Life Changing Prayers To Start The Day Blessed and In God's Presence | Powerful Daily Prayers

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[Music] when jesus was a young boy here on this earth there's an occasion where his parents found him in the temple sitting among teachers listening to them and asking them questions and the bible tells us that all who heard him were amazed at his understanding and at the answers that he gave such was his knowledge such was his intelligence and understanding about the things of god that jesus as a boy was able to rub shoulders with those who had been teaching longer than he was alive now i want you to pay attention to what luke 2 verses 48-49 say so when they saw him they were amazed and his mother said to him son why have you done this to us look your father and i have sought you anxiously [Music] and he said to them why did you seek me did you not know that i must be about my father's business that last line is powerful i must be about my father's business even as a young boy he was on a mission he knew he was on an assignment he knew that he had an objective a purpose for him being on earth and he wasted no time and so you and i as modern day christians can we say that we are about our father's business can you say that about yourself [Music] are you about your father's business do you have mark 16 verse 15 is your objective as the bible reads and he said to them go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature that's your father's business let me ask you if acts 10 verse 42 is your mission as the bible reads and he commanded us to preach to the people and to testify that it is he who was ordained by god to be judge of the living and the dead saints of god regardless of who you are or what you do i want to tell you child of god be about your father's business be about god's business we are called to seek first the kingdom of god that means we seek first our father's business and god's business it requires us to hunger and thirst for righteousness our father's business requires us to be peacemakers because matthew 5 verse 9 says blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called sons of god god's business requires you to be pure in heart we must be about our father's business and one thing you must be mindful of is that the enemy will always seek to distract you he will always look to derail you from your true purpose listen the enemy would rather have you chasing here there and everywhere as long as it has nothing to do with god's business so here's what we must do as children of god we need to remind ourselves i must be about my father's business and ultimately we have to ask ourselves how am i living what am i living for who's on the throne of my heart [Music] saints be about your father's business let us pray lord jesus be praised and be glorified father you have put me on this earth for a purpose you have put us as your children on this earth for purpose you've called us to be the salt of this earth you've called us to be set apart and father you have called us to be the light of christ to this world and your word in matthew 5 verse 16 says in the same way let your light shine before others so that they may see your good works and give glory to your father who is in heaven so lord i pray that you as the light that is in my life may shine lord may you shine brightly may your love shine in me and through me may you give me the grace to love my neighbor as i love myself god please give me the grace to forgive others just as you have forgiven me my desire is to be about my father's business i want to be about kingdom business let my motive my passion be to hunger and thirst for righteousness god have total and complete control in my life please change any selfish and worldly desires that i may have i desire to prioritize your word your will and your business rather than my own so god you set the agenda for my life father order my steps help me to be vigilant and never allow the enemy to distract me from doing your work may your will be fulfilled in my life king jesus i know that your will is that i should walk by faith and not by sight it is your will that i should seek first the kingdom of god and so lord have your way king jesus have your way in my life help me to be a believer who doesn't allow present circumstances to be a hindrance when it comes to serving you i pray that no setback or disappointment will ever put out the fire in my heart when it comes to doing your work in the great commission you said in matthew 28 verses 19 through 20. go therefore and make disciples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit teaching them to observe all that i have commanded you and behold i am with you always to the end of the age let this be my objective lord and i bless your name for the promise that you are with me always even to the end of the age holy spirit teach me to serve teach me to be a faithful servant in god's kingdom let me not serve any idols or any material things but may i serve only you father i belong to you jesus i give my life to you i give my heart to you i pray that the gifts and talents that you have placed within me i pray that they would flourish for your glory not for mine but for your glory alone holy spirit give me the strength to be about my father's business day in and day out king jesus there is none like you you're worthy of all my adoration you're worthy to be lifted on high god i thank you for hearing this prayer it's in the mighty name of jesus christ i pray amen [Music] the power of human desire can be amazing desire and passion can drive us to do great things even heroic things but at the same time if our desires are not aligned to the will of god then they can lead us to our downfall the wrong desires can lead us to live a life of sin so as a believer it's our duty to monitor our desires and to make sure that whatever it is that we desire whatever it is that we're passionate about it should never compromise our relationship with jesus christ psalm chapter 37 verse 4 to 5 says delight yourself in the lord and he will give you the desires of your heart commit your way to the lord trust in him and he will act this verse is often misinterpreted to mean that god will give us whatever we ask for but what this verse actually means is that when we love god our desires will change to become like his we will begin to seek and desire godly things when the love of god is truly in you you will begin to have a burden for lost souls you will begin to think about how you can do your part in the kingdom of god and help to spread the gospel having a godly desire means that you find yourself passionately seeking the lord because he can give you victory over evil he can give you victory over sin he can heal your family and unite your household god will not deny us such things because they are near to his heart matthew chapter 5 verse 6 says blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they shall be satisfied jeremiah 29 13 says you will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart