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hello everybody Danel wand back from pean Grove uh we want to sit down today with you guys and see if we can't answer a few questions now we're we're not going to call it a Q&A it's just basically we can't remember ever question I don't remember all of them but we do want to address some of the things that uh people keep asking on a regular basis so one of the things is we need to back up a little bit and we need to talk about Deep South Homestead and peon grve and give our new people a little bit of context about who Danny and Wanda are and who deep south or what Deep South Homestead is Deep South Homestead I built in 2000 the year 2000 I started it uh with my previous wife who passed away with cancer then fast forward to 20 2013 Wanda and I met and got married now at that time Deep South Homestead was up for sale it had a buyer I had done picked out one of two different homes and when w and I married the deal was when when we sold the place we were going to go to one of these two homes we would choose yes and over the course of the next three months or so Danny and I heard from the buyer and some of his deals fell through and he could not purchase the property so we decided you know well we're not going anywhere we didn't want to put it back on the market so that was the deal it we didn't want to put it back up it was a private sale let me it wasn't called Deep South Homestead at time we didn't have a YouTube channel or anything like that no and and okay now that you know a little bit about how we kind of come about and how the place got started fast forward to 200 the December of 2015 the beginning of 2016 W and I decided to start a YouTube channel called Deep South Homestead now Deep South Homestead was actually Bluebird Farm prior to that so once we started Deep South Homestead we began to uh try to decide what our audience really wanted to see uh we learned right quick that uh they love the Lord we learned right quick that they like DIYs uh farming gardening tools you know all these different type things our audience began to be really vast so we tried to incorporate different videos into all of these into one channel all of these areas we tried to cover and make everybody get something out of Deep South Homestead and then out of that porch time was born kind of by mistake or just well the first month you said I want to go sit on the porch yeah and just talk because we had so many people um saying God bless you and all this stuff and Danny said I didn't think we could talk about religion and and God and things and so when you started porch time the first couple I think you I don't even remember what they were about couldn't even tell you I don't think I mentioned the Lord in them though um I think it was a little while before he just really started very much with the Lord but each porch time he gave you a little bit more about us yeah and eventually porch time was our story and how we met and what all happened and things like that and so porch time has been a big part of Deep South but the property Deep South Homestead was always one that I considered his property because he owned it when we married yeah and uh a little bit of a background I I was married for 20 years went through a divorce and then I married again and that wife passed away and then W and I married well the first lady I was married to great lady I got I married her I built her a home uh in the divorce I gave it to her it was paid for and I just gave it to her because I was in a construction business I just said well I'll build me another one well the second lady that I married uh which would have been the lady at Deep South Homestead the house that's there was kind of basically a lot of her design not really me but mostly her because I wanted to build her a place and that's the house that sets at Deep South Homestead now was basically I mean she told me what she wanted I drew the blueprints to it it was basically a country Victorian a lot of white in it a lot of white everywhere and that's not who I am I like the country Victorian house but there was so much white that we painted some we've redid the kitchen we tried to make it more house but it never was something that I designed so we built the cabin we built the cabin you know because I wanted Wanda to have something that she felt like you know she could call her own and at the same time it was kind of a kill two birds with one stone because we we were looking at if something happened and there was no electricity could we live off grid and if so what are some of the downfalls that you know of living off grid so I went ahead because I'm a carpenter in the construction business I'm a general contractor I do I also was in the construction my ex-husband was in construction I helped with a lot of projects there and my office job that I had before Danny and I married was over a construction crew and rentals and things like that yes so there was a lot of construction going on I knew a lot about construction and when we first married I wanted Danny to uh flip houses that's what I wanted us to do for a living but at the time we just couldn't see doing that we just wasn't in the cars in the cars it just wasn't in the cars but when we built the uh when we built the cabin I went ahead and I wired the cabin so that any event that we didn't like being off- Grid or or whoever whoever ended up with it didn't like being off grid they could hook it to a power uh so it's it's wired for that but we were experiencing yes the off grid and how what we' liked as far as he and I designing together uh the things that we liked about what we designed the things that we would do differently and all the time over the 10 years well 11 years now that