about rough times but I'm telling you we made it sure did we made it we didn't have nothing that's one of them times we went out and killed a chicken for supper on it yeah we didn't have nothing and we struggled but we made it um with the help of his grandma and his mama they kept you know we get to go to their garden and stuff when she raised the garden we done fine um from that point um is that when no you didn't start driving truck till after um we went in the store business oh I forgot about the store business yeah woo my uncle and aunt and another uncle and many many families up in that area ran um the doton store which is now known as the minight store and y'all have seen us do a video going in there and talking about that store at Dalton Arkansas well we run it for about 3 years um and I had four little ones I had I was working two jobs he was working for the county plus working at the store plus working at the store and um I would go up there he would open store up I'd go up there and the the three that uh went to school and Ally was in preschool they would catch the bus at the store and then I had little Tyler on my hip and uh most of the time he was with me there at the store when I was try set up a little playroom back there so um many of people that would come in that store every day knew my kids and uh I was working doing the store going there early and we had wood stove and I'd build a fire and get all that going and get it going till she got there then I'd go to work uh Drive about 30 mi into pocah hunus and I work for the county road uh crew and I also worked at the uh transport station for him at a time too oh yeah yeah I worked for him a couple of times mhm and then I was while I was down with my back I went to Taxidermy school I always thought I'd want to do you know be an artist thought I would uh do Taxidermy and I did for a while he did a good job too uh I won some ribbons uh in state competitions and uh different things like that but I found out that I didn't uh decided I just didn't want to do that rest of my life so uh after that what did I do um hang on a minute at the store you went back to work I think for Ma you had Sawmill for a while did you not no I think I when I started driving a truck okay for oh yeah cuz I was working for the county I'd went back to the county County and I was working at what they call a transfer station so I can't even remember it's been so me working at a transfer station where they hauled in the city trash and the County trash and we compacted them on trailers and they'd haul them to a landfill and I was managing that I was taking care of that by myself there for a long time and got to know a guy there that was driving a truck there that that was uh herb herb keer he's passed away now but good man he started me uh Wonder know if I want to drive truck for him and I thought well I might and we talked about it and course he hyped it up and he he owned a couple two trucks plus the one he was driving uh to the to the landfill and they were over the road trucks and he put me in a truck and sent me out and uh his wife uh thma the good people and uh got me driving the truck well next thing old herb wanted to sell me a truck so he sold me my first truck and I drove it for a few years and and went leased it to a company and uh ended up buying a nicer truck and uh and anyway i' done that owner operator for about 15 years and it was good for us I mean she could stay home uh it wasn't a tremendous amount of money but for the area it was pretty good money and she could stay with the kids and and well she was working at school but well um there at the beginning though I was just working uh driving a school bus so that was part-time and I was cleaning houses in between so with me having them kind of jobs I could take care my kids I could take them to school and I could pick them up and and be home with them in the afternoon and so that was a very that's what I wanted I didn't want a full-time job that would keep my kids you know at a babysitter all the time and not mama not being home so I done the kids tell us to this day they remember the years I was driving a truck because the groceries they got they got more snacks and they got little more junk food and well and they got to go out and eat now I'm just I'm going to be honest here because and a lot of people can relate to this when me and Danny got married we didn't have any money that's an understatement I had I spent aund and $50 on our wedding rings and that was Sawmill earn dollars but $150 for both sets but what I'm getting at here I think we had $42 in the bank whenever we got married if we was lucky yeah if we was lucky and um but we never had any any money to put back for uh for our retirement for anything for a rainy day if if we had needed tires or a refrigerator went always hard I I'd always have to do something extra to try to make the pay of the electric bill and there was many of times that he even had to sell something because something maybe went out and we had just had to have it and uh I mean we never had no money and that's just now when he started driving the truck we were Rich a lot of people would not think that it was a lot of money but to us it was a lot of money and um it was um I'd gross 120 to 140,000 a year gross money but y'all have to understand there's overhead money in that it was bring home after taxes about 50 to 60,000 that's