Instantly Improve Your Putting With These Simple Tips

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45. that's how many puts he had last time he played no it wasn't that many actually because two of those were from off the green okay 43. not a lot better is it there's a reason why he's having so many puts a couple of really simple things that he's not doing and a couple of simple techniques that he's not taking advantage of and i think we can help him and i think we can help you as well with your performance on the green and it's relatively simple to do as well so if you are a little bit like this goal for here just take your time there's i think there's a few things in this video that can help you improve your putting lower scores [Music] so that was a pretty poor display there and certainly anything over 40 puts is far too many and thrown away too many shots so this is an area of the game where i really believe that you can save some strokes off your score relatively easily and quickly just by implementing some of the ideas in this video before we get started though just drop down to the comments box and let me know what stats you track when it comes to your putting do you track how many puts you have per round maybe the amount of feet that you hold or maybe strokes gain for some of you who are more advanced in terms of your statistics be interesting to get your input and gives me an idea about what you're actually tracking and certainly your ability level once you're down there give this video a thumbs up if you do like it there's anything that helps you and please subscribe to the channel it's absolutely free you just need to hit that little bell notification as well that just means you're notified each time you do upload a video strike is massively massively related to distance control if you can't strike the middle you can't predict the speed at which the ball comes off and then you might actually put more speed in and the ball might go a shorter distance because it's been held off the toe really starts to mess with your feel so if you look at that first golfer on the start the video which wasn't me just looked like me far too much lower body movement in that stroke and that effectively just made it really difficult for me to hit the center and actually that first spot that i did hit came way off the heel and it didn't feel very good so you can see i've got a light stick on the ground here and all i want you to do in practice if you can grab yourself a light stick or even just a golf club you haven't got one take your setup and just rest it between the ground and your thigh and all i want you to try and do is just make some practice strokes now you can see the length of put that i've got here it's a relatively long putt but i'm able to make those practice strokes and keep the alignment stick in place too much movement which you see all too often and you're going to get that alignment drop into the floor so it does two things really it certainly heightens my awareness that my legs suddenly feel like they've got to be more stable but it gives us some feedback straight away if i was doing that correctly or not so this is a great little exercise to keep the lower body more stable it's going to help you with your strike ultimately what you can do is hit puts that way so i'm just going to get myself set up to this ball read it exactly as i want i think it's a little off the left at the end once i'm comfortable i'm just going to put that against my leg and go ahead and hit the pus and see if i can keep it in place should start to turn a little right at the end and from that distance i'll be really really happy with that stick stayed in place it tells me my lower body was pretty stable and the strike felt pretty good so the first thing you have to do to improve your putting especially from long range is stabilize the lower body get the ball coming at the center putter more often right let's move on to the second thing that that goal for the start definitely definitely wasn't doing so for the second point we're staying thinking about those long range puts normally those first puts you have on the green where you're really just trying to get the ball close and give yourself a stress-free second putt so how do we know how far we've got how do we know what the slopes are on the green well you can walk it and pace it out but generally we don't do that we use our eyes we see how far the flag is we see the slopes on the green so whilst it sounds obvious we need to use our eyes to our advantage and a lot of golfers don't do that this will be a really common scenario golfer sets up inside the ball makes some practice swings we'll come to those practicings in a moment once they've made some practicing they'll shuffle in the putter will go behind the ball they look at the hole and they hit terrible putt speed was all wrong had no chance so through the whole routine and process i only looked or glanced at the hole for a millisecond that's not really going to help me understand and appreciate how much speed i need to use to get the ball to the hole i have to use my eyes to my advantage said a moment ago so i would really want you to have practice swings with context what i mean by that is practicing looking at the hole practice rings like this where there's no hole in mind or no awareness of the whole don't really do anything other than maybe work on technical aspects of your stroke your practicing from this distance are really to help you gauge how much speed you need so i'm looking at the hole as i'm making my practice rings i'm not thinking about how far my putter's going back how far it's going through whether i'm accelerating or decelerating i'm not thinking of any of those things what i am doing is looking at the hole and then that feed through into my body out into the club out into the pad i'm making it quite natural that's really important once i then shuffle in i want to have another look at the whole but again i want to be taking my eyes along the line of my put and back rather than just a quick glance of the hole so if i can have that as a routine and i can keep my lower body fairly stable i've got every chance of rolling these long putts much closer so i'm looking at the hole making my practice swings i'm shuffling in another