You Should Hear It From Us | How We REALLY Feel |@SimpleLifeReclaimed | 05.21.24

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good morning good morning good morning guys good morning everybody welcome back to real talk with us SLR how are you guys doing today well y'all today we are going to be getting back in the grind of things mhm it's been a very crazy week um as most of you guys know yeah so last time we were talking with y'all we were getting ready for Julia to have her sixth grade graduation that was a wonderful graduation yeah I can't believe how big and grownup she is man it's uh definitely just eye opening you know of how quick life really goes you know so fast so so fast I think Julia was nine when we moved out here and um yeah she's 12 now and the years from 9 to 12 they do so much growing and changing and um yeah every day that we're out here I'm just reassured that this was definitely the right move for our family it was a it was a beautiful graduation it was a beautiful time this weekend yeah this weekend was the Arkansas River Valley homesteaders Meetup out at Blue Mountain Lake Y and it was an absolutely great time we did um the dunk Booth the pie in the face the kids had the bounce Housey you did the fishing tournament couple of speeches there was so much good food and good company um some folks traveled all the way from the West Coast like Oregon and um there was several different people that traveled from all over the country Georgia Alabama Mississippi Florida U Missouri um Oklahoma Texas yeah like it wasn't just Arkansas but there was a lot of folks from Arkansas there too yeah it was it was a good time it was a really really good time yeah so it was uh it was a blast uh that whole weekend my body man my body's sore though after that it was a that was a lot of moving and grooving that weekend yeah well see what happened was is the right before we did the Meetup um as you guys know Gary wasn't feeling the best with his back he had pulled something when we were working up on top doing the rafters and um we need you know we took it easy kind of like preparing ourselves for the Meetup well what happened was at the Meetup Gary went inside the dunk Booth man that dunk Booth uh it kicks you right back all right it uh your bruces are going away though well they are but they're still there Gary's got some some pretty good siiz bruises on his tailbone and like on the sides of his back sort of like the you know the train tracks and driving over it with like biggie in a sense MH it'll kick you right back anytime and every time yeah well the guys were super nice like us ladies all were planning on getting inside the dunk Booth but one the water was really cold and two it bites back at you and so the guys were really nice and considerate towards us ladies and did not make us sit up in the booth but G you took a couple of turns in it and Gary really got beat yeah that thing that thing came back and got me that's for sure and it was uh it was a fun time like I don't I don't uh you know not I didn't not have fun you know I had a great time do you the whole time I don't regret it I don't anything like it was a great time in that dunk Booth yeah but it definitely got me back you know yeah so the last couple of days since we've been home today's Tuesday um yesterday we kind of kept it lowkey and the kids are all home from school now on summer vacation so we're trying to get into our new summer schedule with things no yesterday we kept it really low key um Sunday was the last day of the Meetup and we didn't get home until like later in the afternoon we were just wiped and like came home and went to bed and then yesterday was really lowkey kind of a day today I imagine is going to be another lowkey kind of a day especially for Gary uh but I am all dressed and ready to go I'm going to spend some time in the garden since I wasn't able to this Sumer Sunday I like to on Sundays I like to do all of my gardening and like pull out all the weeds and like kind of keep that under control and I'd say for like it's like two weeks overgrown I haven't been able to get out there for two weeks so we're going to give your back another day at least see how you feel tomorrow and then uh I'm going to go and do some yard stuff today yeah yeah no I'm going to try to get some cream on there and let it relax and heal because it's still still man like I was just doing a little bit today and my back is still like was like all right yeah it was a tease it was like you're feeling a little bit better you know and I go to band over oh man nope yeah and we can't have up on top of the roof um you know attaching everything and that's too dangerous y although uh we did get our climbing gear back from mam so thank you p and run for bringing that back to us and in fact if I can I might rig up my harness and hang upside down relieve some pressure yeah and see what can happen there's a subscriber that tells us all the time we need to get an inversion table and we had one I can't use them it puts too much I I personally have we've had one and we used it and dude getting back up after sitting in that thing man yeah talk about a blood rush of uh like almost every time I have a headache you have a headache you know like well I was going to say I have like that vertigo thing like I can't even do somersaults in the yard or like flip underwater when I'm swimming or anything and then I get like nauseous like really really bad nauseous I get carti super easy too I got to take Dramamine it feels great in the moment like your body yeah it helps your back but like I the dealing with the nausea that I get afterwards for me personally yeah and you said you got really bad headaches from it I got