these words aren't just tentative they are promises no other pursuit on this earth comes with a guarantee you may hunger for wealth but still end a poor you may thirst for a spouse but still end up single but when your true desire is for the one who offers the bread of life and living water then your cup will overflow and so i encourage you to meditate on the words of david in psalm 27 verse 4. the bible reads one thing i ask from the lord this only do i seek the time may dwell in the house of the lord all the days of my life to gaze on the beauty of the lord and to seek him in his temple if you could only ask one thing of the lord what would it be for david it was enough for him to be in the presence of his lord and savior he longed for the friendship and the favor of god above all riches and material possessions david desired the joy of being in a relationship with god is that the same desire that you have proverbs chapter 23 17 says let not your heart envy sinners but continue in the fear of the lord all the day it can be hard to pursue christ when the people around us have different desires some might desire to be successful or to have a wealthy lifestyle or even fame but apart from christ all these desires lead to a dead end and so i encourage you to pray for godly desires pray for a heart that wants to do the will of the lord seek jesus christ with all your heart and you will find him now let us pray lord jesus there are many things in this life that we may consider important there are many things that we devote our time and energy into thinking that they will bring us happiness but all of them are worthless when compared to you there is nothing on this earth that's worth having lord if you're not involved your word in psalm 73 verse 25 says whom have i in heaven but you and there is none on earth that i desire besides you father every earthly desire that we have is insignificant and trivial in light of eternity help us king jesus to have a desire to store up riches in heaven and not on this earth all that is in this world is meaningless so lord jesus we fix our eyes on you we fix our eyes on your word let our passion be to follow your will teach us to love what you love teach us to value what you value transform our minds and realign our view of the world so that it matches yours for your knowledge and wisdom is so far above ours lord jesus may the beauty of the gospel displace everything else in our hearts and move us into action remind us of the surpassing worth of jesus christ and let that knowledge drive us to declare and testify about your goodness as humans our natural desire is often to seek our own gratification however as believers we say not our will but your will be done may you take all the glory father i thank you for rescuing me from a path that was leading to hell lord jesus i thank you and i glorify you cultivate in me a heart that has a great love for you may i be grieved by the idea of sin i pray that you would eliminate any lingering craving for worldliness or sin in my heart [Music] make me hunger and thirst for the kingdom of god i invite the holy spirit i welcome the holy spirit to work in my heart and bring about a change bring about a new desire and a new passion for christ within me may jesus christ be exalted in my life and placed above every other thing search my heart lord and tear down any idols expose every area of sin and disobedience in my life bring it to light lord and remove it from my heart remove every ungodly and sinful desire within me and replace it with a holy and pure passion a passion to do your will a passion to preach your word to make your name known to unbelievers to glorify your name if i desire these things i know that you will not deny me lord help me not to envy the dead-end pursuit of unbelievers they may have happiness for a time but it won't satisfy them because only you lord can satisfy every longing need in the human heart i pray that my desire would only be to serve jesus christ to preach his gospel and to testify to the entire world about the goodness of my god change my desires lord i thank you for hearing my prayer in jesus name i pray amen [Music] do you ever just stop and listen to the voices that are speaking around you are they voices that echo the word of god or are they voices that stand to contradict and question the word of god we hear so many things as we go about our business on a day-to-day basis have you ever considered whether what you hear repeatedly is affecting you what are the voices around you saying what is it that your ears are hearing i ask these questions because the bible talks a lot about hearing john 8 verse 47 says whoever is of god hears the words of god the reason why you do not hear them is that you are not of god john 10 verse 27 says my sheep hear my voice and i know them and they follow me but i want you to focus on what romans 10 verse 17 says so faith comes from hearing and hearing through the word of christ comes from what you hear according to the bible meaning that a lack of faith can be the direct result of what you are hearing or rather what you don't hear saints let me tell you it's no coincidence that the loudest voices in this world are the voices that stand to discourage you from living a righteous life and to encourage you to indulge in sin yes we live in a world where many different voices are deliberately trying to influence us to pick pleasure over self-control or to pick selfish gain over a life of serving these voices are in the media they are in institutions they are sold to us as entertainment even you see the world desires to give us whatever we want or at the very least encourage us to go for what we want the voices in this world will tell you to look after this flesh but they will mention nothing about your soul they will tell you things like enjoy the moment but those voices will never utter a word about where you will spend eternity the voices that come from this world are controlled by the god of this world and so i'd simply like to encourage you today to take note of what you are hearing take note of the content the music the conversations that you're hearing the bible says in james 1 verse 19 know this my beloved brothers let every person be quick to hear slow to speak slow to anger be quick to hear the word of god be quick to hear the voice of jesus christ the one that is calling you to repent and follow him be quick to seek and search for the holy spirit so that it's his voice that may guide you saints pray so that the holy spirit may be the voice that is loudest in your life a voice that convicts you to repentance a voice that pushes you to the word of god a voice that reminds you of how much you need jesus christ let us pray dear lord jesus your word in john 10 verse 27 says my sheep hear my voice and i know them and they follow me help me to hear your voice lord train my ears so that i may be able to discern your voice apart from all of the confusion in this world father train my ears so that i can recognize