Deeply Moving Prayers That Will Bless Your Life And Your Home

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how do you start your day what's your routine what is the first thing you do each morning saints of god our answer to these questions should be related to spending time with god now i don't know about you but i'm trying and i'm working to discipline myself and get my priorities in check so that i begin my day on my knees i want that to become a habit i wanted to become a part of my routine so that when i wake up i put god first so in the morning give me jesus before i plan my day before i check my phone give me jesus before i start thinking and checking my emails give me jesus [Music] i encourage you saints to start your day with a simple prayer a prayer of thanks a prayer of praise a prayer to commit the day into the lord's hands it doesn't have to be complicated or extravagant it should only be sincere [Music] acknowledge god every morning before your attention becomes divided and you have to focus on work your schedule the kids or anything else before you get going for the day acknowledge god praise god thank him adore him and love him and i would like to share just a few reasons why you should be seeking the lord each morning psalms 18 verse 2 says the lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer my god my strength in whom i trust my shield and the horn of my salvation my stronghold i love that my god is my rock this is to say that he is steady ground there is no instability there is no wavering about with jesus he is the same yesterday today and forever he is unchanging he is solid and consistent he can't be moved or swayed and so my trust is in him because i as a man can change but he is unchanging i as a man can be shaken but he is unshakable and so i need to seek my rock every morning this psalm goes further to say my fortress this means he is my unfailing spiritual support the one i confide in a shelter when the storms of life come a safe place when the devil attacks god is my shelter he is my deliverer the one who was able to completely remove me from a dark place he is my deliverer the one who can snatch me out of the devil's hands he is my deliverer the one who can pull me out of a situation that's painful and overwhelming he is my deliverer there are so many reasons why you should be seeking god first in the morning before anything else now let us pray king jesus your word describes you as wonderful counselor mighty god everlasting father prince of peace i praise you o lord because you are my strength i declare that the lord is my rock my fortress and my deliverer you are the one in whom i take refuge you are my shield and the horn of my salvation when i feel a heavy weight bringing me down you are my rescue and you lift me up jesus [Music] when i feel burdened or overwhelmed i am grateful that i can cast my burdens on you you offer rest and freedom in your arms lord i know that whenever i am tired or exhausted i know that i can wait on you because you will renew my strength when i find myself incapable of moving forward i trust you to part the red sea in front of me i trust you to bring down the walls of jericho that surround me i trust you to speak the words peace be still to any storm that troubles me and so i praise you lord if i find myself worried about the future and how things will work out i will hold on to your word which tells me to be anxious for nothing and so i will be obedient and be anxious about nothing i have no cause for fear no cause for stress or unrest because you lord jesus are my rock you are my refuge and my stronghold [Music] father i pray for everyone under the sound of my voice i pray for peace and direction in our lives i pray that you give us the strength to stand strong in unwavering in faith despite any challenges or trials we may face may the holy spirit help us to walk by faith and not by sight help us to walk in the authority you have given us in your word help us to walk in the freedom that you have given us [Music] we look to you lord and continue to trust you a mighty god who moves mountains a god who breaks down every barrier and we have confidence that regardless of the things happening around us regardless of the things going on in this world you are still in control you are still on your throne and you are still a good god who will never leave us nor forsake us at this time i pray for all those who are in a hard place though we may not understand everything going on i pray that even in the middle of these present uncertain times you are still a god who makes a way when there seems to be no way your word says a thousand may fall at your side and ten thousand at your right hand but it shall not come near you we believe this we believe that nothing no evil no darkness shall come near us as your children i praise your holy name and say that you are the king of kings you are the lord of lords you are the alpha and omega all of our cares and worries we cast them unto you today i surrender it all to you because you are a sovereign god who neither sleeps nor slumbers i pray lord that in every situation i face may i always have confidence from the knowledge that you are in control you are god above all the god who is above every principality above every evil ruler you sit high on the throne lord jesus with all power and might [Music] thank you for your mercy thank you for your grace may you deliver me from all of my struggles deliver me from every stronghold everything that seeks to stop my spiritual growth deliver me emotionally physically and spiritually from all of the enemy's attacks you are a sovereign god who has assigned heavenly angels to protect and have charge over our lives you are a god who is faithful to deliver those who trust you the only one who can calm my heart protect my peace of mind jesus protect the peace within my soul lord thank you for hearing our prayers amen [Music] someone once said i only pray when i'm in trouble but i'm in trouble all the time and so i pray all the time saints when life is good we should remember to pray when life is challenging we should remember to pray come rain or sunshine pray [Music] whether it floods or it's a dry season remember to pray whether it's a blizzard or a heat wave pray regardless of the season you're in you are protected by your prayers you are strengthened by your prayers now as a child of god we have many enemies we have the devil and his demons as an enemy we have the world and the flesh as enemies but i want you to understand that all of these enemies that we face as believers they have one thing in common they cannot win against the power of god they cannot overcome the blood of jesus they cannot destroy you when you abide under the shadow of the almighty the devil has been defeated and is defeated in the name of jesus the world and the flesh has no power no hold over us as bloodwash saints of the lord and furthermore we're told that if we resist the devil he will flee we are told that in christ we are dead to the desires of our flesh and are made alive in the spirit jesus tells us not to fear the world because he has overcome the world we have nothing to fear from these enemies as long as we have god his spirit and his word we are more than conquerors in christ jesus and if there is one verse that i'd like for you to take away today it's psalms 34 verse 7 which reads the angel of the lord encamps around those who fear him and he delivers them [Music] another translation says for the angel of the lord is a guard he surrounds and defends all who fear him another reads his angel guards those who honor the lord and rescues them from danger the message here is that we have angelic protection when we fear god we have angelic protection when we honor the lord just think about an angel camping outside your home or an angel working with you in close proximity as a bodyguard would that's the level of protection offered it's not physical it's supernatural it's not limited it's divine the backup doesn't need to be called over the phone and then require you to wait until they arrive no this level of protection is heavenly saints god is with us god is with us and if he is with us who can stand against us who can stand against jesus no one no man no demon no devil so fear not we are protected we are covered we are secured the angel of the lord encamps around those who fear him and he delivers