Why the Name Miss Cindy, Why Matt Doesn't Play Pranks On Me, Strange Happenings in the Woods?

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few weeks ago we did a series of q a videos where people ask us questions we had put it on a community Tab and and allowed people to ask questions and then we answered them and these today what we're going to do is of course every time we did a video in the comments people added more questions so not as many as in the beginning so this will be the last q a for a I guess a good long while and then maybe someday we'd do that again if you're if you're interested but these questions come from those videos that we already did just in the comment section and also maybe a couple that people emailed emailed me so you ready for this again I guess ready so the very first one a lot of these are for Matt but the first one is for sure have you ever had any strange encounters when you were hunting in Georgia map mostly deer hunts in the state of Georgia him and his dad have since he was a little boy yeah I've been I've been chased by Hogs a couple of times two different times that I can remember one was in the dark and yeah and I had to jump up a tree both times I laughed at my Aunt one time when he come back he said that he was going into his tree stand early in the morning of course it was dark and he started hearing this noise and then he heard what sounded like gallop and hoofs yeah it was on a I was walking down an old red clay road then I was going to turn off the road and go down in the woods and the road was packed really really hard it was early it was in bow season and it was early and been hot and yeah it sounded just like little horse Hooves coming and it just kept getting louder and then I began to realize probably what it was so I just stepped off the side of the road and just dropped my bow and she needed up three or four feet up a tree and I think it was best I could tell it was still dark but there was two or three of them and they just run right under me and just kept going I just thought that was funny though when the way Matt described the Galloping Hooves and he said it's not funny because it disrupted his morning and you can't see and you don't know if you're about to get you know yeah and I the other time was way off the road way back in the woods and I was almost to my tree and I just began I could hear myself walking in the cold leaves you know the frosty leaves like that's about all you could hear but then uh something caught my ear so I stopped and I could hear stuff all around me and then I I could hear him grunting and snorting and I guess they were feeding and I realized I was in the middle of a bunch of them I don't know how they didn't run and I was trying to figure out how close I was to my tree it's pretty close and then they began to move a little quicker and get a little closer to me and I couldn't see them and having a flashlight and I was just all through the woods trying to figure out where the closest one was and I was going to shoot them and panned a lot and I can see my tree stand about 20 yards away and I'll just take off running into it and got to where I could get up on the foot platform a couple of feet off the ground and got up on it and spun around flip the safety off and turn the flashlight on just waited and they all finally filtered out and it's gone and I've climbed on them hundred rest this morning didn't say nothing but yeah that's two times that's happened Eerie feeling I guess walked in on a bar one morning years and years and years ago and it wasn't in Georgia though so I guess that'd be another story but that was pretty scary yeah it's always in the dark every time yeah yeah that's what makes it scary if it was Daylight it wouldn't you could judge and see them and they would probably see you too and be gone which I guess they can see in the dark though so they knew you were there yeah yeah yeah and it's always it's always way back then when nothing but the little two cell flashlights that shine about four feet that's how you can see yeah oh goodness okay the next one is do you have did you have a favorite age or do you have a favorite Age and and would you want to like if you could pick an age to stay out forever what would it be I don't know probably 30 30. yeah I think for me it'd be maybe 40. because you can still do everything I could at 40 at least do everything I'd always been able to do but then you have so much more experience and I guess wisdom about knowing who you are and knowing what matters in life and all those things so I think I would say 40. at 30 I feel like I still had a lot to learn I still have a lot to learn I don't mean it like that I learn all the time in one way I would say 50 even but that would be I can't I don't feel like I'm as physically fit as I was maybe at 40. and I know my eyesight sure isn't so did you say you had some wisdom I said I had more than I did when I was 30. how'd you put it thanks I still need a lot I need a lot of need to gain a lot of wisdom but but I had a lot more at 40 than I did at 30. and I had more at 50 than I did at 40 but at 50 I I find it harder to do some things than I did but at 40 I think I could still do everything I had always been able to do and I had good eyesight still and so I think 40 would be a good age for me the reason I said 30 is just because I felt just like I