your voice rather than for me to fool myself and tell myself what i want to hear father as your children we ask that you speak to us lord speak to us through your word speak to us in our hearts god speak to us concerning your will and concerning your plan for our lives i ask that you would drown out the voice of the enemy drown out the voice that comes only to kill to steal and to destroy instead father may the holy spirit be the voice that counsels us that teaches us and convicts us to repentance lord jesus the devil has plotted and schemed to confuse us and send us messages that contradict your word and today at this moment we rebuke the voice of the enemy we rebuke the voice of satan though he may be hidden in the music he may be hidden in the entertainment of this world i declare together with everyone in agreement that his voice the voice of the devil it will have no effect on our lives or on the lives of our families or on our homes we seek and wait for the voice of jesus christ to speak to us you say in your word lord that your sheep hear your voice and you know them and they follow you indeed lord jesus we are your sheep and we are following you the good shepherd lord i will listen and obey your voice because you will make me to lie down in green pastures only you king jesus can lead us beside still waters your voice master it is the one that restores my soul it leads me in the paths of righteousness your word says in matthew 7 verse 24 everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock father give us the grace to not just be hearers of the word but doers help us to put aside all of our selfish cares and our selfish ambitions so that we can put your word into practice change our hearts holy spirit and challenge us to put into practice the word of god in our day-to-day lives help us to become bold men and women of god who are not afraid to stand up to the voices of this world god help us to uphold the standards in your word help us not to be a people who compromise but instead may we be people that are firmly rooted in your word firmly rooted in upholding godly standards and practices lord jesus give us the strength and the boldness to speak up and declare your word may we not remain silent when the enemy attacks and spews deceptive lies from the pits of hell i pray that we would have the courage and strength to stand and declare the truth the true gospel of jesus christ lord give us the boldness to tell every ear that will listen about the goodness of god help us not to be silenced or intimidated by the devil but instead may we tell the world that jesus christ is lord jesus christ is the king of kings father i thank you for hearing this prayer we pray it and we believe it in the name of jesus amen [Music] today i want to pray and agree with everyone who wants to turn their life around and even as i pray my desire is that the holy spirit would move and anoint this message and this prayer so that it may touch your heart and impress the reality of jesus christ upon your minds my desire is that the lord would bless this prayer so that it would not fall on deaf ears but instead may it be received by willing hearts the bible says in second chronicles 7 verse 14 if my people who are called by my name humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways then i will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land i want you to note how god is saying to his people humble yourselves pray and seek my face turn from your wicked ways this saints is how you can turn your life around humble yourself meaning surrender to the lord accept that you do not know it all you cannot do life through your own strength and your own might no you need jesus i believe that here in second chronicles 7 14 the bible is telling us to humble ourselves because we need to come to the place whereby we are willing to simply serve we have to be willing to serve jesus christ to serve the body of christ and to serve his kingdom the second point is to pray and seek his face psalm 42 verse 1 says as a dear pants for flowing streams so pants my soul for you o god there needs to be a longing and a yearning for god in your heart indeed the lord wants his children to not only pray but to pray and seek his face that means don't just come with a list of requests take time to commune with him to build a relationship with him god wants us to fellowship with him the bible tells us to seek one thing above all else in matthew 6 verse 33 but seek first the kingdom of god and his righteousness and all these things will be added to you god wants us to seek him first now the third point is that we should turn from our wicked ways our god is holy and he has called us to be separate from the world meaning that we ought not to engage in the sinful practices of this world we ought to turn away and so should you desire to turn your life around do it the way god has prescribed in second chronicles 7 verse 14 as his word says if my people who are called by my name humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways then will i hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land humble yourself pray and seek his face turn away from your wicked ways now let us pray lord jesus you are the light of our lives you are the one who gives us freedom and liberty from all bondage we call on your holy name because in your presence the miraculous happens when you are involved king jesus the supernatural happens we invite you into this place lord jesus change the atmosphere of this place fill this place oh god with your holy presence let your anointing fall and rest upon our lives let your presence be found in abundance within the walls of our homes in your presence is where we can experience the breaking of curses in your presence lord jesus every evil word spoken against us becomes useless every trap that has been set before us by the enemy it is exposed in your presence jesus every threat and every attack from the kingdom of darkness is nullified and destroyed so now lord we invite you into our lives king jesus dwell in our hearts lord dwell in our homes chase away every unclean spirit god chase away every contentious spirit and lord we ask that you chase away everything that is not of you we declare that if it's not from god we don't want it your word in psalm 31 verses 19 through 20 say oh how abundant is your goodness what you have stored up for those who fear you and work for those who take refuge in you in the sight of the children of mankind in the cover of your presence you hide them from the plots of men you store them in your shelter from the strife of tongues you have stored up blessings for those who reverently fear you lord may we be counted among those that fear you hide us in that secret place of your presence so that no evil thing will be able to find us or lay siege to our lives lord jesus we pray for grace and mercy let us become believers who are in all of you always believers who never waver nor turn their heads at the sight of the pleasures of this world father in this world