The Best Senior Driver Lesson for More Consistency in 2024

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today what I'm going to share with you are five things that you can do that add some distance to your drive so you can have some fun too when it comes to walking up to the teab box number five number five has to do with the grip now as we get a little bit older and one of the Core Concepts of the vertical line swing all right and in the book The Bad lie that we talk a lot about is a lead hand grip that's a little bit stronger now what does strong mean well if you just look if I just took my lead hand right here okay the more I wrote r on top this way that's what we consider stronger I can see one 2 3 four Knuckles the more I rotate it this way that would be weaker I can't see any Knuckles now in the vertical line swing we promote a slightly stronger grip which would be two to three Knuckles so the first tip I want to give you number five is that when you grip the golf club I want you to see two or three Knuckles on your lead hand now why is that important well it's important because it helps you square the club face all right so as I'm set in here from the face on view as I look down I want to see so this would be weak see that okay high right no power this is going to be a little bit stronger let me go ahead and just hit one here got it teed up okay that was pretty solid right out of the Chute number four ball position ball position now we've done a ton of videos on the science of the swing and all the different types of things and how you want to hit up on the golf ball but the most important thing is getting the ball in the right spot so when you're set in there what I want you to do is take your feet and put them together simple concept this will get you dialed in every single time simple concept ball right here in the center I'm going to take my lead foot which is my left foot and move it towards the target just barely I'm talking like an maybe one two inches and then the vast majority of my width is going to be with my trail foot moving back everybody see how I did that so feet together ball in the center little mini step and then a big step now now this is going to get the ball now positioned more forward in my stance so it's going to allow me to come in contact with the golf ball as the club is traveling slightly up all right and what I will tell you is this is at the end here I'm going to share a real golden nugget with you one that I have used for literally 20 years that has helped people with their driver all of the time the other thing I to do is I got to ask you where you're from you know that you never get out of a video without telling us where you're from because Nick and I and the whole team we love hearing where every Bud's from and heyy do me a favor subscribe and ring the bell so help us out a little bit all right here we go number three and tips and things that we can do to increase our club head speed is more hip turn more hip turn so let me go ahead and demonstrate so I'm set in here I've got tip number five A Little Bit Stronger grip I've got tip number four where the ball's a little bit forward but on the back swing I want you to turn your hips more so see how my belt buckle turns and rotates back towards Nick and the camera everybody see that okay so this is a good thing this would be bad let me go ahead and just hit a shot I'm going to go a little slower and I want you to watch the hip movement here we go I got a stronger grip I got the ball a little forward I'm going to really get those hips turned ooh that Ma that Max bird is hot that thing popped off the face you see that hopefully you saw that I got some more hip turn cuz when you get more hip turn you get more length to your swing and I don't know about you I mean I don't consider myself I don't consider any of us old you know that we're experienced right we are experienced golfers we're not old golfers but the flexibility that I have today isn't the same flexibility that I had at 23 all right but by turning my hips more that gets me more length to my back swing and allows me to be in a good spot tip number two we're going back to the setup we're going back to the setup remember how we talked about how we wanted to hit slightly up on the the golf ball and we did that with ball position we're now going to do it with our body so when we're set in here here we go grip right proper ball position now watch my shoulders irons driver irons driver okay you go let me go let me just I want to make sure you're noticing this iron see on they level driver see where my hip went my hip bumped and my shoulders tilted all right now what this is going to do is it's going to set my body up to not only hit up on the golf ball but listen to this one help you swing more from the inside let me say that again help you swing more from the inside what happens when you swing the club more from the inside nice high draw one of the Core Concepts of the vertical line swing we covered in the book The Bad light all that stuff so let I got to hit another golf shot before I give you this last tip and then that gem that I promis you that I share with you so here we go I got my grip I've figured out how to get the ball on the right spot I've got my tilt now I'm going to really turn my hips oh they oh man they're getting better and better every shot Nick that thing was hot and I don't even feel like I'm swinging hard or trying to swing fast but because I've got those Concepts I'm picking up some Club head speed now tip number one tip number one has to do with one of the all-time great golfers Arie Palmer huh has has anybody ever did you ever get a chance to watch Arie play golf in you know live or in real life if you did tell us about it where was it at I got to see him really late in his career you know he's already in his 60s but he was a legend a legend and one of the things we always remember about Arie is he kind of had that slashing swing right where he just slashed it but what I always remember when I was a little kid and I watched him play for the first time is his finish and he had this finish where the handle right here you can see it right there VLS golf see that right there the handle is high all right and so many of us and this might be you when we finish our swing with our driver we have this really low handle finish looks like this low handle that's not how Arie did it Arie had the high handle so tip number one the really great tip is to do what Arie did let's tie this together and then I got one more thing I got to share with you here we're learning some stuff man all right so here we go I got a stronger grip I got the ball in the right spot okay I got a little tilt I'm gonna get some hip turn and I'm gonna give it the Ary finish here we go hip turn Arie finish oh even that I hit a little bit off the toe but I had the high finish and the nice High baby draw now I promised you I promis you I'd give you one Golden Nugget here at the end and if you're still here thank you it's going to be worth your time this I don't know why why this works I don't know why it works if I did I would patent the dang thing but it works all you're going to do right here is you're going to hover the driver so when I'm set up all I'm going to do is I'm just going to take the driver and I'm just going to hover it just slightly above the ground everybody see that now that's one of the reasons why we put it right here on the on the driver right we put that little impa impact spot right there the hex Flex we call it right there so that when golfers when they work with us and they're doing the vertical line swing we tell them all right take the hex flex and just line it up with the golf everybody see that so normal and I just raise it slightly now why does that work well here's my theory is when the club is elevated slightly you're holding it you're bearing the weight when the club's on the ground I don't even have to hold on to it but when it's up in the air I'm bearing the weight of the club in my hands and that weight Smooths out my takeaway so let's go let me tie this together here we go I got the ball forward a little bit I got it hovered I got my tilt I'm going to hip turn and I'm going to Ary Palmer finish oh I put a little speed into that one for you Nick that one has some pop to it hey if you liked this you got to check out my other video where I literally added 20 yards to Claire's drive by simply one little adjustment in her stance it was crazy good
Channel: US GOLF TV
Views: 167,880
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to hit driver, senior golf swing, senior driver tips, senior golfer, senior golfer swing, how to hit your driver, todd kolb, vls golf, todd kolb golf lessons, senior golf swing tips, todd kolb golf, vertical line swing, how to hit driver for seniors, senior golfers increase distance, todd kolb driver, maxvert driver, maxvert, senior golfers, todd kolb golf swing, easiest senior golf swing, senior golfers swing tips, golf lesson, vertical line golf swing, usgolftv
Id: -CQP8WL8jI0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 23sec (503 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 18 2024
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