did when I was 18. the girls were still little you know yeah and still kind of of course they're always fun but it was just a fun time whenever this is to be smiling running all over the house and everything moment I was scared to death trying to pay for everything but yeah still though joyful time yeah eight walls and I still felt like I could do anything I wanted to do and I just pretty much still can it's just I'm a little slower at it and I can see it yeah and we're more wary than we were then because you're like like before you'd never think about climbing up something you might fall now you're like well if I did fall let's go yeah it's gonna be bad it's gonna be bad okay uh what does Matt like better fried tomatoes fried zucchini or BLTs uh I sure do like blt's but I like fried was it fried tomatoes yeah and fried zucchini I don't think we've ever ate fries I mean we probably maybe have at some point but I don't make fried zucchini but we love fried tomatoes and we eat a lot of BLTs we all love BLTs especially in the summer when you just have the fresh tomato makes it so much better thinking about summer and gardening what do we can and what we never can again so what do we can we can a lot of green beans pickles and jellies and peppers and jam tomatoes Kraut we make Kraut potatoes potatoes we didn't do no potatoes this year though yet unless we do and then what would we dear meat yeah what would we never can again most of the things that we can we can on because we already liked them wouldn't you say yeah yeah I can't think of it the only thing I can think of one one year I did make a tomato preserves and I I think we liked it but I didn't ever make it again and I I must not liked it enough to make sure that I made it the next year but I would like to try it again and see see if I if it's something that we we did like now I made Butters like pumpkin butter and those things I made those a couple of times and I don't do those anymore but mostly because they don't I had trouble and they even can do a lot of research about it but whether or not you should even can something like that but for me they didn't um what do you call it they didn't stay self shelf stable very long sorry having trouble talking today they didn't they went bad quickly too quickly so I don't know if that was on the my part or if that was like they say squash is one of the more difficult things to can but we certainly do freeze a lot though of thinking about winter squash like pumpkins and things like that we love to just keep them whole and and then eat on them as the winter goes on especially thinking about butternut squash and the green white striped cushions if they last if they don't start to go bad but if they do we usually freeze them so I don't know can you think of anything else we used to we used to canned corn a little yeah but we hadn't done that in a long time and we make some things like and we've not done this this year or last year but usually we'll do it ever so many years and then have enough to last but like a soup base which for us a soup base is just Tomatoes okra and corn that's all we put in it and then when we open a jar we add the potatoes and the onions and whatever else we want to add but we didn't do that last year or this year and I think we've got maybe one jar left in in the pantry but in the cannon shelves maybe not even that so sometimes there's things like that that just don't get done if you have a really busy year or maybe that's the year those things don't do as good right anyway what was your favorite TV show and then your favorite western movie walls there is what is was whatever ever you can do both what was what when you were growing up maybe I liked gun smoke awful good and I still do we've been watching it for days even now uh my favorite movie probably Tombstone I'm a western kind of guy I like westerns and that one was I like that one and for me I don't know I love The Waltons I don't watch TV a whole lot but I love The Waltons of course when I was growing up there was all kinds of ones that I liked but I still love The Waltons and I love gun smoke I'm like man I love all the old westerns The Virginian and the Wagon train and yeah all those yeah and I don't know about movies I'm not a big movie person either yeah we don't watch movies much even now at all it's usually just stuff and the old stuff like that what's Matt's favorite Wild game and then what's his favorite freshwater fish my favorite Wild game is uh dear meat of course uh backstrap on the grill is what I like the best and then my favorite fish would be I guess would be a crappy fried tunnel fish for a much we trout fish mostly because that's what's available but and I can eat them but I like the crappy better and I like walleye a lot better and do you like them how do you like them cooked all that stuff baked fried or grilled oh I like the fish fried and the deer meat grilled it's my favorite place to eat them do we like Brunswick stew and have we made it uh I'm surely you like it and I know I've eaten it but it's we I used to make a version similar I guess if you don't know if you could call we didn't call it Brunswick stew but it was very similar yeah the same that Matt made with deer meat right yeah it's funny growing up I didn't really know what Brunswick Stew was but but it's just a stew we would just say that's just a stew and then I wouldn't