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[Music] hey honey bunnies are you ready for a hop and cool announcement follow me this might take a minute i mean i would let sebastian split me in half like a pistachio send tweet send tweet is that like me to like respond to the thing thank god i don't have twitter and this is why because you don't like pistachios no i love pistachios oh cashews are my favorite though that's sebastian in addition to english what language does sebastian speak romanian that is right we almost we almost connected in new york together i saw him on the street with his kids but i was on the phone with my therapist so i what what do you mean you can really stop to say hi [Laughter] we're almost there and he emailed me after he said hey i saw you on the street i was gonna say hi but i was on the phone with my friends did you walk around talking to your therapist i got i got a pace you know i can't i gotta i gotta get it out you know i mean that's a good tip for you we're a disney princess who would you be cinderella cause she broke homie she just didn't represent me yo we borrowed twenty dollars [Laughter] oh that's me right just when i wake up is that me are you joking is that that looks like evans that is heaven um that's downey it is robert downey wow that's rdj shot since oh boy i was like is me you purple shirt that's the most pathetic one there oh i can tell because of your arm hands how did you know you were going to be one of the people who dissolved well i didn't really didn't i mean it was actually my my stunt man james young that told me on set that day that you know he was like all right mate well you know we're going to have this mat and then you're going to fall and i was fall where and uh and he was like you're just you know you're falling because the thing but it's the air and he never like completed his sentences so it was always like it's the thing from up there but you know and i was like pawn and he was like anthony will know anthony russo one of the one of the brothers the director so i went up to anthony i said anthony what's happening he goes talk to joe so i went up to joe and i said hey joe what's going on he go did you talk to anthony and i said yeah i know so what's and he was like no well you're just gonna you know i was like am i dying you know but so it was very cryptic but that's what i found out [Music] [Applause] [Music] is that a butt or is that abs are those abs of butt it's lucky you're beautiful because there's nothing up here what that's mean did you just call me dumb you went straight to dumb like woman i was like oh you're wearing my grandma's sweater and then you're like you're dumb well it's it's so robert would you consider yourself to be the leader of this group uh if you say so well i was on the plane like one time and and the stewardess came and gave me this piece of paper and walked away and i and i opened it and said well kind of forever and then i and then i looked after her down the hall and she just went wow wow and i was like wow just get us home i shake his hand nice to meet you and i'm starting to panic right i'm like oh my god get that [ __ ] off the monitor okay you've been yes that's it that's it that's it that's it no don't say it oh this is gonna be amazing and in in a good way to be honest because the thing is that i actually haven't really thought about it other than the fact that like every time you see him he's in a very different place and he's not really like a very i like dangerous guy for the most part but i feel like you know he's still got the hair and look and and as long as he has this situation going then i think that's not the winter soldier you gotta have an emoji with like the beard at least we don't read things it would probably be pretty simple i'm captain america period the end it really kind of speaks for itself mil mila mild nodule junior jonathan oh please lover i am an animal i'm an ugly american all right they don't teach french in jail [Laughter] [Applause] why do so many people have a crush on sebastian stan he looks like a potato never has a baked potato looked so good found was that that phrase somehow worked its way into my day-to-day vernacular so i'm a 33-year-old man and you know i i say at least four to five times a day just to myself under my breath you just kind of say i don't like it evans danny is that the last donut with red white and blue sprinkles what did i tell you would happen if you ate the last donut with red white and blue sprinkles a little foggy on it but i think it was something like raining down hellfire that's right and here i am without an umbrella i feel a storm growing sebastian stan man you're looking good i'm here for uh forrest gump man that's the this is the premiere man oh man let me tell you something i got it you ever see a guy this handsome walk in the streets he's gonna get arrested because he's killing all the ladies look at that snitches end up in ditches kindergarten you're coloring in your coloring book what does the doggie say bow wow what does the kitty say yum yeah what does the moo cow say i'm brie larson i'm chris hemsworth i'm don i'm going to go you carol please be my best friend i don't think we're that close okay maybe there's a reason that there's a heart maybe i'm trying to get a bunch of [ __ ] to kneel i think it's gonna fall off dude [Music] okay
Channel: InfinityStar
Views: 1,861,344
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: SyAqJJfkgFw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 41sec (461 seconds)
Published: Sun May 09 2021
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