what it was and you know so here we are never seen this kind of money before and I'm I'm sticking all this money back oh I had you know good a good pile of it in savings you know I tell exactly how much was in there and I got I'm going tell you exactly how much in there they was almost $110,000 so you know besides making the truck the big truck payments which was $1,000 Insurance overhead and you spend expenses how much money on fuel every week a lot so I'm just saying you didn't get all that money oh no but still we were just I mean if we wanted to do something for the farm or the house you know it just comes so much easier plus I was sticking money back now y'all I'm I'm pretty wise person but I just I just just wasn't thinking about and even in the store business we paid taxes we paid them every month and every quarterly so I had all this money saved up and everything and I thought my taxes was going to be about six grand and we had a lot of expenses to take off now that's back when you could take even a clothes hanger off and um we ended up having to all that 10 grand all that 10 grand to buing all them money gone and it to UNC Sam I learned my lesson real big there uh that I wasn't paying enough in taxes but I'd never we never had that kind of money but even after that um at least we had it yeah and U I didn't have to go to jail or no we had it that's for sure I had put it back we paid it but uh yeah all that money went but still we were doing really good now we had to sacrifice with Danny being gone and I missed a lot we ended up being able to we used to raise registered Lorn cattle a lot of people don't know that about us and we raised uh Longhorns that weren't registered too yeah we had we we had both had some cross I cross longh horns and beef we had um we had we a bunch of horses I mean we had everything we we raised everything that you can think of goat we were very bus people and my children were too so when he was gone it was me and the four kids that were responsible for our our daily life plus taking care of the farm and the cattle and everything that goes with it but Danny knew that when he was gone that everything would be taken care of because our children were raised to be very responsible and to help their mother and never complain never complain so Danny did he worked on the road 15 years and uh when our kids grew up and the last one well he he did he he went with us to the river and we sold the farm we built a cabin on the river and uh he did graduate when we was living there but he did get married I always told her I said if we get that last one out of school I'm quitting this truck and and he did he did and that's when he went to work for the school system cuz I was already there by then I had already went to SL HRI and and started my started there and I started when I started at son Hendrick I was a teacher's aid and um I really loved it cuz i' done that at the school at Oakridge where my kids went I had already been doing that for a while where I graduated from so uh when we went to this other school my other three my my kids went there too but uh that's when I started working there so Danny comes over there so that's how we both both ended up working in the school system first what happened there's some too many years the guy that I saw m for when I was younger been bugging me for years to come back and drive a truck for him and uh the lumber truck to haul off the the lumber they sold and uh I told him I said if I sell my big truck I get my big truck sold I said I'm going to be hollering at you and and I did and I he put me to work well it wasn't about a few years after that that uh the The Sawmill business wasn't all that good and the the workman's comp insurance they were killing him with the money that he owed and then he was having neck problems he sat there and watched that saw work that neck back and forth for many many years ever since he was a young boy and he was a one of the best soldiers I've ever been around but so he kind of let us know that things you know were going to he's going to start he's going to shut down so I started looking for another job and there was a custodian job come up where she was working and I applied for it and I didn't get it you believe that I applied for it and I didn't get it you were overqualified I was over qualified and they HED somebody else well he decided he didn't like it so just before they hir him I guess right after school was out he stayed there that summer and they hired me in August of that year before school started and I went to work so I done custodian and drove a bus for a year well I was there a year and the garage mechanic the transportation guy was going to retire and they hit me up to take the job and I thought about it and there a little more money and everything and so I spent 16 almost 16 years doing that Transportation director Now by that time the kitchen bus driver by that time I was in the kitchen cuz at the other school I had subbed in that kitchen so when I went to this other school that's when they hired me full-time as a cook in the cafeteria and then you went full-time custodian for a while well I was even do that I was doing that and working in the kitchen for a while this work that's all we done I would work all day in the kitchen then I would go over there and work a couple hours custodia I'm so glad the good lord gave us a job ain't you I am I'm not