we are in the midst of evil we're surrounded by deception and all kinds of doctrine however we look to you king jesus and we look to your word as our light light up our lives oh god light up our eyes even so that we can see truth from lies and truth from deception let us see your light operating in our lives master may your holy light shine and expose that which is in darkness let us be so full of your light so full of your presence that there is no room for any evil thing or any stronghold to take a hold of us purge our hearts king jesus of all sin that may leave the door open to the enemy god if it's unforgiveness give us the grace to let go and forgive whatever or whomever has hurt us god if it's a hidden sin convict our hearts to repent and let that sin go in the name of jesus father give us hearts that are obedient to you because in deuteronomy 28 verses 1 through 2 your word says and if you faithfully obey the voice of the lord your god being careful to do all his commandments that i command you today the lord your god will set you high above all the nations of the earth and all these blessings shall come upon you and overtake you if you obey the voice of the lord your god may your blessings come upon us and overtake us be glorified king jesus may you receive all praise and honor in jesus name i pray amen the bible in luke 13 verse 10 to 13 says on a sabbath jesus was teaching in one of the synagogues and a woman was there who had been crippled by a spirit for 18 years she was bent over and could not straighten up at all when jesus saw her he called her forward and said to her woman you are set free from your infirmity then he put his hands on her and immediately she straightened up and praised god the bible says she was bent over and couldn't straighten at all this means that this woman could not look up and see the sky she could not see the smiles on people's faces she couldn't even be embraced or hugged properly and i believe her physical state is symbolic of someone who may not be able to see their future someone who may be looking around but can't find anyone that's concerned about how they're doing you may be there and all you need is to be embraced or held but the wonderful thing about this short passage of scripture from me is not the fact that jesus said woman you are set free from your infirmity it's not that jesus he put his hands on her and she was healed i'm particularly touched by three words in this passage jesus saw her [Music] god saw her true love saw her the king of kings saw her and that's the word which i'd like to encourage you with today jesus sees you god sees you you might be so bent over in your mind spirit and soul that you can't see the light you can't see anyone smiling at you but jesus christ sees you he's smiling at you you might be bent over unable to look up or forward to your future but all you need to know is that jesus sees you right where you are he sees it all he sees the pain he sees the fact that you've been left feeling isolated by those close to you he sees that you're feeling rejected and abandoned he sees everything the fact that you feel overwhelmed or like a ton of bricks is on your shoulders and just as the bible says in verse 13 then he put his hands on her and immediately she straightened up and praised god i believe that not only does jesus christ see you in your place of need he will put his arms around you he will cause you to straighten up in his arms and in his love so that you would know that all things are working all things have always been working for your good it's all working in your favor now let us pray [Music] thank you for your word lord jesus thank you for your word which uplifts and encourages father i pray in agreement with all who are listening see us lord cast your eyes upon us let your gaze be fixed on our lives for the man or woman who is listening right now and in need of a touch from your hand may you see them lord may you see their faith may you see their desire lord may you see their need i praise you lord jesus because you are a god who sees beyond the veil you see beyond the facade that we put on for the world you are a god who sees right into our souls [Music] i pray and i yearn for your gaze over my life over my family because unlike the human eye when you see me jesus when you look down on me from your heavenly throne you see all that's in my heart you see all that troubles and hurts me you see all of my struggles and pain you see the innermost parts of me and i am grateful because it's only you that can then make me whole it's only through your gaze that i can have all of my burdens and troubles lifted i speak the priestly blessing in numbers chapter 6 verse 24 to 26 over my life the lord will bless me and he will keep me the lord will make his face shine on me and be gracious to me the lord turn his face toward me and give me peace may this be my reality that your face will shine on me day and night that your face will turn towards me each and every day and give me peace i desire for your eyes to fall on me because they are filled with compassion with mercy and unconditional love i am running into your arms jesus because it's in your loving embrace that i can stand up straight it's in your loving arms that i can say psalms 40 verse 2 he lifted me out of the slimy pit and out of the mud and mire and he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand in your arms i can rise up and stand in faith i can stand in boldness in your arms i am no longer bent over looking down in despair but i now have great posture i can stand and say i am healed i can stand and renounce the power of the devil i can stand with boldness and conviction and testify of the goodness of god thank you jesus [Music] that when i am weary i can come to you thank you for your gentleness when the load is heavy i can find relief in you i have realized father that the only way to live is to stand in the embrace of the one whose image i was created in i stand in your love jesus [Music] a love that is unconditional and pure and when i do this i am set free from the agony i am set free from the bondage of trying to fix everything on my own i laid arrest all of my burdens as i come before you no longer will my mind be clouded by worry by earthly troubles or shortcomings your love covers all your love is restoring your love men's broken hearts so i glorify your name jesus i'll praise you forever because i believe that by faith you see me you rescue me and you'll never abandon but instead you'll be all that i need i am so thankful for your love king jesus that even though you knew everything about me you knew all of my shortfalls and all of my mistakes but yet you still died in my place opening up the way to eternal life for me i give you thanks lord jesus even if all my friends were to leave me and betray me i give you thanks lord jesus we bless your holy name amen [Music] [Music] when jesus was a young boy here on this earth there's an occasion where his parents found him in the temple sitting among teachers listening