God Is Faithful and Loving | Start Your Day Blessed By Spending Time Alone With God (Daily Prayers!)

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[Music] amazing grace how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me i once was lost but now i'm found was blind but now i see when i think of god's grace his amazing grace i believe that it's something that we should not just be thankful for but it's something we should never ever take for granted think of the state of mind that the songwriter had to have come to a place where he sees god's grace and it amazed him not only that but so good was god so great and amazing was his grace that the songwriter saw the sin in their own life the songwriter saw how poor and unhappy he really was before he encountered god's grace that's why he said amazing grace how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me god's grace revealed that without him this man had been in a wretched state poor in spirit and in soul the writer further goes on to explain that once he encountered god's amazing grace he not only recognized his low and unhappy state but he realized just how misguided and astray he was he says i once was lost but now i'm found was blind but now i see how many of us are lost in life and just don't realize it once upon a time how many of us were blind to the truth of jesus christ to the light and love of jesus christ i believe that when the writer speaks of being lost and being blind i believe that he is talking about being outside of god's will out in spiritual darkness being in a state of unbelief and not seeing that jesus christ is the way the truth and the life but overall when this songwriter reached a point where he understood the grace that god has shown in him through christ he was able to turn his life around he was able to see the sweetness of the lord amazing grace how sweet the sound oh that sound of true love a deep love a love that would mean dying on a cross so that you and i could be saved that's real love and i would like to encourage you today to take a moment and thank god for his amazing grace in your life he saved you when he didn't have to he continues to bless you to love you and to provide for you and would you say that you deserve it the grace of god should never be taken for granted the bible says in second timothy 1 verses 8 through 9 therefore do not be ashamed of the testimony about our lord nor of me his prisoner but sharon suffering for the gospel by the power of god who saved us and called us to a holy calling not because of our works but because of his own purpose and grace which he gave us in christ jesus before the ages began saints do not be ashamed of testifying about god's amazing grace and now let us pray lord jesus i thank you for your love and your grace i thank you for the unmerited favor that you have given me so many things you've given me lord that i do not deserve so many times you've forgiven me and shown me mercy only for me to fall again for that lord i repent god i thank you because instead of fear you have given me a spirit of power love and a sound mind instead of sickness you've given me the assurance that by your stripes i am healed with all the times i have sinned and fallen short you still call for me to repent and follow you and in addition to that your arms are still open [Music] your word in matthew 11 verses 28 and 29 it says come to me all who labor and are heavy laden and i will give you rest take my yoke upon you and learn from me for i am gentle and lowly in heart and you will find rest for your souls i did nothing to deserve this kind of love yet you still offer it and so i thank you i am grateful and i appreciate your goodness lord jesus i do not deserve the protection you offer but you still give your angels charge over me to keep me safe in my going out and in my coming in lord i don't deserve the peace you have offered to me but yet you have still told me not to let my heart be troubled because you are a god who supplies all of my needs my prayer lord is that i may live in a way that honors you that i may live in a way that pleases you god thank you thank you for your amazing grace a grace that saves a grace that forgives and shows me mercy in your amazing grace i'm safe i am secure and i lack nothing because your grace is sufficient your word in second peter chapter 1 verse 2 says may grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of god and of jesus our lord i bless your name father for the grace and peace which you have multiplied in my life and over my family i am grateful for your love and grace because it's transformed my life i only pray that my life will be an example a living testimony of your grace your mercy and your favor lord you have made me an overcomer in this world you have given me authority through the name of jesus christ authority which enables me to defeat the devil [Music] you lord have made me more than a conqueror you've made me the head and not the tail you have placed me above and not beneath all of these wonderful blessings are undeserved but because you are a god who is rich in love mercy and grace you have given me that which i do not deserve and for that lord i am ever grateful you king jesus have given me the gift of eternal life because you loved me enough to sacrifice your own life and hang on a cross so that i may be saved thank you for saving me thank you for pulling me out of a despairing pit and placing me on steady ground i thank you for making me in your image and in your likeness i ask that you stay with me and stay by my side always great is your faithfulness master thank you for your amazing grace that is over my life in jesus name i pray and i give you thanks amen [Music] first timothy chapter 4 verse 10 for to this end we toil and strive because we have our hope set on the living god who is the savior of all people especially of those who believe if someone were to ask you what do you believe who do you believe in how would you respond because what you say is one thing but being placed in circumstances whereby you are required to stand up for your beliefs that is a different matter i believe that knowing something and believing in something are two very different things knowing god and believing in god are two different things an unbeliever can know of god they can know that there is a god who exists however a true christian believes in god they believe that god jehovah elohim not only exists but is the creator of all things they believe that jesus christ died on a cross rose from the dead and ascended on high to be in heaven believing involves more than just your mind there is a conviction about someone who believes there is faith in their heart the amplified translation says in hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 now faith is the assurance title deed confirmation of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen the conviction of their reality faith comprehends as fact what cannot be experienced by the physical senses you see when you know something it's a product of learning however when you believe belief is a product of faith it's a product of trusting those who claim to know something will say that their knowledge can be proven by science or facts however when you believe it's a matter of the heart belief is a matter of faith and faith is the evidence of things not seen the bible says in