complaining no I'm not I'm not but I can tell you we it we have Blood Sweat and Tears of many years of working so hard to get to this point y'all so many people our age have and um I don't know about the younger generation right now but I know we did it's it's almost like I I can't believe it it's almost like I've only got for sure it's going to be done by the time y'all get this video but I've got half a day tomorrow which will be Friday and I've only got half a day school will be out and I'm done I'm retired I will never I will I won't have to go back unless something drastic happens that I have to um well we never know what tomorrow's going to bring but we don't plan on it no our teacher retirement is going to help take care of us and I'll be able to draw some social security in a few years he's already drawing teacher retirement and Social Security we uh we worked hard to get our bills paid we we don't owe a mortgage um we drive vehicles that are paid for we don't drive high dollar vehicles um we just we got our ducks in a row and said we're going to retire at a certain time time and we want to be mosquito are mosquito or Nets are after us we want to be um we don't want to have to worry about it we want to be free free um and you know it is I can breathe I really can breathe and it seems like ever since I was a young girl and we got married it's like we've held our breath for 40 something years held our breath long time and what I mean by that is just trying to make it and we shouldn't have ever really been afraid or worried because the good Lord has took care of us we may not have had any money and we may have struggled so bad we wondered what we was going to do for sure but he tells us always find the Lord's help I always found a way to make a little make a dollar and we always have food on the table I never worried about that never I promise you my kids didn't go hungry no never now they'll tell you they won't never eat a another fried squirel or I think they're even getting tired of deer meat by now but uh when we ate a lot we ate a lot of wild game when you live up in the hills um it's a place that you learn to survive because you have that you have that opportunity when you live out in a place like this that's all I ever knew and that's pretty much what we're doing now too and we don't worry don't worry about it we don't worry about it I got beans in there it's just a relief to not have that responsibility for that alarm clock to go off I wouldn't hardly miss a day of work no he never he'd be dog sick and not miss a day of work we had to tell him when he got Co you're too sick you have to go home he got tested and there you know they said you're going home but you know I only I only missed about five work days on that I know but it took me two months I was woo I was down Sick I was down out for two months had no energy but that is about crazy but anyways what we wanted to get on here we just there's a lot of y'all that are new to our channel so we wanted to back up a little bit you know before we really tell you how excited this time is this moment of us both being retired and now who you got to retire before I did I'm retired in December because he's old he's older than me well I done told my boss man about 6 or eight months before that I said man I'm going to be 62 in October and I'll stay with you till DEC member 31st and I give him fair warning he he'll tell you too he tried to get me not to go several times but like he told me yesterday he said man you got a big we went to a a retirement party we had one yesterday yeah they seen pictures before this so and uh he got up and give a little speech we the first two that he called up there to give a little plaque to and talk about and he he was talking about me sending him pictures pictures going out to New Mexico in Colorado and I'll send him a picture of me fishing or something other and he likes to rub it in and he and he just he said and he talking about the big smile I had on my face when I walked in there yesterday um it's called no more stress he said I hope everybody enjoys their retirement like Danny is that's what he said so I know you have said many of mornings that Danny say I wish you could just stay home and drink coffeee with me so woo yeah so yeah Miss Lori gets to do that now and she can cook my breakfast now you can cook me breakfast I've been cooking you gra long time he does make good gravy y'all I'm I've been doing that for several years but I do it at work I get in off the bus route and I'd run in I had a little kitchen in there kitchen net I fixed my breakfast for many many years so our adventure is going to start this summer and we're going to be doing some camping uh we got us a you little camper and um we both love the water we love the river and we love the lakes and I don't you know I just like to go and just sit there I just tell we get to V we get to visit people and we we actually run across people that know our YouTube channel yeah but fam we'll have some family with us and I just grandkids don't get Grand no of course not and then next weekend we'll be going to see my my middle granddaughter she's got a recital so we get to go see that and and not have to worry that I have to come home and go to work you know how much fun is that going to be if we want to take off during the week when everybody's not out being crazy and go do something or go camping or travel you