to them and asking them questions and the bible tells us that all who heard him were amazed at his understanding and at the answers that he gave such was his knowledge such was his intelligence and understanding about the things of god that jesus as a boy was able to rub shoulders with those who had been teaching longer than he was alive now i want you to pay attention to what luke 2 verses 48 through 49 say so when they saw him they were amazed and his mother said to him son why have you done this to us look your father and i have sought you anxiously [Music] and he said to them why did you seek me did you not know that i must be about my father's business that last line is powerful i must be about my father's business even as a young boy he was on a mission he knew he was on an assignment he knew that he had an objective a purpose for him being on earth and he wasted no time and so you and i as modern-day christians can we say that we are about our father's business can you say that about yourself [Music] are you about your father's business do you have mark 16 verse 15 as your objective as the bible reads and he said to them go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature that's your father's business let me ask you if acts 10 verse 42 is your mission as the bible reads and he commanded us to preach to the people and to testify that it is he who was ordained by god to be judge of the living and the dead saints of god regardless of who you are or what you do i want to tell you child of god be about your father's business be about god's business we are called to seek first the kingdom of god that means we seek first our father's business and god's business it requires us to hunger and thirst for righteousness our father's business requires us to be peacemakers because matthew 5 verse 9 says blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called sons of god god's business requires you to be pure in heart we must be about our father's business and one thing you must be mindful of is that the enemy will always seek to distract you he will always look to derail you from your true purpose listen the enemy would rather have you chasing here there and everywhere as long as it has nothing to do with god's business so here's what we must do as children of god we need to remind ourselves i must be about my father's business and ultimately we have to ask ourselves how am i living what am i living for who's on the throne of my heart [Music] saints be about your father's business let us pray lord jesus be praised and be glorified father you have put me on this earth for a purpose you have put us as your children on this earth for purpose you've called us to be the salt of this earth you've called us to be set apart and father you have called us to be the light of christ to this world and your word in matthew 5 verse 16 says in the same way let your light shine before others so that they may see your good works and give glory to your father who is in heaven so lord i pray that you as the light that is in my life may shine lord may you shine brightly may your love shine in me and through me may you give me the grace to love my neighbor as i love myself god please give me the grace to forgive others just as you have forgiven me my desire is to be about my father's business i want to be about kingdom business let my motive my passion be to hunger and thirst for righteousness god have total and complete control in my life please change any selfish and worldly desires that i may have i desire to prioritize your word your will and your business rather than my own so god you set the agenda for my life father order my steps help me to be vigilant and never allow the enemy to distract me from doing your work may your will be fulfilled in my life king jesus i know that your will is that i should walk by faith and not by sight it is your will that i should seek first the kingdom of god and so lord have your way king jesus have your way in my life help me to be a believer who doesn't allow present circumstances to be a hindrance when it comes to serving you i pray that no setback or disappointment will ever put out the fire in my heart when it comes to doing your work in the great commission you said in matthew 28 verses 19-20 go therefore and make disciples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit teaching them to observe all that i have commanded you and behold i am with you always to the end of the age let this be my objective lord and i bless your name for the promise that you are with me always even to the end of the age holy spirit teach me to serve teach me to be a faithful servant in god's kingdom let me not serve any idols or any material things but may i serve only you father i belong to you jesus i give my life to you i give my heart to you i pray that the gifts and talents that you have placed within me i pray that they would flourish for your glory not for mine but for your glory alone holy spirit give me the strength to be about my father's business day in and day out king jesus there is none like you you're worthy of all my adoration you're worthy to be lifted on high god i thank you for hearing this prayer it's in the mighty name of jesus christ i pray amen [Music] the power of human desire can be amazing desire and passion can drive us to do great things even heroic things but at the same time if our desires are not aligned to the will of god then they can lead us to our downfall the wrong desires can lead us to live a life of sin so as a believer it's our duty to monitor our desires and to make sure that whatever it is that we desire whatever it is that we're passionate about it should never compromise our relationship with jesus christ psalm chapter 37 verse 4 to 5 says delight yourself in the lord and he will give you the desires of your heart commit your way to the lord trust in him and he will act this verse is often misinterpreted to mean that god will give us whatever we ask for but what this verse actually means is that when we love god our desires will change to become like his we will begin to seek and desire godly things when the love of god is truly in you you will begin to have a burden for lost souls you will begin to think about how you can do your part in the kingdom of god and help to spread the gospel [Music] having a godly desire means that you find yourself passionately seeking the lord because he can give you victory over evil he can give you victory over sin he can heal your family and unite your household god will not deny us such things because they are near to his heart matthew chapter 5 verse 6 says blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they shall be satisfied jeremiah 29 13 says you will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart these words aren't just tentative they are promises no other pursuit on this earth comes with a guarantee you may hunger for wealth but still end up poor you may thirst for a spouse but still end up single but when your true desire is for the one who offers