realize oh well that some people call that Brunswick stew it's one of those things do we have a what's your favorite ice cream probably vanilla bean the hot chocolate awful good too yeah I'm partial to chocolate's my favorite probably and then do we make it so when I was growing up we made it often especially thinking of church people different people in the church Community if you went to their house that was common they would somebody you know almost everybody had an ice cream maker and they would make ice cream and then everybody that was there got to enjoy it but me and Matt had not I think when we were first married I had your mama got me some kind of little tiny ice cream maker and we made it a few times and then we hadn't made it for many years and then this summer we actually have been making it again we've only made peach ice cream it was my nephew Ben let us pick the peaches off of his tree and after I don't know why I just got it in my mind that would that would make such good ice cream I need to make some ice cream so we have and see how they did and it is good yeah it is really good so but I love chocolate yep and as far as store-bought ice cream in our area there's a brand Mayfield and that's my favorite ice cream if I yeah but the home homemade is the best a little bit of most tracks is good yeah what was our first date what was the first date that we went on I think our first day was not like why most people probably would think of we were set up set up on a blind date by my cousin and her husband and if I remember right we just basically rode around in the back of his what would it have been would have been a truck or a Bronco or Blazer or something laser I think is what he had and we just or I don't know if he had a truck then we just all sit in the front on the bench I think I don't know I don't know seems like seems like sitting real close to you on one side and to her on the other and then you were smitten yeah I was smitten I was yeah but we rode around maybe up on the parkway yeah I think so yeah so a long time ago I don't really don't remember much of that one of our after that one of our pretty quickly that we went on dates was a hunt trip yeah same thing with Debbie and Keith well how'd you like that yeah I liked it because I was with you yeah we rode a lot of horses in those days rode horses a lot and we used to have horses and we did go out to eat some but not much one of the first or I guess it was the first place Matt ever took me to eat was a was that Japanese or in Waynesville or Chinese place Chinese place yeah and I'd never even I'd never been to a Chinese restaurant of any kind I've never been nowhere like that so Matt had to order for me was it good yeah I'm sure it was I bet that place ain't even there now no no 30 whatever years ago and another place we like to go in those days usually with a big crowd but was called ponchos and it's not there anymore either it was in Asheville it was a Mexican restaurant it was good yeah I love the smothered chicken you know okay would you rather hunt or fish hunt that's easy for you and then to the girls or I hunt or fish I don't do any of it either none of it and the girls when they were young they would go with Matt hunting and they would go fishing some but not they're not like Matt they're not like every year getting ready for deer season and going all the time or going by their self or anything they just did it as to be part of Matt's I mean they enjoyed it but it was more of a father-daughter thing so they would go there's lots of funny stories about them falling asleep in the in the blinds and and eating and scaring the deer off and talking and couldn't be quiet and but they did used to hunt with Matt and then today of course Katie's become like obsessed with fishing so she's in the last year or two she's really got into fishing but I don't and I'll never have I'd rather go with them and just enjoy the outdoors Now Matt used to when we were dating and we and before we had Corey and Katie I would go with him deer hunting and he would take me somewhere and set me out and then go to where he was and I would just sit there I'd read a book I'd look around I would think I heard deer I never seen one that I remember and then Matt would say I probably just heard squirrels I couldn't tell the difference but okay why did we call Miss Cindy Miss Cindy and what did Matt call her so Miss Cindy was Matt's mother she passed away in June this year but Matt called her she called her mama called her mama and the reason we called her Miss Cindy was back when we when we had Corey and Katie when we were going to have them you know before they were born they they would have been her first Matt's the only child they would have been her you know her first and only turned out grandchildren so we asked her on my side my brother had already had children so Pap and Granny was already Pap and Granny that was already set in stone but we asked Miss Cindy what she would like to be called and she come up with Miss Cindy she didn't really want to be a granny she didn't want to be a mamaw it won't be a grandma I don't guess if she said how about Miss Cindy of course we just said that's fine whatever you want to be whatever you want to be called so they that's why we they called her Miss Cindy and in the same way that we my brothers and I and all of our family ended up calling