really bad headaches from it and I was just like I don't know man and I tried it you know I was like maybe it was just a you know first time thing or whatever and I tried it for like 2 three months yeah and then we ended up getting rid of it cuz yeah we did have one when we lived in Arizona we did we bought one y and it was I mean it was nice but it just it didn't work well for me no and we tried it on the lower setting you know and not all the way upside down and it's still I was like dude I feel like I'm about to faint when you get up you're supposed to come back up slowly too so yeah and we did everything that we were supposed to do and it just still was like yeah no and we do stretches and we eat well um I mean as well as we can and we exercise obviously we're always out here moving and grooving um but so it's not anything like that it's just the amount of physical activity that we're doing and then past injuries it'll wear on you sometimes and then taking a kick in the back with the dunk Booth probably didn't help anything no that didn't help it was I'm like I was like back at square one in a sense yeah so I honestly I don't know what this we had plans for this week to finish the um the rafters and stuff and I honestly I don't know we're playing it by ear cuzz like yeah that would be really good and we really want to do that but I'm I'm not going to let you get up there if you're feeling like this no and there's plenty other stuff that I can get into so I'm going to spend the day like the radishes need to be pulled and I need to thin out those carrots they're growing like really close together they need a good thinning um I have a question for you though before like I do get to work today I know that my weed whackers down by the pond is there any premixed um oil gas or or whatever for me I think I have a two gallon tank somewhere okay if I can have before you go and rest if you could find that for me CU I want a weed whack in there and I got that black um morning Wyatt hello good morning I got that black netting or whatever that I could put along that backside cuz there's so many weeds over there and it's starting it's honestly it's getting to the time too where the garden is growing so beautiful guys I can't wait to show you I've got radishes I'm going to do some rat pickle and some radishes um Anthony actually was asking me specifically he's like hey Mel um you know cuz I got so many radishes he's like you know how when you go to the Mexi Mars and they have like the radish and like the onion and stuff like that and it's like pickled can you make can you make some jars of that so I got you bro I'm probably going to work on some of that carrot jalapeno onion and radish I have all of that I have all the ingredients all those what did you do to your face that was Julia look at look at this boy look at this boy that was Julia oh my goodness go wash your face mama what do you want can want make us some food give me a minute we're doing a real talk right now okay all he need he needs I learn how to make the egg in a cup thing mhm them you want to do the egg in a coffee cup and the microwave I just learned the recipe okay you can I will say yes you you guys can but one go wash your face don't let your sister ride on you no more don't do that and two you guys are going to have to empty the dishwasher and the drying rack okay go ahead we're doing real talk kids yeah no yep yep we're all going to have to get used to the summer schedules guys we're all GNA have to get used to it um but yeah so I'm going to do the uh I'm definitely going to be doing that maybe later on today if I have some how depending on how beat I am I'm trying to get out there and get into the garden before the sun gets too crazy so we could keep to that schedule like we were planning on um you know midday go and hide go back out again later on in the evening but I've got a lot of gardening that needs to get done I've got peas coming off the vine too I probably got a really nice Harvest of that um I definitely have lettuce that needs to come out too and um like our cucumbers are starting to those are actual cuc yeah there they're tiny they're like I've seen some flowers on there they're tiny and my um oh they look like cucumbers my brain just went squirrel zucchini zucchini that's the word yep that's the word the zucchini I got little zucchinis and stuff coming out too so I'm going to spend some time down there I'm going to get that working over I'll come down and help you you don't you don't have to I really want you to relax dude seriously like I got this i got this if you could manage the kids that's cool get me my gas that's all I want just get me the gas and I'll go mama what better yes much better see handsome boy don't let your sister ride on your face no more okay tell her to stop writing on uh yourselves and everything yeah don't be on be in extremely big big trouble okay love you guys what kids H any yeah we uh we had a blast at the uh the Meetup the Meetup was a great great time yeah so many people guys we saw so many wonderful people we met so many new people to the uh new to the area like there were several people that were like oh we just moved out here to this area um there were so many people that were like oh you know um you know we started watching you and then we started watching them and then we started watching them and now it's just this whole thing and that's a blessing that such a blessing that you're part of this community and um for everybody that wasn't able to be there in person but you were able to jump in on the live streams watching some of the videos that are coming out now um Tim did a Premiere last night actually and he put together some really good footage