look at the hole back to my ball build my stance and go now i think i've slightly under read that it's going to miss on the right hand side i think yeah but a great putt in terms of speed i can now walk up tap that when it's a two putt it's a stress-free two-putt and the reason i was able to do that is because my lower body was stable and i used my eyes to my advantage to really gauge and sense where that hole was right third point and this is something i would encourage everybody to at least try it doesn't work for everyone but from my experience it helps more than it hurts i've got two golf balls here identical golf balls i can make one of these much much easier to put with how do i do that very simply i take a sharpie and i put a line across on this particular occasion it's the tp5x logo now i would normally use a device to put that line and i've just freehanded it there which looks like i've done okay but you can buy devices which do that and i now have two identical balls but one has got a pretty visible bold line on it this is the one that's going to make it much easier for me to put with so how do i use it well this is a left to right putt here it's quite a breaking putt now in my haste to record this video i haven't read this probably as well as i should but i know it's from the left so what i'm going to do is i'm going to place my ball on the green with that blue line pointing where i want the ball to start that's the key thing not necessarily the hole because this is a left right breaking putt so i want this ball to start left and then it's going to break to the right now once i've read the green and i've placed my line on and i might want to come back here and assess whether my line is correct once i'm happy with that you'll notice that i have this spider x putter visible white alignment head and inside that a black alignment aid to match technically now without even looking at the hole i can line the putter up with the line on the ball and i know that my putter head is lined correctly to the aim or the line that i've chosen still going to choose the right line no guarantees of that but it helps me what we should see now as i hit this push is you should see that line on the ball rolling over and over and over and over and over there's no guarantees i'm going to hold this but it will tell me whether my stroke was good so let's have a little go so i'm going to get my line matched with that on the ball build my stance and then roll it through that line think of the pace right but hopefully what you just seen there for that video is the line rolled over and over and over tells me that my stroke was good and the read i chose was really good as well it was right in the middle of the hole just needed a bit more pace on it too much thinking about the line so that exercise for me makes it so much easier i use these tp5 pix balls which i've got this pattern but imagine that was a completely blank golfer with no lines on it at all i'm aiming somewhere left i've got to try and aim that putter you know to where i think it's much more difficult for me to do that so for me using a line on the ball is so important it helps so many golfers and that is for me the closest thing you can get to cheating but staying within the rules right let's move on to the last point in this video tackling those really short puts okay tackling these short ones these are the ones which we know we should hold the trouble is we think about the outcome we know we should hold them we worry about missing them i could hit a perfect putt it could hit a bump it could bounce to the right we can't control everything what we have to do is choose a line which i've done i've used the line on my ball which i spoke about before and on this particular creation i've placed a tee in the hole the hole whilst we don't always believe this is actually relatively big so i want you to be a little bit more specific i want you to think about where is the ball going to enter the hole there's a little bit of left to right on this so it's going to enter the hole slightly off center so if this was a clock face it's entering at around about seven o'clock what i then want you to do is just commit to the process don't think about the outcome what am i going to do i'm going to line my putter up with a line on the ball i'm going to focus on my entry point and i'm going to roll the ball to that entry point hit the t-big and miss that t-big obviously i wouldn't do that in reality that would have gone in now at no point do i think about the outcome how many times have you seen golfers make these little twitchy moves on those short puts it's horrible to watch but we see it all the time it's because we know what should happen we know we should haul it it puts too much pressure on ourselves we can't control the outcome you can only control the process so think about that control the process pick your start line pick your entry points hit that ball to that entry point and then whatever will be will be so they have it some things that can help you improve your putting and what i really wanted to try and do in this video is give you things that you can take to the course next time you play they don't require hours of practice on the drive range or the putting green they can be used next time you play to instantly improve your performance and your scores because nobody wants to be taking 45 43 puts like the golf we saw at the start of the video thanks for watching i really hope that helps i'd love to hear your thoughts down in the comments box below
Channel: ChrisRyanGolf
Views: 631,922
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: putting, instantly improve your putting with these simple tips, putting tips, putting stroke, putting set up, putter, how to putt, golf putting lesson, putting golf, putting grip, improve your putting, stop 3 putting, short putts, golf, golf lesson, golf tips, golf drills, golf tuition, danny maude, rick shiels, putting green, avoid 3 putts, golf putting leson, best putting tips, putting drills, best putting lesson, beginner putting tips, putting for beginners, easy putt
Id: qfuBp1ymrKc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 53sec (653 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 31 2021
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