well I used to call Mom and Daddy ended up calling him now Pap and Granny the same thing happened with me and Matt calling Miss Cindy Miss Cindy instead of him calling her mama or me calling her Cindy I started calling her Miss Cindy too what is our favorite dish to cook that would be so hard I just don't really have a favorite one I love there's so many things I love to cook and fix for my family I think about like breakfast stuff I love biscuits and gravy but then I love like the red eye gravy chocolate gravy sausage gravy bacon gravy tomato gravy you know there's just so many things to go with those biscuits and then I love toast and eggs and bacon and you know there's just so many and then you go on to you know thinking about supper meals yeah probably one of my close-up at the top though would be soup beans and cornbread and fried potatoes and now on green onions from the garden you can't hardly beat that stewed potatoes soupy potatoes we would call them that's that would be a real meal so right up there at the top I don't know for you I guess yours would be some kind of deer meat I love deer meat but that wouldn't I would take the soup beans probably over the deer meat yeah I like probably the real tenderloin marinate it and grilling that and some maybe some fried potatoes or something like that'd be especially fried potatoes and Rams yeah is that's a fine meal Matt has a we have a video or two about the grilled tenderloin and then we also have one about the deer a deer roast that Matt makes every especially every Christmas and Thanksgiving and thinking about my brother Paul he says that's his favorite is that roast and he said you know he hopes he never has to pick a last meal here on this Earth but if he did it would be Matt's deer roast so that's certainly his favorite cooked in a long time yeah it's really good and I'll link to those videos if you if you didn't get to see them oh favorite dessert I skipped that one for me it's harsh potato cake ours Tater cake we would say but it's a potato it's got potatoes in it mashed potatoes and ours is a how we would differentiate between sweet potatoes and white potatoes is Arce taters potato or our Staters so the orange Tater cake and I have a video about that too that's my favorite hands down my favorite dessert I don't know about that what was that thing you made here not long ago that I said is probably better than oh the cinnamon you like the cinnamon orange bread yeah yeah that's by far yeah we'll link to that one link to that one too do you ever play any pranks like April Fool's Day and things like that me yeah I used to when I was younger but I don't know yeah I'm not big on pranks I never have been I used to prank you a lot when we were very first married and you'd get mad at me I get mad at Matt even when I was young I was never one to pull pranks on people because I didn't like to be people to do it to me so I didn't want to do it to other people but yeah when we were first married Matt would do things like I was taking a shower and he would come in there without me knowing it and then pour cold water over the shower curtain and turn the light on and then turn the light out I'd get so mad I couldn't stand it I just jump out of the closet jump out of the closet jump out in the hot hide in the edge of the hallway like in one of the doors and then jump out he'd do all kinds of stuff like that then I'd take advantage of your deathly fear of rats yeah and he would do that girls used to have stuffed animals just a house full of them and I would tie fishing line to them and as she come down the hall drag them across the floor in front of her and she would just about turn a foot up she'd scare Savannah it was fantastic I'm glad Matt finally quit he don't do that anymore I hadn't thought about it a whole lot I might Revival no no no it'd make me so mad I couldn't stand it because I don't do that I'd be like I don't play pranks like that on you Matt said well you can I'm like no I don't want to and I don't want you to play him on me yeah I don't know if I do right now I'm a little scared of you now yeah and you've got got a little hate from you over there anyway so we're not big pranks people I don't want to wake up with a frying pan on my head yeah you might yeah no I might just deprive you of like cornbread or something yeah we can't have that yeah so let's see do we remember when we got saved that was a question from somebody so we are people who believe in are believers and I certainly remember and I'm sure Matt does too I was very very young when I got saved it's the old new Martins Creek Baptist Church the church is tore down now it's not there anymore but that was where I where I got saved and I was probably in second grade I don't know I was in second grade I don't remember how old I was but I remember and remember how I felt and um still today think it's the best thing I ever did for my life of course I've done lots of things that was not right in my life along the way but committing my life to Christ even though I fail daily that was the best thing I've ever done for sure yeah I don't think me and you were dating when I got something yeah yeah when we dated and we still lived in Canton right a long time ago a long time ago yeah so let's see favorite hunting and fishing equipment that Matt uses that would be that could be a video all by itself I guess yeah so I