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I’m going to attempt to confirm Sam’s theory this weekend.

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/jediofpool 📅︎︎ Dec 02 2020 🗫︎ replies

I made sam's steak sauce a few months ago. it was amazing

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Jeremy24Fan 📅︎︎ Dec 02 2020 🗫︎ replies

Sam you should make a meal out of only frozen foods.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/heftyboi116 📅︎︎ Dec 04 2020 🗫︎ replies
you're gonna be very surprised what you can accomplish with a couple steaks couple other things and only one pan this is one of mrs cooking guys favorite recipes in fact i haven't made it in an awful long time max was scoping the cooking guy website and went hey what about these honey mustard steaks i was like hey what about them i think i said what are these oh he goes what are they and i go it's only your mother's favorite thing that i haven't made forever it's so good it's one pan it's great look if this recipe can't get you nothing well did you just bleep that he bleeped it all i said was oh he's doing it again i think people know but i think people know that i i will sneak it in at some point while i'm damn it you're very good you're very good max all right it starts with a couple steaks shall we look at them do it hello hello little rib eye wag you fellas sticking to the wow i dried them off so well that they they stuck do you know what these need salt and pepper a little oil first we always do that do they not need salt and pepper yes they need salt and pepper but not first wow avocado oil because it smokes at the highest possible temperature 500 degrees it would be a sin to use anything else and that will season well because these are nice thick little guys so we won't be cheap with this we'll flip them over again a little bit more and i like the edges don't forget the edges you can just drag it along in here and the stuff that's already on the paper you can use more whatever you want and that's it beautifully seasoned little steaks they're ready for our one pan that everything goes in okay so you can see the cast iron pan is on the grill the grill is really just a stove that's outside you can use it for pans and all kinds of stuff here's how we tell if it's hot a little bit of water we splash it in that's what we want we want a hot pan and when we have our hot pan we can put our steaks in like this gorgeous you can see this guy's a little thicker than this one so this guy's gonna come out first then this guy we're using that technique i've talked about before it's called turn the freaking thing all the time that way it cooks evenly leave it for a minute and a half or so then turn a minute and a half or so then turn it back and forth back and forth back and forth back and forth until you put in your instant-read thermometer and it comes out where you want it which for me is probably about 127 28 degrees because then we need to make the sauce for it still in that pan but everybody's clear about this crystal crystal clear good and don't forget one thing this recipe could probably get you he's so good isn't he let's turn i know you're looking at this going hey sam it's not ready yet no it's not ready yet but remember we're going to turn it we're going to turn it it's going to be great color's going to get better whole thing's going to look beautiful not to worry not to worry there's really not a whole lot to do at this point just cook turn cook turn and you want to do it in this pan because you want the benefit of the stuff that's left on the bottom after max we know what that's called fun fond f-o-n-d we're fond of the fun we're fine to the fun those little bits in there are gonna just amplify the flavor when it's all finished did i just come up with a new t-shirt fall into the phone pawn to the font yes beautiful i'll give it another 30 seconds i'll go to a clean part of the pan where it's a little hotter and we're turning again color's starting to deepen a bit exactly as promised well this is going to be fantastic it's just going to be fantastic this is the canadian version of steak above isn't it i guess it could be i mean there's really not enough puave in this to make it that like there's a considerable amount of steak honey mustard and then more turning beautiful beautiful beautiful you know a cast iron pan is perfect for this i say it all the time it's hearty they're sturdy one of the cheapest things that you can own but one of the most useful things you can own and they're essentially bulletproof oh and by the way if we could travel again we could go source our very own cast iron pan product it could be the cooking guy cast iron pan my stupid logo stamped right in the handle or something to be great but look while we're here and waiting wait let me just turn this let me just turn this once more nobody move it's so pretty maybe a month or so ago somebody asked the question what do we drink my friend greg rempe the barbecue central radio show that i'm on first tuesday of every month was watching with his daughter his daughter maddie apparently at the back of the room watching on her phone or some small device when i picked this up she went black tea just like that she knew right away this was black tea well let's just see how clever maddie from cleveland ohio is when i show her max's choice what's this maddie any idea now you don't know do you let's see comment everybody's got a comment what is it you guys can decide what does max drink okay the steaks the steaks so we're not there yet but let's just check temperature instant read thermometer and we 113 114 oh it's hot why am i surprised 120 right so see the smaller ones going faster another couple minutes and this guy's off for sure minute or so after that this guy's off aren't they pretty a lot of odds oh one more check 127 oh that's hot i'm gonna take this little guy off let's check the big boy and the big boy is 122. so another couple minutes for him and then we move on this guy's ready out we go okay steaks are resting let's make some honey mustard and they would carry on with our sauce and our honey mustard looks like this equal parts mayo dijon mustard why does it do that to me i hate