the bread of life and living water then your cup will overflow and so i encourage you to meditate on the words of david in psalm 27 verse 4. the bible reads one thing i ask from the lord this only do i seek that i may dwell in the house of the lord all the days of my life to gaze on the beauty of the lord and to seek him in his temple if you could only ask one thing of the lord what would it be for david it was enough for him to be in the presence of his lord and savior he longed for the friendship and the favor of god above all riches and material possessions david desired the joy of being in a relationship with god is that the same desire that you have proverbs chapter 23 verse 17 says let not your heart envy sinners but continue in the fear of the lord all the day it can be hard to pursue christ when the people around us have different desires some might desire to be successful or to have a wealthy lifestyle or even fame but apart from christ all these desires lead to a dead end and so i encourage you to pray for godly desires pray for a heart that wants to do the will of the lord seek jesus christ with all your heart and you will find him now let us pray lord jesus there are many things in this life that we may consider important there are many things that we devote our time and energy into thinking that they will bring us happiness but all of them are worthless when compared to you there is nothing on this earth that's worth having lord if you're not involved your word in psalm 73 verse 25 says whom have i in heaven but you and there is none on earth that i desire besides you father every earthly desire that we have is insignificant and trivial in light of eternity help us king jesus to have a desire to store up riches in heaven and not on this earth all that is in this world is meaningless so lord jesus we fix our eyes on you we fix our eyes on your word let our passion be to follow your will teach us to love what you love teach us to value what you value transform our minds and realign our view of the world so that it matches yours for your knowledge and wisdom is so far above ours lord jesus may the beauty of the gospel displace everything else in our hearts and move us into action remind us of the surpassing worth of jesus christ and let that knowledge drive us to declare and testify about your goodness as humans our natural desire is often to seek our own gratification however as believers we say not our will but your will be done may you take all the glory father i thank you for rescuing me from a path that was leading to hell lord jesus i thank you and i glorify you cultivate in me a heart that has a great love for you may i be grieved by the idea of sin i pray that you would eliminate any lingering craving for worldliness or sin in my heart [Music] me hunger and thirst for the kingdom of god i invite the holy spirit i welcome the holy spirit to work in my heart and bring about a change bring about a new desire and a new passion for christ within me may jesus christ be exalted in my life and placed above every other thing search my heart lord and tear down any idols expose every area of sin and disobedience in my life bring it to light lord and remove it from my heart remove every ungodly and sinful desire within me and replace it with a holy and pure passion a passion to do your will a passion to preach your word to make your name known to unbelievers to glorify your name if i desire these things i know that you will not deny me lord help me not to envy the dead-end pursuit of unbelievers they may have happiness for a time but it won't satisfy them because only you lord can satisfy every longing need in the human heart i pray that my desire would only be to serve jesus christ to preach his gospel and to testify to the entire world about the goodness of my god change my desires lord i thank you for hearing my prayer in jesus name i pray amen [Music] do you ever just stop and listen to the voices that are speaking around you are they voices that echo the word of god or are they voices that stand to contradict and question the word of god we hear so many things as we go about our business on a day-to-day basis have you ever considered whether what you hear repeatedly is affecting you what are the voices around you saying what is it that your ears are hearing i ask these questions because the bible talks a lot about hearing john 8 verse 47 says whoever is of god hears the words of god the reason why you do not hear them is that you are not of god john 10 verse 27 says my sheep hear my voice and i know them and they follow me but i want you to focus on what romans 10 verse 17 says so faith comes from hearing and hearing through the word of christ faith comes from what you hear according to the bible meaning that a lack of faith can be the direct result of what you are hearing or rather what you don't hear saints let me tell you it's no coincidence that the loudest voices in this world are the voices that stand to discourage you from living a righteous life and to encourage you to indulge in sin yes we live in a world where many different voices are deliberately trying to influence us to pick pleasure over self-control or to pick selfish gain over a life of serving these voices are in the media they are in institutions they are sold to us as entertainment even you see the world desires to give us whatever we want or at the very least encourage us to go for what we want the voices in this world will tell you to look after this flesh but they will mention nothing about your soul they will tell you things like enjoy the moment but those voices will never utter a word about where you will spend eternity the voices that come from this world are controlled by the god of this world and so i'd simply like to encourage you today to take note of what you are hearing take note of the content the music the conversations that you're hearing the bible says in james 1 verse 19 know this my beloved brothers let every person be quick to hear slow to speak slow to anger be quick to hear the word of god be quick to hear the voice of jesus christ the one that is calling you to repent and follow him be quick to seek and search for the holy spirit so that it's his voice that may guide you saints pray so that the holy spirit may be the voice that is loudest in your life a voice that convicts you to repentance a voice that pushes you to the word of god a voice that reminds you of how much you need jesus christ let us pray dear lord jesus your word in john 10 verse 27 says my sheep hear my voice and i know them and they follow me help me to hear your voice lord train my ears so that i may be able to discern your voice apart from all of the confusion in this world father train my ears so that i can recognize your voice rather than for me to fool myself and tell myself what i want to hear father as your children we ask that you speak to us lord speak to us through your word speak to us in our hearts god speak to us concerning your will and concerning your plan for our lives i ask that