know I don't have to worry about it now nope you don't have to watch that alarm clock if I want to get up on a Monday and make a video for y'all I don't I don't have to worry about it I don't have stress that I don't have to go to work and come in and make videos I me thinking oh my goodness okay I've got to go to work and maybe I can get home and between supper and washing clothes and doing the garden you know maybe I can get something in there it's not going to be that way no more but my biggest thing is with us traveling this summer um and meeting a few people and visiting family we want to take y'all with us because we're not just going to run somewhere we're going to be discovering new places and new things because I never in all my life got to do anything like that and it's funny when you're raising kids and it's a what Oh I thought you was pointing at something when you're raising kids and your days are so long and you go to bed so tired you think you know I'm never ever going to get to do anything ever that's not true her your times are coming but your most important time of your life was spent with them children and and U and trying to do the best you can to rais them to be good respectful honest hardworking Christian um adults and if you know so after you've done that and you know it just seems like now's your time now's our time it is now it's it's me and him and that's the way we started me and him yeah boy been a long time ago so now we're right back there me and him we was married October the 24th 1980 mm so it's just it's something that I'm going to have to get used to when Danny retired she got mad at me no I it took him and you can you know this it took you a little while to get used to the fact oh it's hard it was hard on him and I could tell and I have a feeling it's not going to be that hard on me but I think getting out of my routine is going to take me just a little while to get used to you know how many times I was asked to [Laughter] stay yeah yeah but U he said he said you sure he said I can tear that piece of paper up he said you don't want to stay you know he didn't ask me that and then he still and he still to this day wants me to come back and drive a bus but I told him every while back I said I might have to go back to work driving a bus so I can play more yeah he's he don't like having that extra bus check not having U no toy money my my my fishing and hunting money but uh we're my we're doing good so we don't have any complaints at all no so yeah this is just like I said we both have worked like a lot of y'all have worked so many years for so it just seems like I don't know it's bittersweet but it's finally here there's a lady that's glad to hear that we're fixing possibility go to go East a little ways huh yeah probably a couple of them so and it's going to be really nice for me when somebody my family needs me I don't have to you know worry that I've got to call in and say well I've got to take the you know wor to death about it y when I know that I that I know that I need to take care of my family that comes first our family in Texas is done y'all hear y'all when y'all coming Miss Vicky out in uh Nevada she's when y'all coming and I've got grandkids that uh live about 2 and a half hours away from us and I don't get to see them very much so so we got a little recital she's a little bitty girl we got a little recital to go to so if Mama's you know needing help or something I don't have to say I'm sorry I have to work D her daddy's down in Houston working where that bad storm come through Houston he's down there helping people get to power back off yes and um what these storms have been something else here lately the one in Houston and then the one just recently what was it day for yesterday Iowa in Iowa and some people lost their lives I mean thatas Kansas Oklahoma they've all been everybody's had problems at times so so sorry about that we've been lucky right here we've we really haven't had all that much rain like we uh I had to run down toward Little Rock today and uh down there around cabitt it flooded there this morning about 7:00 it flooded down there today and we didn't get hardly a tenth of an inch here I don't think but it just kind of I know it rained hard at school but it goes south of us and it goes north of us it just ain't coming through here but we we had a little bit of wind yesterday and a little bit of rain but we we've been lucky we haven't had no real bad sto real bad not right here so what is retirement going to bring us it's going to bring me to be able to do um 20 videos a week no don't tell them that but it is going to be easier for me and him to do more content and and to bring y'all Along on our everyday life because that's the way we want our videos we want them real be in them more we want them real and we just want them to be to where y'all just want to come visit and um we're going to we got so many people that are wanting us to go back to cooking together and see we'll be able to do that now because I'm going to be here he's going to be here and um we're going to be you know cooking outside and stuff here I don't know for how long that's getting it's pretty hot out here after our garden um I mean it's okay the ochra has come up really good my green beans didn't come up we're fixing how to replant the green beans and we don't know what happened there we got four or five of them come up we're