we've been married um we were looking at property all we were always looking for property it was never in the cards nothing ever came up no and we had really last year well it was 2022 the end of 22 in September we had done giving up on property we had done decided God wants us to stay at Deep South that's where we're staying and uh we had done a lot of building um things that we knew we would need in the future and things that would make us more comfortable as far as home de like the um freezer the cooler whatever walk cooler walkin cooler we had the high tunnels the high tunnels and the new barn and things sell I mean all kinds of things we tried to incorporate shed yeah and so the outdoor kitchen we we had thought about all of it we used all of it but when this property pecon grve came available Danny and I from the moment we drove on to it knew God's hand was in it for many many many reasons this property was laid in our hands and we just thought this is what God's been making us wait on yes you know every time we looked at property it was always no and lots of times it was me I would look at something I go I I could live there but that's not what I'm looking at and I had something in my mind I had a certain something in my mind that I thought God was going to bring to us and when we saw when I saw this property the first day everything I had been looking for for years clicked with this property yeah and so we knew that's where it was at so now that we've brought you a little fast forward to why who deep south is who we are and what pan Grove is let's see what the next question is so the next question is um well I don't know that it's a question but we get asked a lot are you going to live at pan Grove well Pecan Grove will be our retirement place it will be the permanent place that we reside at and and we get asked a lot of questions you know about uh about pecan grov and because we're we've already built a shop here we have a barn here we have an out building we have all of our cattle over here I mean there's lots of question rabbits the chickens everything's been everything's been transitioned over here except us and a lot of people ask us are we going to move the cabin over here and the answer is no uh it would take an act of Congress we would have to cut down so many giant oak trees at Deep South Homestead just to move it off of the property and then and then when we got over here with it plus all the power lines and bridges and I mean whatever all kinds of stuff you'd have to get permits for because it's so tall and the chimney so tall on it that when we got here we'd have to cut all the Big Timber here just to get it in here and the answer is no that's not going to happen plus it would cost around4 to $50,000 to move it yeah and and and no we would and to it's it's small as far as if we wanted it just as a camp to come over and visit yeah it would have worked just fine but as far as a house to live in where I'm going to be cooking and canning and all this stuff it was not set up for that it was set up for a place to go relax yeah that's what built it for that's what it was for so we needed something um that would be more home friendly I guess you would say yeah next question is is there a house at pean Grove we've been getting this one since this one since day one and the answer is there is a home here okay we kind of evaded it for many many reasons yeah uh the house is the best we can tell now by looking back on documents and stuff like that this house was built around 1950 early early 50s somewhere in that area it was a block house uh when Katrina came through the original gentleman that owned the property had passed away Katrina came through done a lot of damage to the house uh a lot of damage to the property and the couple that owned it came in and kind of done a facelift on the old block house and made it look presentable again and done a little interior work little face liift on the interior face lift on the exterior and and it's a nice looking little house to look at it you would think it's a really nice house but the bottom line is it's still an old old house yeah and the deal is the the style house it is was the style I had in my mind that would be sitting on the property that we found when I came down the driveway number one if you've watched our videos the driveway has all these trees that overlapped over the made a canopy over the driveway that was one thing I saw in the vi in my mind that I wanted the second thing was a little house that look similar to this whether we lived in it or not wasn't the point I just knew that house was on the property so I looked at the house I y'all know me I went through it with a fine tooth comb and I told Wanda I said Wanda to retrofit this house to our needs is going to cost me around 100 $1,000 yeah and I said and there were no guarantees with the even even there in the foundation I wasn't 100% sure about the foundation because I had remodeled many old homes and when you get into them you get into a lot more than you anticipate and there's no way to really check the floor out we bought AIS it was an AIS buy so I told her I said wo I would rather build you a new home than try to remodel this old one well at the time there was an elderly gentleman living here and we agreed to let him stay in the house instead of asking him to leave because we needed someone on the property because we were moving so much stuff over here he was already was here and he was keeping the yard mode and keeping down any vandalism or anything like that because he was always here and I I said let's just let him stay here and he'll keep an eye on uh we bring over here he'll watch the cows you know I mean he'll keep the cows watered if we can't get over here or anything like