them now let us pray [Music] lord you are a mighty and all-powerful god i enter your presence with sincere gratitude for your protection over my life thank you for being my safe place for being my refuge i am thankful for your wonderful care and tender mercies lord in this world there are many enemies all around me in the unseen world the devil is working trying to derail me and destabilize me from the faith so i call on you this is a battle that i cannot fight with my physical hands so i call on a power that is higher than i i call on you jesus your word reminds me that we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities against powers against spiritual wickedness in high places and lord this highlights the need that i have for your heavenly protection your word says the angel of the lord encamps all around those who fear him and delivers them oh taste and see that the lord is good blessed is the man who trusts in him thank you for your promise of protection a psalm that offers such a blessed hope i find peace in you god because when i am worn out you're a god who renews my strength let your angels of peace go ahead of me let them have charge over me father i rest and i am at peace knowing that i don't need to worry about protection when i am covered by the blood of jesus lord i don't lean on my own understanding because you are an all-knowing god i pray for heavenly strength so that i will be able to withstand the storms of life and the challenges that i face daily [Music] strengthen me so that i will be able to withstand the attacks of the enemy [Music] give me the power i need to overcome give me peace so that i will not allow fear and anxiety to hold me back i put my trust in you as i seek your blessings of divine protection today i refuse to let anxiety or fear become my companion help me to trust in you and not to worry help me to fully rely on your unlimited ability to keep me guarded and protected i am blessed because i am under the care of jesus christ i am blessed because you watch over me each and every day i am blessed and protected because you go before me lord jesus and watch over my coming in and going out i will rejoice always because no danger will overwhelm me when i am in your presence i will put my faith in you regardless of what i'm facing i will give my thanks to you in all situations i face and i am only strong and courageous because i know that you are on my side father i trust that all of my steps are ordered by you i have confidence in your word that tells me to approach the throne of grace boldly and that if i ask anything according to your will then i know that you will hear me i simply want to take time out of my day and say thank you thank you for being good to me thank you for being patient with me father i pray that i will always abide under your shadow meaning that i am always close to you you are always near and never too far from me [Music] i will say to you lord you are the chief cornerstone of my life and you are my strong tower i am trusting in you to be with me always and to be my defender you lord jesus are faithful and i trust and believe that you will strengthen me and protect me from the evil one lord i pray that you would help me in my time of need let nothing happen to me that would result in me losing my peace or joy i thank you today for blessing me with peace thank you for blessing me with a calm spirit and a heart that is not troubled lord i pray that you would help me so that the things of this world may not affect me so much that they would result in me losing my peace [Music] grant me the grace lord to face my mountains to face my goliath with no fear but rather with an assured confidence that my lord will deliver he will uplift me and protect me from all harm [Music] thank you for listening to my prayer in jesus name i pray amen of all the people who have ever walked on the earth there is one man who stands out from all of us and that is jesus christ acts chapter 4 verse 8 to 12 says then peter filled with the holy spirit said to them rulers and elders of the people if we are being called to account today for an act of kindness shown to a man who was lame and are being asked how he was healed then know this you and all the people of israel it is by the name of jesus christ of nazareth whom you crucified but whom god raised from the dead that this man stands before you healed jesus is the stone you builders rejected which has become the cornerstone salvation is found in no one else for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved notice how peter inspired by the holy spirit said jesus is the stone you builders rejected which has become the cornerstone while he was here on earth there were people who believed in jesus and worshiped him but there were also those who rejected him and as peter said those who rejected jesus eventually found out that he became the cornerstone meaning he was not just another man who they could reject and walk away from he has become the cornerstone and a cornerstone is defined as an important quality or feature on which a particular thing depends or is based when it comes to construction a cornerstone is the first stone set in a masonry foundation all other stones will be set in reference to this cornerstone and so the placing of the cornerstone determines the position of the entire structure so those who reject jesus will eventually find that he is the very thing that they need for eternal life accepting or rejecting jesus christ will determine the position the direction and the trajectory of your life so i say this to you today don't reject the lord be sensitive to his knock on your heart do not reject jesus christ jesus is the only one with unlimited mercy and compassion he is the only one with true power and authority he is the only one who in an act of pure love broke through the gates of hell to rescue you and me he is the firstborn of the dead that's why we declared jesus to be the name above all other names because there is no other like him [Music] in all of human history past present and future there will never be anyone like jesus christ so it is to him that we direct all of our prayers and all of our praises [Music] we don't place our faith in a vague and nameless deity but we worship a living god and so let us pray lord jesus you are the only son of god the only one who came from heaven lived a perfect life but died for the sins of the world and then rose again in victory the bible says in philippians chapter 2 verse 9 to 11 therefore god exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name that at the name of jesus every knee should bow in heaven and on earth and under the earth and every tongue acknowledge that jesus christ is lord to the glory of god the father your name is above every other name lord jesus there is authority in your name there is victory and protection in your name lord there is power in the name of jesus [Music] demons tremble at the name of jesus darkness will flee at the name of jesus sickness is healed broken hearts are mended all at the name of jesus christ and you say in your word in john chapter 14 verse 12 to 14 very truly i tell you whoever believes in me will do the works i have been doing and they will do even greater things than these because i am going to the father and i will do whatever you ask in my name so that the father may be glorified in the son you may ask me for anything in my name and i will do it prayers are answered in your name lord jesus you have so much power that whatever we ask in your name you will do according to the will of god and i would like to take the time out to praise you to lift you up and say that you are holy you are precious you are an awesome god just as jeremiah chapter 10 verse 6 says no one is like you lord you are great and your name is mighty in power at the sound of your name lord jesus the dead come back to life sinners are saved and hearts are brought from darkness into light and when this earth comes to an end it is at the name of jesus that every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that he alone is lord all of the names will pass away but only one name will remain and that is yours lord jesus so i place my faith in you i worship you for being so perfect and wonderful your love sent you to the cross and you have given us the gift of salvation all because you care that much your name king jesus invokes action