you would drown out the voice of the enemy drown out the voice that comes only to kill to steal and to destroy instead father may the holy spirit be the voice that counsels us that teaches us and convicts us to repentance lord jesus the devil has plotted and scheme to confuse us and send us messages that contradict your word and today at this moment we rebuke the voice of the enemy we rebuke the voice of satan though he may be hidden in the music he may be hidden in the entertainment of this world i declare together with everyone in agreement that his voice the voice of the devil it will have no effect on our lives or on the lives of our families or on our homes we seek and wait for the voice of jesus christ to speak to us you say in your word lord that your sheep hear your voice and you know them and they follow you indeed lord jesus we are your sheep and we are following you the good shepherd lord i will listen and obey your voice because you will make me to lie down in green pastures only you king jesus can lead us beside still waters your voice master it is the one that restores my soul it leads me in the paths of righteousness your word says in matthew 7 verse 24 everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock father give us the grace to not just be hearers of the word but doers help us to put aside all of our selfish cares and our selfish ambitions so that we can put your word into practice change our hearts holy spirit and challenge us to put into practice the word of god in our day-to-day lives help us to become bold men and women of god who are not afraid to stand up to the voices of this world god help us to uphold the standards in your word help us not to be a people who compromise but instead may we be people that are firmly rooted in your word firmly rooted in upholding godly standards and practices lord jesus give us the strength and the boldness to speak up and declare your word may we not remain silent when the enemy attacks and spews deceptive lies from the pits of hell i pray that we would have the courage and strength to stand and declare the truth the true gospel of jesus christ lord give us the boldness to tell every ear that will listen about the goodness of god help us not to be silenced or intimidated by the devil but instead may we tell the world that jesus christ is lord jesus christ is the king of kings father i thank you for hearing this prayer we pray it and we believe it in the name of jesus amen [Music] today i want to pray and agree with everyone who wants to turn their life around and even as i pray my desire is that the holy spirit would move and anoint this message and this prayer so that it may touch your heart and impress the reality of jesus christ upon your minds my desire is that the lord would bless this prayer so that it would not fall on deaf ears but instead may it be received by willing hearts the bible says in second chronicles 7 verse 14 if my people who are called by my name humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways then i will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land i want you to note how god is saying to his people humbled yourselves pray and seek my face turn from your wicked ways this saints is how you can turn your life around humble yourself meaning surrender to the lord except that you do not know it all you cannot do life through your own strength and your own might no you need jesus i believe that here in second chronicles 7 verse 14 the bible is telling us to humble ourselves because we need to come to the place whereby we are willing to simply serve we have to be willing to serve jesus christ to serve the body of christ and to serve his kingdom the second point is to pray and seek his face psalm 42 verse 1 says as a dear pants for flowing streams so pants my soul for you o god there needs to be a longing and a yearning for god in your heart indeed the lord wants his children to not only pray but to pray and seek his face that means don't just come with a list of requests take time to commune with him to build a relationship with him god wants us to fellowship with him the bible tells us to seek one thing above all else in matthew 6 33 but seek first the kingdom of god and his righteousness and all these things will be added to you god wants us to seek him first now the third point is that we should turn from our wicked ways our god is holy and he has called us to be separate from the world meaning that we ought not to engage in the sinful practices of this world we ought to turn away and so should you desire to turn your life around do it the way god has prescribed in second chronicles 7 verse 14 as his word says if my people who are called by my name humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways then will i hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land humble yourself pray and seek his face turn away from your wicked ways now let us pray lord jesus you are the light of our lives you are the one who gives us freedom and liberty from all bondage we call on your holy name because in your presence the miraculous happens when you are involved king jesus the supernatural happens we invite you into this place lord jesus change the atmosphere of this place fill this place oh god with your holy presence let your anointing fall and rest upon our lives let your presence be found in abundance within the walls of our homes in your presence is where we can experience the breaking of curses in your presence lord jesus every evil word spoken against us becomes useless every trap that has been set before us by the enemy it is exposed in your presence jesus every threat and every attack from the kingdom of darkness is nullified and destroyed so now lord we invite you into our lives king jesus dwell in our hearts lord dwell in our homes chase away every unclean spirit god chase away every contentious spirit and lord we ask that you chase away everything that is not of you we declare that if it's not from god we don't want it your word in psalm 31 verses 19 through 20 say oh how abundant is your goodness what you have stored up for those who fear you and work for those who take refuge in you in the sight of the children of mankind in the cover of your presence you hide them from the plots of men you store them in your shelter from the strife of tongues you have stored up blessings for those who reverently fear you lord may we be counted among those that fear you hide us in that secret place of your presence so that no evil thing will be able to find us or lay siege to our lives lord jesus we pray for grace and mercy let us become believers who are in all of you always believers who never waver nor turn their heads at the sight of the pleasures of this world father in this world we are in the midst of evil we're surrounded by deception and all kinds of doctrine however we look to you king jesus and we look to your word as our light light up our lives oh god light up our eyes even so that we can see truth from lies and truth from deception let us see your