john chapter 20 verse 29 jesus said to him have you believed because you have seen me blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed the amplified translation puts it this way because you have seen me do you now believe blessed happy spiritually secure and favored by god are they who did not see me and yet believed in me those who simply want knowledge will only believe once they have seen those who want knowledge will only believe when it makes sense but here the lord is telling us that those who believe without seeing are blessed the lord doesn't have to make sense to you for you to believe him belief means that you trust in the lord you don't have to see angels in order to believe the word of god that tells you that the angel of the lord encamps around all those who fear him you don't need to see the holy spirit in order to believe that he is there and that he is a helper believing is trusting believing is having faith believing is surrendering to jesus christ now we have a choice to either trust in jesus christ or to be overwhelmed with our circumstances we have a choice to either trust in the lord or try and find a solution on our own a scientific answer or something that makes sense saints we have a choice and i encourage you to believe i encourage you to have faith that jesus christ is the lord of lords and the king of kings now let us pray dear lord your word says in jeremiah 33 verse 3 call to me and i will answer you and show you great and mighty things which you do not know father i pray for each and every person listening right now in agreement as we call unto you i pray that you would show us great and mighty things show us great and mighty things within our homes and within our families do a mighty work in our lives lord for every adverse situation that we face show your hand to be great and mighty we're praying for divine intervention lord and we invite you to step in may you break every chain that's holding us back from progressing or advancing forward [Music] break every chain that limits us whether it's in our families in our marriages in our careers or health may you wipe out everything that oppresses us [Music] whatever it may be whatever issue whatever circumstance or situation i pray that you would lose any chains in our lives just as you did with paul and silas may you set us free from whatever is binding us whatever it may be in our lives that's restricting us i pray that you may set us free psalm 145 verse 18 says the lord is near to all who call on him to all who call on him in truth give us a breakthrough lord we call on the name of jesus christ to move mountains at your name storms become calm lord jesus creation sings with joy at the sound of your name demons flee at the name of jesus walls and barriers come down at your name not only will every knee bow and every tongue confess that you are lord but every problem every stronghold every force of darkness will be defeated at the name of jesus christ there is no power greater than you nothing and no one can stand against you lord help me to fully trust in your power to bring a breakthrough in situations where i cannot seem to find a solution you have promised that those who seek you lord will lack no good thing and i declare that i will not lack for anything because i look to you to fulfill my every need and every desire i declare a complete breakthrough and i declare that i am victorious through christ jesus i declare a complete breakthrough against any chains that may try to bind me and i declare that i am victorious through christ jesus i come against every form of worry in my life even though things may seem impossible at times i trust and i believe that with you lord nothing shall be impossible i pray that the holy spirit will guide and direct me always may he help me to make wise decisions and to lead me along a path of righteousness lord make a way for us where there seems to be no way you alone give us hope in situations where there seems to be no hope you alone provide endless possibilities in situations that look impossible and so we lift up our faith and place our confidence in you so that we may be victorious father surely goodness and mercy will follow us all the days of our lives it's through the power of your blood that we are able to overcome the devil daily i pray that you would direct our steps lord and fulfill your plan for our lives may our feet run swiftly to follow after you strengthen us to fix our eyes on you jesus i pray for a supernatural breakthrough may we begin to see victory and great and mighty things in our lives lord i bless your holy name and i thank you for listening to this prayer in jesus name i pray amen i love that the bible says in psalm 91 verse 11 for he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways god god almighty will command his angels concerning you and me what a privilege what an honor and more importantly what a powerful assurance of protection god loves us so much that angels will be commanded to guard you in all your ways now if the lord will command angels for my protection this tells me two things it tells me that there is a real threat there's a real enemy we have a real and dangerous opposer who is after our souls and secondly if the lord will command angels for my protection it tells me that he cares he is a loving father a protective father one who is concerned about my well-being he's concerned about my spiritual safety and on which side i will spend eternity one thing we should be aware of is that angels are always on assignment they were created for several purposes which they must carry out there are angels before the lord ministering in worship to him that's what revelation 7 verse 11 says and all the angels were standing around the throne and around the elders and the four living creatures and they fell on their faces before the throne and worshiped god now there are also angels that are created for the purpose of war that's why the bible refers to god as the lord of hosts there are angels created for spiritual warfare and if you look at the story of elisha and his servant you'll read in second kings chapter 6 verse 17 that the bible says then elisha prayed and said oh lord please open his eyes that he may see so the lord opened the eyes of the young man and he saw and behold the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around elisha i can only imagine that it was a sight to behold if you're elisha's servant you're thinking that you're surrounded by your enemies and you're about to face certain death but they had heavenly reinforcements hundreds and thousands of angels on horses and chariots of fire god's warring angels were sent to protect them that's the privilege that we have as believers at his command if we are in need god dispatches angels to protect us angels who fight god's enemies and fight to defend the children of god so do not fear we have no reason to fear of course the devil carries a threat but that threat is nullified by the lord the enemy comes to steal kill and destroy but he is no match no match for our god so rest assured the gates of hell will not prevail you are a protected child of god your family is protected and your life and soul they are protected now let us pray dear father i thank you for your goodness and your mercy i thank you that the battles that you fight for me those which are seen and those which are unseen