that and and that's the deal with him you know and plus out of his privacy we do not show the house even though it's our house and he don't he don't care what we show or what we do and he has been in some videos uh he's helped Danny some and y'all will see him on occasion but I try not to put him into videos for the most part and we don't show the house yeah I do a lot of fancy editing sometimes angle wise not to show the house and that's out of respect to him yes and that was one reason we put the privacy fence up because the house borders the neighbor's property and we if if we lived in the house we would not want to be looking at the neighbor's backyard back door so we put the privacy fence up and that way it does give us some privacy across there yeah and so that is there is a house there is somebody in it he has been watching our property and he helps take care of things here so yes and no we will not be living in that house no we will not be living in that house and just like I told you I built my first wife a house I built my second wife a house and Wanda will be absolutely no different I will build her whatever uh she wishes uh that is the kind of guy I am and we've been deciding on things for a long long time so it's not like we're going to jump into something we will know what we want and will it be perfect no but it will be what we both agree on yes so in the future there will be a house uh we will not be showing the house no we will not show the house we've made the decision the home will not be shown and the reason behind that is if something happens to me and Wanda is just stuck here then out of respect for her and her privacy you know YouTube will probably go away if that's the case and Wanda needs her privacy and we don't want like at Deep South we've allowed everybody in we've had people in and out for years I mean every square inch of that property is known the inside the house outside everything and guys it's just time in our older age that we just have a little bit of privacy now the shop right here you you may see some of the shop you may never see the whole thing uh but as he's working on project and stuff you'll be seeing things at the shop I don't intend to do any canning or cooking or anything like that I don't see me doing things inside my house again and videos she's talking about she does do canning and cooking but not the video no I was gonna tell you I'm not gonna do any Cannon cooking or anything uh because and I'm gonna give you the reason why at Deep South Homestead we have close to 3,000 videos of everything that you can possibly imagine and there's no there's no sense in Reinventing the wheel plus her other channel crazy days has tons of stuff on it that she's done over there canning and cooking there's no need in US redoing all that over here because we've already done it yes and we felt like a conro is just our retirement Place yeah we show what we want to show when we want to show it so that leads us to a few other things yeah what are some of the other questions we have here are we moving the high tunnels and fruit trees and things like that uh no we are not moving any of the high tunnels we're not digging up our fruit trees moving all that stuff over here we've transplanted a few that could be moved small trees little bitty trees that were not totally taken yeah we did that last year yeah um the reason behind that is guys Deep South Homestead was a journey for w i we knew from day one we were never going to stay there and we even though we built everything we we built it for someone else you know I mean that's who we are and if you go back and watch some of the videos at Deep South Danny makes a statement quite often that um we hope somebody will enjoy this in the future yes um because we built up a fruit Orchard the place is loaded with loaded with fruit yeah we've put a nice barn on it there is a good shop um the cabins there the house the sell the ponds everything that we thought somebody would enjoy yeah we tried to build a a place that when we did put it on the market or we may not even put it on the market we may do a private sale yeah uh so that the next person who owns it whether that you know it's kind of like Solomon said in the Bible who knows if the man who comes after me what he'll be or what he'll do with it uh the person who comes after us may buy and are up everything out there we don't know and they fill the ponds in I mean we don't have any clue they may not even like high tunnels I mean but the the thing about it is we built it as our journey so that we would have a learning experience so that when we did find the perfect property for us we would know what we wanted how we wanted it because we would have hated to bought Pecan Grove now and put up little small green houses or high tunnels here and and then looked and said man kill it and said man you know I wish we' have did a did it this way or did it that away uh Deep South was a great learning experience for Wai now does everything there function it functions like a clock I mean we we had it down to a science almost at Deep South we were not fighting things and we knew what to do when to do and when everything came in we had our Gardens kind of on Cycles had the greenhouse kind of cycled out and the fruit trees we knew everything in its cycle so we've here we had some fruit trees there were some blueberries uh there's pear tree muskin muscadines um there's several things here some of them were older some of them aren't going to produce they've been let go for so long some of them were kept and they still are producing but we've added more fruit trees so yeah the fruit trees with what's here and the pecan trees Danny wanted pecan trees he's always I'm sitting here now looking at probably a