because your name is mighty it's life-giving and it's a stronghold in times of trouble [Music] your word in isaiah chapter 9 verse 6 says for to us a child is born to us a son is given and the government will be on his shoulders and he will be called wonderful counselor mighty god everlasting father [Music] i praise your name king jesus i give you honor and i say that you are holy and worthy to be praised thank you for hearing my prayer in jesus name i pray amen i would like to pray for divine restoration over your life i pray that you will experience supernatural restoration over your household and over your family if peace has been stolen from you by the enemy then stand and agree with me that peace will be restored in jesus name if you find that joy is now absent in your heart and in your soul then stand and agree with me that the joy of the lord will be restored in jesus name if there is any unrest in your mind if there is any conflict or confusion believe that your portion in the lord is to have a sound mind you have been given clarity by the lord [Music] your portion is to be led to still waters so stand and agree with me that clarity will be restored you will find and have rest in your mind in jesus name god can restore what's been lost or broken and i would like to tell you that some things are worth fighting for and this fight is one that is done on your knees [Music] so i encourage you not to sit there with a defeated attitude don't allow the devil to wreak havoc and steal whatever he desires be strong in the lord i encourage you to fight for restoration over your life pray to the lord because he is faithful strength has to be renewed your energy must be renewed your marriage must be restored for some of us we're seeking restoration and healing in our bodies for others it's restoration in our minds because the devil has torn apart the peace that we once had but in the name of jesus i want to believe and i want to encourage you to believe that the lord is well able he is well able to restore that which has been destroyed or lost he is able to rebuild and restore above and beyond what we could ever begin to imagine or think god is a god of restoration in the book of joel chapter 2 verse 25 and 26 the word of god says i will restore to you the years that the swarming locust has eaten the hopper the destroyer and the qatar my great army which i sent among you you shall eat in plenty and be satisfied and praise the name of the lord your god who has dealt wondrously with you and my people shall never again be put to shame stand and believe that the lord will restore the years that the swarming locust has eaten in your life you will eat plenty and be satisfied and praise the name of the lord your god the bible says in job chapter 42 verse 10 and the lord restored the fortunes of job when he prayed for his friends and the lord gave job twice as much as he had before the bible also says in zechariah chapter 10 verse 6 i will strengthen the house of judah and i will save the house of joseph i will bring them back because i have compassion on them and they shall be as though i had not rejected them for i am the lord their god and i will answer them stand and believe that the lord will bring back and restore all that has been lost or destroyed in your life he has compassion on you and he will answer your prayer now let us pray lord jesus i declare and confess your word in isaiah chapter 41 verse 18 i believe that you will make rivers flow on all barren ground in my life and you will make springs come to life within the dry valleys that i face you will turn the desert into pools of water before me you will restore all that has been lost and broken in my life father you know all of my deepest pain you know all that hurts me i pray that you would restore my vision so that i will be able to walk by faith and not by sight so that i can see beyond my current situation i believe that you will restore my hope in life you will restore to me strong and trustful expectation in your word and in your promises [Music] i pray for divine restoration to each and every person under the sound of my voice health and healing will be restored in our bodies blessings and goodness will be restored in our lives peace and unity i pray in the name of jesus christ will be restored in our lives divine peace and unity will be restored in our homes in our families and in our marriages you are the god who makes all things new so i pray that you would meet the needs of the person who desperately longs for healing and restoration to those who are in need of financial breakthrough be their provision lord jesus in your word you say in john chapter 11 verse 25 i am the resurrection and the life the one who believes in me will live even though they die you are the resurrection of life king jesus so i ask that you resurrect my faith fuel my passion and fire for your kingdom quicken my spirit man today i fully surrender to you lord you are a sovereign god who has all power in his hands i pray that you would help me to have expectant faith as i wait for you to move and do a new thing in my life so i commit myself to you i trust you for restoration [Music] help me to be patient as i wait on you i pray for your presence to abide in my home and all around me lord with you around me then instead of fear i will have a sense of calm and safety your word in john chapter 15 verse 5 says i am the vine you are the branches if you remain in me and i in you you will bear much fruit apart from me you can do nothing i pray king jesus that i would be effective and fruitful in your kingdom if i have lost my productivity or effectiveness as a christian i pray that you would restore it back to me so that i can bear much fruit in your kingdom psalm 71 verse 20 and 21 says though you have made me see troubles many and bitter you will restore my life again from the depths of the earth you will again bring me up you will increase my honor and comfort once more i will trust in you lord jesus to restore my life again to rebuild my hope faith and joy again and cause no trouble to overwhelm me i bless your name and i thank you for hearing my prayer in jesus name amen word of god says in revelation chapter 3 verse 8 i know your deeds see i have placed before you an open door that no one can shut i know that you have little strength yet you have kept my word and have not denied my name once god opens a door for you no man can shut that door no devil no demon nothing can close a door once the lord has opened it and some of you listening have been waiting some of you are waiting for the lord to open new doors in your life you are there waiting for that miracle for that prayer request to be answered waiting for that new opportunity to come your way well i would like to encourage you to hold on to this word in revelation chapter 3 verse 8. in fact i urge you to meditate and claim this scripture god has placed before you an open door that no one can shut and what the lord has for you will never pass you by so have a heart that's filled with expectation expect good things to happen to you because jesus christ is good and he is faithful to his word expect blessings to come your way because god's word tells us in jeremiah 29 verse 11 that he has plans to prosper you and not to harm you plans to give you hope and a future so i declare that you are blessed of god you are gifted and you are anointed you are blessed because you are a joint heir in christ you are blessed and well able because you have received the power of the holy spirit so start thanking god in advance begin to praise him in advance there are doors opening for you there are blessings and good things coming your way in jesus name psalm 23 verse 6 says surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and i declare this upon you right now goodness and mercy will follow you the lord's goodness will not only chase you but overtake you revelation 3 verse 8 i know your deeds see i have placed before you an open door that no one can shut i know that you have little strength yet you have kept my word and have not denied my name saints let's believe that the lord will be faithful to his word and let's claim and confess this word over our lives now let us pray lord jesus i praise you in advance for opening new doors of blessings in my life i thank you in advance for opening new doors of opportunities where man might tell me no i trust