father i ask for divine protection lord you know my struggles and you know what i'm fighting against lord you know what i'm facing and so i call for your help i know that i cannot do this alone i cannot fight these battles alone as i pray lord even for the person who is listening whatever it is that they're wrestling with be it in their spirit in their minds in their bodies whatever area of their life that's coming up against opposition i call on the name that is above every name i call on you king jesus to set us free because whom the sun sets free is free indeed lord set us free in our minds set us free in our bodies from the clutches of the enemy set us free from unrest in our hearts lord break the strongholds that your people face break the chains that are pulling your children down no more fear no more anxiety no more unrest in our hearts you have the final say lord jesus and your word says that you have come to give us life and life more abundantly father your word says in matthew 11 verse 28 come to me all who are weary and heavily burdened and i will give you rest and so we seek your face lord jesus we come to you father we come and bow down before your throne asking for help we are asking for a supernatural breakthrough move in us holy spirit be our comfort at this time and lord i ask that you forgive me if i have taken your grace and your goodness for granted your word has given me the promise that no weapon formed against me shall prosper and i declare that no weapon formed against my family will prosper i declare that no weapon formed against my mental health will prosper i declare that no weapon formed against my finances will prosper in jesus name and lord even while the enemy roams back and forth looking for whom he may devour i stand by the power that's in the blood of jesus christ i stand by the power that's in the name of jesus christ father i give you the throne of my heart and i bless your holy name you stand above all above any principalities above any ruler of wickedness and lord there is none there is none and there is nothing that can stand against you and so i call upon your name i believe that you will give me a breakthrough even though my eyes may not be able to see it now i believe by faith and i believe that you are working on my behalf and you are working for my good lord jesus i pray for wisdom and discernment in this season help me to walk by faith and not by sight lord your word says in exodus 14 verse 14 the lord will fight for you and you shall hold your peace lord i pray that you will fight my battles god keep me from falling for the tricks of the enemy be a lamp into my feet so that i may be saved from the path that is filled with sin and with evil mighty god i want to be a powerful witness for you move within me so that i will not be able to keep silent but i will be driven to share the gospel far and wide fill me with your holy spirit so that i will go forth and carry out the great commission in matthew 28 19 which says go therefore and make disciples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit i pray that you would empower me holy ghost work within me where i am lacking and please equip me to spread the gospel strengthen me where i am weak and give me boldness as a christian grant me opportunities to witness and then give me the courage to share without fearing mockery or persecution i pray that the holy spirit will do a mighty work in me as you prepare me and enable me to go forward as a powerful witness for your kingdom [Music] i glorify your precious name god be glorified and be honored lord i thank you for hearing my prayer in jesus name i pray amen [Music] there is a passage of scripture that when i read it it shakes me to my core matthew 7 verses 21-23 not everyone who says to me lord lord will enter the kingdom of heaven but the one who does the will of my father who was in heaven on that day many will say to me lord lord did we not prophesy in your name and cast out demons in your name and do mighty works in your name and then will i declare to them i never knew you depart from me you workers of lawlessness [Music] it's a sobering thought that someone could prophesy in the name of jesus cast out demons in the name of jesus and do miraculous things in jesus name but yet still miss the point of this christian walk there are people who will do all the right things they'll say all the right words but still their hearts will not be in the right place you see a true relationship with jesus is not about following all the rules it's not about working hard to earn his favor walking with christ requires us to understand that it's all about him it's all about jesus it's all about his will his way it's about a deep meaningful relationship with him and i hope that i'm making myself clear saints being a christian is not about anything else other than jesus christ in matthew 15 verse 8 jesus says these people honor me with their lips but their hearts are far from me and all of their spiritual words and actions these people do not seek to glorify god they seek to glorify themselves don't let that be the story of your life don't be content with simply looking like a christian on the outside but inwardly living for yourself no true christianity isn't about fixing up your appearance it's about loving the lord your god with all your heart soul and mind your eternal future hinges on that distinction if you profess to follow jesus the four words you never want to hear are i never knew you [Music] when you stand before the throne of god will he look at you like a stranger he's never met as you're listening today i have good news the good news is that there's still time to get to know jesus there's still time to ask yourself if you are truly living for god or if you are living for the things of this world do you have a real relationship with jesus christ do you know him or do you just know a lot of good things about him our salvation is not based on how many verses we've memorized it's not about our church attendance or our theology it's based on having a true relationship with god if you've been distant from him lately run back to the lord with all your heart ask him to renew your thinking ask him to make you authentic in your love and desire for christ make your actions reflect the heart of someone who has been touched by jesus to know jesus means to follow him not just in the good times but through hardship and through suffering if you truly love jesus you must be willing to endure everything he endured because you believe that he is worthy of all things can you say that about your walk with god maybe it's time to do some reflection and ask the holy spirit to wake you up from your spiritual slumber father god i thank you for inviting me to have a personal relationship with you you created the heavens and the earth and everything in it and yet you still call me by name despite my flaws despite my failures despite my rebellion at times you've invited me to spend all of eternity with you lord i desire to know you more to know you deep within my soul so father teach me not to take your love for granted but to approach each day with a grateful heart and grow in my understanding of you lord help me to truly live for you help me to be authentic in my love for you i want to know you not just know about you i want to know your heart your character your desires your plan for my