don't know exactly if they meant of course maybe what kind of gun do you hunt with for deer hunting well that could also be oh it could be several depends on if it's muzzle loading season or yeah and I just kind of give take spells liking one for a while and then I'll put it up and then use another one and then of course the bows you know um I have always been fascinated with bows and I'll shoot them even now year round I don't know all year long I'll see you shoot my bows and then when both seasons over I'll put them up and hunt with a gun for a while but I'm still periodically come out in the yard and practice and it's just I don't know what my favorite one would be I've got I like so much of it you know then there's all the knives and flashlights and yeah you'd always should do a video on some of that stuff you should so you'd always though thinking about something you would never go hunting or fishing without would probably be like a knife yeah and you're a flashlight and things like that right right and and I used to I don't do it much now I used to be on my own errands and that just keeps you kind of in the game all year long you've got something to do that has to do with what your hobby is you know I used to pour my own Muzzleloader bullets and I've still got all that stuff I just don't really do that much anymore so outside of working that's what I'm doing something to do with uh mostly hunting so who is most alike between like our family Corey and Katie and me and Matt we may have different opinions but I would say that Matt and Katie are a whole lot alike and me and Corey are a whole lot alike except I do think Corey's a whole lot like Matt too so maybe maybe they're both more like you in a lot of ways I guess they're a mixture of us but I'll just go ahead and finish the recipe whenever they're bad they're like mad that's what I thought no no I do think Katie and Matt's a whole lot alike they both uh got a fiery temper although Corey does too I don't have a temper I don't get upset yeah Cory's you just gotta you got to push on her whole lot to ever get it out but Katie's like me she's cocked and ready all the time that's a good way to put it yeah yeah and then do I sing like Corey and Katie and Paul all sing and my other family members do too but I don't I sing in the church choir things like that but I don't I was not blessed with a beautiful voice like they they were Matt has a beautiful voice though if you could get him to sing you used to sing all the time around the house play the guitar I ain't got time for that now another thing we got several questions about this is about my hair it's funny people want to know if it's naturally curly or not it is not naturally curly it's not and then let's see oh and I was going to say too A lot of people say well I've seen pictures where you used to wear it straight why don't you wear it straight again well I did wear it straight for a long time long time but it's so much easier to fix if it's curly and I have very fine and very thin hair so the older you get the more fine and the more thin it gets and so you know it just I think personally that it looks better you can't see through it as much if it's curly and poofed out and poofy got the poofy hair then if it was really slick down to my head and my ears were sticking through it because it's fine and and thin somebody don't ask me about my hair yeah nobody's going to ask you about yours you want me to ask you is yours natural I'm a little natural wallet it's naturally gone yeah somebody probably will ask in this video why Matt shaved his face because uh he had a beard probably in the last one my sister-in-law and my brother Steve and Kim they've always teased ever since me and Matt's been married from the very beginning and they tease that they they figured out that real quickly that Matt must be in the witness protection program because he changed his facial hair more than anybody they knew you know he'd have a beard then he wouldn't then he'd have a mustache then he wouldn't then he'd have a goatee then he wouldn't and then he and all variations of that and then for a long time you had a great big beard remember that I remember yeah I think so yeah and then that was gone and it's just like it's just always something different yeah I just can't I can't deal with with my for long with it it just drives me insane so he just has to change up and then shaving every day drives me insane yeah um like my brother Steve he had a mustache forever I mean 25 years or something I don't know it was crazy forever it's just him you just think of him with just a mustache and then a couple of years ago they went to the beach and and with a family vacation all of their family and somehow while he was there he just went in the bathroom and shaved his mustache and come out everybody was shocked and then he come home and we're all shocked because we're like you look so different you know my Uncle Henry always had a beard like that too and I remember one of the first time I seen him without a beard I was like and you don't you look sick you know it's almost like you look sickly or something he wasn't but it was just from so many years of seeing him with a beard when Cory and Katie were little it did change his stuff his facial hair like that but you know when they're babies they don't really pay attention as much but they were probably what maybe