going to his potatoes are blooming are blooming uh they're not going to be as good this year I can tell you they're not going to be as good but they're they're pretty but they're not going to be as good as they was last year now I'm I'm going to tell them the difference that and it may have something to do with it I don't know but in the past when we bought seed potatoes we bought them from the usually for a long long time from the minight store he would buy them in bulk and it was usually uh russets and uh just Pontiac red red potatoes um this time um he didn't have them well he had been sick and he had broke his ankle or something again so he wasn't able to go get everything that he usually carries um if he did eventually get them we missed out on him so what we did is we went to um was it the tractor supply store I don't remember and we just bought y'all see them at Tractor Supply or something they're in the little white bags and they're seed potatoes and they're always more expensive than the way that we buy them but uh we knew if we didn't go ahead and get some that there won't be any I had to get them planted and we had to get them planted so we ended up buying the Yukon go and the Pontiac or were they russet russet I think both white potatoes okay and these are not come doing as good as the ones that we they didn't come up quite as good but I mean we're going to have some potas but they're pretty I mean they're up and blooming but and they may fool us I don't know well and then we went through a dry spill mhm pretty few weeks of no rain at all and my sweet potatoes are Vining and really growing good now oh they're dark green out there I've seen them well I put some Fisher moom on them the other day I really soaked them good so uh but um I got some little squash um my cabbage is starting you got any Tomatoes blooming yet I don't think so yeah you do mhm um of course we've been eating stuff like uh lettuce and lettuce and and uh my broccoli broccoli yeah that that broccoli M she done R some pretty broccoli yeah so we're not going to plant a huge Garden this year because we plan on doing some traveling and there won't you know so we're only going to plant we know we can take care of now the one thing I do want to do is once you dig them potatoes up I think we need to plant some peas as a crop cover and um put us some peas up and it'll be good put nitrogen in that ground too but anyways that's our plans is we're going to start out camping at the river and um going to the lake I mean we she's done got three trips up we're booked up one a month for right now we're probably going to have three or four but she's got oh and I'm looking so forward to it I really am and it's so neat because we're going to be doing it during the week I've never got to do anything during the week yeah always at work always at work and um so this is a new adventure for us and as time goes on we're going to be going west Go West Young man we'll be going west West and um we might get to see somebody we know huh mhm and uh no telling where we'll end up but this video is already about 40 minutes long my goodness but uh what else are we going to talk about I just nothing we just need to get on here and tell them where we're at at this point and how excited we are thank you all very much for viewing and watching and subscribing of course we wouldn't be here without that I mean we wouldn't be here period without y'all we wouldn't no I mean if it wasn't for for we feel like our friends and subscribers I don't like just calling them subscribers no they're more like family they're family and friends and y'all that are new to our Channel you understand you're here with us long enough you we're family and uh we have got this wonderful community that of such good people that good people loving people mhm and uh we all try to take care of each other I've we get a rotten peanut every once in a while and uh but uh I notice on a lot of uh videos comments that some of y'all even help each other y'all either if y'all see somebody that's that's hurting or having a hard time y'all will go to them yourself and you'll tell them that you will be praying for them and and give them encouragement and I think that's wonderful sure enough that y'all this community is you're not just here to to just watch a video you're here as a community as a family and we're all here to take care of each other cuz I'm telling you a big family the way this world is I mean we if we got to have people that we can as say huh you got to have each of us back don't you yeah you do so we want y'all know that we appreciate every one of y'all everybody we love all of you and y'all send us gifts and uh cards and letters and um nice comments and emails that sometimes bring us to tears and cards that bring us to tears and y'all send me the old cookbooks that y'all know I love and we got some snacks from the Philippines and stuff from the UK and it's just it's really something don't never underestimate the power of caring about people no no because there's so many good people out there you never know what somebody's going through until so love is the best way to go mhm it uh we're all fighting some kind of battle it don't matter what it pertains to um I fight sometimes a battle of um not not really um sometimes I think it's just a hormonal something but sometimes and a lot of women and men both you know you go through a little bit