life your word in proverbs 8 verse 17 says i love those who love me and those who seek me diligently find me lord jesus i want to treasure you so much that i am willing to suffer and sacrifice for you [Music] jesus i thank you for dying on the cross for me i consider an intimate relationship with you to be the most beautiful holy and worthy thing i could ever pursue [Music] god i want you to become real to me not just some distant being with little to no impact on my life no i want to know you as a father and as a friend i want to know you deeply lord to fellowship with you and to bask in your presence i pray that my knowledge of you will go beyond memorizing scripture or church doctrine i want to know you deep within my heart and soul i invite you to come dwell in my heart so lord help me to constantly monitor and evaluate the state of my relationship with you don't let my love grow cold give me the habits and the attitude i need to cultivate that relationship may the holy spirit convict me and give me an appetite to spend more time in the word to spend more time in prayer to live out your commands in the world around me may everything in my life reflect the love i have for you and as i come to know you more help me to become more like you let my words my actions and my desires come to imitate yours so that on that judgment day when i see you face to face you will not cast me aside so that you will not declare that you never knew me instead you will look at me with love and say well done my good and faithful servant [Music] i praise you and glorify your blessed name thank you for hearing my prayer i pray this all in jesus name amen every journey eventually has an end and that end is often more disappointing than we would like but try as we may we could never stretch the boundaries of god's love there is truly no end to our walk with christ in fact as we go on life with him gets sweeter every day jesus died on a cross he did rise again in victory but the fact that he had such an unpleasant and painful death on the cross makes me think how great must his love have been to endure such pain how great of an example he said about being obedient to god the father by him willing to sacrifice everything down to his life [Music] so when luke 14 verse 27 says whoever does not bear his own cross and come after me cannot be my disciple here's the amplified translation for that very same verse whoever does not carry his own cross expressing a willingness to endure whatever may come and follow after me believing in me conforming to my example in living and if need be suffering or perhaps dying because of faith in me cannot be my disciple [Music] so if i may ask you the question when you look at the cross what does the cross stand for what does it symbolize to you god should not just be one part of our lives that we dedicate sunday mornings he should define the totality of our lives he should be the center of everything we do even mundane things like eating and drinking can be done to his glory how the key is a spirit of gratitude we are meant to do all things with an attitude of love and obedience towards the god who gives us the ability to enjoy all of life's blessings romans 12 11 says do not be slothful in zeal be fervent in spirit serve the lord too often we can become lazy and slothful in our walk with christ but if we just stop and remember the miracle of the gospel and the unfathomable depth of god's love for us it's hard to remain indifferent [Music] all around the world all throughout history he has been saving and redeeming sinners like you and me to be a part of that work is the most rewarding pursuit we could ever give our lives to but when we are motivated by worldly things we end up constantly trying to prove ourselves we become constantly anxious self-conscious and often disappointed but when jesus is the underlying motivation for everything we do our lives will overflow with joy and peace his grace supplies us with the ability to fully enjoy this life as well as positively impact the lives of those around us so whatever you do do it for god your life should be characterized by what you stand for by who you stand for pick up your cross saints matthew 10 verse 38 says and whoever does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me the word of god is clear regarding this either take up your cross and follow christ or you're not worthy of him [Music] what will your choice be now let us pray our heavenly father my lord and savior jesus christ my redeemer and the good shepherd i come before you today with a humble heart and my faith lifted up your name is set high above all other names thank you for your amazing and endless love lord i praise your holy name today and i acknowledge that you alone are god yours is the power and the glory and the honor thank you father because you are faithful to equip me with all that i need you are faithful to have given me the resources that i need to walk with boldness and authority in this life your wisdom is unparalleled and your power is unmatched help me to take up my cross and follow you [Music] i am willing to set aside the pursuit of money if it means that i have you i'm willing to leave my friends if they are pushing me away from you [Music] lord i'm willing to set aside my career to set aside my ambitions if they take me away from your will king jesus there is nothing more important in my life than you father and so as i take up my cross produce good fruit within me no more bitterness no more hatred but produce the good fruit of love within me instead of always experiencing emotions of discouragement and constant gloom producing me a tranquil heart a peaceful heart proverbs 14 verse 30 says a tranquil heart gives life to the flesh but envy makes the bones rot remove any feelings of envy within me lord help me to be content and fulfilled with you lord jesus instead of me being controlled by my impulses passions or lust strengthen me and purify me lord so that i can be able to stand for self-control let my life represent who i stand for and that is you matthew 6 24 no one can serve two masters for either he will hate the one and love the other or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other you cannot serve god and money i declare that you are my one and only master you are my leader king jesus indeed no one can serve two masters at once light and darkness do not mix and i choose to stand to follow the light of christ i commit to you lord jesus and my honest request is that the holy spirit would work within my heart and mind so that i will have the kind of commitment that says not my will lord but your will is all important [Music] it's not about my wants and my feelings but it's all about you lord jesus my commitment to you is based from a place of love and humility holy spirit give me the kind of commitment that will crucify the flesh with its passions and desires help me to carry my cross lord jesus your word in matthew 5 verse 6 says blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they shall be satisfied in you father i will be satisfied in you king jesus i will be nourished by your goodness i glorify your name lord jesus be blessed and be glorified i thank you for hearing my prayer in jesus name i pray amen and amen [Music] amazing grace how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me i once was lost but now i'm found was blind