they were in their high chair still yeah maybe two years old maybe you know 18 months old something like that and Matt shaved his mustache and I don't remember if they you come out of the bathroom I don't remember I remember it was in the living room though and Matt just come and sat down in the chair and in his chair and they were playing around and then all of a sudden they seen him and they started crying and backing up and I was like what you know we knew probably what it was and they they said put it back Daddy put it back and then they just took off running both of them they run to their room and just cried and carried on and they were mad about it up for days wasn't they they were just so upset that Matt's mustache was gone that was funny so when you were growing up did you have a favorite TV or celebrity crush and if so who was it yeah I probably yours was probably like every other person you're or ever I would say people I mean lots of men boys whatever in the 70s could I guess Fair faucet yeah yeah that's what I was gonna say probably Fair false out I remember so many of my friends their brother's rooms that's who they'd have on the wall oh yeah I had one of those people yeah I have those on the wall yeah uh for me who would it be I liked Rick Springfield a lot when I was that age it's probably the same kind of era as Farrah Fawcett I guess or maybe Farrah Fawcett would have been slightly before but I liked Rick Springfield I liked his music and thought he was handsome anybody else you can think of uh how did granny and Pap meet so I have a video where granny talks about that talks about how much she they're kind of their love affair I'll link to that but it's a neat Story how they met so perhaps Uncle Wayne who's really closer in age to Pap because when big families in those days or even today happens that's the way it happens sometimes the younger kids in a family end up being about the same age as some of those older kids that have already had kids they're kids you know so perhaps Uncle Wayne but much closer in age to Pap than like of course perhaps Mother and some of his other aunts and uncles he lived on the other side of the four lane from granny and her family and he was married to a lady named Violet he lives there and he I guess he you know he knew the family and you know whatever he wanted to fix granny up with one of his nephews but it wasn't Pap it was a different one and that's who he wanted to fix her up with but somehow that didn't work out and so then instead he said well I'll just fix you up with Jerry then instead and so that's how they met so Wayne is uh the result of Pap and Granny meeting and quickly falling in love and I think they dated three months before they got married times were different those days but you know they were married over 50 years when Pat passed away so but I'll link to that it's a beautiful beautiful love story why do we not have goats for our Hill up here it could be something else to feed there's a couple of reasons for one thing yeah it would just be the you know you've got to take care of them and we've just never been in a position where we can do that and then it's a really awkward place if you just put goats just in it because of it is so steep so then you think about the fencing for it would be you know and and goats like this fence down here on this part would have to be so high because they could just literally jump off right jump over it and be gone then once I eat it all then what we're gonna do yeah so it's just something to eat the garden yeah something that we've never we'd love to have goats but we'd like to have a nice place to put them instead of just that if we had more land flat land wasn't on the goat Bluff even though Matt calls it that it would be a good place for goats to hang out if you didn't have to worry about them being fenced in and bothering other people so we kind of talked about this one and some of the others I think maybe in a different video but Bears we do have Bears here and you don't often see them but sometimes you do see them come through the yard or see evidence of them and Matt's got his deer cam cameras out right now and so he's been seeing bear on them especially a big mama and two Cubs that have been they've been coming pretty regular yeah the little cubs are playful and they like to get up on the side of the tree and hang there and while Mama's pilfering around yeah she's she's pretty big so I'll just have to keep my eye out for her yeah you will got a little hummingbird over there beside us so another thing people wanted to know about if I asked me about is this bracelet and they wanted to know if Katie made it and why I always wear it it's a really pretty silver bracelet but Katie did not make it has a really pretty design on it what would you call that Matt I don't know anyway very pretty very meaningful to me my friends got it for me when I turned 50 and they had something inscribed in it so I'll read that to you we will be friends until we're old and senile then we'll be new best friends happy 50th Tipper and then they put their names Ginger Julia and Shannon so very special to me and so I do wear it a lot makes me think of them and our friendship and you know it always makes you feel good to know your your friends have got your back and you've got friends you can depend on so I guess where I really like it aesthetically