heck yeah yeah so and I know that some of the other um you know Fran Bam are going to be putting out videos Gary and I didn't do any recording at all we were we were so we sort of running around with our heads like chickens with their heads cut off in a sense cuz we were going here going there going here going there trying to check in on everybody make sure everybody was good say hi to everybody and yeah it was a lot of Bing bonging around a lot of Bing bonging around there was so many I mean cuz you know every few minutes or so we're you know we're the support team so like every few minutes or so we're going over to where people are kind of stationed at doing their thing we're like hey can we help you what do you need you know and if we're not helping them in that moment then we're finding the person that can fill in those shoes and then um or if somebody was asking us questions and we're like we weren't sure we'd all try to get together and try to figure out the answer and be like okay I got the answer and now I got to go find that person and let them know right let everybody else know and then aside from that too like it was um you know a meeting like a lot of these people we were meeting for the very first time and so we wanted to take our time and um you know share some knowledge and experiences and get to know everybody and um you know take our time with that as well so that way it wasn't super rushed we wanted to make sure to uh pay attention and and give our our full selves y so try to give it to her you know everybody could say you know see each other and everybody could have a good time you know but it was it was a great great time it was a good uh family fun event you know the kids had a great time the we were able to raise quite a bit of money for you know the schools and the veterans around in this area and it was a it was a great Community build event it it was fun yeah mikee actually has the grand totals for that I think he's he's finalizing the calculations cuz some of the donations were given on super chats during lives um which we all know about that and we're all transferring it over to him um some of them were made by PayPal and also by cash app and then there was everything that was raised in cash and I know that in cash it was over 4,000 which is amazing like we weren't even expecting that at all and then if you add in all the digital uh donations for the organization I have I have a really really good feeling about this so Mike will definitely have more information about that later um so stay tuned on dreaming Drifter 5 yeah for all of that um but yeah I have nothing but positive things to say about the event um if I wanted to bring up any kind of negative nillies the only thing I think that we could really do better next year which might not even be an us thing it might have just been the location there was two complaints that we heard um throughout the event and the biggest complaint was first parking yep parking was kind of an issue oh that was a that was a one issue right there for sure yeah cuz it was I mean we didn't realize it or think that it was going to be that big no we didn't expect that much people I was really happy it was but I was not expecting that and now we know for next year like you know and that's where I think for it being our first time doing it anything like this and for it to being you know the first time that we were able to be a huge help with it you know everything like that yeah I feel like it went great oh yeah there's definitely going to be little growing pains and things that we could do better um the space was beautiful like I loved that it had the stage right there the The Pavilion was nice um it was it was great but like I said with the parking some people had to park pretty farther away in the park and you know walk par the park is pretty big it is so I mean it's not it's not like it was too small or anything but at the same time the parking aspects of where you could park and everything else and going back and forth and everything it made it a little bit more of like man that's a lock and then you know the second complaint that we had which you know again we can only do what we can do is that um the park itself all of the campsites had been reserved and taken up for the event like immediately and since we're really out here like there's only so many lodging places uh the the second complaint was that they had to drive you know 45 minutes or so to get to the event so th those being the only two kind of downfalls for the whole event I'd say that's really that's not really our we couldn't do anything about it we weren really expecting we weren't that like um but at the same time now we know for next year yeah next year we will definitely hold it in a spot that's got a lot more uh parking a readily available I mean I really I did really like that spot though I love that spot yeah that spot is absolutely amazing but at the same time it does make us consider things for next year if it's going I mean if it was the same size that it was this year well then I'm kind of on the fence of well you know first come first serve but if it if we plan on promoting it more or having it get any bigger than what it was this year we might have to consider another location only because of those two things we want to make make it easy for everyone to come we don't want to have any uh complaints we want everybody to be like everything was perfect and those are the two things that I think that could have done uh better for next year but again those things are sort of out of our hands and we weren't honestly expecting that many people to show up there was um several hundred y I don't know what the actual total was Mike