but now i see [Music] when i think of god's grace his amazing grace i believe that it's something that we should not just be thankful for but it's something we should never ever take for granted think of the state of mind that the songwriter had to have come to a place where he sees god's grace and it amazed him not only that but so good was god so great and amazing was his grace that the songwriters saw the sin in their own life the songwriter saw how poor and unhappy he really was before he encountered god's grace that's why he said amazing grace how sweet this sound that saved a wretch like me god's grace revealed that without him this man had been in a wretched state poor in spirit and in soul the writer further goes on to explain that once he encountered god's amazing grace he not only recognized his low and unhappy state but he realized just how misguided and astray he was he says i once was lost but now i'm found was blind but now i see how many of us are lost in life and just don't realize it once upon a time how many of us were blind to the truth of jesus christ to the light and love of jesus christ i believe that when the writer speaks of being lost and being blind i believe that he is talking about being outside of god's will out in spiritual darkness being in a state of unbelief and not seeing that jesus christ is the way the truth and the life but overall when this songwriter reached a point where he understood the grace that god has shown in him through christ he was able to turn his life around he was able to see the sweetness of the lord [Music] amazing grace how sweet the sound oh that sound of true love a deep love a love that would mean dying on a cross so that you and i could be saved that's real love [Music] and i would like to encourage you today to take a moment and thank god for his amazing grace in your life [Music] he saved you when he didn't have to he continues to bless you to love you and to provide for you and would you say that you deserve it [Music] the grace of god should never be taken for granted the bible says in 2 timothy 1 verses 8 through 9 therefore do not be ashamed of the testimony about our lord nor of me his prisoner but sharon's suffering for the gospel by the power of god who saved us and called us to a holy calling not because of our works but because of his own purpose and grace which he gave us in christ jesus before the ages began saints do not be ashamed of testifying about god's amazing grace and now let us pray lord jesus i thank you for your love and your grace i thank you for the unmerited favor that you have given me so many things you've given me lord that i do not deserve so many times you've forgiven me and shown me mercy only for me to fall again for that lord i repent god i thank you because instead of fear you have given me a spirit of power love and a sound mind instead of sickness you've given me the assurance that by your stripes i am healed with all the times i have sinned and fallen short you still call for me to repent and follow you [Music] and in addition to that your arms are still open your word in matthew 11 verses 28 and 29 it says come to me all who labor and are heavy laden and i will give you rest take my yoke upon you and learn from me for i am gentle and lowly in heart and you will find rest for your souls i did nothing to deserve this kind of love yet you still offer it and so i thank you i am grateful and i appreciate your goodness lord jesus i do not deserve the protection you offer but you still give your angels charge over me to keep me safe in my going out and in my coming in lord i don't deserve the peace you have offered to me but yet you have still told me not to let my heart be troubled because you are a god who supplies all of my needs my prayer lord is that i may live in a way that honors you that i may live in a way that pleases you god thank you thank you for your amazing grace a grace that saves a grace that forgives and shows me mercy in your amazing grace i'm safe i am secure and i lack nothing because your grace is sufficient your word in second peter chapter 1 verse 2 says may grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of god and of jesus our lord i bless your name father for the grace and peace which you have multiplied in my life and over my family i am grateful for your love and grace because it's transformed my life i only pray that my life will be an example a living testimony of your grace your mercy and your favor lord you have made me an overcomer in this world you have given me authority through the name of jesus christ authority which enables me to defeat the devil you lord have made me more than a conqueror you've made me the head and not the tail you have placed me above and not beneath all of these wonderful blessings are undeserved but because you are a god who is rich in love mercy and grace you have given me that which i do not deserve and for that lord i am ever grateful [Music] you king jesus have given me the gift of eternal life because you loved me enough to sacrifice your own life and hang on a cross so that i may be saved thank you for saving me thank you for pulling me out of a despairing pit and placing me on steady ground i thank you for making me in your image and in your likeness i ask that you stay with me and stay by my side always great is your faithfulness master thank you for your amazing grace that is over my life in jesus name i pray and i give you thanks amen [Music] first timothy chapter 4 verse 10 for to this end we toil and strive because we have our hope set on the living god who is the savior of all people especially of those who believe if someone were to ask you what do you believe who do you believe in how would you respond because what you say is one thing but being placed in circumstances whereby you are required to stand up for your beliefs that is a different matter i believe that knowing something and believing in something are two very different things knowing god and believing in god are two different things an unbeliever can know of god they can know that there is a god who exists however a true christian believes in god they believe that god jehovah elohim not only exists but is the creator of all things they believe that jesus christ died on a cross rose from the dead and ascended on high to be in heaven believing involves more than just your mind there is a conviction about someone who believes there is faith in their heart the amplified translation says in hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 now faith is the assurance title deed confirmation of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen the conviction of their reality faith comprehends as fact what cannot be experienced by the physical senses you see when you know something it's a product of learning however when you believe belief is a product of faith it's a product of trusting those who claim to know something will say that their knowledge can be proven by science or facts however when you believe it's a matter of the heart belief is a matter of faith and faith is the evidence of things not seen the bible says in john chapter 20 verse 29 jesus said to him have you believed because you have seen me blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed the amplified translation puts it this way because you have seen me do you now believe blessed happy spiritually