hundred he had peccant trees on his property with his first wife yeah one of the houses that they built yeah and he he had to give that up so he's always wanted his pan trees back well he has them Plus in abundance and um so fruit trees no we're not moving anything else High tunnels no no let me back up a little bit because guys when I was a young man I bought a large piece of property and like I told you when I went through the divorce I sold a lot of that property and in my older age I said Lord I sure wished I could have that property back the acreage back necessar not necessarily the same property but I would I would like to have that amount of acreage back and little did I know that God would give it back to me in my later years in life uh because of unforeseen circumstances in the beginning that caused this whole thing to go down the tube so to speak and and now now I look back upon it and is and I say wow it's been a great learning experience because now I know what I want how I want it and and I guess the you youth is wasted on the young I've said that before uh W and I now when we do something we think about our older age the problem with youth is they don't really think about their old age and I was one of them I didn't think about anything I built or designed or anything like that and for old age now everything we do is based on our older age and I would encourage anybody to do that I'd always wanted a place just where I can just roam just get out and walk I love being able to be outside and to have some flowers and veggies and stuff so we have all that here um so next thing we've asked is we get asked a lot about people messaging wanting to come visit and at Deep South we did allow a lot of visitors we had visitors quite a bit a lot and things started changing with in 2020 so we shut down the visitors not saying we don't have visitors we have family and friends yeah but people we don't know that just randomly send messages wanting to come by and see what we've got going on no we shut that down in 2020 2020 that was the end of that and con grve we've decided that we will continue that no visitors yeah um we will show what we want to show on YouTube and we will not have visitors here I guess would be the best thing to just yeah it's just more of a privacy thing I mean we have to um with the shape the world's getting in things like that in the beginning we knew that throwing our lives out there would be a little bit dangerous uh as far as what we had and things like that and we did not show everything on Deep South I did we show everything we had never never never um a lot of people kept asking for tours of this and tours of that and and we didn't do that we didn't do all our prepping tours and our um Cannon tours and all that we didn't do we showed at Deep South what we wanted to be seen yes and so that's no different here at pan Grove right but we had a lot lot of visitors and the visitors saw a lot that didn't never made it to YouTube yeah they knew more uh about Deep South than than most people would know as visitors so we decided that's not something we want at pong grve we want this as private except what we intend to show yeah gardening um the channel pean Grove will be gardening a few DIYs if he's working on the Cub if he's um moving cows or building something he wants to show something but it won't be howt really um no there won't be any more construction videos as far as building a home or anything like that because we learned at Deep South when we did all the construction videos there they really didn't get any views and it slowed me down so bad trying to set cameras up get angles on this and do that kind of stuff like that it just really wasn't worth our time to show how to build something because people just are not interested they'd rather just hire somebody to do it and move on and it takes us hours upon hours upon hours to do these types of videos I would have to set cameras up and then go through hours of video in order to pull out certain little clips that we could use and it it just wasn't worth it in the beginning we we shot lots of video that yeah I just threw away and so now I've learned to shoot small clips of what I want to show and be done with it and we don't have to show minute by minute stuff yeah um let me see what's another question there we get asked on occasionally um pretty much um let's see the the last thing would be where exactly is Deep South Homestead going to go in pan Grove as far as YouTube channels now the property Deep South Homestead will be sold at some point like Danny said earlier but the name Deep South Homestead is still Danny and I we are still are homestead so we could still do our porch time and our live streams anywhere we want to and it's still Deep South Homestead so that's what will become and while we still own the property we will be doing some videos over there we have two or three still in the works over there yeah and um pean growth we told you earlier this will become our gardening Channel and maybe this will not be a controversial channel oh okay this will not become that this is uh Deep South Homestead has gotten so many videos pulled because of me being controversial or or talking about things that they deemed is not uh fit or sound Doctrine should I say or it goes against their goes against their personal beliefs or whatever you want to say it well yeah and the latest one that we got pulled was um one of the porch times my latest porch time no was two weeks before two weeks before that um yeah uh it it's still up it didn't get pulled but it just got yellow flagged yeah and so that means that at some point they'll probably come back and pull it they'll come back and pull it at some point yeah so we've had in the last year