of depression some days you're like why am I feeling this way and you try your best to whatever you can and you know we're all going to go through trials and tribulations that's for sure and we have a country that's going through trials and tribulations and uh but we put our faith in the good Lord and we try not to worry about it too much it's sad some things that go on and the founding of this country and everything it's sad but uh but we have to we're going to keep our heads up and keep on going and be looking to that heaven that Skyward Heaven that's what we're going to be looking for that's our home we're just here for just a short time here but for a while back a vapor and we're gone but and you know what now that we're looking back time has went by pretty fast a it yes it has um but we wanted to get on here and just share our joy of this retirement uh there's no place that we would rather be than sitting right here on this Homestead right here in this holler on the edge of this holler on this hill this is where we love to be but that being said um Miss Lor's not really got to see we got somebody coming up Texas see us too aren't we yeah yeah she is she's coming up she knows who she is you know who you are well she's traveling through yeah she's going to see a a grand a grandson she ain't got to seen them while so and uh that lady over there what that what's that big state over there Kentucky [Laughter] Kentucky Georgia oh that lady down there wait she lives down there it's too hot down there yeah she told she's ready to come here she thinks it's going to be better here but I'm telling you it probably is better than it I'm telling you down there where she lives you can cut that humidity with knife well there's some days you can do it here too well I sweating pretty bad while ago just trying to fix a chicken Roost picking the chicken we're fixing that R of them things up oh yeah we got to get the chickens up we got to go try to hurt them in like a bunch of sheep it probably ain't going to go very good no it's not they're young and they don't they don't they're rotten it ain't probably they ain't going to know where to go so well right now they're probably wondering how come they can't get back in their little cat yeah it's getting late we I'm going have to go tend to them you can see how late it's getting um because the lighting's changed but anyways we I know we took up y'all's time too much but uh we want to just we're just jabbering we wanted to just share how happy we are about this new journey and so and we're so glad that you get to go with us yes y'all are going to share this journey with us and and I think that's exciting so it's going to be real excit I've been y'all I've been all over the United States but I I haven't got off the beaten path very much and I didn't get to talk about my trip out west done we we done burn too much time it's too long I'll have to do it some other time you can do it I'll let I'll let you have the camera to yourself and you can talk to them about your trip out west I want to talk about some of the people if y'all if y'all want to hear his his trip y'all leave in the comments that y'all want to hear it and he can have the stage I'll let him do it I've got I got some stories and he's got some pictures too to share with you I've got some pictures and and uh and we there the lady asking what was the name of them mountains did you tell her she I forget what they was out there anyway I was about 100 miles of them I remember I a certain one that she was talking about Twin Peaks or I don't remember what they're called Twin Peaks that was a mo that was a series oh was it well it was three it was something like that yeah I don't remember Danny but anyways that'll be your video you can talk about it I'm doing a video and somebody's wanting you to cook some of that Pheasant for them too oh I got a cook phant on so anyways we're going to get off here and get them chickens put up there's no telling where they're at right now we'll probably running around taking chickens we'll be running around like chickens with their head cut off anyways we wanted to share our joy with you about our retirement and um good Lord willing we're going to hopefully be around a while yeah so things will be a change in a little bit and um we'll be able to get on here and be with y'all a little bit more hopefully so at least a little bit easier huh mhm so I want y'all to have a wonderful weekend this is Memorial Day weekend y'all be careful and don't forget to respect the people that give us this right yes this Memorial Day weekend let's remember let's remember all those that give their life and their their uh families of lost let's it's not just a holiday it's let's remember all these people that that made it where we can be free amen we love y'all and we're going to see y'all in a couple days it might be absolutely it might be three or four but anyways maybe not but God bless everybody now I guess the next video maybe about camping huh we might get something in between there in between there yeah okay bye y'all we got to get chickens love everybody see you later bye chickens are hollering
Channel: Whippoorwill Holler
Views: 108,672
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 39tkjHVfZqc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 6sec (3066 seconds)
Published: Fri May 24 2024
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