and believe that you lord will say yes where people may reject me i trust and i believe that you will accept me i declare this to be a season of breakthrough a season where i am propelled into my calling a season that i realize my purpose [Music] i pray in the name of jesus and come against everything that may try to pull me back [Music] i say that the blood of jesus christ has set me free and will push me forward [Music] no longer will i take one step forward and two steps back that cycle has to be broken today in the mighty name of jesus christ no longer will i be indecisive or impulsive but i pray that i will have clarity of mind and sound judgment in all of my decisions i will be led quietly and confidently by the wise counsel of the holy spirit no longer will i accept being in detrimental habits i will not accept things that drain my energy things that lead me to procrastinate i break those habits in the name of jesus i speak productivity into my life i speak effectiveness over my hands i say that in the name of jesus christ my hands are anointed [Music] my ideas are blessed my mindset is renewed and i am effective in all that i do whether it is in the kingdom of god or in my own career or business i am highly favored and blessed of the lord it is not by my might nor by my power but it is by the spirit of the lord lord jesus i stand on your word i am believing and expecting your goodness and mercy to follow me all the days of my life open the windows of heaven may blessings shower down over my family and over my household i speak the blood of jesus for victory and for the power to overcome every door that the enemy tries to shut will be wide open in the name of jesus every blocked door will be unblocked in jesus name every hindrance every obstacle placed in front of a door that the lord has opened for me will be removed by the angels of the lord i speak and declare that i am entering a new season of opportunities i confess that god's hand is upon my life the hand of god is leading me he is moving me towards great things and new things [Music] i praise your holy name king jesus because you are the one who helps me to win all battles you help me to overcome every struggle and challenge you are the one that leads me beside still waters so i submit to your leadership and authority i trust you to continue guiding me in every area of my life may i be found always to be in the right place at the right time because of you lord i praise you because i am blessed and highly favoured by your love i pray for every person under the sound of my voice new doors of blessings new doors of favor are opening in our lives [Music] matthew chapter 7 verse 7 and 8 says ask and it will be given to you seek and you will find knock and the door will be opened to you for everyone who asks receives the one who seeks finds and to the one who knocks the door will be opened thank you for your word lord jesus that assures me that when i ask in your name i will receive [Music] your word assures me that i will find when i seek and i thank you that if i knock on any door with you by my side that door will be opened [Music] your word in philippians chapter 4 verse 19 says and my god will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in christ jesus [Music] i thank you lord for you alone are able to quench every desire to meet every need to break every chain and lift every burden through your mighty power lord i pray and i believe that this will be a season where new doors will open in my life because your word tells me in james chapter 1 verse 17 that every good and perfect gift is from above coming down from the father of the heavenly light who does not change like shifting shadows you are the source of every good and perfect gift you are the source of all blessings and breakthroughs i bless your name and i give you glory and honor thank you for listening to this prayer king jesus amen [Music] how do you start your day what's your routine what is the first thing you do each morning saints of god our answer to these questions should be related to spending time with god now i don't know about you but i'm trying and i'm working to discipline myself and get my priorities in check so that i begin my day on my knees i want that to become a habit i wanted to become a part of my routine so that when i wake up i put god first so in the morning give me jesus before i plan my day before i check my phone give me jesus before i start thinking and checking my emails give me jesus i encourage you saints to start your day with a simple prayer a prayer of thanks a prayer of praise a prayer to commit the day into the lord's hands it doesn't have to be complicated or extravagant it should only be sincere acknowledge god every morning before your attention becomes divided and you have to focus on work your schedule the kids or anything else before you get going for the day acknowledge god praise god thank him adore him and love him and i would like to share just a few reasons why you should be seeking the lord each morning psalm 18 verse 2 says the lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer my god my strength in whom i trust my shield and the horn of my salvation my stronghold i love that [Music] my god is my rock this is to say that he is steady ground there is no instability there is no wavering about with jesus he is the same yesterday today and forever he is unchanging he is solid and consistent he can't be moved or swayed and so my trust is in him because i as a man can change but he is unchanging i as a man can be shaken but he is unshakable and so i need to seek my rock every morning this psalm goes further to say my fortress this means he is my unfailing spiritual support the one i confide in a shelter when the storms of life come a safe place when the devil attacks god is my shelter he is my deliverer the one who was able to completely remove me from a dark place he is my deliverer the one who can snatch me out of the devil's hands he is my deliverer the one who can pull me out of a situation that's painful and overwhelming he is my deliverer there are so many reasons why you should be seeking god first in the morning before anything else now let us pray king jesus your word describes you as wonderful counselor mighty god everlasting father prince of peace i praise you o lord because you are my strength i declare that the lord is my rock my fortress and my deliverer you are the one in whom i take refuge you are my shield and the horn of my salvation when i feel a heavy weight bringing me down you are my rescue and you lift me up jesus when i feel burdened or overwhelmed i am grateful that i can cast my burdens on you you offer rest and freedom in your arms lord i know that whenever i am tired or exhausted i know that i can wait on you because you will renew my strength when i find myself incapable of moving forward i trust you to part the red sea in front of me i trust you to bring down the walls of jericho that surround me i trust you to speak the words peace be still to any storm that troubles me and so i praise you lord if i find myself worried about the future and how things will work out i will hold on to your word which tells me to be anxious for nothing and so i will be obedient and be anxious about nothing i have no cause for fear no cause for stress or unrest because you lord jesus are my rock you are my refuge and my stronghold [Music] father i pray for everyone under the sound of my voice i pray for peace and direction in our lives i pray that you give us the strength to stand strong and unwavering in faith despite any challenges or trials we may face may the holy spirit help us to walk by faith and not by sight help us to walk in the authority you have given us in your word help us to walk in the freedom that you have given us we look to you lord and continue to trust you a mighty god who moves mountains a god who breaks down every barrier and we have confidence that regardless of the things happening around us regardless of the things going on in this world you are still in control you are still on your throne and you are still a good god who will never leave us nor forsake us at this time i pray for all those who are in a hard place though we may not understand everything going on i pray that even in the middle of these present uncertain times you are still a god who makes a way when there seems to be no way your word says a