NEVER sweep your fairway woods! Use this NEW technique instead it works really well

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this is where we're all going wrong with our Fairy Woods and our hybrids off the deck and Larry's asked this question so do I hover my fairy woods and set up more like irons well let me tell you exactly today what you've got to do with your Fairway woods and your hybrids when they're off the deck on The Fairway or even at the semi roof in order to strike these better there just five simple steps you got to follow very simple little things but added all together the 1% 1% 1% we can get 5% better doesn't sound like a lot that is massive when we're talking about improving your golf game and your strike first part of this is ball position we just need it a club head inside your left heel okay probably a lot further back than you've had it originally and I'll be honest with you I'd rather it be further back than too far forward if it's too far forward it's why you're lacking distance and why you're topping it let me explain that's tip number one done by the way have a look at this down here so it's too far forwards I wait for you to get down there can you see why you'd sort of hit the ground here and then naturally look at your Club starts to work up too early relative to the ball whereas moving it a little bit back in our stance boom look at that and sort of strike it and possibly like make a slight diot that's what I want you to make now stay there for me I'm going to come and kneel down now I want you to think about this now on the golf course I realized like you can't position it on The Fairway right you can't but what way to imagine is you're going to split your go ball in half you're going to imagine if this is the go ball you're always going to contact the ground this side if Target was this way so placing this down I use the line here but look look I realize you can't have it like this when you're playing we want to contact the ground this side only this side only not brushing here and catching it no this sign only exactly like you would do with an iron so that's tip number two we split the gold ball in half in our mind and we imagine we're contacting here like I even pick out like a bit of grass like look a bit of this grass here like look in my mind bit like a hammer a nail I want to contact that I've got an incentive and an intention towards hitting down more stage number three now stick around cuz we are going to hit the shot which look at this right got a bunker left a bunker right cabbage the left cabbage down the right like striking a fairway Woods 220 230 yards out like this is literally makeer break to you having a good score or not like this 17th is known as makeer break it's what we call it here at mcham Hall you to have a good hole or you don't so so where where do you think I'm going to land it here fivewood in my hand where you think I'm going to land it be kind be very kind okay so tip number three on our list you've got to think about the golf swing this way we've got two levers we've got this lever in our swing and we've got this where Fairway WS go wrong is we tend to let this part of our lever go too quick relative to this top one swinging so look look at the golf ball here if I swing back let this lever go then swing my arm can you see how now I hit the ground far too early start the club to work up far too early that's why you're topping that's why you're topping so you've got to understand that we need to time the lever at lease of both so I wanted to make some practice swings right half to begin with trying to control the lever to contact the ground where we just said split your golf ball in half on the target side can you see that there I think that really makes sense doesn't it so think if you go back this lever goes too early before this one swings down under our chin where do I hit the ground swing it under our chin then let it go we start it more ahead so for tip number three I want you to have a few practice Wings contacting the ground around the middle to head of that go ball that's tip number three Now quickly number four we're nearly at the end of this bit here and don't forget I will show you with hybrids as well it's slightly different right tip number four on our list I want you to now just do that same thing so have a look at this in the screen here make the same style practice swings but a little bit longer more like three quter swings as you just did one-handed trying to hit the ground at that point cuz think we all forget that we need to hit the ground with the fairy wood so we've got to test the water haven't we and I do that before every single shot just test that water tip number five it's our starting position with our club head if I've got an intention to hit down I want to hover so I would hover it roughly like half an inch an inch in the air like that and that far back of the ball so I'm starting like that I'm going to stay there as you move up just so you can see that but as a closeup that's where I'm starting now as you move up there can you see like look I'm hovering it I think if I can hover I can hit down if I'm low I might scoop up so full routine this is how I do it on the course I've got my yardage a tough shot I know I'd walk in first practice swing just onehanded test the water second one hit the ground at that point I need to test the ground so important walk in get your ball position hover it now watch this oh this is toughy oh look at that shot look at that it's middle of the green oh get on the green come around on the slope tell you what you take that every time but look at this come and look at this here what did I make I know it's a little bit wet so it's a bit more divot than normal that's fine but look I made a little bit of a bruising divot the ball was there brush and Bruise now cuz it's wet I've just taken more so let's now do hybrid now I want to talk about a few things here quickly right I want you not to use a three-wood I just think you're not going to get much use out of it like the're dead hard to hit especially off the deck think maybe like a fourwood or a fivewood is much better okay let's talk hybrid now I'm going to do some things very similar so let's go to have a look so ball position needs to be the same Club head inside and possibly a club head and a half depending on the L of your hybrid now mine's a 79 length as you can see it's it's it's very small so I I have this where 79 is but let's imagine it's not so it's relative to you look at that there if you come around that's where I'd have it so that's where let's say your fivewood was that's now where I'm looking for so clubing a bit bit further back just to help me hit down a little more fivewood this one and now I'm roughly around there I'm still going to hover that club cuz I got the intention to hit down so treat it very much the same apart from that ball position oh I tell you what that's like a tracer bullet go it's not quite the right Club it needs a big kick oh tell you what two for two on the Green from this distance a little divit again tell you what follow those tips and I know you will start to do exactly the same thanks for watching
Channel: AlexElliottGolf
Views: 38,524
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Keywords: new method to hit fairway woods extremely consistently !, new method, to hit, fairway woods, extremely consistently, how to hit a fairway wood, alex elliott golf tips, stance width for a fairway wood, ball position for a fairway wood, grip pressure for a fairway wood, how to stand to a fairway wood, best way to hit a fairway wood, how to strike a fairway wood longer, 7 wood, 3 wood, 5 wood, best fairway wood technique, simple golf tips, golf, lesson, tips
Id: tq99cD52um4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 24sec (444 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 04 2024
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