secure and favored by god are they who did not see me and yet believed in me those who simply want knowledge will only believe once they have seen those who want knowledge will only believe when it makes sense but here the lord is telling us that those who believe without seeing are blessed the lord doesn't have to make sense to you for you to believe him belief means that you trust in the lord you don't have to see angels in order to believe the word of god that tells you that the angel of the lord encamps around all those who fear him you don't need to see the holy spirit in order to believe that he is there and that he is a helper believing is trusting believing is having faith believing is surrendering to jesus christ now we have a choice to either trust in jesus christ or to be overwhelmed with our circumstances we have a choice to either trust in the lord or try and find a solution on our own a scientific answer or something that makes sense saints we have a choice and i encourage you to believe i encourage you to have faith that jesus christ is the lord of lords and the king of kings now let us pray dear lord your word says in jeremiah 33 verse 3 call to me and i will answer you and show you great and mighty things which you do not know father i pray for each and every person listening right now in agreement as we call unto you i pray that you would show us great and mighty things show us great and mighty things within our homes and within our families do a mighty work in our lives lord for every adverse situation that we face show your hand to be great and mighty we're praying for divine intervention lord and we invite you to step in may you break every chain that's holding us back from progressing or advancing forward break every chain that limits us whether it's in our families in our marriages in our careers or health may you wipe out everything that oppresses us whatever it may be whatever issue whatever circumstance or situation i pray that you would loose any chains in our lives just as you did with paul and silas may you set us free from whatever is binding us whatever it may be in our lives that's restricting us i pray that you may set us free psalm 145 verse 18 says the lord is near to all who call on him to all who call on him in truth give us a breakthrough lord we call on the name of jesus christ to move mountains at your name storms become calm lord jesus creation sings with joy at the sound of your name demons flee at the name of jesus walls and barriers come down at your name not only will every knee bow and every tongue confess that you are lord but every problem every stronghold every force of darkness will be defeated at the name of jesus christ [Music] there is no power greater than you nothing and no one can stand against you lord help me to fully trust in your power to bring a breakthrough in situations where i cannot seem to find a solution you have promised that those who seek you lord will lack no good thing and i declare that i will not lack for anything because i look to you to fulfill my every need and every desire i declare a complete breakthrough and i declare that i am victorious through christ jesus i declare a complete breakthrough against any chains that may try to bind me and i declare that i am victorious through christ jesus i come against every form of worry in my life even though things may seem impossible at times i trust and i believe that with you lord nothing shall be impossible i pray that the holy spirit will guide and direct me always may he help me to make wise decisions and to lead me along a path of righteousness lord make a way for us where there seems to be no way you alone give us hope in situations where there seems to be no hope you alone provide endless possibilities in situations that look impossible and so we lift up our faith and place our confidence in you so that we may be victorious father surely goodness and mercy will follow us all the days of our lives it's through the power of your blood that we are able to overcome the devil daily i pray that you would direct our steps lord and fulfill your plan for our lives may our feet run swiftly to follow after you strengthen us to fix our eyes on you jesus i pray for a supernatural breakthrough may we begin to see victory and great and mighty things in our lives lord i bless your holy name and i thank you for listening to this prayer [Music] in jesus name i pray amen [Music] i love that the bible says in psalm 91 verse 11 for he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways god god almighty will command his angels concerning you and me [Music] what a privilege what an honor and more importantly what a powerful assurance of protection god loves us so much that angels will be commanded to guard you in all your ways now if the lord will command angels for my protection this tells me two things it tells me that there is a real threat there's a real enemy we have a real and dangerous opposer who is after our souls and secondly if the lord will command angels for my protection it tells me that he cares he is a loving father a protective father one who is concerned about my well-being he's concerned about my spiritual safety and on which side i will spend eternity one thing we should be aware of is that angels are always on assignment they were created for several purposes which they must carry out there are angels before the lord ministering in worship to him that's what revelation 7 verse 11 says and all the angels were standing around the throne and around the elders and the four living creatures and they fell on their faces before the throne and worshiped god now there are also angels that are created for the purpose of war that's why the bible refers to god as the lord of hosts there are angels created for spiritual warfare and if you look at the story of elijah and his servant you'll read in 2 kings chapter 6 verse 17 that the bible says then elisha prayed and said o lord please open his eyes that he may see so the lord opened the eyes of the young man and he saw and behold the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around elisha i can only imagine that it was a sight to behold if you're elijah's servant you're thinking that you're surrounded by your enemies and you're about to face certain death but they had heavenly reinforcements hundreds and thousands of angels on horses and chariots of fire god's warring angels were sent to protect them that's the privilege that we have as believers at his command if we are in need god dispatches angels to protect us angels who fight god's enemies and fight to defend the children of god so do not fear we have no reason to fear of course the devil carries a threat but that threat is nullified by the lord the enemy comes to steal kill and destroy but he is no match no match for our god so rest assured the gates of hell will not prevail you are a protected child of god your family is protected and your life and soul they are protected now let us pray dear father i thank you for your goodness and your mercy i thank you that the battles that you fight for me those which are seen and those which are unseen father i ask for divine protection lord you know my struggles and you know what i'm fighting against [Music] lord you know what i'm facing and so i call for your help i know that i cannot do this alone i cannot fight these battles alone as