thousand may fall at your side and ten thousand at your right hand but it shall not come near you we believe this we believe that nothing no evil no darkness shall come near us as your children i praise your holy name and say that you are the king of kings you are the lord of lords you are the alpha and omega all of our cares and worries we cast them unto you today i surrender it all to you because you are a sovereign god who neither sleeps nor slumbers i pray lord that in every situation i face may i always have confidence from the knowledge that you are in control you are god above all the god who is above every principality above every evil ruler you sit high on the throne lord jesus with all power and might [Music] thank you for your mercy thank you for your grace may you deliver me from all of my struggles deliver me from every stronghold everything that seeks to stop my spiritual growth deliver me emotionally physically and spiritually from all of the enemies attacks you are a sovereign god who has assigned heavenly angels to protect and have charge over our lives you are a god who is faithful to deliver those who trust you the only one who can calm my heart protect my peace of mind jesus protect the peace within my soul lord thank you for hearing our prayers amen someone once said i only pray when i'm in trouble but i'm in trouble all the time and so i pray all the time saints when life is good we should remember to pray when life is challenging we should remember to pray come rain or sunshine pray whether it floods or it's a dry season remember to pray whether it's a blizzard or a heat wave pray regardless of the season you're in you are protected by your prayers you are strengthened by your prayers now as a child of god we have many enemies we have the devil and his demons as an enemy we have the world and the flesh as enemies but i want you to understand that all of these enemies that we face as believers they have one thing in common they cannot win against the power of god they cannot overcome the blood of jesus they cannot destroy you when you abide under the shadow of the almighty the devil has been defeated and is defeated in the name of jesus the world and the flesh has no power no hold over us as blood wash saints of the lord and furthermore we're told that if we resist the devil he will flee we are told that in christ we are dead to the desires of our flesh and are made alive in the spirit jesus tells us not to fear the world because he has overcome the world we have nothing to fear from these enemies as long as we have god his spirit and his word we are more than conquerors in christ jesus and if there is one verse that i'd like for you to take away today it's psalms 34 7 which reads the angel of the lord encamps around those who fear him and he delivers them another translation says for the angel of the lord is a guard he surrounds and defends all who fear him another reads his angel guards those who honor the lord and rescues them from danger the message here is that we have angelic protection when we fear god we have angelic protection when we honor the lord just think about an angel camping outside your home or an angel working with you in close proximity as a bodyguard would that's the level of protection offered it's not physical it's supernatural it's not limited it's divine the backup doesn't need to be called over the phone and then require you to wait until they arrive no this level of protection is heavenly saints god is with us god is with us and if he is with us who can stand against us who can stand against jesus no one no man no demon no devil so fear not we are protected we are covered we are secured the angel of the lord encamps around those who fear him and he delivers them now let us pray lord you are a mighty and all-powerful god i enter your presence with sincere gratitude for your protection over my life thank you for being my safe place for being my refuge i am thankful for your wonderful care and tender mercies lord in this world there are many enemies all around me in the unseen world the devil is working trying to derail me and destabilize me from the faith so i call on you this is a battle that i cannot fight with my physical hands so i call on a power that is higher than i i call on you jesus your word reminds me that we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities against powers against spiritual wickedness in high places and lord this highlights the need that i have for your heavenly protection your word says the angel of the lord encamps all around those who fear him and delivers them oh taste and see that the lord is good blessed is the man who trusts in him thank you for your promise of protection a psalm that offers such a blessed hope i find peace in you god because when i am worn out you're a god who renews my strength let your angels of peace go ahead of me let them have charge over me father i rest and i am at peace knowing that i don't need to worry about protection when i am covered by the blood of jesus lord i don't lean on my own understanding because you are an all-knowing god i pray for heavenly strength so that i will be able to withstand the storms of life and the challenges that i face daily strengthen me so that i will be able to withstand the attacks of the enemy give me the power i need to overcome give me peace so that i will not allow fear and anxiety to hold me back i put my trust in you as i seek your blessings of divine protection today i refuse to let anxiety or fear become my companion help me to trust in you and not to worry help me to fully rely on your unlimited ability to keep me guarded and protected i am blessed because i am under the care of jesus christ i am blessed because you watch over me each and every day i am blessed and protected because you go before me lord jesus and watch over my coming in and going out i will rejoice always because no danger will overwhelm me when i am in your presence [Music] i will put my faith in you regardless of what i'm facing i will give my thanks to you in all situations i face and i am only strong and courageous because i know that you are on my side father i trust that all of my steps are ordered by you i have confidence in your word that tells me to approach the throne of grace boldly and that if i ask anything according to your will then i know that you will hear me i simply want to take time out of my day and say thank you thank you for being good to me thank you for being patient with me father i pray that i will always abide under your shadow meaning that i am always close to you you are always near and never too far from me i will say to you lord you are the chief cornerstone of my life and you are my strong tower i am trusting in you to be with me always and to be my defender you lord jesus are faithful and i trust and believe that you will strengthen me and protect me from the evil one lord i pray that you would help me in my time of need let nothing happen to me that would result in me losing my peace or joy i thank you today for blessing me with peace thank you for blessing me with a calm spirit and a heart that is not troubled lord i pray that you would help me so that the things of this world may not affect me so much that they would result in me losing my peace grant me the grace lord to face my mountains to face my goliath with no fear but rather with an assured confidence that my lord will deliver he will uplift me and protect me from all harm thank you for listening to my prayer in jesus name i pray [Music] amen of all the people who have ever walked on the earth [Music] there is one man who stands out from all of us and that is jesus christ acts chapter 4 verse 8 to 12 says then peter filled with the holy spirit said to them rulers and elders of the people if we are being called to account today for an act of kindness shown to a man who was lame and are being asked how he was healed then know this you and all the people of israel it is by the name of jesus christ of nazareth whom you crucified but whom god raised from the dead that this man stands before you healed jesus is the stone you builders rejected which has become the cornerstone salvation is found in no one else for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved [Music] notice how peter inspired by the holy spirit said jesus is the stone you builders rejected which has become the cornerstone while he