you and honey a tiny splash of apple cider vinegar for just a little kick pinch of salt and pepper and we mix look you can buy your own honey mustard but don't because this is better perfecto quick taste heavenly oh my don't forget the apple cider vinegar it is key all right now on we go to our sauce so turn the heat down a little bit add a little splash more oil and then in some diced yellow onion what the hell one small yellow onion we're gonna let this soften for a couple minutes so here's what we do we want garlic we want some oil next we're gonna add our vermouth about a third of a cup it will uh not just help the fond that's stuck on the bottom come up and enhance the flavor and if you're new here you're new to cooking vermouth is your stand-in buddy it's a shelf-stable alcohol that takes the place of white wine in many dishes specifically this one and oh yes your snobby chef friends will tell you never use a wine you wouldn't drink well i use this for martinis which means i drink it so screw them i can always have this at the ready you don't have to open a bottle of wine just for a little flavor and when most of the liquid is burned off we add a couple other things about a half a cup of heavy cream and now three or four tablespoons of our honey mustard it's already starting to bubble around the edge nice little splash of worcestershire decent pinch of kosher salt and pepper and mix and here's what's going to happen the cream starts to evaporate thicken and the sauce becomes freaking spectacular and look now gorgeous so we want it thicker a little bit when you kill the heat it's going to still get a little bit thicker too but let's just bring it along for another minute or so it's really looking beautiful and i can tell you how this is going to taste it's going to be outstanding astro you can't have it astro it's all ours in the meantime we'll cut our stakes get ready right here now the fun part we have our two gorgeous steaks should we cut them let's cut this guy first the bigger one just like this ah look what is this this is considered a beautifully cooked steak why because of how we cooked it in the pan what do we do chance remind us what we did we turned it a lot we turned it a lot we turned we turned we turned oh my how beautiful is that how beautiful is that okay hold on everybody needs a little bite chansey take a piece maxi take a piece i will have a piece just you wait [Music] no this guy we're cutting against the grain still perfect and when you cut against the grain you shorten up the fibers thereby making it more tender cut with the grain you're elongating those fibers and you're just finding yourself i mean making it more chewy all right she said elongating high fibers think that's what she said so here's our sauce oh look how beautiful that is dang okay so here's the move here's what i think the move is we take the steak we go just like this look at look at what we've got here oh boy i don't know if anybody could argue with how gorgeous that is and the only other thing little parsley it's a little green max you know how important a little green is to me me too and i think you got i think you got to call it a day on that that's gorgeous man that is unbelievable i think i'm going to have to go buy another stick and make this for mom so there you have it i mean i don't know it looks perfect to me it's one of my favorite things as this saw sits it gets a little darker you can see it's lighter underneath i just love the way it looks right now though and the only thing to do then is take a piece of steak and just go right in and don't be shy because shy is is not a good quality when it comes to eating food is it shy is bad we want to be a little piggy here for ourselves there's always the smell test look honey mustard you get the little hint of the mustard you get that little tiny bit of vinegar kick in there plenty of onions the deliciousness of the cream that just become one with everything that's there oh my god i don't know why i'm going to these back pieces but this is tremendous and it's easy i'm telling you it's easy get an instant read thermometer don't screw up your stake make this as i said in the beginning if this can't get you nothing well here's what i predict this episode airs thousands of people make it nine months from now you know you know thanks for being here thanks for hanging subscribe and liking hitting the notification bell and remember we're giving away an awesome array of stuff an awesome array of stuff thousands and thousands of dollars thousands and thousands of dollars worth of stuff what do you need to do you need to be a subscriber it's all it takes you want to go beyond you want to send us something saying while you're deserving you can do that what if you sent us something saying why a neighbor of yours or a friend of yours is deserving would we trust that max we might we might with a little research not holy can't get anything oh it's hot nobody's getting any of this no me just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water it's not ladies and gentlemen because the knives are back yes the seven inch nakiri essential knife my favorite is here to order now but wait don't stop there because there's other knives that come along with it including the aidan chef's knife this will become one of your new best friends and don't think that's all because it isn't because we have an eight inch serrated offset bread knife it's genius with the offset handle and your new best little buddy the four inch perfect pairing knife who wouldn't love one of these who wouldn't love all of these you can go to the make america cook again website right now and get yours and get yours and get yours or order for friends yes right now they're in stock you
Views: 925,459
Rating: 4.9404206 out of 5
Keywords: sam the cooking guy, cooking, one pan, one pan dinner, one pan steak dinner, one pan steak, steak, steak dinner, best steak, best steak dinner, sam the cooking guy dinner, sam the cooking guy steak, sam the cooking guy best steak
Id: 1zzrg8ADuaM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 14sec (914 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 02 2020
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