it's a really pretty bracelet and I've always been somebody that loved bracelets so it's that but then also kind of like taking a piece of them everywhere I go so it's pretty pretty nice I'm blessed with good friends if we could live in another time when would it be if you've chosen another time that's a pretty hard one too and that's the last one so we'll we'll end on this one if we could live in another time I don't know cowboy days maybe or even further back I'm looking to be a Trapper of course I'd probably be get killed early by be mauled by a bear or something yeah probably but it's kind of cool I always love to read the books about those those kind of people it's a very interesting time to me yeah but it'd be tough definitely be tough yeah they're probably a little tougher than I could stand but it's still cool to think about yeah I don't know for me I think like you know the early 1900s the 20s the 30s here in our area would have been a good time to live maybe in the 30s it had been tough like Matt's saying but I think it would have been nice I mean I think as far as the living close to the land and all those things that Matt just mentioned again like he's saying I probably am not tough enough that I could have lived then and then sometimes I think about just if I could if just if you could just go back and live like in the 70s when me and Matt grew up in the 70s that'd be great you know the the that time period when there still was as far as modern conveniences and maybe you know easier to if you think about health issues and things like that um yeah maybe that being a good time so I don't know but it sounds like me and Matt wouldn't have lived at the same time though he'd be in the 1700s and I'd be in the 30s or the 70s I'm smarter than I look yeah I don't know we love to think about you know you look back with romantic uh views of those times of and and it is true that a lot of it would have been more I think meaningful as far as we live in such a busy crazy world today but then the flip side of that is the you know the poverty and the the toughness and and struggling and always the wolf at your door you know where you're going to have enough to eat or you're going to have enough to stay warm all those things so that definitely would have been a a hardship that we can't understand of course today living in the Land of Plenty it's been a little tougher to upload videos might have been a problem and then the medical things you know there's a lot wrong with our Health Care system and all that you can talk about but then there's also so many good things even just I just focus on Corey and Katie if I had been pregnant with them even in the 70s but definitely back in the 30s I likely would have lost them and they would not have been you know wouldn't have been here so with modern Medical Technology they discovered very very early that I was already dilated and you know they were no were near being viable babies so anyway all those things but it does seem like a time that when life was more meaningful back then whether it was in the 1700s or the 30s or even the 70s yeah well it was slower slower yeah and it as a product of it being slower people had a just a different interaction with one another than they do now and I kind of miss that yeah yep what do you do try to keep trying to be that way yourself yeah I guess so yeah well we hope you enjoyed hearing again these were the questions from the questions from the Q a videos that we did several weeks ago we hope you enjoyed hearing our thoughts about these things or finding out that Matt liked Farrah Fawcett and he probably wasn't alone in that as I said I know there was lots of people she was very very popular I thought it's just me and her she was popular for a lot of reasons not just her beauty for men and boys that liked her but her hairstyle now I did try to have the Farrah Fawcett hairstyle the wings yeah I did try to have that so she started a lot of a lot of Trends I guess I'm rocking the Kojak hairstyle now I just need to get something with a choice I need to get you some lollipops yeah yeah I like I can start doing that instead popsicles yeah as always we're always grateful when you stop by to help us celebrate Appalachia and to see you know you think well how in the world is this celebrating Appalachia me and Matt talking about all these things I would say that it it just gives an insight into the life people live in Appalachia especially mining match generation I think a lot of the things that we answered you know would be very typical for I think of a you know several couples on each side of us in both ways that live in this area that grew up like we did kind of a snapshot of growing up here if you're a fire generation whether it was the Farrah Fawcett thing or or wishing you lived back then or the favorite foods or the things we do today the hunting and fishing or things like that and be very very similar
Channel: Celebrating Appalachia
Views: 47,871
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Appalachia, Appalachian Mountains, Celebrating Appalachia, Tipper Pressley, Matt Pressley, The truth about living in Appalachia, Raising a family in the mountains
Id: _X56y2P8uG8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 3sec (2463 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 14 2023
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