probably a pay me now or pay me later yeah yeah pay pay later yeah um that was it and So eventually we knew with p The Last 5 Years we knew he probably would lose forch time well I was told I was told at some point they was going to take it you know I've been told that and I keep pushing the limit so what we wanted to do is to ask you to go back to Deep South there's nearly 3,000 videos over there on anything imaginable go to the playlist click on them find what you're interested in if it's cooking I have a whole series what's it like to eat at Deep South Homestead I have gluten-free playlist I have um other playlist cooking I forgot what it was called recipes maybe uh Deep South recipes or something like that then if you like Canon I have Canon playlist you can pick out or if you want a specific something Canon green beans Canon Deep South Homestead that should bring up or crazy days sometimes I did things on crazy days so and it's D a zes crazy days so if you looking for that go back and watch the older videos if we don't do something uh now I get many people going will you cook will you do this will you show us how to do stuff well I've changed the way I cook a little bit but basically it's still the same the recipes may change up according to what we're putting in our diet at the moment but my cooking style is still the same as what it was all these years and you'll find many gluten-free recipes that we've eaten for the last seven or eight years and plus if you want to learn how to build something we have the whole cabin build over there we have the whole uh greenhous Greenhouse bills we have high tunnels should I say oh high tunnels yeah not green houses but we have the uh outdoor kitchen build the Sheed build we have all those build the barn build over there we have all kinds of construction videos over there that that cover construction septic systems uh I mean electrical I mean they cover all that stuff so there's no need in us recreating all this stuff we already have videos yeah lots of fencing the barn um cattle I mean you you name it it's there you know living off the land is another one we've got a whole playlist called living off the land we get people sending us things like hey y'all don't throw that SM ax away it's really really good for this this this and this and I'm like we have a video on that yeah I mean we told you about that many years ago and yeah we've got enough smile AES to last us a lifetime so yeah we can throw a little bit away I can throw all of it away so check out the videos over there continue to watch us on our journey at Pecan Grove that's uh where we will be and in the future you never know what's going to happen you don't actually know it's amazing what could happen at thean Grove yeah it's just a little bit of a cliffhanger there you don't know what's going to happen here you don't know what we're going to show you and I'll guarantee you you won't see it on any other channel you won't see it nowhere else that's for sure um yeah some of our projects are similar to other people's projects and as YouTubers everybody gets the same products and people send it and they want reviews on and I get that but Danny and I try to take things to a little bit of a different put a Different Twist on it twist yeah you know so you don't know what's going to happen you don't know what you're going to see and what we're going to be doing and the conro will not do like many many other channels does we will not buy our boat I mean our our uh subscribers listings we won't buy that we're not going to buy um into all the stuff where people get tons of views uh to raise their Channel up we're not going to do that we never bought anything we've never bought into that we're not going to buy special music if if we do anything it'll be what we just pick up off of YouTube free YouTube music We Are Who We Are I'm sitting here in a pair of overalls just plain old me I'm I'm not anybody fancy you know can I be fancy yes I can talk with the fanciest of the people that there is I can I can stand behind a pull pit in a three-piece suit and still do what I used to do I can stand before th thousand of men and give de uh speeches like I used to I can still do that but I choose not to now I choose to to digress and to come back and to live a simpler life and that's what uh that's what our podcast is all about that's what camera's gonna our camera fix to go the wind's blowing really hard but that's what pan Grove is all about it's about going back to a simpler time in life and quit all this fancy modern stuff you know our podcast right now only has uh well the first few are are talking about a simpler life and Danny and I had a blast doing them and the last year and a half we've just been really busy with infrastructure here yeah but all the porch times go up on the podcast or most all of them and some of the older ones are there yeah and in the future we hope to get set up where we can do podcast and talk about our week some of the things that went on and it'll just be a podcast that way we don't have to do videos and stuff like that anybody that kind of wants to keep up with us can join us on can join us on podcast we're on every platform out there so I mean just guys we'll let you know ahead of time we definitely we will definitely take and we gotta go get busy yes I got beans to can thank you guys from pean Grove bye guys
Channel: Pecan Grove
Views: 16,484
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pecan grove, abandonded farm, creating a homestead, deep south homestead, danny and wanda, question and answer video, what is next
Id: UpYWGe1GBj4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 24sec (2004 seconds)
Published: Mon May 27 2024
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