i pray lord even for the person who is listening whatever it is that they're wrestling with be it in their spirit in their minds in their bodies whatever area of their life that's coming up against opposition i call on the name that is above every name i call on you king jesus to set us free because whom the sun sets free is free indeed lord set us free in our minds set us free in our bodies from the clutches of the enemy set us free from unrest in our hearts lord break the strongholds that your people face break the chains that are pulling your children down no more fear no more anxiety no more unrest in our hearts you have the final say lord jesus and your word says that you have come to give us life and life more abundantly father your word says in matthew 11 verse 28 come to me all who are weary and heavily burdened and i will give you rest and so we seek your face lord jesus we come to you father we come and bow down before your throne asking for help we are asking for a supernatural breakthrough move in us holy spirit be our comfort at this time and lord i ask that you forgive me if i have taken your grace and your goodness for granted your word has given me the promise that no weapon formed against me shall prosper and i declare that no weapon formed against my family will prosper i declare that no weapon formed against my mental health will prosper i declare that no weapon formed against my finances will prosper in jesus name and lord even while the enemy roams back and forth looking for whom he may devour i stand by the power that's in the blood of jesus christ i stand by the power that's in the name of jesus christ father i give you the throne of my heart and i bless your holy name you stand above all above any principalities above any ruler of wickedness and lord there is none there is none and there is nothing that can stand against you and so i call upon your name i believe that you will give me a breakthrough even though my eyes may not be able to see it now i believe by faith and i believe that you are working on my behalf and you are working for my good lord jesus i pray for wisdom and discernment in this season help me to walk by faith and not by sight lord your word says in exodus 14 verse 14 the lord will fight for you and you shall hold your peace lord i pray that you will fight my battles god keep me from falling for the tricks of the enemy be a lamp into my feet so that i may be saved from the path that is filled with sin and with evil mighty god i want to be a powerful witness for you move within me so that i will not be able to keep silent but i will be driven to share the gospel far and wide fill me with your holy spirit so that i will go forth and carry out the great commission in matthew 28 19 which says go therefore and make disciples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit i pray that you would empower me holy ghost work within me where i am lacking and please equip me to spread the gospel strengthen me where i am weak and give me boldness as a christian grant me opportunities to witness and then give me the courage to share without fearing mockery or persecution i pray that the holy spirit will do a mighty work in me as you prepare me and enable me to go forward as a powerful witness for your kingdom i glorify your precious name god be glorified and be honored lord i thank you for hearing my prayer in jesus name i pray amen there is a passage of scripture that when i read it it shakes me to my core matthew 7 verses 21-23 not everyone who says to me lord lord will enter the kingdom of heaven but the one who does the will of my father who was in heaven on that day many will say to me lord lord did we not prophesy in your name and cast out demons in your name and do mighty works in your name and then will i declare to them i never knew you depart from me you workers of lawlessness it's a sobering thought that someone could prophesy in the name of jesus cast out demons in the name of jesus and do miraculous things in jesus name but yet still miss the point of this christian walk there are people who will do all the right things they'll say all the right words but still their hearts will not be in the right place you see a true relationship with jesus is not about following all the rules it's not about working hard to earn his favor walking with christ requires us to understand that it's all about him it's all about jesus it's all about his will his way it's about a deep meaningful relationship with him and i hope that i'm making myself clear saints being a christian is not about anything else other than jesus christ in matthew 15 verse 8 jesus says these people honor me with their lips but their hearts are far from me and all of their spiritual words and actions these people do not seek to glorify god they seek to glorify themselves don't let that be the story of your life don't be content with simply looking like a christian on the outside but inwardly living for yourself no true christianity isn't about fixing up your appearance it's about loving the lord your god with all your heart soul and mind your eternal future hinges on that distinction [Music] if you profess to follow jesus the four words you never want to hear are i never knew you when you stand before the throne of god will he look at you like a stranger he's never met as you're listening today i have good news the good news is that there's still time to get to know jesus there's still time to ask yourself if you are truly living for god or if you are living for the things of this world [Music] do you have a real relationship with jesus christ do you know him or do you just know a lot of good things about him [Music] our salvation is not based on how many verses we've memorized it's not about our church attendance or our theology it's based on having a true relationship with god if you've been distant from him lately run back to the lord with all your heart ask him to renew your thinking ask him to make you authentic in your love and desire for christ make your actions reflect the heart of someone who has been touched by jesus to know jesus means to follow him not just in the good times but through hardship and through suffering [Music] if you truly love jesus you must be willing to endure everything he endured because you believe that he is worthy of all things can you say that about your walk with god maybe it's time to do some reflection and ask the holy spirit to wake you up from your spiritual slumber father god i thank you for inviting me to have a personal relationship with you you created the heavens and the earth and everything in it and yet you still call me by name despite my flaws despite my failures despite my rebellion at times you've invited me to spend all of eternity with you lord i desire to know you more to know you deep within my soul so father teach me not to take your love for granted but to approach each day with a grateful heart and grow in my understanding of you lord help me to truly live for you help me to be authentic in my love for you i want to know you not just know about you i want to know your heart your character your desires your plan for my life your word in proverbs 8 verse 17 says i love those who love me and those who seek me diligently find me lord jesus i want to treasure you so much that i am willing to suffer and sacrifice for you jesus i thank you for dying on the