knows it I know that more than uh 350 or so like signed the the banner like there's actually that many signatures on there and then if you add in all the kids and then people that didn't make it to the banner and people that floated in and floated out there was probably upwards of maybe even 500 people there no so I mean that's a lot of people for our small area yeah and I was very very uh surprised what the turn out it was it was a lot better than I was expecting you know it was was amazing it was absolutely awesome so huge shout out again and thank you to Mike over at drifting dreamers 5 man you are definitely got our vote for the organizational factor of it next year you did so good this year you're being volun told for next year he did great you know we we all try to stay to the time as much as possible but we also we had so much good times everywhere else and we didn't want toh skip out on food we wanted to make sure that everybody got fed you know which was where it pushed everything back a little bit you know honestly that was my biggest fear on Friday when we were doing the meet and greet and we were um talking with everybody and stuff I was just like man I just hope I to me and Gary looked at each other and we did we did the thing right I was like that's just going to be the biggest bummer is that if we don't have enough food for everybody but there was so much food there was more than enough um nobody obviously had to pay for anything it was just like a big family Barbecue no and uh Jen and Wy um over at our Mountain Home they did the majority of the cooking also Anon and glad at Ivy's family fact totem and um gladus Mom and Dad yep and there were some scribers and stuff that hopped in there and um you know there was like I think a an did one of the store runs and Patrick with the cuddly Texon he did one of the store runs too and then there was a couple of other people on Friday that it was sort of like the potlot you know where people also brought food and everything else and yeah it got to a point where we had an overabundance of food so much and I even talked to a couple of people you know uh that were just like hey what's going on over here I was like oh we're having a you know a community gift together I'm like if you guys are hungry go on up there grab yourself a plate uh go talk to everybody and they're like wait what I'm like yeah it's all free I'm like go for it they're all what's going on like yeah it's just a community event we they go get them a plate I don't know if they did or not but I talked to a few people you know well hopefully if I don't know if you're ever going to watch this but hopefully he went and got you a plate made a new friend um like I was mentioning earlier there's several people that are kind of new to this area that move from a different area and um you know they're Within 15 20 minutes or so of us and we exchanged numbers and information we made some really good new friends which I'm very excited for yeah so that's really awesome too it was a good time it was a it was a blast yeah but yeah I'm really curious I want to I want to look around and try to find a bigger Fairgrounds Still In this River Mountain or the River Valley Mountain Area you know but I want to find one that might be closer to a bigger city for lodging just foring and then it's also you know parking wise it' be cool if we could find like an expo center type thing well I know Booneville actually has Fairgrounds too no I know but again down to the lodging where that's where if they don't have an RV or or plan on camping then yeah and then the fairground I don't think has like the lake attached to it so if it's hot in summer and yeah yeah so I don't know there's some things that we will consider um again we also don't need to do it in the summer no could be in the fall or you know that's where I'm looking at it where listen it's not our deal we're going to leave it up to Mike Mike's gonna we're going to just take all the information that we've gathered and um we're going to try to continue to be support team and do better for next year but honestly for the first time and for um for everything that it was I am extremely pleased with it I'm so thankful to everybody that joined on the live streams um thank you to everybody that was donating for the charitable causes we really appreciate that um and everybody that took time out of their day and drove down and you know spent time with us we really appreciate you you guys seriously yeah it was a it was a great time it was a blast I we've seen so many people you know so many people down there and it was a blast to be able to put a lot of faces to the names you know now I will say it might take us a couple more times cuz I'm really good with faces I'm not so good with names like if I meet somebody in person and I see their face I give them a hug like I'm not going to forget you but I might say Hey you it might take me a couple of times to get to know the name uh but that doesn't mean that we didn't share good experiences and uh it doesn't it's that's just how my brain is squirrel exactly exactly but yeah it was a wonderful time guys I'm not sure um I'm not sure how it could have been any better to me it went off perfectly I think that it was perfect those I just wanted to mention those two things because those were the two areas that we were when we were asking people um what what could we do better what could have been done better those are the two things that got brought up but um yeah so this week friends we are going to get be getting back to it I'm not sure exactly what we're going to be getting into uh we do have some weather events coming up on the horizon for us and it's saying like 20% 30% and Gary