light operating in our lives master may your holy light shine and expose that which is in darkness let us be so full of your light so full of your presence that there is no room for any evil thing or any stronghold to take a hold of us purge our hearts king jesus of all sin that may leave the door open to the enemy god if it's unforgiveness give us the grace to let go and forgive whatever or whomever has hurt us god if it's a hidden sin convict our hearts to repent and let that sin go in the name of jesus father give us hearts that are obedient to you because in deuteronomy 28 verses 1 through 2 your word says and if you faithfully obey the voice of the lord your god being careful to do all his commandments that i command you today the lord your god will set you high above all the nations of the earth and all these blessings shall come upon you and overtake you if you obey the voice of the lord your god may your blessings come upon us and overtake us be glorified king jesus may you receive all praise and honor in jesus name i pray amen the bible in luke 13 verse 10 to 13 says on a sabbath jesus was teaching in one of the synagogues and a woman was there who had been crippled by a spirit for 18 years she was bent over and could not straighten up at all when jesus saw her he called her forward and said to her woman you are set freeing from your infirmity then he put his hands on her and immediately she straightened up and praised god the bible says she was bent over and couldn't straighten at all this means that this woman could not look up and see the sky she could not see the smiles on people's faces she couldn't even be embraced or hugged properly and i believe her physical state is symbolic of someone who may not be able to see their future someone who may be looking around but can't find anyone that's concerned about how they're doing you may be there and all you need is to be embraced or held but the wonderful thing about this short passage of scripture from me is not the fact that jesus said woman you are set free from your infirmity [Music] it's not that jesus he put his hands on her and she was healed i'm particularly touched by three words in this passage jesus saw her [Music] god saw her true love saw her the king of kings saw her and that's the word which i'd like to encourage you with today jesus sees you god sees you you might be so bent over in your mind spirit and soul that you can't see the light you can't see anyone smiling at you but jesus christ sees you [Music] he's smiling at you you might be bent over unable to look up or forward to your future but all you need to know is that jesus sees you right where you are he sees it all he sees the pain he sees the fact that you've been left feeling isolated by those close to you he sees that you're feeling rejected and abandoned he sees everything the fact that you feel overwhelmed or like a ton of bricks is on your shoulders and just as the bible says in verse 13 then he put his hands on her and immediately she straightened up and praised god i believe that not only does jesus christ see you in your place of need he will put his arms around you he will cause you to straighten up in his arms and in his love so that you would know that all things are working all things have always been working for your good it's all working in your favor now let us pray [Music] thank you for your word lord jesus thank you for your word which uplifts and encourages father i pray in agreement with all who are listening see us lord cast your eyes upon us let your gaze be fixed on our lives for the man or woman who is listening right now and in need of a touch from your hand may you see them lord may you see their faith may you see their desire lord may you see their need i praise you lord jesus because you are a god who sees beyond the veil you see beyond the facade that we put on for the world you are a god who sees right into our souls [Music] i pray and i yearn for your gaze over my life over my family because unlike the human eye when you see me jesus when you look down on me from your heavenly throne you see all that's in my heart you see all that troubles and hurts me you see all of my struggles and pain you see the innermost parts of me and i am grateful because it's only you that can then make me whole it's only through your gaze that i can have all of my burdens and troubles lifted i speak the priestly blessing in numbers chapter 6 verse 24 to 26 over my life the lord will bless me and he will keep me the lord will make his face shine on me and be gracious to me the lord turned his face toward me and give me peace may this be my reality that your face will shine on me day and night that your face will turn towards me each and every day and give me peace i desire for your eyes to fall on me because they are filled with compassion with mercy and unconditional love i am running into your arms jesus because it's in your loving embrace that i can stand up straight it's in your loving arms that i can say psalms 40 verse 2 he lifted me out of the slimy pit and out of the mud and mire and he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand in your arms i can rise up and stand in faith i can stand in boldness in your arms i am no longer bent over looking down in despair but i now have great posture i can stand and say i am healed i can stand and renounce the power of the devil i can stand with boldness and conviction and testify of the goodness of god thank you jesus [Music] that when i am weary i can come to you thank you for your gentleness when the load is heavy i can find relief in you i have realized father that the only way to live is to stand in the embrace of the one whose image i was created in i stand in your love jesus a love that is unconditional and pure and when i do this i am set free from the agony i am set free from the bondage of trying to fix everything on my own i laid arrest all of my burdens as i come before you no longer will my mind be clouded by worry by earthly troubles or shortcomings your love covers all your love is restoring your love men's broken hearts so i glorify your name jesus i'll praise you forever because i believe that by faith you see me you rescue me and you'll never abandon but instead you'll be all that i need i am so thankful for your love king jesus that even though you knew everything about me you knew all of my shortfalls and all of my mistakes but yet you still died in my place opening up the way to eternal life for me i give you thanks lord jesus [Music] even if all my friends were to leave me and betray me i give you thanks lord jesus we bless your holy name amen [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Grace For Purpose Prayers
Views: 49,465
Rating: 4.9260969 out of 5
Keywords: Meditation, Christian, Sleep, Relaxation, Godly, Meditate, Abide, Peaceful, Scriptures
Id: BsU273Z5wKk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 22sec (5602 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 11 2021
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