was here on earth there were people who believed in jesus and worshiped him but there were also those who rejected him and as peter said those who rejected jesus eventually found out that he became the cornerstone meaning he was not just another man who they could reject and walk away from he has become the cornerstone and the cornerstone is defined as an important quality or feature on which a particular thing depends or is based when it comes to construction a cornerstone is the first stone set in a masonry foundation all other stones will be set in reference to this cornerstone and so the placing of the cornerstone determines the position of the entire structure so those who reject jesus will eventually find that he is the very thing that they need for eternal life accepting or rejecting jesus christ will determine the position the direction and the trajectory of your life so i say this to you today don't reject the lord be sensitive to his knock on your heart do not reject jesus christ jesus is the only one with unlimited mercy and compassion he is the only one with true power and authority he is the only one who in an act of pure love broke through the gates of hell to rescue you and me he is the firstborn of the dead that's why we declare jesus to be the name above all other names because there is no other like him in all of human history past present and future there will never be anyone like jesus christ so it is to him that we direct all of our prayers and all of our praises we don't place our faith in a vague and nameless deity but we worship a living god and so let us pray [Music] lord jesus you are the only son of god the only one who came from heaven lived a perfect life but died for the sins of the world and then rose again in victory the bible says in philippians chapter 2 verse 9 to 11 therefore god exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name that at the name of jesus every knee should bow in heaven and on earth and under the earth and every tongue acknowledge that jesus christ is lord to the glory of god the father your name is above every other name lord jesus there is authority in your name there is victory and protection in your name lord there is power in the name of jesus demons tremble at the name of jesus darkness will flee at the name of jesus sickness is healed broken hearts are mended all at the name of jesus christ and you say in your word in john chapter 14 verse 12 to 14 very truly i tell you whoever believes in me will do the works i have been doing and they will do even greater things than these because i am going to the father and i will do whatever you ask in my name so that the father may be glorified in the sun you may ask me for anything in my name and i will do it prayers are answered in your name lord jesus you have so much power that whatever we ask in your name you will do according to the will of god and i would like to take the time out to praise you to lift you up and say that you are holy you are precious you are an awesome god just as jeremiah chapter 10 verse 6 says no one is like you lord you are great and your name is mighty in power at the sound of your name lord jesus the dead come back to life sinners are saved and hearts are brought from darkness into light and when this earth comes to an end it is at the name of jesus that every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that he alone is lord all of the names will pass away but only one name will remain and that is yours lord jesus so i place my faith in you i worship you for being so perfect and wonderful your love sent you to the cross and you have given us the gift of salvation all because you care that much your name king jesus invokes action because your name is mighty it's life-giving and it's a stronghold in times of trouble your word in isaiah chapter 9 verse 6 says for to us a child is born to us a son is given and the government will be on his shoulders and he will be called wonderful counselor mighty god everlasting father i praise your name king jesus i give you honor and i say that you are holy and worthy to be praised [Music] thank you for hearing my prayer in jesus name i pray amen i would like to pray for divine restoration over your life i pray that you will experience supernatural restoration over your household and over your family if peace has been stolen from you by the enemy then stand and agree with me that peace will be restored in jesus name if you find that joy is now absent in your heart and in your soul then stand and agree with me that the joy of the lord will be restored in jesus name [Music] if there is any unrest in your mind if there is any conflict or confusion believe that your portion in the lord is to have a sound mind you have been given clarity by the lord your portion is to be led to still waters so stand and agree with me that clarity will be restored you will find and have rest in your mind in jesus name god can restore what's been lost or broken and i would like to tell you that some things are worth fighting for and this fight is one that is done on your knees [Music] so i encourage you not to sit there with a defeated attitude don't allow the devil to wreak havoc and steal whatever he desires be strong in the lord i encourage you to fight for restoration over your life pray to the lord because he is faithful your strength has to be renewed your energy must be renewed your marriage must be restored for some of us we're seeking restoration and healing in our bodies for others it's restoration in our minds because the devil has torn apart the peace that we once had but in the name of jesus i want to believe and i want to encourage you to believe that the lord is well able he is well able to restore that which has been destroyed or lost he is able to rebuild and restore above and beyond what we could ever begin to imagine or think god is a god of restoration in the book of joel chapter 2 verse 25 and 26 the word of god says i will restore to you the years that the swarming locust has eaten the hopper the destroyer and the qatar my great army which i sent among you you shall eat in plenty and be satisfied and praise the name of the lord your god who has dealt wondrously with you and my people shall never again be put to shame stand and believe that the lord will restore the years that the swarming locust has eaten in your life you will eat plenty and be satisfied and praise the name of the lord your god the bible says in job chapter 42 verse 10 and the lord restored the fortunes of job when he prayed for his friends and the lord gave job twice as much as he had before the bible also says in zechariah chapter 10 verse 6 i will strengthen the house of judah and i will save the house of joseph i will bring them back because i have compassion on them and they shall be as though i had not rejected them for i am the lord their god and i will answer them stand and believe that the lord will bring back and restore all that has been lost or destroyed in your life he has compassion on you and he will answer your prayer now let us pray [Music] lord jesus i declare and confess your word in isaiah chapter 41 verse 18 i believe that you will make rivers flow on all barren ground in my life and you will make springs come to life within the dry valleys that i face you will turn the desert into pools of water before me you will restore all that has been lost and broken in my life father you know all of my deepest pain you know all that hurts me [Music] i pray that you would restore my vision so that i will be able to walk by faith and not by sight so that i can see beyond my current situation i believe that you will restore my hope in life you will restore to me strong and trustful expectation in your word and in your promises i pray for divine restoration to each and every person under the sound of my voice health and healing will be restored in our bodies blessings and goodness will be restored in our lives peace and unity i pray in the name of jesus christ will be restored in our lives divine peace and unity will be restored in our homes in our families and in our marriages [Music] you are the god who makes all things new so i pray that you would meet the needs of the person who desperately longs for healing and restoration [Music] to those who are in need of financial breakthrough be their provision lord jesus in your word you say in john chapter 11 verse 25 i am