and I always seem to fall into that 20 and 30% so it's really up in the air on what's going to be happening whether we're going to get those storms or not I know today is going to be a beautiful but hot day very over casty but it's supposed to get to like 92 or three or something so I definitely want to get out into that Gard and uh put some work in before it starts roasting me half to death so I know I'm going to do that today I'm not sure what the rest of the week is going to look like I guess you guys are just going to have to stay tuned and uh find out as we find out but today babe I really want you to kick back relax Wrangle those kids I'll try but I don't know like I'm I already sat down for so long there's only so much I can do you know in the sense with my back mhm M but I almost feel like I need to push through but not climb up there and just try to walk it out if you want to help me in the garden I'm not going to be a post for your help but I might around I might go around and mow where it's not if you want to mow that'd be awesome where it's not a big extru thing but I'm able to walk and walk it off I know in here specifically really needs it bad and then also you know the second tier and stuff and then the driveway no it's the bending over it's the climbing it's that that I'm that I can't do right now yeah so as long as I'm just moving my legs you know I should be all right because I don't want to lay down and then be locked up yeah that's the biggest that's my biggest issue well all I know is that the only thing I'm requesting of you is that oil gas I'm pretty positive it's in that shap that's all I want cuz I know I know I got to walk down to the pond and get the weed whacker cuz you can't mow in the garden that has to be weed whacked I can mow this strip right here the long strip the back strip the back strip yeah and I can't obviously up against the edges of everything yeah I know that's why I'm like I got to go down there and get my weed whacker no matter what because I do have that role that I've been saying how long has it been now guys it's been like a month that I'm like yeah I need to go down to the Garden I need to put that that ground cloth down and then I squirrel off and do something else right but today's the day today's the day cuz I really need to give it that attention you know what's funny H when I was in the garage messing around what I found our uh French Trin cloth oh oh that could have some of that could have been used huh yeah so I didn't necessarily have to buy same exact thing and well I bought a roll so huge roll of it too it's been that long that I was like oh yeah yeah I thought I used all that apparently I didn't and it's like I it's like this look we'll save that for later I have that roll that I bought spe that's the same as the other stuff and the steaks and everything um so and that's just in the utility room I already know where it is I already and it's lighter and easier for me to carry around than this giant thing so don't worry about it all I need from you is that gas okay so well I know where that is yeah I was sitting here thinking about where I where I put it yeah but next my chainsaw well I'm going to get rolling friends I want to thank you guys so much for hanging out with us today and watching today's episode real talk with SLR um we will be back tomorrow and I'm going to try to get going on this daily like we were we did take a few days off um you know because we were just so busy and so much coming and going and Company and just a lot going on uh but now that this is the first week back kind of at it getting on our new routine with the kids home from school and um with so much to do I'm going to keep you guys informed here on Real Talk H as far as videos on simple life reclaimed I got nothing for you right now but I think I'm going to record a garden video for you guys so the next video you guys get on SIMPLE LIFE reclaimed maybe I'll take you guys with me while I put around the Garden today um and possibly share with you guys that uh the Pickled um radish and like carrots and onion thing that you use on tacos it's so good so so good yeah cuz I know I'm going to have to get that going Anthony requested it you requested it I have so much of it it's like that's the best way to preserve it you know that's the uh that's the stuff that you'd go down and get it from like robertto or Don torto or anything else like that you guys in the west coast you know what we're talking about yeah yeah and they have it like it's kind of like buffet style they have and it's so good guys it's so good but yeah so I'm going to be working on some of that stuff um it might be the Mel show on SIMPLE LIFE reclaimed for a little while I really have no idea what we're going to get into but I know it's going to be fun so I hope that you guys enjoy it um and with that we're gonna roll love you guys until the next one we hope you have a good one and we'll catch you on the next one bye y'all later later
Channel: Real Talk with SLR
Views: 14,290
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: life uncontained, good simple living, wild wonderful off grid, timelapse build, time lapse build, time lapse homestead, couple builds, cabin build, cabin in the woods, young family, young couple, building a home, building our own home, couple builds cabin, block basement, building a cabin, construction, building construction, house construction, cinder block, debt free home, debt free build, alternative lifestyle, daily diary, daily vlog, Simple Life Reclaimed, SLR, VLOG
Id: Tu5WZOqJzn0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 39sec (1659 seconds)
Published: Tue May 21 2024
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