cross for me i consider an intimate relationship with you to be the most beautiful holy and worthy thing i could ever pursue god i want you to become real to me not just some distant being with little to no impact on my life no i want to know you as a father and as a friend i want to know you deeply lord to fellowship with you and to bask in your presence i pray that my knowledge of you will go beyond memorizing scripture or church doctrine i want to know you deep within my heart and soul i invite you to come dwell in my heart so lord help me to constantly monitor and evaluate the state of my relationship with you don't let my love grow cold give me the habits and the attitude i need to cultivate that relationship may the holy spirit convict me and give me an appetite to spend more time in the word to spend more time in prayer to live out your commands in the world around me may everything in my life reflect the love i have for you and as i come to know you more help me to become more like you let my words my actions and my desires come to imitate yours so that on that judgment day when i see you face to face you will not cast me aside so that you will not declare that you never knew me instead you will look at me with love and say well done my good and faithful servant i praise you and glorify your blessed name thank you for hearing my prayer i pray this all in jesus name amen every journey eventually has an end and that end is often more disappointing than we would like but try as we may we could never stretch the boundaries of god's love there is truly no end to our walk with christ in fact as we go on life with him gets sweeter every day jesus died on a cross he did rise again in victory but the fact that he had such an unpleasant and painful death on the cross makes me think how great must his love have been to endure such pain how great of an example he said about being obedient to god the father by him willing to sacrifice everything down to his life so when luke 14 verse 27 says whoever does not bear his own cross and come after me cannot be my disciple here's the amplified translation for that very same verse whoever does not carry his own cross expressing a willingness to endure whatever may come and follow after me believing in me conforming to my example in living and if need be suffering or perhaps dying because of faith in me cannot be my disciple so if i may ask you the question when you look at the cross what does the cross stand for what does it symbolize to you god should not just be one part of our lives that we dedicate sunday mornings he should define the totality of our lives he should be the center of everything we do even mundane things like eating and drinking can be done to his glory how the key is a spirit of gratitude we are meant to do all things with an attitude of love and obedience towards the god who gives us the ability to enjoy all of life's blessings romans 12 11 says do not be slothful in zeal be fervent in spirit serve the lord too often we can become lazy and slothful in our walk with christ but if we just stop and remember the miracle of the gospel and the unfathomable depth of god's love for us it's hard to remain indifferent all around the world all throughout history he has been saving and redeeming sinners like you and me to be a part of that work is the most rewarding pursuit we could ever give our lives to but when we are motivated by worldly things we end up constantly trying to prove ourselves we become constantly anxious self-conscious and often disappointed but when jesus is the underlying motivation for everything we do our lives will overflow with joy and peace his grace supplies us with the ability to fully enjoy this life as well as positively impact the lives of those around us so whatever you do do it for god your life should be characterized by what you stand for by who you stand for pick up your cross saints matthew 10 verse 38 says and whoever does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me the word of god is clear regarding this either take up your cross and follow christ or you're not worthy of him what will your choice be [Music] now let us pray our heavenly father my lord and savior jesus christ my redeemer and the good shepherd i come before you today with a humble heart and my faith lifted up your name is set high above all other names thank you for your amazing and endless love lord i praise your holy name today and i acknowledge that you alone are god yours is the power and the glory and the honor thank you father because you are faithful to equip me with all that i need you are faithful to have given me the resources that i need to walk with boldness and authority in this life your wisdom is unparalleled and your power is unmatched help me to take up my cross and follow you i am willing to set aside the pursuit of money if it means that i have you i'm willing to leave my friends if they are pushing me away from you lord i'm willing to set aside my career to set aside my ambitions if they take me away from your will king jesus there is nothing more important in my life than you father and so as i take up my cross produce good fruit within me no more bitterness no more hatred but produce the good fruit of love within me instead of always experiencing emotions of discouragement and constant gloom producing me a tranquil heart a peaceful heart proverbs 14 verse 30 says a tranquil heart gives life to the flesh but envy makes the bones rot remove any feelings of envy within me lord help me to be content and fulfilled with you lord jesus instead of me being controlled by my impulses passions or lust strengthen me and purify me lord so that i can be able to stand for self-control let my life represent who i stand for and that is you matthew 6 24 no one can serve two masters for either he will hate the one and love the other or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other you cannot serve god and money i declare that you are my one and only master you are my leader king jesus indeed no one can serve two masters at once light and darkness do not mix and i choose to stand to follow the light of christ [Music] i commit to you lord jesus and my honest request is that the holy spirit would work within my heart and mind so that i will have the kind of commitment that says not my will lord but your will is all important it's not about my wants and my feelings but it's all about you lord jesus my commitment to you is based from a place of love and humility holy spirit give me the kind of commitment that will crucify the flesh with its passions and desires help me to carry my cross lord jesus your word in matthew 5 verse 6 says blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they shall be satisfied in you father i will be satisfied [Music] in you king jesus i will be nourished by your goodness i glorify your name lord jesus be blessed and be glorified i thank you for hearing my prayer in jesus name i pray amen and amen to [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Grace For Purpose Prayers
Views: 100,146
Rating: 4.9073515 out of 5
Keywords: Meditation, Christian, Sleep, Relaxation, Godly, Meditate, Abide, Peaceful, Scriptures
Id: lyc2n6q2Qqo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 5sec (5765 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 04 2021
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