the resurrection and the life the one who believes in me will live even though they die you are the resurrection of life king jesus so i ask that you resurrect my faith fuel my passion and fire for your kingdom quicken my spirit man [Music] today i fully surrender to you lord you are a sovereign god who has all power in his hands i pray that you would help me to have expectant faith as i wait for you to move and do a new thing in my life so i commit myself to you i trust you for restoration help me to be patient as i wait on you i pray for your presence to abide in my home and all around me lord with you around me then instead of fear i will have a sense of calm and safety your word in john chapter 15 verse 5 says i am the vine you are the branches if you remain in me and i in you you will bear much fruit apart from me you can do nothing [Music] i pray king jesus that i would be effective and fruitful in your kingdom if i have lost my productivity or effectiveness as a christian i pray that you would restore it back to me so that i can bear much fruit in your kingdom psalm 71 verse 20 and 21 says though you have made me see troubles many and bitter you will restore my life again from the depths of the earth you will again bring me up you will increase my honor and comfort once more i will trust in you lord jesus to restore my life again to rebuild my hope faith and joy again and cause no trouble to overwhelm me i bless your name and i thank you for hearing my prayer in jesus name amen [Music] the word of god says in revelation chapter 3 verse 8 i know your deeds see i have placed before you an open door that no one can shut i know that you have little strength yet you have kept my word and have not denied my name once god opens a door for you no man can shut that door no devil no demon nothing can close a door once the lord has opened it and some of you listening have been waiting some of you are waiting for the lord to open new doors in your life you are there waiting for that miracle for that prayer request to be answered waiting for that new opportunity to come your way well i would like to encourage you to hold on to this word in revelation chapter 3 verse 8. in fact i urge you to meditate and claim this scripture god has placed before you an open door that no one can shut and what the lord has for you will never pass you by so have a heart that's filled with expectation expect good things to happen to you because jesus christ is good and he is faithful to his word expect blessings to come your way because god's word tells us in jeremiah 29 verse 11 that he has plans to prosper you and not to harm you plans to give you hope and a future so i declare that you are blessed of god you are gifted and you are anointed you are blessed because you are a joint heir in christ you are blessed and well able because you have received the power of the holy spirit [Music] so start thanking god in advance begin to praise him in advance there are doors opening for you there are blessings and good things coming your way in jesus name psalm 23 verse 6 says surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and i declare this upon you right now goodness and mercy will follow you the lord's goodness will not only chase you but overtake you revelation 3 verse 8 i know your deeds see i have placed before you an open door that no one can shut i know that you have little strength yet you have kept my word and have not denied my name saints let's believe that the lord will be faithful to his word and let's claim and confess this word over our lives now let us pray [Music] lord jesus i praise you in advance for opening new doors of blessings in my life i thank you in advance for opening new doors of opportunities where man might tell me no i trust and believe that you lord will say yes where people may reject me i trust and i believe that you will accept me [Music] i declare this to be a season of breakthrough a season where i am propelled into my calling a season that i realize my purpose [Music] i pray in the name of jesus and come against everything that may try to pull me back [Music] i say that the blood of jesus christ has set me free and will push me forward no longer will i take one step forward and two steps back that cycle has to be broken today in the mighty name of jesus christ no longer will i be indecisive or impulsive but i pray that i will have clarity of mind and sound judgment in all of my decisions i will be led quietly and confidently by the wise counsel of the holy spirit no longer will i accept being in detrimental habits i will not accept things that drain my energy things that lead me to procrastinate i break those habits in the name of jesus i speak productivity into my life i speak effectiveness over my hands i say that in the name of jesus christ my hands are anointed my ideas are blessed my mindset is renewed and i am effective in all that i do whether it is in the kingdom of god or in my own career or business i am highly favored and blessed of the lord it is not by my might nor by my power but it is by the spirit of the lord lord jesus i stand on your word i am believing and expecting your goodness and mercy to follow me all the days of my life open the windows of heaven may blessings shower down over my family and over my household [Music] i speak the blood of jesus for victory and for the power to overcome every door that the enemy tries to shut will be wide open in the name of jesus every blocked door will be unblocked in jesus name every hindrance every obstacle placed in front of a door that the lord has opened for me will be removed by the angels of the lord i speak and declare that i am entering a new season of opportunities i confess that god's hand is upon my life the hand of god is leading me he is moving me towards great things and new things i praise your holy name king jesus because you are the one who helps me to win all battles you help me to overcome every struggle and challenge you are the one that leads me beside still waters so i submit to your leadership and authority i trust you to continue guiding me in every area of my life may i be found always to be in the right place at the right time because of you lord i praise you because i am blessed and highly favored by your love i pray for every person under the sound of my voice new doors of blessings new doors of favor are opening in our lives matthew chapter 7 verse 7 and 8 says ask and it will be given to you seek and you will find knock and the door will be opened to you for everyone who asks receives the one who seeks finds and to the one who knocks the door will be opened thank you for your word lord jesus that assures me that when i ask in your name i will receive your word assures me that i will find when i seek and i thank you that if i knock on any door with you by my side that door will be opened your word in philippians chapter 4 verse 19 says and my god will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in christ jesus i thank you lord for you alone are able to quench every desire to meet every need to break every chain and lift every burden through your mighty power lord i pray and i believe that this will be a season where new doors will open in my life because your word tells me in james chapter 1 verse 17 that every good and perfect gift is from above coming down from the father of the heavenly light who does not change like shifting shadows you are the source of every good and perfect gift you are the source of all blessings and breakthroughs i bless your name and i give you glory and honor thank you for listening to this prayer king jesus amen [Music] zephaniah chapter 3 verse 17 the lord your god is with you the mighty warrior who saves he will take great delight in you in his love he will no longer rebuke you but will rejoice over you with singing 2 corinthians chapter 9 verse 8 and god is able to bless you abundantly so that in all things at all times having all that you need you will abound in every good work chapter 3 verse 22 to 24 because of the lord's great love we are not consumed for his compassions never fail they are new every morning great is your faithfulness i say to myself the lord is my portion therefore i will wait for him proverbs chapter 3 verse 5 to 6 trust in the lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding in all your ways submit to him and he will make your path straight isaiah chapter 40 verse 31 but those who hope in the lord will renew their strength they will saw on wings like eagles they will run and not grow weary they will walk and not be faint philippians chapter 3 verse 13 to 14 brothers and sisters i do not consider myself to have taken hold of it but one thing i do forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead i press on toward the goal to win the prize for which god has called me heavenward in christ jesus [Music] zephaniah chapter 3 verse 17. the lord your god is with you the mighty warrior who saves he will take great delight in you in his love he will no longer rebuke you but will rejoice over you with singing 2 corinthians chapter 9 verse 8 and god is able to bless you abundantly so that in all things at all times having all that you need you will abound in every good work lamentations chapter 3 verse 22 to 24 because of the lord's great love we are not consumed for his compassions never fail they are new every morning great is your faithfulness i say to myself the lord is my portion therefore i will wait for him proverbs chapter 3 verse 5 to 6 trust in the lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding in all your ways submit to him and he will make your path straight [Music] isaiah chapter 40 31 but those who hope in the lord will renew their strength they will saw on wings like eagles they will run and not grow weary they will walk and not be faint philippians chapter 3 verse 13 to 14 brothers and sisters i do not consider myself to have taken hold of it but one thing i do forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead i press on toward the goal to win the prize for which god has called me heavenward in christ jesus zephaniah chapter 3 verse 17 the lord your god is with you the mighty warrior who saves he will take great delight in you in his love he will no longer rebuke you but will rejoice over you with singing 2 corinthians chapter 9 verse 8 and god is able to bless you abundantly so that in all things at all times having all that you need you will abound in every good work lamentations chapter 3 verse 22 to 24 because of the lord's great love we are not consumed for his compassions never fail they are new every morning great is your faithfulness i say to myself the lord is my portion therefore i will wait for him proverbs chapter 3 verse 5 to 6 trust in the lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding in all your ways submit to him and he will make your path straight isaiah 40 verse 31 but those who hope in the lord will renew their strength they will saw on wings like eagles they will run and not grow weary they will walk and not be faint philippians chapter 3 verse 13 to 14 brothers and sisters i do not consider myself to have taken hold of it but one thing i do forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead i press on toward the goal to win the prize for which god has called me heavenward in christ jesus [Music] zephaniah chapter 3 verse 17 the lord your god is with you the mighty warrior who saves he will take great delight in you in his love he will no longer rebuke you but will rejoice over you with singing 2 corinthians chapter 9 verse 8 and god is able to bless you abundantly so that in all things at all times having all that you need you will abound in every good work [Music] lamentations chapter 3 verse 22 to 24 because of the lord's great love we are not consumed for his compassions never fail they are new every morning great is your faithfulness i say to myself the lord is my portion therefore i will wait for him proverbs chapter 3 verse 5 to 6 trust in the lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding in all your ways submit to him and he will make your path straight isaiah chapter 40 31 but those who hope in the lord will renew their strength they will saw on wings like eagles they will run and not grow weary they will walk and not be faint [Music] philippians chapter 3 verse 13 to 14. brothers and sisters i do not consider myself to have taken hold of it but one thing i do forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead i press on toward the goal to win the prize for which god has called me heavenward in christ jesus zephaniah chapter 3 verse 17 the lord your god is with you the mighty warrior who saves he will take great delight in you in his love he will no longer rebuke you but will rejoice over you with singing second corinthians chapter nine verse eight and god is able to bless you abundantly so that in all things at all times having all that you need you will abound in every good work [Music] lamentations chapter 3 verse 22 to 24 because of the lord's great love we are not consumed for his compassions never fail they are new every morning great is your faithfulness i say to myself the lord is my portion therefore i will wait for him proverbs chapter 3 verse 5 to 6 trust in the lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding in all your ways submit to him and he will make your path straight [Music] isaiah chapter 40 31 but those who hope in the lord will renew their strength they will saw on wings like eagles they will run and not grow weary they will walk and not be faint philippians chapter 3 verse 13 to 14 brothers and sisters i do not consider myself to have taken hold of it but one thing i do forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead i press on toward the goal to win the prize for which god has called me heavenward in christ jesus [Music] zephaniah chapter 3 verse 17 the lord your god is with you the mighty warrior who saves he will take great delight in you in his love he will no longer rebuke you but will rejoice over you with singing [Music] 2 corinthians chapter 9 8 and god is able to bless you abundantly so that in all things at all times having all that you need you will abound in every good work [Music] lamentations chapter 3 verse 22 to 24 because of the lord's great love we are not consumed for his compassions never fail they are new every morning great is your faithfulness i say to myself the lord is my portion therefore i will wait for him proverbs chapter 3 verse 5 to 6 trust in the lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding in all your ways submit to him and he will make your path straight isaiah chapter 40 verse 31 but those who hope in the lord will renew their strength they will saw on wings like eagles they will run and not grow weary they will walk and not be faint [Music] philippians chapter 3 verse 13-14 brothers and sisters i do not consider myself to have taken hold of it but one thing i do forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead i press on toward the goal to win the prize for which god has called me heavenward in christ jesus zephaniah chapter 3 verse 17 the lord your god is with you the mighty warrior who saves he will take great delight in you in his love he will no longer rebuke you but will rejoice over you with singing 2 corinthians chapter 9 verse 8 and god is able to bless you abundantly so that in all things at all times having all that you need you will abound in every good work lamentations chapter 3 verse 22 to 24 because of the lord's great love we are not consumed for his compassions never fail they are new every morning great is your faithfulness i say to myself the lord is my portion therefore i will wait for him [Music] proverbs chapter 3 verse 5 to 6 trust in the lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding in all your ways submit to him and he will make your path straight isaiah chapter 40 31 but those who hope in the lord will renew their strength they will saw on wings like eagles they will run and not grow weary they will walk and not be faint philippians chapter 3 verse 13 to 14 brothers and sisters i do not consider myself to have taken hold of it but one thing i do forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead i press on toward the goal to win the prize for which god has called me heavenward in christ jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Grace For Purpose Prayers
Views: 890,321
Rating: 4.8524079 out of 5
Keywords: Meditation, Christian, Sleep, Relaxation, Godly, Meditate, Abide, Peaceful, Scriptures
Id: htnjBpr9A_s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 123min 33sec (7413 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 09 2021
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